Back to earth with a bang

Online Ed: Something missing at Craven Cottage

Back to earth with a bang

Well, the African Cup of Nations can’t come a day too soon for me. To see the back of Gervinho and Chamakh at the same time will be like manna from heaven. After the QPR match, I wrote “…profligacy can be afforded against QPR, but it may undo the side as soon as the visit to Craven Cottage, to say nothing of the two legs against Milan to come in the Champions League.” I get zero joy from this piece of foresight, although my haters in the comments below will tell you otherwise. Just to respond to those that feel I should credit the manager for the meteoric rise to fifth place after the lows of August, it was precisely because of the Arsene Wenger’s refusal to do the necessary business before the season began that the team found itself languishing in 17th and in desperate need of a change in policy, which thankfully the 8-2 defeat at Old Trafford brought about. With experienced signings and a change in the approach to defensive coaching things have indeed improved. Credit to the manager for that, my only quibble would be why he didn’t see that was the way forward in 2007. Still, better four years late than never. In the interim, we saw Cesc Fabregas paired with Denilson and a clown between the sticks. Still, Arsène knows best.

His two significant pieces of business pre-season were to buy Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, who despite the price tag has been little used, and Gervinho. The latter came with a reputation for needing a lot of chances to score. I assume the manager saw something in the player that he thought he could improve. Sadly, it hasn’t worked out. With him on one flank and Theo Walcott on the other, you have to ask the question of how many goals Arsenal might score with a couple of decent attackers instead. We’d be top of the league. Gervinho was a gamble that hasn’t paid off, and Arsenal paid a heavy price at Craven Cottage in a game that should have been done and dusted by half time.

The side came out of the traps fast and performed very well in the first half, setting up a number of decent chances. But Koscielny’s was the only one converted and Fulham came back big time after the interval. Djourou was careless for his first yellow card and played into trouble by Mertesacker for the second. At home, he might have got away without being booked for the second offence, but not away. Arsenal were down to ten men and the entrance of Sebastien Squillaci merely proved how stretched the team are at the back. Having said that, Ignasi Miquel was on the bench, and there was surely an argument for bringing him on instead of the hapless Squillaci and switching Coquelin to right back.

As Arsenal tired, a man short, the Fulham goals were no surprise, given the amount of pressure. It was real backs to the wall stuff and the Gunners were not quite resilient enough to hold out. Szczesny made some fine saves in the game, but was guilty more than once of failing to take the ball and on the second occasion paid dear. Squillaci wasn’t strong enough for the winning goal when he had the opportunity to clear, but he has never adapted to the Premier League.

Fulham away is rarely a gimme and at the end of the Christmas period, I am sure no-one expected it to be. One does wonder why Thierry Henry was not at least on the bench. His ability to finish chances is surely better than either Walcott’s or Gervinho’s and the Gunners are rarely scoring many these days. We’ve only got the player for a matter of weeks, so – assuming all the paperwork is in order – the club should be making hay while the sun shines. Maybe he isn’t registered yet, but his return can’t come a moment too soon.

The team have a week’s break to regroup, and a number of the regulars will be rested for the FA Cup tie v Leeds. The visit to Swansea and the home game against Manchester United will provide stiff tests for a side that has struggled for results lately, mainly due to profligacy in front of goal. If Arsenal are to make a hallowed top four spot, this will need to be resolved, and perhaps a line-up featuring both Henry and Van Persie will prove to be the much-needed salvation. Looking ahead, if the manager can manage to find takers for Gervinho, Walcott and Chamakh in the summer, then I won’t be shedding too many tears.

One final note. I know Gary Neville highlighted Francis Coquelin as being one of the defenders at fault for Fulham’s winner, but overall, he had a very creditable game. He is one player that should remain in the team on form as I think his performances of late have earned him a run to show further consistency.

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  1. jjetplane

    Jan 05, 2012, 20:19 #16593

    If this carries on even the comment section will empty out. The premiership is an over[paid circus and Wenger and his full bank account are well in the mix! Remember when we had heroes - what must Henry be thinking - same **** as Beckham, lets hope not Im expecting big things from that lad I mean hes as famous as Michael Jackson now!

  2. chala

    Jan 05, 2012, 18:11 #16591

    i just hope Mr. Kevin Whitcher is available to replace Wenger and save Arsenal...

  3. Tony Evans

    Jan 05, 2012, 8:18 #16572

    Mandy - Let's all forget about the Spuds shall we. For me they are a non-entity and always will be. Let's also concentrate on the here and now and not start comparing what Wenger won 7 or 8 years ago to the Spuds miserable trophy tally. We are all more than happy with what happened at our club under Wenger up to 2005 but at the moment we resemble a rudderless ship and most of us feel conned by the promises made after the move from Highbury. I will always worship Wenger for some of the best moments I have been lucky enough to witness as an Arsenal fan but at the moment he drives me nuts!

  4. Wombledin

    Jan 05, 2012, 4:36 #16571

    As soon as I heard Verm was gonna be out for a while injured yet again I knew points were gonna get dropped.

  5. Mandy dodd

    Jan 04, 2012, 22:25 #16568

    Harold, looking at the posts on this thread, seems like you need to be picking out quite a few for their tottenham obsession, come to think of it, apply that to just about every thread that appears on here. Constant griping at all things arsenal, yet praising all things tottenham, does not really sound like a population of a site that is supposed to be for the more fanatical end of the spectrum of Arsenal, does it now. I expect a reply from someone with the Id compromising only their Christian name, if things go to form. Or....surprise me?

  6. Harold

    Jan 04, 2012, 18:33 #16560

    Mandy Dodd- Correct, Wenger's Arsenal won more league titles between 1998-2005 than tottenham have in their entire history, and he was given due praise and thanks for that. But that was 7 years ago, so what's it got to do the here, the now and the future? Kenny was spot on with everything he said, and you need to get over your obsession with tottenham.

  7. the pole is in our goal

    Jan 04, 2012, 18:05 #16557

    just to put mandy dodd straight on her comment re arsenal always finishing above the afriad you are looking in the wrong direction for your rationale.if its was down to purely transfer spend then probably any one of the other 19 premiership clubs would likely finish above us let alone our paranoid neighbours !!almost without exception there is a clear correlation between performance & wages.usually the teams that finish in the top 4 pay the top 4 highest wages. sadly one of the only teams to buck this trend i believe is our beloved neighbours in 2009/10.!! it really is as clear cut as that,we have been paying top 4 wages & they have not. simples !!!!!

  8. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Jan 04, 2012, 15:30 #16548

    CanadaGooner, your knowledge of European football is very suspect mate. Please go back and check your facts regarding Barca in the 2-3 years pre Guardiola. They were in trouble, considering Spain is pretty much a 2 club league as far as titles go, with underachieving players on fat cat Ronaldinho, Deco etc. Sound familiar? Pep came in, got rid of the dross, promoted from within, bought a couple big names and the rest is history. And if every idiot could manage a team of galacticos, Real would have won every season and Citeh would have won the title last season. When Ferguson was going through a lean period, he recognized his problem (i.e. not having replaced McLaren suitably since Ferguson has always been used to strong no.2 such as Kidd etc.), addressed it, got Quiroz in, gave up his obsession with CL focussed 4-5-1 with the likes of Veron playing "just behind" the striker (again...the obsession with 451 sound familiar?), went back to 4-4-2, spent money and got back in it. Do you see Whinger doing ANY of the above? Nope. You really should brush up on your knowledge of football before entering into the offense

  9. GoonerRon

    Jan 04, 2012, 14:26 #16545

    @ Kenny - a good response to Mandy but anyone can list things to add weight to an argument. e.g. Tottenham spent as much to sack Jol, to poach Ramos, to sack Ramos and to poach Redknapp as we did to buy Vermaelen, Sagna, Ramsey and RVP.

