A point!

Online Ed: No signings. Little change

A point!

Things ain’t what they used to be…

Arsenal started the match at Bolton like a train and the opening spell promised a good night for watching Gooners. The football was zippy and penetrative, all that was lacking was an end product. Once again, decent chances were spurned. The best of the match enjoyed by either side was undoubtedly Theo Walcott’s one on one in the first half. It was similar to the miss against QPR in late December. At least then, it didn’t cost. This time, two points went down the drain as a consequence. This attacker has made 21 appearances for England and failed to find the net in 20 of them. At best, he is an impact sub, a Russian Roulette footballer who spurns too many opportunities to justify starting a match. The day the club cede to his wage demands and offer him a contract extension will be a black one. Quite simply, he ain’t good enough and is now costing the team points.

Not that the failure to score is entirely down to the number 14, he was merely guilty of missing the best of the chances. The plain fact of the matter is that when the captain fails to score, goals are hard to come by. RVP hit the woodwork twice, but he isn’t going to find the net every single time he takes the field. His hair seems to be turning grey prematurely, and some would say no wonder, given the amount of pressure he is under to save his club’s season. I think it’s fair to say the only way he will not be departing Arsenal this summer will be if he gets another of his long term injuries that keeps him out of the Euros. Which would have made the decision to buy a striker in the January transfer window a sensible one. Thierry Henry may be having some positive influence off the pitch, it is difficult to say. He certainly isn’t handing on enough tips to improve the finishing of those who are missing the chances though. And on it, the goal against Leeds aside, there have been no special moments. Maybe he will give the fans a couple more before he departs, but in truth, I don’t think anyone believed he would dramatically turn the club’s season around.

Once again, The Ox was hauled off before Theo, which makes you think there is some kind of pre-ordained pecking order when it comes to substitutions. The number 15 is clearly a better player than Walcott, and by extension more likely to produce something that might lead to a goal. It was ventured to me after the game that the team once again lost all momentum when he was removed from the fray. Certainly substitutions are proving a bone of contention for many these days, although the manager seems relatively inflexible.

The gradual decline in the quality of the squad over recent seasons has seen the finishing position of the club go from top two, to third or fourth and now, it appears, probably fifth or sixth. The dreaded Europa League with all those Sunday games looms as a possibility. Granted, Arsenal may only be five points behind Chelsea, but there are two other clubs closer to fourth place. We are now watching the legacy of the manager’s decision to reward potential handsomely, only to see it let him down on the field. Denilson, Bendtner and Eboue have gone, although the inability to find a buyer for the former two means they are still a drain on Arsenal’s resources as you can be sure their current clubs aren’t picking up all of their wages. Older players such as Almunia are still around, being paid to kick his heels. Arshavin has lost interest while Rosicky is inconsistent. Walcott still gets selected. Alex Song lacks the focus required for his position, exposed most blatantly when Mikel Arteta is not in the team to bale him out. A lot of money has been wasted through poor decision making on players who might have got through the door at, say, Old Trafford, but wouldn’t have lasted long unless they bucked their ideas up. Alex Ferguson has certainly paid money for some pups in his time, but he is big enough to admit his mistakes and dispense with them sharpish. At Arsenal, Wenger’s stubbornness to be proved right means they stick around like unwanted guests.

Arsenal, historically, have struggled at Bolton. However, the Bolton of old were physical and combative. Owen Coyle’s side are less of a challenge. There is still a little bit of cynicism, in players such as Mark Davies, but the opening exchanges exposed that they were a side there for the taking and three points was the order of the day. Certainly the visitors desperately needed them against a team that will probably end up just outside the relegation zone. So it’s one point in twelve, with Blackburn to come on Saturday. I would say it’s unthinkable that Arsenal will fail to win that one. But these days, you just can’t be sure. If Van Persie doesn’t score, you have to wonder.

At least the cups can provide a bit of distraction for a while, because in the Premier League, this is turning out to feel like a very long season indeed. The critical club level and hospitality box renewal invitations are sent out in February and March, the income from them critical in the club’s business plan. The way things are going, the thought that some kind of a shake-up may be required might even reach as far as Denver, Colorado. God knows, something needs to change, and the sooner the better. The slow creeping decline is like Chinese Water Torture and I suspect a good number have seen enough for now and won’t bother coming to witness more this Saturday.

The current issue of the Gooner can also be bought outside the stadium at the game v Blackburn this weekend. It is also available to buy online here. You can also get an e-version of the issue to read on your ipad/tablet/iphone/android. The app is free and you can download the first few pages of each issue to decide whether or not to purchase the whole thing

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  1. Warren Impey

    Feb 04, 2012, 12:26 #18182

    All Arsenal fans need to hit this current board and major shareholder where it hurts...(the pocket) The only way we get shot of the yank and the board that sold us all out by the way! Is to stop going to matches support the protests that have now started. When Stan Kroenke has to invest more money in the squad he will sell. The clue is in the name sports tycoon he is only in it to make money, miss out on champions league and he sells more players to cope with the shortfall in income so bye, bye, Wallcot, Van Persie, and later Wiltshire and Rambo get used to it people! The board sold to Stan Kroenke as he bought the shares and the selfish f***ers kept their powerfull positions, and roles in the club, plus any salaries and expenses. If you are fans help us get rid of the lot of them and bring back Dein a true Arsenal legend he is the key. Wenger is a puppet and has been dishonest to us all, he doesn't have money to spend as stan kroenke now has access to the clubs vast cash deposits. He pulled rank on Wenger in the summer over Nasri, he doesn't invest he made 11m from Nasri and Gervinhio switch. If you don't believe me just look at the other sports franchises he owns they all have a history of lack of investment and failure on the field of play, he is a business man END OF! They think because they have attracted a large corporate following they don't need the true fans any more, look at the way Hillwood publishes he's messages to the fans through the "Sunday Sport" he thinks we are all thick stupid people who don’t have the right to comment! What he doesn't account for is how thick stupid people pay £3000 for a season ticket!! Get rid of the lot they have trashed the club we all love for personal selfish gain.

  2. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Feb 04, 2012, 3:37 #18175

    Does anyone know of any streaming sites that show Blue Square South matches? I wouldn't mind watching Boreham Wood for the next few months. Of course I'll still watch The Arsenal as well, but I'd also like to consistently see some football where I can watch a team where all 11 fight for the cause with heart, courage and bite, even if the technical standard isn't that flash...

  3. Tedz

    Feb 03, 2012, 21:58 #18169

    For how long in AW do we trust?... at least until the end of the season finishing out of the top 4?, and have you noticed how a top 4 position is spouted by AW as being the benchmark this club seeks to reach season in season out?. Arsenal IS a big club that has been slowly ground down into a mid table shambles and the final nail in the coffin looks as if it will be at the end of this season with Spurs finishing above us and looking stronger every season, and what do we have to look forward to?... Van Persie waving goodbye as he leaves for a club that can match his ambition and nobody can argue if he does go because AW doesn't seem to give a damn about any of that, These days top players leave Arsenal they don't join and that's the Climate AW and this apathetic board have created over the past years to this very moment in time. Arsenal will never win a single piece of silverware for as long as AW is in charge and this board of bean counting cigar chomping..champagne quaffing illusionists remain the same... we need some dynamism on the board and at coaching level and it's also high time an investigation was launched into the fitness regime at the club because we are experiencing an abnormal number of injuries.. Bring back David Dein it's the only way AW has a continued future at the club even if he moves upstairs..maybe a lateral move would do him and the club some good. Us fans are loyal and we know change does not take place in one season but AW needs a talking to and to be told dear god man!, after all these years if you know deep down you cannot take this club any further then be big enough to admit it and move on, for god's sake don't torture the club and the fans with your pride!... as we know what follows and for all that has passed we don't wish to see that scenario regardless to how many fans feel about the current state of the club... champagne stadium.... beer team.

