Wenger has to decide whether to be a father or a manager

And if it’s the former, do it somewhere else

Wenger has to decide whether to be a father or a manager

Arsene: Guilty of blind loyalty?

I had thought I would not have to do this till the end of the season - probably sitting down over drinks with friends and engaging in a heated argument with a spud, a blue or a red over where the turning point of the season occurred, but I don't think I would survive that long. I'd most likely burst an artery before then and be unable to write any piece at all, before or after.

Oh, what I would give to know what exactly is going through AW's mind. Is he confused? Has he gone senile? Is he tired of football? Has he been on the same job for too long? Does he need a vacation? Does he want a pay rise? A million and one reasons have been given by both sides of the divide, AKBs, AMGs (both sound like acronyms for some World War III nuclear warheads) but the reality we have on the ground is that he's the manager today and something has terribly gone wrong.

From the substitution of AOC on that fateful Sunday to his adamant refusal to sign any full-backs, one cannot but wonder. One thing I kept pointing out on that Sunday was that two sins were committed, but the greater of the two was not that AOC was taken off, but that the once-famed Russian Assassin came on! I would have picked Benayoun ahead of him even in my grave. A team that used to reek of quality and creativity, whether we were winning or not, now celebrates mediocrity as the order of the day.

There is only so much RVP can do and I hope we end up not being pennywise but pound-foolish as the refusal to spend on quality, and the usual lack of trophies, will see the team lose its only world-class player at the end of the season - no Champions League place, so we won't look attractive to any player worth his salt. We lose everything. Everything! I shudder to think of that team without RVP. A bunch of players who can take the ball from their half to the edge of the opposition 18-yard box and either blast it wide or get dispossessed. It's actually amazing how Arsenal struggle to get 1-0 victories nowadays. We just want to score a goal, sit back and hope to hit on the counter.

Aaron Ramsey and Theo Walcott are the worst culprits this season. The former is not worth cleaning Fabregas' boots when he was 20 and my, my, my, Theo. I cringe anytime I hear reports he wants to play through the centre. Centre of where exactly? I plead to know. That lad cannot play through the centre of Shaqueel van Persie’s school team. I would pick NB52 any day, any time, even on the wings. It's that bad. His movements, annoying crosses, perennial misses show a total lack of footballing intelligence. I see no reason why both would be starters in any Premier League team. I haven’t seen anything creative from Ramsey in recent times other than those meaningless flicks that grant possession to the opposition. The intelligent forward passes have become a thing of the past in this team.

Moments of magic are few and far in between. Even those exciting interchanges of passes right before that defence-splitting killer pass is executed look to have come to an end. Those splendid build-ups, the accurate long balls that drop right on the striker’s in-step, the things that make Arsenal Arsenal look to have been lost. How can we boast of the league’s top striker and not be in the top four? Absolutely ridiculous.

I'm calmer now.

AW has to decide whether to be a father or a manager. A manager creates competition amongst his team. Picks the best out of them to represent the team. A manager anticipates which players will or might leave his team at the end of the season and proactively executes his fall-back option. A manager takes those hard decisions of leaving non-performing players on the bench to get them to up their game. A manager develops unpredictable tactical approaches to games to give the opposition something different to worry about (See Guardiola's genius at work in the Copa del Rey first leg against Madrid). I'm actually tired of hearing players leave the club and describe how much of a father figure he's been to them. His blind loyalty to Arshavin, like a father who's trying to get his son off coke, is becoming worrisome. The Board being a clog in his wheel is not tenable anymore. If the Board doesn't do what you want, humbly resign like O'Neill did at Villa and let the heat be focused on the board.

I would be sad to see Wenger go, but things need to change, and change very fast. It would be great with him at the helm but things really need to change.

The problem is not that we are not winning, it's that we are not winning and we are actually playing badly. Walcott, Gervinho, Ramsey, Arteta, Song all need to wake up and join the party, the party for eleven where only one player is actually in attendance.

Forever a Gunner.....

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  1. Ken Newman

    Feb 19, 2012, 21:26 #18978

    Like the honesty, arsenal from top to bottom are better than this!

  2. Ron

    Feb 16, 2012, 13:54 #18728

    foxinthebox2001 - the amount of time it takes him depends on the Country that grants the player's passport.

