Fool Me Once…

Where is the ambition at Arsenal?

Fool Me Once…

Wenger: Fallen behind the times

How does the saying go? Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. The loss to Swansea brought this to mind about Arsène Wenger. As a rational thinking person, I can no longer take Wenger seriously as a coach who has any ambition beyond mediocrity. He came out this week with two amazing comments considering the realities of today’s Arsenal. The first about Aaron Ramsey, who had a shocker today: “I brought him in because of his quality,” said the Frenchman. “What we want is to have the best players. What I think people forget about Ramsey is it is his first full season really. For me, he is growing month to month and people are a bit impatient with him. I am very happy with what he is delivering and if Wilshere comes back they can play together.” Ok, maybe in two or three years. Mata, Bale, Wilshere, Gerrard, Modric, Götze, Hazard…all better than Ramsey right now. Sure, 100% agree, he should be our man for the future and he has huge potential. But should he really be our key creative midfielder today? NO WAY! And please don’t throw out any stats on him (à la Denilson or Arshavin). He is not ready. Period.

Second, regarding the transfer window: “I am for [scrapping the transfer window]. I would leave it completely open all year, or you close it for a whole year. But that's in-between,” he said. “Everybody becomes nervous [from] November until January. Then players maybe think, 'if I don't play, then I will leave in January'. They are already less committed to the cause, it gives them an opening. We have gone from a period where we knew that if we didn't play, we [still] had to be committed to the club for your whole life. You had no other option but to fight for your place. There is not a position where the players have a quick and easy way out if it is difficult.” I actually agree with some of this (especially the loyalty of players) right up to the part where you don’t buy anyone this year. Are you ….ing kidding me, Arsène?! Sure you want committed players. Sure you want team camaraderie. Yet, what about Reyes, Arshavin, or anyone else you ever bought in January? What about the lack of commitment of your current squad? Not to strengthen now is simply stating you don’t care about winning anymore.

Wenger is stuck in 2004, and thinks he can remake that magic with youth. He believes not winning is acceptable. Look at what happened without Arteta, Vermaelen and Sagna today? Wilshere is young and a fantastic player. But who else has shown his type of quality from youth since Cesc? It is a shame that I have to write these words today, but I feel the final straws are hitting the camel’s back. Wenger cannot be taken seriously as a manager with a plan for the future: to win. Arsenal are not a threat anymore to win anything. Did I just type those words? Yes, they can beat anyone on their day, but too few games against lesser opponents are their day recently.

Finally, Swansea were bottom of the fourth tier nine years ago, at which time Arsenal were top of the Premier League. However, compare that Arsenal team of nine years ago to the one of today. Miquel, Djourou, Arshavin, Mertesacker, Ramsey, Benayoun, Rosicky, Walcott, Jenkinson. Those players, and some of them I respect highly, are not quality starters and/or cannot be considered key substitutes of a winning club. Only one man bears the responsibility for allowing the club to fall from such a lofty place when keeping it there really isn’t rocket science. Wenger has fallen behind with the times. He is a manager who won’t keep up with the changes right in front of his face. Brilliant years ago, he just doesn’t cut it anymore. And this is because he doesn’t do all in his power (it’s not his philosophy) to improve and rebuild the team. Perhaps his biggest Achilles heel is refusing to spend big to replace players he sold big. That is an equation built for failure and anyone, even those who have worked no days in football, can see it.

I leave you with more words from our manager, regarding today’s outcome: “Coincidences are always against us and it is difficult to understand what is going on.” Really, I would say that about your transfer/youth policy Arsène. And: “It is always a concern but on the other hand there is a good spirit in the side and a desire to do well.” Come on now. Spirit alone never wins trophies. Desire? I have more desire to get my cup of morning coffee than some of the current squad does to win matches. This fan feels he has been fooled too many times into believing, or wanting to believe, that our beloved team has what it takes to win. How can it with a manager made of excuses? Make improvements Arsène. Not excuses.

