YES, let’s talk about Tottenham!

Exactly where have the neighbours been for the past couple of decades?

YES, let’s talk about Tottenham!

Hopefully recent history will repeat itself…

Even while we were all celebrating Thierry Henry’s goal this week, there were still some posts on onlinegooner about how Spurs are much better and how Harry has turned things around. Oh ye of feeble and fickle memory! Well, I have now had enough of all this talk about Tottenham and of how some people with short memories continue to talk about Spurs this season. My next door neighbour is a lifelong Spurs fan, and in the '80s and early '90s we used to argue all the time, and the rivalry was for real. But since Wenger (refer to above tables) arrived and brought TOTAL DOMINATION of Spurs, we just talk about the Premiership and my neighbour hasn’t had the guts to bring Spurs up when I’m talking about Arsenal.

The record speaks for itself, and Spurs/Harry will need much more than a good season in the Premiership to undo all that. Most Spurs fans can only dream about what Arsenal has achieved in the past 20 years (and that’s a long, long time): just look at the stats.

So, for you Spurs-wanna-be Arsenal fans coming on the onlinegooner to lament about how crap Arsenal is and how great Harry is, get on your bike or get real. Spurs won’t be anywhere near Arsenal for the next 100 years. I hear all the nonsense about Spurs’ wage bill being lower than Arsenal’s; so what? ONE top-four finish in 20 years compared to 16? Seriously people, stop being silly! I have admired some of their displays in recent seasons, and Gareth Bale is fast becoming a very consistent performer, but along with that they have had years of changing players and managers like you change shoes in winter: remember a certain Edgar Davids? They have steadily begun investing and now have a solid core of first-team players who will need to perform consistently for several seasons before Arsenal fans start to take notice.

No more nonsense about Spurs, please! Their record (as demonstrated by the table) simply doesn’t support it.

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  1. Moscow Gooner

    Jan 18, 2012, 15:13 #17187

    CanadaGooner: you re not helped by the fact that you ve got some of the seasons wrong - 1993(/4) we finished fourth, the scum finished 15th... you put it the other way around. The last time we finished as low as 15th was the mid seventies. Is this an attempt to puff up AW s record at the expense of GG?!

  2. Hilly

    Jan 17, 2012, 18:23 #17127

    So how long you going to keep quoting the past? Does not matter if Spurs do better than Arsenal for 1 or 2 seasons in a row it will mean they are better than Arsenal during the present period. Lucky i ain't your neighbour because i would be reminding you of your clubs reputation for fickle fans!

  3. Munitionsman

    Jan 17, 2012, 4:31 #17074

    I am at a loss to believe this was posted. By this logic the computer doesnt exist because it didnt every year before 196?.... its just silly. Spuds are finishing above us this year and taking our CL spot. FACT

  4. GoonerGoal!

    Jan 16, 2012, 16:22 #17047

    Where will Spurs finish this season? Hopefully not 1st, but perhaps 2nd or 3rd, and 20+ points ahead of us. I fully expect us to finish outside the Europa Cup places. Hopefully then, Wenger will go!

  5. JustASpur

    Jan 16, 2012, 14:30 #17025

    "They have steadily begun investing and now have a solid core of first-team players who will need to perform consistently for several seasons before Arsenal fans start to take notice." Seems to me that Arsenal fans have already taken notice or CanadaGooner wouldn't have felt the need to write this pathetic waste of words. Enjoy the Europa League next season. Assuming you qualify for it that is! [wink]

  6. Ron

    Jan 16, 2012, 13:11 #17010

    Can't see much point in this to be honest CG. The stats just say specifically what we already knew though. Ive praised the Spuds on this forum and shall do so when its merited.Theyve come from fodder to top 4 in the time Redknapp's been there. I still dislike the Club and its fans tend to grate a bit in the main, but i tell you what, on the bit of TV football that i bother with, ive enjoyed watching them far, far more than any other team. The only other real fact im bothered with is that theyre better than us NOW, though strangely i do reckon we'll beat them when we play them in February. They wont win the league and i also think (sadly for Spurs fans) that they will lose one or two mainstay players this Summer that will disrupt any progress they want to make. Finally, im glad theyre doing OK (begrudgingly). The rivalry is back and while i wont hold my breath, it might serve to kick Wenger/our Board up his/their respective rear ends as a result. You never know, or perhaps we do!!

  7. Tony Evans

    Jan 16, 2012, 12:14 #17001

    Appreciate where you coming from on this, Canada, but I tend to think the best way is to rise above the crowing from The Spuds. So what if they do have a season or two better then us - good luck to them (well not too much). I am too old now for all this tribal football nonsense and they will have to go a long way before they can replace us as the most successful London team anyway. That is going to take a very long time.

  8. Jonah

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:53 #16998

    I feel a little bit embarrassed reading this article. Anyone who knows about top flight football over the last 20 years knows all this information but it feels that you are having some form of regression to cope with current events. It's the equivalent of Nick Griffin reminiscing when the globe was pink. Get a grip. We are fully aware that this group is the least talented squad we have had under AW's reign and the benefit of the doubt is his until the end of this season. I judge our success, or lack thereof on what WE do, not our neighbours. Maybe you should do the same.

  9. bill payne

    Jan 16, 2012, 10:29 #16981

    No, CanadaGooner. It IS important we look at spurs now. While I do think it wise to take a long and historical view on many things - there is something very different now about Harry's team. We should not blind ourselves by complacency about how for so long they've lagged behind us.Wenger,s Arsenal are in difficulties . Whining from within the club about inability to compete with the petro-dollared sugar-daddy clubs ignores what Tottenham are putting together without that advantage.They are ten points ahead of us NOW.Lets intelligently analyse the reasons without partisan prejudice. I dont want an outside top-four finish, but believe it will happen this season. You may well then produce a table showing how this is the first full Wenger season that we've failed to qualify for the Champions League, and attempt to reassure us with that. However I think the stagnation and decline since 2005 is all too obvious to more and more fans.

