From football club to business…

…now en route to being a failed business

From football club to business…

Can he leave with dignity intact?

As there has already been plenty written online about the key issues during Sunday’s latest débacle against Man Utd, so I will focus on the overall implications for our club and fans.

I have spent months arguing the need for Arsenal fans to remain classy. We can’t turn into Blackburn fans who slag off their team during a match, as we are a classy bunch. Three defeats in a row, eight defeats already this season and there are 16 more opportunities to lose till the season comes to an end. Gone are the days when you look at the upcoming games and say, ‘well we now have easier games coming up: don’t we?’. We have now become specialists in dropping points to the Fulhams, Wolves and Blackburns, so the situation really is quite dire.

We have gone from being a football club to being a business over the last six years. The bubble is about to burst and we’re now en route to being a failed business. I no longer have any doubts whatsoever that Arsène Wenger has to leave with dignity at the end of this season. However, Arsenal fans need to show our class. We are supporting a great football club and we can’t drag it through the mud. The negativity has spilled on to the terraces and we somehow think that singing ‘you don’t know what you’re doing’ and booing our own player during a game will help us do better. Very shameful indeed. We have to rally round the players and help their confidence. Whether it’s Arshavin or Ramsey or Walcott, they are still Arsenal players right now and we have to win some games. Once a player is brought on to play, we have to respect that situation and cheer him on as we’ll only be chopping off our nose to spite our own face by such regrettable behaviour as happened at today’s game

If we're told the club can’t compete against the top sides, then fine: let’s lose to City or Utd or Chelsea, but how on earth can anyone explain losing so many matches to clubs we can clearly compete with in the market (Fulham, Blackburn, Swansea, Wolves etc)? It is for this reason that I believe it really is time for Wenger to leave, but not before the season ends, as I am quite certain that the current group of players, with a bit of support from the fans and some luck, can still finish fourth at the end of this season. We can’t carry on with such negativity at the games: it won’t help anyone. Spurs will drop more points, and so will Chelsea. Did anyone seriously think we wouldn’t drop points against Man Utd? My friends and I have weekly predictions and we all predicted Man Utd would win today’s match: that’s how awful Arsenal have become.

Let’s see how the Arsenal Business Model stacks up in the coming years with no Champions League money coming in and season-ticket and merchandise sales hitting rock bottom. Those at the helm of the club should be ashamed of where they’ve led this club. Truly deplorable.

In summary, let’s show our class and desist from actions that can only distract and undermine the team on match day. But you won’t find me arguing against any cries on here for Wenger to leave (at the end of the season). It seems the only way forward. If the story is that we can’t compete financially with the big boys, then we shouldn’t be dropping points against Fulham, Swansea, Blackburn, Wolves etc. Those losses can only be down to our crumbling tactics

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  1. ataf

    Jan 25, 2012, 21:14 #17701

    the board will hire a replacement who will be wenger 2.0 and wenger is the best money aware manager there is nothing will change except the next one will be not as good.

  2. anti-wenger

    Jan 25, 2012, 15:29 #17683

    Spurs are spending less money, earning less income and we still can't even compete with them. Yes we can't splash out 35m to buy Andy Carrol, but to say we can't afford 7m to buy Cahill or we can't afford his wages(when Diaby gets 55,000 weekly for being in the hospital 95% of the time)cannot be true.

  3. Mike

    Jan 25, 2012, 12:11 #17658

    @augustin - brilliant, now why didn't anyone else think of that - perhaps get Messi and Ronaldo while they are at it. Problem solved

  4. Gman

    Jan 25, 2012, 12:11 #17656

    Responding to your comments -“We can’t turn into Blackburn fans who slag off their team during a match, as we are a classy bunch”, No, we need be more obvious, we should be burning effigies of Kroenke outside of the stadium. Nothing will change until we make it very uncomfortable for the owner and directors otherwise we will be in the wilderness for years and end up like Blackburn!!!