  4. inarsenewerust

    Feb 03, 2012, 17:44 #18165

    We should get alan sugar in and then he could call almunia,arshavin,bendtner,denillson,diaby,rosicky,wallcot,meatsack,chamakh,benyoun and wenger into his boredroom and say for falling the task YOUR FIRED SHUT THE DOOR ON THE WAY OUT.then we fire him for being a spud

  5. Ron

    Feb 03, 2012, 16:27 #18163

    jetplane - 'complacency and arrogance'. Youre so right. The sad truth is that while there are many fans moaning now, its not so long ago that a great many fans have become arrogant too. Their attitudes to the small Clubs in particular and the jibes at the towns the small Clubs are based have at times been sickening. Its not as if our Club has ever had a long running powerful dynasty, yet the Wenger years (and SKY tele) has created fans who seemed to believe that Arsenal were someway untouchable and superior to their 'lessers' due to the smooth media portrayed 'beautiful' football they purportedly play. The truth is that we havent played so great for 4-5 years. The standard has fallen even lower now. It was obvious say, 3 years ago that the quality was falling away. a friend of mine is a Derby fan. He detests us for the arrogance these years have engendered in the Club and the fans (not all of us by any means) and hopes the decline continues unabated. Hes not alone. 'Hunble pie' is his favourite expression along with 'dont ignore the ones you pass on the way up as you might need them on the way down'.How right hes being proved as he sniggers at our every loss!The Club needs a total re ****uation.

  6. jjetplane

    Feb 03, 2012, 13:56 #18156

    Dont be so sure about Europa outings as there are a few other mid table teams playing with the same indifference as Arsenal. It really depends who wants to cross the line for Premier tier 2 first. The complacency and arrogance coursing through Arsenal could see a finish at 10th. What makes me laugh is why anyone would be suprised. This team and the manager has to be a truly characterless void in Arsenal history. If this carries on it will take the astronomical to dig out of it. I note also with displeasure that walc... is carving a Beckham type career for himself. Always up for a winning smile like a bit player of royalty. Least you could say that Beckham was a great player at one stage. As for Jack W. - everyones favourite son. is he not treading the Rio way with his twittering again like royalty who still has never earned it. Now its a feck... fracture. What next? - Jack's Life Story so far? The malaise is not just ours but Wenger in his football ignorance (eat that!) is sickly determined to undo all that he has helped to build.

  7. Andrew Cohen

    Feb 03, 2012, 9:25 #18142

    Hopefully we are now approaching the endgame. Last season Fabregas was still there to get Wenger out of jail. This season we are going to get the full force of the consequences of his incompetence. Wilshire will not be back to help him out either. Crucially, his willing bunch of youthful drones have been partially replaced by older heads who know what a proper manager is. We need a new manager, we need him now. We won't get relegated this season, but next year will be touch and go. One wonders how the boys in the commercial department will spin that through the pages of pravda. They won't. They will be off to better jobs.

  8. Tony Evans

    Feb 03, 2012, 9:10 #18141

    Canada - I agree that boycotting games will probably not force Wenger out or wake the Board up, but only because not enough fans will do it. I only wish we could organise a mass boycott but in reality it doesn't happen. However hoping we lose games and finish even outside of the Europa places may well wipe the smug smiles from the faces of Gazedis and co and focus their attention on football rather than money. They may see the error of their ways and stop feeding us this crap about financial prudence and not being able to compete with the likes of Citeh. Nobody is asking them to, but what we do want is something better than they seem to have settled for. Of course it is awful wanting your own club to lose but I am a fag paper away from it and this is after supporting Arsenal since the late 60s. Any fan who really loves the club has had enough of Wenger and this Board and we are coming to the stage where we will accept the previously unthinkable to make something positive happen.

  9. Jon Forget

    Feb 03, 2012, 8:06 #18133

    I live in Denver and support the Gunners. Wenger is stubborn, and has lost the ability to motivate the side. Rosicky and Arshavin are listless, yet play nearly every match. There is no steel in this team, and the defense lets in the softest most pathetic goals I have ever seen. How about starting in the back with a stalwart back four (Szcesny is fine), and let the goals come naturally from frustrating the other team and countering. The team needs a new manager. Wenger has been great overall, but it is clearly time for him to move on.

  10. Joe

    Feb 03, 2012, 4:20 #18128

    "...which makes you think there is some kind of pre-ordained pecking order when it comes to substitutions" That is in fact the case mate, Michael Cox points out that Wenger is not really a tactician who 'reacts' to a game and makes subs accordingly. He is a manager who instead sticks to a pre-set plan, famously he makes use of statistics to measure players attributes, so for example, if those stats tell him a players stamina begins to drop at the 70th minute mark, in advance he will plan to sub him accordingly, sometimes regardless of the tactical ramifications

  11. DW Thomas

    Feb 03, 2012, 4:15 #18127

    What says it all is our newest signing. I thought Arsene only bought top quality or nothing? What a joke we are becoming. You know that Jack won't be back, yet they still don't sign anyone. I agree more of our anger and frustration must be shown through protest or boycotts. We fans are being taken for a long hard ride to mediocrity. Wenger is simply lost. Nothing he has done has really improved anything longterm for 6-7 years now. That is enough reason for his removal. Ramsey not good enough. Walcott simply overhyped and one dimensional. How did we ever think losing Cesc was ok. Scared to think this club could be in longterm freefall. A once glorious winning team has been allowed to rot and transform to a group of overpaid babies with no heart or mettle.

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 02, 2012, 23:20 #18122

    sad state of affairs that i'm even bringing this up kevin but this is the situation we find ourselves in if we don't make CL which is looking very likely and find ourselves in the EL with RVP gone and no investment or much the same as now and heading to stadiums god knows where can you imagine the kind of teams arsene will be putting out? bendtner, flappy, djourou,etc,etc with a mixture of what we have at the minute and project youth mk 2 is that really what all us loyal fans deserve the way things are at the minute don't think it can't happen.

  13. CanadaGooner

    Feb 02, 2012, 21:31 #18121

    Might I add that this is one of your best post-match reports so far Kev. Tried hard but couldnt find anything to fault (besides the lack of mention of Ramsay who is getting to be as poor at walcott and can only get worse). If a team like Arsenal who cant score ugly goals (set piece etc) find it difficult to score the clever flicks as well, the result is exactly what we're witnessing right now. Henry should focus solely on spending hours on the training ground showing ramsay and walcott where the net is and how to get the ball in it! They can record it and replay to gervinho when he gets back!

  14. Nutty's Right Peg

    Feb 02, 2012, 20:42 #18119

    Absolutely spot on Kevin, if there's one signing i'd love to see the club make, it's a defensive coach. Frankly I wouldn't put any money on three points against anyone these days & that includes Blackburn. It's becoming increasingly painful watching the club I love so much steadily fall apart.

