Beaten at their own game

Online Ed: Arsenal slump to seventh league defeat in 21 matches

Beaten at their own game

Wenger: Can someone tell him what’s going on

Emails, text messages. I had a few. Sometimes, it’s nice to ease into a piece reflecting on a defeat by giving the views of others first, just to remind myself I am not a voice in the wilderness wondering why things are allowed to continue as they are at Arsenal.

17.26 (2-1) - No disrespect to Swans. But this is a truly shocking display from us in last 20 especially – Pete Mountford
17.27 – Why is Theo still on? Why doesn’t he replace him with Chamberlain? – Mike P
17.29 (2-2) - I guess that’s why! – Mike P
17.30 (3-2)– Unbelievable. Don’t Wenger ever dare say mental strength again – Pete Mountford
18.00 – (Full time) Only thing he (Walcott) did all game though – Mike P
18.01 – The whole team now looks like an accident to happen. Where now Arsenal? – Howard Lamb
18.13 – I am so angry, even more so than the 8-2 thrashing. This was proof we weren’t good enough, won’t come top 4 and are a spent force. And did you see Wenger looking like a **** in tracksuit and trainers. That would never have happened under Graham and is a symptom of the declining standards we have come to expect. Wenger can take his manky trainers to somewhere like Bolton where managers can wear shorts. – Marc Ollington
18.20 – Is it 120 games before May 2014 when Wenger leaves? – Don K
18.23 – AW knows game is up. We will waste £35m of money available plugging CL revenue gap next season! What a waste – Don K
18.25 – Ironic that their shirts say 32 red – Marcia Milnes
18.54 - We need to change the Club's motto to "Clade discordia crescit". It means "disharmony grows with defeat" – Mike P
20.01 – Just got this from a Manc… Apparently the Henry signed by Arsenal is not their former player but a new hoover to remove the dust from their trophy cabinet – Marcia Milnes
20.02 - Someone at Arsenal needs to think long and hard about putting up Wenger's quotes on the website. Today’s pearler is: ”I think we panicked a bit too quickly today.” So panicking is all right if it is done at the right time, or slowly enough. As you and I know, nothing will change until the manager goes and Kroenke wises up or sells up. To quote Mr Dylan: “I used to care, but things have changed.” – Ian Henry
20.38 – Wenger on today’s game. “Defensively, it’s difficult to know what’s going on, I don’t know.” But… “there is good spirit and a desire to do well.” You just couldn’t make it up! - Telboy
23.22 – Just got no father figure like Adams or leadership on pitch. Or big talkers. AW teams just can’t defend. – Alex Laidman
Monday 07.35 – See the back page of the Metro reads: ‘Wenger is baffled by Arsenal’s Swan dive’. Guess that puts him in a minority of one then. – Doktor Schneide

To get things in perspective, only Manchester United have taken three points from the Liberty Stadium so far this season. And yesterday’s game was the first in which Swansea conceded more than a solitary goal at home since their return to the top flight. So although Arsenal may have missed some pretty decent chances, ultimately, their attack did actually do their part of the job by scoring twice. It should have been enough to secure the win.

But in defence, oh boy. Certainly, the penalty was unfortunate, no doubt about that. But the second and third goals were almost criminal. Giving the ball away so cheaply in their own half for Swansea’s second and then the travesty in the minute after the equalizer. Koscielny, one of the team’s best performers this season, just did not appear to make any effort to keep up with his man. It reminded me of Denilson. What on earth was he thinking?

On both counts, it was lack of focus, lack of concentration that undid Arsenal. Swansea were switched on and took advantage. Perhaps the most galling thing for Arsene Wenger was that he was beaten at his own game. Brendan Rodgers’ side played football in the style of the Gunners – on the floor, possession the priority. Wenger apparently complained about the state of the pitch before the game, but what followed demonstrated that it need prove no handicap. Swansea moved the ball around better and critically, took advantage of the opportunities presented to them.

It’s not the first time the manager’s way of doing things has been thrown back in his face. At Old Trafford, the fact that Alex Ferguson’s team were younger than Wenger’s finally brought the curtain down on project youth, and since then there has been a passable attempt to salvage the season from the wreckage. But the wheels have come off with 11 points being dropped from the last 18 available, and suddenly Champions League qualification looks a big ask once again. Even the introduction of Thierry Henry made no difference on this occasion, Swansea were simply too good at the back.

There’s little gain now in highlighting the lack of contribution from Walcott and Arshavin. Both played a big part in one of the goals, both missed a decent opportunity, but aside from that, were peripheral. Perhaps this played a contribution to the fact that Swansea enjoyed more possession than a team facing Arsenal would normally have, thus handing them the initiative.

Whichever way you look at it, the team have been dropping too many points against teams they should have enough in them to beat for a number of seasons now. And the rot shows no signs of stopping. It was pointed out to me in a phone call from the Highbury Spy that when Vermaelen is not in the team, we stand a great deal more chance of losing. Such reliance on an individual should not be allowed to happen at a club of Arsenal’s stature, but the squad is simply not strong enough to compensate. At least the faint hope of a top four finish flickers as long as the captain remains fit, but should he get crocked, the writing is on the wall even more so than it seems now.

The Spy and myself even pondered whether we would prefer the team to finish fifth or seventh, so to avoid Europa League football. There’s nothing wrong with the tournament itself, it’s the fact that so many of the weekend games are moved to a Sunday that we both agreed we would prefer to avoid given the choice. Who would have thought we’d be having this type of conversation five years ago once we’d moved from Highbury for the express reason of keeping up with the Joneses?

What we are left with is, for the most part, a highly overpaid bunch of underachievers who cannot perform to the levels they are capable of on a consistent basis. For a few weeks in the autumn, things were looking up, but reality has bitten us on the backside even earlier than is traditional. There are a handful of decent players, but the squad needs an overhaul, and specifically more leadership, so that should the likes of Vermaelen be absent, there is someone on the pitch doing the job the team is crying out for. Van Persie may or may not be a good club captain, but he isn’t going to sort out the defensive side of Arsenal’s game. And if he has any footballing ambition, he will only be a one season captain anyway.

The manager is at a loss to explain the lack of focus in his players. I’d suggest his methods are probably the reason for it. Is anyone going to have a word?

PS – After posting, received an email from Alan Humphrey which seems to fit here nicely. Alan writes… The club is dying … and it hurts. The most frustrating thing for me was that we were told this move to E******s will allow us to compete. What a load of rubbish that has turned out to be. The board need to be replaced with Dein and Usmanov and then the manager probably needs to go as well. The lack of competence on the pitch beggars belief.

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  1. Ib

    Jan 17, 2012, 21:54 #17143

    Same old Arsenal - mediocre players, faded manager and a complacent Board. Nothing will change at the club whilst 60,000 "customers" turn up every game. I jacked in my membership last season and have not been this season - why imply support for a failed club policy.

  2. NOOP

    Jan 17, 2012, 15:46 #17116

    Noticed earlier on the forums that the away supporters were singing to the tune of Wonderwall. Thought I would elaborate a bit on this : Today is gonna be the day that we're gonna have to play D'jorou, Right back, he hasn't got the knack, but I guess he's gonna have to do, For I don't believe that anybody thinks that Arsene knows any more, And Arsene Wenger's judgement is declining, cos he won't move to make a proper signing, and there are many pounds that he just likes to hide away, but he won't say why.......... cos maybe, he likes to be the one that saves it and afterall, it's a big windfall. Think back, to when there was no lack, of cups at Highbury those days, when winning was the way, not a finish in the top 3, cos I don't believe that anybody thinks that that should be the Arsenal way, And all the fans are after is investment, and in the team and not some banker's basement, And if you won't come clean and tell us what you mean, then we'll take you down, cos afterall, how the mighty fall

  3. Danny

    Jan 17, 2012, 13:20 #17098

    CanadaGonner- Please stick to hockey. Hang on a sec, isn't there a team in hockey that is like Arsenal. Oh Yes, the leafs. cash cow, but not motivation to win. Ask yourself 2 questions:- Why oh why, is the broad sticking with Wenger . Answer Money making git for the board secondly. why is were this bunch of rejects outfought , out tackled. Simple, no desire , no ambition to win. Where does this come from. Our Intelligent clueless coach. He needs to go. Period! Brendan Rogers could a better job.

