Arsenal through and through

In praise of Thierry Henry

Arsenal through and through

Step back in time

Thierry Henry would not have been able to step onto a football pitch with as much enthusiasm as he did if he was not putting on an Arsenal shirt. That is a fact with the determination showing in every fibre of his body. It is an insult to suggest he is not a real fan. He was not born a supporter but has been back to see the team when able. He joins illustrious company such as McClintock, Wilson and Sansom amongst many others who after playing for the club have become lifelong fans. Also his many quotes and references in interviews show his love for the club. He did leave, but only after we had seen his best years.

When he left many felt it was the right time anyway. He was prone to sulk and many felt he would hold back the team with his constant demand for the ball even when not best placed. In short it was a love affair that could have gone sour but I think he left with the blessing of the majority of fans. When he has returned he was always given a hero's welcome. When he returned with Barcelona I did not think he had his heart in it and did not really want to compete against us.

When he scored it showed us what we have been missing. Song has been prone to miss that final through ball. Henry made it easy for him creating such a large space to pass the ball through that he could not miss. His movement was sublime as he peeled away from the defender who was distracted as Song moved forward. One touch and the ball is passed into the back of the net, a lesson several of our players need to learn. That he remained calm to score when the adrenaline must have been high is testament to his world class ability. It was as though we had gone back in time to an era when we took finishing like that for granted. I do feel that another invincible Robert Pires, should have been given at least another two year contract and maybe we could have kept Henry in peak form a little longer.

What can we expect from Henry now? Obviously the pressure of if he can perform or score has gone. He will probably be used as an impact player coming on for the last thirty minutes in Premiership games if required. My one concern is that he will want to try too hard and injure himself. Unless he has any fitness problems he looks a dead cert to start the FA cup game against Villa. I for one have no unrealistic expectations of him as he has already surpassed them. There is no doubt that when called upon he will give his all. Whatever happens he is Arsenal through and through and when it is all over he can go back to being a fan like the rest of us.

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  1. Tom Martin

    Jan 14, 2012, 1:51 #16822

    @Mind The Gap- whilst there may be an element of truth in what you're saying about it being a 'sideshow', with the current financial climate and stagnancy in the transfer market, this is as good a short-term deal as any. At 34 it is not beyond Henry to contribute for the last 20 minutes of games and snatch the occasional goal as he did against Leeds. He was obviously tired after the Leeds game but even when not fully fit, he came on for the last 20 minutes and got the job done which is as good a start as any. Any sane fan knows he will not be as good as he was in his prime. Truth is if we were to sign a new striker this month we would need to find someone who's a) eligible for the CL, b) good enough c) willing to play second fiddle to RVP and d) available at a reasonable price. Do any players spring to mind? Thought not. The January window sees prices go to a Zimbabwean level of inflation as Andy Carroll's £35m price tag shows.

  2. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Jan 13, 2012, 20:53 #16820

    Henry back is beautiful, but also tinged with sadness. It's a bit like a pageant this country is famous for, such as a royal wedding. It looks great and while it's on we immerse ourselves into thinking we're the envy of everyone, but in the end - as usually proven by the pitiful RAF flypast - it's obvious that in reality we're not all that and a packet of potato chips. Not anymore. But good old nostagia, eh? Good for tourism and not too bad for Wenger either.

  3. CanadaGooner

    Jan 13, 2012, 20:05 #16819

    @Mind the Gap - we havent fallen for anything, some of us simply have the presence of mind to appreciate something worth appreciating. No skin off anyone's nose to cheer when something great happens. Spurs would have given an arm to have what arsenal has had since wenger took over - we have dominated spurs so much so that the north london rivalry had been forgotten for almost 16 years now. If Spurs finish in the top 4 this season, it will be their second time in premier league history (Arsenal's done that 16 times since 1992), so let them enjoy it (and perhaps Man City can educate them on how it all ended up in the Europa for them). we cant allow the current doom & gloom around the club to blind us of moments such as Henry's goal. moving on....

