Spin Spin Spin

Are Arsenal football’s version of New Labour?

Spin Spin Spin

Here to make the fans happy

Almost New Labouresque in its opaque and spin-orientated self-delusion (to give him the benefit of the doubt as I would not wish to use more abusive terms), AW is reported to have just come out with these gems

“The fact that we have never been in this position is rather a credit to me in 16 years so I do not take that as blame. I take that as fantastic consistency, and that is the most difficult thing at the top level.”

So, after upping sticks and making the trip over to Ashburton in order to “remain competitive with the larger clubs”, we are now supposed to accept the current situation as a positive, and never mind the fact that we are in the lowest-ever position at this stage of a campaign (and with the more than likely scenario of not achieving CL football by the end of the season).

Rather than seeing it as further evidence of the ever-increasing rate of our decline, we should actually see it as triumphantly emphasising the consistency previously achieved by the man. All hail AW for the past! Don’t look to the future; it’s bleak, mate. We should emphasise the positives, even if they only relate to the past, but P.S. y’all, please keep paying the highest comparative prices in the world – after all, we’ve got a looming self-sustainability problem to address if you cease to come and TV decides to focus elsewhere.

Nothing to the effect that he is so very disappointed that, like a constellation that’s dying in the corner of the sky (apologies to Paul Simon), we are slowly moving out of contention for a Champions League place, and that this was the least the fans would have expected - given that the same larger clubs with whom we announced that we wished to remain competitive back in the earliest years of the century can also point to the same consistency… as well as a few trophies to boot

“I believe we played 15 years on the trot in the Champions League, and we play in ten days in the last 16 of the Champions League. We want to come back in the Champions League position in the league, we want to prepare properly for the next round of the FA Cup and I wish that in the next 16 years it will be exactly the same for the club and that the fans will be happy.

I am here to make all of the fans happy and when I do not manage to do it I am, of course, not happy. But what is most important is that we have our fans happy at the end of the season.”

Put simply, we won’t be, mate! We were not “happy” last May (when you asked us to judge you, annually now) and the mood of mutiny increases with each game that passes and now also with much of what you seem to utter these days.

Of course you and we both want to come back in the CL etc, etc. Thanks for telling us that in case we didn’t know (seriously). Personally, I want to stop paying taxes, a huge pay increase, experience 0% inflation, get the best health care, and all other Government-provided services. But it ain’t going to happen, and, more importantly, how realistic is it? Words are easy. Results and actions make the real statement of intent.

On the point of realistic, I note that he mentions nothing about the trophies won in the last 16 years, and wonder if that is because he actually is being realistic and so wouldn’t have been able to add “I wish that in the next 16 years it will be exactly the same for the club and that the fans will be happy” if he had also referred to the trophies. As with politicians, maybe it’s what AW didn’t say on this one that actually “says” it all.

“It depends what you call a crisis of results. We lost three games, and then the confidence drops a little bit. But overall, we have shown a great response against Aston Villa where we came back with a fantastic 3-2 win and I feel that on Wednesday night we deserved to win the game.”

A fantastic response?? We were 2–0 down at half-time with a lacklustre display of relatively yawn-inspiring insipidness that made me think ‘are some players actually trying to get him sacked?’

“Overall, I feel this team is strong mentally with a good spirit and attitude. We are ready for a fight and that is the most important thing.”

Mentally strong, mentally strong???? More than any other single piece of throw-away comment that escapes his thought process and converts itself into words that are then processed into print, this comment winds me up and has, after one too many utterances, finally “inspired” this piece. You can see this rubbish comment directly following way too many performances of similar description, and where the polar opposite is more than transparent. One has to ask ‘is the man blind or just refusing to see the obvious?’ Arseblog has commented on its use by him several times.

Does AW use it to mock us now, or is it the journos he mocks? Personally, I think it is his self-deluded retort to the pundits who, quite rightly, point out our brittleness and mental fragility - something that has always bubbled under the surface of AW teams, even the Invincibles. Look at the reaction at Selhurst Park after the 2-0 defeat at Old Trafford, and the following games.

Either way, he is just storing up anger and ill-feeling with his methods, his refusal to change, and his refusal to acknowledge that things are so way off from where they should be, and then just to make a real impact he pours metaphorical aviation fuel onto an incendiary bomb of a situation. Clearly, he feels immune from any action from the Board.

AW = a fantastic first-half reign. He is, however, unable to change or adapt as the game has done. Nor is he prepared, really, to do anything differently. I believe it is said that the definition or demonstration of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome? I am not suggesting he is insane, rather that he is simply so stubborn or unaware that his actions are beginning to make him appear so.

