A year is a short time in football

Arsenal not a football club but a tourist attraction

A year is a short time in football

Colchester: Act of defiance

About this time last year, I posted a rant about how we needed to sign some players for the push towards the title. Of course, it never happened, and we collapsed to fourth in a two-horse race. I received some pretty heavy abuse and, of course, quite a few FODTLs (F***-Off-Down-the-Laners) made it clear I was a traitor and, in their opinion, no longer welcome at Arsenal. We then crashed out of four competitions within a few weeks and I, like thousands of other Gooners, were so pleased when the season did finally end.

For me, I had to make some kind of statement, even if it meant punishing myself, so I did what the FODTLs told me. I f***ed off, not "down the Lane", but rather to the Weston Homes Community Stadium, home of my local club, Colchester Utd.

At my first game, and armed with my £25 ticket, I took my seat in the West stand next to a young guy in his Colchester replica shirt. All the way through the first half, he spent half the time encouraging the Us and the other half staring at his iPad. I said to him during the game "you seem more interested in your iPad than the game". His reply was "I am a Gooner, but my club don't want me, so I come here for my football fix". I told him I had been an Arsenal fan for over 50 years, and he then introduced me to his brother sitting next to him who, up to last season, had been a season-ticket holder.

The brother then cited his reason for also giving up watching: "the club don't want fans like us, who go to the pub before the game, skip the programme, and give the overpriced food a miss. The board want fans who will arrive early at the ground and spend their day's money inside The Em*rates. They want to turn Arsenal into a kind of London Eye for those with a mild interest in football." He told me that he would return when the club wanted to win things again and when he had enough spare cash to justify the cost. The brother also added that there were other Gooners there at the U's ground that day purely because they couldn’t afford to take themselves and their kids to watch Arsenal. We then spent most of the second half staring at the small screen on his iPad as Arsenal hung on to a 1-0 win against Swansea.

Of course, watching another team is not like watching Arsenal, but when it costs a third of the price to go to the game, and you are back home in 20 minutes, and you are under no illusions as to the difference in the standard of football, it is a good day out. I have been three or four times since, and have enjoyed the live action. Although winning or losing does not register with me like it does with Arsenal, Colchester need my twenty-odd quid a lot more than Arsenal need my £50 plus overheads.

The football served up is good and bad in parts, but, if you asked me whether I would prefer Chamakh or the U's striker, Kayode Odejayi, to lead the Arsenal line, then it would be the big Nigerian every time! (I must add that I went to the Carling Cup v Citeh, but that was only to boo Nasri, and it only cost £20)

It is my little act of defiance against the board and management of AFC, who, having created one of the finest club sides ever in English football, then chose to destroy it with blatant lies about securing our future. All the last five years have been about is maximizing profits, conning the gullible and fleecing loyal Gooners!

So all those ready to throw abuse at me, think, please: a year on, and we are out of the top four, Sunday football beckons and we are the third-highest team in London….

…and Mr Wenger has said again that he will not spend!

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  1. Tony Evans

    Jan 23, 2012, 8:36 #17439

    Mandy - we don't attract any 'half decent players' anyway. Your constant excuses for Wenger are wearing pretty thin to say the least. We may not have the riches of Citeh or Chelski but that does not excuse the paucity of talent we have at the moment and why Wenger keeps backing players that are not fit to wear the jersey. Come on Mandy for goodness sake stop trying to justify Wenger and making excuses for him that just don't wash.

  2. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jan 23, 2012, 7:53 #17436

    Mandy, they're "maximising their revenues" all right. You seem to be comfortable with corporate soundbites, so here's another one - "value added". Now explain to me where the added value is derived from taking off the team's most dangerous forward player, just after he's just supplied the through ball for RVP to get the team back in the match, and replacing said player with a fella who is a shadow of his once great former self. The kid was on a roll and that move flattened momentum. The current version of what was once Arsenal is easily sold to people whose idea of a fantastic meal is visiting one of those naff modern cuisine restaurants, then being charged 40 bucks a pop for a steak the size of a thumbnail, with a "smear" of onion confit that can only be seen through a microscope, then having that taken away from them before they'd finished, to be replaced with a McHappy Meal....all at one sensationally unbelievable price. If the current business heads at what was once Arsenal ran a restaurant, you'd be charged an extra 6.5% on your bill for the little plastic toy. From what I hear about the policy regarding Junior Gunner vouchers having mysteriously disappeared, and the flimsiness of this season's membership packs, then they certainly are "maximising their revenues"...

