Random Thoughts from the Barnet Hills

Views on the new signings

Random Thoughts from the Barnet Hills

Arteta - Won't get injured in international duty

The optimism of my previous article, which now looks quite foolish prior to that game last Sunday, was extinguished when I received the team news at 3.50pm last Sunday. My head told my heart that the chickens may well come home to roost for AFC. Put short it was the most awful and inept defensive performance in my 21 years of supporting the club. Not only did it ruin my bank holiday weekend but no matter how and by what margin we beat Utd in the future, this result will always be thrown back in our face.

Never again should Djourou and Koscielny play in tandem in defence, never again should a competent and heartfelt player such as Jenkinson be cruelly exposed at the very top level before he is ready, never should we believe the rhetoric that this young team is learning. I do not lay the blame at the feet of Wenger solely and believe that the club as a whole must take responsibility for Sunday's result, or lack of. Wenger cut a lonely figure, eyes welled up, arms crossed and teetering on the edge of a breakdown it seemed. I felt a little sorry for him. Has anyone noticed that he is no longer known as Le Professeur?

I could write an entire thesis on Sunday's game but we have to move on. Let’s hope when May 2012 comes, this game was more a wake up call which helped serve the club for the long term benefit. Never again should loyal fans of a great club have to endure a result which was borne through a summer filled with intransigence and lack of preparation to fill obvious voids in the squad. To quote a member of the Gooner podcast panel, it was, "gross negligence".

The past 48 hours have seen a reshuffle that was 10 weeks overdue. It will be interesting to know whether this was forced through by Wenger insisting to the board that the squad must be strengthened or vice versa. Some say it speaks of panic buying, much like buying presents on Christmas Eve, however the clearout and subsequent reshuffle is almost complete, so let’s look very briefly at the pros and cons of each player brought to the club in the past few days.

Park Chu Young - A star in Asian football and one of the few plus points in a Monaco side that was relegated last season. Something of a prodigy who has not yet fully realised his potential. At the least he will sell us a few replica shirts and provide some motivation up front that is lacking with Chamakh. By all accounts, he is a workhorse who is happy to lead the line and shifting our poorly performing Moroccan further down the pecking order can't be a bad thing. The negative, is that he has signed a two year contract, where not only must he return to South Korea to complete his military service, but it will take possibly 12 months to adapt to the league. Hardly the support striker that we were craving when the likes of Benzema were touted in the summer.

Andre Santos - 22 caps for Brazil is still 22 more than the last Brazilian who played for us had... Some real competition for the left side which means it may force Gibbs to improve rather than gifting him the full back position as happened with Clichy. Following Traore's non display on Sunday, we need depth in this part of the team. With Champions League experience, not only did he unseat Roberto Carlos, he is a possible snip at £6.8m. Denilson withstanding, the club has a good record with Brazilians; Silvinho, Gilberto and Edu spring to mind (Baptista doesn't count as he was on loan). However there is a suspicion that he jumped ship due to match fixing issues at Fenerbache, while the Turkish league isn't exactly comparable in relation to the Premier League. He didn't make the 2010 World Cup squad either...

Yossi Benayoun - An attacking midfielder with plenty of Premiership experience, who in my opinion was never given a fair crack at either Liverpool or Chelsea. Direct and able to score goals he is an underrated and dangerous player as suggested by his record at Haifa and West Ham. Again this adds competition for the wide flanks where surely Arshavin will be deservedly placed further down the pecking order, the fans may just take to him. Twitter fans will know that Wilshere seems chuffed to bits with it... the problem is as with all loan signings, they rarely have time to "feel at home". While it would seem that we are getting a Liverpool and Chelsea cast off, it also looks as though there are a number of wide players such as Walcott, Chamberlain, Miyachi, Rosicky and Gervinho at the club already, hence does Benayoun simply add to that glut?

