I’m going to boycott Arsenal’s sponsors

Are the club’s commercial partners content with its lack of success?

I’m going to boycott Arsenal’s sponsors

Nike: Would you consider a boycott?

"I’ve always said that I will play a team that has a chance to qualify."

"The only thing I will say is that we still want to win the game and respect the competition."

"We have red alerts on a few players but I will pick as strong a team as I can."

So declared Arsene Wenger before the Man City Carling Cup game.

Then the weakest possible line up started the match and lost it. At home.

So it is latest evidence that the Arsenal manager is a liar. He lies to everybody including the club supporters.

He doesn’t respect the supporters and as has huge support from the Board - therefore the Board do not respect supporters either.

The Board treats supporters as “no-choice” clients. And the current regime does everything to prevent fans from soundings their frustrations – from vetting questions at Q&As to preventing anti-Wenger banners inside the ground.

Dissatisfied fans (I don’t speak about satisfied ones) don’t have any possibility to influence the current policy which means profits are the priority over sporting results.

There are empty seats at the stadium each game, but nobody cares.

It is understandable from the Board point of view as they have the money for them from ST holders.

But there is another force that is keeping silent at Arsenal.

Please have a look at these words from Wayne Wild, group director of the WEC Group:

“We are a corporate sponsor and the owners have the authority and right to do what they see fit with the club. I just feel if I can’t get a reply – as the only paying corporate sponsor – that underlines the frustrations that general supporters are having, because there is no direct contact. We feel not valued. As well as the business side I have offered to mediate between the fans and the owners. I feel there is a growing gap between the two. Maybe if they could talk to me, I could relay that message to the fans.”

Engineering and fabricating company WEC has sponsored Blackburn for the past four years, but Wild admitted that the negative publicity surrounding the club is affecting the firm. He added: “Being a supporter is hard enough to take but paying for the privilege of sponsorship to be linked to this is both embarrassing and damaging to our company name and brand.”

So where are the Arsenal sponsors?

Where is the voice of Nike? Does Nike - sportswear and sport equipment supplier - support the current Arsenal policy, where profit has a priority over sport?

Where is the voice of Emirates? Is Emirates happy with the thousands of empty seats at the stadium named after the company?

I just want to get an opinion from all our sponsors.

Are they happy with the current situation at the Arsenal FC?

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  1. jason

    Dec 11, 2011, 17:58 #15871

    What a misreable git you are.Moan,moan,moan.Perhaps you should do us all a favour and boycott arsenal all together.

  2. Alexander Hebert

    Dec 06, 2011, 21:57 #15684

    Go ahead and boycott them, more memorabilia and stuff for me this Christmas! And also buddy, it's easy to write an article from your safe little chair, but let's see you try to feel Wenger's shoes. Unbeaten in the BPL for the past two months now? And with really only one "super" star, RVP, and the rest of the team a bunch of youngsters who can still give the old boys a run for their money.

  3. Oldsmobile

    Dec 06, 2011, 17:31 #15681

    Arsenal v Man City We played really well and should have won. I really enjoyed the game if not the result. Best fiver's (OAP concession applies) worth of entertainment I've had since Chesty Morgan retired. I certainly don't feel misled by M. Wenger and believe that all his prematch utterances that you quote were entirely justified - read them again carefully.

  4. andy

    Dec 06, 2011, 15:54 #15678

    Biased site We lose Critisism Sack wenger We win Less critisism Sack wenger

  5. Glad Gunner

    Dec 06, 2011, 13:56 #15669

    Most of 'our' sponsors are not unique to us and have a wide presence across the game (Thomas Cook, EA Sports, Carlsberg, Lucozade sponsor most top premier league clubs). They would not want to get involved in the running of Arsenal even if they could. It should be safe to drop your boycott Ivan! Finally, Emirates must be thrilled that Arsenal have sold out for nearly every match. A great achievement.