  3. Greg71

    Jan 22, 2012, 22:47 #17435

    Dave,not untill the end of the season,how about a scotsman with tatical abilities who has played the game winning the champions league,was a tidy player and has passion Paul Lambert ? Or big Sam ! ( ha ha )

  4. Dave

    Jan 22, 2012, 22:24 #17434

    Anyone offer any suitable replacements for Wenger? Would seem a little short-sighted to get rid of the manager on a whim without any plan of who you would replace him with. I'm curious as to who people have in mind?

  5. nugs

    Jan 22, 2012, 20:18 #17432

    can only think wenger had a few quid on the mancs! arsene please please **** off and take your **** 3rd rate players with you because the longer you stay the further this club is gonna fall, todays substitution shows how clueless this man really is and his decisions over the last few years show how important david dein was to this club.

  6. fozzy's mate

    Jan 22, 2012, 19:45 #17431

    The ugly reaction to possibly the most clueless and ridiculous substitution of the last 25 years, may be the prelude for the rest of the season. There is I am afraid comparison between the 2 young English Ws. Wellbeck is sad to say in a different league to Walcott in all facets.

  7. CHUKS- A frustrated gooner!

    Jan 22, 2012, 18:20 #17430

    Watched the man u- arsenal match. One word, disappointed. Can anyone explain to me why Wenger opted to take the ox,one of our best players today,off in place of waste of space Arshavin. I have been a massive Wenger fan and appreciate all he has done for us but I think he HAS run out of ideas and for his own good and for the good of the club this should be his last season at out club. We are moving backwards not forwards.

  8. Dandy Mod!

    Jan 22, 2012, 13:15 #17429

    Don't panic, just keep coughing up and cheering!

  9. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 22, 2012, 11:56 #17427

    Without the commercial side, how could we ever attract any half decent players? Like it or not, football is a multi billion global business, no longer a local team of local lads you could have a drink with down the pub. We have enough trouble competing with the doped teams as it is, the only way we will ever compete is by maximising our revenues. Sad but true

  10. Mad Arse

    Jan 22, 2012, 10:59 #17424

    @ Lee Armitt, You seem to have exactly the same mentality as our glorious leaders! The thing is somewhere in the not too distant future the club will miss the fans they are losing because contrary to what the party line is "selling **** at inflated prices" is an unsustainable model!

  11. Gare Kekeke

    Jan 22, 2012, 10:54 #17423

    Great piece Adrian. I salute you and 99% of the comments. Although I can't give up my season ticket, I fully understand why so many will not renew in the summer and quite frankly I don't blame them. The worse thing guys is season ticket holders like myself are not highly thought of by the money-orientated board. Thanks to Keith Edelman, it's the Club Level and Diamond Club lot the board would bend over backwards for, not honest long-time Gooners like myself. Wenger deserves credit for his overall outstanding contribution to the club since 1996 but like so many, I believe his time is up as he shows no sign for change. If OGL is still there next season (and I hope not), expect Project Youth Mk II to kick in. David Moyes has no money at Everton, hardly complains and gets on with the job, OGL uses his vast fortune to reward average players with lucrative long-term contracts. Sad and pathetic really.

  12. tippitappi

    Jan 22, 2012, 9:27 #17419

    I may have posted that myself! I'm doing something similar spending more time watching Dagenham & Hornchurch how their performing is not an issue I enjoy going don't feel I'm getting ripped off and they need the money I don't have a problem with us not winning and I have been this season but the stench of how the club is being run and managed ia too much to suffer, a very good post

  13. West (Arsenal v Sheff Wed Replays)

    Jan 22, 2012, 6:50 #17416

    Remember those nights well. Was at school, Pops took us up there (in the fog anyone?). We never had tickets. It was full or to busy to get in elsewhere so we ended up behind the goal upstairs (the old home end), me with my 70's Arsenal scarf that needed covering up once inside, in the SW end. I think the gateman made a few quid that evening. Lively!

