I used to love a drop of Hennessey at Christmas

Arsenal's Christmas celebrations undone by keeper's cracking festive display

I used to love a drop of Hennessey at Christmas

We’d rather have had a dose of this on Tuesday

Hennessy VSOP is a cracking festive tipple whereas Wayne Hennessey, it turns out, isn't a half-bad goalkeeper. It's a shame that I'll never be able to look at either in quite the same way again.

First of all, I have to say that young Wayne Hennessey deserves a lot of credit for a Man-of-the-Match display in which he managed to ensure that only one of Arsenal's shots on target managed to hit the back of his net, the pick of the bunch for me being his stunning one-handed save from a scorching van Persie free kick.

Manchester United, by comparison, managed just eight shots on target against Wigan on Boxing Day, but the superior quality of those strikes meant that five of them, including a cheeky Berbatov penalty, managed to make Ali Al-Habsi's net bulge like Santa's Christmas sack. The fact that Arsenal managed eleven shots on target against an ultra defensive Wolves side, but only managed to convert a single solitary effort, should tell us that, as well as Hennessey performed at the Grove, Arsenal must have left their shooting boots hanging over the fire instead of their Christmas stockings.

It appears that, if the genius that is Robin van Persie doesn't manage to get his name on the score-sheet, then this Arsenal side will always struggle for goals in tight matches, and that could well turn out to be too much of a burden for even the most lethal of all hit-men to shoulder.

When Gervinho put van Persie through with a clever reverse pass on 15 minutes, we all thought it was a foregone conclusion that the Dutchman would make Hennessey's net bulge but, as the ball so happened to fall into the path of his fully extended (but unfortunately much weaker) right foot, the chance went begging. If Arsenal had managed to get that -important second goal in just 15 minutes it would have forced Wolves to come out and, heaven forbid, actually attack us, and we could have had a rout on our hands but it turns out that RvP is human after all. The fact that van Persie looked disappointed with his early miss from a difficult chance on his weaker foot speaks volumes about his exceedingly high expectations of himself, and he should take some solace in the fact that even the great Lionel Messi doesn't score in every single game.

The minor blip on RvP's almost-perfect goal-scoring record came amid a blur of Arsenal passing and movement that had already seen the Gunners go 1-0 up through a wonderful Gervinho goal. Benayoun split the Wolverhampton defence with a delightfully weighted through-ball before Gervinho sold the keeper one way, moved the ball a few yards in the opposite direction and coolly slotted home between two scrambling Wolves defenders.

It's difficult to criticise the Arsenal front three too much here as Gervinho got a goal and almost had an assist, Benayoun did in fact get an assist and Robin van Persie is quite simply the best player that we have in our squad, even if this wasn't to be the fairytale day on which he shattered Alan Shearer's long-standing goal-scoring record inside a calendar year.

I concede that Gervinho had some heavy touches, and his final ball was found wanting on more than one occasion, but I can forgive him all that because he works very hard for the team, tracks back and seems to have an almost uncanny ability to beat a man at times, let's hope that if we get Henry back on loan he will be kind enough to give the Ivorian a few tips on how to bury the chances he invariably conjures up for himself.

Benayoun needs a few more games under his skinny little belt before we can fully assess his credentials as a regular member of our starting eleven, but the Israeli was full of running and notched up an assist to go with his two goals already this season despite limited game-time.

The fact that Arsenal currently have no conventional full-backs to call upon surely didn't help matters much in this game, as, once Stephen Fletcher's close-range header flummoxed and wrong-footed Wojciech Szczesny, Mick McCarthy's merry men were under orders to shut up the proverbial shop and get all 11 men behind the ball. (To be completely fair to young Szczesny, I would have to comment that Fletcher was played onside by a haphazard Arsenal defensive line.)

Would our regular full-backs, who are more used to working in wide areas, overlapping and providing width to the Arsenal attack, have helped unlock the resolute Wolverhampton defence and been more useful as auxiliary wingers? I believe so, but, nevertheless, Thomas Vermaelen tried manfully and impressed me while playing out of position.