  5. Ron

    Jan 25, 2012, 11:51 #17653

    Adrian W - So so true. Most of this sqaud would have been chinned by FM by now though. Even those who happened to be lying on a treatment table for months on end each Season! The Wenger years have brought so much to the Club, but the biggest disgrace about it all is that Arsenal are now and have been for some years, seen to be a 1960s ish West Ham of that era 'soft touch'team. Its totally against the grain of the Club. The awful mid 60s were a time when we rattled goals in but let in twice as many, but we never brooked 'bottlers'. Weve gone the same way as then, except that quite a few of the chinless, heartless crew we now tolerate make me sick, whereas as a kid then we were rubbish but Joe Baker (still the best forward ive known wear the shirt and i inc any that Wenger has used, save perhaps for Dennis) and Armstrong and Eastham plus Geoff Strong as least made losing quite fun!

  6. fozzy's mate

    Jan 25, 2012, 8:43 #17633

    Der project - nearer to the truth than the comedic format you put it in. The only time we have ever heard anything from SS was in his wooden outpouring in the telegraph. That was when the OGL cheer squad of Bob Wilson, Terry Neil and even Dein were mobilised to remin us of the glory of 2004(after being surgically removed from his ass), which is now 8 years ago. And why did the silent one say he so loved Weng. Because he extracts value, which translates to he makes a nice profit, I have to inject no funds into the business, except to buy more shares the value of which goes through the roof as the cash vault steadily increases. And I reckon he can keep us in that UCL thing. The problem is he probably thinks the top 8 enter the play offs. The transfer window spin is remarkably familiar ie. How can I buy when my players will be back in the ubiquitous 2-3 weeks (or months or years) and if I buy my squad is too big. It does not take a crystal ball to imagine the news that may be delivered as the window slams shut, on the likes of Gibbs, Diaby and Wilshere? Haven't we heard it all re Vermaelen and Van Persie. Other sides buy players to cover for long term injury or players like diaby and gibbs who are constantly on the way back before breaking down again. When and if the players come back you have a better squad to cover when some one else gets injured. Like others I was stunned by Wengers announcement that post Clichy, Gibbs was first choice l back. That is like saying Diaby is first choice in midfield. I think if we finish 5th or below SS will recoup the loss from the unused funds knocking around. I know it is no reason to change manager but I do share the views of Mandy and Canada re the boards ability or desire to appoint a new manager of any stature. Rather one who extracts value and doesn't complain, being eternally grateful for the job. Ole Stan has a shortlist of Bruce Arena, Alexei Lalas and Steve Mclaren.

  7. Nutty's Right Peg

    Jan 25, 2012, 8:19 #17632

    Personally I think it all started going downhill when Dein left. The old system of Wenger picking his signings & Dein dealing with all the paperwork seemed to work fine. The board left Dein to his own devices & then dropped him when it suited them. Now all we have is The Emperor's New Clothes syndrome. I knew the game was up when Gazidis made some comment about being "laser focused", I remember thinking at the time, this is no football man, let alone an Arsenal man. Given that Arsenal are now run as a business first & a football club secondly, surely the only way to voice your protest is to keep your hands firmly in your pockets. I'm all for boycotting games but we've all seen the club's PR machine burst into action & proclaim 59,000+ attendance figures when actual bums on seats is nothing of the sort. Stop spending money at the stadium if you are attending matches. Try contacting the club & let them know you won't be renewing in June,& why. Maybe The Gooner could organise or compile some kind of list of Season Tkt holders who don't intend to renew & pass it on to the club ?

  8. Mandy dodd

    Jan 25, 2012, 0:55 #17631

    Dan , dein has his merits, I would like to see him back, but come on, he is not the messiah......, wemberley? I am sure you can remember the David dein is a wanker chants in years gone by, harsh yes, but should it only be me accused of viewing things thru tinted specs?

  9. Joe S.

    Jan 24, 2012, 23:48 #17629

    Nice One Der Project. although it reads too much like a Simpsons patiche there is more truth in there than we all would want to admit. What a horrible scenario.