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  1. CanadaGooner

    Jan 18, 2012, 22:17 #17220

    @R Meade: ok, let's agree to disagree. Graham & Wenger may not have been perceived as quality to you and/or other fans, but that's why people like David Dein were paid to know whom to bring in. My point is that Gazidis is not in that class and what he deems to be 'quality' will turn out to be our worst nightmare. So, leave Wenger alone unless you get Gazidis out first and then you might endup with someone who could bring a better manager in

  2. R Meade

    Jan 18, 2012, 21:47 #17215

    Canada i despise Kroenke and gazidis as much as the next person and wish they would depart quickly but these are Wengers players was it the board that decided to keep Denilson , Eboue etc etc etc and pay them fortunes on long contracts Wenger decides who he wants and who he wants to keep unless they want to leave themselves and that puts us in the position of having the worst squad we have has since the early 80's. The downturn was happening before Kroenke was at the club anyway, The point was Graham like Wenger were not viewed as being top quality before taking over ourselves.

  3. GoonerGoal!

    Jan 18, 2012, 19:57 #17208

    Anyone with an eye for football detail knew that Wenger had lost the plot a couple of years ago. Now it seems even the most myopic amongst us have finally begun to recognise that the Arsene Wenger we once knew is no more. He is not even honourable enough to admit to his own deficiencies and resign, which tell me he is more concerned about himself and his own credibility than the future of the club. Perhaps when we finish outside even the Europa places this season, somebody will actually whisper "Time to go..." in his ear. Unfortunately, like many others I have no confidence that Kroenke or his lapdog have the ability or the 'nouse' to ensure that Wenger's replacement is of a suitably high standard. The only chance of the Arsenal ensuring the right man gets the job, and of the club regaining the status of which it has been bereft over the past 6 years, is to once more place the club in the hands of the man who made all we used to enjoy possible in the first place... David Dein!

  4. CanadaGooner

    Jan 18, 2012, 18:13 #17203

    @R Meade: and was it Gazidis and Kroenke that appointed Graham from Millwall and Wenger from Japan? please apply some commonsense here: what we're saying is that the current ownership and board cant get good players, why should we think they'll be able to get us a good manager?

  5. Ron

    Jan 18, 2012, 12:05 #17157

    Alas, no more about Wenger!Lets brace ourselves though for his reaction if we cop another thumping v Man U which seems to be very much on the cards. I hope im wrong, but they will ruin us down the flanks even more easily than they do when we had recognised full backs. I suspect a half fit Sagna might have a torrid afternoon to cope with as if hes fit Wenger is so desperate for any sort of full back to play somewhere, he'll have to play him. How did it all come to this? Dear oh dear.

  6. Gooner4life

    Jan 18, 2012, 9:40 #17154

    As a team manager AW really defends his player all time and expects them to improve. But some players really dont seem to take it seriously and repay the faith.Only the players who repaid the AW faith have won trophies and become legends.I have to admit that for last 6 years arsenal players are sick with a disease known as nervousness. It easily spread through almost all players and can be seen in matches with sloppy playing."we are matured , we will win this year " , "we are not afraid of MANU or chelsea " , " we are strong " , "everyone is behind manager" all these sentences come out of mouth only because they are afraid , they are not matured enuf , they are not strong and they really dnt stand behind manager .Players tweet a lot and play PS3 games.. instead they should watch videos of old gunners and hw hard they were to beat. IN short,For last six years we can count the number of matches we came from behind to win and clean sheet matches.We cant win anything with this attitude. When whole world knows this ,i wonder hw Aw doesnt seem to know.

  7. Belfast Gooner

    Jan 18, 2012, 9:35 #17153

    The Pat Rice debate - I think there is confusion here between Assistant Manager and First Team Coach. Quieroz and McClaren were coaches, taking first team training. Our Coach is Boro Primorac - therefore point the finger at him! Pat was only ever meant to be a figurehead, a link with the old Arsenal, not to run the team. And given the guy has put heart and soul into the club, I don't think any of us are in a position to give him a hard time. I would also say I don't see Mike Phelan twisting Sir Alex's arm up his back - and I couldn't even tell you who sits beside Mourinho and Guardiola. Only Harry needs a cast of thousands around him.

