A Sad Day for English Football

Headlines taking a pop at Wenger wide of the mark

A Sad Day for English Football

Wally without a brolly?

It had to be one of the saddest days for the British sporting press when the headline “Wally without a Brolly” hit the stands, showing Arsène Wenger soaked after yet another loss at the start of this season. The author of that report should be named and shamed, and I bet you he’s an idiot who has never played football nor really supported any club in his sad life, but got hired by a newspaper and found himself as a football reporter by chance. How else could an article of that nature get printed?

Wenger, for all his faults (and he has plenty of those), has been at Arsenal for 15 years (ten years less than Fergie at Man Utd) and has shown the English Premiership all brands of football and all sorts of footballers (from the passionate Martin Keown-led displays at Old Trafford, to the expressive football of Thierry Henry, Bergkamp and the now uncertain but still goal-laden style we play today); spending only a fraction of what Man Utd has spent in the same timeframe, while still managing to get a 60,000+ capacity stadium built, and three premiership titles and a handful of FA Cups to boot.

All Arsenal fans (even those who have been calling for Wenger’s head for the past six months) owe a debt of gratitude to Arsène Wenger, and I’m sure only a few idiots would disagree with that; if for nothing else, for sticking with us, when he could have moved to Real Madrid and other clubs on the back of his most productive seasons at Arsenal (after all, that’s what players do isn’t it? One good season and they cash in, make up countless excuses and leave for the money).

Wenger needs to realize that bringing in new players over the summer isn’t all about how well those players play; it’s about shutting the press up (from distracting the players we have) and also giving the existing players a kick up their backside when they know they are not indispensible and that they have to compete for their positions. Buying new, experienced players (and not just kids) creates that atmosphere within a team that galvanises the existing players into action, makes them play better and also provides options for when regular players are injured. Having experienced players also ensures that the group of kids can develop and stay focused. Wenger’s error-prone philosophy of developing young players became an obsession, and it would definitely have destroyed Arsenal if the summer outcry and fans’ revolt hadn’t forced his hand to reconsider and buy some experienced players. So, I thank you anti-Wenger fans for that, if nothing else.

I was at the Stoke and Sunderland games and, as usual, it was very clear that those folks who express such venom on this site are not being heard, and must be a huge minority, as the atmosphere at the stadium is brilliant, and the majority of Arsenal fans understand the simple logic that you have to support our team regardless during the season. There is nothing to gain from turning on the team or manager while the season is ongoing!

We are not out of the woods yet. The team MUST not become complacent because we beat Chelsea away; we must now go on an unbeaten run and better our goal difference by comprehensively beating both West Brom and Norwich in our upcoming matches (in which time Man city will play Newcastle and Liverpool gets to play Chelsea; so points will be dropped. Arsenal should be back in the top four by mid-November and we can then get back on track and push upwards)

It’s all well and good for the newspaper boys to create sensational headlines to sell their papers, but calling Wenger a Wally is a disgrace and an affront to English Football as a whole

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  1. CanadaGooner

    Nov 03, 2011, 16:07 #14777

    @Jekyll - good debate, and I think we both have our points. yes, let's agree to disagree. Come on Arsenal!!!!!

  2. West

    Nov 03, 2011, 12:56 #14774

    Went CFC. Quality day out! When asked about how things are at Arsenal by a work client,I attempted to describe the divided opinion. The response I got was - "Well it's a good job none of you (Arsenal supporters) support Ipswich!" PS, Mandy Dodd, Pippa's okay. Whilst they are cocentrating on her they might leave us alone. And dont forget Strictly CD and Peter Andre!

  3. Jekyll

    Nov 03, 2011, 10:50 #14771

    You'd have to point out to me where I've stated 'Wenger out' as a one liner. I disagree with you re: Ziggy and there are many fans who think it's time for Wenger to move on (I'd agree right now would not be useful) and many constructive arguments about why and who to replace him with are out there if you care to look. Let's leave it there, agree to disagree.