  4. mad max

    Jan 17, 2012, 9:09 #17080

    like i,ve said b4 nothing will change until us the fans show a real sign of protest.the ideal time would be on sunday against manure ,the game is live on sky.i remember standing outside the marble halls wiv a few thousand gooners back in 83'calling for terry neill,s head after we,d just lost our 7th game in a row. the old etonians on the board were shocked into action, and mr neill was history.i am very grateful for arsene,s years between 1996-2005,but i still feel he owes a deal of gratitude to the core of players he inherited from the george graham era. where has all the money gone from the high profile players we,ve sold.we deserve to know the truth.lets start sunday to let the parasites who run the club know enough is enough we are the arsenal and u must be held accountable.

  5. Tony Evans

    Jan 17, 2012, 8:38 #17079

    It is only my long support of Arsenal (since the late 60's) that is keeping me going. Deep down I have long since given up on Wenger and the current philosophy at Board level. Common sense tells me to walk away but I can't and I am clinging on to a scrap of hope that Wenger will walk away soon himself. Arsenal have gone through much worse times I know but even during those times I could relate to the players and had some pride in my team. That pride has virtually gone and I am sick to the stomach of wasters like Arshavin being indulged by Wenger and paid a bloody fortune too.

  6. Andrew Cohen

    Jan 17, 2012, 8:29 #17078

    When you are in a train crash (or so I have been told) the first sensation is of a lack of smoothness that accompanies the rails being where they should be and the wheels not being there they should be. This is a train crash and we are all on the train. When it crashes,again, there will still be some people who, despite various limbs hanging off emotionally, will still try and pretend that things are alright. When the critical mass of people inside the stadium realise that things are never going to get better unless this manager retires, we will then get the vocal impetus that we need to make our displeasure plain and the board will effect the necessary decision. They will do so because they don't wish to hear 90 minutes of matchday complaint. The only hole in my theory is, as another contributor has said, that the shareholders don't go to the games. For them, the money is important, and we are about to lose a large chunk of that. It would be nice to get it over quickly, but some akb's within and without the club, are prepared to go to their graves for their leader, such is their faith.

  7. Ronster

    Jan 17, 2012, 8:19 #17077

    R Meade....Wenger could also call upon Raymond Parlour and David Platt in 1997!

  8. Gooner1711

    Jan 17, 2012, 7:11 #17076

    There are enough people on here to start the noises of protest, starting on Sunday. Spend some "f***ing" money would be a good start like it was at Fulham last season, loud and clear. Protest vocally NOW and if necessary with season tickets at the end of the season. The prospect of having my cup credits on Europa league football (basically 7 x £40 wasted) means most people will return them.

  9. Gunner666

    Jan 17, 2012, 4:55 #17075

    Looking at the Swansea team who from our starting bunch would their manager pick to improve his team? Hard isn't it

  10. CanadaGooner

    Jan 16, 2012, 23:52 #17073

    well, i wonder if the team will be pumped up to beat Man Utd 8 - 0 on sunday then? (unlikely!). We'll probably end-up being demolished at home on top of the recent defeats. You've all continued to predict doom & gloom and you're getting it - so shouldnt you be rejoicing? The problems at Arsenal go far beyond getting rid of the manager. What I would really like to see is Wenger coming out this week to express his dissatisfaction with our recent performances and demand a lot more from the players he has, because let's face it, there wont be that many changes this month. I wont waste time beating about the bush: if Arsenal finish outside the top 4 this season Wenger will most likely resign anyway (so, dont worry about sacking him) and I hope he does, as it would be an honourable way to depart the club where he achieved so much. If after he leaves, we fail to compete, the board must go, followed by Gazidis and Kroenke: dream on though, none of the above will happen. Mark my words today, and any of you can call me up on it at the end of the season: Spurs will falter sooner or later and Arsenal will still finish in the top 4 at the end of this season (sounds foolish, but we will). COME ON YOU GOONERS!!!!!

  11. GoonerGoal!

    Jan 16, 2012, 23:32 #17072

    "We've already said 'Goodbye'. Since you've got to go, oh you had better go now. Go now. Go now. Go now..."

  12. R Meade

    Jan 16, 2012, 22:45 #17071

    Canada we are only above Fulham, wolves etc because of RVP if he had been injured we would have been rubbing shoulders with those clubs, TV5 and possibly Wiltshire are our other only decent players TV5 is always injured and Wiltshire looks like missing the whole season the rest are Wolves Fulham standard if they are that good. Wenger like Graham started off great in the transfer market but like Graham lost the knack and started buying crap after crap player Wenger is a master of it now. Managers live buy there signings and Wengers have been poor for years now i've said before when he took over he inherited SEAMAN,ADAMS,BOULD,KEOWN.DIXON,WINTERBURN,MERSON.WRIGHT,BERGKAMP, if he leaves at the end of the season only RVP will be left if he stays in that class.

  13. Jonesey

    Jan 16, 2012, 22:40 #17070

    Gman- Satanic Stan doesn't need to put his hand in his pocket, there is minimum £50m sitting in the clubs transfer piggy bank waiting to be spent. The reason it's still sitting there is because Wenger doesn't want to spend it. He believes in these players and he believes in the team. If anyone were to tell him he was wrong he would ignore them, and if anyone were to try to tell him what to do, he would walk.

  14. frankie

    Jan 16, 2012, 22:09 #17069

    i love wenger and everything he has done for us but its time to go. we need a new manager and coaching staff but i would like to see one of our greats have a hands on roll. bould or adams or even keown. emery of valencia would be my dream manager for arsenal, hes young intelligent has new ideas , plays good attacking football wit two strikers, solid defence and does a good job competing with the big boys in spain. he would come 2 us for sure get rid of the crap lazy players and build a new team around the great young promising players we have but he would need financial backing from the board. he even speaks the lingo. a bright new era for arsenal fc

  15. Mark

    Jan 16, 2012, 21:46 #17068

    watching man city did you notice how Barry and Milner absolutely busted a gut to get back when wigan looked like breaking through. As individuals Arsenal fans and Wenger these days dont like the Barry's and the Milner type players but you know what ? Arsenal are so much worse without players like that. Parlour and Ljunberg were great at tackling back. they really put the sweat in ! i am sorry but Andre and Theo always come off the field with clean shirts/shorts and never knackered and it makes me sick. GG's team had a great work rate. this Arsenal team is so lazy.

  16. fozzy's mate

    Jan 16, 2012, 21:10 #17067

    Veano - you missed the announcement that TV5 cleverly signed a new deal. He's not daft after being available for 2 months in 2 years. However I agree that apart from young jack who I believe like TV is effectively out for the season, TV and RVP are our only true top players. Those have all spent long, long terms out which is worrying as any injury other than a broken toe nail must be seriously managed no risk taken at all. But forgetting that how can a club like ours that have realised in transfer fees over the last few years, be left in a position where they have only 3 top players, when we have let so many go on big fees over the years? Unless we have those 3 on the pitch together and with our other hapless cover defenders TV is probably most important at an elite level we are a poor side. Financially a giant of the world game but in terms of how much ambition we show we are in a false position. We actually deserve to be lower and if we carry on like this is the market (as one article I read today stuck in 2002) we can only go one way as a club. It is true the darkest hour comes before dawn. That will come at the end of February of during March.

  17. Vino Deano

    Jan 16, 2012, 20:33 #17066

    The only people who matter in all this are RVP and Vermalaen. Forget fan protests for the moment - if RVP/Vermalaen decide (or have decided) that they won't renew their contracts this summer (which if CL football is not on offer they should), Wenger is sunk. He knows it, the other players know it, the Board knows it. Watch this space - Wenger will buy in the next two weeks.

  18. John B

    Jan 16, 2012, 20:12 #17065

    In Arsene we trusted - but the club just rusted The Emirates sparkles - as we watch the debacles The players earn riches - and have Tottenham in stitches The fans shout 'buy' - but are just spun a lie We have all had enough - its time to get tough Lets say it loud lets say it clear - go Arsene we wont shed a tear.

  19. Steve P

    Jan 16, 2012, 19:53 #17064

    @Dan h, spot on & when you consider Arshavin is at least a stone overweight it just beggars belief. Just highlights how out of touch the manager is. Please go gracefully

  20. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jan 16, 2012, 19:27 #17063

    Johnnyhawleylovinggooner : yes it so does feel like the end of the Wright,Mee,Neill & Graham era, I always felt that our Corithian board were emmbarrassed by too much success and always decided after winning a few trophies that it was much fairer if other teams should win things! - barking? Well how else do you explain what happened after 53,71,94 and of course 2004. If you wanted to destroy a team and yet still give half of the supporters the hope that next season would be the one, you could not do better than the "car crash" performances of the last 5 years. I am a nervous wreck watching Wenger's manifestations of a football team!

