The Magic of the Cup (or a rocket up the behind?)

Online Ed: Arsenal into last 16

The Magic of the Cup (or a rocket up the behind?)

RVP: Two pens, two goals

At half-time, an “In Arsene We Trust” banner was removed from display by its owner. In truth, Villa did not deserve to be two up at the interval, but at the same time, the home team had done relatively little to demonstrate they had any right to be leading either. There were chances, the best a decent attempt by Thomas Vermaelen from a free kick, but the team appeared slightly lacklustre.

The Sunday Times carried a story about Jose Mourinho planning to leave Real Madrid at the end of the season, with the desire to return to the Premier League and specifically London. Detailing the situations at clubs that might employ him, it stated that Real still covet Arsene Wenger. It would be a return to the latter years of the Galacticos for them. All fancy footwork but little in the way of silverware or defence. But boy, could the Gunners use Mourinho to steer the good ship Arsenal away from dangerous shores.

Perhaps then we would see the kind of committed, motivated performances we finally witnessed in the second half. Perhaps, whatever happened in the dressing room before that needs to be attempted a little more often, maybe even before the game. The team came out and played with the kind of drive and determination not seen often enough in recent seasons, and reaped the reward. Two penalties and Theo’s freak goal. The number 14 may be a waste of space for most of the time, but his run created the goal, however fortuitous the finish.

It was interesting to see Tomas Rosicky have a pretty decent match in the advanced midfield position, especially when the team started to show a bit more serious intent to breach the Villa ranks. He has been inconsistent of late, but at least there have been some decent displays amongst the mediocre. He’s a player Arsenal have not had value for money from over the length of his two contracts, although he was part of a decent midfield with Fabregas, Flamini and Hleb until he got injured in January 2008. He was given a contract extension after his return from injury, but has not done enough to justify what the perception is that he is being paid. An example of the tremendous amount of fat in Arsenal’s playing wage bill. If he played as he did in the second half before being substituted on a more regular basis, perhaps Arsenal might have achieved more in recent times.

Funnily enough, 3-2 up, Arsene Wenger made a game changing substitution for the second weekend in a row. And as against Manchester United, it was one that seemed to suck the momentum out of the team. Rosicky, although playing well, was subbed, doubtless for physical reasons. I thought Ramsey would have benefitted more from taking a break, and then Arteta could have slotted into Ramsey’s position instead of Ramsey needing to move forward. The team seemed to lose a bit of fluency, but fortunately Villa were unable to take advantage and the win was mercifully seen through. After three defeats in the League, Arsenal needed this win badly. I think most fans will be rooting for Middlesbrough in the replay to determine where the Gunners will play in the fifth round. The importance of winning something, anything, was demonstrated by the team selection for this match in spite of the Premier League game on Wednesday night, except for the daft decision to give Fabianski game time. With the two Manchester sides out, the chances of success are certainly higher.

Now, a difficult trip to a resurgent Bolton in the hope of preventing the slide in the league continuing any further. The team will need to defend a lot better at the Reebok than they did yesterday to take anything from the game, although at least Szczesny will return.

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  1. DB10

    Jan 31, 2012, 13:14 #17949

    some appear to have taken my comments at face value (oh dear) so to SPELL IT OUT. mourinho is an individual without dignity, honour or class. his attitude towards wenger when at the chavs and towards everything barca amply demonstrates this. he purposesfully poked the assistant barca manager in the eye for gods sake! my point is that RM are about to win la liga but even the players are sick of his tedious tactics and gamesmanship as are the fans. they can't beat barca despite spending ££££billions, play dull dull football despite spending £££££££billions and he continues to defend despicable footballers like Pepe. he would no doubt put his arm around the disgrace that it carlos tevez and tell him he's lovely & find a place for the racist that is the england captain. no way jose!

  2. GoonerRon

    Jan 31, 2012, 12:28 #17943

    @ SilverGooner - you say Fabianski 'is a truly abysmyl keeper and is always an accident waiting to happen...will be forever tainted by failure at Arsenal.' He will only be forever tainted because people like you fail to recognise a couple of things. The run he had in team up until he got injured last season was the first time he had played more that 4 games in a row in all competitions. Now, I suspect continuity for a GK is vitally important to get confidence (ask De Gea and Freidel for oppostite ends of that spectrum) and up until his injury was the first chance he had to do that. In that run, with the exception of Newcastle at home, he didn't make any mistakes and earned us points single-handedly away at Wolves, Everton and Man City (off the top of my head). There is no doubt that being used sparingly doesn't work for Fab but if you cannot fail to recongnise his value during his only prolonged run in the team you are deluded.