  10. James L

    Jan 16, 2012, 9:05 #16976

    How sad is it that all these spuds appear on our website to have a little pop at us - where have they been for the last 18 years? you can tell a lot about a small minded, trophyless club in the way the react when they have a little 'success' (presuming you count being above the arsenal half way through a season as a success). The mere fact that spuds fans are way too quick to celebrate this shows how small they are. newsflash...being placed above us mid january is not an achievement. In fact, finishing in the top four shouldnt be considered as an achievement - financially yes, and you do get champions league football, but who really celebrates coming fourth!? Spuds fans need to get real and only come back to this site when there is some real evidence of success - like, i dont know, maybe a premier league or two? or a double? or an unbeaten season? just a thought scumbags....

  11. Marc

    Jan 16, 2012, 8:48 #16975

    Great result this weekend against the mighty Swansea. Quality side you have. Grasp at your history as it is all you have. When we finish ahead of you this season you can tell us how often you have finished ahead of us. Better qualify for champions league or else Van Persie will be on his bike right behind Cesc and Samir. Then the arsenal will have nothing !! COYS

  12. SUGA3

    Jan 16, 2012, 8:09 #16974

    what a completely pointless article, we all know our history and our great run of supremacy over Spuds under OGL, but they are currently playing probably the best football in the league, whereas we get played off the park by the newly promoted Swansea and can't hold the result to save our lives! Spuds are doing all this on much lower budget, we have stupid wage bill where a lot of funds is eaten up by dross like Squillaci, Almunia and Fabianski and love children like Diaby (surely, with his latest setback this must be the moment to delist him?)! people bemoan lack of depth 'we have lost all fullbacks, yadda, yadda, yadda', but anyone who was willing to count on permacrock Gibbs and a raw kid who amassed a grand total of 9 games for Charlton and was a dead cert to get a stress related injury once exposed to playing so many games at this level needs to have his head examined, and yes, that includes Mr Wenger!

  13. THFC

    Jan 16, 2012, 7:42 #16972

    The fact you are posting this sort of thing shows you are worried. Stil laughing at the desperation of the whole Henry thing - 10 points now boys. The only real North London team will be the kings come may. THFC

  14. Volpino

    Jan 16, 2012, 6:40 #16970

    @Tom - Oh yeah, Spurs are so English. Modric and Arsenal discards Adebayouraprick & Gallas, Modric blah blah blah Always in our Shadow

  15. ed enough

    Jan 16, 2012, 6:40 #16969

    Nice history lesson.....not sure where this table came from but its completely wrong!!!! We finished 98, 2002 and 2004 as champions...not 97,2001 and 2003....You need to get your basic stats right my friend...and it's all history now...what matters is today and after the shambles (again!!!) of swansea last night, we now sit 10 massive points behind the spuds....Stop living in the past and stop kidding yourself that we will catch them this year or in fact any year soon with Wenger at the helm....

  16. Steven

    Jan 15, 2012, 22:50 #16966

    Yeah lets all laugh at the Spuds when we will be playing on a thursday and sundays next season.Spurs play in a stadium nearly half the size of ours with a wage bill of £40m less than ours.Will Gazidis and Wenger please explain why we cant compete with them?

  17. Clueless strikes again

    Jan 15, 2012, 18:32 #16947

    another gooner living in the past ! this season is going to put that record well and truly straight when despite a wage bill of £40-50mpa more than spurs, we are going to finish 15 points behind them and they are going to qualify for the CL ! faith in manager completely misplaced. Arsenal fans using FEAR as a reason not to change the manager. utter rubbish !

  18. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 15, 2012, 15:59 #16940

    Have to agree with much of what you have said there Spursforlife. I would go a bit further, a combination of the stadium, Chelsea and City appearing on the scene with unlimited resources, and the worst recession since whenever. Not all this would have been seen when the stadium was planned. That and our player retention issues, we develop some very good players who are tempted away, I am sure these rich state/petrodollar/sugar daddy funded clubs will try the same with Spurs next summer, as they will with us

  19. spursforlife

    Jan 15, 2012, 15:42 #16939

    I wull give you one reason for Arsenals decline. Its called the Emirates stadium. Its all well and good to want a special place that holds a large capacity crowd to generate high revenue buy it also costs money and this has shown up in Arsenals ability to kbring in top class players. In todays over unflated market with ridiculous prices being paid for players it is getting beyond most clubs to compete. IDont be aurprised if FIFA steps in soon to set caps on player salaries and transfer fees. The world leagues cant support this. the only other option is to create an elite league for the very top clubs with the biggest financial backers. Believe me neither Arsenal or Spurs will be invited. Spurs are on a high right now and i am enjoying it but i also have been a part of the last 20 years and have sat and watched us slip down compared to Arsenal. My point is until Arsenal get a grip on the costs of the Emirates they will struggle.

  20. allybear

    Jan 15, 2012, 11:41 #16929

    As a fan of Arsenal for over 40yrs i find this kind of rubbish embarrasing and childish. I notice a lot of immature comments on this site re the manager&certain players etc etc. I have been a football fan all my life&i have watched some fine teams from all over the world. Because i am a football fan i also admire other teams if they play well and entertain me.

  21. Petrovic

    Jan 15, 2012, 11:25 #16927

    1993 dose not read correctly...Spurs finished higher with fewer points?