  3. foxinthebox2001

    Feb 16, 2012, 13:49 #18725

    How long would Fergie allow players like Almunia, Denilson, Djourou, Squillaci, Bendtner, and Walcott to hang around OT to stink the place out? Jérémie Aliadière as a prime example was actually on our books for almost 8 years, he appeared 29 times for us ,22 from the bench.Granted he spent time out on loan, but why does it take so long for AW to find these players out?

  4. Tired of half hearted mediocrity

    Feb 16, 2012, 5:58 #18655

    Everyone is so frustrated! Clearly Arsenal do not have the desire necessary to win the big games or compete against other big clubs anymore. It is rumoured that Wenger is soft on the team in practice, not training the lads at 100%, and certainly not making it a fight to be in the first team. He appears to have lost all ability to motivate anyone to win a ball or have any belief in their fellow players or the club. When you train at 75% than injuries pile up when you get in to real games. Every successful club I have ever heard of makes it a competition to represent, it isn't just handed to you because you are favored by the manager. Wenger has too much pride, he is stubborn, and his philosophies ar outdated. New blood is required to reinvigorate the team. Thank you Wenger for all you have done, but don't let the door hit you in the ass!

  5. CanadaGooner

    Feb 15, 2012, 18:24 #18654

    @BringbackDene; spot on mate. That's what I've been trying to say on here for months. Anyone who thinks Wenger isnt in pain, is simply being irrational. He's not just a football manager, he loves the game too, each year, he thinks he's going to finally win something, the inability to buy quality players or the inefficiency of the players we currently have (not beating birmingham in the carling cup final or our capitulation against barcelona in the CL final) to close the deal, has led to the 6 trophyless seasons and it probably got to a stage where he simply doesnt know what else to do. he's not blameless ofcourse, and perhaps he should have walked away to Real Madrid in 2006, but all things said, he is as frustrated as each one of us and I'm sure he's as much of an Arsenal Fan as most of us will ever be! spending all that time (day in day out) at the club, you cant tell me the fellow isnt an Arsenal Fan through and through.

  6. persian gooner

    Feb 15, 2012, 18:16 #18653

    AW is a manager, but he is not a competing type and never been rather a developer type.

  7. BringBackDene

    Feb 15, 2012, 17:42 #18652

    I think our problem is plain and simple money. We aint got what is necessary to buy decent players. Only time will tell but I'm sure in time it will be revealed that Wenger's hands were tied and that even buying decent offshore relatively unknown players (such as Viera and Henry) are now out of reach. If we fail to make the Champs League as seems likely, then we will be bidding alonside the Villas, Evertons and Boltons for mid table cheap table scraps. We have had poor periods over the years but now money rules all see Glasgow Rangers. AM I WRONG?

  8. CanadaGooner

    Feb 15, 2012, 16:46 #18651

    @Jeff: yes, Ramsay managed to score one of hundreds of chances he's had this season, and not without the help of both poles. I think for the money they earn, it's a little difficult to accept the excuse that some of them are young or first season in the premiership. If they pay them much less for their first few seasons, then those kinds of excuses may be acceptable.

  9. Ron

    Feb 15, 2012, 16:36 #18650

    Gary - Arteta has been pretty good, but mate, hes a shadow of what he was 3-4 years ago when his creativity was at its optimum at Everton. Hes a very decent scuffler now though,no more but he keeps things ticking over, but his presence adds to the lack of thrust, speed and creativity of that punchless midfield. Ramsey is getting unfair stick as Wenger is trying to use him in a sort of Fabregas role. Its not on Wenger. Get your head from up your arse! Young Aaron is potentially more 'Lampard' than 'Cesc' and your wasting him asking for something that can't be delivered just like you did Cesc, when you let him down by making him operate with heartless, static donkeys in that midfield alongside him for so long!! Credit to Ramsey. Hes trying to make a fist of it as hes that type of lad clearly. Wenger needs to spend some money in that middle as he still does a striker, a keeper, a Left Back and Centre back. Instead, hes wrecking Ramsey, trying to re-invent Rosicky and at the same time hoping the Ox gets him out of a hole while he tries. Its really disingenuous in my view and is doing good players a complete disservice. I didnt rate him ever, but Wengers dream of Bendtner 'the winger' was a joke and did him a disservice. Denilson the defensive midfielder was a total joke as he was utterly gutless and had no game nous at all, yet no one laughed at the joke, only at the players feeble, futile efforts. His experiment with Song is even more bizarre. He was a DM, then a sort of offensive/defensive midfielder rolled into one, now he knows not what he is seemingly as he drifts, fouls and seems to be wandering in a fog most days, such a 'success' that experiment has been! His experiment with RVP seems to be giving him a smug feeling now while the goals are going in as he plays cosistently for the first time in 7 years. The truth is that the experiment ends with his next injury. Bergkamp has it right in todays Telegraph. RVP should be playing behind a top quality striker, not being the out and out striker. Wengers got lucky so far there, if one season in 7 counts for 'lucky'.