  3. Peter Wain

    Jan 31, 2012, 10:49 #17937

    The unfortunate outcome of this result is no activity in the transfer window. Walcott was poor in the first half anf the goal came as a result of him not pulling the ball back. Rosick and Ramsey had good second halves but you have ot question how many times the team will come back from 2 down and win. The goal keeper was so bad in the first half with his distribution bad and he gave the defence no confidence or the crowd come to that. Once again we are grateful for RVP and wonder about next season.

  4. Brigham

    Jan 31, 2012, 10:01 #17935

    One thing I noticed on Sunday was after each Villa goal that the stewards all stood up and faced the crowd. I am sat 13 rows back from the home bench and many around me commented that if felt quite intimidating! Anyone have any ideas wtf that was all about? I can only think they were doing it to stop Wenger being abused, but it was ALL around the ground.

  5. SilverGooner

    Jan 31, 2012, 9:40 #17932

    James Moore - what are you on? Fabianski is a truly abysmyl keeper and is always an accident waiting to happen. I was gobsmacked to see him in the starting line-up given the that the rest of it was a full strength side. Fabianski will be forever tainted by failure at Arsenal and for the good of his career he should move clubs in the summer.

  6. Adrian Wagenaar

    Jan 31, 2012, 8:57 #17929

    This was a cup game - shall we all reconvene after the Bolton match where I think our views will be more polarized. After listening to Gazidis talking live to Fox Sports after the Villa what ever "Happy pills" he is on I want some for myself. What a wonderful world IG and our board live in!

  7. Andrew Cohen

    Jan 31, 2012, 8:52 #17928

    The crowd put a boot up the players and the manager's behind. Wenger slumped in his seat and sulked. The players got on with it. Wenger, disliking this harder, faster, more penetrating approach, substituted Rosicky and did his best to derail the comeback. He is and remains a total liability, working against what is needed at all times. Those who continue to support him, I am afraid, are doing the same. The editor is saying it as it is, not as others would like it to be.

  8. TFG

    Jan 31, 2012, 8:36 #17927

    If Mourinho does end up in North London,let's hope that it is at the right end of the Seven Sisters Road. The Board down there are looking to sell and 'Arry... well, who knows?

  9. Mike

    Jan 31, 2012, 8:20 #17926

    I can't believe people saying Villa are a poor side and we were lucky etc etc. This was a cup tie against a premiership side and not a league game -there is a big difference - many premiership sides come unstuck against lesser opposition. (look out for the Spurs game next round - big banana skin). Say what you want about ineffective players, but Arsenal problems started when both the full back berths were filled by players out of position - up until that point, they were on a good run. Once they are back things should be better -the return of Sagna is a big plus. Can't figure out by the posts whether people think the FA cup should be taken seriously or not - there are some saying Wenger takes it too lightly - not sure if I agree with that. I seem to remember SAF withdrawing Man Utd totally from the competition once due to fixture congestion. There is a balancing trick to be done, because the CL imo is just as important as well as a top 4 place