  14. chrisy boy

    Jan 22, 2012, 2:45 #17415

    good article mate, but also very sad, i sense your pain and have to agree with a lot of the replies made. Realy hit me last season at home to blackburn 0-0 very poor game and any real chance of us catching man u was over, i was in the club level and my mate had booked a meal for 4 of us for his birthday, after the game we went back to our table for tea and coffee etc, we were all pissed off with the performance and to be honest quite down, next to us were a party of 5, 4 men and a woman all of the same age as us ( 40 - 45 ) they were laughing and joking and ordered 3 bottles of wine in 30 minutes, they did not seem to care one bit that there team had blown it again, but i bet Arsenal football club would rather have those kind of fans spending there money more than the likes of the 4 of us who are die hard Arsenal fans. Not been in the resturants since, realy miss the days outside the gunners pub drinking larger from the off licence, sadly there used to be around 10 of us, one or two of the lads go to games maybe 2 or 3 times a season, but like the rest of us we are all getting fed up with the way our great club is being run.

  15. Jason.

    Jan 22, 2012, 1:05 #17414

    At the time of writing this,we're 5th.5 points below Chelsea.Spurs are a country mile ahead.Embarrassing to say the least.I predict that if we lose heavily against united,Wenger will panic buy,like he did at the end of August and claim the new players were long term targets.We don't need just a defensive coach,we need a complete overhaul on and off the pitch.

  16. Paulie_c

    Jan 21, 2012, 23:36 #17413

    I agree entirely. I live outside Hull and so watch the Tigers these days, saddened at all that happens at the Em*rates. Sad.

  17. pookins

    Jan 21, 2012, 18:22 #17410

    wow! my club doesnt do what i want so ill go and watch someone else...

  18. Moscow Gooner

    Jan 21, 2012, 17:57 #17409

    Arsenal/Sheff Wednesday cup replay - 78? The North Bank sucked in a last minute equaliser (from Brady?) which led to the series of games at Leicester. The board have tried to drive the old core support away from Arsenal since the demolition of the North Bank and the Bond scheme in 1991. And nearly succeeded. But I don t think we should give up - it s our club, not theirs. Villa are putting in standing areas again: we should campaign for those at the so-called 'North Bank' end, at least in the corners. With the right pricing could do a lot for the atmosphere. And if finally all this doesn t work, and the club continues on its present track: Dial Square FC - back to our roots.

  19. SLJ

    Jan 21, 2012, 17:29 #17407

    The stewards were going to eject me at half time v Barca last season for swearing,but i walked out anyway, im 57 and i swear, so was everyone else at Barca players diving and the ref doing his best for them,how could they pick one person out. i wasnt going to go again, but i calmed down and to my regret payed for another season ticket, but no more, the stewards will be policing them selves soon ,the place will be deserted, great article and spot on

  20. Dinosaurs r us

    Jan 21, 2012, 17:03 #17406

    The article could be me and my brother, we decided to give it one more season last June and regret giving £1,075 to the debacle that was once Arsenal,unlike yourself i will never go to football again after this season, i will watch A.F.C. with great sadness from a pub, the club dont want or deserve us, 50 yrs counts for zero

  21. Jayelljay

    Jan 21, 2012, 14:35 #17403

    Absolutely spot on article Adrian. And I find myself agreeing with most other comments especially Tony Evans and Andy Sutherland. I have been a gooner for nearly 50 years and have rarely felt this disillusioned and downright discontented. I nearly didn't renew my ST after the awful collapse of last season. And then after the summer goings on wished I hadn't. Needless to say this is gonna be my last season. Wenger has become so annoying I can't stand him and wish I'd taken the opportunity to have a word in his shell like when I attended the Emirates Cup in the boardroom. I wanted to tell him straight but was stopped by my mate (who's a scout for another club and who had taken me along). It's so evident that all the yes -men cronies on the board like Gazides are in awe of him. He's going nowhere and sadly that means nor are we any more as a club.