  4. Mind the Gap

    Jan 13, 2012, 19:51 #16818

    draw this weekend at swansea and spurs beat wolves and we are so far behind after 21 matches it is really not funny in the sense why every arsenal fan is not totally hoping mad about this season. TH is a great man but his coming back is a sideshow for the 6 weeks while we get knocked out of everything. it is a master PR stroke by Whinger and Gadz and you sound like you have all fallen for it

  5. CanadaGooner

    Jan 13, 2012, 17:38 #16817

    There are usually 2 kinds of players: one who plays for the team he supports and one who plays for a team but supports another. The latter cant wait to complete his 90mins and rush home to watch the team he really supports. We've had players like David Platt in the past who now spend all their spare time criticizing Arsenal on telly. We've also had players like Nigel Winterburn who gives constuctive criticism but you can clearly see he's hurting when Arsenal are losing. You can easily work out which group ashley cole, adebayor, nasri, clichi and a few others belong to. Henry is certainly in the same cadre as the McLintocks of his time and whichever way you look at it, he cares about how well arsenal performs and hurts when we're not doing well. that's more than you can say for some of the players we field these days....

  6. exiled&dangerous

    Jan 13, 2012, 15:52 #16816

    Although I can see the point Ron and Ronster are making, we can only compare players from the same era..... otherwise we'd still be arguing about whether Ted Drake was better than Ian Wright. So in the context of Henry's era, he gave his best years to this club, moving on after an injury-laden season when perhaps he thought the time was right. As far as I'm concerned, if any of the other younger members of our "up and coming squad" can draw on some of Henry's passion for this club, which must surely (surely?)show its influence in training, this little working holiday will be worthwhile. In the meantime, enjoy the ride...... and who knows what's going to happen in the next few months anyway?

  7. Dave

    Jan 13, 2012, 15:43 #16815

    I kind of agree with Bob and Tony Evans on this....I started supporting the Gooners in '86-87 with 'Champagne' Charlie and Rocky et all so can't compare myself with the 60' and 70's but I totally understand how football has detached itself from reality which is a crying shame. I think Henry coming back is probably the best we can ever hope for in terms of 'loyalty' these days and I loved him when we was here anyway so lets toast the fact he is back...Don't want to make any more serious points due to the fact that I will depress myself (Wenger etc.)

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 13, 2012, 14:30 #16814

    good piece as iv'e said hopefully henry can have an influence on other players (we know who)and it shows in the next couple of matches and continues throughout his stay but what happens when he leaves especially if we haven't signed anybody i hope this influence continues and we don't see players falling back into their old ways.

  9. Tony Evans

    Jan 13, 2012, 13:58 #16812

    Henry is of course a special player but I have to agree with Ronster and Ron that he does not bear comparison to the likes of McLintock and Sansom. That is not a reflection on Henry but more a general observation on how the game has changed since I first started supporting Arsenal back in the late sixties. Unfortunately too many of todays Premiership players are cossetted, overpaid poseurs and the special relationship between fan and player that used to exist is now virtually non existant.

  10. Bob

    Jan 13, 2012, 13:46 #16811

    Lovely article about the legend, but let's not rewrite history by suggesting his departure was beneficial to the team. It was another nail - and perhaps the decisive one - in the coffin of Wenger's claim that his new model Arsenal could still compete. Like banquo's ghost, he has returned to temporaraily lift our flagging spirits while at the same time demonstrating the paucity of our ambition.

  11. Leo zis

    Jan 13, 2012, 13:39 #16810

    @ Ron...Mmm...thanks once again for proving there can never be a unaminous agreement for a truce on this site...A good article, a gr8 player (Henry) who loves and breathes Arsenal...PERIOD!

  12. Ron

    Jan 13, 2012, 12:51 #16808

    Ronster is oh so correct! Henry's brand of affection and commitment to the Arsenal cause doesnt even get close to the majority of those who played in Frank Mac's,Kenny's and Wilson 's era. Different times and values and being both an Arsenal and a football supporter too was far better then than it is now. The players of those days sweated blood for the Club, played through injuries and put bodies on the line to win trophies, whatever the tournament. Todays dont compare. Theyre a mollycuddled bunch of wildly overpaid pansies in the main by comparison and their priorites lie only with themselves only. Yes, Henry is maybe better than most, but please dont ever liken him to those you mention. Its embarrasing.

  13. Judge Fred

    Jan 13, 2012, 12:40 #16807

    His skill is evident, his desire undiminished and his passion for Arsenal FC unquestionable. Hopefully TH12 will provide (by example) a lesson in performance and professionalism at the very highest level, not the mediocre level we seem to have slipped into.

  14. Ronster

    Jan 13, 2012, 12:33 #16806

    Frank McLintock and Kenny Sansom were moved on against their will and Bob Wilson retired whilst still on the books.TH buggered off to Barcelona to collect his Champions League medal on the comparison my friend!

  15. Christos11

    Jan 13, 2012, 12:10 #16805

    Nice Article. Henry loves Arsenal and is a great example to all those watching him. True Living legend. I hope Cesc follows his example one day too.