A Comfortable Afternoon’s Work

Online Ed: West Brom taken care of in second gear

A Comfortable Afternoon’s Work

Vermaelen: How he has been missed

It takes two teams to make a decent game of football, and – as far as entertainment goes – only one turned up at the Grove yesterday afternoon. Arsenal did all that could be asked of them, and won at a canter. It was a stress free fixture, and perhaps we all need a few of those. It may seem strange to think it, but even in the days of Henry, Bergkamp and Pires, there were dull home matches where the team won comfortably. I guess great games feature either an extraordinary high level of performance from one team (such as – off the top of my head – the 7-0 victory over Everton in 2005) or a decent amount of tension (such as last weekend’s visit to Chelsea, or the 5-3 home win over Middlesbrough in 2004).

But every season sees a certain number of the type of matches we saw against West Brom. It’s a case of job done, move on to the next one. Every home victory naturally breeds confidence, and that is what the team need to start gaining results away from home on a consistent basis. The win at Chelsea was wonderful, but after a poor sequence of away displays in the Premier League previously, the team need to start notching up points on the road on a regular basis.

There is a dreadful fear amongst some fans that a decent run between now and the turn of the year may see the manager declare that his current squad is good enough and does not need bolstering in January, even if he himself has admitted that fourth place is the best we can hope for this season. A bit of a contradiction if that does occur. If fourth place is what these players can achieve, why not use the £50m odd rotting in the bank to actually push on for the lofty heights of the top three? I can see January being very quiet though, going on past experience, followed by a springtime slump as squad depth is once again exposed.

Still, at least we can enjoy the fact that at centre back, currently the manager is spoilt for choice with three capable defenders. The return of Thomas Vermaelen has improved things in the last couple of matches, and it will be interesting to see if he is rotated or not. Laurent Koscielny had another excellent display yesterday as well. The team has changed a little since the departures of Fabregas and Nasri. In a sense, there is slightly less confidence, and passes are more frequently shorter, five-a-side stuff. This has long been a part of Arsenal’s game, but it was ventured to me by a neighbour that with Fabregas and Nasri, more adventurous passes were sometimes attempted, more risks taken going forward. I suspect that is down to the nature of the players involved rather than any change of policy, if indeed it is the case. I can remember Arteta playing sone Cesc-style through passes on occasion, but what I think is true is that without Cesc and Nasri, the build-up play and the tempo is slightly slower.

This could of course reflect the opposition, West Brom played fairly deep, more concerned with not getting a hiding. Roy Hodgson sides have a reputation for not travelling well, and this was no exception.

Thanks to Ian Henry for pointing out that Arsenal moved into positive goal difference with this result, which does indicate that a few wins don’t make for a rosy season, although everyone is pleased that at least the team has put together a decent sequence of results. The atmosphere reflected that at the match with a decent amount of singing and chanting given the nature of the game. A text from contributor Ian Tanner posed the question of who makes way when Jack Wilshere is fit. These are definitely the kind of problems we want.

The question we don’t want to ask is what happens when RVP gets injured. Oh, is that an international break on the horizon? A couple of meaningless friendlies you say? I’m going to hibernate for a fortnight and pray it doesn’t happen…

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  1. Matty S

    Nov 08, 2011, 11:32 #14885

    In my opinion we need another striker. Chamakhs not being used properly, PArk's still settling in. Papiss Cisse would be the top of my list.

  2. simon

    Nov 07, 2011, 22:21 #14879

    well done kev, your editorial has sparked a good debate depending on whether you see it as the glass is half full or half empty . I'm a bit glass half full right now and i side with the comments pointing out that nasri and cesc seemed to be at the heart of tippy tappy, glass chin football and that this season we are beginning to look like a team, play with heart and show some grit and bouncebackability. The cloud is our striking options, the boss seems keen on joel campbell and anyone he buys is prima facie going to be a bench player covering RVP and that's a tough sell unless you are city or united so unless he gets rid of chamakh i can't see a change coming in that position in january. Come summer though i can see him going for a big playmaker with tommy, benayoun and probably arshavin on the way out. As a PS i don't think you can underestimate the influence players like arteta (a moyes man) will have on our team. the boss clearly lets the players sort things out between themselves and he RVP, Tommy are serious dudes and as the new top dogs will set a different tone to the likes of cesc, nasri and the other departed. I can see this lot winning things which sadly I never really felt about the others, they were just too brittle and sulky.