  22. Nutty's Right Peg

    Jan 21, 2012, 13:39 #17401

    Spot on mate, currently on my third season with the season tkt out on loan & not missing it one bit. Did something similiar to your experience recently & went to see Wrexham in the cup at Brighton,where I saw players giving their all for their sides, unlike some of the cretins Wenger now feels the need to inflict upon us, when on earth will he get the message that Arshavin isn't interested any more, or that Djourou is no more a premier league player than I am, ditto Walcott. I've long advocated not spending a penny once in the E******s, hit the club in the only place they understand. We've now got our esteemed (sic) Chairman stating missing out on the Champs Lge wouldn't be a disaster as we've been in it for the previous fifteen seasons. So there you go Arsene, you're well & truly off the hook mate. Fifth if we're really lucky this time round. No Van Persie from August, there's no way he'll hang around & who would really blame him, a la Fabregas. Wenger wouldn't give Pires a two-year contract at 30 yet signs Arteta (Fabregas Lite !!) on a four-year deal at 29 !! Blame pitches and officials for poor reckless challanges & even poorer defenders, sign Koreans with not a hope in hell of playing them in the first eleven. Sadly Wenger's management now has the painful memories of Graham's last year or so at the club, too many dis-interested or below-par players going through the motions.

  23. Goonersaurus

    Jan 21, 2012, 11:31 #17398

    Really good article and I can see it has hit a nerve of quite a few of us. I dont see it as a bad thing to go to a local club and support them, we can still be Arsenal fans. I still watch arsenal on tv when i can but my Saturday afternoons are now following Hertford Town FC in the Spartan South Midlands Premier. It's not amazing football by any shot but the ground and atmosphere is superb. We stand around on the terraces, making up songs, playing vuvuzelas, horns and everyone has fun. The club need our money more than Arsenal and im proud to be helping support real grass roots footy. If anyone lives around Hertford come on down!

  24. GoonerHugo

    Jan 21, 2012, 8:16 #17396

    Best article I have read in a long time as it hits the nail on the head. I've been supporting Arsenal for 35 years and gave up my season ticket up the day we left Highbury as I felt the club were trying to milk me for every last penny I had, when all I wanted to do was support my team after a few jars in the pub before the game. No wonder the atmosphere has hit rock bottom and unfortunately It will never come back. Best watch another lower league team and check the Arsenal score during the afternoon.

  25. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jan 21, 2012, 2:39 #17392

    I am another one of you my friend me too have done exactly the same and even sky sports cut about a year ago and spending any penny on Arsenal at all. Although I was tempted to go to the carling cup but I though no I need to resist to that even for the sake of booing Nasri since those who have left us are proving themselves right as they are above us and doing well(whether playing or not apart)

  26. James

    Jan 21, 2012, 1:10 #17391

    Was a ST for 24 years before emigrating to Australia in 2004. Been to The Grove a couple of times when back in London, but wasn't the same as Highbury - too many tourists who seemed to have it as something to tick off on a list of "Things To Do When In London". That said, I can't give up on Arsenal. It's in my DNA and as much as I fundamentally disagree with almost all of what's been occurring off the pitch in the past few years (and a fair bit on it as well - will you please buy a f***ing full back or two Arsene!!) I couldn't bring myself to support or follow another team. I don't follow the AFL or NRL here, which brings me some strange looks from work colleagues, but I can live with it. It's Arsenal till I die. Like my marriage, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, till death us do part. And, I've known Arsenal longer than I've known the wife!

  27. billdodgin

    Jan 20, 2012, 22:26 #17389

    Good post. I suppose all clubs are in their own way ruthless commercial enterprises, but ours has got worse and tells lies to fans to further the process. I note across all Arsenal blogs the battle between the pessimism and optimism with the p-word winning, albeit slowly.I started support in late fifties ( am old ) when we were in top division but were achieving little. Problem I struggle with is the level we were at when last winning things under Wenger and the inability to maintain that standard over 6-7 years. It's not because of other monied clubs. We were out thought by McLeish's Brum at wembley and outplayed in a passing game on a pitch that Wenger had complained about by Brendan Rodgers' Swansea. I mention two games but all of us know that has been replicated many times over the last few seasons.