Johann Djourou, on the other hand, hasn't even got the hang of playing centre-half properly yet, so playing him as a right-back seems ridiculous to me. We can only assume that Wenger rates Coquelin and Frimpong as worse options as emergency full-backs but I fail to see how they could have done any worse than the gormless-looking idiot that offers nothing going forward and constantly makes Swiss cheese out of our otherwise-improving defensive unit. On more than one occasion, Djourou's panic-stricken passes played our switching wide-men, Benayoun and Gervinho, into trouble and poor Johann looked more like a fish out of water than a ten-foot marlin flapping around on the deck of some huge Red and White fishing vessel. Until Sagna, Jenkinson, Gibbs and Santos return, Arsène is going to have to take a punt on either Coquelin or Frimpong as emergency right-back because this is not the first time that the hapless Djourou has put in a woeful display in that position.

Arsène's other notable inclusion was that of Thomas Rosicky, who played some lovely passes at times, but, sadly, looks as though he has lost all of his pace and lacks confidence in front of goal. I love Thomas Rosicky, but playing him alongside Mikel Arteta meant that we had two technically-strong playmakers in the central areas but who both lack pace and are not quite able to provide the late runs into the box that quite often can settle this type of contest.

I'm not for one minute suggesting that Ramsey didn't need a rest, because he quite obviously was in dire need of some, after averaging the joint-furthest distance covered per game this season (7.2 miles) of any Premiership player. What I am suggesting is that Oxlade-Chamberlain could have provided the extra attacking threat in a central area that could have opened up the Wanderers’ dogged defence, that is if we are now working under the assumption that the lacklustre displays of Arshavin and Chamakh can only be cured by the short sharp shock and embarrassment of falling behind a very talented teenager in the Arsenal pecking order.

We could try and pluck an excuse out of the ether for this poor result, but that would be both silly and pointless because, in the end these are the types of games you positively HAVE TO win at home if you are going to make the top four come the month of May. We can't even blame the Ref for this one, despite the penalty-appeal from which he cruelly averted his gaze because, if you cannot break down ten-man Wolverhampton Wanderers at home unaided, you have serious problems. It's just such a shame that we don't have some money in the bank for some new signings in January or a billionaire shareholder (or two) to help push us on to the top-four finish that we'll require to retain the services of Robin van Persie. Oh... Sorry... What's that? We do???

A few more frustrating results like this and Kroenke might be able to hear the chants of "Spend some f***ing money" from the Grove all the way across the Atlantic come January, and I'm sure that the Gooner and OnlineGooner can provide the data that proves just which players that the fans would like to see in an Arsenal shirt come Deadline Day: Baines, Gourcouff, Pato, Demba Ba, Soldado, Van der Weil, Hazard, Götze, M'vila, Podolski and Vertonghen. Anyone else I missed, fellow Gooners? Happy New Year, and let's hope we can fare better against QPR with the possibility of Walcott and Ramsey returning and the unlikely prospect that Djourou will play at right-back again!

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  1. Joe fitzpatrick

    Dec 30, 2011, 17:00 #16315

    Ron- excellent answer mate. Couldn't have put it any better.

  2. Ron

    Dec 30, 2011, 9:39 #16302

    Hi Joe. Tough one to answer mate. On balance i'd say that the motivation is and has been broadly there amongst the players, but AW has this thing about the game always having to be aesthetically pleasing hence 'finesse' is elevated above 'fight'far too often and for many years now, has placed a burden on too many players who lack the requsite skills to live up to what AW expects of them. During the Cesc years, the finesse aspect of the game was all directed through him and to a lesser extent via the likes of Nasri and Hleb etc etc and to a degree it worked. The trouble now is that the skill and technical levels of the present team has declined markedly, yet we re still trying to play a game that many of the players are ill equipped to play. it makes us look like we re not motivated enough. The prsesnt team does have a bit more steel to it than did the teams of the last 5 years, who in my view had become somewhat deluded and arrogant about their own abilities, thought teams should have rolled over for them and whn it never happened, they didnt have the heart or will and were too sulky to fight to earn the right to play 'the beautiful' game. Top teams dont and never will roll over and this explains why we ve hardly beaten them in the last 4 -5 years.In short, the motivation is there for the most part but its often been misdirected and ill advised. AW is of course to blame as much as the players, as any team always partially reflects the persona of its Coach. If Arsenal want to play with lesser gifted, bargain basement players, they need to adopt an attitude and style that is more English league than French/Spanish. Arsenal have in my view been in a football culture time warp for far too long and they need to be free of it. Can it be done under AW? i dont know and i confess to having some doubts i have to say. His teams of 97 - 2004 hit a correct balance between toughness and finesse, but by 2004/2005 the arrogance and moodiness of Wengers teams was already self evident. Just look how they sulked for so many months after they lost the infamous 'game 50' to Utd. Wenger sulked. They all sulked and could hardly win a game for some time after that. It was from then that my doubts about Wengers ability to motivate started. Had the same have happened to Utd, im pretty sure Ferguson wouldnt have allowed the same mental weakness to show itself or if it had, players would have been shown the door.