  3. Ron

    Nov 07, 2011, 12:49 #14863

    This team is a lot more honest than when Fabregas and Nasri were in it. Nasri isnt as good as he thinks he is, dodged things when the going got tough and didnt work hard for other players. Our play was funnelled far to much through Fabregas, who though good, wasnt the omicompetent, all pervasive force that he was dressed up to be. Yes, he could do great things and was our strongest influence in many games. Without both, we have had to adopt a more ****al approach to our play. Its made for a better work ethic in my view, a lesser incliation in the team collecticvely to think they only had to 'turn up to win' and a greater emphasis on team play. I welcome it. As for the two departures, its befitting that the bottler Nasri is now bench fodder and that Fabregas still has his work cut out to become a fixture in that Barc team. Both may never attain the status level they reached at Arsenal. In Nasri s case im sure he wont.

  4. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Nov 07, 2011, 12:31 #14862

    Kev, I'm usually on the same page as you but I don't think you've given us enough credit for saturday. It was great that it looked like a stroll in the park becuase we played pretty well. I would like to see Jenkinson get some more credit as well. Yes having TV back is massive and yes Kos is probaly in the form of his life but how nice it is to see a full back defend with tanacity and realising the importance of stopping crosses. The lad is as honest as the day is long and battles his heart out. I wonder what the stats are with him in the starting 11 on goals conceded if you take the United game out? Worringly Wenger said he would rotate the back four. NO Arsene, back 4's are units that need to play together. Pick what you think is the best 4 and stick with it. The others will have to force their way back in. Stop molley coddling them. January transfers will see Diaby and Wilshire come in, they will be like new signings!!! We desperatly need a left back as Gibbs and Santos are injured and ****, another striker for me is an absolute must. If RVP gets injured we are proper ****ed. For me Bent would be the man becuase he is a proper forward that wants to play in the six yeard box and always scores goals. Also would hit the ground running

  5. Mike

    Nov 07, 2011, 8:58 #14859

    Four wins in a row... the first time in two years.

  6. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Nov 07, 2011, 8:46 #14858

    Bee Jay All Day: We are Arsenal supporters who want to see Arsenal win. Arsenal won on Saturday and we are consolidating our position after a terrible start. That is encouraging and welcome. But the Ed and many others of us are concerned at how weak a team we really are - yes, I'll repeat that: We are concerned at how weak a team we really are. If Szczny and/or RvP get injured (sorry, WHEN RvP gets injured)- we will again be deep in the do-do. The RvP injury happens every season and is well known to everyone in the world of football. Our answer? The goal machines that are Chamakh and Gervinho, assisted by the infuriatingly inconsistent Walcott. We need to strengthen - importantly, we need to strengthen with QUALITY players. You know, players that cost that extra few bob. What the Ed and others are fearful of (with some justification)is that we won't spend because of managerial obstinacy and a parsimonious Board who concentrate on share price to the detriment of on-field assets. We are THE Arsenal, for Goodness sake. For the manager and Board to shrug their collective shoulders and to decide for us that the best we can hope for each season is 4th place is not good enough and will mean disaffected younger generations will turn away from Arsenal and support succesful teams. Now that's just the way of the world. If all you just say to that is: 'Good, they can jog on to Spuds or Chavski'- you're missing the point. A team that simply treads water in order to try and remain where they are will inevitably begin to fall behind and will suffer financially. We had a great win over Chelsea and we're looking OK'ish at the moment - but we forget our frailities at our peril.

  7. dan

    Nov 06, 2011, 20:28 #14856

    i don't know about you but id prefer to be ''bored'' and win 3-0 rather then face the embarrassment of losing to these teams,all this beautiful football we supposedly play has got us knowhere for the past 7 years.