  22. Oh dear Cannies

    Jan 15, 2012, 11:07 #16926

    Canada you can't say if the past wasn't important we wouldn't care about 6 trophyless seasons honestly you're talking such utter nonsense. The reason that is RELEVANT is because the symptoms which have been responsible for our trophy drought are STILL THERE! We all know Spurs have been inferior but in case you hadn't noticed when we go head to head with them now they look a lot stronger and do better. And as another commenter said, shall we just ignore the problem of Man City as well if club threats are measured on their heritage?

  23. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 15, 2012, 11:01 #16925

    Canada Gooner, good article, them is the facts. I made a couple of posts in support of this article yesterday, and one questioning why Spurs only got the same result against Wolves as we did, when we are supposed to be crap but Spurs are supposed to be the best ever. I also questioned the true allegiance of a proportion on here, without naming any names, I think the responses to your post backs me up to a degree. But heh ho, my posts yesterday never made it, must have been a bandwidth problem or something1 But just to reiterate, a well thought out, clearly thought provoking post. More!!

  24. mark from aylesbury

    Jan 15, 2012, 9:11 #16913

    If we had a side that could compete for the title then comments about Spurs might be irrelevant. Personal view is the more Spurs achieve then the more pressure there is on Wenger and the board. So ultimately this could be a good thing lets hope there is shake-up asap

  25. Beaugey

    Jan 15, 2012, 9:09 #16912

    As it stands, Spurs have a stronger squad, a better manager, a more ambitious board, have been more intelligent in the way they have spent money over the last two seasons and are above us in the table. These are the facts.

  26. Joe S.

    Jan 15, 2012, 2:01 #16904

    Totally agree with Mark here. What's the point? Let's not accept second best even if it means we have climbed above Tottenham, it's such small minded thinking.

  27. CanadaGooner

    Jan 15, 2012, 1:23 #16903

    not sure why only selective posts appear on here. 'the past'? last season's result is the past is it? if so, stop coming on here and moaning about wenger and the past 6 trophyless seasons: surely those seasons are in the past and as the idiots on here have said, we shouldnt look to the past. what's more annoying than the multiple posts by spurs fans on this site, is the fact that some posts by arsenal fans have not been uploaded: why? if the past is so pointless and not worth mentioning, then we should just ignore the past 6 seasons and quit moaning about arsenal's failures!

  28. chopper4001

    Jan 14, 2012, 23:18 #16902

    @CanadaGooner: Sure, I get that you've risen to the bait. It happens to us all. I get the sentiment of the article too, but this sort of comment (because thats all it is really) should be left to the comments section (if written at all). Noone who comes on here regularly wants to read an article about the scum, even if it is to highlight their shortcomings over the past 15/20 years. I've got a substantial bet with my brother in law (spud) that we'll finish above them, and I'm still fairly comfortable we will. If people want to come on here and troll with spud propeganda, then let them. We'll see who's laughing in the end. This sort of article just feeds their misplaced ego. Good stat though. :)

  29. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 14, 2012, 22:35 #16901

    Excellent piece canada and at the end of this season you can add higher than spurs again and judging by how many of them are on here they know it for them it's like sitting on a dentist chair they know the pains coming.

  30. CanadaGooner

    Jan 14, 2012, 21:38 #16900

    guess who the first team to concede 1000 goals in the premiership is? (they got that trophy today after fletcher's goal)....

  31. Justin

    Jan 14, 2012, 21:36 #16899

    enjoy looking down at those past season, and looking up at spurs at the end of this season. If arsenal finish above spurs this season then you can continue to feel entitled without looking like a fool, but as soon as this continues after spurs top goons you will officially then be a fool. No doubt in the past arsenal have dominated, yet times have changed. I for one respect arsenal a great deal for also playing an attractive style of football as a default. but hey, look back and enjoy your history as much as you want to. I am happy to say I am loving spurs at the moment and plenty occupied with the present and the future

  32. Chris

    Jan 14, 2012, 20:29 #16898

    This season will be the pinnacle for Spurs. Next season, Modric, Bale and Adebayor (225k per week - WTF??) will be elsewhere. Spurs will be nowhere near the top four. If they have to finance a new stadium, they will be nowhere near for decades. Underestimate what Arsenal have achieved at your peril! Thank goodness for Wenger!

  33. muzzlejuice

    Jan 14, 2012, 20:23 #16897

    why do so many opposition fans read/post on the gooner?, me i can only think they are either very jealous of our club and it,s history or their own sites are incredibly dull, very tragic whatever the answer

  34. SteveO 35

    Jan 14, 2012, 20:05 #16896

    What a load of balls. Huddersfield Town could produce a similar table from the 20s. Preston could produce one from the end of the 19th century, and Liverpool could produce one from the 70s and 80s You are talking about history. Who gives a **** about an average points tally that starts in 1992. Just sign a ****ing striker to play alongside RvP and a proper replacement for Fabregas and we wouldn't be having this debate at all - we'd be 10 points above those muppets instead

  35. CanadaGooner

    Jan 14, 2012, 19:38 #16895

    @chopper4001: you dont get it mate. if you've been on this site in the last 6 months you'd have read all the 'harry is great', 'spurs have got it so right' nonsense. this isnt a 'we're better than you' article - it's a 'let's worship spurs only after they're actually achieved something' article. let's focus on arsenal, but if we must sit about talking about spurs, let's get the facts right. one good season isnt enough....