  21. Shropshire Lad

    Jan 16, 2012, 19:12 #17062

    Fozzy, Ron, Oxymoron, Highbury Boy - could not agree more. I have done 54 brilliant years (yes, even the lows seemed strangely entertaining) being a Gooner but now it is sadly starting to feel like one of those exercise wheels that mice use to keep fit - round and round and going nowhere! I saw the great managers like Mee and Graham and I like you lived through the garbage - Wright ( at least we do not have to put up with the Beverley Sisters. Hang on perhaps we do - Wenger, Rice and Primmo!,) Neil, Rioch but Wenger is a strange conundrum. Clearly a talented and intelligent Manager who has brought us great success but who does not know when to pass on the baton. He looks tired and I think he is disillusioned as his project youth has failed and many of his players do not respond to his motivation. I know I have been like an old record repeating ' what does Pat Rice do?!' at the end of all my comments last season but he has exposed his weaknesses by taking no action in this area of management. I believe his self imposed isolation in the dugout on Sunday spoke volumes. The difference for me is that this time round when Our Great Club are going backwards (and yes, I know, it's not yet a crisis but it's not all about injuries and referees decisions) is that I feel sad rather than angry. The Wright and Neil eras were bloody inflammatory but I just feel that the slow decline in the Wenger era is so avoidable if he would just show the bollocks to take action. Anyway on the bright side I have at least got my Arsenal Fans Dinner guest wish list - well perhaps Pub rather than Dinner Party!! Also, Canadagooner has restricted himself to just the one Schoolmasterly comment for a change and there is absolutely nothing from the sugar coated Mandy Dodd (which is actually a little bit scary when you think about it!). Send Arsenal up the field.........

  22. John F

    Jan 16, 2012, 18:52 #17061

    Do you think Swansea would be interested in a part exchange of managers plus Arshavin and Rosicky.Great song by some of the Arsenal fans reported on 5 Live. To the tune of wonderwall.Today is going to be the day that we are going to have to play Djourou.

  23. Dan h

    Jan 16, 2012, 18:45 #17060

    I will give an example of just how well the players are treated.AA was given a new contract in the summer he wasn't happy with amount of tax he had been paying.The contract is the original length 2013 expiry with an increase he is currently our highest paid player.The club should award new contracts on performance only not to have a footballing utopia where players are pampered to the extent they are at Arsenal.


    Jan 16, 2012, 18:20 #17059

    The only way we are going to get our football club back is to not spend any money there. I have jacked in my season ticket and will not attend another match until Wenger leaves. It's painful to have to do but it's the only real power supporters have got. If enough supporters do this then eventually the club would have to rethink. Unfortunately if you are a supporter it's a really hard decision (mind you it's easier the more crap we are!). The club take advantage of supporters because they know of our loyalty. I'm trying to be loyal in a different way because I have had enough over the last few years and I want change. I have been a supporter for 43 years and this is the most depressed I have been supporting MY club. Wenger MUST GO!

  25. E5 Gooner

    Jan 16, 2012, 17:32 #17058

    It is all well and good writing our articles on said websites, but maybe its time us gooners stopped being apathetic and got off our arses and made some noise. If not for the head of Arsene, at least for a shake up of the board.

  26. Will

    Jan 16, 2012, 17:31 #17057

    Fair post Kev. Out passed, out thought and more importantly outfought.Swansea wanted it more and that's the crux of the matter.When push comes to shove where were the leaders in the team ? Talent without fight is useless. Brendan Rogers for Arsenal?

  27. allybear

    Jan 16, 2012, 17:21 #17055

    GoonerRich i agree with you and i cant understand this blind faith in Wenger,dont people realise he had his time and also he will have to leave at sometime in the future(soon pg). He keeps making the same mistakes and i think the players dont believe in him anymore. I fully expect RVP to leave in the summer&cant blame him. ManU could hammer us again on Sunday.

  28. jjetplane

    Jan 16, 2012, 17:19 #17054

    As I said before the only fun is hoping other 'top teams' will slip up 'cause its hardly worth hoping for sea change under ArseW and the way the Swans played put something unsuprisingly in perspective. They did not beat us at our own game - they owned it! I joked about Sunderland finishing ahead of us. Just wait til QPR get in gear! Hats off to the travelling gooners and dont take **** from part-timers - big as they are! This is Arsenal - not a playground for tired, rich Frenchmen!

  29. BRISKI

    Jan 16, 2012, 17:15 #17053

    I do not support the general vilification of Arsene Wenger that is a common theme in these columns! It's important for us to remember his many achievements and the excellent style of football he has brought to the UK - and to Arsenal. Yesterday we were beaten at our own game by a team who just wanted to win rather more than we did - which is shaming in itself, given the huge salaries the players pick up. Damn it!. All they are asked to do is to play a couple of games a football a week! What is wrong with them? Leadership that's what. I am reluctantly forced to the conclusion that AW will have to go. He cuts a sad and lonely figure - and his articulate Gallic charm cannot rescue him from that. Sitting on his own - as he did yesterday - he seems to be quietly despairing. He has missed his own exit line and now it will be harder for him - because at the end of a distinguished career he will have to admit failure. Pat Rice is a lovely bloke and has given most of his life to Arsenal - but he is (and always has been) in the wrong job. No one should defer to AW in the way Pat Rice does. Someone needs to speak very frankly to AW. But who will do that? I would suggest the Board (a weird collection of nonentities who cannot possibly know anything about football) - but it is clear that AW rules the roost. So now he's got to be brave enough to call time - and thereby improve the fortunes of the Club he loves. Bite the bullet AW and take a gracious and dignified retirement - straight into broadcasting I should think. It can only get worse for you if you stay. The Club needs a big shake-up and you must lead it by your retirement this Summer-for all the reasons that have been given many times in these columns. Just one aside - that may enrage fellow contributors. It was a mistake to re-sign Henri - great player that he once was. It may even become an embarrassment. At Swansea he looked lost and made little contribution - except reprising his all too familiar body language of registering his dismay at the performance of others. And if anybody should have led the team to thank their supporters, it should have been RVP. TH is a statue - (I would have chosen Ian Wright myself) - but he is not (yet) a saint! And , by the way , his wonder goal against Leeds was provided by the astute play of one Mr Song - who fed TH perfectly. Leave Song alone - for all his stray passes - he has a 100% commitment to the Club. Just what we need. Arsenal for ever and a day! (48th glorious year!)

  30. divingrooney

    Jan 16, 2012, 17:08 #17052

    The most frustrating thing for me was that we were told this move to E******s will allow us to compete. No one expected top players to earn 200k per week. No stadium or benfactor can help us. But Wenger is completely and utterly lost in try to achieve something from such a fickle lot. I see no reason why Arshavin plays game after game. He is utterly rubbish every game, and it becomes a disease. Walcott scored and now he would be thinking if Arshavin is still so important, I am better than Henry... Arshavin is a disease, Wenger made the easier cull in the summer when he got rid of young underachievers but for my money, he should have sold off Arshavin, Rosicky, Almunia etc before them.

  31. Hillwoods Puffa Jacket

    Jan 16, 2012, 16:54 #17051

    What a sad figure OGL cut yesterday, sat all alone in that little shed affair a wall and a few yards away from his back room team/yes men. Dressed in that ridiculous tracksuit waving his arms around like a crazy man, with the non-enity that is Pat Rice lying back motionless in his sun lounger with his sun glasses on and making a contribution as effective as a pensioner on a day out in Barry Island. Even OGL partially ran out of excuses as 3 goals cannot be blamed on 1 dodgy penalty (although to be fair it looked a pen at first galnce). He talks with confusion as if the indequate squad he has single handedly put together has nothing to do with him. Even Jamire Redknapp who said getting this squad in the top 4, would be a great achievement again as if the squad assembled has nothing to with OGL - priceless!

  32. Charles

    Jan 16, 2012, 16:42 #17050

    As our season is now as good as over and Man City are short of players, why don't we offer them van persie for £50m and then we can make another transfer window profit.