  4. CanadaGooner

    Nov 03, 2011, 1:47 #14768

    @Jekyll - I'm not sure there are many who fall in the category you describe in your comment. Any real Arsenl fan wants to win and wants a manager that wants to win - we dont see any signs yet that Wenger is content with losing or happy with 4th place (perhaps Gazidis is, or the board - but not Wenger) - we also fail to see why or how negative comments while a season is ongoing, is going to help the team or get us where we want to be. Finally, if you and the other negative folks can for once put forward constructive comments e.g. tell us who you wish to replace Wenger with (and why you feel that person would want to join a club where the board wont give him much funds) or other solutions you have, i'm sure we would all be keen to listen to what you have to say. what iritates me and several others is when people come on here with ridiculous one liners like: wenger out, or we havent won anything in 6 years so wenger must go. if you provide better structured and constructive comments, people may listen. finally, still has nothing to do with the article above + Ziggy's point is still very much valid if you choose not to delibrately misconstrue what he said

  5. Jekyll

    Nov 02, 2011, 22:23 #14767

    @CanadaGooner, ziggy's misrepresentation of the facts led to his implied conclusion that we were nowhere before Wenger came along. I and others pointed that out that his facts and therefore the basis for his argument are incorrect. So no, I'm afraid his point isn't still valid. And people who criticise Wenger, and even those that want him out, are not 'fake' supporters, they just have a different opinion to you on what would be best for the club. Also managers should be judged on how they are doing now and in the recent past i.e. the last season or so, not over 15 years or even 6. Some people seem to think Wenger should remain in charge purely because he has been in charge for a long time.

  6. HowardL

    Nov 02, 2011, 19:37 #14764

    True Rocky: 6 years without a trophy is great for the media because it does hide some fantastic results. I think the Eduardo disaster stopped the club in its tracks - remember, it was so horrific that Sky wouldn't show the replay and we had to scour the Internet for even a still photo. It has been hard to forget that nightmare, particularly as we lived through it again with Ramsey. Finally, on the current squad - give the guys a chance, the jury is still out, but they are beginning to look like team.

  7. CanadaGooner

    Nov 02, 2011, 19:36 #14763

    @Jekyll - Ziggy was defended because this isnt 'mastermind' nor 'weakest link' his ref was to 1995 but he stated 1996, but his point (for any intelligent person) is still valid and nit-picking by pointing out that error makes no sense. Furthermore, the article above isnt in blind support of Wenger, it clearly points out Wenger's faults too. Nobody is perfect, but there are certain lines that shouldnt be crossed and the report titled "wally without a brolly" given what Wenger has achieved in the sport is simply uncalled for. As for coming on here and stating that anyone who has anything positive to say about Wenger is brainwashed or an AKB or a Wengerite or whichever other terminology's been doing the rounds recently, is a nonsense. Intelligent people will judge Wenger on what he's done over his 15 years at Arsenal and not just the last 6 years and even if we choose to judge him by the last 6 years, I still think he's done better than most managers in the premiership (liverpool, spurs etc). Is he perfect? NO he's not - does he need to be less stubborn? absolutely. Has he got to improve? For sure. And no one would argue with those facts - but to repeatedly come on here and malign the good work he's done for Arsenal in the past and ask for a dishonourable sacking or stupid stuff like that, is not the Arsenal way, and certainly not representative of Arsenal fans that I know. So, move on you fake supporters.

  8. Jekyll

    Nov 02, 2011, 19:01 #14762

    Some of the comments here are very interesting. Ziggy is taken to task for being factually incorrect and is still defended, because he took a pro-Wenger line, whilst those who state the facts are described as not AFC fans. That's a very interesting insight into some people's perspectives re: Wenger.

  9. ppp

    Nov 02, 2011, 15:52 #14754

    the anti wenger mob are just that - a mob. they don't even goto the matches and they don't speak for arsenal fans. a lot of them have weird agendas and are best ignored. as for the press? there is no depth to which they won't sink so don't waste your time worrying about em!!