Mikel Arteta - A snip at £10Mn, one feels that if his availability was known in June the likes of Chelsea and Utd may have snapped him up instead. The creative and technical hub in Everton's side, he is also adept at set pieces and can play deep or in an advanced role. Probably the best player never to play international football and considering Spain's midfield this is nothing to be ashamed of. At least he won't get injured in international duty. To some this is the marquee signing of the summer, he has experience and knowhow to guide the younger players such as Wilshere and Ramsey. Kudos for allegedly taking a £10k a week pay cut too. The main issues are, firstly, have we just bought an inferior version of Fabregas? Did Arteta peak three years ago? Is he a little injury prone? Finally when asked on Sunday following our own Waterloo, Wenger stated that he was not interested in Arteta. Did the boss have M'Vila or Hazard in mind but was forced to settle for Arteta?

Per Mertersacker - Ticks all the boxes wanted by Arsenal fans and is half the price of Cahill with 72 more international caps and bags of top level Champions League experience. Tall - check, commanding - check, proven track record - check, able to defend set pieces - check. Outstanding at the 2006 World Cup and impressive in the 2010 version, if you asked a Gooner in June whether they wanted such a player they would have bitten your hand off. The prospect of Sagna, Mertersacker, Vermaelen and Santos at the back is surely better than Jenkinson, Djourou, Koscielny and Traore. The worry is that the perceived lack of pace and lack of Premiership experience may mean his flaws will be exposed, while Werder Bremen were poor last season. Like Arteta his best form was over three years ago, he could just be another Squillaci.

Of course we missed out on a few players, namely Gary Cahill, but when spendthrifts such as Spurs are not prepared to pay the asking price for a player with less than 12 months on his contract it makes you think we were wise to ignore Bolton's machinations. I expect the issue will pick up again in January and Wenger will certainly not pay anything close to the £6m Bolton claimed we offered. If we have our usual raft of injuries at the back come winter you can bet Cahill's name along with Samba's will be touted around the gossip columns.

Also a note on some departures. It makes perfect sense for Bendtner to join Sunderland, he will play every week with a manager that clearly rates him. If he starts every game in his preferred position, he will, as I expect, score a number of goals. The 4-3-3 switch made him surplus to requirements, which is a shame because despite his flaws he scored a number of important goals, such as the winner against Spurs some years back. Glad Traore was sold rather than put on another loan spell, I believe he was played out of necessity rather than belief on Sunday especially as he moved 24 hours later to QPR. Another loan spell for Lansbury at West Ham, and it seems he will not get the chance inferior players, such as Denilson and Diaby have had, of playing for AFC in the Premiership, which is a shame. Finally Wenger was quoted on the official site stating that he was prepared to take a gamble on Joel Campbell... so he then sends him on loan to Lorient. Arsene, please define gambling.

Our poor start to the campaign comes with some relief as international fixtures take precedence over the next week. Let’s hope all of our players come back unscathed and ready for Swansea. What is certain looking at the fixture list, is that there are a number of very winnable matches prior to our next big game at Chelsea and it is vital we begin to pick up some momentum. Should the August deadline injection boost not improve our fortunes, it could well pose a new set of questions come spring 2012.

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  1. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Sep 05, 2011, 12:36 #12476

    Interesting signings indeed. I actualy think Per's lack of pace might be a blessing in disguise as we will have to defend a lot deeper instead of trying to play a high line with no pressure on the ball in midfield which is asking for trouble. For me Arteta and Jossi are the type of signings we should have made two, three years ago to compliment the likes of cesc and nasri, to add real depth & quality to our squad. Now however as direct replacements, they're not as good so another backward step. Park is such an unknown quantity and not really what anyone wanted. You fear if RVP takes his usual two months off half way through the year. I really think we've made a howler with santos. By all accounts he can't defend, has a weight issue and attitude is poor with Dunga throwing him out of the Brazil squad for continued lateness with smacks of arrogance and disrespect. I just think the vast majority of signings are massive gambles, cheap and I'm not sure Wenger has enough credit in the bank now to do that. It's only fair that we let these signings settle in and in most cases actually become a man and in Campbell case try to get a work permit (well thought through Arsene!!) I suppose all the AKB's will be desperatly clinging to these signings shouting for us to get behind them and wenger has given us what we want. He's hasn't, overall they're not good enough. We should get behind them and will but I fear this may well be another case of I told you so from those who have their eye's open.

