A balanced view on a club with a healthy balance sheet

Approval for the current regime’s modus operandi

A balanced view on a club with a healthy balance sheet

Dein: No fairy godmother

I originally wrote this approaching the end of the last transfer window, summer 2011, when Goonerland appeared to be having a collective meltdown. It was also the time when the debate seemed to be focused around “AW has lost the plot. We need to spend lots of many on marquee signings. The Board are asset-stripping by not buying players”.

Well here we are again, in the January window, after two poor performances away from home, preceded - I admit - by several poor games in the run-up to Xmas/New Year, Arsenal fans arguing with each other, some real nutters on Twitter threatening our own players and, of course, demands for AW to go, the Board to spend big and again statements regarding the Directors pocketing large sums…..

I am not going to try to explain away some disappointing results or analyse tactics, injuries or the squad-quality. It still seems to me that people are missing some key issues in the whole "Arsène in/Arsène out" and the "Arsenal FC not PLC" debate, and that these points have to be taken into consideration:

1. Football has always been about money - from the very start of professional football, the best players have been bought and sold by clubs seeking success. Early on, the players’ wages were capped, and there was no freedom of contract. Now they can move when, and demand what, they want and the best football assets tend to fetch the best prices. Sometimes bargains emerge, but rarely can you get real proven quality at a bargain price. The book "Winners and Losers", by Szymanski and Kuypers, researched the financial impact on football and showed a direct correlation between performance in the league and wages spent, with few exceptions. So, to all those who say financial performance off the pitch does not matter - you are factually incorrect: it does. On the pitch performance is directly linked to off-pitch success - FACT. That leads us on to the reason why we moved from Highbury and built the Emirates…….

2. Arsenal's strategy when building the Emirates was all about creating the financial muscle to compete at the very top of European football, and, to some extent, this is evidenced by our financial performance. In parallel, and in order to fund the stadium, we had to take some short-term actions - first, secure long-term and front-end-loaded sponsorship deals to balance the funding needed, and, second, move towards developing rather than buying our talent. On both, I believe we have executed well: AW’s transfer-spend pales into insignificance with the other top-six clubs, and nobody could dispute that we have developed some truly world-class players. Of course, retaining them is a separate issue. AW knew that he would have limited cash available for a while, but that, in the long term, he and the Club would be much better off, and he agreed to sacrifice the short term and not be in a position to buy ready-made world-class players. Let's remember that David Dein, the hero many fans want back, wanted us to move and ground-share at Wembley. He left because he would not support the Emirates project. Let's just consider what the atmosphere would be like at Wembley, and the impact of moving so far from N5 on our core fan-base; in my opinion, our Board and AW made the right decision.

Unfortunately, what could not be envisaged was that we would end up in an 'escalating' market, driven by debt at Man Utd and new owners with unlimited resources, at Chelski from 2003, and Man Citeh since 2008, both of which completely 'messed up' the market and led to player-wages and transfer-inflation that could not have been predicted. Real and Barça have added to this through the different TV rights arrangements within La Liga. As a direct result, rather than the Emirates revenues leading us to be a clear Number Two in the EPL, we are certainly in fourth place in wages, and probably lower than that when we consider that we have more players paid and retained under contract across all age-groups, the downside of seeking to develop and retain rather than buying 'pre-made' quality.

Given the circumstances, we have performed well overall, and secured CL football every year, and now is not the time to ditch the rational strategy we adopted. We just cannot afford to pay excessive transfer-fees, and nor can many others. A slow-down in this area is likely, as all of the other clubs without 'sugar daddies' will be forced to adopt self-sufficient strategies. This will impact wages and fees for any players other than those at the big two or three, and there are certainly more than 30 excellent players around. The reputation of Arsenal should mean that players not at the big two or three will want to play for a progressive club and manager. AW remains a big lure for players who wish to develop. Losing him now would be a huge error.

3. David Dein is not the answer to the current issues. Yes, he did help to secure and negotiate the terms of many key player-transfers, but he did not identify the talent. The lure of working with AW was critical, and we were able to compete at that stage because we had a scouting network that kept finding diamonds at a time when other teams had not invested in that activity. Now that all of the top clubs have competent scouting teams, there is less competitive advantage there. David Dein did not want to move to the Emirates, he wanted to go to Wembley and that is why he left. Having our own home in N5 remains the correct decision strategically, and we will start to see the benefits of this as the commercial team are able to unwind the pre-2006 deals that we had to do at a discount. The style of football we play, and our global reputation, now mean that we are a big draw for sponsors. Can we honestly say that we were a global club before AW, or that our style of play was admired around the world? Thought not.

4. We need our own 'sugar daddy'. Another popular argument doing the rounds is that we need someone with very deep pockets to buy us the players to win trophies. Surely a third financial super power in the EPL entering the arms race would in many respects be a race to financial ruin; it would do nothing to prevent Chelsea and Citeh outbidding us on transfers and salaries, and we would end up in the same place with a higher wage-bill. Chelsea are stuck on financial drugs, and change managers and buy players hoping to solve the issue; arguably, they succeeded early on in the Abramovich era because they had stability and some core quality from The Tinkerman's acquisitions, and then added a selection of decent buys (and several poor players) when Mourinho arrived. They could pay top dollar as they were the only EPL club prepared to pay the necessary. Look at them now. No youth-system-developed players in the first team regularly since John Terry, having to spend again and again and again, a new manager every 18 months, and look at them at the moment. I'd choose Arsenal every time (of course I would, I'm a gooner, but as a neutral it would be a no-brainer). Citeh have yet to deliver, and maybe they will this season, but will they do it over a sustained period, can they really keep all of the individuals sitting on the bench motivated? I see a constant churn of players in and out, dissatisfied with not playing, and that won't work under the FFP rules, even with teams of lawyers and silly sponsorship-deals. It may for a year or two, but, in five or ten years, I cannot see it.

5. Finally the Board are raping the Club and taking cash out, whilst we should not be putting season ticket prices up. I'll answer these in reverse. First, the ticket-price increases are disappearing into players' pockets not the Directors’. Wage inflation caused by Citeh and Chelski especially (look, Adebayor is on £180k a week) means that to keep the players we have gets more and more expensive.

Let's be sensible and distinguish between Directors and shareholders. Not all Directors are now or have been shareholders in the past. Before Usmanov and Silent Stan bought up the majority of shares, Arsenal's old board, including Dein, owned shares. They sold and made a substantial return on their original investments. Danny Fiszman sold to SK because he felt that SK would be a better owner than AU; Dein did the opposite. However, there has been no dividend paid on the share-ownership for some time, so the only return that SK and AU can hope for now is if and when they can sell their shares at a higher price to somebody with very deep pockets!

So, all of the past profits have gone into the Club and can be invested in player-transfers and salaries. Determining who to spend it on and when is of course down to AW, and his record on working the transfer-market is second to none. He is rightly reluctant to splash the cash and waste the money, especially when he knows that it will impact the costs of every other player if we break our own rules. He hopes that the market will settle down as FFP is implemented and the environment will be more rational. Surely the football bubble will not carry on for ever, and eventually TV will cap what they are prepared to invest for rights. It is TV that has driven revenues and player salaries, and it will be TV that ends up limiting salaries by not increasing rights payments beyond a level that is economically sustainable for them and their advertisers. The question is when? The current financial environment may well act as a brake sooner than we think.