  10. ATID

    Jan 04, 2012, 14:02 #16543

    Am I the only one fed up with AW's post match whinges? If you ever watch him during the game he spends infinitely more time complaining to the fourth official than he does encouraging his players. Then, whenever we lose, he gets trapped in toys out of pram land. On Monday night we lost but it was a fair result. If our manager spent more time doing a bit of objective root cause analysis then he might have something sensible to say. jourou is an accident waiting to happen and has been for a long time. None of the fans near me complained when he was sent off because we all knew tHat he was a liability who you expecgt to make game threatening mistakes. And Arsene, why is it that players like Walcott haven't improved over the last five years? He can't cross the ball, he can't shoot, what does he bring to the team. Again the fans around me cheered when young Theo was subbed and they weren't cheering his replacement. The Achilles heel of our manager has always been his loyalty to players who are never going to make the grade or no longer up to the job. Walcott, Diaby, Arshavin, Rosicky, Djourou, Park and Chamakh won't last five minutes if we ever get a new manager. In the meantime our best players will get the hump and leave. Sound familiar? La plus ca change le plus ca le meme chose.

  11. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 04, 2012, 13:49 #16541

    Dave /Kenny /Graham / Jack / Jason / whoever... et al, you still have not answered me, you have a go at Wenger and the players but the poor old spuds have never eclipsed what he has won, what he has acheived, the world class players he has developed, and unfortunately, as you will know, it will be a very very long time before that club even comes close to winning what Arsenal have under this one manager. Spurs fans know that as well,hence the hostility towards Wenger, some have clearly grown bitter in the shadow he as cast. But dont worry, guess you can say you are a bigger club than the hammers and QPR if it makes one feel any better? btw, you cite RDV / Modric as bargains, can I remind you to consider how much we paid for RVP?

  12. Graham

    Jan 04, 2012, 11:28 #16528

    Mandy there is more chance of Bale and Modric staying at the Spuds than RVP staying with us next season

  13. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Jan 04, 2012, 11:15 #16525

    CanadaGooner: " your graham example was also quite laughable - did he win as many trophies as wenger?" Err..... Graham won 6 trophies in 8 years - Wenger has won 7 in 15!! Oh, and Graham never went more than 2 years without winning a trophy. Your ignorance of all things Arsenal pre-Arsene Wenger is shocking, if not totally surprising.

  14. Dave

    Jan 04, 2012, 11:08 #16524

    Mandy Dodd - you are the one detached from football or AFC at least. Kenny's comments are all 100% valid, we are in decline and they are/have overtaken us. Your comments paper over the cracks just like that baffoon is doing to our club, its not about what's happened 15 years ago its about now and sadly in reality we won't finish over them. In fact your comments remind me of excuses Spurs fans used to tell ME years and years ago which sums everything up right now

  15. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 04, 2012, 10:26 #16517

    Lol kenny, you are obviously detached from the world of football, and I note you could not explain why the spuds has spent so much and have not finished above us for fifteen years. That casts a big shadow. Glad you mentioned modric and bale, let's see where they end up next summer? And arry, will he be managing England, or Hmp parkhurst? Then there is the stadium to pay for. Then there is your sugar daddy owner in the cayman islands starting to get fed up of financing you, hence the need for the new stadium. Enjoy moving forward! What is it, fifty years without?

  16. Merse69

    Jan 04, 2012, 10:01 #16515

    Yes, Fabregas played alongside Denilson. But Wenger's preference was for Ramsey and Wilshere. Funny how that's not mentioned in the editors balanced and insightful match analysis.... RVP clearly needs more support. From midfield, Walcott, Ramsey and Wilshere (when not on the treatment table) should all be getting into double figures.

  17. Kenny

    Jan 04, 2012, 7:04 #16503

    Mandy Dodd who writes your posts your hubby Ken? A couple of questions for you.Who is the selling club the Spuds or us?They keep Modric and Bale we lose Cesc and Nasri.Who pays £13m and gets Gervinho and who pays £13m and gets VDV,Parker and Friedel?Which club has a stadium that holds 35,000? Which club pays Diaby Rosicky and Chamakh more than Modric?.Which club is improving and which is going backwards?Which club is all about making profits?

  18. DW Thomas

    Jan 04, 2012, 5:55 #16502

    All fans really want the best for the Arsenal. I believe that wholeheartedly. However, I cannot agree with those that continue to say be patient and allow Wenger to do the same things he always does, and say the same things he usually says. "Mental strength?" He is having a laugh. You can't polish a turd as they say. Perhaps Wenger's biggest fault (and sometimes strength) is giving players to many chances without a real going off on when they fail or don't perform. Take Djourou for example. He was brilliant last season at times, but looks a fish out of water this year in all positions. Does he get individual coaching? Do they look over his performances on video each game? How can these players make the same mistakes again and again and be called "professional"? I am not sure if sacking Wenger is the answer, but he must rethink this January and get some new signings in. Otherwise he cannot have any excuses come May and no trophy, let alone no 4th place. Sure, players must perform, but Denilson and Bendtner left and then were replaced by more non-performers. Where is Park and the Ox? Too many times Wenger has his cake and eats it too. I listened to Owen Coyle the other day post match after another Bolton loss talk about replacing players with those who want to win and perform. Wenger never says anything close to that, how player/team effort is too often unacceptable. Talent without work ethic is nothing to write home about. Too many of our players lack the winning work ethic, not the talent. It is Wenger's job to get this out of them and then the talent will carry them to wins and trophies. Failure is too accepted at the club these past few seasons and it continues unabated. Funny how Kevin was spot on in his prediction of this last game's result. Those fans only looking at the positives are too easily dismissing the massive problems that must be rectified.

  19. PaulieC

    Jan 04, 2012, 0:59 #16500

    It's a sad state of affairs when we even have to rely on Walcott for anything. What a let down that guy's been, 95% of the time. Get the Ox involved more. Surely, Park is no worse than Chamakh, why not let him have a run out? With the players we have, 4-3-3 is never going to work. 4-4-2 all the way, that way RVP can at least create a tap in for Park et al. Regarding the defence, Igors Stepenovs would get the nod ahead of Squillaci. That's how bad it's got.

  20. Tony

    Jan 04, 2012, 0:46 #16499

    Bringing on Rosicky appeared to be the manager’s attempt to keep possession and see the game out, which was obviously too much to ask. The opposition’s introduction of Kerim Frei, on the other hand, for a knackered Danny Murphy demonstrated their intent to go at us in the final stage of the game. With Djourou on a yellow, frankly, who could blame them? I would’ve loved to see the insertion of Frei’s counterpart in our squad, the Ox, to provide needed energy and perhaps have a go at Riise to potentially relieve some of the pressure on the defense. At this point, I’d like to see more of what the Ox has to offer. He couldn’t possibly be more frustrating than Gervinho and Theo as of late. Please, give the boy a go, Mr. Wenger! You’ve indicated he’s ready! Martin Jol is instilling confidence in the aforementioned Frei by giving him a run with the first team. I’ve admittedly never worked half a day in football, but I'm nevertheless left wondering why our manager refuses to give the Ox the same opportunity. Bottom line, in my opinion, is that Djourou and Squillaci don’t deserve to wear many first team shirts at this level, let alone Arsenal’s. Another maddening outcome of the Fulham match is the emergence of Coquelin as a versatile, useful young player. This will certainly be cited by the manager as evidence of the lack of a need for defensive reinforcements. I’m hopeful there’s more work being done in addition to the Henry loan, but ultimately, I don’t expect much else in this transfer window. It's a shame, really.

  21. IMAC

    Jan 03, 2012, 22:42 #16496

    Brilliant comments by Deathead and very true. Can someone please tell me why we bought Park. Wenger clearly does not rate him as he hasn't played 1 min of PL. It must have been for commercial reasons to increase Arsenal's support in that part of the world.