  2. MarkyMark

    Sep 05, 2011, 8:24 #12468

    Ha, you compare Mertasaker with Squilaci, my family live in Germany and follow their football, when i phoned my father and asked if we had a good buy in Mertasaker he said yes, if he can adapt to the pace of the premier league, but then went on to say that of all the Arsenal centre backs in the last 10 years he would comparte him to Igors Stepanovs - scary !Lets hpe its more of a physical looks thing.

  3. nugs

    Sep 04, 2011, 10:18 #12452

    Post 13706 spot on son, and as bad as squillaci is I dont think even he could have managed such an amatuerish performance as djourou put in last sunday!

  4. Rickthegooner

    Sep 03, 2011, 18:11 #12441

    I like the new signings ALL of them. Lets be honest the players we lost ALL had a chance to win things with Arsenal and FAILED !!!! Clichy's best years were before Ashavin came, he had cover before the lazy little russian arrived. Since then he seem more reluctant to bomb forward. He was always better going forward than defending. Nasiri is a talent and will be missed. We did not see the best of him. A brief spell for three of four mouths last season gave us a glimpse of what he will become. Don't forget he was dropped from the French World Cup squad due to his indifferent form. He was given lots of chances to win things with Arsenal and FAILED. Cesc owes us nothing. He is world class, but lets be honest, his heart had gone to Barca and his form, last season, between injuries, was at best average. Super Nick was and never will be Arsenal quality Denilson well enough said !!!!!!!! I think that the new players in will make us more of a team. We have options in all positions now. We have a bench that could strengthen the team rather than weaken it during games. Yossi on loan for a season to give cover. I expect Hazard to take his place next summer on a permanent deal.

  5. Rockett

    Sep 03, 2011, 18:01 #12440

    Our problem lies with kroenke he never will break the bank all his sport franchises are profitable and average but are well run slick buisnesses we needed the russian who genuinley loves Arsenal and would have spent hugely what a mistake blame Bracewell Smith for selling to wrong person these transfers are as good as could be done in my opinion considering what Arsene was probably given

  6. Neil Stanbra

    Sep 03, 2011, 17:26 #12439

    The gamble on Joel campbell has been postponed due to the negative response to his work permit application

  7. Bridgers

    Sep 03, 2011, 16:49 #12438

    I can't say that I was over-excited when the signings were announced, but on closer analysis they are exactly what we need. There is enough experience to bolster the squad and allow time for talented youngsters to develope at a reasonable pace. It speaks volumes about the quality of our 'squad' players however that the "best striker in the world" couldn't get a permanent deal, and we still couldn't offload Almunia and Squillacci even at rock bottom prices. Before someone mentions it, yes I do know the reason, too higher wages for mediocre players putting off prospective takers.

  8. Harold

    Sep 03, 2011, 15:30 #12435

    Liam- I can't believe you can't believe the amount of cynicism regarding our new signings after Wenger's mismanagement and the team's capitulations over the past few years. It's as if the transfer window only opened on Sunday night- IT DIDN'T. It's as if our squad and team is now stronger than a year ago- IT ISN'T. And it's as if we're skint and can't afford to pay big money for players- WE'RE NOT AND WE CAN. If the club don't want to buy top players then fine don't charge the fans top prices. The players we bought all seem decent and sensible (although why not Enrique instead of Santos?) but there's no-one there to take us to the next level and we've got nearly £20m of transfer profit burning a hole in our pocket and that's just from THIS window! I'll be cheering the new players on next week and I'll keep the negativity for the pub and messageboards but deep down I don't trust a combination of Kroenke, Gazidis and Wenger to take us where we should be.