  6. Glad Gunner

    Dec 06, 2011, 10:22 #15663

    We were unlucky against Man City and RVP can't play every game. All our sponsors are getting great value for money being associated with the quality brand image that Arsenal has. You are going to boycott Carlsberg and Lucazade? I can't remember when I last drank them. Don't even get me started on buying a Citroen or Indezit. That is just consumer choice but I wouldn't choose to start a campaign to hurt sponsors. That isn't supporting the club. Arsenal don't have a policy for not winning trophies so you won't find anyone supporting it. It's idiotic to think that sponsors will talk to you if you are trying to ban their products. Wenger has delivered many titles and we continually punch above our weight every season. I had hoped that the moaners who said they were no longer supporting Arsenal actually meant it and would leave the club alone for the real supporters. Most never doubted Arsenal this season and even if they under performed, we would still be cheering them on next season and forever more. Updates not necessary in January, just cancel you membership. Reading the comments, you have no support. Not surprising as you seem to have no love but only hate for Arsenal and it sponsors. Are you Tottenham in disguise? TAXI FOR IVAN MERC?

  7. Realist Ronh

    Dec 06, 2011, 9:05 #15653

    Arsenals objectives at the start of every season should be to try and win every competition they take part in.That hasnt been true for 6 seasons.we DONT try and win the domestic cups.The only objective the board and Wenger set themselves is top 4 finish.So from when the first ball is kicked we have given up on winning a trophy.In recent years 2008,2010 amd last season we could and should have won the title.But our clueless manager failed to strengthen and we fell apart again.But Wenger was happy because we finished top 4.I support Arsenal not Stan Kroenke i want to see Arsenal win trophies not make £50M PROFIT.As for Wenger lying to us 3 years ago he said we were 1% behind Utd.If that isnt a lie what is.I refuse to believe 4th place every season with no trophies is success as our manger does

  8. j.j.

    Dec 06, 2011, 2:44 #15651

    I ‘jes dunno what the f. ambitions lucozade or insedit might have))) methinks they are damn happy ‘jes to be listed next to arse for a small portion of publicity. BTW, they are all business prostitutes and are in sponsorships with irreconcilables like arse and spuds at the same time, so money is the answer. mean words like profit say much more to them than any of gooners torments effused here))

  9. Mandy Dodd

    Dec 05, 2011, 23:22 #15649

    It does seem some arsenal fans on here are still living in the age of negativity. Things went wrong a few months ago, and wenger had a ****e time last year, not all of it on the pitch either but things are turning around. Many of this team have been in a bad place but have come through, they will be strong because of it. Fans in the ground are backing the team and manager and are being rewarded. The team looks solid. Doubters are being turned. If you are an arsenal fan on this site, you may as well back the team, the manager board and owner are in it for the long haul. The players are doing well and loving every minute as are most fans. Believe me, if you are an arsenal fan, you will get much more enjoyment backing this wonderful team than you will worrying about sponsors, season ticket prices or being taken in by a biased media. If you are not an arsenal fan on here, hope you are looking over your shoulder, believe me you should be. Ahead of Liverpool after this evening, let's reel the others in

  10. gkev

    Dec 05, 2011, 23:02 #15648

    Very silly article Ivan. Suggests you might be ignorant of the beautiful game and the competing demands of various competitions. Did you not notice that City were outplayed and only had one shot on target all night? Do by all means boycott the sponsors but I'm so very glad that we don't have a posturing hot-head of your ilk making decisions at the Arsenal.

  11. aj

    Dec 05, 2011, 22:15 #15647

    In general, I am very much in favour of freedom of speech but this article makes a very strong case for censorship. I used to really like The Gooner. It was full of intelligent articles, written about the club from perspectives that no other media outlets managed to find. Sadly, in the last handful of years, it seems to have become a magnet for fools with the tabloid mentality which needs to see everything, good or bad, attacked and destroyed. Thank Dennis that the majority of Arsenal fans see this kind of tripe for what it is.

  12. ppp

    Dec 05, 2011, 21:40 #15645

    oh god shut up about wenger being a liar. he's not a liar. he's a great manager and the team are doing well at the moment.

  13. Santa

    Dec 05, 2011, 21:19 #15644

    That's it - I'm boycotting the Gooner from now on until the editor is gone! Unbelievable how hostile to the club you are..really sad and destructive. Go and find something else to do..

  14. Shropshire Lad

    Dec 05, 2011, 20:25 #15643

    Oh dear! Ivan the terrible. This is pathetic. Suggest you go down Thomas Cook and fffffffff...ly off!, Tell you what. Start following ice hockey - they take notice of their sponsors to the extent they stop the bloody games for no reason except it's advert time! Right up you alley!