  22. CanadaGooner

    Jan 03, 2012, 22:36 #16495

    @Whinger_OUT_NOW: your examples are rather strange. so, if Man Utd had gotten rid of Fergie when he startled years back would they have won all those trophies? also, chelsea can fire managers at will because they also have $50M to spend on a single player without thinking twice. they will change whatever they deem possible and can make multiple changes (manager, players etc) to make things happen, we cant. futhermore, you mention Barca, very funny. with the players they have (and what they paid for those players) big-bird from sesame street can manage them and they'll be just fine. you dont seem to live in a 'real' world. this isnt fantasy football. if buying players was so easy, would liverpool be behind us in the league right now after spending almost 70million on suarez, carroll, enrique, henderson etc... if arsenal can change the board, get new players all at once, then, YES, getting rid of wenger could be a suitable option and perhaps someone like martin o'niell with either tony adams or martin keown as assistant could do well enough. your graham example was also quite laughable - did he win as many trophies as wenger? also, what style of football did his team play again? i dont have a problem with you voicing your dissatisfaction with the team and wenger and whoever else you wish to vent at, that's your prerogative, but to tell me that arsenal as we currently stand, are in a position to dump wenger, then you're not half as clever as i thought you are. if a few other things can be changed, then yes, perhaps also changing the manager could help. if not, you drop wenger and nevermind 4th place, it'll be relegation dog-fight and that's a fact. what he needs right now is some help and commensense that he so obviously lacks. if you can provide both, kindly call wenger directly and we'll all owe you big time

  23. Joe S.

    Jan 03, 2012, 22:30 #16494

    I hope those who slagged off the editors previous match review against Wolves as being too negative are still able to see the positives today and are having fun enjoying the moment after Fulham. These would be squandered opportunities,poor decision making from the boss,a useless bench, Theo, Squillaci,a penchant for playing like headless chickens,and so on. Most of the above are a direct consequence of Wegner's policies or lack of, including the ridiculous situation where the club is unanable to strenghen the team because of an over prolifiration of ( mostlly ineffective ) foreign players.Most other businesses would regard it as bad management. If I wee a Swansea fan I would go along with rhe roller coaster ride and definitely enjoy the moment that has so far been their season, taking the good with the bad. At present they have been playing attractive inspired football, and have a potentially world class manager in control. Arsenal are not Swansea however and expectations are high that they remain an elite team. The present squad and the manner in which Wegner has allowed it to deteriorate suggests a standard that is not quite good enough. Enough of the band aid solutions. Sweeping changes need to be made.

  24. clockendpaul

    Jan 03, 2012, 22:16 #16492

    Mandy dodd... maybe spurs spend what they generate, pity we don't

  25. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Jan 03, 2012, 22:09 #16491

    Canadagooner, so Whinger lacks commonsense etc. etc. etc. but he should still be paid 6.5M/year and be retained because who knows, the next person might be worse. Sound logic that. What would have happened had Dein stuck on to Graham who had lost it by because of the same logic? Fear of the unknown is horse**** logic and you know it. Look at what Barca have achieved after getting Guardiola in. Look at Chelsea after getting Ancelotti in. Roman is a fool for sacking him so soon. Look at any of the other examples. Wenger has lost it and has lost it by a mile. A man gone this far off the deep end will never ever return. Otherwise, he would have managed to do so in the 7 years that he's faffed about talking bollocks about 4th place trophies and whinging about referees. I don't want Hill-Idiot around any less than you but the fact is the board may or may not be sacked easily. Trusting Whinger to do the right thing by getting rid of the Diaby's and bringing in non-french speaking players who can actually play football is pointless. But, sacking Whinger is the easiest and the best way out. A new manager with a new backroom staff who can drill defense will do wonders. The new manager will cut out the dross that Whinger refuses to get rid of and replace them with at least a few good players. It is bullheadedness to expect this dead man walking to change himself at this age when he couldn't change his ways in 7 long years

  26. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 03, 2012, 21:59 #16490

    Mark, can someone explain to me why spuds have spent six times more than us in transfer fees in recent years but have yet to finish above us? Must be wengers weakness as a coach.

  27. Mark

    Jan 03, 2012, 21:38 #16489

    can someone please explain to me how spurs have a wage bill of £70mpa and their first 16 players are so obviously better than our first 16 players and our total wage bill is £110mpa ? i think the answer has something to do with Wengers weakness as a coach, tolerating the likes of rosicky, diaby, arshavin for so long when arry would have smartly swapped them out

  28. draiggogh

    Jan 03, 2012, 21:17 #16488

    This seems to be the only site left that calls a spade a spade.There's something badly wrong at AFC :WENGER, his tactics, his substitutions, his embarassing moaning, Walcott and several others .Keep up the insightful observation.

  29. Dickie

    Jan 03, 2012, 21:15 #16487

    I was not in favour of the return of Henry as it just seems to suggest we are not going to be in the market for much needed reinforcements this transfer window. However, we are going to have to shift some deadwood before we recruit as we have our full quota (17) of Non-homegrown players (see below). I would quite happily see the back of a number of these names, but there is no room for Henry or anyone else as things stand. Almunia & Squillaci may be safe due to lack of numbers in their positions. Perhaps the never present Park is the man to be sacrificed given the unlikelihood of sales. These 17 NHG's should be top quality players performing at their peak, not bargain basement buys or stars not pulling their weight and well past their sell-by. Our squad reflects AFC's continued mismanagement in the transfer windows. Manuel Almunia,Andrey Arshavin,Mikel Arteta,Yossi Benayoun,Marouane Chamakh,Abou Diaby,Lukasz Fabianski,Gervinho,Laurent Koscielny,Per Mertesacker,Chu Young Park,Tomas Rosicky,Bacary Sagna,Andre Santos,Sebastien Squillaci,Robin van Persie,Thomas Vermaelen

  30. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 03, 2012, 21:09 #16486

    Not easy to beat any opposition with what, nine injured players...or so. Not easy for Walcott and gervinho, with central defenders trying to join them or overlap, as opposed to genuine fbs. Just thought that worth a mention, the way arsenal play, we need our pacy fbs, of which jd clearly is not one. And on top of all that, not easy to win with a ref who gave us absolutely nothing, and not only probert, three games, five clear penalties denied. Compare and contrast with the way refs treat utd, Chelsea or city these days.

  31. Canadagooner

    Jan 03, 2012, 20:57 #16485

    @Wengonomics: downing? are you nuts? you think gervinho's bad in front of goal, downing wont score if the post was twice the size it is and he was the only player on the pitch! downing was aweful at middlesborough for years and gets away with it because he plays for england and the press wants a hero - I was so happy when he turned arsenal down (knows he couldnt cope) for liverpool. this is exactly why some of the comments and advice on this site makes me laugh my head off: downing! ha ha ha.

  32. Viking

    Jan 03, 2012, 20:46 #16484

    Walcott and Gervinho are useless. Can someone tell Gervinho to shoot? And if he does, perhaps he can hit the ball with some venom as opposed to his scuffed daisly cutting weak efforts. Both players are frustrating, Theo has not improved, and will not improve, how players like Scott Sinclair, Nathan Dyer, Adam Johnson, Aaron Lennon can be overlooked baffles me. We have so many average players in the sqaud it's frightening, Seb, Almunia, Djourou, Shava, Chamakh, to have 1 or 2 would be incompetent, but we have a whole team of them? Who is responsible? Yes, he needs to be held accountable. I never go into any game now expecting a win, it's sad, but I have no faith in us anymore, I love the Arsenal, and will always go to our games, but some of these players do not deserver to wear the shirt. Pers was once again useless, I just can't believe some of you rate him, he has cost us so many goals, it's beyond a joke. Why did he not clear the ball? Why did he not win his header against Dempsey in the box, it's cos he's slow, cumbersome, and not very good! Wenger said he thought Fulham were trying to get Djourou sent off, if thats the case why not have the foresight to sub him? Bringing on Seb just compounded the problems and gave Fulham a further lift. The return over Xmas is not good enough. 4th place will only be achieved if Chelsea and Pool slip up. Well played to Ramsey and Coquelin, both put good shifts in, Ramsey was excellent first half.

  33. Andreas

    Jan 03, 2012, 20:36 #16483

    Yet another defensive change late in the game sees us lose. Why couldn't Song drop back and go 4-3-2? Surely, bringing on a player on for 12 minutes who usually takes 3 games to pick up the pace of the match was a bit naive?

