An apology to fellow Gooners in Block 103

Those with sensitive ears have been warned…

An apology to fellow Gooners in Block 103

Wenger: Not much of an inspiration in Italy

Let me start with an apology in advance to my fellow Gooners who will be sitting close to me in block 103 for the return leg of the Milan tie. My vocal chords are in full training for three weeks’ time, when I promise that I will be blunt and to the point. Having watched Wednesday night’s complete and utter shambles, I think that I am entitled to air my humble opinion, especially having paid a king’s ransom for two tickets. At least that nice Mr Hill-Wood can buy now himself another new puffa jacket, thanks to my generosity.

We had over two months to prepare for this match, so what went so terribly wrong? What happened to any semblance of tactics? Where was the slightest inkling of any meaningful management? Why did Weng just sit there doing nothing? Put yourself in the players’ place. Everything on the pitch was going wrong. Whatever tactics that were agreed beforehand just were not working. Surely, what was needed was for the manager to be off his feet urging the players on and just sorting out the same basic mistakes that were so obviously happening all over the pitch. But whenever the TV cameras focused on OGL, we saw a broken old man just slumped back in his seat offering no support whatsoever. Pat “Sun Lounger” Rice was nowhere to be seen. If Messrs Bould and/or Keown were on the bench, would they just sit there like Weng and do nothing? I don’t think so.

There were awful performances right across the pitch. Rambo is now clearly shot to pieces from being overplayed. Everybody apart from Weng knew that we were not going to see Happy Jack this season, because the poor lad was totally overplayed last season. History repeating itself, or what? Our only other half-decent ray of hope, Pingpong, was recently and criminally shipped off to Wolves with disastrous results. Total nonsense.

Rosicky is clearly not the answer as he is no longer up to the required standard. He looked good a few years ago when compared to the likes of Hleb, but, then again, even I would look good when compared to Hleb. His shot on goal in the second half which went off for a throw just about sums up this miserable performer.

We now come to Walnutt. Why does Weng have such a blind spot in wanting to keep playing him? It’s not Walnutt’s fault that he keeps being picked and then failing to produce goods, because we all now know that he is just not up to the task. But how on earth are we going to let Weng know that his decision-making in continuing to pick him in the starting line-up is flawed if we just sit there and keep quiet when yet another Walnutt cross sails out of play or he commits yet another unforced error, or just loses his bottle when up against a good honest pro? The obvious selection for the Milan game was The Ox, who created more in his short cameo appearance than Walnutt did all night.

I suppose, deep down, I saw Wednesday night’s dreadful performance coming. But all the same, it was another chapter in this season’s book of catastrophes. Yet again, a performance from The Arse has left me hurt and angry. And that’s because I care.

(Ed’s note – The Gooner Gambling Scheme will return next week, due to the odds on the Sunderland FA Cup game not being suited to a guaranteed profit, and as regular followers know, we don’t gamble, we play the odds using the bookies’ promos to ensure a return whatever the outcome)

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  1. someone

    Feb 18, 2012, 10:26 #18871

    If you want things to change dont pay for the season tickets..Bleed Kroenke where it matters else he wont care..Football is not his thing anyway..H probably doesnt understand off-side..Dont renew your season tickets..Get out Kroenke and Peter Hill Wood..

  2. Joe S.

    Feb 18, 2012, 8:40 #18865

    Every time I hear about Djours three year eextension i want to man the barricades and scream blue murder. If that headles chook is to be a sign post for Arsenal's future then it is going to be very bleak indeed. Wenger out.