  15. Ron James

    Dec 05, 2011, 20:08 #15642

    We lost one nil and had by far the better of the chances

  16. muzzlejuice

    Dec 05, 2011, 20:02 #15641

    Hmmn lets see would i rather risk an injury to the likes of RVP or theo just so we may get a result in the beer cup or would i rather we kept our match winning players fit & injury free for our league games? might have to get the dog to help me out with the answer to that one.will you be upset when you see the second choice X1 for the champions league on wednesday?

  17. Ando

    Dec 05, 2011, 18:53 #15639

    you have to learn to look away from the hot air our manager spouts, i would have thought that you would know that by now. To be fair, its the league that is most important at the moment as 4th place is very much in the balance and the c/l promised land is (considering our start to this season)probably the single most important goal for the club this year

  18. dutchgunner

    Dec 05, 2011, 17:56 #15638

    the fact that you're calling out the sponsors to give you some kind of response, direct or indirectly, just shows how out of touch with reality you are. Like those big corporations are monitoring Arsenal blogs, let alone blogs run by fairweather fans like yourself whinging about a game we lost with our 2nd string against a big money man city team who only had 1 shot on target the entire game. coquelin and Frimpong ran the midfield and city didn't look as dangerous as the media suggests.

  19. Jack

    Dec 05, 2011, 17:19 #15636

    The only one loosing out from this is you. As you can see your pretty much the only person that thinks this, but its obvious that IF Arsenal has success this season you'd be the first person to say that you supported Wenger all along. Writing this is actually promoting the club and ALL of its sponsors... so well done there.

  20. Hmm

    Dec 05, 2011, 17:18 #15635

    On reflection, I think Gooner Ed needs to action the "Red Alert" on his key troll, Ivan Merc. Ivan could do with a rest as his recent performances are clearly showing signs of burn out.

  21. Sankalp Nanda

    Dec 05, 2011, 16:42 #15632

    this blog was a joke by someone..who lacks common sense.. and sees winning as only thing..but forgets that our players are humans who need rest too..grow up buddy!!

  22. Ozil

    Dec 05, 2011, 15:55 #15629

    Hahahah funny stuff. Wenger lying!! Is saying that the Club has red alerts on few players a lie? then how's that? Arsene promised to respect the competition which he did by fielding a team that dominated ManCity and lost by the smallest margin possible. I'm very satisfied with the way Arsene priotise the competitions and the way he deals with players who constitute our spine. You have right to be dissatisfied with whoever you like but I'm not with you.

  23. Mike

    Dec 05, 2011, 15:48 #15628

    I have never in my life read so much tripe - I am sure half of the sponsers would love to be in the financial position that Arsenal find themselves. I can say that the sponsers are very happy with the exposure they are getting and with the fact that Arsenal will still be in top flight football in 5 years time - not too sure about Man City though, and I see Chelsea are about to sell half of their team as well

  24. Brady is King

    Dec 05, 2011, 13:37 #15626

    I know The Gooner likes to bang on about how it provides a platform for the views of all Arsenal fans, but I think Ivan Merc makes a good case for why they should be a bit more selective. He's contributed a few things on here in the past and I'm pretty sure I've never agreed with any of them. This is the worst of the lot. A week ago, most Arsenal fans were worried we might be tempted to play RVP or any number of other first teamers against Man City and were therefore probably grateful that we didn't, so to accuse Wenger of lying because of the quotes you start the piece with are, quite frankly, pathetic. He played as strong a side as he believed he could and you can hardly argue that it didn't have the chance to qualify given that the goal came late on and was on a break-away attack. The best thing about this article is the number of people who have dismissed it in the comments.

  25. CB

    Dec 05, 2011, 13:36 #15625

    'I don’t expect a personal response, but a statement, maybe on their websites...I’ll inform you of any news on this in January.' Let me save you the time. They said nothing, on their website or elsewhere. And they didn't feel qualified to tell the club what to do. You could learn from their approach (please). Perhaps enjoy that we had one result you describe (v Man U) this season and none last season. So what you describe can't be seen as a current problem. I can't get to 8 in the last three seasons either. Why does the online Gooner attract the worst of negative fans. Any chance of some balance sometime? I'm not expecting AKBs writing every article, just some articles that pick up on some good things that seem to be happening to me.