  34. nugs

    Jan 03, 2012, 20:19 #16482

    unfortunately bar 5 players this squad is nowhere near good enough, wengers signings have clearly failed or in chamberlains case have not had a chance to fail! we could have signed 2 or 3 premership proven players in the positions needed, bar arteta for whatever reasons wenger chose not to. but hey lets blame the standard of refereeing not our own glaring inadequacies just like mr wenger.

  35. Canadagooner

    Jan 03, 2012, 20:16 #16481

    'wengerite'? 'AKB'? nonsense! nobody on here is a wengerite or an AKB - we're simply reasonable people who believe that Arsenal as a club isnt equipped for a change in manager just yet! that's nothing to do with what wenger achieved in his first few years or subsequently - it's more to do with commonsense and the lack of any obvious replacement for him that will do any better, as our problems go well beyond getting a new manager in. unless ofcourse you replace the board at the same time as well as some of the crappy players we have. anyone who cant see the logic to this is either illiterate or just too hateful of wenger to see reason. i'm watching the spurs v west brom match right now and cant help but feel really sorry for arsenal. we had a chance to buy shay given, we didnt (who would have thought a 40 year old goalie (brad friedel) could be this good eh? is Harry a better manager than wenger? answer's very simple: NO, and he never will be (a simple, factual look at their records confirms that), if you look at players bought, trophies won, league finishes to date and appearance/performance in europe, harry can only dream of what wenger has achieved. however, when it comes to commonsense and pragmatism, harry beats wenger by a country mile! why did arsenal sell william gallas? why didnt we buy van der vart (he spoke to arsenal first)? why are so many ex-arsenal players still performing so well in the premiership (cashely, adebayorcash, cashri and clichicash)? why didnt we buy scott parker? simple answer to all these questions: STUPIDITY and lack of commonsense. every team has it's failings and most managers in the league are nowhere near as good as wenger is even at his worst, and that's a fact. but the ones winning trophies apply a bit of commonsense which wenger blatantly lacks, and if it isnt clear enough to him that somethings has to change then we're in for a hard ride for a while yet

  36. Wengonomics

    Jan 03, 2012, 20:13 #16480

    Gervinho cost £11m and Downing cost Liverpool £18m. Downing knows what his best position is and could have shown Theo how to properly knuckle down and play a real role during a game with responsibllity instead of floating during a game. so Arsenal saved £7m but dont have Gervinho for January. i think Downing over the course of a season will give you more than Gerv or Arshav

  37. Shropshire Lad

    Jan 03, 2012, 20:11 #16479

    Good stuff Kevin. I can forgive your negativity because that's what, as I have said many times before, is the essence of a True Gooner. What I cannot forgive is the amount of blog time, as editor, you are giving to the supercilious, pseudo-intellectual Canadagooner. You seem to have driven away interesting and funny contributors such as Oxymoron in favor of these self styled 'analysts'. A bit sad because the format you have developed has real potential for fun, banter and wild criticism of all thingscArsenal!

  38. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Jan 03, 2012, 19:55 #16477

    Canadagooner, Whinger out refused that he needed a new assistant. This question was posed to him by the press just after the Blackburn game IIRC. Or maybe it was the 8-2 hiding. He said, he feels no need for a new assistant and that Primorac and Rice are doing fine yada yada yada. When Rice does retire this season, you can bet your last penny that the new assistant will be another Rice like person - subservient to the core and a complete Yes man, out of touch with modern football and clueless about drilling a defense. Why can't you get one thing through your head? No matter how you try to deflect the blame, it will always and always end up at Whinger's doorstep. Blame the players? Who retained Walcott for 5 years? Blame the assistant? Who refused to bring in a new one? This is NOT Arsenal anymore. This is Wenger FC. Where he's the ultimate authority on all football matters..unless that involves burning a hole in Kroenke's pocket which when Whinger is reigned the Nasri transfer. For all other practical purposes, Whinger is free to run the club like he wants and he will never EVER bring in ANYONE that will steal his thunder away. Just ask Martin Keown

  39. Adrian Wagenaar

    Jan 03, 2012, 19:47 #16476

    A well thought out editorial with previous comments coming home to roost. The result did not surprise me one bit, in the second half we adopted the same mode as we did at the end of last season, we just sat back and waited to lose the game. We have money in the bank for players but will not spend it because our board and manager are too frightened of the pressure to win trophies that spending large fees on proper quality players will bring.

  40. GoonerGoal!

    Jan 03, 2012, 19:30 #16475

    Another fine mess you have got us in.... The Wengerites amongst us will no doubt leap to his defence, but once more his ability to select a team to beat lower level opposition and his poor use of substitutes have been totally exposed. 4 out of 9 points against Wolves, QPR & Fulham, made worse by the fact that two of those games were at home, need anyone say more? Its time to own up about Walcott too. Nice boy, will never make a footballer. This is as good as he's ever going to be, without his pace he would have nothing to offer, and just what use is pace without technique and the ability to beat a man or pick out a pass or cross? Yep that's right, not much use at all! As for Gervinho, it seems all he has to offer is hair! Just think Walcott without the pace! We should cash in this summer on both. In fact, the summer would be a good time for a major clearout, with the manager at the top of the list!

  41. Dan h

    Jan 03, 2012, 19:11 #16474

    Most of us on here are not reacting just to last nights result but it's happened far to often.Yes even when we were winning leagues & cups under AW we blew the odd lead late in games it happens to every team.RVP apart who is our matchwinner?We have no right to win anything but to not be competitive with the resources at our disposal frustrates me the most.The self sustaining model imo IS the way to go for the club to grow.The last few years it hasn't been anything but asset stripping of the playing squad.Self sustaining means imo using your transfer budget added to player sales this club just reinvests in cheaper players.We in effect have not had a budget since we brought our new home look at the figures it's there in black & white.Profit made again in the summer & last minute deals due waiting to see if the CL was made.Thats why after 20 games we sit here having lost 6 already we started the season unsettled went on a good run but we sit where we are because the same mistakes that happen on the pitch are being replecated off it.

  42. James

    Jan 03, 2012, 18:53 #16473

    Arsenal win never win anything again as long as we have the Wenger apologists.Wenger comes out after every defeat and blames the officials.He spends more time during a game talking into the 4th officals ear.He never sees it when we do something wrong but he has 20/20 vision when our opponents do something wrong.But the AKB's lap up his excuses.Nothing to do with a clueless manager,lack of tactics and overpaid bottlers.Its all down to the referee's.Wenger lives in denial.He has his excuses ready before every game.Strange he never mentioned the Fulham offside goal which was ONSIDE but the officials were against us werent they Mr Magoo.

  43. CanadaGooner

    Jan 03, 2012, 18:48 #16472

    @cagooner: there's nothing 'outstanding' about a team that's dropped 5 points in 2 games to Fulham mate. Not to antagonize you, as that's not my objective here, but seriously, Coquelin?! he will have to perform consistently for a couple of games back-to-back before we start singing his praise. Walcott is never going to get any better than he is now, so we either keep him and use him as backup or we should get rid. Same goes for the majority of our players and I would rather finish 4th with new players than the same idiots we've gone 6 seasons without a trophy with!

  44. cagooner

    Jan 03, 2012, 18:17 #16470

    I thought Coquelin was outstanding. Walcott on the other hand is worthless. Sell him or get into his head that he needs to step up and be an influencial player out there. He can no longer get away with being the youngster on the wing. Coquelin showed him what leadership is all about. I also though taking off Ramsey was a big mistake.

  45. Chris

    Jan 03, 2012, 17:57 #16469

    Why is it that anyone who diagrees with the tone of the critique on this site is a 'hater' who thinks 'Arsene knows best' no matter what? Personally, I don't find the premonition that Arsenal might drop points against QPR if they didn't take thier chances particularly insightful, but that's just me. The point about Arsenal's current position is that if you can over react to a bad run (like the beginning of the season) but it's the performance over the season that counts. That run didn't cost Arsenal any competitions (ok, it made the league title all but impossible but who expected that nayway?) and now we're in with a strong chance of top 4 and are in the CL knockout stages. None of the specific points Kevin makes here or in his last review are particularly controversial - or insightful. But the context reeks of an agenda and for that reason, I'd recommend a big pinch of salt be taken with them.