So overall, money matters. Solid financial performance is important, as it directly impacts what happens on the pitch. We should all be proud and very happy that we are profitable. It is important, and stands us in good stead for the future. Spending it wisely is crucial, and we have a manager who has proved time and time again that he spends sensibly and identifies and polishes real gems. Our Club's strategy has been and remains correct, albeit there have been bumps in the road caused by external factors that we could not envisage in 2000/02, and, with FFP coming in, should still see us in the right place.

Arsenal is still a huge club, arguably bigger than ever. We all want on-pitch success, AW more than us, I suspect. Support the players, support the manager and support the Club, our club, the Arsenal. And no booing in the stadium at the weekend; please let's be fans again rather than pundits or accountants or haters.

Twitter @nickwiggly

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  1. Scott

    Jan 22, 2012, 8:47 #17418

    And there was me thinking Dein actually left because he advocated the introduction of a serious money man to take the club to the next level not to Wembley! The old farts of PHW and Ken Friar failed to back the man who, as AW said, revolutionised the club. It is these doddery old gits that need to go first. Then see if the yanks and the Russians (and Dein) can sit down and work things out. With all the old baggage thrown out....who knows?

  2. The Happening

    Jan 21, 2012, 12:35 #17399

    A sober and relevant article, I like it, and I'm neither an AKB or AMG, just a supporter. I love this Club and will support them tomorrow as standard. Basically, this article is highlighting the fact the EPL has changed fundamentally from a financial standpoint, so it helps me keep a clear perspective on the current situation, but at the end of the day like the millions of other supporters all I have to look at is the EPL table, of course I want my Club to be around in 100 years time, but I'd also like a bit more FOOTBALL, and that doesn't mean less but just smarter accountancy. I think we've kinda gotten a little lost with all this balance sheet stuff since the move from Highbury, it seems as if we searching for ourselves as a Club, perhaps it's because we haven't won anything?

  3. yttom46.

    Jan 21, 2012, 8:06 #17393

    Fans are not bothered about accounts,+ or -. Not too bothered about the running of the club,what they are bothered about is success on the pitch. How many fans did Chelsea and Man C loses when sugar daddy came along. Far from their fan base decreasing it increased purely because of the success on the pitch,however attained. Most of our gripes about Wenger is the second rate players he fobs us of with. With the current squad it will be hard to finish in the top 6. As Wenger,who is tactally niave, has shown over the last 3 or 4 years we need a 1st team coach,not a wheeler dealer to keep the books in a healthy state and until we do we will stay in the trophyless wilderness. Could not even beat Birmingham in a final last year. Think that says it all.

  4. allybear

    Jan 20, 2012, 15:33 #17362

    Stuart you are spot on mate. Its incredible that there are still staunch supporters of AW. I think he has been in charge for long enough&as i have said before he will have to go sometime so let it be sooner rather than later. Some of his rants about being hard done by etc are frankly embarrasing&to see him lately on the bench is pathetic. He was good once but not anymore&he should go in the summer.

  5. Stuart

    Jan 20, 2012, 13:02 #17345

    Oh, yes, forgotten all about how great everything will be in the future once those FFP rules come in. Man City will go bankrupt, Abramovich will get bored and turn to F1 or horse racing, The Glazers will ruin Man. Utd, Real and Barcelona will be in poverty leaving us to win everything in sight forever and a day. It will all be done to clever old AW and the board who have destroyed the present for the sake of a fictitious future that they no nothing at all about. That's the same Wenger who has no tactical idea these days, who played Almunia, Eboue and Denilson for years when the world and his wife knew they were ****, who manages teams that give away fou goal leads in 45 minutes, who don't register a shot on goal. As for this great scouting network, yeah, isn't it great! Wow, so great in fact that the only players they could find for key positions recently were Campbell, Lehmann and Henry. Let's not bother to compete with teams that are richer than us, let's just moan about the totts having a loan signing that isn't their's because Henry belongs to us, doesn't he? In fact, let's all be chuffed to bits that we are fed a pack of lies by the board and inept manager and let's all give him loads more time, because it must be really hard to spout nonsense about financial doping when you earn nearly £7m a year.

  6. chris dee

    Jan 20, 2012, 12:28 #17344

    What a well written and sensible article. I feel so much better now. I have forgotten the money wasted on Bendtner,Vela and the other frauds the club have paid thousands to in wages. I have forgotten the 4-0 up to 4-4 against Newcastle,the insipid performance against Birmingham at Wembley. I have forgotten the countless times have lost leads due to incompetent defending. Being a fan is not about being a propaganda agent for the board like Nick,but demanding,if we deem ourselves to be big club,consistent success. e g Trophies. Barca,Real,United,AC -Inter Milan etc fans wouldn't stand for it so why should we? But it seems many fans, along with the board, don't see ourselves as a top tier club.Witness this sad apology of a article that could have been written by Ivan Gazidis himsrlf.

  7. Mike

    Jan 20, 2012, 12:00 #17343

    Interesting to note though, that despite all the moans and groans, according to the survey being done on this website 70% of the people say that the current financial model is the right way to go and 30% say it should change - the majority, it seems, agree with the current model

  8. Andrew Cohen

    Jan 20, 2012, 9:45 #17338

    Finacial competence and tactical competence are not mutually exclusive. 80% of my complaints about Wenger are to do with his (in)ability to do the bread and butter things which others, far less intelligent than he is, seem to manage.

  9. Anna Mary

    Jan 20, 2012, 7:52 #17336

    I agree with you on most points but whats the point in saving the cash and not spending it ??? We are just couple of good signings away from winning the PL & CL. But we always end up finishing 3rd or 4th. Also maybe its time for Hill-Wood to take retirement. He's passed it. Peter Hill-Wood has been an absolutely amazing servant to Arsenal Football Club but now the clubs needs to head to a new direction. David Dein can do an amazing job as a chairman. He's close to Wenger, knows the who's who of European Football, it will send a right signal to the fans & team with Dein back at Arsenal. We are fed up with the excuses. There is a point where the fans can be incredibly patient but now the time has come to win trophies.

  10. apanama

    Jan 20, 2012, 3:39 #17335

    Dear Nick Nice article, and I'd agree with you 100% if we are an AFA-Arsenal Football Academy. But we aren't. Barca has millions of debts, but who cares, they got the best team and they got Messi.