  28. Beaugey

    Jan 20, 2012, 22:19 #17388

    I completely agree: if the Arsenal board want to run the club like it's a business, fine. But that means that for 35 quid plus, they have to deliver silverware. They're not though, so therefore, as a business, they're failing.

  29. Rocky RIP

    Jan 20, 2012, 21:54 #17386

    Chris Dee - spot on. That for me is the bit that kills the most. I watched some comparatively poor Arsenal sides in the early 80's, as many others will have, but at least the act of going to a game was fun. A laugh. I started going for the atmosphere, not Sunderland's perm. Now we aren't even allowed to get behind the side without some 'supporters' or stewards telling us to cool it. I repeat - it isn't the theatre. Fans who want a proper atmosphere back need to stand up to the people calling the shots these days. Why should JCLs and tourists set the tone? The 'siddown!' brigade. We can't let them dictate the way we support our team. We need to reclaim our club.

  30. Rob

    Jan 20, 2012, 21:42 #17385

    I totally agree. I used to be one of the prized "Club Level" folk and paid my £3,400 per season from 2006 until 2010. I just couldn't take it any more. Yes it was worse in the dying days of Mee. But Bertie never insulted my/our intelligence like Hill-Wood and Gazedis now do. Sure the football was worse - at times - under Terry Neil - but there was always that element of hope. Of belief, that a Cup run or a derby victory or something of that ilk, would inspire and give us reason to combine passion with joy. Not now. We have to contemplate not the match but 'the match day experience' - UUUUrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! They can stuff it. I now wait for the changing of the tides and Wenger's departure**** and Hill-Wood's and Gazedis's. It will come. And I will come back.

  31. RJ

    Jan 20, 2012, 21:35 #17384

    Guildford Gooner - Complete respect for your valid and relevant comments Come on you Gooners

  32. CT Gooner

    Jan 20, 2012, 20:37 #17382

    Excellent post! Only thing I'd like to add is in all the smaller stadiums across the country fans moan about poor performing players, inept managers, etc, and still go back. But no one accuses them of not supporting their team, or to bug$er of to WHL. Why do some Gooners feel it is your responsibility as a paying fan to cheer when we're playing like fanny's...

  33. Another defector

    Jan 20, 2012, 20:36 #17381

    Amazing that so many feel the same way. I love watching Woking almost as much as I used to enjoy watching the Arse. We're being taken for a ride every time we set foot into the emir patch. I still get suckedintoita few times a season and rarely come away with a good feeling. AW and the rest just keep taking the piss. You don't want to totally give up but you're intelligent enough to know better. Ifonlythe bloody board would read this and realise they're going the same way as Woolwirths and the like. All I want is a bit of honesty for a change. You can't beat cheering on a team led by Moses, Elvis and Paris at the Kingfield.

  34. Emirates Stadium is to blame

    Jan 20, 2012, 20:08 #17380

    Andy Sunderland - spot on ! Arsenal V Shef Weds i think i went to Leicester where the replays were twice in the same week. Emirates is without soul. crafted and built in the image of its cool blooded manager. a stadium without warmth or atmosphere. seats miles from the pitch. admired by punters but hated by real fans ! Old trafford has 75,000 in and has retained what Old Trafford was always about - a cauldron of noise !

  35. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Jan 20, 2012, 19:55 #17379

    Have been going to the Arsenal when I could since the late 60's and became a season ticket holder in 1987 (which I think cost £60 - about half a weeks wages). Fully understand what you're saying Adrian - Arsenal is not the club it was. Funnily enough, I'm sorting out my old programmes and with some pride (as well as a chuckle) I was reading the 'Programme of Music' on the back pages with Alex Morgan the 'Vocalist' and Major W. Williams, MBE, ARCM, the 'Director of Music' of the Met Police band. Happy days and of a time when the Arsenal was OUR club - classy and respected. Sadly, it's allowed to become a plastic, profit focussed, McDonalds-like football organisation with no regard for likes of ordinary fans. For a North Londoner I have more than once committed the sacrilege of thinking about how great it must be to be an AFC Wimbledon fan - particularly if you were around or involved in its inception. AFC Arsenal, anyone?