There is no doubt whatsoever now in my mind that AW will not achieve anything further with the club during his remaining time (I mean positive achievements). Let’s hope the decline is just for the second half of what was his reign, and does not become a continuing decline over two-thirds of the eventual reign, as his legacy is still huge and to see it being dragged down is unseemly and not right.

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  1. Nick

    Feb 09, 2012, 14:17 #18431

    To "the font" your assertion that we have never bought superstars is false going right back to the days of Tommy Lawton through Alan Ball ,Malcolm Mcdonald, to Dennis Bergkamp and Marc Overmars, we do have a history of signing big name players, even Terry Neil brought in Pat Jennings ,Steve Williams and Tony Woodcock, all big name players in their day and George Graham spent big on Ian Wright and of course there was Kenny Sansom and going right back again George Eastham, so before you rubbish what someone says get your facts straight, oh and a ps for those that keep saying the club is as poor as a church mouse, we figured no 5 in the list of the richest clubs in the world again, behind only the spanish giants manure and Bayern Munich,yet we are consistently out bid or out priced of signings by the likes of liverpool and the spuds, (who incidentaly are not even in the top ten )while our board and manager and a selection of overvalued players get wealthier at our expense, so i for one do not think it unreasonable to ask for just one marquee signing, and 3 or 4 others of reasonable proportions, to bolster our squad and keep the likes of R.V.P happy by showing a statement of INTENT!!!

  2. Mandy Dodd

    Feb 08, 2012, 17:08 #18378

    a bit heavy on the racial stereotyping there Ron? Think any surviving members of the French resistance or the Free French Army may take a bit of issue with you, to name but a couple of examples

  3. Ron

    Feb 08, 2012, 15:20 #18372

    Clubs and football is all about 'spin' isnt it? Wengers good at it but hes been lucky, as a great many of our fans have took his utterances as gospel for many years. We ve all been there havent we guys? I think the boss has just run out of steam really. It happens. Party's and politicians dont 'lose' elections, they just get tired, predictable, fall prey to infighting and eventually lose their energy and appeal to the point where any alternative is percieved as being 'better'. I think Wenger has just done this. Hes long been more Director than Coach and its caught up with him. Hes right on 'consistency' though. In the drab, corrupted modern game where 4th is 'success', hes been successful. He never made the rules. Hes delivered to his Board. Unfortunately, time has caught up. The normally mundane, irrelavant but heavy spender type Clubs ie the Spuds and the Toon in the EPL are right in his wing mirrors and in fact overtaking him now, laughing manically and giving him the 'one finger salute'. The moans about financial doping going on at City and SW6 are now old hat and irrelavant. The nets closing on him.Sadly, Wenger cuts a figure of a man brow beaten, harried, hassled and at odds with the World as his grand scheme is being dismantled much to his chagrin. Its sad to see for me, but my perception of him has changed now for the worse. What do Frenchmen do when theyre pushed back hard and heavily? They run and hide and squeal. Its in their genes. Once the romanticism of their aura has been cracked, their whole edifice crumbles quickly. Its happened to Wenger. He ll leave in the Summer. Im firmly of that view. What follows? Ive no idea but Arsenes boat is in and primed to steam away, im sure. Thanks for the memories AW but doing what youre doing is sabotaging your entire legacy and history. Very, very sad indeed. If all of us supporters are wrong, you and the Board should tell us why, show us your colours if ot your money. You may yet get redemption if you do. Are any of you brave enough? I suspect not.

  4. Dave

    Feb 08, 2012, 13:34 #18363

    Tony Evans - I couldnt have put that better myself, describes exactly how me and other fellow Gooners feel (I know for a fact), time for change.

  5. SilverGooner

    Feb 08, 2012, 13:06 #18358

    Interesting our 7-1 demolition of Blackburn on Saturday has been unable to mask the fact that so many fans are just sick and tired of what is going on at the club. Wenger, Gazidis and the Board really need to get a grip on this groundswell of discontent - and fast. The fact is that we are very unlikely to qualify for the CL next season. I wonder if Arsene and Ivan are already working on the spin for that scenario!