  11. frankie

    Jan 20, 2012, 1:20 #17334

    i agree with nearly everything you have written but surely we would have a better team without the likes of arshavin squillaci almunia walcott rosicky chamack and the losers we have on loan, bendtner vela denilson. you cannot justify them wearing the shirt, all that money on wages could be put to better use like paying 3 top first team players to guide us to glory. also weres the money from all the top players we have sold over the years, because it has not been reinvested into the team. our club needs a shakeup all the players who arent cutting it have to go, at least 3 top players need to be bought and arsene must review hi coaching staff (defence) and a change in formation and tactics must be reviewed. peace

  12. weststandlower

    Jan 19, 2012, 23:31 #17333

    what a load of rubbish. You're taking individual points and arguing against them as if they were all isolated. It quite simply comes down to this. Everyone knows that for the current 'financial model' to work, we need to get Champions League football. The way we are performing now we will not get that. The team needs investment, we're not asking for Citeh-esque buying such to stop being so stubborn and recognise our faults. How many seasons have we been 'one or two signings' away from winning something? Furthermore it seems that under the current management, Arsenal are leaving everything that makes them Arsenal, the class. Whether its the overinflated ticket prices, the use of our history to sell a new shirt every year or worse of all just getting rid of Junior Gunners birthday vouchers. That's why we're unhappy with whats going on in the directors box.

  13. John F

    Jan 19, 2012, 22:41 #17331

    It is wengers decision making during games that really puzzles me.Who can forget how our hearts filled with joy when chasing a game he would bring on Bendtner and play him as a winger.He would eventually cross the ball and surprise surprise the big striker in the middle was not there to head it in because he was playing on the wing.This does remind me of the great Brian Cloughs last season at Forest.What ever you do do not invade the pitch or you might get chinned.

  14. Shropshire Lad

    Jan 19, 2012, 21:10 #17330

    Well at least it's a different view as to where we are at the moment and you have got a huge, varied and interesting response. I think your big mistake was saying that Wenger still signs and polishes gems. That edge that he once had has now gone and His Stubborness cannot allow himself to acknowledge it. Of course,we keep saying get rid of the dross but frankly who would want them. As one of the responses said, why do you want three reserve keepers who cannot be depended on to catch a ball! The Corporate approach to modern football may well be more 'up front' but there will still be at least 60 or 70% of the fans at the stadium on Sunday that only care about the football match result. I have seen a number of bloggs today that have called for calm and support for the management, players and Board at our historic Club but if we lose on Sunday and have a bad run through Feb culminating with a bad result against the Spuds the damn will break. If Wenger could not understand the response of fans to Na$ri God help him, his players and the Board if (and I sadly suspect, when) they have to face that scenario. We are a long way from the Billy Wright era (when fans marching with their feet and leaving a myriad of empty seats at Highbury, removed him) but fans will not think about Wenger's fine achievements if the results do not go well. The Prols will rise up and Madame Guillotine rolled out! I can hear Septic Stan muttering the Yanky equivalent of 'let them eat cake' (walmart cake of course - cheap but a lot of it!). I sincerely hope he metaphorically gets the same result as Madame A!

  15. John Abrehart

    Jan 19, 2012, 20:56 #17328

    Well written Nick and the financial and sustainabilty points that you make are difficult to argue against. However, we live with now, not in the future and the current failings are so stark that that they cannot be ignored. Arsene has been God to me and it grieves me to witness his apparent self-destruction. His head seems to be up his backside but it was not always so. That humble self-effacing man of 10 years ago has radically changed in my opinion. It seems that he wants to live up to his media image of the 'thinking and innovative coach, years ahead of his time who has transformed modern football ethics with his dietary and fitness regimes and who discoved raw talent no one else could see and turn them in to the real thing' etc,etc. All fair enough, but that was 10-15 years ago. Others have caught up now. Anybody questioning his methods now gets short shrift as if only Arsene has a panacea for success. Has anyone noticed that when Arsene may be interested in a player, the press gets wind of it and he loses interest. I refer to Cahill, Mata, Wayne Bridge(?) etc., and we end up with inferior alternatives. If not on Arsene's terms, then not at all. I really regret knocking the man in this way and just hope that he has proved me wrong at the end of the season.

  16. Gunner2301

    Jan 19, 2012, 20:43 #17327

    You make a good argument for the macro finances of the club, but as some others have said considering how financially astute we needed to be during this period of transition, Wenger has made some shocking financial decisions and signings and paid ridiculous wages to average players who we now cannot offload. The reason for this is Wengers ego and many of the players purchased are not worthy of wearing the shirt. So Wenger has compromised the identity and ethos of the club for a few cheap yes men? You also fail to highlight that whilst the market price of players has increased, we have been the biggest beneficiaries. With the lowest spend on transfers and probably the highest net profit per player sold we have been capitalising at both ends of the market. Call it a smart financial move if you like, but having the sale of your best players year after year does not make you a football club with ambition, just a business looking to balance the books. The fact that the fans are being robbed has not been mentioned. The highest ticket prices in the world, 6.5% increase with more to come next season shows the cynical way the club is being run. They will push the price because there's a waiting list and they don't care who fills their seats. I wonder if the fans who left Highbury would have gone for the move if they knew the intention would be to price many if then out? I doubt it. I think the fans deserve to see quality on the pitch commensurate with what they are paying and that would mean Messi and Ronaldo quality. Spuds have a better team than us for a fraction of our wage bill. I think if Wenger bought decent players who would play for the shirt paid our players what they are worth and not persevere with under performing players, it would go a long way to remedying the situation and the fans would be more forgiving. However he is too stubborn to change his ways so we need him out if our club to limit the damage that is being done.

  17. Robert Exley

    Jan 19, 2012, 20:27 #17326

    A well written piece and some valid points, but also quite a few I don't agree with. It's not all financial decisions that are the root of our problem because we're often profligate on the pitch, which can make prudence with the purse strings irrelevant. There are also too many players on big wages giving very little to the cause - Walcott, Arshavin, Chamakh. Wenger is an attraction for some players, but these days he doesn't seem to be a motivator for others to perform once they're here. There's also a lot of false economics - you save by not purchasing here, but lose from failing to reap income there. Save £20M by not signing X player to strengthen the squad but lose £20 by failing to qualify for the CL. Other than that full marks for trying to go against the grain rather than writing an article that just reacts to one result. Predictably some of the 'ya' 'bo' 'hiss' merchants appear in the comments section, but it's about time some of these prats try writing a coherent article rather than slagging one off behind a pseudonym!

  18. ROB TEST

    Jan 19, 2012, 20:17 #17325


  19. CT Gooner

    Jan 19, 2012, 19:36 #17322

    I agree with the other posters suggesting this came straight out of the Emirates Propaganda machine, the only thing you didn't do was blame the refs! But lets get to your premise that Arsene and Arsenal stand for Talent, style and sustained performance. Talent, sorry to say this squad gets the lowest points for this, we have only one impact player on the bench (AOC) and he's only there 'cause our manager won't play him. And where is the talent we've been nurturing over the last few years, I don't see any worthy of wearing the shirt. Style, first half against Fulham, yes, Chelsea away, yes, rest of the season, NO! And sustained performance, I don't feel I even need to touch this one. Too many simple things have gone wrong in the last 7 years, and unfortunately we haven't fixed them.