  3. Joe S.

    Dec 30, 2011, 0:27 #16300

    Firstly, sorry Ralphdog. I put my foot in my mouth saying Northern teams often capitulate easily against Man. U. forgeting our own inglorious effort this Autumn. I'll take the flak. Secondly I agree with you totally Joe F. on the Jack Wiltshire issue. The kid had a decent season in 2010 - 11 but not earth shattering and he still remains a work in progress and not a saviour. Also considering the gravity of his injury, he should be allowed to restart with a clean slate, given the time to rehabilitate and recover his physical as well as psychological conditioning. Ideally the club should look at him as a long term prospect and try to find another immediate replacement. Should Jack come good, as we are all holding our breaths for the team will have become all the stronger.

  4. Canadagooner

    Dec 29, 2011, 23:34 #16299

    @JF - difference is, Fabregas moved to Barcelona (where he's guaranteed some trophies: GUARANTEED), Modric moving to chelsea was never a big deal as they were never going to be spectacular this season with torres in the driving seat and will probably finish behind tottenham. but if things go as they usually do, spurs will crumble soon (and blame some pre-match meal or the other) and finish where they normally do, and modric will be at chelsea come summer and will turnout as useless as torres next season

  5. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Dec 29, 2011, 21:07 #16297

    CanadaGooner- I'm going to be crucified for saying this but... As good as jack is he managed 2 goals and 9 assists in 40+ appearances last season. Is it really fair to expect a lad born in 1992 to be our saviour or do we need more to complement his obviously HUGE potential? Personally I think we should have made Fabregas wait another year as The Scum did with their rat faced Modric.

  6. Greg71

    Dec 29, 2011, 20:14 #16296

    the fullback situation or more to the point lack of one rumbles and grumbles on,lets try something totally different like changing the formation now and again! A prime example being the Wolves game,with a team obviously coming to defend in numbers and pick up something from a dead/long ball (sounds familiar ? ),why not try a back 3,song in front of them linking up with a four man midfield (any 3 of the usual plus Gervinho),plus extra last chance saloon arshavin playing through the middle with RVP up top. I stress not for every game and the squad may change in January (any chance a 5ft ten midfielder aged 17-20 ?,)what do we think about this change in supposedly winnable home games,at worst it may encourage a few of these teams to put a 2nd player the other side of the half way line?

  7. Joe S.

    Dec 29, 2011, 19:36 #16295

    Hah!Ralph dog, What's with the more superior than thou attitude. You dig out a point and you shoot your mouth off ridiculously. So, like most fans outside of London you hate Arsenal and enjoy seeing them squirm even if it means endorsing cashed up clubs like your beloved Manchester teams or sacred liverpool. So much nonsense. As much as I'm frustrated by present club decision making and the attitude of a few players ( which club has a squad of 100% wonderful human beings? ) the fact is Arsenal have often been on the end of bad refereeing decisions, probably given by people with an agenda like yourself still ingrained with an imprinted notion from the 30's that Arsenal FC equals corrupt wealth and buying success.As to diving and cheating look around you.I'm sure a lot of the Northern grit comes from the need to scramble, fight and manipulate referees in order to achieve a result.Also , why do Northern clubs often capitulate so easily against Man. U?

  8. Canadagooner

    Dec 29, 2011, 18:51 #16294

    @Joe Fitzpatrick: hopefully wilshere will be back at some point. as for ramsey, all the running is good, but he needs to practice his finishing a bit more and perhaps he wouldnt have to cover so much ground when we're 3 goals ahead instead of 1 goal ahead (which ultimately leads to a draw and 2 dropped points). As for your question - I'm not sure how effective a motivator Adams or Keown are - they were bloody good players, but as adams has already shown in his few months of management, running a team is a totally different prospect. but you may be right and perhaps those lads could inject some ambition into our players. personally, i think it's more an issue of setting some objectives for them and the likes of gazidis to stop all that talk about how comfortable they are with a top 4 finish. we need a return of an atmosphere at the club where we have no tolerance for failure and see winning trophies as the only representation of success at the club and not top 4 finishes or getting to the last 16 of the champions league. perhaps starting the next season with a target of securing the carling or FA Cup to begin with and then the players can aspire for more. right now, it just feels like players bide their time at arsenal until they've attracted enough attention for man city or barcelona to come for them...