  3. bedfordfordshire gooner

    Feb 17, 2012, 23:19 #18860

    yes we played bad weds night its the most dissapointing european night ive seen since nayim scored from the half way line in 1995 in paris ,but we never played our true game .no pace no passion no effort drab, dull predictable football . never mind lads lets get behind the team ,you never know 5 nil to the arse in the home leg is a possibility

  4. JM - LONDON

    Feb 17, 2012, 21:52 #18858

    I'll be in block 96 Fozzy, there's no need for an apology mate (doubtless I'll still hear you as there's rarely any other noise up my way). I'ts been a year of firsts for the Arsenal, 2-8 Premier league and now this ridiculous catastrophe in Europe. Somethings going to give soon, probably me by the looks of it. The atmosphere at the training ground might be the best its been in a while, but the atmosphere at the stadium is just atrocious and has been for some 3 seasons now, and why - cos we dont see anything changing for the better anytime soon. a very sad JM:(

  5. Ramgun

    Feb 17, 2012, 21:02 #18857

    In 1966 it took a supporters boycott to get rid of the woeful Billy Wright and we need to boycott the games, shirts, programmes and stop all spending on our club to achieve what we (I was one of the protesters in 1966) did in that era. By the way Canada Gooner, I think we agree that Wenger is finished but I bet that he knows that Apoel are in Cyprus not Israel!

  6. lee afc

    Feb 17, 2012, 20:43 #18855

    good piece Fozzy..but only a small comment..Rambo has been overplayed...Wilshire has been overplayed according to you..but you are requesting that the Ox should have many games do we expect him to play cos somewhere and only at Arsenal he too will be injured after being 'overplayed'.


    Feb 17, 2012, 20:37 #18853

    this whole idea that WHINGER is a great manager is a MYTH. Arsenal are a great club. The people at the Club and at Highbury upto 2005 were true Arsenal and their influence on incoming new players or players coming up thru ranks was immense. WHINGER just held his hand slightly on the rudder and steered it the way it was going anyway ! he was a lucky man and he should know as everyman should when he is overchallenged and out of position. Those around will now start to wake up albeit too late

  8. Rocastlerock

    Feb 17, 2012, 19:54 #18851

    Though I agree a lot with what you say here. How can you insist the manager should play the ox in every game when you have just critised him for over playing Ramsey and Jack last season. Make your mind up.

  9. Geoffrey Boycott Games

    Feb 17, 2012, 18:34 #18845

    Its us the fans who have Wengers fate in our hands.But we bottle it.Its time to boycott every home game till the end of the season and to not renew your season tickets next season.Thats the only way Gazidis and Kroenke will listen.But dont complain if you are not willing to make that sacrifice.I did two years ago and havent regreted it.The club wont get a penny of my money until Wenger goes. Its up to you fellow Gooners.Viva the Revolution

  10. Dan h

    Feb 17, 2012, 17:44 #18842

    AW has always been too loyal to underperforming players in recent seasons two reasons why.He believes they are better than they actually are a blind belief they will come good & by the fact he brang them to the club it would be an admittance on his part they were poor buys it's a continous circle.Diaby as i have said before will NEVER make it back to the required level of fitness to perform on regular basis too many injuries related to his ankle problems.Harsh but he should never of been given a 5 YEAR contract 18 months ago the club fully aware even then how badly his body had been affected by those injuries.Djourou new 3 year deal baffling the fact .con didn't even mention it tells you all you need to know they are quick to announce any extension on it.Fabianski was offered a new deal he declined it madness.Rosicky out of contract in the summer but a possible new 1 year deal on the table both parties weighing up their options.Bendtner will be back in the summer unless we can offload him Sunderland had an option on him but have already told us they won't be persuing it.I could say more but will leave it there all this on very good authority for those interested.

  11. Jeff

    Feb 17, 2012, 16:57 #18837

    We all know that there's loads of deadwood on big contracts and wages and that's part of the reason he can't/won't buy. He simply can't get rid of them. So does he learn from this? Apparently not, having just giving the donkey djourou a new contract. For fu*k sake. The man is too stubborn to learn from his mistakes and it also shows the complete lack of football knowledge in the boardroom that they'd sanction a new contract for this, at best, championship level "defender" god give me strength!

  12. AFCIC

    Feb 17, 2012, 16:32 #18835

    There's no point in any of us fans complaining, nothing will be done to rectify the stale of our team, cos what the fans want doesn't matter. The vast majority of us in the stands at the Emirates have never ''worked half a day in football'' but I can guarantee that the vast majority of that vast majority would not have given Djourou a contract extention till 2015!!!!