  36. chopper4001

    Jan 14, 2012, 18:32 #16894

    Yep, you've done Arsenal fans no favours here. Sure the spuds are above us at the moment, but a good half a season doesn't win you the league (we surely know this better than anyone?). Living just north of the M25 I've got lots of Spud friends (as well as lots of Gooner friends). I've been able to gloat for a long time now, but I remember it being a far closer derby than it was during the Invincible years. In fact, I've often said that I wanted the spuds to get up to our level so that the NL derby could be considered the best in the country again, and up there with the best in the world. Now I reckon it is. They haven't beaten us by much recently (not like we used to beat them) and apart from some absolute screamers games may have been different. But lets concentrate on our own team shall we. Whatever some fans say, I reckon we're two or three players away from being one of the best teams in Europe, let alone England. Good times ahead and if we have to take some stick in the next six months, so be it, we've given out enough. Lets leave this "we were better than you" nonsense at the door though. WE ARE THE ARSENAL

  37. Tom

    Jan 14, 2012, 18:24 #16893

    My only question for you is: wasn't it more fun when you argued all the time and the rivalry was real. Where's the fun in always beating your rivals; soon enough the rivalry dies.

  38. CanadaGooner

    Jan 14, 2012, 17:53 #16892

    Hey Mr.Wenger, dont worry about the last 6 trophyless seasons, the fools on here reckon it's all in the past. let's face the future, everything is going to be great, says the onlinegooner commentators. funny isnt it? you've all shown your true colours today! Mandy Dodd was right all along! a bunch of spineless Spurs fans pretending to be arsenal fans! it's simply too much for you to take, seeing how poor spurs have been for so long. I'm surprised nobody tried to say the table is a fake and the figures are inaccurate? ha ha. very funny indeed. how last season's result (the only current record we have) is in the past is totally beyond me. when this season concludes, we will see where tottenham end up; and next season, and the seasons after. Man utd must be very scared indeed, that spurs are about to overtake their 12 premiership wins record with just one good season! oh, scared indeed. let's listen to the lot of you right? leave the past in the past, then you can stop coming on here and moaning about wenger and the PAST 6 trophyless seasons! for the rest of us SANE folks, we will discuss the past and the present and the future in assessing how our club is doing and we will continue to support arsenal and hope to do better this and next season, while remembering we NEED to do better because we've won nothing in the past 6 seasons (that's how the past features in with the present!)

  39. PerryG

    Jan 14, 2012, 17:15 #16891

    If your going to do an excel spreadsheet like this, at least have the years matched up with the honours, its all over the place

  40. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 14, 2012, 16:59 #16890

    Erm, that did not go to plan, did it. This was the weekend when the Spuds were supposed to announce their title credentials to the world. The result Spuds 1 Wolves 1. Same as our recent scoreline against Wolves, and according to many on here, we are supposed to be really crap, and were completely slaughtered, again on here after that game. I hope now people will take a little time out to bring in some context. When it comes to the Spuds, remember the words of Chuck D et al and don't believe the hype.

  41. bunch

    Jan 14, 2012, 16:17 #16888

    More "four legs good two legs better" propaganda from CanadaGooner. How any Gooner can try and rationalise finishing below Spurs mis beyond me. Its a catastrophe pure and simple.

  42. Half full

    Jan 14, 2012, 15:59 #16887

    This piece suggests to me that you've already given up on 4th place this season, CanadaGooner. We are struggling at the moment but surely you could come up with something more positive about our current team's prospects.

  43. sid the ****

    Jan 14, 2012, 14:50 #16886

    there is no doubt you have history no ones doubting that but at this moment its all about bragging rights and at this moment we are bragging a dam sight louder than you.It must be painful to see the power shift (all be it slowly)in north london.what goes around comes around COYS

  44. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 14, 2012, 14:46 #16885

    Nice article Canada, and the reaction, just what I have always said, this site is full of Spurs fans, and in your home truths, you have drawn them out. I rest my case. Good on you, hope the genuine Gooners on here now know who they spend / waste a lot of their time going along with! Some may be annoyed with Wenger, the board, Arshavin, or whatever but slavish wankfesting over the Spuds, come on, you are supposed to be Gooners FFS! Or some, at least! for Gooners of a nervous disposition, have a look at the Tiny Totts fixture list coming up on a few weeks, might even cheer you up.

  45. Michael Preston

    Jan 14, 2012, 13:53 #16884

    Joe Fitzpatrick and Fozzy's Mate: you're both dead on. The Manager, the majority shareholder and the Board are natural bedfellows. Whatever their various motivations, they are content with the present status. That's why there will be no signings this January.

  46. Gooner40

    Jan 14, 2012, 13:52 #16883

    Time for wenger to go!!! Had enough of his lack of spending, no passion within the team and no English players. He is living in the past and isnt the man to take us forward and hope hr does the decent thing and resign this season Spurs are playing well but who really cares about them, we should focus on our team and not the noisy neighbours!!

  47. TFG

    Jan 14, 2012, 13:21 #16882

    The FACT remains that they are 12 points above us and that position may be exacerbated in the next two weeks. However, it also remains true that we have won as many titles as ALL the other London clubs combined, including two at WHL and two at Stamford Bridge. The apparent distate for all things historical is more akin to the "thinking" of "Chels", I would have thought. Arsenal have suffered as a result of the stadium move, although there is no denying that there are other factors. The Board at WHL are currently in the process of trying to market their club to potential suitors. Without a new stadium, for which the funds are not in place, that is clearly more difficult. In the current climate, if they are bought by a sugar daddy, that will be the end of the argument. Likewise, if Barnet are bought by Bill Gates (for example), they may become the first London club to win the Champions League. There is no denying their improvement under Redknapp - but they must be concerned about the coming weeks. If he were to become unavailable, it might well change the dynamic at the club. Essentially, in the absence of the new stadium they crave, Joe Lewis has (partially) bankrolled towards an emphasis on the here and now. If they stay at WHL with Harry at the helm, then there is a real rivalry to contend with. Any variation to that status quo would present a challenge that they would do well to deal with seamlessly.