  10. morethanhappy

    Nov 02, 2011, 14:24 #14752

    I have supported arsenal for more than 50 years, I'm telling you this is arsenal getting better I am more than Happy with Arsenal, and to those impatient supporters than want Wenger out, who could fill his boots. Any new Manager would want to buy in his own players, and even then that would not gurantee success. Part of supporting Arsenal is the wait for success the football now is entertaining not like the boring days (short memories some fans) the negative press we get, even from David Seaman is out of context. So if (wengerout)dont like it support another team because you dont sound like arsenal to me. I think we should get whingers out, more than happy to see arsenal until I die

  11. WHL87

    Nov 02, 2011, 12:54 #14746

    When are people going to stop banging on about Gary Cahill. He is way over hyped by the press and vastly overrated. Has anyone seen Bolton this season?

  12. Rocky RIP

    Nov 02, 2011, 10:06 #14739

    Can we please drop this misconception that everyone prepared to even slightly defend Wenger or show a modicum of positivity is somehow 'happy to settle for 4th place season after season'? It's drivel. Ofcourse we ALL have ambitions above finishing 4th, including Wenger. The man has won us 2 Doubles and lead us through an unbeaten season for crying out loud. Why settle for 4th? That's not to acknowledge how well he's done at qualifying us for the CL EVERY season. Imagine the champagne corks flying in the media and at WHL if good ole 'arry the loveable rogue had achieved that. They do it once and they are granted a success story. Yet Wenger does it continually - it's not good enough. WHOSE F'ING SIDE ARE YOU ON ARSENAL 'FANS'? I do wonder if some people on here are rival fans planted to spread negativity.

  13. Mike

    Nov 02, 2011, 7:46 #14733

    Arsenal did not lose and kept a clean sheet - what are people going to moan about today I wonder

  14. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Nov 02, 2011, 7:28 #14732

    Surrey Gunner's got the right idea. Screw the mainstream press, they can do one.

  15. Sydney Gooner

    Nov 02, 2011, 2:28 #14731

    Yawn... six years without a trophy... you are aware only 4 teams including Blackburn have ever won the Premiership... Liverpool, Spurs etc. have NEVER won the Prem. As for having a go at the summer spending, it was messy, but do you honestly believe that Wenger sat on his arse waiting for the final day...? or do you think the clubs that had tapped up our players were also part of the hold up...? again you don't actually need a brain to answer this - but this isn't a computer game, or a supermarket where you can buy with a click of a mouse. The fact that in the past 6 years the emergence of Cheque book Management seems to be ignored, the 2 billionaires that spend well above the income of the clubs has actually had an effect on the league - regardless if the media wants to accept or ignore this fact. Do you believe Man City would have bought 4 - 5 first team players from us or they would have moved on soley footballing grounds? Yet Wenger has kept us competitive through out these years. Wenger has been by far the most successful manager in our history and anyone who calls for his head without offering a replacement or a least a constructive argument (6 yrs doesn't count) is obvioulsy of below par intelligence, and has no idea of the real world. We play good football in a great stadium, and are self financing - which is the correct approach. I belive that the younger generation thqat have never experienced another Manager are the boo boys, the spend 30 million or the player can't be any good mentality is inbedded by the media, and they are just not intelligent enough to make their own minds up.

  16. Wombledin

    Nov 02, 2011, 0:24 #14730

    Another die-hard Wengerite apologist living in the past and happy to settle for 4th place season after season. After such an abysmal end to last season and shocking start to this season (19 points from the last 19 premiership games, remember) Wenger deserved some bollocks in the press. Get over it.

  17. Marco G

    Nov 01, 2011, 23:59 #14729

    Thought we lacked invention tonight. However following our start to the season at the back it was good to see TV dominating. Thought he was superb tonight. Get behind the boys so we stuff Van Der Vaart's comments up his fat arse at the end of the season! Come on you reds.