  26. Tom

    Dec 05, 2011, 12:40 #15623

    It seems the majority of you dont care if we never win another trophy again.Lets just carry on with no ambition to win anything.Lets continue to pay the highest tickets in world football and be happy about it.Profits before trophies

  27. Drew

    Dec 05, 2011, 12:33 #15622

    Ugh?! Did you see our collapse last year after losing in the final? I'm pleased we are out early

  28. Croker

    Dec 05, 2011, 12:17 #15621

    Blimey. The side Wenger put out against Citeh put up a great performance and I'm happy to get the chance to watch The Ox, Frimpong and Coquelin. I think any right minded Gooner will be delighted with the way things are currently going and Champs League progresion compared to the shambles in August and pre-season. Let's see Wenger continue to strengthen the squad in the forwards/creative dept and look forward to 2012.

  29. Grant

    Dec 05, 2011, 11:04 #15619

    So we've lost 8 games in 3 and a half seasons by 3 goals or more! That's what a total of some 200+ games? How many games did we win by 3 goals or more or is the glass only ever half empty? Taking that balance between us being regularly 'smashed' and the regularity with which we 'smash' others which do you image the sponsors would be unhappy with if anything at all? Our scoring rate over the last 3 and half years and more has been up there with the best of them. The sponsors won't be unhappy about that. Bit of confused logic in claiming that dissatisfied fans don't have an opportunity to influence policy while simultaneously bemoaning empty seats in the stadium. Seeing as many of those sponsors you list have either re-committed recently and in some cases are quite new it's a reasonable assumption that the answer to your question as to whether they're happy with the long standing policy of the club was always there for you to find if you'd taken the trouble to give it any reasonable thought. Your boycott, much like your article, serves no purpose at all other than to make you appear rather silly.

  30. Arsenal Arsenal

    Dec 05, 2011, 10:57 #15618

    I have a better idea, why don't you boycott all things Arsenal and stop writing your blog, which is oh so important to us. That'll show 'em!

  31. Dave

    Dec 05, 2011, 10:56 #15617

    Decent article, completely agree with what you say about "Fraudster" Wenger's comments before the CC game. People miss the point about 'players getting injured', this can happen in ANY game. So we've won a few games against rank opponents big deal - thing is it would be a big deal if Wenger had sorted out this Summer's failings earlier as we probably would be where Spurs are right now. Another defeat in the FA Cup somewhere done the line (wouldnt surprise me if it happened with a weakened team against Leeds) and thats the season over AGAIN with NO trophy for a seventh year. How any Gooner can think that finishing 4th will somehow make up for this is a joke and finishing there anyway would start the cycle all over again. On one last note, why isn't AOC ever involved in league games, he looks pretty classy.

  32. Ron

    Dec 05, 2011, 10:53 #15615

    Why not 'boycott' Arsenal totally? What a load of tosh.

  33. Mandy Dodd

    Dec 05, 2011, 10:41 #15614

    Jesus, cant you just enjoy the football we are playing these days without worrying about corporate sponsors! The team are playing top football with a smile on their collective face - see the keeper singing at Wigan? We have the best young keeper on the planet (compare and contrast with Taibi Mk2 at Utd)we have one of the current top 3 players in the world up front, we have Vermaelen, Ox,Arteta, Kos and many others.Who cares about Nike / Emirates etc?

  34. Get Wenger Out Now

    Dec 05, 2011, 10:35 #15613

    I believe if we had played 5-6 regular first teamers we would have beaten a reserve City team and still beat a very poor Wigan team on saturday.Are we ever going to take the domestic cups seriously again?.Because to be honest thats the only way we will ever win a cup again.To carry on using the domestic cups as traing games for the kids is a joke.4th place is not success winning cups is

  35. Dan h

    Dec 05, 2011, 10:08 #15612

    With emirates & nike they probably feel they got really cheap deals as shirt manufacturer & stadium sponsor.Executive boxes a place to take their clients most of which will be more interested in the food & drink on offer than whats served on the pitch.I would also hazard a guess that none of these sponsors are exclusive to Arsenal baring emirates in the uk.What you will find is that these companies sponsor in different countries in other sports rugby in Australia with emirates etc.The question i would ask is are the sponsorships also linked to success anyway ie being for them less money paid out should the club not qualify for CL for example?Good luck in trying to get some feedback on this the case with Blackburn WEC as a sole sponsor you would think they would have a tighter relationship with that club.Arsenal if they lost a sponsor would just believe on name alone they would attract other companies our boardroom seem to have a blaise attitude to a lot of things on & off the field.