  15. CincinnatiGooner

    Feb 02, 2012, 20:42 #18118

    plenty said about theo and i agree, but i also have to say one of the most frustrating players to watch the last few weeks has been ramsey. he works his socks off and i can appreciate that, but the quality has been severely lacking. his passing has been poor, vision poor, and finishing...well, rvp's thru ball deserved much much better than that flimsy toe poke. on a more positive note, welcome back to sagna - didn't put a foot wrong the whole game.

  16. Wombledin

    Feb 02, 2012, 19:50 #18117

    If we flop against Blackburn this weekend and drop lower than 7th in the league from hereon in the, frankly, Wenger should be sacked forthwith and Pat Rice can carry the ship until the end of the season. A message has to go out that mediocrity and stuttering failure will not be tolerated at our great football Club. At the moment many fans are starting to think that perhaps the current owners and Board are content for Arsenal to be a Europa league team as long as reasonable profits are being turned. This simply cannot be tolerated by the fanbase.

  17. CanadaGooner

    Feb 02, 2012, 19:50 #18116

    7th at half price with Martin O'neill or David Moyes in charge of Arsenal would be more bearable and we wont have to put up with any more philosophies etc. The Ox, the Ox, the Ox: we need goals not promise. Bad as Walcott is, at least he's scoring with his face or nose or whatever it was the ball hit the last time to go in. I dont think any member of the current squad should be exempt from criticism right now. tawdry bunch!

  18. ando

    Feb 02, 2012, 19:30 #18115

    unfortunately i would agree with a comment below, a stay away stance is required(there were quite a few blank spaces sunday). I would suggest that saturday would be a good day if there is the time to collectively organise it, otherwise perhaps another but enough is enough i cant take any more club b%%%**** anyone feel like a mushroom?

  19. Shropshire Lad

    Feb 02, 2012, 18:55 #18113

    Kevin, a perfect summary. I cannot remember a midfield trio less effective than Arteta, Song and Ramsey in terms of creativity. It was like seeing the ghost of Ray Wilkins - the crab- in triplicate. I'm not knocking them for their effort as they should, all three have been rested some time ago. Arteta is recovering from injury, Song is tired and Ramsey not only tired but lacking confidence in goalscoring positions. It was telling that the goalscoring opportunities where in the main coming from the Ox or made out of nothing by Sir Percy. If anyone has Thierry's ear please ask him to spend his remaining time on loan on the training pitch teaching Walnut how to calm down in front of goal and clinically finish. There are a lot of blogs rationalizing the performance - hit the woodwork, it's a point in the right direction etc etc - but the lack of midfield creativity (no Cesc, no Jack, no Nasri (yes , I know he blows hot and cold) is the 'handbrake on' in this team, currently. It says something when the only midfield player attempting risky forward passes to create a spark of fear in the opposing defense is the rejuvenated Rosicky. However, there is a 19 year old youth from Germany just waiting in the wings ...... Yea right. Pathetic performance by the management team from Silent to the Medical Staff.

  20. IMAC

    Feb 02, 2012, 18:50 #18112

    Definitely time for the manager to go. The main reason is by his own admission he is unhappy with the modern game. That is, he doesn't like the clubs with sugar daddies who operate with massive debts who scupper his building of young sides for the future. But having said that the future never comes. Most of the players aren't good enough and move on to "lesser teams" ie. Hoyte, Senderos, Traore, Denilson, Aliadiere, Lupoli, Quincy, Merida, Larsson, Bentley, Pennant, Bischoff (what a joke of a signing he was) and the list goes on. Quality players move on for better contracts, salaries and better potential for trophies ie. Edu, Cole, Toure, Adebayor, Fabregas, Nasri, Hleb, Flamini, Clichy. Will the next be Van Persie? What does he do on deadline day? Signs another young player with potential who will probably go out on loan in August like the other 16 or so. The future never comes and all we end up with is permanent transition and no chance of any success. So do your health, the club and the fans a favour Arsene and go now.

  21. Franklin

    Feb 02, 2012, 18:44 #18111

    Walcott is not a footballer he is a sprinter.Last night as against QPR he was 5 yards clear of the last defender with only the keeper to beat and once again he bottled it.And some Gooners think he should play as a striker.Get real.Hes Useless.As is the king of the backheels Ramsey.Fergie dodged a bullet when he joined us.I feel sorry for RVP carrying this shower of sh**e.At this rate we wont even finish 7th remember we still have our annual collapse to come in March.The only way to get Wenger Kroenke and Gazidis out of our club is to boycott games

  22. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 02, 2012, 18:26 #18109

    The fact that we are discussing finishing in the top 4 just proves what a great job AW & the AFC board has done in brainwashing the majority of us into thinking this would be an acheivement. We have now fully entered the era of "sustained mediocrity" with minimum spend, maximum rake in!

  23. Highbury Boy

    Feb 02, 2012, 18:21 #18108

    Sensible article.What worries me about Walcott is that Wenger will continue to play him and one week he will score (not just hit him) or pass for a goal and in the midst of the post-match euphoria it will be reported that "Arsenal FC is delighted to announce that Theo Walcott has signed a new long-term contract....." I remember it was done like that with Eboue and similar players. News seems to be managed like the old Pravda. The other point I picked up on was reading the transcript of the recent Gazidis/Fox interview. I disagreed with the Times reporting it as Gazidis supporting Wenger. He damns Wenger with faint praise saying that the Board never recommend a dividend. All profits are available to be invested in the squad. Wenger is NOT mean but prefers to invest in youth and give them long-term contracts rather than buy stars. He cites the Ox who was coveted by all the top clubs and Koscielny who he claims is now one of the best cbs in the PL as 2 recent examples of Wenger's excellent record. He doesn't mention all the others who are now too expensive to ship out and are still on the wage bill. I think that Gazidis is trying to make a distinction between Wenger and the Board. He also said that "no-one has a job for life". It could be this summer when Wenger leaves though I'm sure he will negotiate hard on the balance of his £6m pa contract. Another one which I seem to remember being announced way after it was signed.

  24. Alastair Kerr

    Feb 02, 2012, 17:27 #18107

    Another day and more garbage from Wenger. After our 0.0 draw against Bolton he informs us that "when we won championships we have not won for 6 games" - WRONG 97/98 worst sequence was 2 draws and a defeat, 01/02 - 3 draws and a defeat and 03/04- 3 draws. He also informs us that "when you lose 3 games and you don't lose the 4th, it's not too bad" -SO 1 POINT OUT OF 12 IS CONSIDERED NOT TOO BAD. Then we are told that we are going through a difficult period and we have lost 3 games but could have won 3.Yeah and we could have beaten Man U 8.2 at Old Trafford. Good article and other good points made. Walcott talks a good game but rarely delivers. The standards have decreased year by year. Some fans still believe that 4th place would represent a great season. WE ARE BEING MUGGED OFF. I agree with those that have suggested either boycotting matches or making very vocal protests (irrespective of what is happening on the pitch). If people sit there and do nothing , they are in fact accepting the current situation. If it continues at this rate, in a few seasons we really will just be a mid table team. Just because you protest doesn't mean you are not a good fan or are a disloyal one.