  20. Dan h

    Jan 19, 2012, 19:04 #17320

    Nick you are entitled to your opinion mine is the club is basically being asset stripped yearly.Not only happy with the incresed turnover year on year lets cut to the chase transfers/budgets.Well what actually is our budget?Going on just this year the infamous summer 2011 Fabregas,Nasri,Clichy,Eboue & JE-Thomas sold aprox 70m in sales.Arteta,Mertesacker,AOC,Gervinho,Santos,Park & Jenkinson permanent deals aprox 55m total.Transfer surplus 15m aprox not forgetting loan signings 1 in & very many out!Every year tells the same story outgoing player sales far outweighs what we spend nothing in real terms just a fattening yearly of the wage bill on second rate squad players & contract renewals of unproven players which AW 100% approves.That is my argument the 'budget' if there is one has been wasted on the squad players he believes in if people out there think he has used resources wisely i would think again.The whole point of this move was to make us more competitive stop hiding behind what other clubs with no budgets can do we havn't spent anything in real terms since we left Highbury.Still the 50m+ in the player trading account is a sight to behold AW & the board show their ambition on that point alone.

  21. the dec

    Jan 19, 2012, 18:48 #17319

    @Cheshire Gooner: Our once great club is being raped of a lot of things, firstly our great players are realising that we are a club on the decline and are leaving, if you take the fans as part of the club(yeah right!!!) we are being raped of our cash..and a lot of it for the ability of watching our mediocre talents go through the motions. Arsenal.Com is raping our club of what class it has left...Mediawatch anyone..who linked with out club in the papers.....are they for real??? and lastly and most importantly...Arsene Wenger is responsible for raping our club of any future and raping the fans of any hope for the future...dont forget that next year we wont need to sign new players for the europa cup...oh no....Nicky and Denilson will be back..and will be like new signings.....its a possibility that my use of the word raping is too strong, but its a fair representation of the level of frustration i have for Arsenal and Wenger...and i can only see improvement when we are released from Wengers arrogant and petty grip!!

  22. Ramgun

    Jan 19, 2012, 17:49 #17316

    I remember The Gooner editor suggesting that we should have an open top bus go through Islington with the players holding balance sheets aloft in triumph. I bet Nick Wiley would be there cheering. The manager has given us years of ego driven bad selections, awful substitutions, embarrassing behaviour and endless excuses. The manager is tactically imbicilic. The article is full of strawman stuff. Wenger is always putting forward ludicrous alternatives as being the opposing viewpoint and that is what Nick is doing. I don't know anyone who is asking for us to become Chelsea or Man City, we just want the club to be managed well on the field of play. Now, and for years past, the manager has been simply dreadful. Wenger has never won a single trophy without Bergkamp who he did not sign and who he would never have signed.

  23. CanadaGooner

    Jan 19, 2012, 17:40 #17315

    Good article but let's set aside our need to compete with the big clubs in europe for a minute and look at the reasons why we cant beat fulham, wolves, swansea and blackburn. For years we were unable to break Bolton down and Big Sam had a good record against us. Then came the Mourinho era, where we simply couldnt beat his team. If we can concentrate on the results for a moment and face-up to our failings in dealing with those much smaller teams, closing the gap with the big spenders wouldnt be an issue, as they're not really flying so high (just arsenal not flying at all right now!)

  24. Confused

    Jan 19, 2012, 17:39 #17314

    I am a massive Arsene fan, for me what he has brought to this club will take decades to surpass. I also understand the need to run this great club with long term financial planning, but I would like to ask Mr Wenger about Mr Wenger and how he can allow the board to ruin his own personal reputation by sactioning buys like Squillaci, Mertersaka and Benayoun who cannot get into the Chelsea team. Mr Wenger more than anyone else knows that great strikers win you games like Wrght, Henry and now Van-persie and great defenders save you games like Adams, Keown and Co. Currently we have one great striker and one good defender and we have gone halfway through the season and we know when RVP does not play we struggle to score. We are currently fifth and it's obvious to man and beast that we need anoyher striker now not next season because if we do not do something now, not only will we need to buy but we will lose Van -Persie also. Come on Mr Wenger tell the board to get rid of that Man City supporter and bring back your mate David. Get your eyes focused back on the pitch and let the board worry about the money, They are mugging you off. ps will he want to manage the club when we are not in Europe and struggling to buy players who don't want to come to Arsenal not Arsene

  25. JonGunner

    Jan 19, 2012, 17:05 #17312

    You don't have to be a sugar daddy or genius to acknowledge the fact we have had no fit fullbacks at the club for nearly 2 months! Its very bad management to not have ordered a replacement, any company struggling for staff get in Temps, just like we can get in Loans - Wayne Bridge for 2 months IS better than Miquel or Vermarlen at left back for 2 months... Something is inherently wrong at our club!!!!

  26. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jan 19, 2012, 15:41 #17302

    Does this piece double as a job application intended for the attention of Stan and Ivan? The marketing department would love you, especially for the last line - "And no booing in the stadium at the weekend, please let's be fans again rather than pundits or accountants or haters"....you could be writing the programme notes and editing the official website before you know it. Congrats.

  27. Valsenal

    Jan 19, 2012, 15:40 #17301

    You must be spurs fan. Arsenal is out of the top 4 and you are writing crap like that. Wake up and smell the coffee. All our good players left the club because Wenger became a puppet of the board. Telling lies about competing for the title when even toddlers know that the squads of the past 6 seasons lacked depth and quality and guts. Wenger sacrificed success on the pitch for financial gain and in the process lost respect of his players, the fans and the team struggled to finish fourth. The competition for top 4 was less intense last year, this year we are fifth and spurs is above Arsenal. A good enough reason for anyone with a head above his should to hit the panic button and buy at least one or two quality players. Henry won't be there when the real battle for fourth begins. Chelsea took the necessary steps to fix their defense problems by signing our once target Cahill and they have more fire power than Arsenal. Wenger on the other hand decided to gamble by putting all his eggs on one basket (RvP), put the basket on his head and embark on a 100 meters race. What a clever man. Should anything happen to RvP (god forbid), Arsenal will not finish fourth and as a costly consequence, RvP will leave the club. This a warning to Arsene Wenger!! Sign quality players now or regret it forever.

  28. Bring Back Eboue!

    Jan 19, 2012, 15:30 #17300

    Nick - You make some interesting points, but it's a little too worthy for me. I sincerely believe that most fans would understand our financial nuances if those at the helm were more open and honest. You have failed to mention that the fan base have been fed a perpetual raft of lies and bull*hit by the board. I agree with the non booing policy of the team, but the supporters would be well within their rights to give the board both barrels, especially that smug t*at Ivan The Terrible.