  48. Scott R

    Jan 14, 2012, 13:01 #16881

    Ummm.....which way can you truly see this going? Are you happy with the lack of investment and leadership from the manager? Are Spurs on the up or are Arsenal just in decline? Sound familiar? Seems to me that it could be 1996 (and onwards for both clubs) in reverse......

  49. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Jan 14, 2012, 12:57 #16880

    things must be worse than i thought if we a grasping at straws like this

  50. Jamie

    Jan 14, 2012, 12:57 #16879

    I used to sleep with hot women every week, but every morning I wake up next to a fat cow that I call my reality all that my penis knows is right now and he aint getting nothing.....bit like Arsenal really. No use having memories if your playing crap every week. Tottenham are better now, every pundit in the country thinks soo, every rival fan and most important the league table has said so.....9 points, far superior goal difference, better playing style, better squad. Its great being a spurs fan

  51. Antarry the lost talent

    Jan 14, 2012, 12:49 #16878

    Let t be the last thing that will ever happen, the crocks taking the nod above ARSENAL..let alone winning the tittle..i rather live in mars than wit them on earth.

  52. RhinoNeal

    Jan 14, 2012, 12:48 #16877

    Spurs could say the same thing about the Gooners during the 60's you idiot. History is history and it remains in the past. Nobody is denying you have been better than Spurs over the recent past but times change and tho only time people go on about their club's history is when they appear to be slipping down the league. It is swings and roundabouts mate so give some credit where it's due and stop behaving like a jealous hater. I read most of the Tottenham comments in the newspapers and all you see are gooner fans making their stupid ''hate Spurs" comments. Nothing ever constructive or hardly ever complimentary just the usual crap. If I could give you a compliment it would be that Spurs are playing more like the way you used to play than you are now for whatever reason, only you would know as you see your team week in week out. So stop talking about what was in the past and talk about now and what your team needs to have happen, put your energy into that rather than hating other teams. Ask yourself this - if Arsenal were to slip down the league for a few years are you still going to go on about how well you did against Spurs? So come on mate get real and stop showing yourself up by looking jealous.

  53. james

    Jan 14, 2012, 12:39 #16876

    I like those talking about present present present-the league is not over so what is their beef. When comparing, you only do so by records and the POINT is that totoiseham are no match to arsenal when it comes to records, finance, stadium to name but a few. If we are slacking this year, it is nothing but because of the continuous intransigent of our manager and board-pure and simple. I give this year to totoiseham but we all know the world will not end 2012 and life and the seasons goes on-that is why you only compare by history. Harry has done a very very good job there though-the truth be said and to me yes they can win the league-why not? I prefer them to win rather than manure united and Man.****y .It will be a big plus in disguise for arsenal fans as those at the helm of arsenal (the greedy bunch) will sit-up properly, as we have much more means than totoiseham in every way to be a better team. Wenger with a very good set of players cannot be matched by anyone in the league not even fegurson but the man Wenger is such a stubborn bull head.

  54. Peter Le Beau

    Jan 14, 2012, 12:29 #16875

    I was one of the fans you referred to but what I said was and I hope you take note is that the CURRENT Spurs set-up is more ambitious than Arsenal's and incrementally improves the team ie if he finds a better full- back than X he puts him in. I also think your facts are wrong in1993 if we really did get 71 points we didn't finish below Spurs. It is all too easy to play the Gung-ho "I'm a proper Arsenal supporter" card like you have here. Nobody is more passionate his club than I am but this doesn't blind me to the fact that we are slowly declining and Spurs are getting better. I love Arsenal with every fibre of my being and detest Spurs but it doesn't do to gloss over facts with a different argument. My contention was that Wenger has lost his mojo.The main effect of this is he loses perspective in transfer windows and fails to strengthen. His performance in the last transfer window was a disgrace and may ultimately cost us because the 7 points we dropped in the first three games put us way behind the title contenders. I can't see Spurs winning the League and the may well blow up as they usually do.It was amazing to see today's Times with black and White pictures of their 1961 Double team. It must be embarrassing for Spurs fans to realise that since then we have won THREE doubles and topped the League 6 times including the Invincible season. But the past is the past and unless Wenger and the Board wake up and smell the coffee we will not e in the Champions League next season-and Tottenham may qualify.

  55. kay

    Jan 14, 2012, 12:07 #16874

    This is to you Harry, please wait till the end of the season before you start babbling away about what you have achieved(joint second in Jan). Is that an achievement? Fine, you guys play one of the best football in EPL presently. I love the way you move the ball around etc. But beautiful football does not bring trophies, ask Arsene in the last 6yrs. Arsenal have been in the champion league in the last 14yrs, they were the first to qualify for knock out stage this year despite their poor start this season. Those are facts, not fables. Despite the 9 pts gap, Arsenal will still finish above Spurs at the end of the season. Form is temporary but class is permanent. I don't believe they have a deeper squad than Arsenal. Take out Gary Bale and pace in the team is gone. Arsenal lost all its fullbacks and with that the team still manages to get result. That is depth. Take out Walker and Benoit and see if spurs will survive. Don,t be deceived by the media, your squad is not deep enough. Guns Out

  56. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jan 14, 2012, 12:07 #16873

    I just hope that you are right insinuating that we'll be in front of spurs etc...! I for one do not believe that and I believe that we have f***ked this season big time!!! All the excuses from Arsenal including Wenger and the board are simply just rubbish and fooling us! So far I am still convinced that I am right not to renew my season ticket! I just so wish that I am so wrong!!! Also please forget the pass and stop living in it! The spuds are almost second and that alone has to be an issue!!!