  8. lee afc

    Nov 06, 2011, 20:28 #14855

    well said kevin. I personally believe that had we have played WBA 6 weeks ago, we would have struggled. Things looking up, not all cloudy yet not full sunshine. Lets have more of this please Arsene.

  9. Jekyll

    Nov 06, 2011, 20:23 #14854

    Wenger has said he has no intention of buying in Jan and would move Gerv or Wallers in there if needed - both of whom are first team players in the current system, thus causing massive disruption. Wenger has never been one for learning and we should expect the traditional spring collapse - except this time it'll be a collapse from challenging for 4th rather than for the title, so we may end up 6th or so. But that'll be fine with Kroenke due to the money in the bank unspent, and on we'll go as a sort of London version of Aston Villa, still making a profit, still AKBs defending the status quo. Alternatively it may be like the final season at Highbury and we'll snatch 4th at the death. Wenger will proclaim it as his greatest ever achievement and many people will go on the net and agree with him.

  10. allybear

    Nov 06, 2011, 19:58 #14851

    Spot on Steve but dont forget who your dealing with here,a man with an inflated ego who thinks his squad is good enough as is! Easy 3 points against a shockingly poor side. Huge plus to have TV back and with Koscielny looked good,much better than the BFG. There is improvement but agree RV needs quality back up&i also think a top midfielder.

  11. will

    Nov 06, 2011, 19:28 #14850

    Come on Kev,the past is history that's all it is. They were different times and who knows how long the likes of Dennis and Paddy would have stayed if Citeh had been around to tempt them with their squllions. Yes WBA were hopeless but there is a different feel to this side. Its not full of glamour but they look like they are getting to be a tight bunch playing for each other, something we haven't seen for a while. Agree with the Dartford Gooner Jenkinson looks a real prospect, got a lot of composure and quality and Ramsey looks like he is coming on in leaps and bounds. I know we are all bricking it about RVP's fitness but apart from Citeh all the others above us look vulnerable and maybe just maybe Wenger has had a reality check and we will be a little more active in January.

  12. dartford gooner

    Nov 06, 2011, 18:30 #14847

    How about some praise for Jenkinson, great crosses into the box ,good pace and a great engine, only 19 and people slag him off. Slung in at the deep end and looks like a good one for the future. I remember many years ago standing behind a guy on the north during big tonys debut and him saying this kids crap? Gives kids time you never know how good they could become.

  13. Steve

    Nov 06, 2011, 17:52 #14846

    Only a mad man wouldnt strengthen in january.Results between now and then should not cloud the issue that an injury to either RVP and Szczesny and we are well and truely ****ed.By the way Kev dont listen to these AKB's who have all come out of the woodwork.Keep telling it like it is.We were good and WBA were rotten.We have not become Barcelona overnight whatever the AKB's believe

  14. Bee Jay All Day

    Nov 06, 2011, 16:49 #14844

    Kev, Your Point of View is getting so tiresome. One would think, if you don't like ones writing then why read it, but for some reason, like looking at a wreck on the motorway, I can't help but read your dribble. I am truly starting to have a real affection for this team. We lost at home last year to WBA with your beloved Fabregas and Nasri. This team put in an effort from the first whistle. Nasri seemed to not bother last year until we were 3 down. Give me the boys effort this year over that everyday of the week and twice on Saturdays please. The story of Arteta walking into the dinning room at the training ground and noticing the French Boys ate with the French boys, and the british lads ate with the other british lads and so on.... Mikel pushes the tables together and says we all eat together as a team. It's things like this that are making the differences on the pitch. You bitch, moan, and complain. I prefer to support this team that seems to be coming together, and oh is it true Mr Editor that we are three points ahead of where we were last year at this juncture. If it is buying and spending that will make you happy you should hop on board the Man City express. Everything you long for seems to be going on with that club. I'll take the way Arsenal are going about things, but hey thats just me. Great win. Love what Arteta is quietly doing, sitting deeper next to Song. Ramsey is making the passes that open up sides. The ball out to Theo for the breakthrough, the ball to Gervinho at the bridge, etc...Kosc and Tommy V solid. two clean sheets in a row. Gervinho better every week. Finally, RVP the best player in the country. Period. I can think of 100 things to like about this team, but you can tell me 100 things not to like. Even when we are THE form team in the Prem. Haters gonna Hate I guess....