  29. Jason

    Jan 19, 2012, 15:18 #17298

    Sorry but you are missing the whole point. It is the total frustation with Arsene Wenger that has now turned into anger and nothing to do with finances. 1. We cannot believe a single word he says anymore. How many times have we heard that he will be looking for one or two super super class players in the summer. Only when he finds he cannot get these players for £1 million he gives up. Then we get, I'm definately looking for a stiker, then, i will probably get a striker, to then, i may not get a striker, to then, Robin VP will be like a new signing. Then we've heard there is no point signing another defender as we already have five. Well why not sell the three useless ones and sign one decent one. We are allowed to sell you know!!!! 2. His constant faith in players that are clearly not good enough. 3. Making the same old mistakes every single season. Honestly, if any of the normal working person made the same mistake every year we would be sacked. Defence, defence, defence, every single year. 4. Wenger has no tactics to combat the opposition. When in the past we've had the best players, then the no tatics approach works. However, if you have inferior players (like we have now) you need tactics to beat the better teams. How many times can you remember Arsenal beating a team that are actually better man for man through good tactics??? How many times have Arsenal lost to inferior teams due to their tactics?? Exactly. 5.The last six years have been groundhog day and i am honestly bored of hearing and seeing the same old rubbish. Wenger is becoming a bore, and it winds me up watching him on the touchline ranting and raving, when its clearly his fault. One last thing, who has the worst decsion making skills, the referees or Theo Walcott???

  30. Mike

    Jan 19, 2012, 15:03 #17296

    A brave article to be written on this site, but I wholeheartedly agree with your points -from a purely footballing perspective the club has declined - from a comercial venture the club has never been better and as you say, these days there is a delicate balance and this balance needs to be re-adressed - many people on the site complain about average players getting K60 000 a week. This has now become an average wage - look at Man City bench and not one of those players will be getting less than K60 000 and they are reserves, let alone Tevez and Adebayour - recent signings have not been astute as previously though and mistakes have been made.

  31. Fozzy's mate

    Jan 19, 2012, 15:00 #17294

    Nick you quote straight from the Gazidis book of how to run a self sustainable football club. Where is the passion, where is the glory. We have the best business model in football, hooray! Dein said if we want to compete at the top and move to a new stadium we needed outside investment. Maybe he was wrong as my problem is that we don't use the resources at our disposal. People care about Arsenal and that is why tensions are running high. We have been waiting too long paying too higher admission price to sit by and watch what is happening yet again. The fans are the club, not the balance sheet. It is time the self sustainable model did what it wa supposed to do, sustain the club at the top. Not do what it currently does, sustain an ever increasing cash at bank figure in the accounts and ever increasing share price.

  32. DC

    Jan 19, 2012, 14:50 #17292

    I think the reactions so far are indicative of how split supporters are at present because, for the most part, we haven't gone out and strengthened the squad as yet (and I doubt we will). I agree with most of what you have written and truly believe some gooners need to get a grip. I have supported the club for 50 years and cannot recall a time when there was so much vitriol around. It was 17 years before I saw us lift a trophy for the first time, and we never consistently competed at such a level as we do now. AW is a great manager, he has done great things for us and will do again. I really acknowledge your point about us sticking together. We may have disagreements, but when a few fans, and it is only a few in relative terms, start turning on the team they have to take a good look at themselves. No booing, only chanting for the team and stick together. Come on You Gunners!

  33. butoz

    Jan 19, 2012, 14:43 #17291

    i bought my nephew (4 year old) back in 2005 an arsenal jersey, 5 years latter when i went to pay him a visit, he was donning the Manchester United jersey, on asking him why he switched clubs, he told me there is no point of supporting a team that does not win trophies, that was in 2009, we are in 2012, and the way things are happening..it will be a trophy-less season. for how long?why cant the supporters say enough is enough and boy-court a game just to show how frustrated we are?

  34. NickTheYank

    Jan 19, 2012, 14:40 #17290

    Very well written and explained. It's a logical discussion to be had. I agree with ~95% of it. The only thing you can't quantify and put on paper other than the score sheet (unfortunatly) is heart! When I see games like the Swansea or Fulham games and I see only 1 or 2 of our players hustling a full 90, that's when I get truly angry. I can take a loss every day of the week to a superior team if the lads show up, do the business and just get beat. When they leave their hearts in the locker room and don't show any effort to win it lets us all down. It's something Arsene doesn't seem to be correcting at the moment and that's where, finances available or not, something needs to be done.

  35. jonnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Jan 19, 2012, 14:12 #17288

    i remember where i was when i heard we signed Ball,Supermac,Talbot,Charlie nic,Overmars,DB10,The Solman. big players create a buz. put bums on seats, spikes up the team as a whole. we really need to buy a marquee player to do this again. the money in the bank will be frittered away on not qualifying for this or that. In any company you have to take risks,sometimes not to do so will see you stagnate or go backways. we have a choice in this window:SELL RVP FOR 50MIL add to money in bank and buy 4 20-25mil players,or loose him for less in the summer,or buy a top marguee player now to keep him happy. these are business decisions that must be made now. i see no sign that the board will at one way or the other. fair enough piece though

  36. Goonersaurus

    Jan 19, 2012, 14:12 #17287

    i've only started supporting this club because it made profit.... what is winning? In fact what is the point of football Wiley?

  37. clockendpaul

    Jan 19, 2012, 14:01 #17284

    David dein wanting to go to wembley was a mistake i agree, but there is nobody i would rather have at the club for footballing reasons, he was the one who went after and got many great players over the time he was here, he had the one thing this lot lack... ambition, wanting to make this club the best. People like you are the reason we are where we are now.. watching our demise is painful, to me anyway!

  38. tpm

    Jan 19, 2012, 13:39 #17282

    balanced? rational? Please cna the author and the idiots who back his views int he comments, explain who is responsible, for handing out massive contracts to average and unproven players, who is responsible for the lack of tactics in games, who is responsibel for not spending the 60million+ kitty that is ring fenced (YES RING FENCED SO AVAILABLE WITHOUT IMPACTING OTHER AREAS OF THE BUSINESS), who is responsible for failing to address the same weaknesses in the side that have existed for 5 years (defence, defensive midfield, GK, back up striker), who is responsible for signing the likes of squillachi, park, chamakh, etc, players who are clearly and never wuill be good enough, who is responsible for picking almunia for 3 seasons and who is responsible for motivating the players, giving defence coaching, anaylsing the the opposition????? all whilst drawing 6 million a year salary.. You wont admit who. just carry on spouting rubbish like this article and igmore whats staring you right in the face. i await the authors response (or more likely lack of as he simply cant address my points without undermining his whole perspective)

  39. proper gooner

    Jan 19, 2012, 13:38 #17281

    well said. all the fairweather fans can f@@@ off to chelski. oh wait, they're s@@@ now despite roman's 1.2 billion investment... hmm, guess they'll have to go to citeh... until they tank because of internal arguments over who gets paid more... there's nothing wrong with being the 4th best team in the country and 6th best in the world. especially when you're paying off your debts and keeping the club sustainable. arsene till i die...

  40. Zbizz

    Jan 19, 2012, 13:30 #17279

    Far too rational for your average football fan - we need someone to vent at and it doesn't give us any! :-) Very well written piece, very good!

  41. Gman

    Jan 19, 2012, 13:23 #17277

    I think we're all getting fed up of this tosh, football success isn't a prority now. Anyone for AFC Arsenal?

