Every king needs someone to tell him the truth

An unemployed jester is nobody’s fool

Every king needs someone to tell him the truth

The previous jester at Arsenal wasn’t quite what was needed

Long ago, monarchs employed court jesters or fools as permanent employees (at least till they fell out of favour). Their role was not just to keep the courtiers amused. They were there to tell the monarch what no-one else had the courage to say, often using wit and humour to point up their master’s foibles and tell unpalatable truths. History is rife with anecdotes of jesters overstepping the mark, and paying for it, but also of having real influence over royal decision-making.

Arsenal, at least in the footballing sense, would appear to be a monarchy. This is not so unusual in the sport: Alex Ferguson clearly deserves the description of monarch in the red kingdom of the Mancs. Nor is it necessarily a bad thing. A manager has to be more than the chairman of a committee. In our case, we have one of the most enlightened and intelligent of all footballing monarchs – one who has brought creativity and invention to a demanding role. It is impossible not to have massive admiration for Arsène and his achievements, and I personally (although many will disagree) feel the club would be infinitely the poorer without him.

However…… King Arsène is reputed not to take criticism well, even when it is born of goodwill and imbued with insight. He clearly has very strong ideas – as indeed he should. But does he have anyone to tell him when he is either perpetuating a bad decision or willfully mistaking his geese for swans? Arshavin and Chamakh were, however briefly in their Arsenal careers, swans. They have been geese for some time now, but we persist in using them in circumstances where they cannot realistically be expected to do what is required of them. Does Arsène not see this? Either he doesn’t (and he ought to) or he does (but keeps hoping for a better outcome, the definition of insanity).

Who is there at Arsenal to play the fool to Arsène’s king on questions of football? Pat Rice? Steve Bould? Neil Banfield? Ivan Gazidis? Do any of these four, or anyone else at Arsenal, have the remit to tell the unpalatable truths to the manager? Maybe David Dein did some of this before his departure. We can know nothing of what goes on behind the managerial scenes at the Club. We can only surmise from the actions (or inactions) that become visible to us.

If I were Stan Kroenke, I should feel more comfortable in my ownership knowing that the manager’s autocracy was being regularly punctured by jolts of reality, albeit from someone loyal to Arsène. There is no merit in having a spy in the cab. Our jester needs to have Arsène’s ear not because the owner put him there, but because the manager trusts him and respects his judgement. Will we get such a person? I doubt it, but the idea of a chap wearing a three-pointed hat with jingly bells sitting next to the manager on the bench has a good feel about it.

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  1. R meade

    Dec 23, 2011, 23:07 #16196

    Canada Gooner Wenger was not a credible foreign manager when he took over.......he had done ok with Monico and was in Japan before us you yourself would never consider another coming from that position now and taking over.

  2. Pass

    Dec 23, 2011, 18:07 #16195

    Too harsh and biased against chamakh. Can't blame him for being on the bench because RVP is on fire. He is fine just needs play time. If he doesn't get more he should move on for his own good not for some bitch fan writer in heat looking for a scapegoat for a weak midfield.

  3. Brian

    Dec 23, 2011, 16:08 #16192

    I thought Arsene should have gone last summer, why because he could buy cheap and raise to world class. Now we buy what the big clubs don't want and raise to lower league status. We cannot afford top players and rely upon Van Persie for hope of top 4 position. When Persie leaves then would the likes of Arshavin please turn out the lights on their way out.

  4. Mike's New Historian

    Dec 23, 2011, 8:42 #16190

    Mike- Arsenal have been relegated. And could you tell me the other 3 clubs that have won the Premier League without buying it?