  8. Anna Mary

    Jan 18, 2012, 7:29 #17150

    Top post. Wenger needs to man up now. he's been mollycoddling the players in cotton wool from the past 3-4 years. Djourou, Squillaci, Arshavin, Rosicky, Diaby, Almunium, Bendtner, Chamakh & to an extent Walcott don't have any future at the club. If we don't make it to the top 4 & don't buy any new players in the summer then RVP will be off. The Jan transfer window is still open & we can get in defensive re-inforcements & probably a striker. Henry is not the same player anymore. We have enough youth in the reserves & academy. No need to any more 16, 17 18 yr olds. Wenger needs to show ambition. The least we can do this season is finish in the top 4 & win the FA Cup. The fans deserve atleast this from what we have been put through the past 4-5 years. At the moment this squad is not good enough to make it to the top 4. Wenger needs to buy now in Jan. Also with Man Utd looming on Sunday, I expect another trashing.

  9. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Jan 17, 2012, 23:59 #17148

    CanadaGooner, I know you don't normally let the facts get in the way of your opinions but the truth is that Queiroz was credited with getting Fergie to change his team formations and thus helped United regain league supremacy from what seemed an unstoppable Chelsea under Mourinho. Indeed, Fergie was touting him as his successor at Old Trafford.

  10. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 17, 2012, 23:54 #17147

    Fozzys mate, why have a go at pat rice? Very few have done more for the club over the years than he has. What does he do now, guess you would have to train with them to find out rather than speculate. I would guess at the moment , with all fbs out, and a couple of possible replacements crocked, he is trying to make temp fbs out of a couple CBS, one highly inexperienced. Not an easy job, especially for relatively one paced players. If you are unhappy with the situation, I would suggest pat rice should not be your focus. Some would want Steve bould in there as assistant, some believe pat was going last summer, bould refused the job thinking the managers days were numbered. so pat stayed to help a club in need. If this is true, does not say much for Sb. But says a lot for pat. I have met pat rice, you will never meet a more humble unassuming decent man, but one who has done so much for the club. If anyone deserves a statue, it is him but I can assure you he would refuse such a thing. You are right about one thing though, if wenger was to leave, they would probably not choose a great manager. They severely delayed the henry loan over haggling over insurance and other matters, even after it was announced, and no you cannot blame wenger for that one. Brings into question the role of board negotiators in issues such as mata, wenger clearly wanted him as he wanted the Henry loan, what forces are delaying or scuppering such deals I wonder? Is wenger to blame for everything? Or a new American way of doing business in a credit crunch environment?

  11. CanadaGooner

    Jan 17, 2012, 23:11 #17146

    Fozzy, I'm not sure Queroz would want anyone to mention his stints at Real Madrid or the portuguese national side as neither lasted long enough for him to take a couple of breaths. @Rob - there are 2 or 3 of us on this site who think sacking wenger without much thought or a board/owner that can bring in a suitable replacement is a foolish thing to do. you've got 2 posts on + several on previous topics, and nobody is stopping you from submitting your articles (if you have any). I find it unecessary to spend my time counting how many posts you make... get a life!

  12. R Meade

    Jan 17, 2012, 22:47 #17144

    Canada when you say quality manager you mean like Graham who was managing poor old Millwall before he made us great again or do you mean like Wenger setting the world alight in Japan!

  13. Rob

    Jan 17, 2012, 21:45 #17142

    Is this the Online Gooner or the Online Canada Gooner ? I only ask, as the bloke not only says his piece in articles he writes but get's three bites at the cherry on other people postings as well. I am all for giving people a fair crack of the whip but perhaps the feeling is that as we spiral down ever further, the few remaining 'Wenger-philes' have to be given an extra say to offset the obvious disaffection elsewhere. If his 'hero' would join him on a long - 18 month - trek through the Canadian Arctic, we'd all be better off.