  10. DW Thomas

    Jan 31, 2012, 1:33 #17923

    I am no lackey to Kevin, but he is generally spot on. His point about the Special One, I think, is that he wouldn't put up with consistent ineffective performances or a lack of effort and fight that we see all to often. Wenger seems more like some guru than a coach at times. Too positive and not critical enough when needed. Professional athletes make enough money and live enough of a charmed life that they should be able to take a "hairdryer" from their coach and just suck it up. Today's pro athlete expects too much for too little in return, with the odd exception. As for Rosicky, he has had some great games this year and if given a string of games I think he could produce the good performances that he used to be able to give. He has more creativity than any of our other midfielders and at his best he is a better bet than Ramsey right now. And Walcott's goal might have been the luckiest I have seen in a while. Make no mistake, I was as happy as any Arsenal fan with the win, but we were very, very lucky. A slightly better team would have tied or beaten us or at least held on for the win. When was the last time Dunne scored by the way? Our defending is still collectively poor. We have too many weak links at any given time in any given game and they always seem to be found out. Fabianski did do well last season till he was injured, but he looked a fish out of water yesterday. Why does it seem our keepers can't consistently hit a nice long ball out of danger? Isn't that a given skill for even a decent keeper to have? I agree that many times Scez is only a little above average and is also is nowhere near world class yet. We could have bought Given, Schwarzer, or Friedel for a couple years to split time with him and let him develop with less pressure. Only a trophy this year will alleviate some of my criticism of the coach and board. Just some. Wenger's dream of building another team a la Barca will never be realized with his transfer and youth policies. Spain has been the best National team going or 4 or 5 years now and look how many of them play for Barca. Plus, they have the greatest player of his generation in Messi. Who do we now have to compare to Xavi, Messi, or Iniesta? Fabregas was our only top class MF and he will not be replaced soon. Maybe Hazard might be interested in coming here, but probably not without CL next year. What a shame we can't lure top players but only young prospects who are guaranteed to play early. Just hope we finish at least in the top four.

  11. mj

    Jan 30, 2012, 23:45 #17922

    agree on Rosicky , he looks motivated and is more inventive than anyone else in midfield .Ramsey unfortunately looked knackered and crucially has lost a half yard of pace following his injury which means he cant play that forward role as the defence always has time to get back. Waloctt at last looked better second half . Fabianksi do me a favour ,id rather see the mascot in goal

  12. CanadaGooner

    Jan 30, 2012, 22:38 #17921

    Jimmy: I labelled the article 'Pathetic' not the writer. Pathetic in the sense that we win games (where others have lost) but we simply cant bring ourselves to accept a win without forensics. And what I deem particularly 'Pathetic' is the thought that Mounrinho is now the one to turn to? I wont have any problems whatsoever apologizing to Kev if for any reason my statement/post has been misconstrued by anyone (Kev isnt Pathetic, but this article is, on this occasion).

  13. Jimmy

    Jan 30, 2012, 22:20 #17920

    As always Kevin, a well thought out piece, although your under-lying reluctance to give Wenger any credit whatsoever does grate. None of us truly know what happened in the dressing room at half-time, but I'm sure Arsene wasn't silent. We know from Theo that RVP said something - no unreasonable, he's captain - and we also know that Thierry was not initially among the subs warming up on the pitch (although he did join them for the last five minutes of the break), so perhaps he had his say as well, which given how the younger players clearly look up to him is no bad thing in my opinion. Have to say I disagree with you regarding Mourinho. I wouldn't want him at Arsenal no matter what. We have class and he has none and that's something which is very important to me. I certainly won't label your piece pathetic though as I see one of your commenters has done. You are entitled to your opinion and perhaps more so than anyone else given that you edit the site. To label the piece pathetic because they don't agree with you is disrespectful in my opinion and I hope the person in question apologises. Keep up the good work.

  14. allybear

    Jan 30, 2012, 21:47 #17919

    Fozzys Mate your spot on! So it was an improved performance but the defence is abysmal&its Wengers fault because he is clueless defencively. Dont think there is any possibility of Mourinho taking over&i dont think he would fit in.

  15. Fozzy's mate

    Jan 30, 2012, 20:57 #17918

    Don't think people want us to lose to spite Wenger. I think some are so desperate for change that they want a total collapse. Unfortunately it may be the only catalyst for change that actually makes something happen.

  16. GoonerRon

    Jan 30, 2012, 20:45 #17917

    Cup game, the aim is to get into the hat and we did. Defensively we've still got some work to do and I'm sure getting full backs into the line up will help. I was confident we could turn it around in the second half because I didn't feel we played badly in the first half, it was slightly smash and grab from Villa. We have to take this into Wednesday and get three points, preferably with a convincing, confidence-continuing performance.