  5. Mike

    Dec 22, 2011, 18:31 #16182

    Theo's bikini line - You are quite correct and I guess overlooked the thirties and the fact that Arsenal is the only club not to have been relegated in its history. My point is Arsenal have probably been more consistent in the last 14 years then they have before - since the thirties ( both Liverpool and Man Utd have almost doubled the number of league titles that Arsenal have. Nevertheless Arsenal still remain one of only four clubs to have won the premier league without buying it as both blackburn and Chelsea did, winning it three times and being runners up 5 times under Wenger - that in itself is not a bad record. Should he be replaced? Maybe, but until someone puts forward a name that makes sense, let him continue - that is my opinion

  6. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Dec 22, 2011, 18:02 #16181

    Oh, and I should add for the 'hard of thinking' that this was all BEFORE Mr Wenger stepped foot anywhere near Arsenal Football Club. We've been around since 1886 NOT 1996!!

  7. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Dec 22, 2011, 15:58 #16175

    " Got to say, agree with Canada Gooners sentiments, Aresenal never dominated the league for any length of time - in fact it is only since Arsene has been there that Arsenal have been there and there abouts for any length of time." In that case matey I suggest both you and CanadianGooner look up the club's history!! I'll give you a bit of a clue: check what the club achieved in the 1930's. Also, until Liverpool went on a long title winning streak during the 70's and 80's it was The Arsenal that were the most successful club in England!!

  8. Alan

    Dec 22, 2011, 10:52 #16164

    I agree with you Mike - Ray Wilkins would be an excellent assistant - more to the point he would crawl naked over broken glass just to knock one out over the opportunity to work for Arsenal.

  9. Mike

    Dec 22, 2011, 9:45 #16157

    Got to say, agree with Canada Gooners sentiments, Aresenal never dominated the league for any length of time - in fact it is only since Arsene has been there that Arsenal have been there and there abouts for any length of time. Arsene does need to change philosophies, but how do you do that with the likes of City and Chelsea around - Chelsea signed Torres 12 months ago and are now looking to offload him - there is absolutely no business sense behind it- just a spoilt like a spoilt child who tires of his toys quickly. No one at the moment can replace Wenger, but the radars should all be switched on in case anyone becomes available - still think Ray Wilkens as assistant coach will be good

  10. As deluded as Wenger

    Dec 22, 2011, 3:21 #16144

    Canada Gooner- ' Project Wenger= Huge profits for the board'? Stan Kroenke, the only man who could tell Wenger what to do (if that were possible), took just £25k out of the club last year, no dividend on his shares + sold none of his shares (he has never sold any shares of any sporting organisation he's ever owned). Considering he's worth $3.2b it hardly follows that he pressures Wenger into 'project' management for financial self-interest does it? So pick the logic out of that my friend + please check your facts before replying again. The rest of your post I despair at as it sums up the depressing acceptance culture amongst our support.

  11. Jekyll

    Dec 21, 2011, 22:22 #16142

    We can certainly surmise that no one tells Wenger anything, or if they try he doesn't listen. The persistence with failed players, year after year, tells us that. Wenger didn't clear out the deadwood last summer, as everyone keeps saying. Denilson and Bendtner would still be there if they hadn't kicked up a fuss - and are only on loan. Wenger would have gone into this season with exactly the same squad as last season if it had been up to him.

  12. CanadaGooner

    Dec 21, 2011, 21:17 #16141

    @CT Gooner: paul lambert is the same as managers that has brought the likes of blackpool to the premiership, at Arsenal he'll be a boy in a man's shoes. As ROCKY RIP mentioned below, a few months back Owen Coyle was the toast of the premiership. These folks can only ever perform as assistant managers at a big club (just like what chelsea's current deputy has done: failed at West Brom, now he's back to what he should be doing: learning). If Arsenal eventually decide to replace Wenger at some point, what we should look for is a young ex-arsenal manager to work as assistant manager under an established manager (whoever that may be) for at least 5 seasons before taking the reigns. Lambert will get us relegated with ease.