  46. Peter Wain

    Jan 03, 2012, 17:24 #16468

    After yesterday it is a shame that Walcott isn't going to the African Nations cup. He really is a very limited talent and Gervinho and Chamakh are both useless. We need a through overhaul of the squad but this will not take place until the summer at the earliest and with Wengers track record for buying sub standard players in the last few seasons no one can be opitimist about us being top London club again. Champions league qualification is not out of the question for the next few years as the club slides back into the mediocrity of the 60s.

  47. allybear

    Jan 03, 2012, 17:16 #16467

    Very good comments by all concerned but in my opinion the blame is squarely at the manager. His ineptitude tactically and in the transfer market surely proves that he is past it. Imagine getting paid 7mil a year to manage like that! Anyway i cant see any decent signings so it will be more of the same for the rest of the season. Should be good versus ManU in a few weeks.

  48. CanadaGooner

    Jan 03, 2012, 16:46 #16466

    i thought the outcome against barca few months back when Arsenal tried to play a defensive game would have left a lasting mark (I suppose we were doing ok until Fabregas decided to back-heel?). We dropped 2 points against Wolves after an early goal and failure to widen the gap, we will drop points against any team going forward if we dont build up a 2-goal gap: they've all seen us now and know whay mugs our defenders are. Question is: how do we get a 2-goal cushion when we have walcott and gervinho? You can blame Wenger all you want, but for those who are clever enough to pause for a moment and apply some commonsense, it would be quite obvious that the problem we have goes deeper than that. we have slowly regressed to our start of season form and it's now almost certain that without the Verminator we dont have a defense and if RVP doesnt socre, we dont win. If we buy all the players people on here continue to mention, we'll still have the same problem - even when we were doing really well with Henry, Pires and co, arsenal had issues against Bolton and a few other clubs when it came to breaking them down. So, not sure why this is suddenly being treated like it's a new weakness. Solutions to consider should include getting a fiery assistant for wenger, someone who can kick a boot in their faces at half-time (4 - 7 stiches minimum should do the trick), 2 more defenders and 1 proper striker so we can send walcott out on loan

  49. will

    Jan 03, 2012, 16:10 #16465

    Losing is no disgrace but the manor of it reaffirmed all the fears posted here and elsewhere. When RVP doesn't score were're done for. Gervinho and Wally were diabolical and wally has the audacity to ask for 85k a week. The Ox must be playing rubbish not to be able to dislodge those 2 clowns. Did anyone understand the point of the boss's substitutions ?

  50. chrisy boy

    Jan 03, 2012, 15:54 #16464

    on paper the holiday fixtures should have seen us take at least 10 points out of a possible 12, to end up with 7 points is very poor and i think will now cost us the lofty heights of 4th place, if wenger and the board cant get it right in this transfer window then the time has come for a clean sweep at our club, trying to do everything on the cheap is just not going to get us anywhere. Mr usminov get ready ! ! !

  51. Martyn

    Jan 03, 2012, 15:31 #16462

    I fail to understand how poor our performance was in the second half compared to the first. It was like watching two completely different sides. I cannot believe that Arsenal set out to 'park the bus' but it looked very much like it from what I saw and we deserved to get punished by a strong Fulham performance. Once again there appeared to be a complete lack of tactical response when Fulham started to boss the midfield. I felt really sorry for RVP having to play with those two turkeys up front too. Only consolation is the poor performance by our rivals in Manchester. After all, Man City with all their world-class players couldn't score at all at Sunderland. Funny old game!

  52. Gare Kekeke

    Jan 03, 2012, 15:15 #16461

    @ Gee, thank you for speaking the truth my fellow realistic Gooner. I really can't add any more to what you have said as it's exactly what I've been thinking myself for a long time. Pep Guardiola is available in a few months time people. A 2-time European Cup winning manager (something that OGL will NEVER achieve once let alone twice) who spent a bit of time at our club to do his coaching badges and who wants to manage to England to compensate for never playing in Blightly. And please AKB's, don't say we can't afford him or his transfer budget. OGL is reportedly earning between £6-7 million per year and is using the club's profits on big fat contracts to his 'top top players'. Some are worth it (Vermaelen, Van Persie please!) and some are not (Walcott for £85k a week, bitch please!!! The guy sitting behind me at the cottage was not happy at the prospect of that). The Arsenal 21st Century, big club with a corner shop mentality. Terry Neill was sacked in 1983, four years after failing to build on his lucky FA Cup win against Man Utd. Why is OGL still being retained after failing to build on his lucky FA Cup win against Man Utd? In fact, had we lost that game, in which we should have, our trophy drought would have been streched to eight years as opposed to seven. Not good enough for a massive club like The Arsenal. Rant over.

  53. Deathead

    Jan 03, 2012, 14:49 #16460

    Everything is relative. After such a terrible start to the season many Gooners have been impressed with the turnaround and praise for Arsene has been widespread. But surely we should question why it happened in the first place. Its like repeatedly pissing all over the toilet seat and bathroom floor and then expecting the wife to lavish you with praise when you start to get it in the bowl.

  54. au revoir wenger

    Jan 03, 2012, 14:27 #16457

    the managers post match interviews make me cringe,the man is an idiot and an embarressment to the club

  55. steveArsenal

    Jan 03, 2012, 14:24 #16456

    Thank you for your measured and spot-on comments, Kev. Much appreciated. And please continue. It seems the vast majority of commenters below agree with you. So don't worry about the odd delusional critic (usually semi-literate).

  56. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 03, 2012, 14:17 #16455

    Another honest piece ed but i think you let of the biggest liability to ever pull on an arsenal shirt Djourou of to easily why he is still playing for arsenal only two people know arsene and god.The two mancs the totts and chelski gave us late xmas presents but did we say ta very much hell no we sent them back unopened with a card can't accept disgraceful we keep hearing the tired old line we will learn from this but we never do and lets face it we never will this team is simply not good enough a major clear out is needed with three or four coming in but we all know it's not going to happen i have a leeds supporting mate and they really fancy their chances no matter what team we put out say's it all really i wouldn't bet against us handing them a late xmas present it's a good job i like a drink because arsenal at the moment would certainly drive you to it.

  57. HowardL

    Jan 03, 2012, 13:48 #16454

    Wenger seemed to be resurrecting the Conspiracy Theory in his post-match interview - and to be fair he has a point, reinforced in his official email today that clear penalties were refused in the games against Man C, Wolves, Villa and now Fulham, which bears examination. However, last night we were on the ropes for the whole second half and were quite fortunate that our one goal lead lasted so long. Most of the questions I would ask have been covered by previous posts but the main ones are: what was the logic in sitting back on a one goal lead with no game until the reserve match next Monday? Why did Wenger not substitute Djourou before the predictable 2nd yellow (he was a mistake waiting to happen)? Why take off Ramsey - he didn't look injured? And finally, why oh why Squillaci?

  58. WHL87

    Jan 03, 2012, 13:44 #16453

    It was very good 1st half performance but, yet again, we didn't take our chances. Gervinho was the worst culprit but Walcott is becoming a liability. I think he has one PL goal in 12 games (at Chelsea) and hasn't scored at home in the PL for over a year? That's just not good enough and his final ball is a complete lottery. Fulham were much better than us the in the 2nd half.

  59. Highbury Boy

    Jan 03, 2012, 13:18 #16451

    Apart from one blog I haven't posted for some while but I do not understand why fans are so shocked at yesterday's defeat. Facts are 1. This is weakest team and squad since Wenger arrived.2. We have just one class international player(who has one year left on his contract and I'm not talking about Walcott) Who could blame him if he followed Nasri and Cesc? 3. We have 3 very good players (Sagna,Wilshere and Vermaelen) but all out injured. 4. We have one inexperienced but promising gk and a promising young midfielder in Ramsey.5. The rest of the squad is just not up to standard and never will be.6. The defensive coaching throughout the squad is poor. Wenger's recent transfer buying has been woeful and contrary to recent years there appears to be no real quality younger players coming through. The Board has never shown any inclination to do anything other than give Wenger a free hand over all matters and to regularly award him new increased contracts. The Thierry re-signing is a great PR exercise and better than nothing but a smokescreen. When Wenger arrived he was fortunate to inherit Graham's superb back 5 and Dein's Bergkamp. When he leaves I fear he will leave nothing on the playing side,just memories of the great sides in the first half of his reign and a lovely stadium.