  15. San Elan

    Nov 06, 2011, 15:50 #14843

    Good victory - stress free as you all say. We all could do with a few if them. I am astounded by the baisness of the BBC. They moved to a new location yesterday, but with the same old gits and the same old drivel. After starting with Fergie love-in they managed to show the drab of a game for most of the programme. We were kept until before the last game and there was not even any analysis. They really need new blood there. Aren't you fed up with the three turned up last night?

  16. Merse69

    Nov 06, 2011, 15:49 #14842

    Three capable centre backs + a top class keeper in the making. Time to give Wenger some credit for starting to sort out the defence... Nine wins from eleven games also tells it's own story.

  17. Franklin

    Nov 06, 2011, 15:06 #14841

    Just waiting for Wenger to come out and say this is his best squad ever and that we dont need to strengthen in january.Then when the window shuts RVP is out for 3 months!!!.We need to sign a back up keeper a left back who can stay fit and defend.And we desperately need to sign a striker we cannot rely on Chamakh and Young.But we all know we wont

  18. Dan h

    Nov 06, 2011, 15:04 #14840

    What we have seen these past few weeks is a team not only gelling but working for each other.This team hasn't quite got the pure footballing ability of recent teams but may just have a tad more fight.From what i know the spirit in the dressing room is better than recent seasons the experienced players have added to that.Routine win yesterday a good sign as in recent years good runs of results have always seemed to come to a halt mainly because of complacency.The transfer budget & use of it has always been my source of frustration we still need to add quality to the squad a top striker is a must.Level with Liverpool now & pushing on nicely lets just remember not to rest on our laurels.Only a quater of the season gone & from what i see 3rd & 4th places are both up for grabs.Special mention again to TV & young Ramsey both have missed a lot of football for well documented reasons yet both already are looking like they havn't been away naturally gifted players of top quality.

  19. Barry

    Nov 06, 2011, 14:16 #14839

    I would argue our build up was slower with Cesc and Nasri, with both being exponents of the dreaded tippy tappy at the edge of the box rotuine. We're more of a counter attacking team these days, not to mention faster all-round. We look like a team, with no passengers. For the first time in quite a while.

  20. Andreas

    Nov 06, 2011, 13:47 #14838

    Positive signs are there. We've now kept a clean sheet in 37% of all our games which isn't too bad considering the injuries suffered by the back 4. It's good to see a comfortable win following an outstanding victory away from home. In the last few season's we have dropped points after winning the big games. Also, can't help but think that last weeks win at the bridge would've ended 4-4 if we still had the same team as last season. A good win.

  21. north bank

    Nov 06, 2011, 13:42 #14836

    decent performance. But i agree it wont be long before wenger declares that he is happy with the squad and wont need to spend come january. would love to see a top class forward added to the squad but this will never happen

  22. Treble Double

    Nov 06, 2011, 13:23 #14835

    Good performance yesterday, we looked comfortable and without breaking sweat we got the 3 points. True, West Brom didn't create anything but that's because we didn't allow them to. Ramsay's pass to set the first up was excellent and the third goal was typical of the Henry, Bergkamp and Pires era and a joy to watch. Much harder games to come in the season but let's enjoy the 3 points and pray we do not get any injuries during the international break.

  23. Merse69

    Nov 06, 2011, 12:03 #14834

    Nine wins from eleven games tells it's own story. Strange how stats like this have disappeared from the match reports.... "The manager is now spoilt for choice with three capable defenders" and we also have a top keeper in the making. Any chance of giving Wenger some credit for starting to sort out the defence?