  25. EborGooner

    Feb 02, 2012, 17:14 #18106

    Kev, I always like your articles and pretty much agree with everything. I always sided with the AKB's but I'm now beginning to waver. Everyone can see where the squad needs strengthening, except for OGL. The players he picks continue to make the SAME mistakes week in and week out. Where is the coaching for improvement. I actually feel a little sorry for Theo. 6 years at the club and he still needs to improve 1) his crossing (invariably hits first defender), 2) attacking the fullback to the byline and then getting his head up and picking out an Arsenal player in the middle, 3) finishing (panics when has time to think)and 4)defensive duties. It beggars belief that anyone, much less a professional footballer, would not improve if someone coaches them so the conclusion is NOBODY has advised him on any of this. The same could be said of our defenders. Even if not technically gifted they should at least know where they are meant to be, and what they are meant to do. They should also rely on their colleagues to be doing the same. Again we see no evidence of this, or improvement. Sadly Arsene is tarnishing his legacy. Thank you for the Invicibles but it's time for the fat lady to sing

  26. Fozzy

    Feb 02, 2012, 16:30 #18105

    Can't understand it. Where are all the nice AKB comments? What's happened to all the OGL pieces? I have just checked and he Blackbum game is shown as sold out for Saturday so we will get the usual 60,006 figure popping up despite enough room for a barn dance during the match. But loads of seats still available for Newcastle and Villa in March despite tickets being on sale for a while. Come on, all you AKBs, here is your golden opportunity to get behind Weng and Sun Lounger and cheer every woeful miss and unforced error by Walnutt, whilst at the same time enjoy Weng's tactical substitutions when The Ox is pulled off in favour of The Dwarf, a half decent midfielder is banished to Wolves for the rest of the season whilst Rambo gets run into the ground. Finally, to crown it all, when we have failed to score after 85 minutes, MotorCycle gets put up front, a player who is never going to score as long as I have a hole in my arse. You really don't need a crystal ball to predict that lot.

  27. CanadaGooner

    Feb 02, 2012, 16:23 #18104

    @MARC: mate, when you've calmed down and applied some commonsense, it'll be clear to you as day, that Wenger isnt the only problem at Arsenal. As for us being happy to finish 7th, get real: what planet are you on? no arsenal fan's happy with 7th or even 4th; the only difference is that some of us are clever enough to know that boycotting games or praying we lose every game just to force Wenger out isnt going to work (this isnt la la land). The points dropped against bolton, fulham, swansea, wolves, blackburn... are largely Wenger's fault as he seems to have lost interest in managing the team (and his players have also adopted a nonchalant attitude).

  28. GoonerGoal!

    Feb 02, 2012, 16:15 #18103

    Just found out the Victoria Line is KO'd on Saturday, which eliminates my possible attendance. Good! I was really not looking forward to watching us struggling against Blackburn anyway.

  29. CanadaGooner

    Feb 02, 2012, 16:10 #18102

    The Ox can play better than Theo all he wants, it's goals we need, and bad as Theo has been this season he still gets in goal scoring positions (it's his woeful finishing that kills him off). I wont waste my time saying more about the Wenger situation, I think that's an 'open & shut' case: we need to say thank you to him as a club at the end of this season and he needs to go (head held high). Looking at managers like Martin O'neill and the no-nonsense David Moyes, neither will set arsenal alight or win the league, but either can certainly achieve 7th place finish (that's what they've been doing for years), so we might as well switch to one of those two (pay much less in manager's wages), do away with the 'lectures and boring excuses of our professor' (I'm sick and tired of hearing those same droll words 'quality', 'philosophy' and all that crap) and get back to good old football lingo! Not for a minute did I think Arsenal were going to get 3 points at Bolton; next game, home to Blackburn (another draw!). PATHETIC doesnt do it enough justice.

  30. RJ

    Feb 02, 2012, 15:59 #18101

    Danish - how will that motivate the players to win games for the club. I know the cash should be motivation enough, but you can see why the best players want away.

  31. T-boy

    Feb 02, 2012, 15:59 #18100

    I agree with the comments, with the probability of no Champions league football, the uncertainty of RVPs future and no other top names in the team, we would have to offer a lot higher wages in order to bring in these players! Now count the cost of this plus the restructuring of our wage bill to cover current mercenaries ready to knock on the door, the shortfall for not making CL football and waste of money buying cheap, plus the promise from Gazidis for no increase in ST for not making CL... All ads up to shambolic management!!

  32. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 02, 2012, 15:57 #18099

    Kevin most of the lower teams we've played were there for the taking but as we all know players on this team couldn't take a drink of water without ballsing it up again a chance to make a bit of ground but we couldn't take it rvp showed his class and was very unlucky but we can't keep relying on him your right how walcott starts anybody's guess it's certainly not for his crossing becoming a liability if not already there arteta and mert have said small details and not making most of our chances costing us points well guys we know you're only new to the team but we could have told you that three years ago and still it goes on not very long ago it was we'll catch the totts and chelsea now its liverpool and newcastle my god now we have SUNDERLAND and STOKE pushing us for seventh well we're stuck with what we've got now and have to put up with it where it's all going to end is anybody's guess.

  33. Mikey H

    Feb 02, 2012, 15:28 #18097

    Great article. It sums up whats going on. Some fans need to get there heads out of the past and judge Wenger on the past 7 years where we haven't won a trophy and fallen so far behind the top clubs even allowing the spuds to get on top of us. Enough is enough, we are Arsenal Football Club, not a business. As for the Ox coming off again before that waste of space Theo....I think it was a message by Wenger to the fans to say that he is still the boss. The more I watch Per Mertesacker wear the Arsenal shirt the more I feel myself wanting to watch Barnet instead!

  34. Naz

    Feb 02, 2012, 14:45 #18096

    This mismanagement has now reached unbelievable levels and the disrespect being shown to fans is atrocious. It is time for boycotts and protests i think, how else is the management going to understand that this club is not theirs to f**K around with. When the stadium is completely empty then they will see what they have done. Lets be honest people top four is long gone and now it doesn't matter that we have a lot of money... no one of note will come and we will lose our best. F**k Wenger and the board for what they are doing to this club. We will not be back in the top four for at least 5 years now. Im not kidding 5 years at least and thats if were lucky... Only Usmanov can save us now! The damage is done now though so i dont even care anymore... all the blogs and talks about ambition, players etc... all for s**t. The last game i will watch this season with any excitement and energy will be against AC milan, who we might actually beat, but to what end? Do you think that this Arsenal team can challenge Real or Barca for the trophy? Lol Oh how that makes me laugh... We have had management who were happy to take the revenues and willing fans money but unwilling to pay the costs of success and now we are reaping the rewards.. So I will watch the CL because we wont be their for a while but with no hope really. They have taken all of us fans for fools and our apathy and foolhardy optimism meant we sat back and watched as people cashed in on our love for the club while also damaging that which we held so dear. The good news is the damage is done so dropping further from fourth doesn't really bother me (i dont care much for europa league, nor does it attract top talents) it would be a true feat of impossibility if this management was able to get this club relegated... the heartbreak came early this year so at least i can move on and wait for another **** season as an Arsenal fan.

  35. kimo

    Feb 02, 2012, 14:39 #18095

    GREAT article. I'd also like to comment on Wenger's reliance on the lone striker formation. It's simply not direct enough and too easy to defend ... if you are going to use Ramsey in the CAM position. In that role, you need a player who's much more direct and electric ... a true withdrawn striker for lack of a better definition. I'd be fine with giving up some possession for more clear cut direct attacks.