  10. StuartL

    Feb 15, 2012, 15:38 #18647

    I took the father figure comments as being critical of his reluctance to admit he was wrong with certain younger players (Denilson, Vela, Fabianski, Eboue, Bendtner etc) who although have some degree of talent are never going to be top, top players - and this was something that fans and critics cottoned onto a long while ago, but Wenger either through blind optimism - (he once said that Almunia and Fabianski were world class !)or his inability to admit to getting things wrong and correcting them keeps giving those same players far too many opportunites and as a consequence points are dropped and games are lost, the top players lose faith and want to leave to further their career's not waste it hoping that some talent eventually develops. As a manager Wenger needs to change his ethos of wanting to be known for developing players into one that wins matches and trophies - even last week he was quoted as saying look around the leagues at how many players came through from Arsenal - SO WHAT !! The vast majority are average to good players - Larsson, Senderos, Sidwell, Bentley, Admiting that you are wrong and then correcting it, is surely

  11. Gary Gooner

    Feb 15, 2012, 15:05 #18646

    What imbecile wrote this piece! Have you ever played or know anything about football. Big up to all of the people sticking up for Ramsey. He has had a pretty good season for a guy who had a career threatening injury and then has played majority of the games this year, i can see him still being a fantastic player over the coming years. Also am i the only one who thinks Arteta has been excellent since joining from Everton in his play and general attitude to the cause and Gervinho, blimey give the guy a chance he has only been at the club 5 minutes he generally looks a reasonable player, very direct which is what we need, just needs to improve in a few areas but it can be done in time, be patient. Good luck to the boys tonight and for the rest of the season, COME ON YOU GOONERS!!!!!

  12. Tom

    Feb 15, 2012, 11:29 #18643

    Seems like the writings of a fan from another country. Very poor, surely the duty of the manager is to be both a father and a manager?! Most interviews with footballers normally speak of their best managers being father figures!

  13. Jeff

    Feb 14, 2012, 23:34 #18641

    @Canada Gooner, "Ramsey or Gervinho wouldn't have scored that goal if their lives depended on it" Er, remind me, who scored the equaliser? Nuff said. BTW, My Wife's Canadian, she's a Canadian Gooner too.

  14. Andrew Cohen

    Feb 14, 2012, 22:44 #18640

    We have to play in the F.A. Cup away to Sunderland. Mr Wenger is thinking of playing a weakened team because we simply have to come fourth and nothing must get in the way of that. So no hope of a trophy this season, and none the next and so on and so forth. I respect a business model which is based upon clearing away debt as much as any rational person, but why is organising the team properly and using a £100 million annual wage bill on effective players inconsistent with that aim ? By the time the debt is paid off no player of note will want to come any where near us, because players, like the AMG's and small boys everywhere, would like their team to emerge victorious once in a while.

  15. Wombledin

    Feb 14, 2012, 20:16 #18638

    I don't think it will be sad to see Wenger go. It's been 15 years and I think the time is right for him to go whether we get in the top four again or not. Its quite clear that he is content just getting us into the top four every year and thats the benchmark. When players know this is enough for the Manager then thats all they'll achieve. Sir Alex Ferguson would never tolerate such a culture of 3rd and 4th is good enough. Wenger simply will never invest in the experience and quality we need to push us just that little bit higher to seriously challenge again for top honour. His excuse is Man City and Chelsea's profligacy and it always will be. He's the right manager to keep us bubbling around 4th place every year but no longer the right manager to take our Club higher than that.

