Fourth is the new First

How about an Arsene Wenger Ponzi scheme?

Fourth is the new First

Highbury Demolished – For what?

A deluded French dictator once said " England is a nation of shopkeepers", and the Gooner majority has been turned into "a nation of accountants" by our very own, as the club may as well give us a copy of the latest bank statement and an abacus as we flock through the turnstiles after swallowing the bulls**t about having to leave Highbury and move into the Emirates so we could buy the best players in the world and keep hold of our own jewels in the crown.............yeah right. Now, we've been so brainwashed that we all have a player ready-reckoner planted in our grey matter so, when we offer a derisory amount for a much-needed star, we all nod sagely and comfort each other that he was not worth it, and then we get outbid by the Chavs or Citeh.

We're not only delighted about paying the highest attendance prices in the league, we also have this inbuilt knowledge about how much a player is worth in transfer did this come from? In my 40 years attending games, I've never given a tinker’s cuss about how much a player cost or whether he's giving value for money. We’ve had monies to spend (apparently) for the last five or six transfer windows, but, due to a dereliction of duty from OGL, each opportunity passes us by as we wait for the next bunch of likely lads in the squad to come good (Senderos, Vela, Denilson, Bendtner etc) and OGL implores us to believe in their mental strength.

If Arsenal/Wenger started a Ponzi scheme, I reckon there are enough hard-of-thinking amongst the cult of Wenger who would join it, as the majority have all bought into the glorious surge for fourth place as the equivalent of a trophy. The latest capitulations against Fulham and Swansea will, I'm sure, be blamed on refereeing decisions and bad luck..........ahem. How about calling OGL to account for his abysmal running of the team for the past five years and calling a spade a shovel? Just take last summer, for example, when Fabregas and Nasri were both leaving the club. I knew it, the media knew it, the fans knew it and two of our best players knew it as fact...........just remind me which person was in denial right up until the moment they left. The last-minute panic-buys to shore up a squad that wasn't good enough with Fabregas and Nasri in it..........if his youth vanity project is over, can somebody explain to me what his new master plan is? Because, if it is aiming for fourth place every season whilst he does a strange jig in the technical area, and RvP leaving this summer......... I think it's safe to say I've had enough and 2014 can't come quick enough.........unless Kroenke or Usmanov want to put a stop to groundhog season that is.

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  1. sparksy

    Jan 19, 2012, 9:48 #17229

    I can only agree with what everyone has said before. It is soul destroying what they are doing. It is up to us as supporters to make them feel the pressure. We've done it before when the fans got Tery Neill out the door ( whether it be right or wrong). Kroenke doesn't give 2 ****s about the club, we all know he's in it for the profit. Take the other yank Gazidis with him (another who knows **** all about football or our club) and lastly Wenger. Your days are gone, time to move on.

  2. Jekyll

    Jan 19, 2012, 1:32 #17221

    That photo just fills me with sadness. Highbury, our identity, gone... for what. A worse team, a manager who is a lesser version of himself, a Yank owner who doesn't give a sh*t. Why does anyone buy into this? What does any fan who isn't a shareholder get out of the status quo and why do people still continue to defend it? The only answer is the cult of Wenger.

  3. Drew

    Jan 18, 2012, 22:11 #17219

    The problem starts at board level and ends with Wengers precious obsession with the delicate psyche of the Diabys, Chamakhs and Denilsons of the team. He just can't bear to let them go and admit their failure. I still respect AWs strengths, but he's simply delusional and any new boss would come straight in, get rid of these players, invest in decent ones and we would challenge again. All it would take to keep Our most loyal player, future legend, captain and best player is to dump that useless hanger on _ _ _ _ _ (insert any one of at least half a dozen names here) and give RVP his wages. Two problems solved at once - but will it happen? My @&$3. I also find it difficult to see how our supposedly marketing focused approach fails to take into account arsenals international popularity is based on the fact that we actually do have a couple of world class players, and until recently were a top team - lose these and we lose the cash cow international support base.