  42. Cheshire Gooner

    Jan 19, 2012, 13:21 #17276

    @The Dec. Please state how our club is being, as you so eloquently put it, "raped"? No dividends paid to shareholders, not up for sale (yet), no debt being secured against the club (a la the Glazers). Rather than just rant, try to put a point across. Unless your point is just being angry, in which case you doing pretty well. This is a good, rational bit of writing. In a sea of generally irrational ranting surrounding the club at the moment. I'm no apologist (as Nick will know from discussions on other boards). I disagree with how the club is being run in some respects. I don't trust Kroenke's long term plans and I don't think we are dealing with player recruitment at all well. But if anyone, genuinely, thinks that over spending or raising debt is the way forward then they don't deserve a club to support.

  43. John B

    Jan 19, 2012, 13:17 #17275

    Glad to see someone take up the mantle of trying to defend Arsene and the club but, while I agree we don't need Dein back and the directors aren't all money-grabbing capitalists, I think the arguments about our transfer record miss the point. Everyone knows we can't/won't spend as much as Man City, Man U and Chelsea but I don't think we are even making the most of the resources we do have. Consider Arshavin - we forget the fact that he is one of our biggest recent signings and he hasn't lived up to it. Other players, eg Almunia, who aren't good enough for the Arsenal are given massive contracts that they are happy to sit on and see it out. Wenger is responsible for a series of bad investments and is too stubborn to change his ways. There are other top class coaches in the world who would be available for the £6m a year Arsene gets.

  44. Ronster

    Jan 19, 2012, 13:03 #17271

    Trophies are not won on a calculator but on the training ground.Arsenal have traditionally sat just below the radar and pounced when clubs in a supposedly better position have taken their foot off the gas.Last season was a case in point.With a little more motivation and defensive tactical nous we could have nicked the title from under the noses of Man Utd.

  45. Dazzling

    Jan 19, 2012, 13:02 #17270

    A well balanced article. With respect to motivation, and particularly the berating of Ramsey, he has covered more ground than every other player game after game after game this season. He's young and he's working his socks off, scandalous to berate him.

  46. Peter Wain

    Jan 19, 2012, 13:02 #17269

    Total load of rubbish written by a myopic idiot. Where are we comparing us to the scum in terms of spending yet who has the biggest income. When their star player wants to go to Chelski what do they do- they keep him. When our star player wants to to Barcelona what do we do - roll on our tummy and say ok. Football is not and never has been a business which can be run on strictly business principles. Anybody who wants to make money from football has to asset strip the club and that is what has gone on over the last six years. And who pays why the good old supporters ticket prices up 6% a year. So we come to a situation where we will not win anything again and will not qualify for the champions league giving the management the perfect answer when we complain about the quality and quantity of the signings we make. They can aslo let RVP go and pocket his transfer fee. The overall quality of this squad is as weak as the 1960s and I know because I went to Peterborough/Blackpool etc and suffered. Even in business the cardinal rule is to invest wehn the company is doing well. We did not do this and now are suffering. And for those of you who think we need megabucks what did Cahill cost Chelski. As for having a manager that spends wisely we bought a Brazilian left back for £6 million who is awful and let the worlds best left back go to Chelsea. We bought Stepanovs Cygan Arshavin Chamak and Walcott. We have not produce many world class players we have bought a few like Bergkamp Henri and Pires. The lack of investment of this board and manager in the first team squad is pathetic and they should all go. Tomorrow would be ok today would be better.

  47. Tony Evans

    Jan 19, 2012, 12:47 #17267

    I like what you have said Nick and agree with a great deal of it. The one crucial area which you have glossed over is why Wenger overpays and persists with so many players that clearly are not good enough. I am very happy that we run a tight financial ship at Arsenal but some of the crew that Wenger persists with should have been made to walk the plank years ago. There are better, affordable and less injury prone players out there but we are ham-strung because we can't even give away the likes of Bendtner, Diaby, Denilson, and all the rest of the no hopers that have featured all to often becuase Wenger pays them a fortune before they have even proved themselves. Sorry, Nick, but Wenger has made too many mistakes in my book and qualifying for a competition we are not good enough to win just served to disguise how far we have declined. It is not all down to money it is also about players that Wenger has mis-placed belief in that are not fit to wear the shirt.

  48. John

    Jan 19, 2012, 12:43 #17266

    I don't think it's unreasonable that a fan base who both individually and collectively invest more into their club than any other set of fans in the world in the way of ticket prices should want to see that money reinvested into the best team that their money could possibly afford and produce. This Nick is not happening, and quite frankly, it insults our intellegence to suggest otherwise.

  49. Easterngooner

    Jan 19, 2012, 12:42 #17265

    Half Full, I think in the long term, a great team delivering great performances backed up and sustained by sound prudent financial management would put the club on a more assured footing for the long term. I can't see a great team lasting if it was the other way around.

  50. Jekyll

    Jan 19, 2012, 12:35 #17264

    Lots of sensibly put points, but you fail to mention the wages for many players that far exceed their market worth. This is not sound financial management. And on the pitch, unmotivated, passionless performances leading to regular defeats against teams that have far less financial resources than us. The AW you talk of is the AW of a decade ago, not now.

  51. Chris B

    Jan 19, 2012, 12:21 #17262

    Sorry I had to stop reading when you said David Dein "left because he would not support the Emirates project". We'd been there nearly a year when he left.

  52. Jeff

    Jan 19, 2012, 12:13 #17260

    Your points about financial stability are well said and correct. However, "Wenger spends sensibly & polishes real gems" OK, so please explain this list of "real gems" Almunia, Flappyanski, Richard Wright, Stepanovs, Cygan, Silvestre, Eboue, Squillaci, Denilson, Diaby, Arshavin, Rosicky, Jeffers, Reyes, Chamakh, Grondin, Danilevicus, Bendtner and please explain Park!! That's just off the top of my head. Even worse is the fact that many of these "gems" are still taking fat salaries and contributing what exactly? Re FFP, it's regulated by UEFA who are also the main beneficiary of CL money. Do you really believe that this will work? You can't be poacher and gamekeepr, or run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. Finally, please explain how with such a fabulous manager, we have lost a carling cup final to a team that was relegated, lost 8-2 to that lot, a record defeat and keep repeating the same old errors tactically season in season out. Was it not our great leader who said in January. "I would be foolish to not sign cover in January and then lose points to Fulham and Swansea" What did he then do for his £7 million salary? Exactly nothing. Sadly he was the king, now he's the king of procrastination.

  53. Croker

    Jan 19, 2012, 12:06 #17259

    Well that's the finances and the rationale behind the transfer policy explained - thanks Nick, a great bit of writing. Can someone please now sort out the coaching and get the players organised and focused on defending leads,in keeping with the core that sustains the success of any half decent football side. Only 38 goals scored in the Prem League (with just 16 scored at home) also tells a shocking story.

  54. Will

    Jan 19, 2012, 11:58 #17258

    Smoke and mirrors I am afraid.the debate is not that the club has struggled to match the financial heavyweights but that there has been a residual decline over the last 5 years that Wenger has failed to address. A failure to deal with defensive problems, poor transfer dealings, and most importantly a crucial failure to inject grit and determination into the squad. Swansea and Fulham were not just bad results but showed us that this side( like the side of the last 3 years ) has little appetite for the fight. In both cases we were thoroughly outplayed that's got nothing to do with money. Its a lack of desire and pride in the shirt.