  18. Mandy Dodd

    Nov 01, 2011, 22:44 #14728

    There are many reasons for the press agenda against Wenger Canada, the fact he made a fool of the uk press from day one when they bottled printing nonsense allegations against him, the fact as a result he does not give the uk media the time of day, compare and contrast to a guy with serious tax allegations against him who spends several hours a day courting the media. Wenger will never be a media whore and I admire him for it. Let the uk media focus on Jordan, pippa middle tons arse, arry, Scottie Parker, becks, x factor and hope wenger stays well away from all of it

  19. CanadaGooner

    Nov 01, 2011, 22:15 #14727

    Onlinegooner should have a registration requirement where commentators on here have to enter their ARSENAL membership numbers to be able to upload their comments, as I just cant see how some of the comments on here can truly be from ARSENAL FANS. "RockyRIP - your last comment was very well put!" As for this evening's game - if Wenger plays Van Persie every match in the league, champions league, carling Cup and FA Cup, I'm sure the press and some deranged commentators on here will then say Arsenal is a one-man club. Cant please the world eh? Good idea to sit him out in the first half for some games in the hope that one day soon, chamakh or park or someone else will begin to show us why we pay their wages.

  20. au revoir wenger

    Nov 01, 2011, 19:32 #14726

    "the atmosphere at the stadium is brilliant"are you on drugs?

  21. Frank

    Nov 01, 2011, 18:17 #14725

    Ziggy Bill Shankly built the all conquering Liverpool team from the 2nd division Busby rebuilt the Utd team after 8 of their players were killed in Munich.Brian Clouch took Forest from the 2nd division to two European cup wins in 3 seasons.Wenger took over a 5th place team.Miracle worker he is not.

  22. Rocky RIP

    Nov 01, 2011, 16:46 #14724

    Are people HONESTLY hankering for the days just prior to AW as if they were somehow better than now? Seriously? We went beserk with joy when we qualified for the Uefa Cup. 5th now would be greeted with calls for the manager's head. Prior to Dennis being signed by David Dein (don't kid yourselves that Rioch clinched that one) we had Ian Selly, David Hillier and Eddie McGoldrick to quicken the pulse. 1995 we came 12th. 1996 5th. AW was gifted a fantastic defence and arguably our best signing ever in Bergkamp, but let's never forget how he took us to an entirely new level of football. We may be a shambles at set pieces and liable to implode at any given moment, but we've consistently played amazing attacking football since his arrival.

  23. CanadaGooner

    Nov 01, 2011, 16:29 #14723

    woah! no need to put Ziggy to the sword! I suppose 'commonsense' isnt as 'common' as one seems to think it is. All the crap about 6 years without a trophy and which player Wenger inherited etc: come on people! Why didnt Chelsea keep on winning the league after Mourinho? did the managers after him not inherit the same players plus have another $100M+ extra to spend? Has Man City won the league yet? (did their spending spree not start 2 or 3 seasons ago?). I find some of the comments on here incredibly stupid. Should Wenger be labelled a WALLY? simple answer: NO. end of. Nobody is saying he's a saint or that he's faultless or that beating Chelsea means we're back on track. All we're saying is - not many managers in the history of the sport have or will achieve what he has with the resources he had and he is and cannot be described as a WALLY. end of.

  24. DominicArsenalLostitch

    Nov 01, 2011, 15:42 #14722

    It was Steve Bates. The idiot that writes for The People. I can't see him writing that about Redknobb.

  25. Wayne

    Nov 01, 2011, 15:32 #14721

    @ziggy Wenger inherited the same back 5 which won the league in 1989.No other manager could have wished for that.He didnt have to replace a centre half till he bought Sol 5 years into his management.Just look at Wengers record in signing cente halves since then. In GG's final season we finished 4th a position we would kill for this season and won a european trophy.Under Rioch we finished 5th hardly mid table is it? We won 3 trophies in 3 years before Wenger arrived so we were not struggling.Those who believe Wenger saved Arsenal are either blind or stupid

  26. gunnerrealist

    Nov 01, 2011, 15:20 #14720

    May be it something to do with the fact that the team is filled with non english players that don't give a *uck about anything but their wages. Buying all these foreign kids that are just not good enough and paying them high wages is enough to piss of anyone even non arsenal supporters.