  4. tfsmudge

    Jan 18, 2012, 22:03 #17218

    Nice article BNG, some great points made… Can I just mention our invincibles, the team I was glad to have seen regularly achieving (more than fourth) over at Highbury ! Their hair would have gone even greyer, if not fallen out watching our recent defensive performances. Let's face it, the invincibles were never replaced meaning we were short-changed… As you mention above, we have a problem at the back, but also in general, just keeping the ball is fast becoming a problem – most unWengerlike. I think the boss is missing David Dein, as we probably all are. Reinstate him immediately I say. Who agrees we'll beat Manu 8-0 on Sunday ? And then finish the season 10 points clear of Spurs too regaining all pride… Naaa nor me, but even if either came true the problems will still need addressing. The blame given to wrong decisions and fourth officials of late is wearing a little thin. Losing a lead against the likes of Swansea, Fulham or Wolves (with all due respect) wreaks of complacency. And finally, losing out so many times to Chelski in the transfer market is painful enough, but allowing Spuds to look good at our expense is just plain unforgivable !

  5. CanadaGooner

    Jan 18, 2012, 22:00 #17217

    we werent exactly winning it all before the stadium situation were we? (champions league, europe in general, back to back titles). Fabregas & Nasri were hardly bringing in trophies were they (surely beating birmingham in a Carling Cup final should have been achieved?). A lot of people cant seem to grasp the fact that it isnt the same leadership that sold us the dreams of a new stadium that are now at the helm. Perhaps Kroenke's only intention is to run a business and not a football club. You have however made some very valid points in the final portion of your article, which echoes what a lot of us on here agree with wholeheartedly. Dont see a lot changing anytime soon though

  6. SLJ

    Jan 18, 2012, 21:43 #17214

    The picture" sums it all up" (as someone once said), it was'nt just Highbury that was demolished the club died when we moved to the red and white elephant, i think most of us know it deep down

  7. Inspector Clueless has taken over

    Jan 18, 2012, 21:31 #17213

    ive been expressing my views very strongly since Feb when I watched the way Arsenal turned up at Wembley V Birmingham. too casual. did not want to die to bring the fans a trophy and a manager that proved to me he was BS'ing the fans and did not really give a damn. even when we won against swansea, norwich, bolton, wigan i have remained cynical because i know football and i know there is something wrong at this club. Wenger needs to go. it will now never get better under him. ALL fans need to realise this. Thanks to Wenger, Spurs have genuinely passed us on the outside

  8. muzzlejuice

    Jan 18, 2012, 20:35 #17211

    With his get out option at PSG having been snatched away from him I don't even see that a bad defeat on Sunday followed by exiting the last two cup competitions at the earliest stage would be enough for wenger to do the right thing and move much as it pains me to say I think we really need to hit a low this season, 8th anyone?, and come the summer start fresh with new manager ,new coaching methods and at least a dozen new players,roll on season 2012/13

  9. GoonerGoal!

    Jan 18, 2012, 20:33 #17210

    A degree of thought about 'direct action' is probably required because any visible criticism against the Board or Wenger is likely to be confiscated by stewards at the behest of stadium management. Organising any form of chant could also prove difficult due to the disperal around the stadium of those opposed to the Board and Wenger. My suggestion? Should the "One Arsene Wenger" chant begin, just boo. It will signal to those around you your feelings and may just persuade some of them to join in!

  10. Hillwoods Puffa Jacket

    Jan 18, 2012, 19:19 #17207

    After a few of these type of articles were posted starting about 3 years ago they have now become a torrent. Even the most bullish pro Arsene fans have become jaded and realised what the more pessimistic/realistic of us foresaw. As I said in one piece it did not take a crystal ball. The move to the new ground was designed by the old board for them to cash in having in most cases put nothing in. The claim was always dividends were never paid but believe me they cashed in massively as the share price rocketed. It continues to rocket as the business side succeeds where the team fails. As I also pointed out the move was also heavenly for OGL as it allowed him to redefine success to what was previously considered failure and indulge project youth. At any other major club the constant collapses and failure would not be tolerated but Kronke apart he is all powerful. I see the status quo continuing until Kronke decides to cash in. Miserable times to follow.