  10. Mandy Dodd

    Jan 24, 2012, 23:06 #17627

    Arsene is a fraudster, interesting ID but reading this evenings papers, maybe that name could be better suited to another north London manager....allegedly. Anyway, enough of this, Must go, just off to transfer some money to my chinchillas account

  11. augustin

    Jan 24, 2012, 23:05 #17626

    Mr wenger out, old board directors (ie peter hill wood) out arshavin out,ramsey bench,usmarnov in(30% stake), gud quality players in. then we are good to go

  12. Joe S.

    Jan 24, 2012, 21:05 #17624

    Miss the days when clubs were owned by the local butcher. For all their penny pinching ways they did care about their teams and communities. Someone like Brian Clough understood their mind set and would try to out psych them even if it meant putting his job on the line. Not like our man Arsene who tows the party line comfortable in the knowledge that he has a decent piece of the pie. Canada Gooner at present class at Arsenal means ripping your fans off in style, by dressing up a shonky product and selling it a maximum prenium. The players arn't interested in Arsenal's dignity or heritage. They are only looking over their shoulders to see where the best pickings are and who is winning what. Show me the money say Theo, Arsharvin and Song. As for not booing and showing moe dignity such a call seems beyond logic. Every crowd has it's favorites and those who can do nothing right. It's usually based on perceptions about a players work rate , skills and team spirit. At Arsenal there should always be high expectations from anyone who wears the shirt. It's up to yhe players to gain the fan's respect especially when the chips are down.

  13. Dan

    Jan 24, 2012, 21:04 #17623

    I'm sorry but Dein is the common denominator here whatever some might think. When he was the man pulling the strings at the club, we always competed. He was the one that brought in AW and who sanctioned the big money signings for the likes of Bergamp and Platt which provided the platform for the success that followed (and a quick thank you to GG for a defence!). PHW, KF and the rest of the old gits on the Board just had to sit back and enjoy the ride. Then they stitched DD up over Silent Stan. Now neither they nor a couple of useless Yanks have a clue what to do and worse they don't really care as long as the money rolls in. DD was Arsenal's true visionary and like it or not since he was sidelined the results are there for all to see!

  14. clockendpaul

    Jan 24, 2012, 19:55 #17620

    Wenger said earlier that he took the ox off because he was tired and had a strain, now we hear that on twitter he spoke to the southampton captain and told him he was'nt tired or injuryed. More lies, he treats us as if we're fecking stupid, i want him out so bad

  15. Reg

    Jan 24, 2012, 19:53 #17619

    Don't boo, don't demonstrate? Middle class nonsense!

  16. Fozzy's mate

    Jan 24, 2012, 19:35 #17618

    Canada - I'm with Guildford Gooner here. The amount we pay for season tickets or match tickets is the highest in world football. The club have displayed amazing arrogance in recent years via board and manager when communicating with fans. When paying these prices particularly in such austere times, no matter how much the club propaganda machine dislikes it you are entitled to express your opinion. I think the fans have been very patient and only showed their dismay when pushed to the limit. Examples being the booing incident v Wigan several years ago (eboue), the 6.5% debacle (villa game last season) and the ox debacle on Sunday. I remonstrated with my brother about booing on Sunday and he said how else can we fight this despised regime?

  17. Danish Gooner.

    Jan 24, 2012, 18:57 #17616

    It will be a cold day in hell before Wenger leaves. It will be more difficult removing Wenger then for me to grow wings and start flying around.

  18. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Jan 24, 2012, 18:35 #17614

    Scene: The backyard of the Ol' Absentee Ranch, Colorado. Enter a breathless Chad K. Hackenbacker III, assistant to 'Silent' Stan Kroenke. 'Silent' Stan is trying to lasoo a rusting Walmart trolley that's gently rolling in the evening springtime breeze. CKH III: Mr. Kroenke - terrible news! Only 30,000 are turning up to watch Arsenal at the Emirates! SSK: Godarnit Hackenbacker - can't you see I'm busy here! Anyway, only 30,000 where? CKH III: At the Arsenal, sir. SSK: Huh? CKH III: That Soccerball club in London, England that you practically own, sir. SSK: Oh, yeah...diggity, I fergot 'bout them! Is revenue down much? CKH III: Over 50% sir and looking worse after every game lost - which is a regular occurence. SSK: Jumpin' Jehosephat! Tell that crazy French Wrangler- CKH III: - Wenger, sir. SSK: Whatever. Tell that Wrangler to raise ticket and burger prices immediately! We'll bleed those limey saps dry, then sell them down the river. Yehaw!