  13. Craig

    Feb 17, 2012, 16:11 #18830

    WestUpperRed Tell me when we last lost 8-2,when we last lost a european game by 4 goals and been 10pts behind the Spuds.What are we moaning about?everything is great in planet Wenger.Rejoice!!!

  14. CanadaGooner

    Feb 17, 2012, 15:28 #18825

    Fozzy, no need ripping out now, Wenger could have played any combination of the donkeys we call players and that result would have been the same. Italian football hasnt been the best for a while (since Mourinho left Inter, and even before he got there) and AC Milan are an aged team; what happened was waht we've all seen from Arsenal for 4 or 5 seasons now: and we will see more against Sunderland at the weekend: how can anyone be surprised or frustrated? this is so predictable now: if it wasnt AC Milan it would have been Apoel Tel Aviv knocking us out. That's the spineless team we have these days. It will take a monumental turnaround for us not to get eliminated from the FA Cup this weekend. You only have to look at Djourou's body language to see what I mean: this is a guy who's as surprised as we all are, to find himself playing professional footbal at this level and at a club like Arsenal.

  15. tohni

    Feb 17, 2012, 15:22 #18823

    It's easy to be hating, when your team is down. - Goodness me! I'd like to see all the haters here take their turn at managing. (which is not to say that I'm not unhappy with Wednesday night's performance. Something like that doesn't shock me any more. It's more like "Oh, yeah, another one of those..." :( )

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 17, 2012, 14:34 #18820

    Good piece Fozzy straight to the point unfortunately we will never know the answer to some of your questions, you asked what happened to any semblance of tactics i would say the answer to that is that some players on this team couldn't spell tactics never mind put them into practice, your spot on about frimpong that decision was unbelievable i really feel sorry for the fella as for that liability djourou the closest he should come to an arsenal shirt or the arsenal dressing room is when he's on a tour with charlie george.

  17. Tony Evans

    Feb 17, 2012, 13:56 #18816

    Northern Gooner - comments like yours are crass to say the least. Of course we all support the team, it is the manager and the Board we can no longer support.

  18. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Feb 17, 2012, 13:54 #18815

    For me, the fear started when I saw Gibbs on the teamsheet.

  19. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Feb 17, 2012, 13:28 #18813

    Fozzy mate, I hear you but nothing will be done. He'll still be here next season, you know it I know it. There will be talk about wanting this player and that player, then the Nigel's who jumped on the Wenger bandwagon all those years ago will renew their ST's. Once ST's are renewed, our great deity will proclaim that Diaby is back and like a new player so we don't need anyone else, Walcott and Rosicky will sign extensions and it begins once again, the same old crap.

  20. Simon

    Feb 17, 2012, 13:24 #18812

    I'm sure I heard recently that Arsenal tickets can be returned to the club for a full refund if done so more than 7 days before the game. I urge all ticketholders for the AC Milan game to do just this - get your money back. Only a financial hit will change the future of the club.

  21. WestUpperRed

    Feb 17, 2012, 13:18 #18810

    Everyone be cool. Theres a (very slow, painful) process happening here. We have been worse in the past BUT never had the resources available to come back like we have now. Know one on this forum expected different against Milan anyway!! Milan exposed every weakness in Wengers management better than any comentator on this forum, and in the most public of football arena's!

  22. win AFC

    Feb 17, 2012, 13:16 #18809

    It's the fans i feel sorry for, Come what may we turn up to see a team that we think will give it there all,On Wednesday night the team let us down badly,Why don't the board and Wenger understand, It's the fans that count it's we who put money in there pockets it's us who spend big money on sounvenirs so come on you GUNNERS ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK.