  33. Highbury Boy

    Jan 16, 2012, 16:38 #17049

    Having watched them for 60 years I don't think there's yet anything like the opposition shown to former managers. I remember boycotting the Leeds home game in 1966. Only 4544 attended. Finally the Board got the message and Wright was sacked. Fortunes changed thereafter with the unknown Mee being appointed. The rest is history. At the moment Wenger is surviving on his reputation built up in his early years ,support by the media, lack of interest by Silent Stan who is content to see annual profits and lack of protest by fans.I agree with one of the posters re the gk position. SzCz could I think be a great gk but Wenger should have bought an experienced gk such as Given or Friedel so that he could have learnt more. SzCz should not have complained as he had moved up from gk number 4 at the beginning of last season. As it is now we have no option but to keep him in the side through inevitable dips as the backups are totally useless.

  34. Oxy-Moron

    Jan 16, 2012, 16:28 #17048

    Gman - all parties (Wenger, board, Silent Stan) are equally to blame. That's why Stan made his cringeworthy "what a wonderful club" speech at the AGM. What he meant was of course "I can't believe what i've bought here!". He only wants to take a nice hefty dividend out the club, the board are happy as larry that the books balance, and Wenger is happy not spending as he believes religiously that he will be proven right someday soon (comparisons to the fall of the third reich anyone?). Stan is impassve, the board lacks ambition, and the manager is deluded - what a combination! The board must genuinely believe that once FFP kicks-in, we will be laughing all the way to the title, passing an in-administration Chelsea, Manure and Citeh on the way. Newsflash for the board - FFP is toothless and won't make a blind bit of difference. Unless ALL the three things above change pronto, we are destined to emulate Liverpool and Villa of the last 15 years - living on memories of yesteryear (minus the fluke CL win of course!)

  35. Rob

    Jan 16, 2012, 16:14 #17045

    Just a brief point on an issue raised above. Bertie Mee retired of his own volition having felt he had done his job and taken the club as far as he could. It is one of many reasons why all true Arsenal fans have always held his memory in the greatest respect. and affection. He knew when to go. Most Managers - and this clearly includes the current one - don't. My fear is that this is going to get very messy before it is resolved as both the Board and the owner are even more delusional than Wenger and it could take an awful lot of protests, empty seats and confrontations - between the fans themselves, as much as the fans turning on the Manager and the Board - before changes, that are so needed, are finally forced through. I am not saying it can't of should not be done. But Wenger, Hill-Wood, Gazedis and the Yank aren't about to go quietly. Like I say, you might have seen nothing yet, compared to what will come.

  36. Inspector Cluess strikes (yet) again

    Jan 16, 2012, 16:12 #17044

    players are players - they need coaching ! wenger has lost ze plot it is not entirely the players fault. Wenger is old and past it. this team has no backbone because it is now solely Wengers team and no past influences from GG or DD. now we all see him for what he really is

  37. Sam

    Jan 16, 2012, 15:37 #17042

    Our abiding image of Wenger could have been so different. Now when he does finally go, it's likely to be of a lone figure in oversized puffa jacket, waiving his arms in the air with a permanently aggrieved look on his face. I can believe that he refuses to accept that things have gone badly wrong - I can believe even more strongly that he has no idea why things aren't working any longer. John Cleese doesn't understand that he's not funny any more either. The defence is lousy but imo the midfield situation is even worse as Jack is the only class player missing with injury. What we now have though is a very large squad with only one world class player (for a few months longer?) and far too many overpaid mediocre talents, who believe that they are anything but. As for Park, he looked so out of place yesterday sitting on the bench that I felt sorry for him. But I disagree strongly that Usmanov is the answer. We will sell the soul of our great club if he's in charge.

  38. Gman

    Jan 16, 2012, 15:28 #17040

    Why won’t Satanic Stan put his hand in his pocket? I tell you why, because he’s running the Club like ASDA/Wal-Mart. Since taking over the British chain he’s introduced the New World Contract which has shafted the employees. The long suffering workforce are constantly harassed to achieve higher productivity for no extra money and have the constant burden of low wages too subsidise customers. That’s why people like Stan Kroenke should stay out of football because if you treat football clubs like a supermarket then we will end up with only 4 clubs. I think we will eventually find out that Wenger has had his ‘hands tied behind his back’ when it comes to transfers. Peter Hill-Wood was right when he said “We don’t want his sort at the club” If Wenger has got any balls he should call Kroenke’s bluff and demand a £100M war chest or he should threaten the club with his resignation. Something needs to drastically change at the club and that means someone leaving and I’d rather keep Wenger than Kroenke!

  39. Mark

    Jan 16, 2012, 15:18 #17039

    lets face it part of the whole problem has been the Arsenal fans inability to see through the very polite urbane BS that Wenger churns out. too many fans live in the past and are simply not hungry enough for success. Wenger has played to this group lets say 50% of the fan base. these people are sucked in far too easily by the smooth marketing that comes out of the Board and the Emirates. They just dont get upset enough when things go wrong as they are clearly doing today and as 60% of the people on this blog said that they would go wrong 10 months ago. if you properly watched how Arsenal capitulated to Birmingham at wembley then you would have known then how serious a problem we have ! Stop being so patient please

  40. Ramgun

    Jan 16, 2012, 15:17 #17038

    The Board do not have any shares. Virtually all of the shares are held by two people (Kroenke and Usmanov) the latter of which has no power at all. The Board are window dressing and Wenger ignores them. He has persuaded Kroenke of his genius and is all-powerful. Until Kroenke changes his opinion of Wenger nothing will change. It has nothing to do with the Board. They are there to make up the numbers.

  41. chris dee

    Jan 16, 2012, 15:15 #17037

    By all means slam the players,but on that pitch yesterday we had players who were more talented than Swansea. But as on too many occasions to mention in the last 5 years our mental feebleness and our non existent defensive organisation meant we lost a game after taking the lead. This is entirely due to the Manager who has put up with the idleness,non commitment and down right lack of talent of Alminia,FabianskiArshavin,Chamakh,Djourou,Denilson,Bendtner,Eboue,Vela,Rosick etc .On the comment that Koscielny slowed while chasing Graham,he did this because he saw Chesney ,once again,charging out with terrible positional sense as he has done on many occasions. Again this is not Chesneys fault,he should not be put in the postion of being NO1 goalie with serial mistake maker Almunia and nervious wreck Fabianski as back up. Ferguson has dropped De Gea and has now a more expierenced goalie as first choice and it's given the defence more confidence. It won't be long before Chesney begins to make mistakes regulary and his confidence destroyed.He needed to be introduced into the first team slowly as the boy has got massive talent.Our first choice goalie should have been someone with experience who would not have hampered Chesney progress e.g.Swartzer,Friedel,Given. So whats' next Arsene?Are you happy with being the third best team in London?

  42. Gooner1711

    Jan 16, 2012, 15:14 #17036

    Until we protest nothing will change.

  43. AndyT

    Jan 16, 2012, 15:10 #17035

    If i had a company that posted good returns in the early to mid 2000's, then due to restructuring and office move spent 3 or 4 years just ticking over in the expectation that the years after that would reap greater rewards i would accept that. I would consider that AFC has now been ticking over for far too long and lost too many key staff members. The management need to look at themselves seriously.........

  44. Luke

    Jan 16, 2012, 15:09 #17034

    I massively agree we need to get rid of a lot of deadwood and we are desperate for another CB (will never happen), a striker and a top top class creative midfielder/winger/striker type. But the reason we did so well for a period was no real injuries, our team is good, our squad is not. But lets not forget we were without the below yesterday: Sagna Gibbs Vermallen Arteta Wilshire Gervinho There is not another team in the prem who could lose that amount of first XI players and not suffer as a result.

  45. Ronster

    Jan 16, 2012, 15:08 #17033

    The present situation is ''unacceptable'' according to Frank McLintock speaking on the radio this morning...hasn't this chap worked half a day in football?