  57. 1962er

    Jan 14, 2012, 12:06 #16872

    This article is pretty pointless as it is obvious that Tottenham do have a better team/squad at the present time, and will probably do so over the next few years unless Wenger changes his philosophy, or we get a new manager. However, the one thing that will never change is that ARSENAL WILL ALWAYS BE A BIGGER CLUB THAN Tottenham. We have won more championships at White Hart Lane than they have in their whole history. They have not won the league for 51 years and counting - they cannot even be consider a "big club" because of that fact. Man City will win the league this season, and maybe for a few more seasons, but they will never be bigger than ManUre, likewise Everton/Liverpool. History and success of Arsenal/Liverpool/ManUre means that the other local clubs cannot be considered bigger anytime in 50 years at least, unless City win the next ten on the trot.

  58. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Jan 14, 2012, 12:06 #16871

    CanadaGooner, as a fellow gooner I feel embarrassed for you (as you obviously haven't any shame for yourself writing this nostalgic piece of nonsense!!). As others have pointed out, it's about the here and now and the immediate future and on that score even the most one-eyed gooner must concede that for the past couple of seasons Spurs have been going forward whilst we've been continued travelling backwards, thanks mainly to Wenger's refusal to strengthen properly. Therefore, painful as it is to admit, Spurs have closed the gap and have reached the stage where it looks like they've finally over-taken us this season. But I suppose that the likes of you and Mandy Dodd will come back with the worn out argument that any gooner acknowledging that is secretly a spud!! For the love of Judas H. Priest, change the record, stop living in the past and wake the hell up with what's happening at our club!!

  59. vonMelonkampf

    Jan 14, 2012, 12:03 #16870

    It's pretty sad when fans log on to other teams websites. It's also sad that we're worrying about what other teams are doing. Another sad thing is dismantling a squad that won a league unbeaten and replacing those players with overpaid, unproven kids.

  60. mj

    Jan 14, 2012, 11:03 #16869

    For those people saying let's talk about the present and future then I think your mistaken. Tottenham are having a good season, better than us that's for sure, but to say that there's a shift of power is just all talk. So if anyone sais tottenham are better this season then its true but to make it sound like tottenham are suddenly going to be barcelona for the next 10 years and that things are changing are just amateurish comments that should be laughed at

  61. jason

    Jan 14, 2012, 11:03 #16868

    A truly embarassing read.Just as Chelsea and Citeh have overtaken us why wont Spurs?.The way our club is being run i cant see us challenging for the title again.When the manager talks about top 4 being a trophy that says here our ambition lie.As for saying who cares about the wage bills.We the fans do.We are lining our average players pockets and the club has the cheek to put prices up 6.5%. The wage bills of both clubs is very relevant as is Wenger getting £7m a year.Isnt Wengers job supposed to be to win trophies not just finish above Spurs.Wenger has achieved the impossible by taking a club that was the Invincibles 8 years ago to a team that wont finish top 4

  62. Website Admin

    Jan 14, 2012, 11:00 #16867

    @David87 (Post 18637)... You may very well be right regarding what comments would be made to a post on a Spurs blog, but I have to tell you that as the moderator I've deleted more comments this morning than I have in the last month on this site, due to abuse from Spurs fans and anti-semitic comments which we NEVER permit whatever the context, so don't try to claim some sort of moral high ground. The fact we don't allow that sort of stuff on here, yet you seem to think the people running your Spurs blogs would allow vile remarks to be made, probably says more about which sides fan have class.


    Jan 14, 2012, 10:57 #16866

    All this article shows is how Wenger has cocked up in the last few years. From a team that were more concerned about winning trophies than what that lot up the road were doing, we now find ourselves 9 points behind them and with little chance of winning anything. Shocking!

  64. Realist Reg

    Jan 14, 2012, 10:35 #16865

    CanadaGooner like a lot of muppets who go to the Soul-less bowl you are living in denial.Why not compare both teams wage bills,gate reciepts and spending since Redknapp took over 3 years ago.They spent £5m this summer 2 and a half times less than we paid for Chamberlain!!!.We make a million and a half pounds more than the Spuds every home game.Its a damn shame the way our once great club is being run.Maybe if the Spuds finish above us wenger would do the decent thing and resign.So finishing behind the Spuds may have a happy ending.

  65. Jekyll

    Jan 14, 2012, 10:29 #16864

    Your league tables for the Graham years are a total mess, you've mixed up years, points totals and placings. Was this deliberate in order to undermine the Graham years and big up the Wenger years?

  66. Frank

    Jan 14, 2012, 10:18 #16863

    So when we finish outside the top 4 we can look back on history can we.Us chasing the Spuds shows how low Wenger has taken us.When Harry took over the Spuds they had 2 pts and were bottom.We are a club with no ambition anymore.Anyone who doesnt think the Spuds are a better team than us Now, Today this minute is living in denial.Remember the board and Wenger said the stadium would help us compete weth the Barcelona'a and Madrids.That sadly is the biggest joke of all time.Everything was summed up in the summer when even though the Spuds finishd outside the top 4 kept their best players while we lost ours.Get used to the Spuds finishing above us as long as Kroenke and Wenger continue the same blueprint they have for the club as we have now.Its failed.But Gooners stop burying our heads in the sand and denying we are going backwards

  67. fozzy's mate

    Jan 14, 2012, 10:01 #16862

    Canada you know I enjoy a good spar with you. But I feel that you miss the point. The reason many on this site bemoan our slip behind the other lot is to highlight our top brass sad complacency, arrogance and lack of ambition that has risked our elite status for years. Until the team becomes the most important thing again and the ambition is more than to scrape into 4th with minimum outlay any team with greater ambition could usurp us. With this regime history is all we will have to grab on to. Spurs have previously shown ambition in a scatter gun manner buying and selling endless players and sacking endless bosses. But in recent years they have channelled that ambition. In 3 of the last 6 seasons we were in a strong position to win the league but lack of ambition manifested itself in failure to reinforce in January. Worryingly despite being in a position outside the top 4 with a creaking squad heavily reliant on a couple of injured/injury prone players we show no desire to strengthen.