  60. Tony Evans

    Jan 03, 2012, 13:09 #16450

    Tired of this now and resigned to my club not being as good as they ought to be. Wenger baffles me now just like he has done since his youth / miser project started: strange substitutions, seeing something in certain players that the rest of the football world can not, misplaced belief in his team's ability and never seeming to learn from past experiences. Yes we are better placed at the moment than I ever thought we would be after such a bad start but is this all we can now expect, especially when you consider how much we pay for the privilege of watching them.

  61. SilverGooner

    Jan 03, 2012, 13:08 #16449

    We have had a poor run of games over the holiday period. And against relatively poor oppositiobn. I do wonder whether anyone on the board is worried that we shan't end the season with our usual top 4 finish. Right now, that is the way it is looking! It is time for everyone at the club to wise up and address the shortcomings of the squad. Failure to do so means we will be relying entirely on Spurs or Chelski to mess things up. What a sorry state of affairs!

  62. allybear

    Jan 03, 2012, 13:05 #16448

    Mark2 my sentiments exactly,i said a few days ago that this is typical cheapskate Wenger bringing back Henry and we are all to jump around with the excitement of it! I think its pathetic and shows Wengers ambitions and his naivety. I doubt if mant PL teams will be worried. Last night proves yet again what a weak squad we have.

  63. Gee

    Jan 03, 2012, 12:57 #16447

    I accept we can not realistically compete with Chelsea and City. They can go out and buy who they like with no care to the money. We have to manage things carefully and that's fine. However we made another profit in the transfer window. We have £50m+ to spend on players and new contracts. We have at least another £10m in deadwood to sell (in a firesale) not too mention the associated wages this would bring. My issue is sitting on this money and doing nothing but bringing in elastoplast loan players. We act like a small club when we are the 4th or 5th richest in WORLD FOOTBALL. There is always an excuse when it comes to why we don't spend. VP will not be signing a deal and it has nothing to do with what he can EARN elsewhere it's what he can WIN elsewhere. He looks around and sees 2 or 3 decent players coupled with 2 or 3 decent PROSPECTS. It's not good enough. For years Wenger has refused to supplement the squad with quality. For an additional £8m we could have got Mata instead of Gervinho for F*** sake. But we try to play hardball and it doesn't work we haven't got the power in the backroom nowadays to do this. Wenger calls all the shots, Gazidis has absolutely ZERO influence and Kroenke is only interested in financial survival and ensuring a healthy bank balance. It is a recipe for a football club that will continue to earn millions off us loyal fans in sky high ticket prices and deliver nowhere near the equivalent on the pitch. Wenger's obsession for developing talent has only grown over the years. For F*** sake he begged and pleaded for a special talent permit for 17 year old Ryo Miyaichi and is now considering loaning him. The striker he bought in the summer, Joel Campbell, was refuse his permit and has to spend the entire season in France. The biggest purchase (in the long term) in the Summer, Oxlade-Chamberlain, has been given nothing in terms of playing time when we look desperate for some kind of creativity and threat to aid RVP further. We are sold the potential line year after year after year after year. If it's not one thing it's another with excuses. Stadium debt, property debt, waiting for FFP, wage inflation, transfer fee inflation, low shirt sponsor deals until 2014, injuries, referees, players leaving when realising their full potential every single season. I could go on.

  64. bigreddave

    Jan 03, 2012, 12:52 #16446

    Arsenal throw away 3 points after taking the lead, what a shocker! How many times under wenger has this been allowed to happen? The facts are there for all to see this side since leaving highbury has been on a downward curve and it's only going to get worse under wenger, our only chance of overhauling the spuds who are clearly a much better side than us now is if wenger goes, we get lucky and get a decent replacement and redknapp takes the england job and spurs hit the buffers as a result. finishing 4th now will be a minor miracle. Also where are all the AKB's who were having a go at Kev's last match report after the QPR game? All gone a bit quiet over there now eh?

  65. GoonerRon

    Jan 03, 2012, 12:42 #16444

    Really disappointing result but I thought the first half performance (in terms of attacking approach play) was very good indeed. Second half they came on to us and up until the sending off we looked pretty resolute defensively. I thought it was two yellows so disagree with Wenger on that but agree that our lack of penalties in recent matches is incredibly frustrating, with potential point-changing consequences against Citeh and Fulham. I think Wenger's gripe at the referee was masking his ultimate frustration that we didn't take our chances in the first half, nor maximise the most of promising situations we created. Gervinho and Walcott were particularly wasteful but I'm not of the opinion we should sell these players. Gervinho has shown enough to make me think with a bit more polishing he can be a very effective player for us. Walcott's pace (when used effectively) can give us an edge in certain matches and therefore he has his place in the squad, but I'd really like to see AOC given his chance to properly challenge whilst Gervinho is at the ACN.

  66. Wenger out now

    Jan 03, 2012, 12:32 #16443

    The 2nd half performance was nothing new its become common place every season.A total collapse.But it just shows how much rubbish Wenger talks when he says his team has mental strength.We have some very good players as we had when Cesc was at the club but those good players are surrounded by dross.Djourou is an accident waiting to happen,while Song(all he did was kick Fulham players last night)Gervinho and Walcott are not good enough.Last summer we started to get rid of the deadwood,although Denilson and Bendtner are still our players.Yet we still have deadwood at the club picking up massive wages while not producing on the pitch.We need a new manager with new ideas and new players.We cant wait till 2014 for Wenger to do more damage.But it wont happen while the fans continue to get fleeced by the club.

  67. Tooklander

    Jan 03, 2012, 12:19 #16442

    Four points from a possible 12 - and three of those games against Wolves, QPR & Fulham. That is not enough for top four, and nor should it be. Utd put five past Fulham. Why can't we sign a warrior like the mighty Booby Zamora - give me him over that lightweight sack of ****e Walcott. The temporary signing of Henry should be the cherry on top, but on top of what? A bloody cow pat thats what. The only silver-lining to Spurs finishing above us might be a reaction from our brain-washed fan base. BGN - you ask why we moved from our beloved Highbury? Official reason - to compete with the big clubs. Real reason – so that the directors can bank millions and millions. C**ts.

  68. [email protected]

    Jan 03, 2012, 12:14 #16441

    With a business man as owner of sports club,this was going to be the case.This process of not spending started as soon as SK became majority share holder, not now. Arsenal board has decided that they will be happy to be mid table club though they will never say that explicitly.Us supports need to adjust our expectations now.If board is really ambitious then they will buy right players in Jan (1 cf, 1 attck MF, 1 full back in addition to TH)

  69. Adeniran

    Jan 03, 2012, 11:22 #16440

    Quite an insightful piece and certainly one of the more objective analysis of the game at craven cottage.Your perspective on how Wenger's attitude prior to the disgrace at old trafford is also spot on. But you go and spoil it all by asking for the sale of,wait for it,Gervinoh,the ONLY player,who despite the shortcomings you rightly pointed out,can take on defenders in this arsenal squad and in a overly physical league.

  70. Aaron

    Jan 03, 2012, 11:17 #16439

    Jose Enrique is 25 years old, is equally adept at defending as he is going forward, was a proven commodity in the Premiership and available in the summer for £5m. He has started 20 games for Liverpool this season (including every one of their 19 league games) and voted in the team of the half season. Instead Wenger signs a Brazilian clown who looks as though he does not even understand the concept of defending (had never played left back until he was 26 after his transfer to Fenerbahce). Wenger can blame refs all he likes but his poor transfer decisions, awful defensive organisation, inept wingers as well as lazy journeyman such as Rosicky result in meltdowns we have witnessed consistently for the past 5 years. Nothing will change

  71. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jan 03, 2012, 11:12 #16438

    I'm doing my best to consider recent events as amounting to a 3 match "blip", rather than recognising the situation as the February slump starting six weeks earlier than usual...because that would just do my head in...again...