  19. Adrian Wagenaar

    Jan 24, 2012, 18:12 #17612

    Being a supporter who saw "Wee Geordie" in his prime - where he would first have a go at the right back for 15 minutes then swap flanks and try out the left back, just to see which one was n't on his game that afternoon, I find it impossible to "Rally round" Arshavin. The Russian team skipper earns more in a week than George Armstrong probably earnt in 5 years and clearly views the idea of "workrate" as a thing for the less skilful journeymen. My greatest Arsenal player Frank McClintock would have "chinned" Andrei by now and shook him by the throat a few times until he got the message that when I tell you to track back you f*cking do it untill you drop! I promise you under Frank's captaincy our "wantaway" winger would be several kilo's lighter than he is now or out of the team. That is why the fans get very angry with players who think they are doing us a favour by turning out for us each week. If we cannot afford the world class players that we really need then make sure what we have "busts a gut" every game. Seen what is happening at Sunderland, players are getting the message from a passionate and clever coach - The "Black Cats" may not win anything but the fans, like all fans appreciate hard work and effort and that is why we are not beating teams like Fulham,Swansea,Blackburn & Wolves.

  20. Guildford Gooner

    Jan 24, 2012, 17:37 #17610

    I suppose anyone who has paid the ticket price is entitled to shout or sing what they like as long as its not racist or homophobic etc.Personally it goes against my nature to boo our own players or manager but that doesn't mean i'm not as hacked off as many others with the way things are going. If things got so bad that I resented paying the ticket price then I would stop going to games until things improved.That would be my way of protesting but if others choose to still attend and shout their dissaproval then fair enough.I think that we must each decide our own way of protesting but a half empty stadium would certainly send a strong message.

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 24, 2012, 15:35 #17605

    Under stand what your saying canada and i think every fan will agree what we heard on sunday was not good but the dross displays,players,decisions,excuses have been allowed to continue for so long now and the fans have no other way of making their feeling known i'm not saying i agree with it my self but certainly understand it and the media are loving it along with quite a few other clubs and managers they have been waiting for this for a long time and it has been served up to them on a plate. But the most annoying thing for all us fans is it could so easily have been avoided (we all know how) and you know what it could probably still be salvaged with four proper calibre players but will it happen ? only arsene knows or does he.

  22. Gare Kekeke

    Jan 24, 2012, 15:28 #17603

    I agree with you CG that Wenger should leave at the end of the season with dignity considering his overall outstanding contribution to the club. But forget the almighty 4th place finish come May. Chelsea will pull themselves together just like 08/09 when Hiddink came to their rescue after the Scolari debacle as I still think that AVB is a good coach (a trick missed by our 'wonderful' board last summer methinks) and Tottenham still have the core of players who wouldn't want 05/06 to happen again. And in the alleged tax-dodging Redknapp, they have a better manager than Martin Jol who has always been a bottle merchant (see Ajax in 09/10). I've said it before and I'll say it again, we should not be afraid of change as many would agree with me. We have to convince Pep Guardiola - who according to a football writer who knows Pep well in Spain, has a fascination with our club (and he's done his coaching badges with us and taken in a few of our home games too during the La Liga winter break)- that we are set up for him to bring back the glory days. Not that we have a devine right to success I agree with. Personally, I think we should get Pep who wants to manage in England in the near future to compensate for never playing on these shores. But should we give Wenger another season to 'put things right', Project Youth Mk II: The Next Generation will kick in. Talented as they are, The Ox, Ramsey, Wilshire, Ryo, Frimpong et al still lack experience and Wenger will discard Arteta, Mertesacker to name but a few to make way for the younger inexperienced players. After all, according to Wenger, they can't be 'kiiled'. I'm with you Tony Evans, I hate the board with a passion too and all of them can do one. Their lack of ambition stinks. Someone should tell them you make money off the pitch by what is happening on the pitch. How sad that season ticket holders like myself who so lowly thought of by them. Tottenham don't regret sacking Carling Cup winning Ramos and Barcelona have long forgotten European Cup winning Rijkaard. Lack of funds at The Arsenal? Bitch please!! We make over £200m a year, the net debt has been significantly reduced and the stadium is almost paid for. But of course, we have one God almighty wage bill which for last season was a staggering £124.4m. Having said that, that's all staff at The Arsenal and not just the players. Change is badly needed. From top to bottom.