  36. aj

    Feb 02, 2012, 14:15 #18094

    Tony Evans,We're only a cup side if we win a few cups! Where next? Scrapping with Villa,Everton,Newcastle and Stoke for top of the mid-table.Those running the club are sleeping walking into the abyss.Their lack of action and their vacuous words shame our great club.

  37. Bob

    Feb 02, 2012, 14:13 #18093

    Tony, I am not sure this side compares well with the late 70s Arsenal. While its league status might be similar, they reached four cup finals in three years, and actually won one of them. They had four genuinely top-class players in Brady, Stapleton, O'Leary and Jennings - sorry, make that five with Supermac - not just one. They had a nucleus of players who had heart, spirit character - Rice, Talbot, Willie Young and Sunderland among them. In an era where Liverpool and Forest dominated, that team certainly under-achieved. I think we loved them so much more - I know I did - because they were the 'Arsenal' we recognised, and we were not being charged silly money to watch them.

  38. Terenggunner

    Feb 02, 2012, 14:11 #18092

    If Wenger continues with his policy of starting with and playing Walcott for 90 minutes regardless, then l wouldn't bet on us beating Blackburn. l've not seen a player paid 90k per week who missed an absolute sitter failed to show any sign of sorry nor remorse.Wake up Wenger and give a chance to others who are prepare to sweat blood for the team to play!

  39. Ron

    Feb 02, 2012, 14:09 #18091

    2 things guys: Ive always thought Walcott was a gesture buy i.e bought when Wenger was getting heavy press/media stick for being anti brit. This is why the tolerance of his moderate efforts has lasted for so long? 2. Wengers not daft. He knows this sqaud is as weak as pee water. Perhaps with CL gone, its a case of making sure the dreaded EL goes too by finishing low enough to avoid it to enable a rebuild under Wenger or AN Other untroubled by having to check out venues in Eastern Europe on an atlas?

  40. kainan

    Feb 02, 2012, 14:09 #18090

    i have been an avid reader of onlinegooner.com, this is my 4th year now, we have had comments, some factual, some funny and some bitter. i have been an arsenal fan since 1997, i hail from Kenya in East Africa. am still an arsenal fan,a frustrated one to say the least. we have been having average players when we could be having better players, the youth policy is now evident that it is a fallacy, beacuse they haven't won us a cup, even the carling cup. this was suppose to be the season we would be challenging the premier league, but we have been reduced to 'will be finish top 4 or not', it started with winning the league, then we settle to number 2, then chelsea came, we were relagated to number three, then number four, now we are debating the 4th sport, with mancity, totenham entering the fray. i need the editor to clarify whether this comments are read by the board or any staff member in the arsenal administrative inner cycle, if not, then the rants and emotions are are drowning in the amniotic fluid of the arrogance and inconsiderate tendencies exhibited by the board and the manager. for our views to be heard, both the AKB and AMG should join hands and boycott a match, just one match so that the owners should know that for 7 good seasons, the trophy cabinet has been gathering gigantic dust that is choking up the once passion the fans had, only this, will heads turn, only this, will we stop depending on a 19 year old, knowing that he is physically immature, to play 30 games consistently without getting fatigue, only this will we have two or three players in each position, one that of class and the other from the so called youth system that has only produced one player that is considered of class, wilshere. so are the fans ready to pass a massage to the board by boycotting a match?better late than never.

  41. Simon

    Feb 02, 2012, 13:49 #18089

    As for the unspent money in the bank - will that now be used to make up for the loss of Champions League income??

  42. Gooner4life

    Feb 02, 2012, 13:37 #18088

    Perfect article! Walcot cant cross the ball in air , cant produce consistent cross in ground, cant shoot the ball before goal post , cant score in 1 to 1 situation !! So which premiership team has such player in starting 11 ? Ramsey cant finish the moves made by the team and AW wants him to play him for full 90mins in all games. Both the centre backs arent good in defending air balls. And with defects in all positions , we fans can keep dreaming about trophies!And would be very happy if players stop heroic media interviews after one win.Great players speak in the pitch not in media.Praying god that rosicky , arshavin, almunia ,squallichi should be sold on summer window.But we cant stop RVP moving away too!Unless AW accepts mistake ,stops defending players and pointing referees We wont win any trophies!sorry to say , but this is the fact.

  43. lee armitt

    Feb 02, 2012, 13:31 #18087

    If they don't come Saturday well they are not real supporters.real fans go no matter how the team is doing.#arsenalforlife


    Feb 02, 2012, 13:26 #18086


  45. Peter Wain

    Feb 02, 2012, 13:26 #18085

    Totally agree. the two yanls running the club should go back to America. When no director goes to away games what kind of message does that send. Wehn the owner of the club cones only once or twice a year what interest is that. When the manager repeatedl;y refuses to strengthen a weak squad what messgae does that send One striker that is all we have and he will be gone by the start of next season. We may have qualified for the CL for the last 14 years but we will not qualifiy for the next 24 years unless things change.

  46. Gee

    Feb 02, 2012, 13:23 #18084

    Pay Mourinho £10m a year and he will get us back on track. for a start he will clear out all the dross and instill tactical awareness in the players. An actual "system" if you will. Knowing what to do without the ball. We are average at best at the moment and every year we have a player out crippled for the entire campaign this isn't just bad luck it's pony training methods that wenger enforces

  47. Stevesam

    Feb 02, 2012, 13:19 #18083

    There are continuous comments regarding the Board making decisions. In theory there is a Board but in practice only one man makes the very importnat decisions. The majority shareholder. If he had total control we would be deeper in the ****. Thankfully Usmanov prevents the Yank from milking the club. The only hope we have is Usmanov & Dein.

  48. Jekyll

    Feb 02, 2012, 13:18 #18082

    Perhaps the club has decided that the investment needed to make the top 4 isn't worth it. Perhaps they feel the cash that would need to be spent would outweigh the income from the CL. This would explain the lack of purchases in January. You can certainly imagine Kroenke thinking like that- profit making mediocrity is the way at his other sports franchises - and the manager being blind and arrogant enough to go along with it because he thinks his genius will get us there anyway.

  49. Joe S.

    Feb 02, 2012, 13:11 #18081

    Hope the "Arsene Knows Best" banners are flying at the next home game, I think they will probably be more effective in rubbing embarasment into already fragile wounds than the booing.Imagine having to stare at the stupid things when yoor team has already lost eight games and counting.Seriously you know thing are bad when even websites such as Arseblog and Clockenders which have tried to generally remain positive are finding it ever more difficult not to vent rheir frustration. The question is as always; Why have things been allowed to disintergrate season by season without lessons being learnt?

  50. Dan h

    Feb 02, 2012, 13:08 #18080

    First week in february & we look at must win games already.Saturday against Blackburn falls into that category.It seems every time we have had a chance to put pressure on Chelsea in 4th we have come up short.Look at the first team stats RVP 19 league goals apart.The other regular widemen Gervinho 4,Walcott 3,AA 1.Midfielders Arteta 3(no problem there) Ramsey 1,Song 1.TV has missed half the season 3.Sobering reading as for back up strikers Chamakh 1.Very fair write up Kev.