  72. Dave

    Jan 03, 2012, 11:09 #16437

    Good article, glad you've highlighted the fact that you have to take out the 'bad start' and judge the 20 games over exactly that - 20 games and not just the last 13 or whatever like some Gooners like to glory on about. Gervinho is simply appalling and Walcott isn't much better, always flatters to deceive. We got what we deserved yesterday for not taking at least one more chance we had in the 1st half. Expect only 1 point from the next 2 games which has to spark Wenger into action with another couple of signings, even loan signings to paper over the cracks. One last thought, check out Djourou's reaction & body language, I don't think he was that bothered about getting sent out, another player not good enough for AFC

  73. Simon

    Jan 03, 2012, 11:02 #16436

    Does anyone want to know how Mr Kroenke's NFL team did? Second worse record overall and not made it through to the play-offs.

  74. sam

    Jan 03, 2012, 10:53 #16435

    wenger is destroying the team and where he will eventually leave us will be very difficult for us to ever rise up again to the elit group-mark my work.

  75. Charlie

    Jan 03, 2012, 10:23 #16433

    Gervinho was another dud from the French league who just like Chamakh is not good enough.The treatment of Chamberlain is rank bad management.He is a player who although young has shown he has no fear on the big stage.Yet he is below the woeful Ro****ty and Arshavin in the pecking order.Walcott is living on borrowed time.There is no way he can be offered a new contract.Its 6 years since he joined us and take away his pace he has nothing in his game.His crossing has got worse if that is possible.Wenger had the cheek to say last year that this was his best squad ever.Yeah right when you see Squillaci Ro****ty and Chamakh or the bench.Does anyone know why at Wengers press conferences why no reporters ask him what has happened to Park.Wengers stubborness is killing our club.

  76. Ron

    Jan 03, 2012, 10:18 #16432

    It was a definite pen, but both bookings were proper ones under todays rules. That loss was coming. The team was rubbish v Villa, Wolves and QPR and only average v Fulham. Theyre lucky that the fixtures over Xmas/New Year were kind to them. Half decent teams would have beaten us in every match playing as we did. They basically 'bottled it' v Fulham in the last 5 or 6 mins. No shock. They were drifting and hoping to hang in for a 0-1 win well before Djourou went (he is so bad, its a mystery how he made it to the top of the pro game). A few of us predicted a Fulham late goal and winner. How often have we seen it now? Countless times. Arsenal have been choking for years and will carry on doing so. Its as much about the wrong type of characters in the team as it is coaching. AW only selects choir boy types sadly. These type of defeats will carry on occuring. Theres little point debating the why's and wherefore's of them anymore.Arsenal are happy though. Its a very average quality league and as a result we have a team thats going to get top 4 most of the time and if not, a Europa place at least ( dont forget, theyre on record as saying missing out on CL isnt as great a body blow as is made out under their sustainabale business model) Get used to it guys if youre not already.

  77. Dan h

    Jan 03, 2012, 10:07 #16431

    Blaming the ref again to deflect from what actually happened we got battered in the second half.This is the whole point of where we are at as a football club.AW can point to the fact we may of had a penalty but look at the players reactions half hearted appeals and on first viewing not clear to me.We then blame injuries ALL teams have them we have 9 at present.Look at the players out only Wilshire,TV,Sagna & Santos are regulars.Two GK's,two permanently on the treatment table Gibbs,Diaby & young Jenkinson.We then go to the next excuse on the list our full backs are all injured now AW is correct on this very unlucky right? More even so when our last fit one was played in the dead match in Greece Santos next to RVP was at that stage vital to try to keep fit that wasn't unlucky but a rank bad call.It is excuse after excuse at this football club.We can't compete because City & Chelsea can buy who they want what bs to try & make fans try to accept mediocrity.So what happens if we don't make the top 4 we don't get the CL revenue oh well we can always sell a player with a year left on his contract to make up the shortfall.The only problem with that excuse is we do it every year anyway!

  78. Clive the Gooner

    Jan 03, 2012, 9:57 #16430

    How many times do we see Gervinho or Walcott in great positions only to make a hash of it? I agree we should get rid a buy some quality for a change or at least give Oxlade-Chamberlain a run. Our failure to take the chances to kill a game off is nothing new and should have been sorted by Wenger long ago. Let's hope Henry still has some of his old magic left.

  79. Thomas Beck

    Jan 03, 2012, 9:56 #16429

    With the injuries we had at the back I thought it would be a stretch too far to get all 3 points at Fulham. With 15 minutes to go Fulham were 33/1 to win so I put a quid on knowing that if Fulham got one, the way the crowd were and the dominance Fulham were showing they might well win. Sadly, that was the case. I think a point would have been a decent result. The biggest loss of points was against Wolves at home. We needed to get a 2 goal buffer by HT and when that didn't come the writing was on the wall. Spurs, got that lead when they came to the Cottage and they survived the 2nd half onslaught. I think Gervinho has been our best ball carrying player and at least gets on the ball and runs at defences, unlike Walcott a player that been in the prem for 6 years and still fades out of matches. I agree regards, brining on Miguel and switching Coquelin to RB instead of Squallaci. Only plus point is that we have gained a point on Chelsea on the festive period, although it looks like we'll lose 4 pts on Spurs. My prediction, has always been for us to finish 6th and I maintain that, as RVP will breakdown at some point, Arteta too and with the CL kicking off in Feb and Chelsea's buying power that will be too much for us. I think Coquelin was excellent and may be seen by Wenger as another Flamini that can play LB. I suspect you guys are right and that he won't sign anyone now.

  80. Badgerhead

    Jan 03, 2012, 9:48 #16428

    I think Wenger has to shoulder the blame. They bring on an electric winger, we bring on Rosicky to cover. We lose Djourou and replace him with Squillaci. I'm with you Coquelin to right back and Miquel on as left back. Roscicky is past it and doesn't seem to want to do the hard stuff, watch him for the first goal last night. At least Walcott whilst ineffective tracked back well last night and would always worry Fulham with his pace. Bringing on Rosicky just said to fulham come on them attack us. This is not a new Wenger tactic and often in the past it has failed. We were sitting back further and further before the sending off and this just exacerbated the situation. Tactically very naive I thought

  81. Camgooner

    Jan 03, 2012, 9:42 #16427

    Good analysis. There is also the question of the change at half time. Arsenal came out to defend when already tired. Just the point when a few years ago we'd have put them to the sword. I also wonder if Djourou's bookings were related to the strain he seemed to pick up slowing him down. (Sky enjoyed showing him holding his groin just before the lunge for the first booking.) AW could have used Miquel to rest Djourou. I still think the second was harsh, but doesn't excuse the lamentable second half display.

  82. JCL

    Jan 03, 2012, 9:29 #16426

    I keep trying to tell myself its only a game, but this morning I'm still furious. For me, that was the last straw. Chris Dee is absolutely right about the last 5 years of taking the lead and losing a match. It was all there as usual: failing to take early chances or make the most of good opportunities - gradually imploding and failing to tackle, defensive mistakes climaxing with an appalling mistake by a rubbish defender we should have got rid of, resulting in the final sickening but inevitable winning goal by someone who hasnt been doing anything this season, and then Wenger as usual blaming the ref. This pattern of raising our hopes and collapsing will always continue under Wenger in my opinion. On specifics, Gervinho and Walcott not good enough, and Song and Ramsey not as good as many people think. (Though Ramsey is only 21 to be fair). Song ambled around missing tackles for most of the second half.