  36. Mac

    Jan 20, 2012, 19:52 #17378

    i will just say as a club member i am so pleased this Arsenal make it so easy for me (compared to chelsea/spurse( to sell my tickets match by match or lend to friends. This Arsenal dont care who sits in the seats just as long as they are paid for. i go here and there but nothing like i used to because it is not the same club with the same passion and winning mentality as it was between 1986-2005. Arsenal did not need to leave Highbury

  37. Stegun

    Jan 20, 2012, 18:54 #17377

    I really struggle when people give the heartfelt opinion that they are turning their back on Arsenal because it has the temerity to move with the times. Football is a business now . Look at the money some of the teams are throughing at it. Not every business gets it right first time. Arsenal will endure and rise to to the top again. Ok I won't hold my breath waiting but I will turn up every week and make certain that I will be there when they do. I will barrack the opposition, I will stand when excitement gets the better of me and never can I comprehend a life without the Gunners.

  38. Andy Sunderland

    Jan 20, 2012, 18:26 #17375

    Fantastic article i used to go Highbury late 70's right through to the final season i actually detest the way the club has become it makes me feel really sad and i'm a 45 year old Londoner who grew up with Liam Brady strolling round the muddy pitch loved football then a proper game for the working class from the London council estates now it's just a day out for the rich and who can buy the most merchandise etc . The sponsored stadium is awful truly dreadful seats miles from the goal no proper home end and as for that bloke on the tannoy shouting at 2.50 are you ready what a complete idiot . Arsenal and football now is all about top four FA cup means nothing reserve players and the old cliche too many games can't have a replay etc yet remember playing Sheffield Wed five times in 1978-79 magical times ending with a wembley final . I bet half of our current squad don't even know half those players or probably not interested as long as they are getting their inflated wages bless you Arsenal a magnificent club but definitely not the same club that i grew up with x

  39. CanadaGooner

    Jan 20, 2012, 17:37 #17374

    well done mate! excellent "Reverse Psychology" article. ofcourse everyone will sympathize with you on this occasion if you begun your article with the 'abuse' you received the last time. Anyway, I dont beleive people who spend their personal time posting articles on here and showing they care about the club enough to bother, should be abused. And although I fundamentally disagree with your article (because I flew in from Canada 8 times last year alone, mainly to watch Arsenal matches: never mind the cost of the tickets and food at the games, the cost of each flight was enough to cripple! but you do it because that is the club you support) because there are supporters of clubs out there who have only managed 1 top 4 finish in the last 20 years (Spuds) and were on the verge of moving to east London last year (Olympic Stadium) but have remained fanatical supporters of their club. My best friend lives right next to Leyton Orient but has been a Spurs fan since he was 3yrs old and I watched him retain his fanatical support for Spurs for the past 30+ years (most ot it being the 20+ years where they've managed nothing significant and not once did he suggest the easier alternative of sitting at an orient match (with or without an ipad!). However, I wouldnt dare to criticise your article, or I'll be called an AKB or whatever else is in fashion these days. Also, I do share your frustration about how Arsenal is now just a BUSINESS and no longer a football club

  40. JimmyRimmer

    Jan 20, 2012, 17:17 #17373

    Did the same thing three years ago. I go to watch Gosport Borough. Footballs not great but we have the sort of laughs I used to have at Highbury in the 80's. Great post mate.

  41. Fozzy's mate

    Jan 20, 2012, 17:12 #17371

    Been a season ticket holder since the start of the GG era and although I feel exactly the same as you I won't give up. I refuse to let em break me, especially as my 72 year old father in law shows signs of giving up and my 6 year old is showing signs of wanting to go. It is sad to read stories such as yours but have always said the club belongs to the fans whoever owns the shares. I share your disdain for this regime and their miserly dough trousering and bs club propaganda. I remember a cup replay against Hull a few years ago when me and a mate had a pie and a can of lager pre game for £1.50 down by Drayton park. We then entered the ground 50 yards away to be faced with a sign offering a pie and a pint for 7.50 precisely 500 % the price. Says it all really. Every transfer window is a misery these days. I have also tried my local side Bishops Stortford and as a kid had some great times following Barnet when not at Arsenal games alongside many other gooners. However Arsenal is my club and I will not let this miserable regime drive me away!