  55. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jan 19, 2012, 11:57 #17257

    Your posting has nothing to do with current problems at Arsenal, however if you are worried about the finances please explain why we pay our manager 6 million a year and yet cannot pay for a proper defensive coach? Another financial point: why do we pay the salaries for 4 goal keepers when only one of them can actually catch a ball? How much value is shown in our assetts column for the half dozen or so players who are currently out on loan, who we cannot give away and are on high salaries. I would advise you that there are laws on over valuing stock when clearly that stock cannot be realized! And finally is n't it more prudent to purchase one proven quality player than 3 "no names" on a wistful hope they may turn out ok. We will see how proud and profitable we are next year when we are playing to half empty stadiums. We have 12 days left to rescue the situation and the clock is ticking!

  56. Rob

    Jan 19, 2012, 11:29 #17254

    I simply could not be bothered to plough my way through all of that. But this gem at the end hit me like an express train :- 'Spending it wisely is crucial, and we have a manager who has proved time and time again that he spends sensibly and identifies and polishes real gems. ' With PV, Anelka, Henry, Pires and FL8 - he certainly used to. Rosicky, Wallcot, Squillachi, Chamakh, Arshavin, Nordfleidt, Freeman, Quincy Denielson, Diaby, Fabianski, Bendtner and a whole tranche of others. There might have been some polishing - but gems ? Many in the second category were handed wages comparable to those in the first. But is that an example of prudence or profligacy ? Achievement or hope ? And therein lies the difference between Wenger pre 2005 and Wenger post 2005. That's the nub of our problem.

  57. colin waterman

    Jan 19, 2012, 11:28 #17253

    hi i am 68 years old and have supported arsenal since i was 7,and although i agree with your financial argument can you tell me why we keep players who are just not good enough to wear an arsenal shirt. arshavin starts regularaly but chamberlain waits. djouro still starts and gives games away,and there are lots of others.i am sure that the arsenal faithful would rather take the chance on young blood,which we have plenty of.please out with the old and in with the young.sooner rather than later.

  58. Half Full

    Jan 19, 2012, 11:16 #17251

    Great balance sheet. Shame about the team's effort and motivation last Sunday. Much more of the same and our balance sheet won't be so great.So yes there is a connection between financial performance and results on the pitch but it doesn't always run in the direction you suggest.

  59. Steve

    Jan 19, 2012, 11:09 #17249

    Finally a rationale take on our situation. Dave, Jase - you know who you are - stop your whining :-)

  60. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Jan 19, 2012, 11:06 #17248

    What a load of sanctimonious twaddle. Et Tu Mr Gazidis?

  61. Mark

    Jan 19, 2012, 10:43 #17247

    huge ? in what sense ? 6th placed this year and no trophies for 7 years. AW wants money mate thats why he pays himself £6mpa plus bonus and shares. no wage ceilings at Arsenal Director levels also.

  62. aj

    Jan 19, 2012, 10:42 #17246

    I agree that Wenger has turned Arsenal into a global club but Arsenal has also benefited from the global reach of the Premier league.We have always been the third biggest club in England and the biggest in London by some margin.With some people it's like we didn't have a history until Wenger arrived. As for Dein his record speaks for itself,as the only success we have achieved in the last 30 years is when he was on the board.I realise he didn't chose every player but he certainly knew what deals were possible and more importantly how to close the deal. Wenger has been found out as a one trick pony.Eating brocolli and looking at the stats is no longer genius.Everyone does it.He hasn't adapted at all and is now being left behind by other managers.I refuse to blindly follow the leader when I disagree with him and his decisions most of the time. As for being fans again did you hear the support we got in the last two away games? It's the manager and players letting down the fans not the other way around.

  63. gooner in brasil

    Jan 19, 2012, 10:32 #17244

    Thank god a real fan talking real sense, those of us loitering on the northbank on its last day knew the emirates meant tough times ahead, but i think thats nearly over, with the talent coming through in 3 or 4 years it will be barcelona fearing us

  64. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Jan 19, 2012, 10:29 #17243

    "We all want success, AW more than us, I suspect." Really? Is that why he got rid of some players way before their time, stuck with players patently not good enough for way too long whislt paying them so much that once the light was finally switched on in his head, he can't get rid of them, refused to listen to any constructive criticism or to try things another way (in terms of changing style of play, tactics, back-room staff, working on the perennial defensive problems,etc) sat on his hands - and a huge 'financial war-chest' - during the summer keeping his fingers crossed that Cesc and Samir wouldn't leave when he could have been signing players of the quality that might have persuaded them to stay!! There are so many more reasons why that statement is bull**** that this post would end up longer than the article if I were to list them all. Remember, unlike us, this is the man with the power to actually do something about it all, yet he no longer seems capable of knowing how to do so.

  65. Ron

    Jan 19, 2012, 10:25 #17242

    All good stuff. Its flawed though. Ive never heard one fan ever say we should compete on the same market as the cash rich Clubs for players, but i and thousands have seen many other players, far better ones than much of the lethargic dross that we tolerate go and join other Clubs for fairly low fees and do well. Its managment of what walks across that white line thats been neglected at Arsenal. Theres trouble in that Club between personalities between the Board room and the Coach room. Its obvious, however much you dress up the financial health of the Club. Youre detaching that aspect of running a Club from what happens on the pitch, pretty much what Wenger ad the Board do every day seemingly. Wengers biggest problem is that hes allowed himself to become a voice and errand boy for the Board and its blurred the lines from being a Coach. He cant sit on two fences. I would guess any other real 'football' type boss would have walked, well before now rather than work under the constraints (seemingly) that he does.

  66. The Real World

    Jan 19, 2012, 10:18 #17241

    Off-the-pitch success has not translated into on-the-pitch success at Arsenal, thereby debunking your entire submission. I dont' want excuses, I want a team that will truly compete. We don't have that. And all the financial well being in the world has not changed that, on current evidence.

  67. Oxy-Moron

    Jan 19, 2012, 10:18 #17240

    Another AKB article that misses the point and more specifically the main gripe of the AMG. It's a very well argued and well written arcticle, but the opening two paragraphs are simply not fair. We (the growing AMGs) are NOT reacting after "a couple of defeats" - we are reacting after yet another groundhog day, caused by the same evident failings that have been there, unaddressed for the past 6 years. I hoped Arsene knew, I really did. Then I hoped that someone on the board would take him quitely to one side and have that "look, Arsene" conversation. Then I hoped that Stan would get involved. But no, failure and mediocrity seem to be acceptable at Arsenal in 2012. There are too many points made in the article to answer individually. Some I agree with, some I don't, all I don't care about. All i want is MY ARSENAL BACK.