  9. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Dec 29, 2011, 18:51 #16293

    @Ron- thanks for you comment and your continual presence on the onlinegooner. As an obviously die-hard Gooner, do you believe that there is a lack of motivation among the squad as your comment suggests?

  10. Joe fitzpatrick

    Dec 29, 2011, 18:37 #16292

    @Bognor steve- erm.. Djourou had a good game? Yes if you are a wolves fan he sure did. @ Canadagooner- are you referring to My comments about Ramsey needing a rest? If you are, I'd reiterate that he has ran the furthest per game than any other player in the Premiership this season and is still relatively new to the intensity of the EPL so yes I'd say that the lad might have earned a break. Do you believe that Wenger is doing enough to motivate his players or does he need a Keown or Adams beside him to bark at the players for him? Just a question that I'd like to hear your opinion on, that's all.

  11. Bognor Steve

    Dec 29, 2011, 17:51 #16291

    Utter rubbish. I can't believe from your report that I was at the same game. Djourou had a great game considering he is playing out of position. He made no defensive errors and manfully supported the attack on many occasions. His forays forward were a joy to behold a nd the fact that the final ball didn't always hurt the opposition was more down to the fact that there is not enough movement among the attacking players who seem to want to play most of the game at training game pace.

  12. Canadagooner

    Dec 29, 2011, 17:25 #16289

    "need a rest"? rest from what? I love to compare the stats for games played by the likes of Henry, Pires, Wiltord and others (and guys like wiltord wanted even more games). this is the molly-cuddling i've beentalking about for months. and as for all the comments about how poor djourou is or chamakh or arshavin, seriously! go and look through the team list of the teams that have beaten wolves this season and tell me if most of them wouldnt welcome our players with open arms. we have the players to dispatch wolves and most of the other teams in the league, question is: why aint we? and I daresay the answer lies in the lack of ambition and seeming acceptance of a 4th place finish as our goal right from the beginning of the season. we found ourselves in an enviable position after a poor start to the season, but i'm sure the players already feel like they've achieved enough this season? i can see RVP scoring fewer and fewer goals now that the media-fuelled stories of scoring x number of goals in a calendar year has been turned into a personal trophy! who gives a hoot about the number of goals a player scores in a calendar year? (did henry go without a trophy the year he scored 34?). i've read a lot of ridiculous comments about "who selects the players": would anyone have thought the starting 11 we had on tuesday couldnt handle wolves? (especially after the 8th minute goal)? we have a good team and a fairly decent squad that may struggle to beat the top 5 or 6 clubs, but we should be ripping through all the other teams home and away. so, why aint we? i repeat: lack of ambition, no set objectives/targets for each season and blind acceptance of 4th place and no trophies. we're all set targets at our respective jobs, so should these lot and the manager! enough of this mediocrity! come on you gooners!!! almost an identical match-up coming up against QPR,let's hope someone's had a decent conversation with the team by now...

  13. Reg

    Dec 29, 2011, 16:43 #16288

    Lee Armitt, never mentioned numbers & what i said was that midfield players are a much better option to fill in at full back than a big centre half. It's about mobility and the reason why full backs are rarely 6 foot plus. Yes it is Wengers fault that Djourou is playing at full back bacause he picks the team!

  14. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Dec 29, 2011, 16:26 #16287

    Lee Armitt, No you can't have six full backs in the first team squad, but that is when you at least dip into your youth team for someone that plays the position, not rely on a centre-half that looks like a fish out of water even in his preferred starting spot!! So the question has to be: where are the youngsters from our apparently 'world-class' youth system? Why isn't there a young full back deemed good enough to step in and play the odd game or two when required, rather than move the centre-backs out? While we're at it, how comes our much renowned and celebrated youth system hasn't been able to manufacture a striker worthy of the name over the past few years? All this, remember, at a time when producing youth is supposed to be the club's strength!!

  15. Dwaine dibbly

    Dec 29, 2011, 16:21 #16286

    What Ron said. Sometimes you just draw games of football, get over it. Come on you Reds!