  14. fozzy's mate

    Jan 17, 2012, 21:40 #17141

    Canada. A slight difference between Queroz ex manager of a small club called Real Madrid and another called Benfica and also manager of one of the top ranked nations in the world and sunlounger Rice (arsenal legend). An unfortunate comparison in my opinion. How many times has SAF recruited a new assistant to do the coaching and bring new ideas? Infact one of manures worst spells was when maclaren (a top number 2) left and Fergie replaced him with utds own Pat Rice, Jimmy Ryan, who lasted a very short time as assistant. 0GL is too arrogant to have a coaching staff who would actually challenge him. One of them is Paul Johnson a nice bloke who used to run the travel club when I was a regular on their trips in the 8os and 9os. You note I qualify Mclaren as a good number 2 but he is the sort of manager Hill wood and co would select as a replacement for OGL as he would be ever grateful for the job.

  15. it startedin1975

    Jan 17, 2012, 21:30 #17140

    In the end there are 2 things that you cant really hide from in football. Results on the pitch and results on the balance sheet. We have not won anything for 6 seasons and this will probably become 7 this year. Thats results on the pitch. If you dont win enough football matches you dont win any trophies. This affects the financial results at a club like ours that is still run without rich benefactors intervening. Fewer victories on the pitch, no trophies, less revenue. If we end up out of the CL and in Europa, its less TV cash, less matchday revenue etc. Getting back into the CL will be harder. You can see all the other top 6 sides strengthening even more next season to mount ever more competitive challenges for a top 4 place whilst we make do and mend. One day (I suspect quite soon) AW and the board will have to face up to the reality of what their actions have delivered. Self interest normally kicks in. A club in decline and with no prospects for improvement does little for your share price or the value of your investment. So they will have to act. We have no power over when and how they will act. In the end it will be the decisions of AW and a handful of board members. We can only wait and hope. Go to the games. Watch whats in front of us, get a buzz from that buzzing feeling of being in one place where 60,000 people feel the same way as you.... and then go home.

  16. CanadaGooner

    Jan 17, 2012, 20:35 #17137

    @Fozzy's Mate - Fozzy neither the number 2 nor 3 at City (nor mancini himself) say too much and they're doing ok. David Platt is and always will be a YES man (capital letters), he'll trade his soul for a penny and a chance to suck up. For years Fergie had Carlos Quiroz who is the true definition of a YES-man, that didnt stop them amassing all them trophies did it? I however do agree with you that we have a scarey board and nothing scares me more than what they would do if Wenger were to leave (or told to leave), if you think they cant get quality players in right now, wait till they try to get a quality manager in!

  17. unchives

    Jan 17, 2012, 20:20 #17135

    1886-2004 Arsenal RIP

  18. Fozzy's mate

    Jan 17, 2012, 19:00 #17132

    Canada - do you think any other elite club has an assistant manager as inconsequential as Pat Rice. It says it all about the club. A man who fills a seat in the dug out and no more. But I don't blame him that's the kind of no2 OGL and the board want a total yes man. If results do not take a large upturn watch the Wenger cheer squad be mobilised in the press, Terry Neil, Bob Wilson etc reminding us of the invincibles. However this board are so ridiculous don't be surprised to see a similar character to Rice not as no2 but number 1. Someone who is eternally greatful to have the jon and to extract balue! Expect a Hillwood blast in the daily star the paper that only he reads. The old etonian/fart is the biggest buffoon In football and has always been a supine joke as chairman. Expect a lord miners type "you never had it so good rant" to match his pathetic last one "as long as he's happy we are!". A final question what happened to the 3 players we hadn't hear of who OGL said would et the league alight?

  19. CanadaGooner

    Jan 17, 2012, 18:32 #17131

    @Whinger_Out_Now - show some respect to Pat Rice mate, the job description of a number two is usually that of a 'yes' man or he wont be number 2. You seem to think Wenger has to hold Walcott or Ramsay or Gervinho's hands to get the ball in the net? (how does RVP do it?) - you can only drag a bunch of players along so far. the same supposedly awful manager had Henry and RVP scoring bundles of goals. There is a point to which a manager leads a player and the player then takes the initiative and does the rest. that's what good players do. Where I dont disagree is that our players wouldnt be getting away with this sort of lacklustre or nonchalant attitude if the had fergie thundering down at them. There always comes a time when a manager has to stop making excuses for clearly poor players and needs to lay into them, and unfortunately, niether wenger nor rice have the demeanor to do that. All said: leave rice alone!!!