  17. Marwood on the Wing

    Jan 30, 2012, 20:33 #17916

    This team are making my hair more grey ever day. There are major problems there is no doubt but there were some positives too. It would be good Kev if you could give the team and manager (putting on subs for example that held onto the lead) credit when we win. Arent we supposed to enjoy these moments? What a shame that you suggest Mourinho, who no doubt is a 'winner' but also happens to be another word beginning with 'w' and ending in 'r'. Some people have short memories of his disepectful antics towards our club and manager when at the chavs. No thanks, Up the Arsenal.

  18. Peter Le Beau

    Jan 30, 2012, 20:31 #17915

    This cup run has had some magical moments already.Twice as many penalties in one half as we have had all season (and all against Villa!) a reversal of the sad freak goal in the Liverpool match and of course Thierry's magic moment against Leeds. Of course there is a huge amount wrong not the least of which that we concede goals without making horrendous mistakes and we don't generate enough momentum at the start of matches .This team won't be able to recover two goal deficits against better teams but a full-strength Arsenal side playing with this passion could beat most teams in Europe.I would have love to have been a fly on the wall at half time to see how the second half momentum was generated.I'm pretty confident that Van Persie deserves a lot of the credit and this makes it even more distressing that someone who loves the club with such passion is likely to be forced to go if he wants to further his career (ie play in the Champions League). after next season because of such an unambitious Board and lethargic owner.

  19. James Moore

    Jan 30, 2012, 20:01 #17914

    Sick of all the Fabianski hate! Makes a cracking stop from Bent (great finish on the rebound) and was demanding from crosses. Szczesny has been poor at Fulham and Swansea and avoids criticism. I for one am sick of everybody's favourite players being immune to criticism. Fabianski is a very good back up goalkeeper, and one (who on average) performed better than Szczesny last season.

  20. CanadaGooner

    Jan 30, 2012, 19:19 #17913

    Ron, nobody's getting giddy over a win, especially seeing we had to come from 2 goals down at home! But the fact of the matter is, we could have lost but didnt. Doesnt mean we wont go on and lose against Bolton tomorrow or fail to beat Blackburn subsequently. But celebrations when we lose, just to get at Wenger is deplorable. end of

  21. ArseneKnowsSome

    Jan 30, 2012, 19:01 #17912

    Rumor on Twitter about Arsene visiting wrong dressing room during interval.

  22. fozzy' s mate

    Jan 30, 2012, 18:57 #17911

    Not the greatest but I was pleasantly surprised that we showed the level of intensity that should be a given for every game at the start of the 2nd half. Maybe this game will be the catalyst for a decent run if the level can be maintained. Bolton will tell the story. I don't agree re Jose. He is a bad fit for us as he is the best in the world at entering a club prepared to spend big (not us), stir up a hornets nest with the board (not us), win at all cost (not us) and then quickly storm out leaving a furher period of uncertainty and instability (not us). I too think Wenger should step aside at the end of the season but with our current self sustainable regime the special one is not the answer. Can you imagine him working with a board of Hillwood, Gazidis and Friar. They would go for a manager of Wengers recommendation or if not a David Moyes type used to working at low budget without complaint. To be honest if they stick rigidly to the current model it is a better fit than Jose who is used to being fed a huge budget and instructed simply to win!

  23. Wayne

    Jan 30, 2012, 18:35 #17910

    Mourinho is one of the top 3 managers in the world along with Fergie and Pep.Why would he even think of coming to a team that will be in the Europa league and a board who wont give him money?We are no longer a club with ambition.And there was not more than 40,000 in that ground yesterday

  24. lee afc

    Jan 30, 2012, 18:21 #17909

    not your greatest peice kev. many flaws, mourinho just doesn't fit the bill at Arsenal. he spends money at every club he's been. we do not have the board to allow this. lets be honest football is a 90 min game and we just did the job over 2 halves. give a bit of praise to the boys..we saw it out. not pretty but its next round of the fa cup. as far as a 'difficult trip to a resurgent bolton'? then if we are going to the heady heights of fourth spot then surely relegation fodder is a walk in the park???

  25. Graham

    Jan 30, 2012, 18:12 #17908

    Just wait and see the under-strength team Inspector Clueless will put out at Sunderland/Middlesboro.As it is inbetween the Milan games.And we get knocked out as usual.Interesting about the stories about Henry giving the HT teamtalk

  26. Petrovic

    Jan 30, 2012, 18:05 #17907

    First bit of spirit, heart and sense of urgency that I've seen in a long while! One where the gratuitous paypacket didn't seem in the forefront of some players minds.