  16. Peter Wain

    Dec 29, 2011, 16:07 #16285

    Anoither transfer window another 4 weeks of missed opportunities no doubt. Of course we need players We need a top quality striker we need a creative mid filed player and above all we need full backs. What will we get A loan deal with Thierry which concerns me a lot and some young or old free transfer. We have seen this is too often. When we finish out of the top 4 what will the excuses be then?

  17. lee armitt

    Dec 29, 2011, 14:33 #16284

    Reg can you please give your brain cell a scratch to say the manager is to blame for not having 6 full backs at the club is stupidity behind belief.give me strength

  18. But

    Dec 29, 2011, 13:44 #16283

    Would you be saying Rosicky had lost all his pace (which he hasnt) if he got 3 assists, which quite honestyly he could of got. Ramsey scores sometimes, but he is so much more wasteful than Rosicky, its frightening

  19. Jekyll

    Dec 29, 2011, 12:21 #16282

    I'd say it's very likely that Djourou will continue at RB. Wenger has decided he is his RB cover and that is that. It's nothing to do with form or performance - just look at Chamakh and Arshavin still coming on every single game ahead of AOC. There is a pecking order in place and it takes an injury or major calamity for that to be altered. Wenger prizes squad 'harmony' above all.

  20. Ron

    Dec 29, 2011, 12:10 #16281

    Theres been far too much analysis of the Wolves game. Wolves played well. Despite their limitations, you have to admire that fact that Mc Carthy never lets their heads drop and they fought like fury,all qualities that our team has so often lacked in recent years.

  21. RED FRED

    Dec 29, 2011, 11:53 #16279

    If Djourou has to play at right back then so be it but why does he continually run with the ball into the opposition half and then lose it by either getting tackled or a misplaced pass.Please Johan just defend and dont cross the halfway line, i understand you are playing out of position but keep it simple.Last season no centre backs, this season ,no full backs. When will this injury jinx ever end? As for Diaby and Gibbs constant injuries,it is fast becoming a joke!We seem to solve one crises ie goalkeeper, centre backs etc and then walk straight into another!As for Titi coming back, cant do any worse than what we got but we really should be looking at a more permanent signing! Oh well as they say "Arsene knows"......

  22. HershamWolf

    Dec 29, 2011, 11:34 #16278

    You really are in an awful state. Surely every football fan will feel very sorry for you.

  23. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Dec 29, 2011, 10:53 #16277

    Ralphdog- you're right. Arsenal are no longer to be counted as realistic title contenders with performances like this and are a million miles from the manc clubs in the league. Still, in our defence I would say that at least we have a go at whoever we play including Barcelona. I admire your commitment to your team because I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than watch Wolves every single week.

  24. Will

    Dec 29, 2011, 10:43 #16276

    Very fair post Joe. Agree with all of it. Manu don't have a much better squad than we do but they always seem to dig out a result in these kind of games, we don't. I know its speculation but for all our trials and tribulations this season if we had taken full points from Blackburn and Wolves we would have the same points as the Spuds. However the hope of a top 4 shouldn't blind us to the reality that we are a club on the slide. 4/5 seasons ago we were a top 2 side, then a top 3, with arrival of Chelski and now we are a top 4-6. The club needs significant investment at full back, midfield and upfront just to keep pace let alone manage a tilt at the title.

  25. Ralphdog

    Dec 29, 2011, 9:45 #16275

    OK then, next time we play you, we'll play 4 strikers and make it easy for you. We won't bother trying to make a tackle, heaven forbid one of you players loses the ball. Then again, maybe our manager will learn from your's and tell his players to dive and cheat and surround the ref at every opportunity. Maybe then Song would have got a red card (or possibly 2). We defended because you are better than us and we couldn't get out. You are just not as good as the Manchester clubs, sorry. A once great club "The Arsenal" has become the most despised club in England due to shunting, diving and cheating. Well done Arsene. And your fans don't even realise.

  26. Reg

    Dec 29, 2011, 9:32 #16273

    Re the full back farce. 6 foot plus immobile centre halves will never make a full back. It just highlights the bad management at the club and for those of you that have forgot we've been here before! 2006 Cashley & Clichy injured and we wheel out the hapless Cygan at left back. The answer then was flamini. To state the bleeding obvious good midfield players can play at full back very easily. For those older gooners think Storey, johnny Hollins, Stewart Robson, Micky Thomas! Wenger doesn't learn and seeing we have an assistant that was fairly good in that position obviously doesn't listen either!