  16. CanadaGooner

    Feb 14, 2012, 17:46 #18636

    this website needs a moderator or regulating: for someone to make a statement like "wenger is a joke, this is proven by redknapp being 10 points ahead of him"! what year did you begin watching football? where has redknapp been in the last 15 years? I wish people would apply some commonsense before coming on here and uploading really embarrassing statements like that. Arsenal Fans are largely literate and clever, my ears ache when I read such crap. Feel free to challenge Wenger's record in the past 6 years or rain insult on him if you so wish; but PLEASE, PLEASE and PLEASE; apply some commonsense! Wenger v Fergie or Wenger V Mounrinho (in his 3 seasons) or something along those lines would make some sense; but comparing Wenger's record and achievements to Harry's single incomplete season is simply idiotic

  17. frank

    Feb 14, 2012, 17:39 #18635

    u aint got a clue mate as soon as u started slating ramseys performances i stopped reading have u even seen the shift ramsey puts in and the fact that him and jack are probpably the top two young british midfielders around. IDIOT how come everytime i come on the gooner u lot are always slating the team the players and the manager, we playmilan away tommorrow why dont you write an article about that. Come on the ARSENAL!!!

  18. Horace

    Feb 14, 2012, 17:30 #18634

    I just can't agree with you. I can't agree with any of the hate for this team these days, because people just don't understand what Arsenal is about. We're mainly an overachieving club with the money that's laid on us, and yet we still succeed. We bring players up that would have no chance anywhere else and all I hear is need need and more need. Some of this talk just makes me sick. People of Arsenal need to understand that we can't win them all. Putting Wenger in thoughts for a second. The man is literally a business genius and not a half bad manager to match. In all honesty would he work better as a general manager in my eyes? Yes. But look how many world class players he's brought to life in his tenure, and most of them out of nothing. The man needs to be respected and given time for everything he's done for this club, or else we are no better than the money hungry top clubs like Man U, Chelsea and Man City that in all honesty, we are just not. Do some players need to see more time while others see the bench? Potentially yes. But Arshavin's on the bench isn't he? Aren't Squillaci and Djourou as well? People are being heard out, but hell they don't know when to say okay, we're happy with what we've got out there. Walcott will struggle but wait till Gervinho comes back. Maybe he will see the bench as well and everyone's prayers will be heard. Also, we don't need outside backs. That needs to be sold out now. Sagna is a gem that nobody will respect for what he's done, and Gibbs and Santos are coming back completely over the next week or so. They aren't world class, but the boys can definitely play, so give them a bit more time to come back. I don't think the problem is our team or manager these days, I think it's some of the spoiled fans we have. We play hard out there and we won't win them all. My goal is the champions league fourth place, and well were in fourth place, so I'm pretty damn happy. A lot more Gunners out there should be too.

  19. CT Gooner

    Feb 14, 2012, 17:20 #18633

    I can see the point folks are making about Ramsey being unfairly criticized, and I for the most part agree. The problem for me is our lack of creative passing from midfield. We are are used to the advanced central midfielder driving our play, but not replacing Fabregas with a like player was always going to put his replacement in a losing position. Hence Ramsey gets unfair stick because he's being asked to do a job he's not ready for, replacing the best attacking midfielder in the world (IMO).

  20. CanadaGooner

    Feb 14, 2012, 17:15 #18632

    We need a bit of consistency here folks. Arshavin, Ramsay, Walcott etc; not good enough (for the money they're paid). An occasional cross every now and again isnt good enough. We've been beaten by a team that's never played in the premiership (Swansea) and dropped points to teams who havent spent a fraction of what we spend (Wolves, Fulham, Blackburn, Bolton.....), I dont see any justification here for having Arshavin on the team (his crossed still required a 34yr old to pop it in the net); Gervinho or Ramsay wouldnt have scored that goal even if their lives depended on it. As for this article; I'm afraid I struggle to make much sense out of it. It's all over the place

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 14, 2012, 16:44 #18630

    i'm sure arsene's not tired of football or even arsenal but the squad sure is tired whether it's because the same players play to many games or they play the same way and can't change or not good enough or maybe they are just tired of each other the chances to really freshen the squad up with top top quality (wenger's words)wasn't taken the players that did come in yes do a job but thats all they do hardly top top quality yes the team is tired and needs work and changes need to be made but we will have to wait till the end of the season to see if the same applies to the manager.