  9. Liam

    Sep 03, 2011, 11:04 #12428

    Bit of a tangent from the decent article but looking at the comments I can't believe the amount of cynicism going around at the moment about our new signings. They haven't even kicked a ball for us yet! Yes I agree that the whole affair seemed rushed and panicky but all this 'he's in and out of the brazil squad' or 'he'll only play 20 minutes in a game' is ridiculous. Lest we forget that Bergkamp was an outcast at Inter in his final season there - if he had been signed at a time like this would the same criticisms come towards him? That he was out of form or other temporary stuff like that? All I'm saying is, whatever tripe some of us want to spout about our new boys there's two things to remember, that 1) EVERYBODY was crying out for change post-United and change is what we've got and 2) who do the quick-to-judge critics honestly think we'd have brought in instead of them when a solid, excellent signing like Arteta is allegedly taking a10k cut? Because if this transfer window has proved anything to me it's that we don't want to financially compete in the same way as Citeh, Manyoo and Chavski. That's just how it is. Quit the complaining and let the performances speak for themselves.

  10. The Baron

    Sep 03, 2011, 10:20 #12426

    Are we Gooners now at a point, so low, that a 'workhorse happy to lead the line' 'who will sell a few replica shirts' can be thought of as a positive? Because of course Arsenal need to create even more income streams don't they? Money is an issue isn't it! Isn't the gripe from us fans that we already have plenty of money but won’t spend it! So what good is a workhorse shirt seller the next time we're 5:1 down? Both the Everton season ticket holders I know were delighted to see the back of Arteta for such a decent amount. Expect 20 minutes per game from him for about 20 games per season then for him to be anonymous the rest of the time. But that's from people who have been watching him for several seasons. 'Benayoun was never given a fair crack at either Liverpool or Chelsea' why?? Because he's not good enough perhaps? Santos? a mid range signing in and out of the Brazil side by all accounts, will have no competition for a place, not from Gibbs anyway, and will struggle to settle in London. Same old, same old. Per Mertersacker? We shall see, if he is crazy like Lehman expect the fans to love him but for him to cost us dearly on occasion. This summer our squad was weakened by the loss of Fabregas and Nasri (a traffic cone has better positional sense than Clichy so we weren't weakened there) The manager has not replaced our losses like for like yet again. The blind loyalists may only want to see optimistic things about these signings but for me there is a bit of a 'bargain basement' feel about most of them. They're the sort of signings you'd expect Villa to pick up and then gloriously under achieve with. Last years influx was just as disappointing and look what they did to make us feel proud!

  11. fozzy's mate

    Sep 03, 2011, 8:08 #12420

    Greybeard - why do we need a sugar daddy with in Gazidis speak Petrodollars. We have a shareholder owning 30% who has more money than Ambramovich. Plus Kronke is not skint at $2 billion. Even under Kronke if so desired we could compete and if Usmanov was allowed on the board or take over we would be richer than Chelsea.

  12. GO GUNNERS!!

    Sep 03, 2011, 2:00 #12418

    Joel Campbell was unable to secure a visa and so was sent on loan for that reason.

  13. Jim

    Sep 02, 2011, 23:24 #12417

    Are these articles even edited? Had Chelsea and Man U known about Arteta's availability they would have signed him! Is this a joke? Had Chelsea or Man U wanted him they would have made Everton an offer they could not refuse months ago.

  14. exiled&dangerous

    Sep 02, 2011, 20:38 #12413

    Given the side that was put out last Sunday I was quite happy overall with the signings this week, add to those the return of Gervinho, Song (when he's up for it) and Wilshere, and maybe we will start to have some strength in the squad. Don't know where I fit in with the tribal rivalry - I couldn't afford to renew my season ticket in 1997 so does that make me a Johnny Left Early?

  15. Ramgun

    Sep 02, 2011, 20:07 #12412

    Pradeep, if you find yourself feeling sorry for Wenger again then remind yourself that he is paid £6.7 million per year - more than Alex Ferguson!

  16. R Meade

    Sep 02, 2011, 16:42 #12409

    Never again should Djourou/koscielny play for us full stop. Add to that Arshavin,Chamakh,Rosicky we might start getting somewhere avoiding biggest defeats in the clubs history maybe. Certainly loaning 31 year old Chelsea reserves and buying French 2nd division strikers is a start.

  17. Steve

    Sep 02, 2011, 16:20 #12407

    I agree with your assessment of Benayoun - I've always thought he could make a big impact for a top side were he given the chance too. Slightly concerning is his recent injury track record - he should feel right at home at our club! I believe Joel Campbell was not granted a work permit, and will have to serve time playing on the continent before re-applying next summer.

