Sustainable Business Model?

Future not looking so bright

Sustainable Business Model?

Are we paying Mercedes prices for Hyundais?

So our CEO, Ivan Gazidis, tells us that Arsenal have a great business model. They can easily manage without Champions’ League football. He forgot to mention to the business leaders who were at the conference that they were all born yesterday. And that we fans are stupid.

Let’s see how this would work. Without Champions’ League football, we would lose around £25 million every year. Arsenal’s popularity around the world would diminish and so, therefore, would sales of merchandise. When the Far East tourists come to town, they’d want to go and see a winning football team. None of us go to Barçelona and say ‘we want to go and watch Espanyol’. Besides, none of the top players would come to Arsenal. The power of players cannot be underestimated. Top players enhance a team’s reputation no end. I heard a discussion on 5live recently on how Didier Drogba alone made Chelsea famous around the world. Remember the days when we had some players – Henry, Bergkamp and Vieira? Who do we have now, after Fabregas is gone?

So we are happy to lose around £25 million a year, but not prepared to pay, say, £20 million for a quality player like Mata (I know we have to pay his wages) who would probably keep us in the CL for a few years to come and probably pay back his initial outlay within the year!

The same sustainable model is prepared to pay mediocre players more than they deserve and not prepared to pay the appropriate wages for top stars! Now, as for the ticket prices...

A vehicle manufacturer like Daimler must have a great business model. They built their business on building quality, expensive Mercedes and their customers are happy to pay for them. Imagine them building a much larger car plant knowing that they can sell more cars and make more money. Once it is built, they start to produce cars like Hyundai (no offence intended) and insist on charging the same price as the Mercedes. The loyal customers may buy the new cars for a short period. They would soon see it is not the same car they are used to and not worth the price they paid for them. Would Daimler’s business model work in this scenario?

I know that football is different, and it has emotional connections and the rest. But the club can’t have it both ways; run it like a business and charge the earth for ticket prices and expect us gullible fans to part with cash for the dross they produce.

This business model will collapse sooner rather than later. It doesn’t take a highly paid management consultant to figure this out.

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  1. duff from walton

    Oct 27, 2011, 17:31 #14559

    recent wins v mediocre sides are only papering over the cracks . Kronke has played us all like a fiddle and wenger himself has been just as superficial. ( he is not a genius at all. he is a decent talent spotter of oseas players ( ie not british ones ! ) who dined out to lunch for years on the back 5 he inherited and then TH's goals .) time for a complete overhaul. lets invest in failure this year , and protest against board and mger in May when we've finished 6th or 7th . we need Usmanov in and Dein back. Pep Guardiola manager within 2 yrs with wenger going 'upstairs'. alas, this is prob a pipedream, and we are consigned now to a slow 3 year death by a thousand cuts.... all very frustrating given we have 2 billionaires as shareholders ( well , one genuine one , and one phoney )

  2. goonerjake

    Oct 24, 2011, 12:15 #14470

    Listen! Please please stop! Let's all pull together, I think that even though the board "pee down are backs and tell us its raining" Now is the time to stand as on "we are the arsenal" Victory through harmony. Lets not look who's to blame, fact we have not got as much money as other clubs, fact the board are trying to run a certain bussiness plan fact 'we' pay high prices for our football, but now we are not the top dogs anymore lets not loose are gooners spirit, we stand together as one.

  3. Arseconomics

    Oct 23, 2011, 13:18 #14467

    lets say for arguments sake 50,000 less people cumulatively over the matches so far at emirates have watched arsenal and lets assume each of them had they have gone to the match on average might have spent £100 each. thats £5M right there. Put the right players in Arsenal shirts, chase success and in my experience Arsenal fans pack their stadium, spend alot of money and can compete with anyone

  4. nugs

    Oct 23, 2011, 10:13 #14464

    @mandy dodd how is wenger doing the best with what hes got? The board are a shambles but that cannot excuse wengers incompetence with regards to transfers, training, certain players contracts etc. wake up! Wenger is not the genius many fans like to think he is and he certainly does not know best FACT.

  5. Kevin

    Oct 22, 2011, 23:40 #14462

    We were sold the new stadium on the back of it would help us compete with at the time Chelsea and United.To help us sign top class players for big fees.Nothing could have been further from the truth.We are even further behind those two and Man City have now overtaken us.Lets get a few things straight we will never compete with those 3 teams again unless Usmanov(twice as rich as Abramovich) takes over.Without a mega rich owner you are ****ed.And our board backed a three legged horse when they sold to SK.They lined their pockets with Kroenke's money but left us in the ****e.You cannot run a successful football team now without speculating to acumulate.Instead of Mata a 24 year old Spaniard we sign a 30 year old Spaniard for half the price.We the fans have been sold down the river.And Kroeke and the board had the bare-faced cheek to raise prices by 6.5% on the back of 6 barren season.