  46. Gare Kekeke

    Jan 16, 2012, 15:06 #17032

    Spot on Kevin as usual. I can’t really add to what you have said. I for hope we don’t finish 3rd or 4th as Wenger and the board would hail the season a ‘success’ and that the all-important Champions League qualification would have been achieved. I’m 32 in two months and have recently celebrated my 25th year as Gooner and I can’t ever remember feeling this negative about the club I love so much and the manager who I respect for his overall outstanding contribution but in my opinion needs to be moved on for all concerned as it’s very not quite clear that we are regressing. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we should not be afraid of change with the manager and the board. Wishful thinking on the latter though I accept. Why are so many Arsenal fans prepared to accept this current state of mediocrity as long as Wenger is still in charge is incredible? And to the AKB’S, we are not the paupers Wenger and Gazidis make us out to be. Our club rakes in over £200m a year, which has been the case since the stadium move, we are on the richest five football clubs in the WORLD. Can I repeat that, the WORLD? The debt has been significantly reduced but too much capital is going out in players’ wages, especially those who don’t justify their huge salaries and I think you all know who I’m talking about. Finishing between 2nd and 4th without a trophy so such a long time should not be seen as a major achievement for a club of our size, history and stature. We won two trophies in the late 80s but the European ban on English clubs because of the Heysel tragedy meant we couldn’t even compete on the continental stage...........and that’s just for winning the League Cup and the title. And to Merse69, this Swansea team is decent but not as good as you make them out as they are still relatively unproven to Premier League. Was Hull under Phil Brown a good team? In terms of the Premier League, no, because they were found out and were eventually relegated. Take note of that please.

  47. CanadaGooner

    Jan 16, 2012, 14:54 #17031

    we shouldnt be dropping points against Swansea. I understand the need to ptotect his team as there are still 17 or so games in the league this seaso, but surely it's time Wenger came out and gave some constructive criticism of this group of players and I suggest it sounds something like this: you F*#... $#@...@#$ [email protected]@#ing sort it out!! even if in french. nobody here or anywhere else can tell me that the team we have isnt better (even if just on paper) than the Swansea team filled with prmiership reject players like scot sinclair - so, how and why did they beat us? (and we were only lucky to escape with a narrow victory against them earlier in the season, so there was ample warning...) let's for once set aside the growing hatred for Wenger by a lot of the commentators on here and think clearly about this situation - i said this some weeks back, the squad we have can lose to city, utd, etc, but surely, they are better than fulham, wolves, swansea & blackburn (as the points total suggest, if nothing else), why do they continue to drop points to those sides? ----

  48. RJ

    Jan 16, 2012, 14:47 #17030

    Folks - it is deparate that we have lost these two games. A real dent in ability to achieve fourth, and what is worse, the Spuds continue to drag out results. But Mr Ed - your PS on the article - does anyone really believe we would be in as good or a better position if we had stayed at Highbury?

  49. Charles

    Jan 16, 2012, 14:38 #17029

    The manager took Mertesacker off as he would rather lose the game than be embarassed by the giant german going up front and playing long balls to him. In the last minute of injury time, djorou and song pissing about on the halfway line rather than just play the ball forward and hope for a break of the ball.

  50. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 16, 2012, 14:37 #17028

    ed myself and many others have said it before this team is simply not good enough how much longer are we going to have to suffer these defeats indignities until something is done about it something is going to have to give sooner rather than later we scored two goals yesterday and it's still hard to find any player who came out of the game with their reputation in tact a complete clear out is needed with at least four coming in last night was an embarrassment completely unacceptable how these players can look at themselves in the mirror when preening themselves is beyond me

  51. Gooner Rich

    Jan 16, 2012, 14:31 #17027

    Agree with many points made and can feel the pain most Gooners are feeling now. Problem is there are still enough fans who believe all the rubbish the club and manager talk before and after every game to make them change. It amazes me some fans can't bring themselves to see we have been going backwards on the pitch for years and still think Arsene will put it right. watching my team falling apart in front of me is so painful and to make it worse the minute i complain i am told by fans around me that we have a great stadium and i should be grateful. Whats that all about ?. when i started supporting Arsenal in the 70's we were not a great team but i loved football and all it stood for, and i at least felt the club were trying to win, now we are only playing for a top four place every season and being told that is success. Well i would rather win a cup then qualify for the Champions League yet again which we never win and never sign the so called stars the competition attracts, so whats the point of being in it. The best feelings are beating your rivals or winning a final, hell even losing a final makes you feel something, finishing 4th just leaves me feeling nothing, and we can't even beat our rivals anymore. What scares me is if we do get top 4 nothing will change and Arsenes supporters will spout the usual rubbish and we will just continue to slip further behind.

  52. Half full

    Jan 16, 2012, 14:30 #17026

    The team seem to have gone off the boil recently but at least they showed some fight in the second half yesterday and created some decent chances. Swansea are a good side playing at the top of their form. It was never going to be easy. Not as deeply depressing as the Blackburn and Fulham defeats. But we need to recover quickly before fourth place disappears over the horizon. Come on you reds.

  53. harlow gooner

    Jan 16, 2012, 14:30 #17024

    @pacey guy, can I have some of whatever you are smoking? How the hell do you think this team can do top 4? It's only because of the amount of **** teams in the league that we are as high as we are. And why the fear of having a new manager? Sure its asking alot to have the success of a decade ago but does that mean we have to let this has been continue to take us downward? I'm stunned that anyone not requiring round the clock care still believes in this man. It was great years ago, but its over. We need to move on before its too late. And it might be already because robin will be off in July unless he needs his head examined, and if Jack lights up the euros there will be some proper clubs sniffing round him.

  54. Hibeegunner

    Jan 16, 2012, 14:24 #17023

    johnnyhawleylovinggooner 14:02pm 16th Jan 2012 it feels just like the last days Bertie, of Don, and the last days of George. does anyone else think this? - Post No. 18835 And the Billy Wright time as well

  55. It's Groundhog Day

    Jan 16, 2012, 14:21 #17022

    This time last year we were crying out for a central defender or two due to the annual injury crisis and to remain capable of a challenge. AW said that they were looking, but TV was days from returning so there was little urgency. We saw him in March. This year, from late November he has been well aware that we will not have a fit full back for at least two months, but "We are looking?" It beggars belief where. Swansea had pace up front and exposed our static out of position rearguard. I wonder who Nani and Valencia are going to run at on Sunday? AC Milan must be quaking! No-one with a modicum of football knowledge can deny we are a club in decline. I could stomach this if I genuinely thought that this was a precursor to a bigger picture and an injection of quality. I'm not expecting the club to win every trophy it enters, I just want Arsenal to be competitive and stop the current pretence. Alas, I can't see our dive into mid table obscurity yielding in world class player purchases to supplement RVP etc. Cesc, Nasri & Clichy left to be competitive, enough said really!! Things will only change when the peasants start to revolt, unfortunately, the Arsenal fanbase are much like the playing staff are lethargic.

  56. johnnyh

    Jan 16, 2012, 14:18 #17021

    can there be any gooners out there that will admit to still having faith in this clueless manager? the game is up. he should have been sacked the minute the final whistle went in the 8-2 humiliation at old trafford(THATS RIGHT EIGHT GOALS AGAINST US,NO TEAM IN LEAGUE 2 HAS CONCEDED EIGHT GOALS THIS SEASON!!) but for some reason that defeat seems to be forgotten about,even though teams like norwich went there and only lossed narrowly and blackburn,yes BLACKBURN,a team in the bottom three whose fans are yelling from the rooftops for their manager to be sacked were organised and disciplined enough to win there,but organised and disciplined are not words that wenger recognises. its always someone elses fault with wenger,whether its the referee,the linesman,the pitch or opposing players diving but oh no its not teflon arsenes fault. the team is full of players who are picked week in week out whether they play good or bad. we try to play barcelona type football without barcelona quality players,thats the reason it doesnt work. he has no regard for the importance of free kicks or corners even though we are useless defending them.when was the last time we see saw a bit of invention from a corner instead of just lumping the ball into the box and hoping.he signs chamakh whose srength is heading but has nobody left footed on the left wing who can hit the byline to cross a ball for him to attack! and when was the last time we had a player we have confidence in to consistently hit the target with a free kick.(WHAT THE HELL DO THEY DO IN TRAINING???) a final word of warning,people are screaming for wenger to make signings but be careful what you wish for as this is the man who has given us mertesacker,squillaci,arshavin,rosicky,denilson,arteta who is the new denilson and park to name but a few. would you really trust this manager with YOUR money? WENGER OUT NOW!!!

  57. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Jan 16, 2012, 14:02 #17020

    it feels just like the last days Bertie, of Don, and the last days of George. does anyone else think this?

  58. ATID

    Jan 16, 2012, 13:57 #17019

    AW's post match complaints are embarassing. The ref made a mistake, it happens, it usually evens up over a season, get over it. Why not focus on the real cause of our downfall, lack of cover for the injured full backs, a number 14 who is never going to be the finished article and a number 23 who has lost all confidence when it comes to scoring. Not worked half a day in football but I had a pretty good view from behind the goal last night.