  36. Unbeaten 03/04

    Dec 05, 2011, 9:51 #15610

    Good article but I doubt it that your article will get to any of the people concern! Us fans have been treated like sh*te and they will carry on as long as they will keep our mouth shut with a few winning games (although, no trophies...). The beginning season's problem will come back once our experienced players are a bit tired and can't win us a trophy and us fans will bang on proper strikers, md's etc....! They (Arsenal board) will not listen to us as long as we keep pouring our hard earn money to them!

  37. Rocky7

    Dec 05, 2011, 9:33 #15609

    If you think the starting line up for Man City was anything other then the completely correct way to go from Arsene then you clearly know very little about how to utilise your squad in a busy Premier League season. We're going into the busiest time of the season in Decemeber, and the need to finish 4th is much larger than fielding a full strength squad against a City side that even field a second string could have beat our first team. You're also forgetting that we were brilliant, and extremely unlucky to lose. Manchester City's first half substitute cost more than our entire starting line up.

  38. Franklin

    Dec 05, 2011, 9:28 #15608

    FA cup 2008 away to Utd.We were top of the league.Wenger picked a reserve team and we got battered 4-0.And guess who went on the win the title?Utd.Last year neck and neck with Utd in the league.Sir Alex puts out his 3rd eleven we played a weakened team and lost meekly 2-0.And who went on to win the league? you guessed it Utd.As you say it was obvious City would rest all their best players having had a tough game at Anfield 48 hours earlier.But we played our B team so did City and we lost.Wenger treats the domestic cups with distain.Remember the team he put out in the semi final when we lost to Spurs 5-1?The Leeds cup game we will play a weak team but tickets will be FULL PRICE.This is the game to send a message to the club.BOYCOTT THE GAME.As long as Wenger looks on finishing 4th is better than winning a trophy we will never ever win a trophy again under him.And does anyone think RVP is happy with that

  39. Anon

    Dec 05, 2011, 9:26 #15607

    This article is nuts. The sponsors are supporting the club, unlike you it would seem. To express very simply: 1. The sponsors pay money to the club. 2. That improves the financial situation so thereby reducing pressure on things like ticket prices and transfer budgets. Therefore, if you boycott the sponsors you may indirectly damage the club's finances - which would have a negative impact whichever way you look at it. Re the Man City line up. Wenger was spot on. We were unfortunate to lose that game - and then won the next 4-0. Would you have rather beaten Man C but lost to Wigan (a fair question)?

  40. Peter Bai from China

    Dec 05, 2011, 9:23 #15606

    I want to hear the voice about this opinion from the British gooners!!!

  41. chris dee

    Dec 05, 2011, 9:18 #15605

    Congratulations! This is the biggest over the top garbage ever posted. Arsene Wenger is a liar eh? Very nice.If you can say that about our most succesful manager in history then you can ***s off,you are not a fan. I've also got gripes against many of Wenger's decisions in the last 5 years,but at the same time respect the fact that a move to the best club stadium in the country without the dosh of some dodgy 'businessman' sugar daddy is a massive achievment. Without Wenger this would not have been possible,no other manager ,without spending millions, could have kept a club competitive while at the same time repaying huge debts. This season is not half way through and having to incorporate 5 new players into the squad takes time and we are just seeing a few good results. Wenger is not stupid,and he loves the club,as soon as he sees that the club is not progressing under him he will quit.He doesn't need some of our 'expert' fans or the muppets in the press to tell him to go. As for our sponsors not saying anything,good for them,they are there for sponsorship not to mouth of about football matters,although they must all be inconsolable about losing your custom.

  42. ches

    Dec 05, 2011, 9:08 #15604

    you complain to much, Arsenal win you complain, Arsenal loose you complain... Arenal supporters really messed up especially the home ones

  43. Goonerific

    Dec 05, 2011, 9:06 #15603

    I bet you'd rather we picked our first XI for that game so they'd get injured. That way you could moan about the lack of depth in the squad. The club doesn't care about small minded views like yours, neither do the sponsors. No-one's going to miss you if you stop supporting or buying crap products. Bye bye, and grow up.