  42. lee armitt

    Jan 20, 2012, 17:11 #17370

    Goodbye you won't be missed

  43. sparksy

    Jan 20, 2012, 17:07 #17369

    Stonebridge Park - You should get over there mate. Now the club is owned by the fans, lovely new ground, tenner to get in and the team top of the Ryman 1. Crowds are regularly topping 500 now they're back in the borough and with a proper home. I'm a ST holder of 25 years and i to have had enough of being taken for a ride over the bowl. It gets to a time where enough is enough and that time has come. Arsenal always but i can't justify nearly £1200 quid on a ticket. Arsenal used to be a football club but unfortunately that time passed many years ago.

  44. SilverGooner

    Jan 20, 2012, 16:53 #17368

    I to am a Silver Member and am utterly fed up at the way the club is expoliting fans by charging top-dollar prices for watching a mediocre team. The result is that I have so far only been to 2 games - and one of those was the £20 bargain for the CC game v City. I am sorry to have to say this, but I refuse to be ripped off with the clubs general ticket prices. £100 to see the AC Milan game? I don't think so!

  45. exiled&dangerous

    Jan 20, 2012, 16:34 #17367

    You've clearly struck a chord there, up until I started typing this there's been not one single abusive comment. I don't think I will ever get to see my team live again, due to the ticket prices and the ridiculous state of the railways (exiled relates to Cornwall and its low wages). I have watched various non-league sides before in different parts of the country, and enjoyed the standard of football and the friendly atmosphere, but nothing substitutes for your own team. Twenty-five quid though to watch Colchester, it's still a bloody big chunk of cash isn't it?

  46. Stonebridge+Park

    Jan 20, 2012, 16:21 #17366


  47. Ron

    Jan 20, 2012, 15:47 #17364

    Superb post.A pleasure reading it. Its my last Season as a ST holder too. I shall maybe do 6-7 away fixtures for Arsenal from next Season as whenever i do go away i always get the flavour of what going to football and Stadiums should be like. Apart from Man U, going to the opponents ground is usually a more earthy and raw experience. Ive never taken to the Grove. It can twinkle and reflect in the sunshine all it wants but its comfort, ambience and glamour isnt for me, esp with such a lukewarm, non committed, turgid team of players stepping onto its pristinely manicured pitch. As many say, Arsenal isnt really 'football' anymore, its more an art gallery. Just a shame that the paintings and artefacts on show are so cheap, not cheerful and downright false and uninspiring. This is just a perception maybe that older fans have, but i make no apologies for having it. Perhaps in time the set up and ground might once more be for and integral to its fans, but im not holding my breath. I shall be holding on to my hard earned cash though by not going. PS Not going wont get me back in the 'Sky' fold though. Its that odious garbage thats made Arsenal what it is.

  48. Stonebridge Park

    Jan 20, 2012, 15:35 #17363

    Agree with ya pal, might give Enfield town FC a shout for a few games.

  49. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 20, 2012, 15:23 #17360

    sad article adrian you'r right the food and beer is to expensive people will say well don't buy it and i'm sure people don't but easier said than done as we all like a beer on match days.

  50. mark from aylesbury

    Jan 20, 2012, 14:44 #17358

    I hold 2 x silver memberships but barely attend due to my giving up on Wenger. I'll go again if I see obvious change or more likely when he's gone. I've changed from being an almost obsesive to a part time supporter, constantly let down by the pathetic excuses and lack of management with a self-satisfied board adding to the crap. I've said a number of times that the board need to be embarrased into action like a mass no-show. Sorry to see so many long standing Arsenal fans feeling disconnected. For those who keep attending well done, just dont fall into the "good financial house keeping bull****" excuse for failure.

  51. AFCIC

    Jan 20, 2012, 14:12 #17357

    Good on you sir. I gave up investing in Arsenal when they gave up investing in the team, no season ticket, no replica shirt NOTHING! As much as it pains me this will remain the same with me as long as the current atitude of 4th place and a large bank balance being good enough persists.