  59. SilverGooner

    Jan 16, 2012, 13:55 #17018

    I realise we've been decimated by defensive injuries which we can do little about but it's in going forward that there are options. Why on earth Wenger keeps on playing Arshavin is beyond me! Sadly, Walcott seems to be getting worse as a player. Chamberlain is more than worth a place in the starting line up. Good to see TH back but lets not forget, come March he will be gone and the utterly useless Chamakh will be back. By the way, what on earth do the team do on the training ground? Come on Arsene, sort this mess out because time is running out...and running out fast!

  60. 71 Guns

    Jan 16, 2012, 13:49 #17017

    Outclassed by Championship team. When will Arsene stop moaning about decisions and focus on the fact we were crap? I didn't know who half the Swansea players were yet they wouldn't have looked out of place in Barcelona shirts yesterday, the embarrasment they caused us across the pitch. ... I knew it was going to be a bad day when Wenger came out in a tracksuit.

  61. Tony Evans

    Jan 16, 2012, 13:45 #17016

    Wenger, it would appear, is not even enjoying his job anymore. Of course this assumption could we wide of the mark, but looking at all the quotes that are coming from him it really does look like he has had more than enough of being at the helm (despite the £6.5M a year) and possibly this lack of enthusiasm is transmitting itself to the players? He comes across as a whining whinger, always moaning and feeling hard done by. I know Ferguson is an old moaner too but he still appears to have fight left in him, whereas Wenger gives the impression of having the stuffing knocked right out of him completely - and the team, at times, are a mirror image of that on the pitch.

  62. nugs

    Jan 16, 2012, 13:43 #17015

    No shape and no organisation worst arsenal side ive seen since the early to mid 80's at least we had charlie nic back then to put the scum in their place.

  63. BNG

    Jan 16, 2012, 13:41 #17014

    Wenger is so far past his sell by date he is stinking the place out

  64. Magic Hut

    Jan 16, 2012, 13:24 #17013

    Am fed up with all the excuses - tired of it all in fact.Lots of changes need to be addressed - and quick

  65. Jekyll

    Jan 16, 2012, 13:20 #17012

    If Wenger 'can't explain' the failings in yesterday's game, perhaps that's why they keep happening match after match, season after season. It's actually a pretty damning, inadvertent admission. He also said the defeat was due to 'special circumstances'. He seems to say this after pretty much every defeat. Something that happens with such regularity cannot be regarded as 'special'.

  66. Gee

    Jan 16, 2012, 13:03 #17009

    The worrying thing for me is that I was not surprised one bit to see Swansea take the lead 20 seconds after we had made it 2-2. This is a team that led 4-0 at HT last season only to draw 4-4. This is the team that scored in the 102nd minute v Liverpool to make it 1-0 only to concede a penalty 2 minutes later and draw 1-1. This is the team that gifted a Carling Cup to a Championship side. I am no longer surprised by any of the poor moments we've suffered. If anything I come to expect it. The same excuses are given, time and time and time again. Yet we never ever ever ever learn. I've always said you could have clones of Maldini and Baresi in our side and it wouldn't matter. The TEAM as a whole, as a unit just can not defend. Nobody knows what to do when they haven't got the ball. Nobody knows where to run or where to stand when the opposition are attacking. Nobody. We can all point to Vermaelen and Sagna missing but look at the stats. When Vermaelen plays on average we concede a goal a game. Seriously. Over the long term I know Vermaelen will prove to be an improvement, but hoping that he will come back and save us is laughable. Just like hoping Wilshere will come back and save us is false. He isn't going to start banging in 10-15 goals and setting up another 15. He scored 2 and assisted not much more over 40 games last year. I'm not knocking him either he is quality. But these players coming back individually are not going to make much difference when they have to carry Arshavin, Rosicky, Song and Walcott. It's too much to ask. Ramsey got criticism yesterday but he never hid. Not once. He wanted to influence the game and wanted to make something happen. Walcott and Arshavin were anonymous. Benayoun, utter garbage and Rosicky didn't touch the ball. People seem to be pointing at the board and saying their leaving Wenger out to dry, yet in the same breath say Wenger has sole charge of the club. What is it? Either way he isn't being challenged. For F*** sake yesterday he sat on his own for the entire game. any input from Pat or Boro??? any discussion on how to cope with Dyer slaughtering us?? NO Wenger is driving this club into the ground. Don't forget we've still got Almunia, Squillaci, Denilson, Vela and Bendtner on the books. And Diaby isn't back unitl mid march.... Get someone in who can make a difference. Wenger has lost the dressing room

  67. Stumpy Den

    Jan 16, 2012, 12:59 #17008

    I said a while ago taht I looked at TH return with rose tinted glasses, after yesterday, whats the point in having strikers, if the mid field are missing. Why can no one in the middle of park tackle, its a disgrace, as for the defence. This is a team game and it appears now that we only have individuals doing only part of their job. This is not Arsenal, things do now have to change on the field, if Wenger can not see this then he has to go.

  68. allybear

    Jan 16, 2012, 12:55 #17007

    Nice article Kevin&there is no use making excuses anymore about the board etc.To my mind as i have said on several occasions the manager is past it,he has been in charge long enough and the proof is that he just doesnt do defence!We have a very average squad and the away record&goals conceded is apalling! So lets face facts and concede that we have a very average team with too many average players.

  69. Paceyguy

    Jan 16, 2012, 12:41 #17006

    I just want to say fair play to Swansea. Our performance was average because they absolutely dominated possession! I agree with 'some' of the sentiments above in that Wenger seems to be out of ideas. It does feel like we're witnessing the end of his Arsenal career. Having said that, I just don't think there are any managers available that could deliver the sort of success that all Arsenal fans seem to think is a divine right. Whatever your view get behind the team against Man Utd, if we get a win (a big if) then it might restore some belief in the players that top 4 is achievable!

  70. Tony Evans

    Jan 16, 2012, 12:41 #17005

    Most of us seem to be going around in circles and you could pick any number of posts to Online Gooner over the last few years and find that the same issues are cropping up time and time again. Poor defending, too many players liable to injury, too many players that should have never got a run in the side on big money that should have been shown the door years ago, too many goal chances not put away and too many of our team not putting a proper shift in. Add to that the fact that we are always hoping for some decent signings each and every transfer window which never really happen and so it goes on. I admire and respect Wenger for what he achieved at Arsenal but for me we desperately need an injection of new ideas and enthusiasm from a new manager and a Board that cares more about football than the value of their shares.

  71. kilkenny cat

    Jan 16, 2012, 12:24 #17004

    The defence has always been a problem,and the lack of bottle and character are renowned. But now there is no creativity or imagination. Finishing is a joke and the squad is as bad as I can ever remember. A total shambles,if rvp goes then the away following can look forward to leeds middlesborough,and pleasant trips to sarf london

  72. Clive the Gooner

    Jan 16, 2012, 12:22 #17003

    We need a change at board level and a new manager with fresh ideas. how many times do we see the same players not performing yet are picked game after game. It sends the wrong message out and is the reason why some players seem to show no passion or commitment. This would not be allowed by Ferguson at Man U so why does Wenger allow it. We were told that the move to the new ground would allow us to compete with likes of Man U but our lack of ambition feels more like we are competing with Bolton or Blackburn.

  73. alexander james

    Jan 16, 2012, 12:14 #17002

    All sport is based on defence - having a good defence is essntial whether we're talking boxing, rugby, cricket, American football.And Arsenal used to be a byeword for DEFENCE - often derided but the foundation of our club. And there was time when your back four would play the entire season and you could name your rivals fullbacks season after season...Reaney and Cooper, Knowles and Kinnear through to Dixon and we've got brittle lads doing pilates who get one knock or stretch themselves too suddenly and disappear into the physios room for months on end.

  74. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jan 16, 2012, 12:06 #17000

    Yep, piss poor all round. You've already explained how badly Vermaelen is misses in games like these, I think the absence of Arteta was also telling. Nobody was winning or keeping the ball in the middle. No wonder the possession stat was so ridiculously one - sided.