  6. agooner

    Oct 22, 2011, 21:39 #14461

    I dont think blaming the manager or the board is the point here.. The way alot of football clubs around the world and esp in the premiership are run is just crazy. Theres always been richer and bigger clubs around but they have built on that over years and years but now its just gone overboard! Imagine if every club had billionaires on the board and money was no object, it would take somethink away from the game and im not just talking about medals and trophies. Its like playing football manager or whatever you play on your play station/ xbox with all the cheats, whats the point in that? Anyone can do that and i would rather stick needles in my eyes than watch sub standard players running around knowing they cost a fortune. I think the governing bodies need to put more rules into place on how clubs run as a buisness otherwise i think its all gonna go belly up!

  7. Shropshire Lad

    Oct 22, 2011, 21:18 #14460

    Oh God, I agree with Mandy Dodd! Off to take my tablets and polish my Merc.

  8. kilkenny cat

    Oct 22, 2011, 19:59 #14459

    Usmanov needs to take total control and bring back david dein. Need to buy some winners in jan to help out the promising kids before they lose all confidence

  9. JM - LONDON

    Oct 22, 2011, 19:49 #14458

    Well said. Even the board/owners must notice the growing number of empty seats around the ground now. I'm no billionaire business man but I've certainly noticed it and I've also noticed the much better ticket availability from say even 2 years ago. Clearly (as loyal customers), so many have given the new Daimler a decent enough go but ultimately it's a Hyundai in disguise and we're not going to spend all that money on another one!. Sadly, your article is a spot on way of spelling out where the club are going. Lets hope we get bought out soon and the new owner decides to invest in the prestige market again.

  10. Mandy Dodd

    Oct 22, 2011, 19:41 #14457

    some very interesting points. I think Wenger is just doing the best with what he has been given and can realistically bring in. none of us know what happened with Mata, were the club just a pawn to get Chelsea to pay up? Who knows. Hazard gets a lot of mentions, a very very talented player but widespread reports his attitude stinks, is that really what we need? For those worrying about a top 4 place, free spending Liverpool have just been held at home to Norwich - Downing £20m, now that is funny! We have a good chance tomorrow to really start reeling them back in, I hope we take it. Newcastle will not last the pace up there, but I really believe Liverpool can be there for the taking. Top 4 is far from out of the question this season. As for the sustainable model, there are 3 teams we cannot compete with, 2 have benefactors and spend well beyond what they can ever bring in, the other turns over £100m a year more than us. Then there is Liverpool. As Wenger says, we have to be smart when even trying to compete with that. Unless Usmanov comes in, we are stuck with it like it or not. And that is not Wengers fault, as others have posted, getting at Wenger will not help our cause one bit

  11. GoonerGoal!

    Oct 22, 2011, 16:45 #14455

    Everyone blames Wenger for our demise but its NOT all his fault? Hmmm… so you admit some of it is his fault then? Well, I’ll give you the board should have increased the wages threshold to keep the top players, but having said that surely it also means that Wenger is nothing but a little “souris” (mouse) doing and saying exactly what he his told he must, so that his position professional life is spared by the fat cat board. However, he cannot deny full responsibility for the make-up of his backroom staff, the selection of players, the tactics or lack of them, and the playing-style of his teams. Neither you nor Wenger can point the finger for that catastrophic set-up at the board. Call me a blinkered fan if you wish, but if it’s true that fans attacking the Manager, allows the board to escape the flak, why not attack both? The Board for the way they are running our club, and the Manager for the way he is running our team. Here’s hoping that everybody attending the shareholders meeting gives both the Board and Wenger a really hard time on Thursday. You represent us all - let them have it! Do not allow yourselves to be silenced by being interrupted or being patronised. Do not allow them to insult your views! Stand up, speak out! Power to the People! Vive la Revolution!

  12. DW Thomas

    Oct 22, 2011, 16:28 #14454

    Great comparison! Arsenal, Wenger, and the board have fallen behind the times. While other teams at all levels buy the best they can with the money they have, we just keep looking for bargain basement buys. Yes, a couple of the new boys look alright, but they were all panic purchases. Look at the price for Hazard now. Why didn't we pay a little over the odds for him or another top class player to boost our squad, confidence, and fans' attitude? I'll tell you why. This board doesn't care as long as they make profits. What I am sick of and think ridiculous, maybe almost dereliction of duty, is Wenger bragging about CL football these past few years when we win nothing and then Gadzidis saying we'll be alright without it. Contradict all that with Wenger saying recently his goal is to become the best in the world. insanity! That's like me buying a Hyundai and telling my mates I've just bought the best car in the world. I might even believe it, but that doesn't make it so. If Arsenal truly want to get back to that top level and win trophies again they have to buy big players, identify and develop real young talent, shift deadwood players after they are given enough chances, and continue to do things to promote the brand worldwide and at home. This includes being straight with the fans and to somehow try and bring back the feeling fans got at Highbury (good entertaining football from a hard working team and win some trophies!).