  68. sadlittlegooners...

    Jan 14, 2012, 10:00 #16861

    wow, bitter much? what a pathetic attempt to get traffic to your miserable little sight. Why don't you concentrate on your own team, instead of obsessing about spurs, because your rant makes you look like a 10 year old kid who can't get his own way. grow up.

  69. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Jan 14, 2012, 10:00 #16860

    Oh Dear. Article anyone about how Britain doesn't have to worry about threats from emerging countries to our standing in the world's economy or about how cuts to our defence budget means we're a bit-part player in world affairs, because years ago Britain had a huge empire? If we become nostalgic - we become beaten. Forwards!

  70. Gaza

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:59 #16859

    History is important but its today that counts. All clubs have good and bad times its a pity your so small minded. I am sure Arsenal will come again sometime

  71. George

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:57 #16858

    I'd worry about qualifying for the CL if I was you and not how we at Spurs are doing, failure to get into the CL and lets see how you get on for the next 19 years.

  72. David87

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:56 #16857

    Just to say credit to all the spurs fans on here commenting. You've demonstrated one thing that comes with supporting a club that has gone through tough times - loyalty. Instead of bleating incessantly about how we're 9 clear and have beaten you the last few seasons, we're staying quiet, putting it in to perspective and enjoying the ride. If this was on a spurs blog there would be legions of illiterate mouth breathers coming on and screaming '51 year' and various other anti-Semitic comments. The fact is, we are above you now, in the present day. Over the last few years you have been slowly slipping and we have been slowly climbing. Have some class.

  73. TShill7

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:51 #16856

    As others have said this is a seriously embarrassing article harping on about the last 18 years! Arsenal & Spurs at full strength are not that far apart - the current points gap symptomatic of a terrible start by Arsenal. Focus on that rather than the infantile drivel you chose to scrawl.

  74. Pete

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:50 #16855

    Take note of your own and delete this pathetic article, you should all be enjoying the banter. If you don't delete at least get the stats up for the last 100 years and not just recent successes. Ha ha ha you hate it don't you lol.!!!!!

  75. Anon

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:49 #16854

    A great club you may have been, and will be again. But this year you are inferior, and if you honestly honestly think you are good enough to finish above tottenham, or more to the point, tottenham are bad enough to finish to above arsenal, then you are seriously deluded, desperately clinging on to the past with no grounds, and quite frankly - i feel a bit sorry for you

  76. Peter Wain

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:45 #16853

    Stupid article who cares about the scum I only care for Arsenal and thats what we should be writing about not a bunch of pathetic losers whose spiritual home is in the Rymans premium league

  77. col

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:42 #16852

    Are you six years old? because your silly rant gives that impression.Arsenal are like Spurs one of the big names of English football but are a pale shadow of the club that shone so bright a decade ago[history] so your rant is an example of childish playground na na na na talk.

  78. Ando

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:42 #16851

    what was it that Tony Adams said? the past is not important its what we do in the future that matters.The immediate and short term future does not match your table unfortunately

  79. arry forever

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:40 #16850

    hahaha is that table your comfort blanket? A reminder of the past ? Come on Gooners, its not that bad ....yet ! The season is only half way thru and lots of points still to play for !

  80. ToluLogo

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:33 #16849

    I sincerely agree with u man,...our north london rivals always fail to forget that CLASS&TECHNICAL knowledge of the game of football always comes to play at the end!&In Wenger,Arsenal has got it!not to also forget that,Man Utd have got a WHOLE LOADS of it in Sir Fergie!!so,'s not yet your moment!!*sorry*

  81. Roysie2010

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:30 #16848

    As a Spurs fan I like to see good football being played, whether it be by Man U, Barcelona, Real Madrid or Arsenal. This year, for the first time in a very very long time, Spurs are playing out of their skins. It's been a long time coming and we are enjoying it and why not. Not sure if the league is possible but it's great to watch. I have applauded the Red half for bringing a great style of football to the league, maybe you should try the same now that the Lillywhites are playing good football. I won't hold my breath though :)

  82. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:26 #16847

    I can't speak for everyone but, I read those comments and I believe those people were merely upset at the fact that the scum have spent intelligently and ambitiously in the last few years while Arsenal have been persevering with players like Denilson, Bendtner, Almunia and chamakh because they are cheap.

  83. dd

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:23 #16846

    Next 100 years? 100 years? For an article that's boasting facts, figures and tables i think 100 years is a guess. A longshot if you will. A stab in the dark, a bloody fable at best! 100 years. 100 years!!?? If we're discussing facts, and not conjuring up a number from our behinds when passing wind all you need to know is that you haven't won a single trophy since Viera left and that hole has, in my opinion, made you soft and vulnerable. You look less likely to compete for any silverware year on year since Viera, then Henry (or is that now Jesus since his second coming), and Campbell have left you. And Cole, Nasri, Clichy, Toure had no regard for Arsenal when they jumped ship and even Henri, yes Henri, had to be convinced to stay for the one year before he left for Barcelona and the same goes for Fabregas. The reciprocal loyalty that players used to show Wenger has gone. Diminished! A further slap in the face and actually a bit of a shame as to be fair to Wenger he has so much loyalty and faith in his players it must sting like a bitch when it's not returned. From the outside, it looks like players are more desperate to leave than they are to join (RvP's contract as a potential example). That's my opinion. And I think it wil stay like that for the next "100 years".