  6. Ichi_1

    Feb 08, 2012, 11:29 #18347

    @The Font: "with wenger at the helm would you bet on spurs to finish above us for the next 15 years no you would not deep down i bet you would not even bet on them finishing above us this year" They're ten points clear. You are on a whole other scale of delusion if you think we're going to finish above Spurs this season. And to the people who are still banging that same drum about Chelsea and City buying titles, well that's the way it is, get over it. We either accept that we need to spend or drop down the table. Noone is asking us to go and splash out money we don't have but it is nothign short of criminal to charge us the prices they do and then not spend the money to improve the team. We won't finish in the top four this season. We just won't. Every year we drop off around March time and this year will be no different. We'll be lucky to finish 5th. Newcastle, Liverpool and Spurs don't have the cashflow we do so why in the hell are we so far behind Spurs and in serious danger of finishing below the other two? RVP will leave end of the season, we won't be able to attract decent signings because we'll have no CL football and we'll be worse off than when Wenger took over. It's going to be so bad that Denilson will come back into the side.

  7. Rob

    Feb 08, 2012, 10:49 #18344

    Good post Mark. And entirely fair - specifically in it's conclusions. Any 'mental strength' on display at the Emirates these days comes from the fans rather than the players. As for Arsene, he is simply delusional. Can Bouldy save him - and us - if, as suggested, he becomes Assistant Manager next season ? Given where and how we will finish this time around, I would doubt it.

  8. chris dee

    Feb 08, 2012, 9:06 #18343

    Arsene has the same attitude as the board to the fans,he thinks we are children or just stupid. Be happy with what you've got ,we know best ,you naughty people just go stand in the corner and be quiet.That's their take on the fans disquiet. But the board should cast their minds back to the sixties when after 13 years without a trophy the fans showed they were not taking any more condescending s**t from the board when only 4000 supporters turned up a home match with Leeds. As for Arsene infuriatingly refering to the players having 'mental strength' and 'ready for a fight' ,doesn't he realise we have seen to many surrenders and mistakes in the last 6 years to laugh at such blatant b******t. When we win a match after scoring in the first five minutes against a top club and withstand an onslaught for the rest of the match,then I'll beleive in mental strength.We have lost to many games after taking the lead for Arsene to take the mickey out of fans with politician- like soundbites.

  9. Tony Evans

    Feb 08, 2012, 8:48 #18342

    Mandy - I admire your staunch defence of Wenger but with respect I think you are missing the point of most of the negative comments on this site. All this talk of do we have money to spend or not is just a side issue to most fans. Those of us who are totally fed up with Wenger, Gazedis, Kronke and whoever else pulls the strings at our club are only focusing on what we see on the pitch and what we hear our manager saying after the match. We are fed up with hearing the words 'mental strength' when we clearly haven't got any, we are fed up watching rubbish players on fat contracts, and are bemused by the one dimensional tactics. Most of us I believe are even tired of finishing fourth and qualifying for a competition we are nowhere near good enough to win. Most of all we are angry that the club treats us with disdain, lies to us and even insults our football intelligence. We stay loyal to the club because it is in our blood and that is the only reason; praying for a 'regime change' that is long overdue.

  10. Tony Evans

    Feb 08, 2012, 8:18 #18341

    The Font - we have signed 'superstars' in the past - Supermac, Charlie Nick and Dennis to name three.

  11. Mandy Dodd

    Feb 08, 2012, 0:01 #18337

    Interesting, somew reports say wenger is told he needs a fifteen to twenty million profit each year on players yet in contradiction, the board say he has money. I do not know if this is true or not, as witha lot of so called facts spouted on here. Which side is the spin coming from? As arseblog says, we need a lot more of info on this to see what is really going on. Who do you believe? Who knows, but let's deal in facts, since the stadium move, by massive coincidence, it does look as though we have made a profit of fifteen to twenty million on players each year, if wenger is really being told to do that, that is one hell of an ask. Compare and contrast with most other top managers in europe, let alone the epl. If that really is the edict from above, i would be interested in hearing the names of others who could do that at a high profile club, should wenger leave. No doubt you will draw your own conclusions.

  12. Jonesey

    Feb 07, 2012, 22:07 #18335

    Dan h is spot on, comparing Arsenal to a sugar daddy's bitch club like man city or chelsea is an irrelevance + a red herring. I don't know anyone who wants the hollow victories that city will undoubtedly achieve over the next few years. Up to this point the self sustaining model has worked in principal + we have many spare millions of pounds swilling about in the coffers waiting to be spent. If these were being spent in the quest for trophies, fans would be much more tolerant of another 4th place, but for some reason the manager believes that the players we have are the best a club like Arsenal can get. But then again, he also believes that playing our knackered, over used injury prone striker for the full 90 mins when we're 6-1 up after 60 mins is a good idea.