  51. Lev Bronshtein

    Feb 02, 2012, 12:29 #18079

    Last night was a terrible result. It is bad when Rosicky is a first team regular. Without RVP Arsenal would be mixing it with Sunderland, Stoke etc. I cant blame him if he wanted to leave for a club with more ambition/trophies. He is nearer his career end. I cant see 4th spot but at the same time the standard of the EPL has declined. L'pool and Chelsea havent got their act together so there is hope. Wenger is frustrating but the best man for the job. Arsenal are trying to make the club financially sustainable but that is probabaly a 5-10 year plan. I can understand that. The other teams will soon follow the same financial plan as Arsenal. Arsenal's aim is CL football knock out every year with a domestic cup, a bonus. Although I dont think they publish/admit that for obvious reasaons. I think this analysis is reflected in the palyers they sign and the wages they pay. I think we have to live with that sad analysis.

  52. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Feb 02, 2012, 12:25 #18078

    When Wenger took over he inherited the legacy left by GG. He had a top goalkeeper, best defence in the world and more importantly a club that was used to winning trophies and had players with a never say die work ethic and attitude. What on earth will Wengers succesor inherit. A poor team used to selling their best players that can't defend and collaspe under the slightest pressure. Add to that a culture where failure is rewarded by huge contracts (starting with the manager) and a youth system that doesnt produce players. Brilliant. There's only one Arsene Wenger!!

  53. AFCIC

    Feb 02, 2012, 12:16 #18077

    We as Arsenal supporters have been sold a lie and unfortunately we have all bought into it. We think we are supporting our football club but we are actualling bankrolling a money making excercise, albeit a very good one. Seventh place is where you happily sit after four games NOT in Febuary. Someone needs to be held acountable, if Wenger has been given money and won't spend then he must go, but if it's the board that are holding back the cash and letting Wenger take the fall then they must go. But someone has to pay and I don't mean us fans.

  54. GoonerGoal!

    Feb 02, 2012, 12:15 #18076

    1 point from 12 and currently 7th, eh? Can anybody still really believe that "Arsene knows..."? The situation has been totally predictable since day 1 of this season. And the worry is, what next? We will struggle to get more than 3 points from our next four matches Blackburn(H), Sunderland(A), Spurs(H), and Liverpool(A). I see 8th or 9th place approaching fast! As for the FA Cup, we should all pray we get Middlesborough because the thought of this lot facing a resurgent Sunderland on a freezing February evening makes March onwards look increasingly bleak. But wait, I forgot the Champions League.. Ha! Ha! Ha!

  55. Half Full

    Feb 02, 2012, 12:03 #18075

    I feel that there is a pattern emerging when we play the weaker teams away. We play well for half an hour in the first half but fail to take our chances. We get steadily worse as the second half progresses and end up on the ropes for the last 20 minutes. Last night Bolton looked the more likely winners in the final stages. We're told that our players couldn't put in the effort for 90 minutes because they had a day less to recover from their previous match/ they've played a lot of games recently. Yet against Man U we seemed to find more energy in the second half. Puzzling. But also very worrying when we're not even two thirds of the way through the season and have difficult Cup games ahead of us. How does Arsene inject the oomph needed to get us into fourth place? I fear St Totteringham may not appear to the faithful this year.

  56. Gooner SA

    Feb 02, 2012, 11:27 #18074

    Had the chances to win but poor result. God forbid we sign Yelavic for £6m like Everton did and where's the left back Wenger? WLTP!

  57. Stevesam

    Feb 02, 2012, 11:21 #18073

    Firstly, welcome back Sagna, my MoM, proved he is still the top right back in the PL. Kevin, I agree with everything you have stated, Walcott has not improved in five years. To call him a striker is an offence against the Trade Description Act ! Until AW offloads members of the 'Project' that are surplus to requirements - Diaby,Bendtner,Vela,Denilson,Alumnia, Flappy,Djourou,Gibbs and Wally we shall not make any big signings. I believe it would be difficult to give them away ! Did AW say ' not to find a left back and lose points would be negligent ' I believe playing Santos in Greece was Gross Negligence. At any of the big clubs in Europe, AW would have been shown the door at the end of January. It's all about profit and the'Self Sustainable Business model'

  58. BringBackDene

    Feb 02, 2012, 11:08 #18072

    Good article Kevin. I did not see the match only listned on radio. It sounded the same routine as usual, good for 20 mins then we lose interest an ideas. This has been true for several seasons and all opossition teams know this. But this season we cannot outscore teams with only one striker and have been found out. Forget 4th we will finish mid table.

  59. Pa Poontang

    Feb 02, 2012, 11:07 #18071

    There are certainly paralles with Arsene's time at Monaco - but he was sacked there, wasn't he ? There are quite a few reasons why Arsenal are struggling and Arsene is answerable for most of them. Arsene, himself, has too much patience, trust and faith in his players. I'm hoping that Arsene will wake up tomorrow as a more ruthless, ambitious man to save our season ( as well as his job ! ).

  60. Rob

    Feb 02, 2012, 11:05 #18070

    People berated GG with the - false - tag of boring, declining football as his legacy. It was that way but only for the last 18 months or so of his tenure and even then we still put together terrific Cup runs. This current side has been and is in boring decline for at least three years and counting. I just don't enjoy seeing us play anymore. Last night looked like what it was - the meeting of two struggling teams. When I have seen Jelaic play for Rangers he's looked decent. Scores goals in Scottish football. David Moyes plainly thinks he's worth a punt. And does anyone seriously think he'll do less for Everton than Park or Chamakh for us ?? We could have gone for him and he would have been a neat compliment to RvP. But no. Wenger knows it all doesn't he ? With his 1500 games as he constantly reminds us. He can't be gainsaid. But then Moyes has a fair few number of games to his credit to. The prospect of one more year of Wenger - at least - and no RvP next season fills me with more gloom than I can take.

  61. aws

    Feb 02, 2012, 11:04 #18069

    I would not worry too much about playing in the Europa League. There is a very good chance that we will finish outside of the top six. The problem is not years of squad underfunding; the problem is years of buying fourth rate players for too much money. Wenger has not spent too little money - just spent it on the wrong players.

  62. Tom

    Feb 02, 2012, 10:58 #18068

    Absolutely ridiculous article. We were on top for some of the first half and all of the second half in that match. You were lucky to walk away with a point. A penalty decision was not given on the Mertersacker foul and i honestly feel sorry for Van Persie.. As the joke goes.. Who can carry 10 mugs but no cups? RVP

  63. Charles

    Feb 02, 2012, 10:50 #18067

    Ramsey has scored 1 goal in 20 premier league matches this season from the main attacking midfield position.

  64. Unbeaten 03/04

    Feb 02, 2012, 10:41 #18066

    I thought we had a good game since I was expecting us to lose! Why so far no Arsenal board member or Arsene came forward and explain clearly the decline or let fans to put questions to him directly!

  65. Sasha (Croatia)

    Feb 02, 2012, 10:22 #18065

    Missing out on the Champions league next season (which now seems very likely) doesn’t spell disaster for our club. What will definitely spell disaster for AFC will be if Wenger is still around in August!!

  66. allybear

    Feb 02, 2012, 10:20 #18064

    Good article Kevin but you are not harsh enough. Walcott is a waste of space but as i have said on numerous occasions this is a reflection on the manager who is so stubborn it drives me mad. I want Wenger out as he is destroying the club i love for 40yrs. A weak squad and a weak manager&board,what a load of rubbish!