  22. Gooner1711

    Feb 14, 2012, 16:39 #18629

    Why knock Ramsey? His effort alone has been more than Walcott and Arshavin together. He tries 100% every match. His final ball and eagerness cost him which will take place over time. He has been overplayed due to Jack injury and would never have got this far. Unfair.

  23. Abiola

    Feb 14, 2012, 16:27 #18628

    Very well said. I've said this for a long time now but Wenger is a complete joke of a manager. This is proven by Redknapp being 10 points ahead of him, no trophies in 7 years. Spuds wage bill £67 mil, Arsenal's is £119 mil!!! Yet AW cannot get near Spurs. And we now read players like Hazard would rather join Spuds. It's a total joke, he is a anj overpaid accountant not a football manager. Tactically clueless, weak man manager, loser mentality, over-cuddles crap players, sells the best ones, cannot handle big egos and surrounds himself with Yes-men. I long for the day he goes far away from the Arsenal. A serious club with ambitious fans would have seen to his departure about 4 years ago! STOP PAYING TO ATTEND MATCHES. Or alternatively, pay big money to watch rubbish, and see the Spuds sign the type of players we dream of as Djourou and Diaby get new contracts...

  24. divingrooney

    Feb 14, 2012, 16:05 #18627

    The worst thing you can do to The Arsenal is buy a season ticket and go and boo. What good does it do? Blackburn have ****ty owners and poor Kean gets hell for it. And for Arsenal its Wenger. If he had been as intelligent as Moaninho and left for Madrid two seasons, we would be near relegation places right now. But he is still standing by us, and wants to take us to 2014, when the financial future of the club will be truly secure, and his legacy safe with the increased revenue of 30mn pounds a season. Of course, idiots like you can boo him, and then see in two years how wrong you are. We are ahead of Chelsea, who have lost 600mn in last 6 years. Villa, who had the great MON as coach, are now in a relegation battle. The mighty spurs have sacrificed every competition for the CL place, which they might achieve due to ADEBAYOR, the same player whom you all booed away. Crikey, you know nothing about football, but still dont improve.


    Feb 14, 2012, 16:04 #18626

    our current debt is about £100M and after this summer it will be £70m with the sale of RVP and thats all the Board are focused on for now. within 2 or 3 more years there wont be any more debt and Arsenal will have a £500M stadium and £200M training complex and £100M talent on the books. They will have £150M coming in every year and £125m going out so theyll be valued as a business at about £1BN. we will then see the board try to float the company so that they board can all make money. Whinger is the key to all of this i.e spends nothing and finds youngsters he can sell at a profit. coming in 6th or 7th is not going to change any of the above.

  26. fozzy's mate

    Feb 14, 2012, 14:58 #18623

    I agree with jekyll that the reason the squad is thin is that the club work on a different agenda to the fans and every other "elite club". Minimum outlay, maximum profit. Rather gamble and fail than pay out for cover of injured players. Its about spin, half truths and trying to snake charm us into believing 4th place is shang gri la. And you know what for a lot of people it has worked.

  27. Unbeaten 03/04

    Feb 14, 2012, 13:50 #18621

    So we are doomed with Arsene, doomed with the board and doomed with certain players so what is exactly or something near to a solution then. The board will not listent to fans or don't care about winning trophies but only profits so why should we attend matches or spend money towards Arsenal?!!

  28. Mark from Ashtead

    Feb 14, 2012, 13:34 #18620

    I really don't get the "Knock Ramsey" thing. I think his stats prove that he puts a (super) shift in every game, which is even more incredible when you remember that this is his comeback season. Seems to me that the criticism he gets is because he's not Cesc. To me he's a different kind of player. Bottom line is that he will become one of the lynchpins of our midfield in future, rotating positions on a box to box basis with JW (please God). Mind you I don't get the criticism of Arteta either. I think he's one of our players of the season so far, and as much as anything his intelligence and willingness to take on field responsibility for whatever needs doing (a tackle, a defensive header, a shot or clumping someone from the opposition) sets him apart. There are many things wrong with our club at the moment, but don't think having Arteta and Ramsey to call on falls into that categorisation.

  29. Gee

    Feb 14, 2012, 13:29 #18619

    Harsh on Ramsey he has created more opportunities to score than anyone else in the team this season. Hardly his fault if he puts theo and gervinho clean through and they fluff their lines 9 times out of 10

  30. Jeff

    Feb 14, 2012, 13:16 #18618

    Stop digging out Ramsey, it's a disgrace! First full season after horrendous injury and now being totally overplayed. Only man to blame for that is Wenger. I agree he's looked tired, but he gives 100% every time, unlike wally.