  27. Gare Kekeke

    Nov 01, 2011, 14:17 #14719

    The author of that 'Wally Without A Brolly' article was Steve Bates from The People, which came on the back of the defeat to Liverpool in August. As much as I am critic of Wenger, and for the record I still am as I don't believe he will turn things around, I thought that piece was bang out of order against a man who for all of his faults has so much for The Arsenal and English football in general. Bates is a northern based football journalist who like many northern based football writers can't stand Wenger and are all pro Allardyce & Pulis and are all hoping for Wenger to push off very soon. I'll say to these writers, come back to me when Fat Sam & Pulis win a major trophy, let alone a Premier League title.

  28. Westie

    Nov 01, 2011, 13:28 #14718

    Ziggy - check your facts mate. We finished 5th the season before Wenger took over. Bergkamp joined us the season before Wenger took over. If you want Wenger to stay or go, the one thing most Gooners lack is a balanced view. You can't ignore his achievements, neither can you ignore his recent history.

  29. Rocky RIP

    Nov 01, 2011, 13:13 #14717

    People who snore on about 6 years without a trophy chose to overlook some great moments in those 6 years. (And seem unaware of Liverpool's conveniently ignored 'drought'.) We were close to winning the Champions League with 10 men, beating Real Madrid in the Bernabau along the way - not a trophy, granted, but a fantastic achievement and a first at the time. We beat AC Milan in the San Siro. Not a trophy, granted, but a fantastic achievement. We were on a bona fide title charge in 2008 until Eduardo had his leg snapped and we inexplicably lost all momentum. We beat arguably the best side of all time at the grove last season. That takes some doing for an apparently dreadful side. We all know we were heading towards victory in the Carling cup final last season until a moment of utter nonsense. I supported us through the trophyless 1979-1987 when our moments to celebrate were far fewer compared to 2005-2011. Beating Spurs would be the highlight of the season. Do people really think Wenger sits awake at night dreaming of 4th place and all the joy it brings?

  30. Croker

    Nov 01, 2011, 12:51 #14716

    Nicely put, CanadaGooner. Let's see some long overdue improvement to the defence with some co-ordinated defending and the back 5 plus the screening midfielder(s) working together as a single unit and we'll all be happy.

  31. Steve

    Nov 01, 2011, 12:29 #14715

    good article - about time someone what the majority think. bit optimistic about getting back in the top 4 though - I will be pleased with top 5 by Christmas

  32. Gee

    Nov 01, 2011, 12:23 #14714

    Like the positivity. It is amazing wha the has done on a shoestring. However we are getting left behind. With a pile of cash in the bank still left (£60m), and a bungled summer of transfers, we face the very real possibility of falling outside the top 4 and the top table of Champions league football. If this happens I blame solely the mismanagement of the summer as the reason for this. Why is it the majority of the money is still in the bank? He does not buy in Janaury historically, except Arshavin, so our squad now has to be good enough until May. We have to go on a seriously great run of results to get to 4th. In my opinion we need to win every league game up to the Man City game on December 18th to have any chance of 4th If we are still outside the top 4 by January, he will have to buy some top quality in order to improve. My problem is that since our failures of the last 5 or 6 years. He has been allowed to ship out the dross Vela, Bendtner, Denilson and eboue and been allowed to start again with the likes of Chamberalin, Jenkinson, Ryo, Gervinho. I hope this time we are able to finish what we start.