  20. mick brad

    Jan 17, 2012, 18:26 #17130

    see posts below - supporting the team from match to match is irrelevant. I've been saying wenger should go for the last 4 seasons, he has run his course, there is no way he can move forward and it doesnt matter a damn about whatever excuses ie. moving grond no money whatever! he hasnt been able to adapt, change rebuild, actually look at how many times fergie has done it, have a look at the number of crap players wenger has bought and compare that with the number of quality, I dont even care for the argument about who could replace him ...... I'd rather hae the f .... king tea lady in charge! please go now wenger

  21. Hilly

    Jan 17, 2012, 18:08 #17125

    A fan who has had the blinkers taken off! Wenger is full of gobbly gook & contradictions. His one eyed view of a match is becoming comical & you have finally hit the nail on the head as far as his constant desire to buy youth players rather than good experienced players. He also seems to encourage petulance among his players,another trait he has himself,& the clock is now ticking on his position as manager of Arsenal. The board won't sack him but...the fans might push him out the door as more & more become frustrated at the teams decline.

  22. Hillwoods cardboard treasure chest

    Jan 17, 2012, 17:47 #17124

    TV cleverly signed a long term deal. He has been injured fro almost all of the last 2 seasons. For that reason nobody will pay a very large fee for him. Exactly the same with RVP before 2011. No serious bid would come before now as nobody will pay a huge fee for a player who had played 140 games in 7 years. look at Diaby (a useless turd) - he has played 109 games in 7 seasons. Nobody will pay a fee for him. My prediction is RVP to go after the usual boring summer saga. Following this we will make a derisory bid for Podolski as he will have 1 year left and as with the 2 key players we wanted this summer, Mata and Cahill watch him sign for a rival club. In Kronkes declaration of love for OGL in the daily telegraph earlier in the season he said the reason he loves Wenger is simply because he "attracts value". OGL is stuck in 2004, as soon as Ambramovich appeared he could not wait to dismantle the invincibles and commence his vanity project. At that point he was allowed to redefine success as 4th place whilst extracting value. As we have seen no matter how big the clubs cash reserve and income from player sales OGL and the club have decided they do not want to compete in the transfer market or for the title. Why because if the ever growing fund were spent the get out of jail free card is gone for ever and he would have to deliver. Kronke is delighted with Wenger as any asset stripper would be. A manager prepared to take the brickbats and year on year be allowed to downgrade his aims and targets. The perfect team is completed by Mr self sustainable who nobody can deny is a great politician. Pumping out the propaganda, agreeing with everyone while. Disagreeing with nobody. At last years fans meeting while agreeing we needed a new centre half to depend set pieces he then countered by saying we had one of the best defences in open play which was not a surprise for a team that at that time dominated possession. On sunday I thought the isolated Wenger in his own dugout most illustrative. The loan dictator treating anyone with a differing opinion with disdain, including his own backroom team/yes men. There is no will to change and I read a lot into the signings or myachi and park. If the bowl empties of fans, I am sure the board see the gap filled with far eastern tourists. A tourist attraction now stands where a football club one did.

  23. Martyn

    Jan 17, 2012, 17:36 #17123

    Unfortunately this is a very poor Premier League this season and I don't count any of the top six clubs as being any thing other than mediocre, including Man City. Swansea beating Arsenal, Sunderland beating Man City and Blackburn beating Man Utd are just a few examples. Arsenal, however,are more prone than others to 'lower' teams and I put this down to a lack of leadership on the pitch, injuries to key defenders and Wenger's lack of tactical awareness to change things during a match when the team is obviously struggling, and I don't mean like-for-like changes so often seen, especially on the 70th minute mark! I still haven't got over the way the team played the second half against Fulham and consider this to be the beginning of what appears to be shaping-up as another string of poor results. Lets hope a good display and result against Man Utd on Sunday will restore some optimism - we all need cheering up!