  13. Carlos

    Oct 22, 2011, 16:02 #14453

    Post 16045 is bang on the money. We keep being told how Wenger has a degree in economics and that this is reflected in the prudent manner in which the club is run. These acolytes of our manager have yet to come forward and explain our outlandish wage bill. A wage bill which according to Andersred is less than 10% down on Man Utd's. I feel the board would be right to curtail Wenger's granting of new contracts to the lies of Denilson, Bendtner, Almunia, Fabianski, Diaby and those youngster he keeps signing who will never, for the most part get anywhere near the first team.

  14. SilverGooner

    Oct 22, 2011, 15:56 #14452

    Indeed the business model is flawed. At the last AST Q&A with Gazidis, the subject of the misleading attendance figures was raised and he said that was something the club would look into. One can only assume that the club have decided to stick with the policy of announcing ‘sold seats’ rather than ‘bums on seats’ because this season the figures are well and truly down. Three consecutive PL home games were on general sale last week! Take note Ivan, the writing is on the wall. Next season it is highly unlikely Arsenal will be in the CL so we will find out just how your business plan holds up.

  15. Winderdale

    Oct 22, 2011, 15:28 #14451

    Gooners of London. Please show off your dissatisfaction. Actively. Take to the street. Demand Wenger and Kroenke out. Shout while on stadium. Please save your club. Otherwise nothing will change! Blind supporters and Monsieur do not and will not take the evident logic. Why do you behave like meek sheep going to slaughterhouse?

  16. Andrew

    Oct 22, 2011, 14:48 #14450

    Our wage structure is a joke.When you think a world class player like Cesc was on £90k a week and rank poor players like Diaby is on £60k and Denilson and Bendtner on £50k.We reward mediocrity and not brilliance.Scrap the wage structure and pay our best players what they are worth.The likes of Diaby and Walnutt are not worth £5k a week let alone £60k.And who was it who thought Wenger is worth £7m a year?

  17. MikeC

    Oct 22, 2011, 14:38 #14449

    We need to start protesting at every home match against the Board! Not Wenger. When the people at the top realise the fans are no longer mugs only then things will change. Wenger cannot afford to compete with other top clubs in transfer fees and wages. Yet our tickets and pies cost the most. We have to protest against board. Getting on wengers back will only cause more damage to our team. There is some serious fans money in the bank, and if Wenger is given full access to it and wage structure which is holding club back is eased up, arsenal will return to a title challenging team.

  18. Guy in Jersey

    Oct 22, 2011, 12:16 #14448

    Ziggy 2633 seeks to excuse Wenger from blame because the board won't let him spend £150,000 a week on his top players. Oh, I wonder why? Arsenal still has one of the largest wage bills in the Premiership because we (actually Wenger) have consistently overpaid and over-rewarded some very average players. Players we can't get rid of because other clubs aren't prepared to pay the ridiculous amounts Wenger has agreed for their existing contracts. So, is it any surprise that the board are now a little more cautious? If they allow Wenger to pay van Persie £150k a week, then no doubt he'll tie Walcott, Song, Diaby, etc. to £100k a week contracts for the next five years. For once, I agree with the board's stance. There's no need to pay £150k a week when there are an awful lot of good players out there who are available for less than £100k a week, all of whom would improve our squad. Note- before the season started I made a list of over 50 players already at Premiership and/or top Championship clubs who I thought would improve our team/squad, wouldn't cost the earth and (importantly) were likely to be available/would come. It did not include people like Rooney, Hernandez, Phil Jones, etc., but did include six from Everton. This list was compiled in answer to some of the useless pundits and ex-footballers on radio/TV whose most common response to complaints from Arsenal fans was "well, who should he buy?"

  19. Tony

    Oct 22, 2011, 10:49 #14446

    Kenny you are spot on.Those who renewed their ST's only bought it for 5 games Utd Chelsea City Spuds and Liverpool.Because the other premiership games will all go on general sale.And why spend a grand on a ST when all those games will we live on tv anyway.Just become a red member and pick and choose your games.

  20. Gooner S

    Oct 22, 2011, 10:41 #14445

    Ziggy 2633 is spot on. Unfortunately a lot of this is business politics. It would be interesting to see if anything happens if Usmanov gets his hands on the books. All business is based on results. If one model doesn't work you change the model to one extent or another. Personally I do agree with the sustainable approach, it's common sense but you have to look at what the market is doing and buy the best you can afford to compete. For example - could we really have afforded Mata (that means competing with the wages Chelsea are paying)? Did somebody screw up the negotiations? Who knows! Regarding attendances......I doubt whether Arsenal are budgeting on sell-outs every week. Budgets aren't set like that unless you are Peter Risdale. If we are 10,000 down on attendance, as Tommy suggest ( I don't think we are) we are still pulling in 50,000 per game. 12,000 more than Highbury.