  13. jamie hunter

    Feb 07, 2012, 20:19 #18333

    Great point from the guy here who mentioned Wenger's eden hazard bull****. The guy is so deluded he still thinks he can get up to the same old antics even though anyone with a brain cell is onto him. I just hope there are enough of these people willing to vote with their season ticket renewals. And as for the dreaded 4th place, getting there would be the last thing the club needs. Luckily its unlikely to happen. Get him out.

  14. Pete the Seat

    Feb 07, 2012, 19:21 #18331

    The Board of Arsenal Football and Lacrosse Club PLC is proud to announce that the club motto shall with immediate effect be changed to ''Fourth Place through Harmony'' .

  15. Fantastico

    Feb 07, 2012, 18:35 #18330

    See it as you may, but I personally feel Wenger only takes pride in 3 things and those 3 things only 1) his history of doing relatively well in the EPL (pre 2005) 2) The fact that he can sell players he buys on the cheap at outerworldly profits (sometimes as much as 1000% profit, I'm starting to think 'Project youth' is purely a money making venture 3) Declaring profits on the balance sheet. He has forgotten the reality of things, and maybe stuck in a fantasy football realm. Why, oh why wouldn't he sell RVP? purchased at £2.75 million in 2004 and selling for £35 million in 2012. Given his track record a la Adebayor, Cesc, Nasri, Toure it would be a no brainer on his part....

  16. Dan h

    Feb 07, 2012, 18:26 #18329

    We have plenty of money available for transfers those who think not are wrong.The £50m in the player trading account tells it's own story.The club is ultra conservative & the manager suits how the club wants to be run.The throwing out of sugar daddy clubs as the reason we can't compete is the biggest smokescreen of all self defeatist attitude.We all have opinions i believe the self sustaining model IS the way to go long term but this regime is far from that.No real investment in the team profit every window from player sales is not self sustaining it's asset stripping.It sends out the wrong message to the fans & the team by having that policy we become a stepping stone club an english version of Ajax.Arsenal should never be about looking too hard at other clubs we are in a position of strength why you ask?Our fanbase massive,revenue huge,history & even location players of quality would always be attracted to us if we fell short by showing a bit more ambition there would be a lot less frustration.

  17. fozzy's mate

    Feb 07, 2012, 17:50 #18326

    His greatest piece of spin has been convincing the majority that 4th place is utopia, when 8 years ago we castigated the scouse cheats for making it their target.

  18. Brian Gooner

    Feb 07, 2012, 17:34 #18325

    Great article.I have wondered for some time now just why we moved from a great old stadium to this modern show business type venue.The money spent on transfers pre and post the move certainly does not vindicate any move. Having failed to take maximum points against Wolves,Fulham,Bolton and Swansea it is beyond comprehension that Wenger trots out his usual rubbish about the great potential in the team.The mental attitude seen so often will surface again against Sunderland when we will probably in Wengers eyes have played well enough to win but in reality will come unstuck by complacency because after the Blackburn result no doubt the players will assume they just have to turn up to win.

  19. CanadaGooner

    Feb 07, 2012, 17:09 #18323

    an who hasnt? football's all about spin the minute it became a mega-billion enterprise; and it's the same for every sport these days. What have Man City got back for the over a billion pounds they've spent in the last few years? (one FA Cup); any other business would have collapsed wouldnt it? Look at Liverpool and even Chelsea (billions spent, no CL and most seasons they now look to endup without even a single trophy). So, let's not get too sanctimonuous here folks

  20. the font

    Feb 07, 2012, 16:52 #18322

    it is very sad to read your view on the clubs standing we do not make superstar signings we have never made superstar and we will never make super star signings we bring through superstars like aoc wishere frimo anelka henry pires viera petit nasri fabregas adebayor vermaelen and too many more to mention when chelsea and man city had no money it was differcult but acheivable now the genius wenger needs the support of all of us to pull off the impossible spurs fans are not talking about winning the premiership there talking about finishing above arsenal that says everything to me about our status with wenger at the helm would you bet on spurs to finish above us for the next 15 years no you would not deep down i bet you would not even bet on them finishing above us this year

  21. jamie hunter

    Feb 07, 2012, 16:15 #18320

    Mark, amen from me. The fact that people are writing things like this after a 7-1 win just shows how sour we feel about the way things are.