  24. Rocky RIP

    Jan 17, 2012, 17:02 #17122

    'compare that Arsenal team of nine years ago to the one of today. Miquel, Djourou, Arshavin, Mertesacker, Ramsey, Benayoun, Rosicky, Walcott, Jenkinson.' - point taken. Although was Jenkinson really playing?! I could have sworn he was one of an unprecedented number of injured defenders we have, (notably not having a single full-back available and the best covering full-back also out injured) which would hamper any side and force them into playing a makeshift defence, with people out of position. Few sides could cope very well there. Still, it goes without saying what a pale imitation we are of the side of 2002-2004. Flaky lightweights abound now.(Even back in 2004 we had moaning fans!)

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 17, 2012, 16:37 #17120

    great piece DW i don't care about sounding like a broken record this team is not good enough to win prem cl or even fa cup the rot has set in a clear out required how arsene cannot see this i don't know.Why does he continue to persevere with players who are not up to it or simply don't care four players are required but not players of the quality like some that we already have but i think we know thats not going to happen.

  26. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Jan 17, 2012, 16:10 #17118

    We Have To Talk About Arsene: "It just takes a couple of defeats to provoke a damburst of negativity." Where have you been? It's not just a couple of games mate, if only it was. No, it's been years of neglect and stubbornness that has got us to the position where some gooners are saying enough is enough!!

  27. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Jan 17, 2012, 15:41 #17115

    @CanadaGooner You're awesome, mate. Seriously. Have you considered applying for Rice's job? You would be the perfect yes man. Stay in denial till blue in the face but never a word against ol' Arsene. Perfect! Mate, if the players lack desire and can't show bottle, THEN WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENCOURAGING AN ATMOSPHERE WHERE THERE'S NO COMPETITION? Who bought no one saying it will kill "Denilson",will kill "Song" etc. etc. etc. Complacency is the fruit of the tree of lack of competition. Can you imagine Fengusmoan letting his players get away with this? You saw what he did to Rooney. When Rooney was making noises about moving a few months ago, he was dropped till he sorted out his contract. What did Whinger do with Nasri? STARTED HIM AGAINST POOL. Whinger is the cancer. Every single thing that is wrong with the club today can be traced back to his doorstep, including the present care-a-damn attitude of the players. So shameless are they that they have to be told to go and applaud the away fans who have travelled so far for the team. But then again, their manager never wastes an opportunity to take a pop at fans and humiliate them. "Never worked half a day in football" anyone? A team is ALWAYS a reflection of its leader. This is true in any setting anywhere in the world

  28. Gee

    Jan 17, 2012, 15:30 #17114

    Yet again injuries have ravaged the squad. No other club could cope with having 4 fullbacks and their best centrehalf out. Add to that their 2 best midfielders at the club (Arteta & Wilshere). Three of the four who played in defence would never be there if everyone was fit. Sagna, Vermaelen and Santos are first picks at the back. SPurs have a season defining next 6 games. By the end of it in Mid March we'll be 4th possibly 3rd in my opinion. Wilshere will be back as will Sagna and Vermaelen. Come on you gooners

  29. Mike

    Jan 17, 2012, 15:15 #17112

    I must admit that the last three matches have been perhaps the most mediocre Arsenal matches I have seen for a long time. However, you can't expect the manager to publically criticise his players which results in the many excuses one hears from him - no manager does it. - hopefully something is happening behind closed doors. Unfortunately Wenger finds himself biding time, which he does not have,waiting for key players to become fit. Signing more players now will just make the wage bill even higher. When he offered what Chelsea bought Cahill for he was publically ridiculed and told that Cahill was worth twice that amount. Samba is apparently on the radar and I think he would be a good signing, but only as back up. Man Utd lost twice in a row to unfancied teams and brought back Scholes because Fergie's new signings are not performing - Spurs has an extremly interesting run of fixtures now - I will be surprised if they don't drop points. I think we can still come away with something this season but the players must play as a team.

  30. CT Gooner

    Jan 17, 2012, 14:59 #17111

    I think the problems on the field are two fold. First the squad is just not good enough. Our midfield have been outclassed since the first half at Fulham. Poor passes, not getting back, not making forward runs, etc. Remember the concept of every other pass going forward, did that leave with Fab & Nas. The second is the lack of collective commitment to organization. Again, when Petit and Viera were in the middle, we wouldn't have conceded 20 seconds after tieing a game. But I don't accept that the manager isn't responsible for these failings. If he was responsible for the good time, he's to blame for the bad. Part of the job description I'm afraid...