  31. Red Member

    Feb 14, 2012, 12:29 #18616

    Ha Ha I take it you wrote this before Saturday we are now in the top 4, Ramsey scored a goal and Arshavin provided an assist. I agree with you about Walcott though

  32. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Feb 14, 2012, 12:00 #18615

    My God, you've really surpassed yourself this time Mandy, lol!! Arshavin's assist on Saturday justified Wenger's faith in him, did it? So what about his lack of production in the past 18 months then? Does that mean that Wenger's trust and choice was misguided? One thing I have learnt over the past couple of years of reading this and other Arsenal fansites is that some people just can not be reasoned with and will go to extraordinary lengths of fatuousness if it suits their particular cause.

  33. Jekyll

    Feb 14, 2012, 11:21 #18614

    The squad is deliberatley paper thin. It's flooded with youth players who will then be sold on at a profit, with the hope that one or two may make it into the first team eventually. That's the club policy, so strength in depth is anathema to that. What it would really 'kill' is that profit stream.

  34. Nutty's Right Peg

    Feb 14, 2012, 10:56 #18613

    Wenger played Bentdner out of position, & he's doing the same with Arshavin & Walnut. You don't need to have worked half a day in football to see Arshavin is more suited to a Bergkamp type role, nor that it's pointless playing a speed merchant on the wing if his final ball is **** 95% of the time. Far too many average players at the club, most of them on wages that will deter any potential interested clubs. Now it may only be media talk but Hazard appears to be attracted to the wrong end of the Seven Sisters Rd. & who can blame him. Which London club are now the most attractive proposition for any sought after players ? Answers on an e-mail to Mr Ivan (laser focused) Gazidis.

  35. Kilkenny cat

    Feb 14, 2012, 10:09 #18612

    Cant understand the stick ramsey is getting. He is a talented young player who gives 100% and never hides. I wonder if he was english would it be the same. Walcott,s been given enough time,please be patient with aaron

  36. Judge Fred

    Feb 14, 2012, 10:00 #18611

    The squad is paper thin. Here we are with 3 games in a week and I am already worrying about which game RvP will be rested in as we will invariably lose that game. Honestly, one proper striker at our club is a joke.

  37. Clouless

    Feb 14, 2012, 9:43 #18610

    Whinger is tired. Also involved too much in the Business of Arsenal because he has now made so much money and making alot of money seperates the men from the boys. The Fergies, Joses want TROPHIES and are not happy unless they get them that is very clear. Whinger is too easily acceptant of 2nd best he always was and always will be. prides himself on being calm, tolerant and oh well tommorrow is another day. WHAT CRAP. HE IS NOT A WINNER. HE SHOULD BE PUT OUT TO PASTURE WITH THANKS. WE NEED A HUNGRY YOUNG BUCK LIKE THE ONE WHO ARRIVED IN 1986 AND 1996 RESPECTIVELY.

  38. Ron

    Feb 14, 2012, 9:42 #18609

    Busby, Shankly, Revie. All 'Father figures'. Your argument's dead before it started im afraid fella.

  39. Mandy dodd

    Feb 14, 2012, 9:22 #18608

    Think his loyalty to arshavin was justified last weekend. Some go right, some go wrong. As for not signing players this jan, reports he tried to get abidal on loan, but he was not available. Apart from that, who was both available, affordable and good enough? I certainly did not see many out there. I would much rather play who we did than Wayne bridge. A lot of top managers are described by some players as father figures, I would not hold that especially against him in any critique

  40. Tony Evans

    Feb 14, 2012, 9:21 #18607

    I have long since thought that one of Wenger's worst 'crimes' is his lack of ruthlessness with his poorly performing players. Paying them too much too soon and then keeping faith in them when they should have been shown the door. His other major 'crime' is allowing the squad to become paper thin. Injuries and suspensions at the business end of the season cost us far more than the likes of Manure because we have no depth in the squad. I don't understand what he is trying to achieve anymore.

  41. jay

    Feb 14, 2012, 9:03 #18605

    arteta and song, van persie aside have been our outstanding players this year