  22. Tasos

    Feb 07, 2012, 15:16 #18316

    "Words are easy. Results and actions make the real statement of intent". You said it. Results like 15 years continuous qualification for the Champions League I assume your referring too or perhaps its the actions like the inspired signing of the OX, either way both are praise worthy. I don't expect every Arsenal fan to share the same opinions, how boring that would be, but when you write these articles I don't know why you have to hide behind the ridiculous notion that all Arsenal fans share your critical small minded views. Change the record, write something positive about our manager, otherwise I fear for your own sanity.

  23. Will

    Feb 07, 2012, 14:53 #18315

    Good post. My sentiments exactly. Same old guff about mental strength and postive reactions.Either he is lying to us or he is deluded and believes all the crap he spouts. Neither do him credit. All of us can see with our own eyes the decline of the club from substandard players, poor performances to the empty seats around the ground. The anger on this site and others is that the club need to face up and make clear what they are going to do about it. Which of us would bet against a summer of prolonged haggling over RVPs sale followed by one last minute signing of no one we have ever heard of + a couple of teenage hopefuls.The rot continues.

  24. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 07, 2012, 14:41 #18314

    Mark i think this piece expresses the feelings and opionions of a hell of a lot of fans at this moment and time some will differ or course as they are entitled to their's but one thing we can all agree on is big changes have to be made in the summer one way or the other.you'r right the words mental strength seem to have crept back in from somewhere another word you mentioned seems to be the new buzz word (overall)at least it can be used to describe different scenario's.

  25. Judge Fred

    Feb 07, 2012, 14:05 #18310

    I have never bought into the "good spirit", "good attitude" or "mentally strong" nonsense. Spirit, mentality and attitude are standard for any (so-called) top level performer. These are not attributes that can be added or taken away - they should be bottom-line requirements and as such, are nothing to boast about. Skill, flair, passion and commitment - this is how a team should be judged.

  26. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Feb 07, 2012, 13:53 #18308

    Cue the silly folk with their comments of "call yourself a supporter" and "go and support the Chas N Dave's" and all the other tiresome rhetorical crap that the Wengerphiles (that poor dying breed) will come out with. I think you are spot on by the way. He has also been talking up Eden Hazard as well. Just before the club start sending out ST Renewal forms. It's pathetic.

  27. GoonerDave

    Feb 07, 2012, 13:44 #18307

    It was Einstein who said doing the same thing and expecting different results is insane. By your logic, we have been using the same group of players for 6/7 years then? We have no money. Like it or not, thats the truth. It will be a few years before we have proper money again. This blog has become so negative that every thing Wenger says is twisted into poison. LeGrove would love you - youre just the same as them, and their band of brown-nosers. Twisting facts to suit your agenda is not just unprofessional, its frankly childish. Try to post something meaningful instead of looking for new reasons to hate the manager every day. You have become as blinkered as the most hardened AKB.

  28. allybear

    Feb 07, 2012, 13:35 #18306

    Excellent article Mark&well written. I agree about the mental strength&believe it has always been a weakness under his management. He has continously been wound up by Ferguson over the years&its only recently that this has stopped. I also believe that the board will not act&he will see out his contract or else take the French job after the European Championships.

  29. Charles

    Feb 07, 2012, 13:26 #18305

    Just do yourself a favour and don't take seriously anything Wenger says in the media. He's always very economical with the truth and doesn't criticise the players. He enjoys talking BS to journos about all sorts of matters that shouldn't concern him.

  30. g clarke

    Feb 07, 2012, 13:19 #18304

    all clubs would want what has been achieved at arsenal small minded people like you cannot see futher than nose what have you achieved

  31. Gee

    Feb 07, 2012, 13:07 #18303

    We will never win anything under AW again. This season the penny pinching ways have finally caught up with him and we will finish outside the CL places. So Europa league next year - maybe not if we finish even lower. I am absolutely disillusioned with the club nowadays. Constant huge profits and monster cash balances yet absolutely nothing in on-field investment unless it is panic buying. This will go on and on until Wenger leaves and that won't be any time soon. As a minimum he will work until his contract runs out in summer of 2014

  32. Tony Evans

    Feb 07, 2012, 12:48 #18300

    Really good post, Mark. All the comments you have made are spot on and I can not understand how there are any fans left that still swallow the tripe that comes out of our managers mouth match after match after match. It is not just what he says but also his stubborn refusal to change or admit any error of judgement on his part, the useless players on fat contracts that are given so many chances it is unbelievable, playing players out of position - and I could go on but it is not good for my blood pressure.

  33. Oxy-Moron

    Feb 07, 2012, 12:41 #18297

    "If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth".....the learned among us will know who said that...and it wasn't Ivan!