  11. chrisy boy

    Jan 18, 2012, 19:16 #17206

    im with the rest of you who want to start protest or chants etc, remember my fellow gooners Arsenal football club belongs to us, our fathers, grandfathers , uncles and brothers etc without our support over the years there would be no Arsenal, go **** yourself stan we are the true owners !!

  12. Shropshire Lad

    Jan 18, 2012, 18:00 #17202

    Ron, re your Arsene reference, the sad thing is that we are fast reaching the point when none of us can tell the difference! He sadly looks ill and depressed, probably because he is being let down by his Board, his Chief Executive, his players, his coaching team but most of all by his apparent inability to change. I don't think he can do much in this transfer window but as some others have noted the damage was done last summer with the crass management of the transfers both in and out.

  13. Judge Fred

    Jan 18, 2012, 17:37 #17201

    Nick W: So the "plan worked in all respects" yet you admit property profits were much less than anticipated. Also "nobody planned for or envisaged ... the wage and transfer inflation that Chelski and later Citeh have caused". Abram was already at Chelsea before our move - that's how we lost Cashley - by Abrams filthy lucre. He was blowing people out of the water before our move to Emirates. As for the comments about not being in the CL had we stayed at Highbury, on what basis? We got to a final whilst at Highbury and were comfortable qualifiers for a decade (unlike now, if you note)

  14. Ron

    Jan 18, 2012, 16:53 #17199

    Oxy - Businesses dont really care where the team is mate in those Exec boxes. Its all about the facilities and add on perks that they can offer Clients like conferencing facilty etc etc. Theres a lot that comes with those boxes, the football is almost an aside! A good many of them in the boxes dont watch the game and their guests are either starry eyed or totally disinterested in football. Top or bottom for the Club its a day out guzzling the rip off crap food and drink served up for free for the guests and a nice back drop for the box holders to peddle their bull**** trying to do business deals. Its the same at all Clubs. If you ever get to go to a Box, try it. Ive been to a few Clubs boxes on freebies. Bored stiff in the main at other Clubs, as i hardly got chance to see the football. Like a great many who go, theres often no chance to even look out the window if its a genuine business visit that youre there for. Its surroundings they want. Half of those box holders dont know an arsehole from an arsene to be honest.

  15. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 18, 2012, 16:51 #17198

    good piece big nose but what can i say as somebody on here has posted it's all been said and repeated before and nothing has changed it really is not good enough the excuses been made for the results is becoming a joke just heard on sky henry doubt for sunday sad times.

  16. Nick W

    Jan 18, 2012, 16:44 #17197

    sorry, but you miss the point here. the plan worked in all respects, generating higher revenues and property profits. Not as much property profit admittedly but nobody (few) predicted the banking crisis. that nobody planned for or envisaged was the wage and transfer inflation that Chelski and later Citeh have caused....essentially player wages have swallowed all of the additional revenues generated.......look at the transfer fees and salaries over the period 2000-2012......mind blowing. that is not something I hold the current board and AW in particular responsible for and not predicting it is hardly a reason for any of them to be not spending the money we do have on transfers and keeping players like Bendtner and Denilson on the salaries that they are on, a different matter, but not a Ponzi based criticism....... At least we built our Stadium and secured funding on a long term basis ahead of the crash. We would be seriously screwed if we were still stuck a Highbury with the capacity and revenue restrictions we had there. Think Emirates Sts are expensive, they would be have to be close to double that if we still there and i'm fairly certain we would not have been in the CL every year either!

  17. Tookland

    Jan 18, 2012, 16:41 #17196

    PROTEST PLEASE! After holding a season ticket for 15 years I gave it up three years ago because of the philosophy of the club – I'm astounded that the manager and the board have managed to continue asset stripping the club without receiving much negative feedback from the fan base. I still pop up the ground a few times a season but the Grove just doesn't float my boat, it's as spiritless as the team. However I would make a special effort to attend a few games if I knew I could vent my displeasure at what these corporate ****ers have done to MY club. Let me know where and when and I'll certainly add my voice to the folk that want our club back. Viva la revolution!