  67. JohnB

    Feb 02, 2012, 10:01 #18063

    What has Theo to do to get dropped? Apart from a few minutes in the Villa match, his displays have been shocking. He would have been dropped long ago at any other club. As the editor says it will be a very sad day if the club give in to his wage demands.

  68. Danish Gooner

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:59 #18062

    Make a stand, stay away on saturday or make it loudly clear that Wenger is unwanted.

  69. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:57 #18061

    Go and f*ck off to Sp*rs, you dont support Arsena.....just joking, just joking! I couldn't help myself. I am still giddy from moving from the most iconic stadium in the world to one of the most bland, sterile bowl's I have ever had the displeasure to set eyes on, to watch the decline of Arsene the great one and to see the board slowly but surely turn this club into the laughing stock of English football. Fun times.

  70. MARC

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:54 #18060


  71. mark from aylesbury

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:52 #18059

    Cant help but think there is a hierachy issue with the substitutions. Is this something from the French business model where people dont move companies and a strict pecking order is maintained. Whatever it is, boy this needs a shake-up. God the man needs to go. Wenger has become complicit with the board all loyal to each other and increasingly mediocre. I note that Gazidis shot his mouth off in the press about Man City being jealous of us. Where did the old Arsenal go where action on the pitch mattered rather than pathetic boasting. A sad time for us all.

  72. RJ

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:46 #18057

    Did we expect anything different from a cold night in the North. I did - I expected us to lose - so well done the Gooners for scrabbling a point. And a clean sheet. I am not saying that this is good enough, just to be expected. Key is Saturday and making sure we get three points against Blackburn. Please my fellow Gooners (those that turn up - the others, good luck to you but blame the atnmosphere at the Emirates on no-one but yourselves) sing up for the boys this Saturday - they are going to need it. Even if you can't find it in you to sing up, please don't boo. As The Bloke Behind Me says "It's not the boy's fault - he can't help being s***, it's Wenger's fault for picking him).

  73. Oxy-Moron

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:46 #18056

    There is no better indicator of the decline than the fact that a mere 12 months ago, you would look for the ManUre and Chelski results. Now, the teams of relevant interest are Liverpool and Newcastle. Defend that one AKB's. And, note to Ed - appreciate that this was probably written while burning the midnight oil, but Theo, number 23? really?

  74. SilverGooner

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:44 #18055

    Fully agree with your comments at the end of the 4th paragraph about Fergie also buying poor players but doing something about it. And therein is the crux of the problem -quite simply there are not enough quality players in our squad to produce the kind of football that Wenger wants us to play. Compared to the Invincibles squad, we are woefully inferior. Sadly, little is being done to rectify matters and the decision not to bring in a striker in January is extraordinary. But hey, never mind, Chamakh is coming back ealry from the ACN. You couldn't make it up could you?!

  75. Esso

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:41 #18054

    The tone of this review is much healthier and made it worth reading. Thank you.

  76. Will

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:40 #18053

    Fair comment Kev, I have posted before that we are a decent midtable side. The slide has been going on for several seasons. You could argue that Wenger has overachieved and papered over the cracks. What really galls me is not the crazy substitutions or the unfathomable loyalty to Walcot but the silence of the board. Where is the direction, where is the dialogue with the fans. It seems like the club is in denial hoping for Wenger to produce a miracle. But I think most fans on this site at least know Arsenal's situation is terminal and Wenger has lost his mojo. I feel sorry for Wenger his prognostications seem more and more deluded. The board need to be honest is there money to invest ? What do they intend to do about the crisis in front of them ? At the moment its shuffling deckchairs around the titanic.

  77. John Abrehart

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:37 #18051

    Editor, you did not mention Aaron Ramsey. I was at the match and have not seen a more inept displayfrom an Arsenal midfielder for a long time. With a war chest of £50, and with the club's world wide scouting network, surely there is a player out there somewhere that could provide that spark and missing creativity? We have not replaced Cesc with anyone to provide that killer pass that was so needed last night. In any case, when Jack returns we will need that player to provide rotation/back up for injury? I am very dissapointed that nothing was done in at least short term about the left back position. Let's see how Wayne Bridge performs against us in the possibly two games coming up against Sunderland.

  78. lance (south africa)

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:36 #18050

    Ramsey and Walcott are the weak link in the side. They should be dropped and let Rosicky & Coquelin come into the startin 11. Rosicky got a bit of form going in the Manu & Villa game then gets dropped by Wenger.Ramsey and Walcott are awful. Gervinho needs to return soon. Please dont give Walcott a new contract.

  79. dando

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:34 #18049

    Good article, agree with you that the Ox is currently playing better than Theo. We are one RVP injury away from disaster. Thank god for Arteta. We should have given away Denilson, Almunia, Bentner et al just to get their wages off the books and then be in a position to re-structure the pay scale. Walcott is not worth more than a cost of living rise. Don't want to be the doom merchant but I can see us missing out on Europe altogether the biggest consequence of which is that no-one of note will join us even if we changed the habit of the last 15 years and waved the chequebook. We have not replaced quality with quality and as a result we have gone from needing 1 quality player to seriously challenge to needing 5. Like many of you I have seen worse teams in the red and white but we didn't have the highest gate prices either, we did wave the cheque book and broke british records (Ball & MacDonald) and we were never told that a move away from Highbury would provide the funds to continually challenge for the title. Having moved to Oz in the early nineties I have never been to the Emirates but can clearly remember 30k crowds at Highbury with more atmosphere than comes across on the tv now. I can also remember bad runs but we never booed, not even after the match was over. We did however have a board that knew when to change the manager. They acted to bring Wenger in, They should act again to bring in his successor at the end of the season. That is when to judge the manager..just ask Arsene.

  80. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:34 #18048

    We are sitting on a mountain of cash while we are looking at finishing outside of the top 4

  81. oopnorfgooner

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:31 #18047

    Good post, honest and to the point. Theo needs 'something'. I don't know what, but he has lost his mojo. The Ox, hmmmm, just hope that we don't expect too much. let's be brutally honest, he has 'faded' in his last two starts, Physically he is strong, but that concentration for a full 90+ minutes takes it out of you, and you can see that in the latter stages. But I agree, he is a 'breath of fresh attacking options'. Just one last point regards Le Boss... I am and always will be an Arsene fan, he doe know best! However, I would absolutely love the following scenario; AW moves into the Director of Football at Arsenal, we bring in Frank Rijkaard and his coaching team to work with the best of what AW leaves in situ. Other than that, I will continue to support our team, thru whatever comes our way. Big dream? We might win the european cup this season, who knows??? Thanks for reading, Come on Arsenal!!!!

  82. Pat O'Cake

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:30 #18046

    This season is a result of years of squad under-funding. This is Wengers fault entirely and he needs to leave immediately. His lies and smoke-screens dont wash any more. He is a joke of a manager and we are a joke of a mid-table team. The day after the transfer window shuts, we announce Wilshere's extended injury. Nice timing. Now there is no pressure on the manager to buy anyone because he cant. Any other top club would have assessed Wilshere a few days earlier and brought in an adequate replacement. But you see, we are not a top club any more and it hurts like hell. Them lot over the road are way ahead of us and I await the inevitable beating from them in a few weeks, thus confirming their superiority. I WANT MY ARSENAL BACK.