  27. Fozzy

    Jan 30, 2012, 17:56 #17906

    First time for ages that I have left Ashburton with a stupid smile on my face. Let's just enjoy that the ref didn't behave like one of the usual insipid characters we normally have to put up with. Two penalty decisions in one match? Whatever next? And to crown it all, a Walnutt goal from straight out of the Lumpard archives. The fact that The Former Best Player in the World almost wriggled free to score right at the death was never mentioned. I looked forward to watching the highlights again on ITV later that night, but the minimal coverage was truly dreadful.

  28. Ron

    Jan 30, 2012, 17:53 #17905

    CG - Quite agree on Mourinho. I think your take on the Arsene critique is a bit disjointed though. The vast majorityof fans i speak to want him to accept some criticism and make some fundamental changes to his squad and if such action resulted in a tangibly stronger team, would all rejoice and want the success that might follow be his. All fans rejoice at a win, not just you, despite views on the Club and its boss. It isnt a war, its passionate fans wanting more from a boss who we know can give it. Weve seen it before dont forget. If it means him facing the Board down, so be it. Fans would see sense in that and it wouldnt half bolster his tarnished credibilty too. As for the smugness concerning Sundays outcome, please be assured CG,we never looked good or assured throughout. Yes, 15 mins of play created a result we never thought possible but the overall report is must, must do far, far better.

  29. ed enough

    Jan 30, 2012, 17:37 #17904

    Some of you people live in a fantasy world....Mourinho at Arsenal.....Numpties!!!!

  30. Oxy-Moron

    Jan 30, 2012, 17:16 #17903

    So, we get an overdue bit of favourable refereeing and the wally "scores" a goal, and all is rosy in the garden? The win was very welcome and the refereeing decisions overdue, but boy are those cracks still visible. Positives - Koscienlny, Rosicky (there - I admit it!) and a collective discovering of "a pair" at halftime. Negatives - Still not many chances made in open play (return to 4-4-2 long overdue), too slow on the build-up in posession, and I still watch through my fingers each time we gift posession away, and despite his "goal", Wally remains a Wally. As for Maureen as our next manager - he'll be at the only club big enough to accomodate his ego - Man Utd.

  31. CanadaGooner

    Jan 30, 2012, 17:00 #17902

    Pathetic article Kev. "Grass is always Greener". Mounrinho will last all of 2 seasons at Arsenal when the board refuse to part with their creditcards for him to go crazy-buying. Where does that leave us? If you think Arsenal's currently a business, wait till the circus arrive with Mourinho; then, we'll be a soap opera to rival TOWIE. Apologies to you all that Wenger ruined your party yesterday. You're always waiting to rejoice at every Arsenal defeat and I can just imagine the piles of venomous posts already drafted until the surprising turnaround, which some of us were delighted with. When Wenger leaves, we should be looking within the club for his replacement or some other lesser known fellow. Mourinho my foot!!! get real

  32. Greg71

    Jan 30, 2012, 16:29 #17901

    The most positive aspect of the day(result apart !),that the club have been forced to take the cup seriously in the early rounds,despite there being a league fixture 3 days later,long may that continue. ? Would Mourinho come on Wengers salary with the same transfer budget at the end of the season,or do we go budget replacement,is there any point in sticking with who we have?

  33. Lewis

    Jan 30, 2012, 16:28 #17900

    DB10... you'd want Mourinho to bring John Terry with him?!!! Good god the guy is now a liability, mini-jose is doing his very best to find a way to drop him (buying Cahill is a start). Kosciellny makes him look ordinary. 2-3 years ago he was a top class defender but age has caught up on him very quickly, a bit like most strikers do now as well.

  34. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 30, 2012, 16:05 #17899

    Dead right about the daft decision to play fabianski kevin at least it proves we still need a top second choice keeper great come back great result not to worried about first half performance but lets keep the same committed second half display going now until the end of the season and it's great to get one over that excuse for a manager mcleish

  35. IMAC

    Jan 30, 2012, 15:48 #17897

    Disappointing to be 2 nil down at ht but pleased with the spirited performance 2nd half. But, the continued weaknesses are there for everyone to see and any team can punish us. It was a great comeback but we all know under this manager these weaknesses will not be sorted so no chance of top 4 or a trophy. This manager needs to go if we are to progress, simple.