  18. Gloucester Gooner

    Jan 18, 2012, 16:26 #17195

    I am sick sick sick of our famous club being thrown to the wolves. The cesspit up the road are gloating at us and we are down in the mouth.The fans must speak up and be noticed. To me we have a team of 11 individuals who are not pulling together. I dread Sunday??

  19. Peter Wain

    Jan 18, 2012, 15:38 #17192

    One thing we must not do is spend spend spend if we get turned over badly by United on Subday. I for one do not want a repeat of the last transfer window which showed how indecisive and desperate we were. Lets face it none of those buys have been an unqualified success and some frankly are embarassing. If are going to buy buy top players for decent money not has beens or promising youths.

  20. Aaron

    Jan 18, 2012, 15:35 #17191

    We needed to move from Highbury so we could afford to pay Almunia, Eboue, Mertesacker, Santos, Denilson, Diaby, Rosicky, Arshavin, Walcott, Bendtner and Chamakh >£50k per week. Money well spent

  21. Peter Wain

    Jan 18, 2012, 15:28 #17190

    It beggars belief that we are not buying platers. The standard of the players in the first tean squd is as weak as I have ever known it. Even in the dark days of the 1960s did we have better players. We can only hope that the yank does the honourable thing and fers out of Arsenal taking Gazidis and Wenger with him.

  22. Gman

    Jan 18, 2012, 15:22 #17189

    Time to get the banners out "KROENKE SELL OUT "

  23. Oxy-Moron

    Jan 18, 2012, 15:21 #17188

    Vip - nice idea, but unfortunately the sheep that populate the E******s will be loyally in place bang on time. I've of the opinion that the board's real aim with the move was to be rid of the need for the gate receipts from the proles that populate the lower price seats. As long as club level sells out and the boxes are all let to corporates, they have calculated that they can sell enough of the others to tourists and the sit-politely-and-applaud brigade regardless of what's on offer on the pitch. The ONLY attendance change that will evoke any form of reaction will be a half-full club level and corporates not renewing. Which is why it's lucky for them that the mob up the road don't have room for more boxes - businesses in the city won't want to entertain clients by watching a mid-table team - they wil want to present them the teams challenging for silverwear, which sadly looks to more likely that mob up the road than us. As Judge Fred says - I WANT MY ARSENAL BACK!

  24. Nicholas

    Jan 18, 2012, 14:56 #17185

    What sums up the club's outlook for me is the attitude towards failing to qualify for the CL next year. The chairman and the CEO both talk purely in terms of finance. Neither of them bothers to mention the effect it might have football at the club both from a supporting viewpoint and from a recruitment wiewpoint.

  25. Mark

    Jan 18, 2012, 14:53 #17183

    I agree with bignose comments and share others anger. I wrote to the AST expressing my anger a the way my club is going and they need to come fighting against Wengers policy and Gazidas for telling us what a busy summer transfer it would be at the club yet nothing happened, we'll being fed untruths and want to know where is the money to buy players. My reply from the AST was be "careful what you wish for" in getting rid of AW, so in all our problems starts with Aw and The AST and the rest of the fans who worship Wenger and can see no wrong doing. if he goes he ain't gonna stay in the premeirship tha'ts for sure.

  26. Ron

    Jan 18, 2012, 14:40 #17182

    Good post. There were ones amongst us who said just make the slight alterations that the planners would allow, so to hike the Highbury capacity up to 50000 that was the objective back then. Sorry to sound smug, but ill never change my view that it would have been better than playing at Ash grove.The trouble is that Arsenal didnt forsee Abram and the Arabs etc etc. They stupidly thought that Arsenal and Utd would be up there with a monopoly on 1st and 2nd forever. They thought this and must have ignored how far Liverpools decline has reached and ignored the fact that success in the game has always been cyclical. Arrogance beyond belief!

  27. Gooner1711

    Jan 18, 2012, 14:31 #17181

    LET US PROTEST THEN! "SPEND SOME F**KING MONEY" "SACK THE BOARD" or "WENGER OUT"!!! The time for writing on message pages has passed, the only way now is voice. Do you fancy Europa league games on your Season ticket? There is no confirmation prices will not increase next season. How much more are we expected to take?