  23. Cornish Gooner

    Jan 24, 2012, 15:19 #17602

    Cannot but agree 100% with all the "negativity" around. I have supported The Arse for as long as I can remember, at Uni any left over grant money (yes, those were the days)was often spent travelling to see us knocked out of the FA Cup - this was late '50's/early '60's so disappointments were all too frequent. I still have painful memories of Dave McKay's lot giving us a thrashing. However, I have now entered my seventies and the Health Police tell me old codgers like me should live soberly, avoiding stress at all times. They have to be joking! I now live in Cornwall so only one trip has been made to our fantastic stadium so I have to rely on Rupert M's lot but I am in serious trouble - not only are the results almost entirely predictable but I JUST CANNOT WATCH THE MATCHES FOR 90 MINUTES for fear of exploding. I need help!! As Don Corleone said, I think, "how did we ever come to this?". How sad that Arsene will, almost certainly, leave in a climate of bitterness. A genius at his peak, now a stubborn failure. Still, my wife thinks he is awfully nice - they just don't understand do they fellas?

  24. Selfish beyond belief

    Jan 24, 2012, 15:16 #17601

    you dont just need money to compete properly you need a canny manager also. look at rednapp. wenger has outstayed his time at arsenal. no manager with his lack of success should still be in the job and the fact that he still is tells everyone it is his economics that the board and owners like and his ability to be totally stubborn and thick skins in front of media and fans when he is totally failing to do a good job.a decent man would have held his hand up by now and gone of his own accord

  25. steve walters

    Jan 24, 2012, 14:48 #17597

    some very good points indeed re the teams that we are expected to beat and the fact that they are not billionaies ala chavski city and united

  26. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jan 24, 2012, 14:04 #17595

    No. Let's NOT lose to City, Utd or Chelsea, that's NOT fine at all. Matches are won on the pitch and sometimes purely on "mental strength" (yuck) in the dressing room before the match or during half time, but not in the accountant's office. The Arsenal teams of 87 - 91 were on far less cash than the Liverpool, Utd and Spurs teams of the same era, the club's wallet - holders were tight then too....didn't stop the manager and players of those sides winning trophies. That manager brought the right players in, with a balance of youth and experience from inside and outside the club, and crucially hungry players with the right attitude. These players were then tactically drilled army style, with the result that they could organise themselves on the pitch when things got hairy. This was repeated from 96 - 06, with the added bonus of a refreshed training system and improvement in player's diets. That is what is required now. Both managers I allude to have suffered from the job running its' course, and them not moving on tactically, leading to stubbornness, tunnel vision and eventual decline.

  27. au revoir wenger

    Jan 24, 2012, 13:40 #17594

    showing dissent at matches is the only way the fans will force change.Wenger will not resign and the board will not sack him unless the fans apply pressure.You have said many of the fans on this site are idiots,well the club and the manager certainly treat us as idiots with the constant lies they tell

  28. bunch

    Jan 24, 2012, 13:32 #17593

    I like the call for dignity and class, but Gasidis told the AST after last season that he believed the fans are the ones who ultimately will get Wenger removed. However, he believed Arsene retained the trust of the vast majority of the Emirates crowd. So the only way for Wenger to be removed is for the crowd to give him a hard time. If we are stoic and silent it will be taken as contentment with Wenger as manager. It is now time for the fans to speak.

  29. GoonerGoal!

    Jan 24, 2012, 13:31 #17592

    Wow, a combination of absolute pessism and entire optimism in a single post... I prefer to approach our situation from Winston Churchill's dictum..."A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." This is our "opportunity" to rid ourself of Wenger and let the players and those in charge, know we aren't going to take this **** anymore! SEIZE THE TIME! This ought to be the time for every unhappy Arsenal fan to speak out, and speak out LOUD! Refuse to be shouted down by the club and the Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, See No Evil, AKBs! Are we Men or Mice? Come on, squeak up! Watcha Gonna Do About It?

  30. mark from aylesbury

    Jan 24, 2012, 13:31 #17591

    If the crowd can hoot and whistle a poor performance at La Scala and Madrid and Barcelona fans can waive white hankies to say change the management then why the hell cant Arsenal fans register their upset. Sorry its got nothing to do with class or class systems. Many Arsenal supporters are incredibly pissed off. These are the same supporters who will cheer when finally something goes right. Dont try and fight democracy and change by wrapping it up in ancient know your place attitudes! Lecture over...