  44. Jimbo

    Dec 05, 2011, 9:05 #15602

    Wow. Another ridiculous tirade from the "Wenger out" brigade, with this one making little or no sense. Firstly, those to blame for the empty seats at the Emirates are the fans themselves. After the successful era of the late 90's and early 00's we picked up a lot of so called 'glory hunters' only interested in seeing the team win things rather than supporting the club. Those 'fans' can f**k off and support Man City now for all I care. In addition, you truly believe that sponsors care about the club? No! Their advertisements, which according to your article is being seen by less and less people attending matches, are being beamed around the world on television. The sponsors don't care about the club, they care about making money. But I would have thought that was obvious, I mean they are global corporations aren't they? And lastly, your bemoaning of the CC loss and Wenger being a 'liar'. It was always known (by people with at least two working brain cells) that it would be a weakened line up. Can we afford not to rest some off our star players? The importance that you give to this trophy reminds of a certain team in N17, we have more important issues at hand. Personally, I took more positives than negatives out of the loss. As a unit we played very well against much stronger opposition. The younger players, particularly the Ox showed what they can do and ultimately we were undone by a counter attack of sheer class. But anyway, rant over, I will continue to book my holidays through Thomas Cook, fly on an Emirates plane, play FIFA 12, drink Carlsberg, wear my Air Max 95s and buy credit for my o2 phone. Enjoy yourself on this boycott, you truly are a martyr. No doubt we are not doing as well as we have done or maybe should be doing, but a true fan sticks through thick and thin (and Bruce Rioch) Get behind the team people, they need it now more than ever. AFC

  45. Lewis

    Dec 05, 2011, 9:04 #15601

    You're an idiot: "eight losses by three or more goals in last three and a half years" Jesus what a hard life you lead having to watch one of the best teams in the country, my local side have lost all of their last three games by three or more goals, that is three in a row not not three every 15/16 months. Get a grip.

  46. Keano

    Dec 05, 2011, 9:02 #15600

    Another ignorant attack. Probably one of the most inept I've read in a long time. What exactly has been Arsenal's policy for the Carling Cup since Arsene arrived? How many teams have won more Carling Cup matches than Arsenal in the last decade. Wenger is a liar is he? Doing what he always said he would do for the last 14+ years? Oh my god, we lost at home to the most expensive squad ever assembled in World football, a game in whicj we were by far the better side, had the clearest opportunities, bossed the midfield, and lost to a break-away goal which was the only shot on target that a team with £100m attacking three could muster. Oh the indignity! Curse you Arsene! You write like a twelve year old whose history of Arsenal begins with the Invincibles. Go away, get a job that doesn't involve writng.

  47. divingrooney

    Dec 05, 2011, 8:57 #15599

    Not sure what you want? Will a Birmingham like Carling Cup win and lose all rest approach satisfy you? Spuds are being hailed by all and sundry, despite the fact they are throwing their games in all cups to concentrate only on the league. Wenger rested players for the Wigan game, and we got the result. What if RVP, etc played in CC the game, we lost and maybe someone important got injured? Is CC really worth it?

  48. Goonerant

    Dec 05, 2011, 8:56 #15598

    Mate, we just won 4-0 away at Wigan........... spread some joy, no?

  49. Ivan Oh Ivan

    Dec 05, 2011, 8:55 #15597

    Why? Why are you raising this? No side can just play 11 players for 60 odd games, if they did we get even worse injuries in Feb/march

  50. lonesome jimmy todd

    Dec 05, 2011, 8:53 #15596

    ha ha ha ha! one born everyminute

  51. Ron ware

    Dec 05, 2011, 8:53 #15595

    Get a life. Priorities decide What did moaners do before blogs.

  52. Jack

    Dec 05, 2011, 8:50 #15594

    If you read the quotes he stuck to them and the youngsters gave a good account of themselves proving that with playing in games like that they will become good squad/ first team players. I believe Wenger is approaching the league cup in the right way considering the busy schedule and that we need points in the league. Also without the League Cup that's where Alex Song first started off and he was considered awful when he first joined now look at him one of the best holding players in the world.