  36. Dan h

    Jan 30, 2012, 15:39 #17896

    The first half we played at a real pedestrian pace lethargic looking switched off for the first goal the second goal for them was the kind of break we used to score regularly.The response was how you want to see us playing quick passing and players driving into the box commiting tackles.Much needed win as soon as we made it 2-1 you could see Villa were there for the taking credit for turning it round.Their manager seems to have a real personal problem with us obviously stems from the Eduardo game.Instead of talking about his own teams capitulation trying to get RVP charged is embarrassing.Dunne should have been sent off but the ref tried to let the game flow & correct decision's on both pens.The passion showed in the second half should be expected we really needed that lift yesterday.In the 5th round play our strongest side from now on it's a very open competition now.

  37. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Jan 30, 2012, 15:39 #17895

    Thought we were pretty poor for most of the game except for 15-20 mins after HT when we actualy injected some pace into our game. We're much better when we do that, similar period against United springs to mind. When we got the lead we went back to passing slowly around the pitch with no real idea of where we were going with it. Anyway, who cares, it's the Cup and we're in the hat and that is all that counts. You don;t have to play everyone to win so you never know... what better ending for Wenger.

  38. Mike

    Jan 30, 2012, 15:36 #17894

    I watched on TV. Just before the goals came in the second half, the learned commentators were extremly critical of Wenger's unwillingness to substitute or change formation in order to get back into the game. Seven minutes later they were lamenting about the great comeback. Hindsight is very handy sometimes

  39. Guildford Gooner

    Jan 30, 2012, 14:51 #17893

    One swallow doesn't make a summer and one good half doesn't make a season.Remember when we used to start games on the front foot and score two or three goals before halftime? I would take an FA Cup win over fourth place this season,stuff the money let's win something!

  40. Ali

    Jan 30, 2012, 14:37 #17892

    It makes me angry that we rode our luck to win against a mediocre Villa team at our own stadium and there are still some fans that say crap like this::: (Richard Neasby Great comeback by the lads.In Arsene we trust again - Post No. 19777)

  41. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jan 30, 2012, 14:02 #17891

    Watching via t'internet from t'other side of the world has its' advantages. At half time, I didn't boo, shriek, holler or yell, just shrugged and did the dishes. However I did return for the second half and was pleasantly surprised. Let's now see the team play the remainder of the season like the first 20 minutes of the second half. They've proved they can do it so building on the example set before it dissipates is important. By the way, Darren Bent looked useful, how much does he cost? Assuming Chamakh is doing one back to France in the summer it's at least worth asking the question...

  42. chris dee

    Jan 30, 2012, 13:38 #17890

    What a shame we have to be 0-2down to see a 'commited and motivated 'performance. The defensive organisation was again atrocious, and our 'defensive ' midfielder Song continues to give the ball away cheaply in his own half. I hope Arsene realises what a lift to the club,players and fans a F A Cup win would provide,but

  43. RIchard Neasby

    Jan 30, 2012, 12:51 #17888

    Great comeback by the lads.In Arsene we trust again

  44. AugustusCeasar

    Jan 30, 2012, 12:50 #17887

    Careful there Kevin, you almost sound pleased.

  45. Will

    Jan 30, 2012, 12:45 #17886

    A result fair enough but shipping 2 goals a game over the last 4 games tell us all we need to know about how crap we still are at defending. Still an entertaining battle between 2 midtable sides, something we will have to get used to.

  46. Tony Evans

    Jan 30, 2012, 12:33 #17885

    The first half was so typically Wenger's Arsenal you could have written the script couldn't you? Loads of possession, hardly any real openings created or shots on target from open play and the opposition (this time Villa) have two chances and score from both. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at half time. Then Wenger must have got the 'hair dryer' out (about 6 years too late) because in the first 20 minutes or so of the second half we saw a proper display of attacking football. Yes the goals were penalties and a fluke from Walcott but at least the players put a shift in for a change and actually had an end product in terms of working the opposition keeper. Then after the Rosicky substitution it was back to type and Villa almost snatched a draw. In summary it was good to see us get through but not good enough by a country mile.