  52. Judge Fred

    Jan 20, 2012, 14:02 #17356

    As I mentioned a few days back, neither me or my young son will be renewing our season ticket next season. I reiterate, its not fun anymore. There is no desire in the management, no passion on the pitch and the stands are filled with people who dont bleed Arsenal any more. It is breaking my heart to do this, but I cannot sit and watch this tragedy unfold before my eyes. This is exactly what this is - a tragedy.

  53. PerryG

    Jan 20, 2012, 13:47 #17355

    Great post, i said at the start of the season that i wont attend games or buy merchandise until we become a football club again. Its ridiculous that fans are paying sky high ticket prices yet investment in the playing side is sorely lacking. Kroenke & Co are milking our club for everything they can and putting nothing back in.

  54. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jan 20, 2012, 13:36 #17353

    Attended Highbury from 1983 - 2002. Stopped going a year before travelling back to Australia. Couldn't justify the ticket prices when I was saving for overseas, but mostly because I couldn't get in anymore. Playing Saturday afternoons myself meant getting an ST wasn't worth it, and there were next to bugger all tickets available when I was able to go. Spent the 2002 - 2003 season at Meadow Park watching Boreham Wood. Thoroughly enjoyed every minute. If I was back in N London now I think I'd be heading back to Meadow Park ahead of Ashburton Grove, so fair play to you.

  55. chris dee

    Jan 20, 2012, 13:30 #17351

    There's no place for fans like you at the Emirates. They prefer zombies who politely clap when we score while siting on their hands for the rest of the game and you get funny looks if so much as dare to stand up and encourage the team or slam opposing players. You must behave sensibly and be quiet at all times as the whole club,including the players, has become so sanitised ,they wouldn't know passion or love for this club if hit them in the balls with a sledgehammer.

  56. Ronster

    Jan 20, 2012, 13:25 #17350

    Spot on Adrian.I've had the pleasure of attending some AFC Wimbledon home games this season and met several of their inspirational fans who resurrected the club,most of whom have ''not worked half a day in football.''Anyone who disagrees with what's going at The E******* but continues to feed that cash cow is a total mug.AFC Arsenal anyone....

  57. Tony Evans

    Jan 20, 2012, 13:25 #17349

    I can almost match your 50 years of support, Adrian, and agree with every word you have said. I am packing in my season ticket as it is just not worth it anymore when you consider the rubbish served up week after week. I may well join you for my footy fix at Colchester next season. I know your heart will remain with Arsenal, like mine, but I just can not take any more of Wenger and the rest of the liars and robbers taking us all for a ride and laughing all the way to the bank. Just ignore any abuse you may get as you ARE right and more and more supporters are slowly realising it too.

  58. McG

    Jan 20, 2012, 13:15 #17348

    Great post. Not one fan (even the AKB & the FODTL) can deny we are at best a second rate force in England now. We don't want huge sums spent, just spend in a sensible manner on positions that obviously need stregthened. I dread to think what will happen to us if RVP gets injured!!!!

  59. Guildford Gooner

    Jan 20, 2012, 13:11 #17347

    Fair comment.I can see why many season ticket holders, especially in the pricier seats,may turn elsewhere for their football fix.As a silver member I can always get the cheaper tickets for games and attend about ten non telivised games a season. It would take a lot to turn me away from watching the gunners.The cost of a seat at my nearest league club,Aldershot,is £19 so I consider it well worth the extra cash to watch my lifelong team for £35 plus travelling. I don't spend much in the stadium or the club shop,prefering a local cafe I have used for years. At the end of the day the Premier League is the best and most compeditive in the world and I can't see me getting the same buzz watching any other team but Arsenal.

  60. GoonerMK

    Jan 20, 2012, 13:07 #17346

    No abuse from me. I gave up my season ticket three seasons ago for exactly those reasons. Arsenal Football Club has become nothing more than a means of extracting ever more money from its supporters while offering nothing in return. I will not go back while this manager and board of directors are still at the club. To all those deluded FODTL's out there, for your information I won't be going there either.