  33. Santa

    Nov 01, 2011, 12:00 #14713

    Very well written article imo. I have decided to stop reading the forums on this site as most of the people are so rabidly negative about the team that it leads me to think that at least some of them must be closet Spurs. I have been very close to giving up buying the Gooner as well, but articles like this go some way to make up for the bile that smears most of its pages these days. The Arsenal is a flawed entity and sometimes this is manifested in one person - AW - but there is also an intelligence and spirit in the club that elevates it to dizzying heights - even when we are not winning. If you need a template for loyalty just watch the Arsenal away supporters and the way they have carried themselves this season at ManUre, S&*te Hart Lane and at the Chavs - I was at the latter two myself. nuf said..

  34. Nick

    Nov 01, 2011, 11:54 #14712

    Ziggy what are you on about finished 12th the season before wenger look again i think youll find under Rioch we managed a 5th placed finish and got to the semi final of the league cup cant remember the fa cup exploits that season offhand and to his credit he realized we were going stale and relying on Wrighty to score so he brought DBNO10 and david platt (who admittedly was past his best) in an attempt to rectify this and get us playing more expansive football i think he got a raw deal but it was in the end for the greater good i dont always agree with the way wenger does things but i am gratefull for the sucsess and the brand of football we strive to play as for me the jurys out for this season but should we slip out of the top four and not win any silverware then surely things must be shook up

  35. Jekyll

    Nov 01, 2011, 11:02 #14711

    @ziggy, you are factually incorrect several times over. The season before Wenger took over we finished 5th. That team had the famous back 5, Parlour, Platt, Bergkamp and Wright. The season we finished 10th (not 12th) was 92/93 and we won both domestic cups. We lost 0-3 at home to Coventry at the begining of the 93/94 season but won the Cup Winners Cup at the end of that season and finished 4th (sound familiar?), just two years prior to Wenger taking over. Yes Wenger built on and improved the team, but we were not 'nowhere' before he came along, as Wengerites are so fond of telling us. At least check your facts if you want to defend the man.

  36. Terry

    Nov 01, 2011, 10:45 #14710

    ziggy so why cant Wenger coach a team to defend? Big questions need to be asked about what Wenger did in the 3 months of the pre season.Last minute deadline day signings had no pre season with us.So we vitually gave up the first month of the season.Thats rank bad management.

  37. Ron

    Nov 01, 2011, 10:36 #14709

    You know the papers here. Just smut, inuendo, lies and downright lies rule supreme. Poor quality. Its little wonder theyre dying on their feet. Sooner theyve all gone bust the better. Be nice if Sky TV went too!!

  38. Jenari Exar Kun

    Nov 01, 2011, 10:26 #14708

    @Ziggy - we actually finished 5th not 12th - hence why we were playing Uefa football when Wenger took charge!!

  39. Andrew Cohen

    Nov 01, 2011, 9:32 #14707

    There's legitimate criticism and then there's abuse, and there is never a need for that. The other thing that there is never a need or a requirement for is blind devotion. As to there being no criticism in the stadium, it's called conformity, and if it switches, then heaven help Mr Wenger. The other factors are of course the wish to support the team, but a significant one also is the several thousands of people who have either been priced out of the stadium, or who aren't prepared to have their time and money wasted by Mr Wenger. They aren't there to criticise vocally. Anyone can come on this site and say what they want in anonymity and it is in those circumstances when you find out what people really think. I'm grateful for what Wenger has done, but I don't think that he is up to it. The fact that Chelsea at last have a defence worse than ours doesn't make me change my mind. Let's see him appoint Martin Keown to deal with defensive issues. Let's see him offload the remaining useless in the squad and the backroom. Let's see him play players in their proper positions. Let's see him buy the right players in January to plug the lacunae in our squad. Let's see player incompetence and laziness punished by exile to the stiffs. Let's see him learn to make substitutions properly. Let's see an end to the nonsense speak at press conferences. If any of that list is abhorrent or inconsistent with a love of Arsenal F.C. then I can only apologise. I would like the season to end with some kind of a bang, not the usual whimper.