  28. Tony Evans

    Jan 18, 2012, 14:27 #17180

    Following on from VIPs comment are we as fans as much to blame for the last six years or so as Wenger and the Board? By meekly going along and paying over our hard earned money are we not rubber stamping what is going on at our club?

  29. Vip

    Jan 18, 2012, 14:03 #17179

    There really needs to be some kind of protest this Sunday. A good majority of Gooners are p1ssed off, but all we do is put our feelings on blogs or kick off with each other at the ground. Why dont we all go into our seats 10 minutes after KO on Sunday to will give Wenger and the Board an insight into how the stadium will look next season for all games if nothing else!! Its time for action!!

  30. Judge Fred

    Jan 18, 2012, 14:02 #17178

    I agree with all aspects the above. I also admit to being fooled that the Emirates was going to deliver a standard of player that would illuminate world football. I am ashamed to have fallen for the hype. That picture of Highbury demolished brought a lump to my throat. I want my Arsenal back.

  31. Dave

    Jan 18, 2012, 13:56 #17176

    It is totally shocking and embarrassing when fans still chant Wenger's name at games, are they out of their minds?? Anna Mary - there are already empty seats that have appeared around the ground so a Europa or even a non-Euro spot next season will cement sub-50K attendances regardless of what the 'offical' figure actually is as we all know thats utter garbage too along with almost everything that is going on at our club

  32. Muttley - Do Something!!!

    Jan 18, 2012, 13:53 #17175

    Big Nose - I have to take you to task on one of your comments relating to being constantly out bid in the transfer market by the Chavs and Citeh (and everyone else). To be out bid you have to place a bid in the first place. The Arsenal cheque book has been eaten by moths and the fax machine has been jammed since leaving Highbury. When did you last hear of Arsenal buying a player and he is just waiting to pass a medical? We procratinate and eventually lose out to a team with more ambition. We need to face facts, top quality players do not want to stay at Arsenal, let alone sign. We were in desperate need of a quality centre half- we got Peter Crouch's immobile Germanic half-brother, we needed to replace Cesc and Nasri, we got Yossi on loan (on deadline day). We needed back-up for RVP, we bought Park Ji-Sung's lesser talented cousin. Arsene, you can't polish every turd and make it shine!

  33. dave bromley

    Jan 18, 2012, 13:13 #17172

    Nice one,well said when did any body win any thing with 67 out of ten rated players this is a very poor arsenal team since late 50s 60s and what we was promised was 10/10 players and do you know what we the fans are the biggest mugs, that board must have a bloody good laugh once a month at our expense................

  34. Anna Mary

    Jan 18, 2012, 12:33 #17168

    Well they fooled us for the past 6 years. The board is useless, they just know how to fill their pockets. If we drop out of top 4 this season then I bet there will be a lot of empty seats next season. Also if we get thrashed against Man Utd this Sunday, then Wenger is counting his last days at the club. The fans are furious

  35. Tony Evans

    Jan 18, 2012, 12:31 #17166

    Why more Gooners can not open their eyes to the catalogue of failures over the last few years (I know there have been good performances too - but not enough)I just don't know. You talk about Wenger being in denial, Bignose, well how many Gooners are still in denial about Wenger? Here is a once great manager that has clearly run out of ideas, his big youth project has been proved a total waste of time and yet still too many supporters appear frightened of a future with a new mamager. Why for goodness sake? Surely the myth that 'Arsene Knows' is now completely unbelievable.

  36. mark from aylesbury

    Jan 18, 2012, 12:29 #17165

    Fully agree spot on! Football is a romance and it is about winning, perhaps not every year but at least the competitive streak built within the team. At the moment I think Im supporting a corporate entity. I might as well support Sainsburys in their bid to topple Tesco. Somehow the balance aint right. Id argue that Manu despite the Glazers have it, where we are being sucked dry Get the non delivering manager out and kick off again with a hungry ambitious manager.

  37. Gooner1711

    Jan 18, 2012, 12:07 #17158

    Spot on. It is nothing short of embarrissing how much BS we have been fed. I believe the now majority do not believe it. The AKB's are slowly dwindling. I hope we hear some voice on sunday against the regime.