  31. Will

    Jan 17, 2012, 14:31 #17108

    Good post, the current predicament strongly suggests Wenger is past or close to his sell by date. Talk of a top 4 is ridiculous, top half of the table is more realsitic. The game has moved on new managers like Brendan Rogers are the new kids on the block. They have learnt from Wenger and moved past him. Fergusons longevity is testament to his capacity to renew himself,to shake things up with a new No 2. Wenger remains stuck unable to adapt to the changes. His constant moaning demeans the Arsenal, it makes us sound like a bunch of whingers. Swansea and Fulham ( second half ) beat us all ends up, skillwise,energywise everywhichway. Our familiar late Feb collapse has come a month early. Maybe we need to suffer a real end of season collapse to bring about meaningful change. This side are palpably middle table nothing more, to suggest otherwise is deluded.

  32. Gavin

    Jan 17, 2012, 14:12 #17107

    It’s not that we lost to Swansea, it’s what has happened or not happened in the years gone by to get us into a situation that we can continually lose to a Swansea and not even be surprised. A modicum of ambition a few years ago, which is why we moved in the first place, and we wouldn't be relying on RVP to keep us from mid table, but instead would be confident of him staying at the club. January is possibly our last chance to do so, but clearly there will be no new investment or change at the club unless the fans show their displeasure in one way or another with the way the club is being run.

  33. Judge Fred

    Jan 17, 2012, 13:55 #17105

    Essentially this is a very sorry state of affairs. We have become a selling club (to our immediate rivals in most cases) and this is unacceptable. I paid over £2000 for mine and my sons season tickets this season (my 32nd season in a row) but I have learnt my lesson and will not renew until a new regime is installed. We are not getting value for money and it stopped being fun a long, long time ago. Very sad but inevitable given the fact that Arsenal are no longer a football club but more of an investment opportunity to those that run it.

  34. Arsed off

    Jan 17, 2012, 13:49 #17104

    Alas my friends, we are out the last days of a fallen power that is in a downward spiral of Wenger's making. The architect of our previous success is now also our downfall. He is alas our Nero as he watches the once strong Rome burn to the ground. The final dagger in the back will be RVP's departure ... why for god's sake would he want to extend his contract when title winning clubs across Europe will be clamouring for his signature. The sad thing is that the rot of disillusioned failure of recent years is so well set in now that it will take a new generation of players and hard work to refind our past glory ... and Wenger on current form is NOT that chosen one to lead us to the promise land.

  35. WestUpperRed

    Jan 17, 2012, 13:42 #17102

    Gotta say its sad seeing everything crumble around AW - he is clearly at a loss to understand whats happening!

  36. We Have To Talk About Arsene

    Jan 17, 2012, 13:38 #17101

    It just takes a couple of defeats to provoke a damburst of negativity. Look, Swansea are a good side at the peak of their form and we didn't have quite enough to beat them on their own ground with a depleted side. There's no disgrace in that. We've had a run of good form and now we're in the doldrums but poor form ,like good form, is temporary. The right acquisition or two could well help but, however he does it Arsene must turn it round very soon or fourth place will be out of reach. I don't envy Arsene right now. He has a big problem this season achieving any sort of success but to a large extent the problem is of his own making.

  37. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jan 17, 2012, 12:48 #17096

    DDubya, you're so right about many straws repeatedly hitting the camel's (or should that be donkey's) back, but that's not the view from the upper echelons of The Business. As far as they're concerned, if 55 - 60 thousand of us mugs turn up every week, and are prepared to allow being bled dry in the process, then everything's just dandy.