  18. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Sep 02, 2011, 14:44 #12405

    Please don't mention Squillaci in the same breath as Mertesacker again, it lowers the standard of your otherwise well constructed article.

  19. CT Gooner

    Sep 02, 2011, 14:19 #12404

    I understand these new players are not all that we expected, but they all add value. I thought our first 11 last year was as good as anyone else's in the Premiership, but when we needed something extra from the bench, it just wasn't there. These new players are a step in the right direction - we improved the defense significantly, and Gervinho in Gervinho I think we have that standard Wenger diamond in the rough, the midfield is weaker, but now there's room for Ramsey and Wiltshire to develop. And thank god, when every one's fit and served their suspensions, we'll never have to put a Gunners shirt on Rosiky again!!

  20. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Sep 02, 2011, 13:14 #12403

    Wenger not called 'le Professeur' anymore. Wow, really? I wonder if that's because despite him being in charge of one of the biggest clubs in the world for the last 15 years, he's achieved zero success in europe? Maybe it's because he regards tactics as an irritation? Is it possibly because on occasion he thought it proper, sensible and respectful to award the captain's armband to a player of the stature of Almunia? Perhaps it's because he's under the impression that the transfer market can be found under some railway arches off the Old Kent Road? Is it because he sits on tens of millions of pounds available to him while moaning that the footballing nouveau riche are driving up prices? Or maybe it's because the world has finally tumbled that Wenger in spite of the facts, the glaringly obvious, the incontravertible evidence, stubbornly continues with his failing project? Gee, who knows why?

  21. Fozzy's mate

    Sep 02, 2011, 12:57 #12402

    Pradeep - like you mate I feel a mixture of relief and optimism while still being a bit underwhelmed. I have always liked Arteta and Metersacker. Benayoun is a no brainer on loan and like most I know little of Park or Santos. Being more cynical than most I think it smacks of a smokescreen from the board and we have still made a fat profit. My question is why push through the dastardly 6.5% increase (your having a luagh) and then bank it? Re Joel Campbell or Chambell as AW seemed to call him he is out on loan as he couldnt get a work permit, which shows how good he is at this stage. What we do fully agree on is that it is a dsigrace for a club like Arsenal to field the squad they did at Manure on Sunday. I can only hope it never gets worse than that!

  22. Gee

    Sep 02, 2011, 12:35 #12401

    Crikey. Every player you review there is a barbed comment. Mertesacker peaked 3 years ago? do you know anything about football? He is 26 and first pick for a German side that slaughtered us in the WC. People talk about his pace but he is as quick as Vermaelen. And since when has John Terry ever been lightning quick for f*** sake??? Didn't stop him being a top defender. Honestly we could have signed Messi and you would have had something negative to say

  23. Greybeard the Gooner

    Sep 02, 2011, 12:26 #12400

    I think we should all feel a bit happier with the new signings. I am especially happy that we have got Mertersacker, (have you ever known a German who did n't like giving ordereds ?) just what we need at the back. Hopefully he'll be loud enough so the midfield will hear him to. I'm satisfied with the Arteta and Benayoun signings even if they are not the 'marquee' signings we had hoped for. To be honest the last "marquee" signings I can recall have been Campbell, Wiltord, Overmars and Bergkamp 4 in 16 years. As a club we just don't do that. I think Arteta and Benayoun will aid Ramsey and Wilshere's education and if they progress at the current rate what a midfield duo they will be in 3 or 4 years. We can't compete financially with Chelsea, City or United at the moment although the Uefa finacial fair play rules that come into force from 2013/14 will level the playing field somewhat.We just need to do the best we can with Wenger's policy of finding and nurturing new talent BUT ensuring we have experience to protect that nurturing talent. If Ramsay and Wilshere decide they want the City petro dollars five years from now there is little we can do unless we bag a billionaire with long arms and short pockets.

  24. Confucius say

    Sep 02, 2011, 12:15 #12399

    Give stupid people rubbish for long enough and they will be happy with mediocrity