  40. Mark

    Nov 01, 2011, 9:19 #14706

    28 games to go and we are going to have to average 2 points a game to get near a champions league place. lets plug in just 4 more defeats all season (man cit away, liverpool away, man u home, and 1 major wobble to a very inferior team) that means 24 games to get 56 more points or 2.33 per game. we need 16 more wins and 8 more draws. that would be very good form over a 28 games Nov-end April to win 57% of your remaining matches. I do not believe it is possible unless the jan transfer window gets us Cahill and we stop giving away so many goals. more likely we will finish 6th which was my prediction in the summer once we all saw how the squad was shaping up. 6th place, QF of CL, no cups and £100M still in the bank come May. it might make some happy i suppose im not one of them

  41. Shropshire Lad

    Nov 01, 2011, 9:03 #14703

    It is time we stopped fighting amongst ourselves and took on the so called 'expert' pundits! I have just suffered the mid week analysis by Paul Walsh ( Spuds illiterate) and the fat f...k Pilsbury Jock - Craig Burley ( won nothing, done nothing but has the audacity to try and take the piss out of Arsene Wenger and our players). Their 'analysis' was school boyish made funnier by the Jocks inability to work the IT. Let's concentrate on driving this scum out of the media and get intelligent coverage back on track. I suspect if you or I gave such a piss poor performance in the workplace we would last less than one day. Then there's that bearded knobhead who thinks he is a witty and insightful on Sky - don't you just want to pull a condom over his head and flush him down the toilet!!

  42. TH

    Nov 01, 2011, 8:41 #14702

    Couldn't agree more, regardless of what happens in the future AW deserves a serious amount of respect.

  43. Tony Evans

    Nov 01, 2011, 8:31 #14701

    I never let newspaper headlines get under my skin. They will mostly be sensationalist rubbish with little regard for the facts, with the sole intention of trying to sell papers to the gullible muppets that still take them seriously. As for Wenger, he has done wonderful things for the club, but he is not above criticism especially for his woeful neglect of the defensive side of the game over the last few years. We are an exciting side but are not a team you would put your mortgage on to win any game and sadly that is why we will probably finish empty handed yet again.

  44. ziggy

    Nov 01, 2011, 8:24 #14699

    The idiot going on about 6 years without a trophy and Wenger out, do you actually know where Arsenal were heading before Wenger? That was when we were a one man team.If wright didn't score no one else did.The humiliation of 0-3 away win at a mediocre Coventry, players like Glen Helder, a group of players who were always hang over before a match.No one knew how good Parlour was before Wenger. We finished in 12th in the league the season before Wenger took over were knocked out of both cups at the 1st attempt but with the minimum of resources we have always challenged for trophies and stopped playing like Stoke.Yes we have had a bad start but the season is a marathon not a sprint as we found that out over the last 6 seasons.So will you the ungrateful fair weather fan just piss off, we don't need you.

  45. Surrey Gunner

    Nov 01, 2011, 7:52 #14697

    You have to understand the media hate Arsenal, Wenger, Gunners, Gonners. Note sure why and dont care. As an example Arsenal beat Chelsea 5-3, and RVP got a hat trick but all they could talk about is a terrific 2 goals from Bale. I have got to the stage where I only read match reports from fellow Gunners. I dont care about the media any more.

  46. Munitionsman

    Nov 01, 2011, 7:18 #14695

    Nice article. Very balanced

  47. debbieb

    Nov 01, 2011, 6:40 #14694

    Totally agree with this i stand near 2 idiots who still want wenger sacked but they are on their own in their opinion in my block i've never understood why people get on players and the teams bck. Do they think they'll play better by being booed complete idiots.

  48. Wenger Out!

    Nov 01, 2011, 6:33 #14693

    The press didnt make up 6 years without a trophy.The worst start in over 50 years and the worst defeat in 115 years.Wenger took the praise pre 2006 now he must take the flak.For £7m a year we deserve a manager whose aim is higher than a 4th place finish