  47. Merse69

    Jan 30, 2012, 12:29 #17883

    Did McLeish say something at half-time to inspire a collapse? Or does Wenger deserve some credit for an amazing turnaround?.... A great second half, with enough resilience and quality to disprove the doubters / the anti-Gooner.

  48. Rob

    Jan 30, 2012, 12:00 #17881

    Was watching on ESPN and they focused on that frankly infamous banner - I say infamous because the worse it gets and the more the questions get asked of the Dear Leader, the more the cameras linger on that slogan out of mocking irony or otherwise - and some kind soul leaned across and made what can only be described as' a rude gesture' to the aforesaid banner. Or more specifically the sentiment behind it. Did anyone else spot the moment ? In truth the owner would be well advised to keep it off display mode for the foreseeable future.

  49. Camgooner

    Jan 30, 2012, 11:47 #17880

    Well put, although I disagree slightly: I think Villa deserved to be 2-0 up. They'd played to a game plan: set pieces (one) and breaks (one). All we need now is 90 minutes of football like the second half. It was a great game of football. One big warning for the board: don't be fooled by the official 60k gate. There were lots of gaps. Lots of people didn't turn up. My guess is around 55k, but I'm a bit rubbish at guessing crowds. Rosicky was the main talking point after the game. He looked more like his old self. He took resonsibility. A good sign. However we need a lot more performances and less no shows before Wenger will be rehabilitated to me!

  50. Joe S.

    Jan 30, 2012, 11:45 #17879

    Watch yourself Kevin , I'm sure there are fingers on key boards ready to jump on your negativity. You musn't have seen the same game as them. We are an ordinary team however there is no substitute for passion as Liverpool have also shown. I would like to think that Thierry's input at half time and on the sidelines also had something to do with the revival. His attitude must be an inspiraration to the younger players. It just goes to show that Arsene needs this type of motivator to assist and contradict him when necessary.The win definitely smelled like team spirit. Let's hope the visit to Bolton won't disappoint.

  51. Jekyll

    Jan 30, 2012, 11:40 #17878

    Theo seemed to intimate in an interview that it was RVP that gave the half time team talk that seemed to fire the team up for the second half. This would make sense. Wenger seems to put them in an almost zen like state of calm at the beginning of most matches. No momentum at all in the 1st half. Not that they were very good in the second half - this is the worst Villa side for years - but there was at least some impetus and energy.

  52. benw123

    Jan 30, 2012, 11:38 #17877

    Imagine if David Dein did return and Mourinho came along with him!

  53. Ron

    Jan 30, 2012, 11:34 #17876

    Pretty bad first half. No focus or shape and little motivation it seemed. Dont agaree that Villa didnt deserve to lead at HT. Theyre far from great but they break well and took advantage of the dire defending to score, esp Dunnes header. Schoolboy centre backs would have challeged him more strongly.We did enough in 15 mins to see them crumble. That idiot Manager of theirs would do better to concentreate on how his team crumbled rather than RVPs elbow. After we made it 3-2 we looked less than convincing trying to hold it, headers missed in our own box and nobody would have been shocked had Villa made it 3-3. We were a bit lucky, just about deserved it but if its Sunderland to play, we ll need to see far more commitment to it than we showed v Villa if we re to prevail.Still, we re through and both pens were well called by the ref.

  54. Judge Fred

    Jan 30, 2012, 11:16 #17875

    A few things from the Villa match: We are actually shooting from distance now - good to see that although loads more practice required. We are poor at defending corners and we are poor at taking them too (RvP excepted). Great to see Arteta and Sagna back on the pitch. They have been missed. Advice for Theo - if you'd spent as much time practising your final ball as you did your goal celebrations, we might actually get somewhere.

  55. Unbeaten 03/04

    Jan 30, 2012, 11:12 #17874

    I apologise for being negative etc... but still the team doesn't convincing enough for me to win a game with ease. Having seen the flaw in the villa team after becoming back we just relax at 3-2 and try to pass the ball around and try to defend!!! Where's the attitude let's get more goals to be safe as I think we were a bit lucky not to allow villa to come back.