  83. Mark2

    Jan 03, 2012, 9:24 #16425

    as for bringing back Henri it makes me laugh how gullible arsenal fans of today have become. you get a whiff of nostalgia and you go weak at the knees. you think the sight of Henri has opponents running scared ? Arry was very clever when he said bringing back Henru would galvanise arsenal. he was actually chuckling to himself and grateful arsenal werent going into the market to buy 2 or 3 proper players who can secure the additional 10 points second half the season that we will fall short of. what a load of BS goes on at the emirates these days

  84. aj

    Jan 03, 2012, 9:16 #16424

    Can anyone tell me why we've loaned Frimpong out at the start of January? We totally lost the midfield in the second half and we were crying out for his strength and dynamism as Arteta,Song and Ramsey tired. Surely it would have been sensible to wait until the end of Jan. when Jack is nearer being back before losing Frimpong.

  85. bigernie

    Jan 03, 2012, 9:09 #16423

    Let's be honest here .... Fulham deserved the win yesterday. In the second half they were all over us and this was BEFORE JD (why is he in an Arsenal shirt) started his stupidity and it was down to his inability to cope with the pressure mounting on us. The only players who put a shift in for me yesterday were Coquelin, Kos, Ramsey and Song. Theo and Gerv both put their boots on the wrong feet before kickoff, Arteta wasn't in the game at all and might as well of stayed in the dressing room, RVP looked tired. In the second half especially there was no passion from the team and sadly, no one on the bench that could instil that passion or turn the game back in our favour. Chamakh and Arsh don't deserve a place on the bench, give the Ox, Park (if he's any good) and Ryo a go, they can't do any worse ........ lets not get all negative on Arsene just because of one defeat, but lets ship out the dross and get in some quality, or at least give the young quality we have a chance to shine .....

  86. Mark

    Jan 03, 2012, 9:06 #16422

    Gary Neville summed it all up. 2 set pieces 2 goals against again ! Rosicky lets Sidwell walk past him. Sqillaci heads the ball back into his own box. what an utter shambles ! i maintain we are a 5th or 6th placed team this year at best. i wish arsenal had more fans who understood the game and could see what is wrong with the team and would stop getting excited when we beat wigan, qpr, swansea

  87. Theo Jensen

    Jan 03, 2012, 8:56 #16421

    The referee was indeed shocking but Wenger was wrong to make us park the bus in the second half if we had asserted ourselves I don't think we could have seen out a win. If we make 4th this year it will because of the weaknesses of Liverpool and Chelsea not because of our strengths.

  88. chris dee

    Jan 03, 2012, 8:56 #16420

    What a surprise! With our history in the last 5 years of taking a lead and losing a match the Fulham match was right up there. And Arsene can rant and rave all he likes about the officials,but he should be ranting and raving at so called top class players who can't hold on for the last five minutes.And it's worth saying again, if Djourou plays for Arsenal so do I. We once went from 1953 till 1969 until we won a trophy.The longer the current trophy less situation goes on the harder it will become.For a club that is one of the worlds top 10 richest clubs it is unecceptable.To win trophies the whole club should be ruthless in this pursuit,at the moment the board smugly sits back with it's 'we know best' attitude and we have a manager for whom finishing second is considered as success.Only the fans,and reading some of these articles I'm not even sure it's all the fans,demand success.What a shame.

  89. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Jan 03, 2012, 8:54 #16419

    An enraged Arsene Wenger reacted furiously last night after the result that conspired to condemn the Gunners to yet another season without the remotest chance of winning the Premiership. ‘It just isn’t fair’ said Wenger, choking with emotion, ‘Everybody in the world of football knows we can’t defend set pieces for toffee, but what do our opponents do quite deliberately time after time – even in front of the cameras - lob high balls into our penalty area, that’s what!‘ Purple with rage, Wenger went on, ‘And what do teams do time and again when faced by our midfield of Benayoun, Rosicky, Ramsey and Diaby? They take the game by the scruff of the neck and boss the centre of the park! It’s disgraceful.’ The Arsenal boss angrily added, ‘Don’t get me started on the unfair treatment that is continually received by Walcott, Chamakh, Gervinho and that Korean fellah we have. I’ve lost count of how many times they’ve not been allowed to score or cross half decent balls because either they’re not good enough or defenders haven’t allowed them to.’ Shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head, Wenger ended with, ‘Honestly, I – along with Cesc, Nasri and soon van Persie – just give up.’

  90. gaya

    Jan 03, 2012, 8:49 #16418

    i think Coquelin may have given Arrsene an excuse not to get a left back. He has not learned anything. the team was getting tired by this stage last season ans so it appears now. Chamakh, Park and the rest are jjust players to make up numbers for trainin

  91. BNG

    Jan 03, 2012, 8:20 #16417

    another lucid and honest article Kev, Roll on 2014 and hopefully a new broom...............what was the reasoning behind leaving Highbury again ??

  92. ppp

    Nov 23, 2011, 3:25 #15262

    that's a bit unfair because springsteen also played the emirates and he's a rock legend.

  93. Ron

    Nov 18, 2011, 17:48 #15140

    Cant stand em either. They can play there every night for me though. Ill never be there to watch them thankfully.

  94. GoonerRon

    Nov 18, 2011, 14:32 #15134

    Who do you think you are exactly? Because my taste in music isn't in line with yours I'm 'not allowed to like music?' I suggest one take ones head out of ones arse and accept people may have different tastes in music.

  95. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Nov 18, 2011, 5:13 #15123

    Coldplay are ****ing ****, but's somehow apt that they would play at the new bowl, as they are a musical symbol of the pretentious, nouveau riche middle class club the New Arsenal want to be, or have already become. It also follows that 21st century trend of a sports ground being re - invented as an "entertainment arena". "But Gary, 21st century Premier - ball is part of the entertainment industry now, so therefore the E------ St----- is a legitimate multi purpose entertainment venue, and the club can maximize its' revenue streams" etc. Bollocks to that. My choice of entertainment at The Arsenal would have seen Gunshot or Overlord X doing regular half -time sets on the pitch at Highbury to fire up the crowd.....

  96. Mark Gormley

    Nov 18, 2011, 4:00 #15122

    At least Chamakh has played well in the past, Chris Martin and Coldplay are, always have been and always will be, a skid-mark on the underpants of the music world.

  97. Tony

    Nov 17, 2011, 23:29 #15118

    I enjoyed the piece, and happen to agree with your thoughts. This appears to be just another example of the measures the club will take in order to advance its overall philosophy of promoting and maintaining financial soundness. I imagine the club's ownership would argue that it’s their charge to use every responsible means at their disposal to maximize the resources available to support the club’s priorities. Unfortunatley, the club's priorities, as of late, are subject to debate. Also, through a friend who is (sadly) a massive Coldplay fan, I’ve learned that the band consists of a drummer who supports Southampton, a guitarist who supports Sp**s, and a lead vocalist, who reportedly supports Exeter City.

  98. Rocky RIP

    Nov 17, 2011, 22:56 #15116

    Very well said. Famous songs sung at Highbury? Yeee-elloooooowe. Famous song sung at The E*******? Yellow. I doubt those singing along with Chris will recognise the tragic irony. PS. Stop blinding us marketing horse wipe Arsenal/Nike and give us back our yellow/blue away kit. It's a lucky kit, a kit we win in on glorious days in May, and it looks brilliant, or haven't you worked that out yet?

  99. Jekyll

    Nov 17, 2011, 22:44 #15115

    Spot on. This is Arsenal all over in 2011. I was at the O2 recently and it felt remarkably resonant of the Emirates. Fact is, two billionaires own Arsenal between them. The only difference between us and Chelsea and Man City is these billionaires choose not to invest in the club, they - or rather Kroenke - instead see it as a means to make money. There is no ethical, moral high ground to be had and people should stop deluding themselves that there is with the bull**** 'self sustaining' model i.e. we'll invest nothing and take money out. I just hope the whole bubble bursts one day and football becomes unpopular with the masses as it was in the 80s and the billionaires piss off and take those insane wages for stupid young men who are kicking a ball with them. Doubtless too much to ask.

  100. Derek

    Nov 17, 2011, 19:44 #15113

    If S**t like Diaby Song Denilson Squillaci Almunia Chamakh and Park can play on our pitch why not Coldplay,i would rather play Chris Martin upfront than Chamakh