  75. aj

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:55 #16999

    For me it's the midfield in the last two games that has let us down.They constantly leave the defenders exposed and overrun.Ramsey has been pretty poor for most of the season and was a headless chicken in this match.Should he be playing so many games at this stage of his career? Beniyoun is never going to be a ball winner.Why is Frimpong playing for Wolves not us? On the bigger picture,it's clearly all about the money for this complacent board but it is unlikely they are going to give up their cosy seats anytime soon.Therefore,the manager,who talks nonsense,has made some very poor decisions and embarrases the club with his increasingly bizarre antics on the touchline has to take the resposibility for the decline. The kindest thing for us all would be to thank him for the memories and set him free from his self imposed torture.

  76. Peter Wain

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:49 #16997

    Considering the weak squad we have now it comes as no surprise that we continue to produce sub standard displays. One wonders what will happen when RVP goes. For the manager to state categorically that he will not buy in this window beggars belief - mind you he only just bought in the last window so this comes as no surprise. At best this season we are looking at 7/8 amd with no champions league how can we attract top quality players? The investment in the first team is at an all time low at a time when the club has plenty of cash. Surely the time for chnge is now.

  77. lee atc

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:37 #16996

    Whole heartedly agree Kev. How long have we got to put up with this rubbish that we know as our club. First of all, Well played Swansea, their passing, contribution and football was at times highly respected. But hang on we are talking, not mighty Barcelona, Swansea. A couple of weeks ago it was Fulham. We are being taught footballing lessons far to frequently and its been painful for far too long. Whats going to happen? we all know what should happen, but when? Wenger, for me has shown his hand in bringing back TH. Papering over the cracks time after time. Still in the cup and Champions league I hear Wenger saying. Come on Arsene enough is enough. In my heart of hearts I truly hope that we finish 5th/6th because surely something has got to give sooner rather than later at my beloved Arsenal.

  78. Fozzy

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:34 #16995

    I started to write a piece last night, and then I realised that it was almost going to be a carbon copy of two weeks ago after the Fulham debacle. I ended up deciding not to press the "send" button but instead waited to read Kevin's well balanced view. I was just unable to find the words to describe how much it hurts watching this lot go through the motions and acting as if they just don't care. Two weeks ago I slammed Walnutt. Yesterday, I really wanted him to prove me wrong. Alas, he contributed nothing in the first half and was responsible for seven unforced errors. In the second half I could hardly believe my eyes when he scored. Apart from that, he completely disappeared. Yesterday, Swansea won because they wanted the result, exactly the same as Fulham, and let's face it, the Leeds game wasn't much better apart from the last 15 minutes. Just what goes on in training? Where are the tactics? What does Pat Rice actually do? And why isn't Weng being held to account for this mess? This is my 50th year of being a Gooner and I want to celebrate this milestone with pride. It seems that there are far too many staff at The Grove who don't give a toss, and that really hurts.

  79. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:31 #16994

    Wengers reign can be split in half. 98-05 great. Then for some reason he choose to break up the in team far too quickly and basically replaced them with lesser talents. Unfortunately this is the trend throughout the second half of his tenure. With every batch of signings we get worse. It looks more and more likely that wengers early success was largely down to what he inherited. However, we have huge problems today. We have a manager that is well past his sell by date. We have a board that are solely focused on asset striping the club. We have absolutely no ambition. We have a large percentage of fans that are actually happy with the above as long as wenger is in charge. Obvious faults are never addressed. We are leaderless on and off the pitch. I can't actually be bothered to go into what I think is wrong with the team but basically I believe we are a mid table propelled to where we are by rvps form. I have a smile remembering all the akbs coming on here and wetting themselves when we Rose to the dizzy heights of fourth a few weeks ago. How wrong we were to doubt their beloved leader. No doubt Kev will even get some stick for a negative report today. The badge says forward but like our new crest it's not as good as the old one. Simply wenger and the board out now for the good of The Arsenal.

  80. Charles

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:31 #16993

    Some very generous refereeing for Swansea in the first half but that still left us 45 minutes to win the game but this team of losers just isn't good enough. RVP clean through on goal shoots straight at goalie. Arshavin,Ramsey,Walcott & Rosicky all shooting over the bar when they had decent opportunities. Shooting practice definitely needed, it's hard to see what our players work on in training as they often miscontrol the ball or can't pass the ball 5 yards to each other. The manager must go as his gross dereliction of duty over several transfer windows has left with a load of dross and the style of football is awful.

  81. Gooner SA

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:20 #16991

    Arsene knows... His side's defending isn't good enough to win a trophy.

  82. Dan h

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:20 #16990

    Outplayed again since we beat Wigan the performances have been poor injuries aside our squad players are not up to it.AW has had more than enough time to put together a competitive squad 7 defeats in 21 games, most goals conceded away from home we look a shambles at the back.We don't look like we will strengthen this january according to AW no value in the jan market funny when your record signings Reyes & AA were bought in january.When you play with makeshift full backs surely you give them more protection 4-3-3 formation with stand in full backs will leave you totally exposed against any side with decent wide men.Too many people in the comfort zone at our club players & above all the management it looks & feels totally stale.

  83. harlow gooner

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:15 #16989

    Very negative as usual kevin. I can't believe you can't see this team is actually on the up. Seriously though, Wenger is so embarrassing. He loves telling us 'the team have a desire to do well' as if that is a special quality. You mean these millionaires actually want to win? What heroes. I am so fed up with this loser and watching him continue to dine out on something that happened nearly a decade ago. And as for all you Wenger fans that blame the board - maybe its time to start voting with your season ticket renewals? Cheers kev, nice article as ever, just a touch realistic to bare.

  84. Oliver Chessis

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:14 #16988

    I think Arteta was a huge miss yesterday. Our passing was awful, and I think he would have better helped us control the game. I'm a huge Ramsey fan, but he clearly needs a break. The Ox should now be starting ahead of Theo, he certainly cannot do any worse.

  85. Merse69

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:11 #16987

    To lose by the odd goal in five - away to a good Swansea team - is hardly the end of the world. Remember this is a badly depleted squad. No Vermaelen (best defender), Wilshere (best midfielder) Arteta and two complete set of full backs...

  86. HowardL

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:06 #16986

    You've spelt it out very clearly. Even Szczesny is showing signs of stress. The squad needs a complete overhaul. Surely there can't be any AKBs still around after this latest humiliation?

  87. Kenny

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:05 #16985

    Nail on the head Kev an overpaid bunch of underachievers and an overpaid underachieving football manager.We reward failure.The Spurs wage bill is £40m less than ours.£41m for Toure/Adebayor £55m for Cesc/Nasri why hasnt that money been put back into buying quality.One of the top 5 richest clubs in the world shopping at the bargin basement and resigning Henry.We want our Arsenal back

  88. billdodgin

    Jan 16, 2012, 11:00 #16984

    "The manager is at a loss." Kevin, I fear that may well be the anthem for Wenger's final seasons. Lack of ruthlessness with poor, underachieving players, the failed youth experiment, apparent lack of systematic defensive coaching, a failure to make the truly astute buys. All these are in the mix to explain things.Fans who do not earn £7 mil a year are not at a loss for ideas.

  89. Ron

    Jan 16, 2012, 10:46 #16983

    Some good comments but your penultimte paragraph is fatally flawed. These players ARE playing to their capabilities. Thats the problem.I also include Arshavin. Hes just a spent force. His legs have gone. Hes just hit the wall sooner tham nay do, but its common for guys at his age just to 'lose it', pretty much like a golfer can lose his swing or a snooker player losing his queing action and often for either never to return.

  90. BNG

    Jan 16, 2012, 10:46 #16982

    The timing is perfect for OGL to get his violin and fiddle until 01/02/2012...........the only thing that can save us is a meaningless fact from history about Ferguson or Dalglish from our very own sideshow Mel......Odd Mandy Dodd

  91. baingkymberly

    Dec 30, 2011, 12:25 #16309


  92. the stoat

    Dec 21, 2011, 1:33 #16107

    just think if he bought the players we need i think cesc might have stayed,he is a bit of a god to me but if you look back to when we won the titles with graham we never improved the squad? or did we?i am on abit of a high since the city game because i have not sean balls in an arsenal side for a long time.

  93. Northernbof

    Dec 20, 2011, 19:16 #16100

    Good points about the ref,and citeh's fans metamorphosis ,but many snide and offensive comments by supposed supporters are whittling away at our Club's class and dignity and making us a laughing stock to other Club's supporters. Nobody admires a whinger.