  68. Ken

    Jan 19, 2012, 10:15 #17239

    The club's primary objective of establishing a sustainable business model, has been pursued at the expense of the quality of the football and success on the pitch. Unless this is addressed now, the numbers coming through the turnstiles will start to dwindle and the business model will be in tatters. Of course the cost of the new stadium together, with the emergence of oil money, has made it more difficult to compete in the transfer market and to retain our best players. Arsene Wenger is without the greatest Arsenal manager of modern times, unfortunately as well as being our most cherished asset, he has also become somewhat blinkered by his own vision of how football should be played. As a consequence the club suffer from a lack of new ideas, dynamism and innovation. We now shop almost exclusively shop in the bargain basement stores, where we seem unable to resist the buy one get one free offers. So instead of spending £60M on 2 or 3 players of proven quality, we spend £50M on 5 or 6 players of lesser ability. Of the current team we only have 7 players of consistent quality. Szczesny,Sagna,Koscielny.Veermaelen,Song,Wiltshire and RVP. The rest are either not yet proven/incosistent - Ramsey,Walcott,Gervinio,Cocquelin,Frimpong, Chamberlain etc, or past their sell by date - all of the keepers Squillachi,Arshavin,Rosiscky,Chamakh,Mertesacker etc. A club loses credibility as a top European club, when it can only boast a single Goalkeeper and a loan goalscorer in its entire squad. The chances of beating a top team with a side in which either The goalie or RVP are missing are next to nil.

  69. Darren Ledger

    Jan 19, 2012, 10:07 #17236

    As one of those people who generally tends to be extremely optimistic and always maintain a belief that we will come through anything, even I have moments of doubt and angst. This article helps put things back into perspective and balance my emotions against my common sense perspective. I know a couple of Citeh Fans and if you get them honest (which considering where most of them actually live, honesty is a rare commodity), they will tell yoou that it's brilliant to be where they are, but they have a niggling almost subconscious itch that it is quite cricket to do it the way they have done it. As one said to me "I've spent years abusing Chelsea fans for buying titles and now I feel a little hypocritical..." Well said, I agree! There are other elements of this debate which our increasingly selective and blind press and media have failed to pick up on. Let's for one moment consider Spuds, their top goal scorer and also top assists player this season belongs to and is still effectively payroled by Man Citeh. How can that be fair from any perspective, Spurs can't afford to buy him, they can't even afford to pay his weekly wages. City have openly declared that they pay the largest % of his salary. If you take Adebayour away from Spurs for the whole season and deduct the relevant goals and points Spurs are where they should be down in 7th. Okay it could be argued that they may still have scored those goals, won those games. But it still raises questions! I'm not happy with the way things are at The Emirates at the moment, but I am convinced that there is a vision, a plan, a strategy and a game going on that we will win. Tough choices, winning strategies are never easy, if they were everyone would be doing it. I'll weather the storm and bite my lip for a couple of years yet. I know they know what they are doing long term, I hope. Great article Nick.

  70. mumbere

    Jan 19, 2012, 10:01 #17235

    the analysis fits the bill,but the board should invest in players.am thankful dear for the insight.

  71. Dom

    Jan 19, 2012, 10:01 #17234

    Thanks Nick for a well constructed and rational repost to a lot of negative name callers. Now is the time where the going gets tough and we all have to dig deep and support our lads more than ever. They're only human and self doubt could completely derail us. We're 4 points off 4th, with all the top 6 to come to the Emirates yet. We haven't had a full back for 5 weeks now, and we've coped suprisingly well. By mid Feb we'll be able to call from a much stronger squad than we have now, so is it really worth spending 10-20m on a one month solution. Cissokho though has got to be tempting, but then I'd of got him over Santos and he's been great but we may not see him for the rest of the season. Will the FFP actually be enforced now that Platini's PSG are now sugardaddied up? I hope so because this current situation is getting boring. Players like Nasri though are proving to onlookers that a career can be ruined by following the money. I don't think there is a pundit out there who thinks that he's benefitted himself by moving. You know its coming to an end when a team with the resources of Man Utd can no longer afford to outbid these new money teams. Why don't FIFA give every player in the world a value based on age and previous years performance, with an attached salary range with a cap. The player can then look at all bids for him and make his decision.

  72. GoonerGoal!

    Jan 19, 2012, 9:57 #17233

    It's true David Dein wanted us to move and ground-share at Wembley, but the reason he left was because he would not support the Emirates project? Hmmmm... I suggest a little more research on your part would have prevented you from making such a misleading statement.

  73. SouthCoastArsenal

    Jan 19, 2012, 9:55 #17232

    What is the financial rationale behind paying the likes of Walcott, Chamakh, Diaby, Squillaci, Almunia, Arshavin, Denilson & Bendtner etc 60k plus a week on extended contracts when they are not good enough to deliver us Champions League Football (which you obviously deem as a success)

  74. silentstan

    Jan 19, 2012, 9:53 #17231

    so much in that is romantic tosh i cannot even be bothered to go through it all save to say. no spend = no CL = no attraction to top players, wenger or not

  75. Kipmonster

    Jan 19, 2012, 9:51 #17230

    You have to delusional &/or dishonest if you state FFP will occur & we therefore will flourish. Clubs will get around so called FFP rules with for example inflated sponsor deals such as Citeh's Ettihad 'deal'. Ultimately whatever their posturing, UEFA don't want the end of elitist superclubs with galactico teams as if competing teams in Champions League are much of a muchness with superstar players spread around more clubs then sponsorships of the competition ill fall through the floor. Wenger hangs on to FFP to excuse his carrying on with his stubborn failing philosophy & failure to qualify for Champions League will only give more ammunition to continue to non signing of ready made superstar players.

  76. Red Arse

    Jan 19, 2012, 9:44 #17228

    Nick, This should be required reading for all doubting Gooners - and even the more positive ones. I might want to discuss some points with you, but overall how can anyone not agree with your premise. Excellent! :-)

  77. The Dec

    Jan 19, 2012, 9:39 #17227

    my god, im speechless........you sir are no Gooner, not in a million years are you a Gooner, Ive never read such a pile of garbage in all my days, perhaps we can fill a goal with piles of fiftys making it impossible for the ball to cross the line, this way we would stop shipping goals. Your blind supporting of the raping of our once great club is what will bring us down......here's hoping you and your ilk do not succeed!!

  78. Last King Of Spotland

    Jan 19, 2012, 9:38 #17226

    Yes, dont boo on Sunday - you should all be privileged to pay for some of the most expensive tickets in world football to watch a very profitable top eight team. We should change the "forward" logo on our cartoon badge to "cash on the hip".

  79. Robbo

    Jan 19, 2012, 9:38 #17225

    Nice piece well written. Not sure I agree with all the sentiments but certainly think you make some good points. My personal frustration is not that AW doesn't go out and spend £30m on a player, more that he loses someone like Mark Schwarzer because he wont pay £2m instead of £1.5m, when I think everyone would agree at the time, Schwarzer would have made a massive difference to our side. I think that there is also frustration when he refuses to acknowledge that we need to strengthen our squad when we have a bad string of results. I accept we have been extremely unlucky with injuries in defence but everytime Squillaci turns out i fear the worse. There must be many players in the lower leagues available for modest fees and wages who could serve the club better.