  84. Beavis

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:19 #16845

    What is this article trying to achieve? No one .. I repeat no one .. is saying that Arsenal havent been the dominant side? The record has never been in question hence this article is utter nonsense. What commentators are talking about this season is whether Spurs have the ability to compete for the title. Arsenal are well out of the title race. Even the most hardended Arsenal fan must admit that? A bitter article with little substance.

  85. spursfan

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:16 #16844

    It is clear this article has been produced out of fear. Fear of failure of arsenal. Whilst I am one of the few who will admit arsenal have produced the best football the prem has seen, in your hearts and minds you now have fear. As you gooners keep reminding us spurs fans that we should not live in the past and live on past glory, so I will also remind you that your best days have now gone. The past is behind you my friend, look ahead and look forward to the future. Wether it brings success for Spurs or not, you should be more worried about your own club. COYS!

  86. thfc

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:14 #16843

    stuff like this is fueling the spurs fans fire. you lot make me laugh, we are only half way through the season for crying out loud. just take(wenger included) one on the chin for once its not spurs fault the media are blowing their horn.

  87. Vic

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:13 #16842

    You started well but your bitterness took over and you began to ramble. You didn't need to showcase the stats, every Spurs and Arsenal fan is well aware of the Red domination of North London over the past 18 years. But things change. This may, or may not, be the dawning of the change but whilst Spurs are ahead of their rivals it would be inconceivable for the cockerel not to crow a bit. So calm down, swallow the bile rising to your throat and look forward to our meeting at the Emirates which proves to be possibly the most fiercely and evenly contested clash for many a year, at least for 18 years.

  88. Steve

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:10 #16841

    Does that mean we can just ignore City as well? If we aren't careful we're going to end up sounding like Liverpool & Villa fans - bleating on about the past all the time. History is good to look back on, but the here and now is far more important. And at the moment Spurs are a seriously good football team. I'm actually sort of enjoying it. It adds an extra edge to the season that has been missing for a long time.

  89. Mark

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:09 #16840

    OMG. Is this the most embarrassing article ever. Trying desperately to convince ourselves they are not a threat. Who cares about the past? Right now they are 9 points above us and in the title race and we are outside the top 4. This sort of article is what little clubs write. Delete this quickly before 100s of Spuds fans start crow. What has possessed you to do this?

  90. harryquest tottenham supporter ( not a Fan)

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:09 #16839

    but you are taking notice ??!! once again all you have is history..when it suits you ...your chart was interesting but u didnt have the guts to put in the present day ??

  91. andre5

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:08 #16838

    You sound like a Liverpool fan... History FC

  92. galteegunner

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:02 #16837

    Spurs have 2 league titles. One behind Wolves and two behind Newcastle. Nuff said

  93. muswellchris

    Jan 14, 2012, 9:00 #16836

    The only thing we can learn from history is that things never stay the same. You might like to comfort yourself by thinking this is not so, but just have a peek at the bigger picture. In other words take your blinkers off and wake up and smell the coffee.

  94. Matt Darby

    Jan 14, 2012, 8:57 #16835

    Well said, I agree 100%! Sad fact is that although spurs are having a great season, all they seem concerned about is where Arsenal are. I think that says it all - they are so desperate i almost (ALMOST) feel sorry for them! It proves one thing, they will always be in our shadow trying to reach the standards we set!

  95. Rory obrien

    Jan 14, 2012, 8:57 #16834

    You're talking about the past Praise of spurs is about now and the future

  96. Kedus

    Jan 14, 2012, 8:57 #16833

    U r absolutely right. It's the media that makes arsenal look bad and spurs the other way around. We almost beat them in the first match and they will never finish above us

  97. DavetheSpur

    Jan 14, 2012, 8:57 #16832

    Interesting article, but isn't it rather missing the point? The point is that Spurs at last have a good team, having lived in your shadow for many, many years. That's the point Spurs fans are making - not that we've been better for the last 20 years, which clearly we haven't, but that we're pretty good now.

  98. Jimmy

    Jan 14, 2012, 8:55 #16831

    Nicely put! Always in our shadow.

  99. timo

    Jan 14, 2012, 8:55 #16830

    arsenal won fa in last 6years now moaning its the tv faults for playing to many games get real the past is the past the future in now NO cl for you moaners next year.

  100. North London is ours!!

    Jan 14, 2012, 8:53 #16829

    still living in the past. sad nomad. you've become the selling club. Just shows who is showing more ambition.

  101. tony

    Jan 14, 2012, 8:51 #16828

    Took a while, but you've finally bit!

  102. Paul

    Jan 14, 2012, 8:50 #16827

    We are talking about the here and now not the past.Stop living in the past.Its 7 years since we won a trophy.A few facts The Spuds wage bill is £40m less than ours,their gates our 25,000 less than ours, we spent 5 times as much as they did in the summer transfer window.Its a disgrace we are 9 pts behind them.Time us Gooners woke up and smelt the coffee we have become also rans

  103. ****downunder

    Jan 14, 2012, 8:50 #16826

    Agree you have been better than us for the last 20 years, but history is actually longer than 20 years go back further and then we will see. Oh whats that i hear you dont want to go back that far. Get a grip on reality, Arsene and Arsenal are a spent force, start getting use to it.

  104. Tom

    Jan 14, 2012, 8:46 #16825

    You haveto see what kind of players is in each team. When Spurs had ENGLISH players, Arsenal had only foreign players. As we all know, this is a ENGLISH team and not a French team. Tottenham will always be a ENGLISH team, while Arsenal will be a French team settle in England.

  105. Glen H

    Jan 14, 2012, 8:44 #16824

    Yeah but, the times they are a changing [wink]

  106. Benow

    Jan 14, 2012, 8:44 #16823

    Arsenal was dominated in the 90s, Spurs in the 60s and 80s.But who's care! The current season is the key. Arsenal is doing well now.