  38. Stumpy Den

    Jan 17, 2012, 12:42 #17094

    I know that TH has come back as a fan!!! I also know that there are 2 sides to every story. Why did he (if he did) swear at a fan who wanted the commitment and passion that we have seen in the past. This winning attitude got us through games with both higher and lower teams, with ALL the players showing that commitment and desire to win. It appears to me that this team dont have it in them, there is a milase at the club that is from top to bottom. IT HAS TO STOP. We need that winning mentality back, the desire the passion, we all talk about how we would play for Arsenal given the chance. This is what I want from the players, that same sense of pride, passion, commitment and not laughing or joking with the opposition comming off the pitch when we have lost a game. Wenger has to change his attitude and start dropping players if they dont perform. We need to sign decent players in the summer, those that want to be here for the pride of the shirt.

  39. Gooner Rich

    Jan 17, 2012, 12:41 #17093

    Great post especially the bit about Ramsey. He has so much quality but is it fair to ask a 20yr old with little top level experience to run our midfield for a whole season ?. I know we miss Jack, but he is very young and again should not have the weight of the club on his young shoulders. I actually think Jack can handle all the pressure but he should not be in that position just because Arsene refuses to spend a few quid. Many think Parker is not good enough, but for me he would've been a perfect addition to the squad and only cost a pittance. The younger players could learn from him and Arteta without having to play every game and then get the blame when things are not going well. Arsene claims to care about the young players but is in danger of destroying them before they reach their potential just to save money.

  40. CanadaGooner

    Jan 17, 2012, 12:30 #17092

    @Mo: supporting a club isnt a match by match thing mate. so, if we beat Man Utd you're right back behind Wenger? we have had a dire season and nobody would blame you for electing not to support Wenger if you dont want to @DW Thomas: for me, the most important quote from your article is where you mentioned the "lack of commitment" of the current squad. You struck the nail right on it's head there as this is exactly where we have serious problems. before losing to fulham and swansea we hadnt been impressive in majority of the matches before those and RVP's form is what covered up for it and that's fine, but he was never going to carry on scoring at that rate and i think other players like walcott, ramsay and gervinho assumed he would and they just couldnt be bothered to try anymore. you can spend all day talking about how crap wenger's signings have been etc, the fact of the matter is that there have been a good crop of players through our doors and a lot of the ones we still have now would perform brilliantly elsewhere. so, what's the problem at arsenal? 'lack of commitment' and our inability to tell a player he's been **** if he has. we cant keep covering up for them with excuses all the time!!

  41. Tony Evans

    Jan 17, 2012, 12:26 #17091

    Good article and I don't need to say much more as most of us have said the same things regarding Wenger and this current Arsenal setup from the board down to the manager and coaching staff to the players. Not good enough but what can we do about it? Some sort of protest maybe but I fear there are still too many supporters who will give Wenger and the rest of them the benefit of the doubt.

  42. Ron

    Jan 17, 2012, 12:11 #17089

    AW s comments are getting more bizarre after each game, win or lose. He really has taken on the persona of the mad Professor now and its been getting wors, along with his body language for at least 2 Seasons now. He doesnt look well and i dont want to see this job break his health on the back of his stubborness. If i was his boss, i would be concerned too and speak to the guy asking how he can be supported more. The rabble in our Boardroom i suspect cant be bothered or at least appear not to be by their silence. Worrying.

  43. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jan 17, 2012, 11:51 #17087

    The reality is that Wenger will not go (although, I don't think it's the bestest of time) and Arsenal as a Club is F***ked!!! When the yank's took over it was all about money and we can see that straight away because he is trying to get his invested money back and allow wenger to rebuild a team from scratch again with the least money invested, hence, the reason top four (or 6 or 8 etc...) is acceptable!!!!

  44. Rob

    Jan 17, 2012, 11:09 #17085

    I almost thought he was going to complain about something or other after the defeat to Swansea. To see him admit that the so-called Uk's Barcelona were out-played, out-passed and out-scored by a team that has just come up was painful to watch.

  45. Mo

    Jan 17, 2012, 9:44 #17081

    I totally agree here. I was still behind wenger until this last game against Swansea, who totally outplayed us. It is very clear the teams needs marquee signings and getting rid of certain Players is a must. If wenger doesn't overhaul now he won't be able tO attract anyone in the summer. We need to show ambition, desire to win, and set some proper goals. I'm fed up of excuses and blaming the refs, why can't we be honest with ourselves and say in our current form we r simply not good enough!