  94. Tony Evans

    Dec 20, 2011, 14:07 #16092

    Ron - some sound arguments you have made re RVP. There is always an optimum time to sell any player and the end of this season could well be it for our Dutch maestro. You also quite rightly point out that unfortunately, judging on numerous past experiences, we will not replace him with anything like the level of player we should be looking at. I wish I could understand what we are trying to achieve as a club - sound financial management yes but is that to take preference over everything else, because it certainly appears that way. This is very disappointing to all us Gooners. Not many fans are calling for massive spending just some sensible investment to improve the squad and give us some real hope of a trophy.

  95. Ron

    Dec 20, 2011, 12:32 #16089

    Will - Ill be slaughtered i know but i am of the view that based on the apparent need to 'sell to buy' basis that the Clubs ran on, RVP quite possibly should be sold. Its taken 7 years to get a quality Season out of him (he hasnt achieved it yet of course either), hes 28, hes not the most robust player and may struggle anyway in the 2-3 years to come as a result and most importantly, if his fitness does regress again, Arsenal wont ever get him to the point where he is now again i.e able to command 25 -30 Million quid seemingly. There is a sound 'sustainable' argument to dispense with RVP, esp to Man C who seem to revel in buying flawed products from us. To them, the price could go higher too. Dont think Arsenal wont be thinking along these lines.They will for sure. The downside is that we'll maybe buy Andy Johnson or Darren Gibson as his replacement!!

  96. Joe S.

    Dec 20, 2011, 11:37 #16086

    I'm afraid a great performance against City with no points to show will have deflated the teams resources. I fear the worst at Villa. We are often our own worst enemies.With the African players epected to miss weeks, and our overstretched under performing back up not expected to do anything, why is there such complacency within the management?

  97. will

    Dec 20, 2011, 10:58 #16082

    A good post, but in all the excitement of the game the bigger picture remains worryingly consistent and that is the Arsenal's steady decline. Not so long ago we were a top 2 side with Manu, then a top 3 side with chelski now we are a top 5/6 side. We may be financially sound but the slide is inexorable. Do any of us really believe that RVP will stay, I don't think so. Do we really believe that Wenger will buy 3/4 top players either in Jan or the summer, I don't think so. What's needed is a radical change at boardroom level.

  98. Ron

    Dec 20, 2011, 10:41 #16081

    I think youre on dodgy ground here mate talking about fans attitudes. Our away fans (excellent as most are)nearly always sing 'yoouu live in a sh--hooole' towards the home fans, the implication being that London isnt one, when all of us know differently in many of its aspects. Home fans see it as London arrogance draped in all of its worst clothes. Fans today are pretty vile to each other, period.

  99. Trophyless Gooner

    Dec 20, 2011, 7:20 #16075

    Jason B spot on.We had a chance to build a great team around Fabregas but our idiot manager was more concerned about his damn project.In Fabregas we had one of the top 5 midfielders in the world but he had nothing to play alongside.He has shown having gone to Barca how much better he was with good players around him.As with Cesc RVP deserves better than playing in a team in which the manager believes 4th place is a trophy.As for the City fans i say good luck to them.They have suffered enough.Also whatever happened to the Toure/Adebayor money?Answers please Wenger and Gazidis

  100. Jeff

    Dec 20, 2011, 4:31 #16074

    Fantastic Article Simon. You can't buy class & anything that lot "win", to me is completely hollow.

  101. DW Thomas

    Dec 20, 2011, 1:05 #16072

    Walcott does not do himself any favors with displays like this one. We need to find a player similar to Cesc in a passing, visionary CM. It is the one true position that makes a huge difference in a team like the Arsenal. Yes you need goals and scorers like RVP, but we miss the most that creativity that gives us 3 or 4 or more quality chances a game. When TV is your most effective attacker, that means something just isn't clicking. Sure, Wilshire can play that role, but when will he be back to full fitness? Wenger has had blinders on for going on 7 seasons. From good GK backup to a top quality second striker to solid defensive back up. Sure, if all are healthy we can win trophies, but when does that ever happen? Inaction is a statement that this club is content with merely competing and hoping all the luck rolls our way. Instead of trying to do what you can with all your resources and control your destiny more, Wenger does nothing or buys on the cheap. You can't buy caviar on sausage prices!

  102. Viking-

    Dec 19, 2011, 22:56 #16070

    Please stop having a pop at Ramsey. He's still a kid, came back from a horrific injury, and is actually playing well. He will only get better. He plays some decent forward penetrating passes, and is improving from game to game. However, your love of Theo when he had a distinctly poor game is bizarre, he just does not have a clue, consistently makes wrong decisions, cannot control the ball, loses control and runs the ball out of play and gives away possession way too easily, what has he learnt in the last few years? Ramsey needs time, it is not his fault that our 2 wingers are wasteful, and that the defence are not rock solid. Next you'll be saying that Pers is class.......!

  103. Shropshire Lad

    Dec 19, 2011, 21:11 #16066

    Past January's have proved defining moments in our season through non-action by Wenger. If he does nothing regarding forwards (in and out, so no excuse for squad size) and does not sign an experienced keeper back up then come March/April he will deserve all he gets. Despite his brilliant recovery since the Old Trafford disaster his Achilies heel (stubborn adherence to a game plan without regular reassessment) could be our undoing.

  104. allybear

    Dec 19, 2011, 20:21 #16063

    Spot on Jason B you speak the truth! Of course Wenger will still do his own thing even with the threat of RVP leaving. City were not superior to Arsenal yesterday but this will only cement Wengers thinking that he has a strong enough squad. Walcott&Gervinho are second rate players who continually run into cul de sacs when other better options are clearly available.

  105. Gerry

    Dec 19, 2011, 19:50 #16062

    If Wenger hates losing so much, he should get rid of the rubbish that are taking the piss out of the club while commanding big wages(cham & arshavin etc) and spend some f*cking money on top quality. Also ches made some good saves but if flappy or the waiter had pushed that shot to an opposing player they would of got some serious stick!

  106. Danny

    Dec 19, 2011, 19:43 #16061

    So City fans are celebrating being on top of the league and above Utd after suffering for the last 40 years.Shame on them how dare they.Remember City have given us nearly £80m over the last 3 years which we didnt spend.You should be questioning Wengers transfer policy

  107. Ando

    Dec 19, 2011, 19:36 #16060

    will the extra pressure of getting a result at villa, be too much for the ''timid players'' you mention. I quite agree that we have players who do not accept the responsibility of stepping up to the plate when needed Sunday was just another example of this, hang on this all sounds a bit familiar!

  108. Jason B

    Dec 19, 2011, 19:18 #16057

    In Fabregas we had a much better player than RVP but did Wenger surround him with quality?No he had to play alongside dross like Song Diaby and Denilson.Anyone who believes Wenger will bring in quality has been living in cloud cuckoo land.This club is not about winning trophies thats why all our best players leave to find glory.Good luck to RVP at City he deserves a team that spends money.Not playing alongside crap like Walcock and Gervinho

  109. CT Gooner

    Dec 19, 2011, 19:07 #16056

    I don't like the benefactor model, but let's face it, we are a City feeder club right now. We can argue about the quality they have bought from us, but given most of our players are not playing for the shirt, money talks and Man City are prepared to spend it, we're not....

  110. Unbeaten 03/04

    Dec 19, 2011, 18:15 #16052

    Top Article, which shared my views too! Although I'd add that I am happy that we lost in that way as the players did give a s*it when we're playing. 1 - 0 shows that we are better than Man U, even though City's bench cost more than Arsenal 1st 11. Somehow, one thing for sure is that we FANS are more worried that the board or Arsene in terms of having a decent team to compete. As subs we got Arshavin and Chamack.....please don't tell me that they're going to do something!!! We're stretched yesterday and I don't think Ramsey gets enough credit!!

  111. Judge Fred

    Dec 19, 2011, 17:21 #16047

    For half a decade now the first team squad has always been 2 or 3 players short. This is so frustrating - I am not talking about £100m worth of players in total - but £30m or so. Nothing we cannot afford. January is here again soon and it will be the same "we have a big squad", "we will only buy super-quality", "where am I going to play them all" rubbish from AW. Only to watch us fall away when the pressure is truly on due to a lack of cover. It would be laughable if it wasnt so painful.

  112. Jekyll

    Dec 19, 2011, 17:05 #16046

    Fabregas spent years pleading with Wenger to buy some decent players to put around him, so I doubt Wenger will now listen to RVP. Wenger doesn't listen to anyone. Think you're right about them being our sugar daddy. It's a bit rich for Wenger to keep moaning about them when he keeps taking their oil soaked notes.