  24. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Nov 06, 2011, 11:33 #14833

    You've suggested that the team have curbed their passing adventurousness due to a lack of quality or conviction, yet failed to acknowledge / mention / recognise / praise Ramsey's excellent Cesc - like pass to Walcott in the build up for the first goal, or the forward moving one - touch passing involving four players for the third goal, culminating with Arteta's technically proficient first time finish from the edge of the box. Why?

  25. Brian Dawes

    Nov 06, 2011, 11:29 #14832

    And there was me thinking WBA didn't play because we didn't let them play. We closed them and space well when they had it and used the ball fairly efficiently when we had it. You can't play if the other side doesn't let you and we didn't let them.

  26. Tommy

    Nov 06, 2011, 10:06 #14829

    Easy win WBA didnt turn up.No one was outstanding no one played poor.It was one of those games a stroll.Bonus was the Mickeys dropping 2 pts at home.Still bricking myself about what happens when RVP gets injured.One moan though why was Chamberlain not on the bench?yesterday he could have got a good run out for half an hour

  27. bunch

    Jul 05, 2011, 4:42 #9538

    Good post. There is still time and Cesc and Nasri aren't out of the door yet, but I think its odds-on our squad will be weaker than last season. I've already started to reconcile myself to the fact we won't be competing for top honours next season, and that this season's fourth place will be the upper limit of our potential achievements next season. Which, after just shelling out a grand to have the opportnity to witness this next season, is pretty depressing.

  28. Greg

    Jul 04, 2011, 22:55 #9531

    Transfers are only complcated when Arsenal refuse to pay the asking price for players unlike Utd.We wait and wait hoping the fee will go down.Remember Alonso and Schwartzer on deadline day when Liverpool and Fulham called our bluff.Cahill has a £17m buy out clause if we want him pay it.The same goes for Samba.But doing wait till the last minute.And give the deadwood free transfers to get them out of the club

  29. Ali

    Jul 04, 2011, 15:10 #9497

    "I do remain calm and confident that Arsenal will take action on the squad" - What recent evidence do you have for your optimism? "Transfers are a complicated business" - Not for Utd they don't seem to be. "We have to find other clubs willing to sign them" - Only one man to blame for not being able to get rid of the dross.

  30. Guy in Jersey

    Jul 04, 2011, 11:52 #9456

    Simon, the phrase "we appear to be more mouse than cat" just about sums us up at the moment. For a supposedly well-run 'big club' (although without the arrogant and selfish mindset and winning mentality of a serious player at Champions League level), we too often allow ourselves to be pushed around and dictated to by just about everyone - including OUR own employees. I have no problem with Fabregas going, but only if Barca pay what he's worth - ditto with Nasri. However, if would be a far more serious statement of intent if we could unveil a great big 'F*CK OFF' sign for presenting to anyone who ever comments publicly about one of our players. Mind you, it would help if we also placed a realistic valuation on some of our supposed 'deadwood'. I'm not surprised no-one wants to pay £12 million for Bendtner. P.S. If I were a top player, would I want to join Arsenal at the moment?

  31. Dan h

    Jul 04, 2011, 11:06 #9446

    Simon the problem with our dead wood is that they are on 40k plus a week so i can't see many takers for Bendtner,Denilson,Rosicky,Eboue,Almunia etc.If the AW quotes are correct once again we are waiting for others to make their move when it should be us sending out a statement of intent in the market.We all know what we need to leave it late every year just sends out the wrong signals if you think we are frustrated i can only think what RVP,Sagna,Vermaelen & JW must be feeling! To lose key players like Cesc & to a lesser extent Nasri at their ages leaves us looking like a stepping stone club.I could be wrong but RVP & Vermaelen only have 2 years left on their deals lets hope this doesnt become an annual circus.Lets add to what we have first before we sell we have from the top become a reactionary club as it stands i worry for us next season.

  32. Malc Clayton

    Jul 04, 2011, 10:38 #9437

    I agree with your thoughts entirely, only extra bit I would add is Wenger must sit the boys down individually and ask them one simple question, Do you want to play for Arsenal? If they don't, get as much money for them as possible and move on, if we lose money on the deals, so be it. If they do want to play for Arsenal sign a new contract based on performance, don't just turn up and take the money!