  83. Pradeep Kachhala

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:29 #18045

    Perfectly summed up - compare our 2006 side to the current one - as that was the first season we started our trophy drought. The 2006 side is superior, the club has declined slowly and this is the fault of the board and the coaching staff. New ideas and investment needed in the summer -

  84. Nalle Pooh

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:29 #18044

    Straight to the point. Couldn't agree more. What is different now compared to the days with Vieira, Bergkamp, Pires, Henry (of old), Campbell? The new stadium. What's the use of a new state-of-the-art stadium if the quality of the football is mediocre? I don't get it. If AFC wants to be a top club, fighting for honours every year, then start figuring out what it takes. The path currently chosen is obviously the wrong one.

  85. Happy Dave

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:29 #18043

    Do not rule out losing to Blackburn. I have viewed it a very possible banana skin for weeks. They are playing well regardless of their position, and thay are fighting for survival and their manager. Watch this space.

  86. GoonerRon

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:21 #18042

    We concede goals and you are all over the players and management for not focusing on defending properly. We keep a clean sheet and suddenly your attention turns to our lack of goals. Now, I totally agree with a lot of your points, Kevin, but you cannot fail to acknowledge your editorials often lack balance.

  87. ALFI

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:14 #18041

    This is really a Good article. Sometimes dear Kevin I wish you can be more ruthless just to express our deep frustration from what is happening. Hello 7th place ! we missed you !

  88. Tony Evans

    Feb 02, 2012, 9:10 #18040

    We now resemble Arsenal teams from the past. We are a cup team much like Terry Neil's side in the late 70's. On our day and with a fair wind we can beat the really top sides, but there is no consistancy. Not what was promised when we moved from Highbury and no wonder so many of us are disgusted with the decline in quality players which are required to challenge for the title. We are slowly turning in to the Spuds! Christ what an awful thought.

  89. Van de Ed

    Jan 11, 2012, 22:09 #16785

    Besides the odd addition of a player or 2 in key areas, these players are in desperate need of more coaching etc. Our play from set pieces leaves a lot to be desired. We can't score from corners & freekicks but concede a lot from set plays against us. Our strikers/midfielders can't shoot accurately from outside the box (bar Arteta, only once all season so far) to save their lives but screamers from long range have been our undoing too often recently! Need I continue...Le Boss is living on borrowed time!!!

  90. Gee

    Jan 11, 2012, 12:42 #16770

    The way things stand, we are set to announce another enormous profit of around £35m later this year. We made a profit on transfers in the summer plus we are due around £25m cash from some extra property developments on queensland road. All this will make the bank balance unbelievably healthy, but that isn't going to earn us points for 4th place or higher. The squad as it stands is fully deserving of its 5th place in the league, 2 points behind Chelsea. After tonight it could be confirmed that 4th is now a 3-horse race between us, Chelsea and Liverpool as Spurs could be 9 points clear of us by 10pm. I am still fully convinced that the bungled dealings in the summer are at the root of where we are right now. And we have also not learned the lessons from this as we are still looking at elasto-plast cheap signings when we have £50m in the kitty. Mark my words if we finish lower than 4th Wenger and the Board can have no complaints as they have created the environment we are in...

  91. Colonel Mustard

    Jan 11, 2012, 9:47 #16768

    God, I thought it was tragic Henry scored. Wegner has lost his way so bad this is what we are reduced to, celebrating like children that Henry has bleesed us again because of Wegners inept management. Henrys false humility grates anyways. always had. genius yes but this PR stunt better not be the limit of Wegners and Gazidis ambition for january. but they are ambitionless anyways.

  92. Jeff M

    Jan 10, 2012, 23:13 #16760

    I can certainly think of a proven striker that's available, would be the right price, is not cup tied for the CL and loves the club...Mr Thierry Henry. Why not? Offer the Red Bulls a decent fee, sign him for two years (Dennis played until 37) with the promise of a coaching role at the end of it. Go on Arsene you know it makes sense!

  93. CanadaGooner

    Jan 10, 2012, 22:25 #16757

    2CT Gooner: I agree that Chamakh wont be able to create for himself, but then, my previous comments (last week) were that our defence isnt as bad as people make out, what we need is a strong midfield and a finisher (plus RVP) - so, if we get a good passer of the ball as you rightly stated above (similar to when we had Fab), Chamakh can definitely score. The problem with Theo has nothing to do with the quality of the service he receives, he wasnt scoring when Fab was laying it on a plate and he wont be scoring regardless of who lays it on a plate for him - he's simply a very poor finisher (and lacks confidence in front of goal), if we get a second out-and-out finisher, walcott can have a role for sure (as an overlapping winger, which he's not so bad at).

  94. CT Gooner

    Jan 10, 2012, 21:06 #16753

    Must say I'm not too sure how our new temporary #12 will be in the premiership, he looked slow and almost as chubby as Santos, even through those Rose coloured glasses we were all wearing! But come on Canada, if Theo's not good enough (which I agree with, especially watching AOC performance last night) why do you think Chamakh is? I remember him scoring a few goals when RVP was hurt , but that's when we had midfielders capable of opening up defenses with superb passing and give and gos, I don't see him being able to create for himself like RVP.

  95. Dan h

    Jan 10, 2012, 17:45 #16748

    We could do with a few more goals from midfield to take the pressure off RVP.TH coming back will also just on reputation alone make opponents wary it could open up space for others.Canada Gooner i agree with regards strikers coming in & hitting the ground running it's not easy.Torres & Carroll look devoid of confidence but to me Suarez would have been a fantastic player for us his movement alone would have fitted into our system.We seem to be linked with another player called Suarez that plays for Anderlecht but it seems that may just be a rumour for the summer & not this window Argentinian striker that can also play out wide.

  96. CanadaGooner

    Jan 10, 2012, 16:54 #16746

    Simon, RVP getting injured isnt the issue here - he wont score in every game regardless. Liverpool spent 60million or so on Suarez and Carroll and they aint getting bagfuls of goals for it. it's a tricky business and confidence, regular play and motivation comes into it. I cant think of an out-and-out striker available in the January window that Arsenal would be able to buy. What Wenger needs to do is decide which players he wants to play week in week out in the premiership and stick with them and perhaps a little motivation from the 6 weeks Henry's here will help. The alternative is to go out there like liverpool and chelsea did with suarez, carroll and torres, spend millions and fare no better than we're doing now. I have no doubt that if they get to play consistently (and get an arm around their shoulder 'arry style) gervinho, chamakh and ramsay will start scoring. Walcott is the only lost cause, he cant get any better, he's just not a striker period.

  97. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 10, 2012, 16:43 #16744

    Your right simon we definitely need another striker along with one or two other additions as i said in reply to the editors piece if it wasn't for henry we would be facing a very tricky replay at elland road would loved to have seen what henry would have done with some of the chances arshavin and co had last night was any even on target henry got us out of jail last night against a poor team if henry hits form now and starts scoring and i sure hope he does that will probably be it like you asked what happens when henry goes back? well its back to square one relying on rvp.

  98. Jeff

    Jan 10, 2012, 14:45 #16740

    What happens when Henry goes?RVP will get injured.And we are left will Chamakh and Park.But our profits will be good.So not all bad news