  13. CT Gooner

    Dec 21, 2011, 21:02 #16140

    I agree, if only there was a voice of reason Arsene would listen to - it's certainly not the fans. I do get upset when fellow fans suggest Arsene brought the club glory, he has arguably been no more successful than George Graham, and has been in charge for 6 or so more years! Like most of you, I don't want to see the back of Wenger, but I do want him to show us fans that he's pragmatic and like any good leader can alter the course when things aren't working. Now lets say he won't, what's wrong with the likes of Paul Lambert, he's got Norwich competing, that's what I'd be looking for on our next managers resumme', if nothing more than to get the best out of the masses of youth we'll have on the books.

  14. Rocky RIP

    Dec 21, 2011, 19:06 #16139

    Well said Canada Gooner. Is it me, or have the people advocating replacing Wenger with Owen Coyle calmed down a little since he led them to the promised land of the bottom 3? (eg. Myles Palmer. Do yourselves a favour. Don't read him and his self-important pronouncements, which amount to a personal crusade to bring Wenger down.)

  15. Peter Wain

    Dec 21, 2011, 18:30 #16138

    Realistically only the sack will get Wenger to realise that Arshavin and Chamak aer turkeys. However you can add Rosicky, Djourou and Diabty to the list. We need a massive clear out in January but will probably buy noone. What we dont want is Bridge on loan. He is very definitely third rate.

  16. CanadaGooner

    Dec 21, 2011, 18:03 #16137

    @ As deluded as Wenger: chicken or egg? Project Wenger = huge bonuses for the board (buy cheap, young players or unknowns and turn them into superstars), so unless you're saying Wenger kept all the proceeds of project wenger, your logic doesnt make too much sense I'm afraid. Arsenal FC wasnt ruling Europe nor winning back-to-back league titles before Wenger - we have never reached the heights of Liverpool or Man Utd in footballing folklore - what we've always done is retain a huge slice of respectability compared to the other clubs in the league. What's so wrong with that? Not winning anything in the last 6 seasons is the only anomally here, and supporting the club 100% this season and hoping we get a few good players in addition to what we have, is the way to go - and we may be in with a shot.

  17. Michael Preston

    Dec 21, 2011, 17:50 #16136

    Canada Gooner: no, I don't have any complaint about your comment. If I read you right, we're in agreement (I still wouldn't complain even if we weren't): I'm still an Arsene supporter. I just don't think you have to believe anyone is above criticism in order to support him. We're not in Pyong Yang.

  18. As deluded as Wenger

    Dec 21, 2011, 17:49 #16135

    Chris- You keep believing that Wenger doesn't spend because the board tells him not to if it makes you feel better mate. The uncomfortable truth is that Project Wenger was in operation long before Kroenke and Gazidis were around, and everyone knows The Principled One would walk if he was told to do something he didn't want to do or didn't feel neccessary. To have minimum £50m sitting in the bank when we're selling our best players and our squad is so thin is criminal. Please don't tell me that's what the board told him to do. How he keeps getting away with it in some peoples eyes is one of life's great mysteries.

  19. Chris

    Dec 21, 2011, 17:15 #16133

    Anyone but Arsene managing Arsenal under the current board's restrictions / policies would be a complete and utter disater and anyone who thinks otherwise is a FOOL.