  56. DB10

    Jan 30, 2012, 10:59 #17873

    Maybe when Mourinho arrives he can bring Pepe with him, persuade JT to move accross London & get Carlotios back on the straight and narrow!?

  57. p0mp0us

    Jan 07, 2012, 23:19 #16665

    Be a millwall supporter for a week

  58. clockendpaul

    Jan 04, 2012, 13:42 #16540

    Aaron... this club shows no ambition gone are the days we could attract players like gotze or hazard. Gotze's father has already said as much.

  59. Aaron

    Jan 04, 2012, 10:57 #16522

    Aly Cissokho has been made available for loan by Lyon, he should be signed immediately. Wayne Bridge is on £90k a week and was a complete liability at West Ham (he made Walcott look competent at Upton Park). We need someone out wide who can be creative and score goals on a consistent basis. We need to break the bank and show some ambition by buying a Neymar, Gotze or Hazard

  60. Noz

    Jan 04, 2012, 7:49 #16504

    Much like the editors piece concerning Wenger, this article is also bang on the money. I have been talking about Wenger's and the squads deficiencies for so long now I'm bored. It used to feel like blasphemy to say such things but Wenger has insulted the fans and displayed such arrogance for so long now I just want him out of my club now. We need a football manager not an accountant. Way back at the ****e Hart Lane game I shouted Wenger Out and nobody agreed or disagreed. I shouted the same at Fulham and seemed to have the same reaction. I would honestly have been happier to have been told to 'shut the f@ck up!' rather than have had silence again as it at least shows an opinion. Again, it used to feel like blasphemy but now I am so hurt, disappointed and angered I will finish with these words 'GET THE F@CK OUT OF MY CLUB WENGER!

  61. Dickie

    Jan 03, 2012, 22:46 #16497

    Think I should have read this before commenting (about the 17) on the ed's Fulham post! No hope of any squad improvements for yet another window. Thank heavens that Liverpool, Chelsea and even United are doing there bit to keep us in contention for a champions league spot. Let's hope Jack comes back fit and raring to go next month.

  62. jason

    Jan 03, 2012, 22:24 #16493

    Baines,podolski,jagielka and/or cahill need to be brought in.Diaby needs to go along with Rosicky & Gibbs as they are never fit.Henry is a PR stunt.A proper trophy may not be enough to keep RVP.Spurs could well be 9 points clear of us by the time we play Swansea.Walcott's goal scoring record is shocking this season.Hasn't scored since Chelsea away and not all at home this season in the league.And what has happened to our so called youth policy? What a shambles.

  63. RED FRED

    Jan 03, 2012, 18:33 #16471

    I am not exactly overwhelmed by Titi playing although he is a legend but if he plays instead of Walcott i will jump through hoops cos i never been so dissappointed with a player in my 35 years as a gooner, Walcott cant pass, cross, dribble yet shows flashes of brilliance occasionally, sort him out Mr Wenger!

  64. CT Gooner

    Jan 03, 2012, 15:46 #16463

    I agree completely. The current squad are performing as well as can be expected IMO. This is a mid table squad on Champions league pay, only Arsenal supports deserve (and are paying for) much more...

  65. Ron

    Jan 03, 2012, 14:29 #16458

    Fair points. The Henry thing leaves me utterly underwhelmed. It shows where we are as a Club. Hes well past it. He was when he left! Its a PR con, though many will rejoice at the sheer reminising value his signing offers. Its clever of the Club to come with it so to deflect from their oft repeated fallibilities and errors, ill give them that much. Again though, its the Club taking the p--s out of the fans. knowing that many will fall for it.Ive got some news for you Arsenal, many havent fallen for it.

  66. allybear

    Jan 03, 2012, 12:49 #16445

    Nice article Ian and very true. Unfortunately excuses can be made about AW being hamstrung etc but to my mind his failings have been obvious for quite a few seasons. He was very good for Arsenal at one time but his time is now up. His interview on MOTD was very poor and as usual the world is against him. Ok it was a clear penalty on Gervinho but Djourou clearly commited fouls and deserved to go as did Lampard in the Wolves game but he got away with it. The weaknesses in the squad are very obvious but AW chooses to ignore them.