  31. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Jan 24, 2012, 13:31 #17590

    Didn't you call someone an idiot yesterday or the day before on these pages for not agreeing with your point of view? Very classy. Oh and booing has been happening at Arsenal and other clubs for years so do get off your high horse and allow those over here (not on the other side of the Atlantic) to vent their anger if they so wish, there's a good chap.

  32. Nick

    Jan 24, 2012, 13:10 #17588

    Im sorry but i have to disagree with your point about not showing or sounding our dissatisfaction with substandard performances from players on fantasy island wages, and with poor or non exsisistent tactical changes and substitutions from a simaraily paid manager,without our showing our discontent and ire of the aforementioned, those responsible would think we are happy with their ineptitude, and would carry on regardless, why the hell should we suffer in silence ? There was a time when players and managers were not so far removed from the average paying supporter, but now they are on a different stratosphere to us and i think need reminding that without us they would have no job their arrogance and the platitudes they come out with defy belief they all talk the talk but very few walk the walk

  33. Ron

    Jan 24, 2012, 12:54 #17586

    ..... and in addition the Coach has allowed himself to become caught between two stools i.e trying to be a Coach and a business support man, tending to the latter rather than the former. Big problem as hes fallen between the two stools and the Board have sat back and allowed him to do so. Wenger's foolish. He should tell them to put up or hes off or alternatively, if its true what they've said for so long, that they have in fact 'put up' and hes declined, they should tell him to sort it out at risk of him being replaced by someone that will. Its a conundrum caused by the lies and half truths oozing from the Club for so long, the real source of the lies being unclear or unknown. I suspect theyre all compulsive liars but to what degree, i woudnt have a clue. Its a recipe for meltdown though. I know that.

  34. Nick Eke

    Jan 24, 2012, 12:52 #17585

    Thanks for the good times Arsene but enough is enough now Arsene's lack of tactical nous has been well and truly found out..Bout time Silent Stan and Ivan the terrible did something to stop the rot !

  35. Stumpy Den

    Jan 24, 2012, 12:36 #17582

    I support the Arsenal not individual players who should be proud of the club and badge as Iam. The Arsenal is bigger than the individual, its the fans, players, staff, the area. Its history is all around the ground, other fans see it when they arrive, we are a class football team. I agree results are not going our way, but dont forget where we belong as fans, its our club. Lets get behind those that represent us on the pitch, make noise and let the opposition kno who we are. WE ARE THE ARSENAL.

  36. Tony Evans

    Jan 24, 2012, 12:33 #17581

    Canada - I am so hacked off with Wenger, his barmy decisions and his crazy backing of so many awful players that I just do not know what to say any more. Unfortunately I think the time for Wenger to leave with his dignity intact is long gone. I will finish by saying how amused I was with Mandy Dodd's comment on a previous article which said something like we should stick with Wenger because we could not trust the board to appoint a decent replacement! How desperate is that? Let's just stick with the status quo then shall we because we are scared of change? I despise the money orientated board as much as I do Wenger but a new manager might just be the catalyst for change from the top right down to Almunia!

  37. AnONYmous

    Jan 24, 2012, 12:31 #17580

    Has anyone really thought that Wenger played Ashavin, Chamakh (and V. Persie) cause he was putting them in the "shop window" with every intention of selling them? Without playing them will make other clubs think they are mediocre and surplus so will table low bids if at all thereby Arsenal will not maximize the selling price? My contrary view....

  38. sleepinggiant

    Jan 24, 2012, 12:12 #17578

    Its not a case of can't compete with the big boys. We all know how much money is waiting in the wings over and above what the club actually generates. For once and for all can we just admit we are a club who WON'T compete. Our shareholders will not invest their money, and our manager is too close to them to call on them to do so. I would not be angry if we were owned by the local butcher. This level would then be acceptable. However, of all of the really big clubs in Britain (and arguably in Europe) we are the one who actually has the most money sitting waiting to be invested. If our shareholders had anyting like the ambition seen at City,Chavski, PSG or Antii in Russia, we would, with anything like reasonable management, but THE big danger to Madrid and Barca's likely domination of the Champions League. Instead, we will be also runs in the Europa League.