  20. CanadaGooner

    Dec 21, 2011, 16:49 #16131

    @Michael Preston: credit for your attempt at humour. The question is: WHO TAKES CRITICISM WELL? I have seen people on onlinegooner go nuts if anyone says anything opposite to what they're thinking and I'm sure if I criticize this article, you'll be at my throat in minutes. The press decide how each manager is represented and once they box you into a stereotype, everyone else laps it up. If you look at 3 long-serving managers in the premiership for example: Fergie, Wenger and Moyes, and you replay their reactions after losing a game, their comments about the referee and their blind defense of their players is very similar. But hey, why dont we label the french guy as the sore loser? very convenient for the british press isnt it? I have seen a lot of the interviews by that idiot (Jeff Shreeves or whatever his name is), where he puts words in their mouth right after a heated encounter and only asks provocative questions in his usually nasally-crap tone. A lot of the translations are deliberately misconstrued: you have a bunch of players that can hardly string a couple of sentences of english together (the british ones included) and you expect some news-worthy information? Yes, Wenger has turned into a stubborn fool 9and has been for a few seasons now), but with increasing pressure (and some of you on here are doing a good job of that, win or lose....) I still think he can change, buy some players, drop his silly kid-buying youth-policy only philosophy and get us back to the business of winning some silverware it's so easy not to realise what you have until it's gone and I just look at the crop of managers we've seen over the years and totally CRINGE at the thought of any of those managing arsenal (big sam? brucie? sparky-hughes?....) - unless we can get another credible foreign manager (and there aint too many of those available right now..)

  21. ppp

    Dec 21, 2011, 16:37 #16130

    people who use harry redknapp as an example to follow should be ashamed of themselves. their support for tottenham has been noted and will keep them under suspicion for a minimum of ten years.

  22. Rocky RIP

    Dec 21, 2011, 16:30 #16129

    Louise XIV's massive ego - 'Arry surrounds himself with informed opinion - thats how you get it right more often' Pardon? 'gets what right, exactly?' Shall we compare the 2 managerial records to see who is 'getting it right' 'more often'. Do you actually believe your own codswallop?

  23. Ron

    Dec 21, 2011, 13:31 #16125

    Dein might have been a fan, but left to him we 'd have been playing at Wembley. Seeing him waltzing down the Hornsey Road, waving at those he imagines to be his adoring 'supporters' on match nights with his bunch of gorilla's either side of him tells me hes a prize chump, if nothing else. I wouldnt let him wash my car, Wengers mate or not. Jumped up spiv.

  24. What was the point in leaving Highbury

    Dec 21, 2011, 12:13 #16123

    I would like to see Dein back, however, as is widely reported him and Arsene are already bossom buddies so surely Arsene is already recieving his words of wisdom on a regular basis and yet the more stubborn Wenger becomes and the more he damages are great club.

  25. Jonah

    Dec 21, 2011, 12:09 #16122

    There could be a situation where he is fully aware that they no longer serve a purpose for Arsenal, but openly admitting that they are no longer part of the club's future would result in potential transfer value being reduced further without any negotiation.

  26. Website Editor

    Dec 21, 2011, 11:49 #16121

    divingrooney - it looks to me as if you have just read the picture caption rather than the article...

  27. Louis XIV's massive ego

    Dec 21, 2011, 11:44 #16120

    Arsenal are managed by an ego-maniac who doesnt believe in assistant managers, first team coaches or anything like that. Fergy uses Phelan to get close to the players. he always has an alter ego around the place as thats smart management. when DD was around then AW ego was kept in check as DD was Mr Arsenal and AW knew it. now AW is absolutely untouchable, un-critiscise-able and it is a massive problem for the club. The french are notoriously pompous and egotistical. Arry surrounds himself with informed opinion - thats how you get it right more often

  28. divingrooney

    Dec 21, 2011, 11:18 #16119

    onlinegooner.com = crib against Wenger.com site is getting more and more ridiculous every day Eboue might not be everyone's favourite, but was a damn decent player. He dived, but so does Rooney and Gerrard, no one hates them. I would be pretty happy, if he had been in the team now. He is definitely better than Djourou and Jenkinson.

  29. Tony Evans

    Dec 21, 2011, 11:14 #16118

    Something needs to happen to make Wenger see that certain players have no future at Arsenal and to accept that he got it wrong. We all make mistakes and there is no shame in that but the more Wenger tries to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear the more ridiculous he looks.

  30. matt

    Dec 21, 2011, 10:51 #16117

    Yep.We all need it.Thats what David Dean did maybe.

  31. Hamza Ali Baksh

    Dec 21, 2011, 10:38 #16115

    David Dein. Full stop.