  21. Peter Wain

    Oct 22, 2011, 9:45 #14443

    totally correct Gazidis should be sacked. The farcial way the transfer window was handled and the panick buys makes champions league qualification impossible.

  22. Kenny

    Oct 22, 2011, 8:49 #14442

    Gazidis should take a look around the stadium on matchdays.Row upon row of empty seats.Why buy a season ticket when every game bar the big ones is going on general sale.Yet Gazidis and the club tell us every game is a 60,000 sell out.

  23. ziggy 2633

    Oct 22, 2011, 8:46 #14441

    I have mentioned this numerous times on other blogs but I get slaughtered.Everyone blames Wenger for our demise but its not all his fault.When the board should have increased the wages threshold to keep the top players, they were rather hiring a commercial director because Wenger can always wave his magic wand and it will come good.Wenger being an employee can only suggest but can't set wages.The budget they hand to Wenger includes wages so if he has 20mill and the asking price is 18mill he has to knock wage demands down to last the duration of the contract,hence we lost out on Mata his only choice therefore is mediocre players or kids he hopes will get better whilst Sk and IG count the profits. If fans attack the Manager,the board escapes the flak.Any new manager will suffer the same fate and not many can achieve much with the current budget but some blinked fans will call me AKB. As long as SK is in control that will be the case. DEIN said it and got pushed.BRACWELL-SMITH noticed and packed her handbag. The board are only interested in commercial success, The football is just a nuisance that can make them money.

  24. Doublegooner

    Oct 22, 2011, 8:31 #14440

    Your piece is 100% spot on. I've been using the same exqmple for 2 years. Our stadium is the 'Harvey Nichols, Selfriges' but selling a mix of tired old stock & primark quality at top end designer prices. Wont take long for punters to stop spending. The last board now Kronke & Gazidas are destroying this club, unless they dramtically change course it'll be too late. As a former 80's spud manager once said 'There used to be a football club here'. Applies to us now.

  25. chrisy boy

    Oct 22, 2011, 8:29 #14439

    This business model have made savings elsewhere this season which some of you may not be aware of, if you eat in any of the resturants around the ground you would have seen Sammy Nelson, John Radford and Charlie George ( all legends in my eyes ) go around all the dinner tables chatting to fans which i for one realy enjoy, now Sammy and John are not longer required as it is stans way of cost cutting, may i suggest to you stan, that rather than getting rid of sammy and john saving the club maybe £500 each per game you look closer to home and pay yourself and the rest of your management cronies what you are actually worth which what you are currently achieving at our club wont be much. Look forward to seeing you thursday stan at the shareholders meeting ! ! !

  26. Tommy

    Oct 22, 2011, 8:06 #14438

    There are already between 5 and 10 thousand empty seats for all the games at the Souless Bowl .And that is with every game bar Liverpool going on general sale.The CC games which normally sells out with reduced prices are down by 15,000.Does Gazidis really think fans who fell for renewning their ST's this summer despite being mugged for a 6.5% rise and losing a world class player and a very good one will cough up another £1000 plus to watch a poor team playing in the Europa league.This summer we proved we cant sign world class players and we WERE in the CL.RVP is gone dont even think about him staying.So Wenger should be lining up a replacement now and not living in denial like he did over Cesc and Nasri going saying they would stay when we all knew they were off.

  27. HowardL

    Oct 22, 2011, 8:06 #14437

    I think your analysis is spot on and the analogy is a good one. I cannot understand the logic of that stopped us making realistic offers for Cahill and Jakielka, for example. The extra would still have been less than the lost £25m. Disaster beckons, I fear. Even 'losing' £25m on Nasri might have been enough for 4th place.

  28. andrew

    Oct 22, 2011, 7:11 #14436

    Actually Gadiz was trying to say that Arsenal could afford paying player wages without CL football. But yes, you are right, from a business point of view, the short (and long term) effects would be damaging to any club. When we had the likes of Henry, Bergkamp, Vieira, Freddy, Pires, Cole, and winning trophies, Arsenal should have been touring the world and creating the Arsenal brand. From a commercial point of view, Arsenal missed the boat. Wenger might be a footballing 'genius' but he doesn't know best.

  29. Pablo

    Oct 22, 2011, 6:24 #14434

    This seems very reactionary and incendiary, not really based on facts. Same kind of speech that comes out of Bevan's mouth.

  30. goonerman

    Oct 22, 2011, 6:22 #14433

    Funny Article Mate. I totally agree with every word on your post. Keep up the good work.