  23. Lord Froth

    Feb 17, 2012, 13:07 #18808

    The balance and composition of the team is a joke. Diaby has been at Arsenal for 7 seasons and has made 119 league appearances during that time. That's an average of 17 appearances per season and cosider that a lot of those would have been as a substitute. We can't even get three quarters of a season out of him but he is occupying a squad place and being paid wages that could have gone to a decent squad player that would at least be there when he's required. Unfortunately I can see this saga running for at least another season as Arsenal are reactionary and the equivalent of footballing luddites. I know people that would rather stand in a long line to pay bills and use the post office rather than spend 5 minutes doing it online because they don't 'trust' online transactions. Arsenal are like this with new players. X big-name player is available but we don't want him because there's no guarantee he'll be any good. He's more likely to be good than some kid who has never played a top flight game in his life. Fairly recent examples are Pennant, Bentley, Quincy, Crowe, Hughes, Lupoli, Hoyte and several other. Some of these go on to be half decent professionals but not good enough for Arsenal but have been on the big wages. At least with an established pro you know that he can 'do it' even if the manager is not able to get it out of him due to the team setup or whatever. At the moment everything is just a shambles from top to bottom. The Tottenham fans I know are even feeling a bit sorry for me and that has to be one of the most embarrassing things that can happen to any self respecting Gooner.

  24. Gee

    Feb 17, 2012, 12:59 #18807

    The biggest joke is that of the manager and his management (or lack of) of his players. Substitutions are 99% pre planned and for physical reasons only. Once in a blue moon he will make a tactical change before the inevitable 65 minute sub. And only when his back is to the wall and other options are virtually non existent. Again, related to subs, is the pecking order situation. He refuses to leave on someone like the Ox and sub off theo, or even more so sub walcott off FOR the ox. I'm using this as an example only here and not trying to stir up Walcott v the ox debate. He just will not have it, and this is what is costing us dearly. Lack of tactics, or rather the one and only tactic of "lets just keep the ball and not worry about the strengths of the opposition" is starting to kill us. Failure to recognise opposition strengths and doing something to nullify them is surely a basic given in a coaching or indeed common sense manual! I agree with the comment on him sitting in the dugout doing sweet FA. Allegri was on the touchline all night keeping the milan lads on their toes. Ours just sits there passively and sulking about why milan were playing balls over the top and not keeping it on the floor. Pep Guardiola stands on the touchline for the entire 90 mintutes barking at his players, and they are the best in the world. But he does it to tell them never rest, never relax, keep switched on, never give up for 90 minutes. My final point is regarding the transfer situations and the pile of cash we have. You are deluded if you think the board are not allowing him to use the funds. We are told by everyone at the club including Arsene himself that they have money and they can compete. Hell not long ago Wenger even said he could compete with Chelsea in the transfer market if he wanted such are the funds he has at his disposal. The manager decides what to do with that money and he gave djourou a 3 year extension last week. Go figure

  25. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Feb 17, 2012, 12:31 #18802

    Every man and his dog knows that Italian football hates pace and power so what does Brains do? Play Rosicky and drop the Ox. What were we actually trying to do? I assumed that he was trying to flood the midfield, to harry them in possesion, to get in their faces and then break at speed. No. We decided to play at snails pace, stand off them, not make a tackle the entire evening and not bother to track runners. Another big game, another bunch of scared school boys that look totally disinterested and beat before the tenth minute. This is like pulling teeth now at the club. I urge all fans to boycot games, don't buy merchandise and if you do go please get on the managers back because this is all our fault. As suppoerters we have allowed this to happen by letting our club be brought by someone who is only interested in asset striping it and by letting a manager continue that was finished four years ago. Players no longer believe in Wenger, why do you think they all leave him every season. I now have come to the painful decison that, Spurs apart, I hope that we lose every game now until the end of the season so Wengers postion is untenable. Short term pain for long term gain. No doubt I will be told to go and support City etc.. but Im not doing that. Ive been with The Arsenal for 31 yeras and Ive got at least another 31 in me. Its out of my love for The Arsenal that I have come to this conclusion. A new song for the board "Get our of our club, get out of our club, you lying bastartds, get out of our club"

  26. Northerngooner

    Feb 17, 2012, 12:29 #18801

    and do you really intend to show you care by being negative when you should be supporting the team?

  27. Kenny

    Feb 17, 2012, 12:08 #18800

    Totally agree the Milan manager spent the whole 90 mins on his feet.Wenger is a poor tactician who cant change things during a game.How many times have we heard the phrase wheres the Plan B?.Arsenal have one way of playing.There is no way we coach defending at the club its a shambles.Just look at the marking for their first goal.Did Wenger never think of man marking Ibrahimovich who had the freedom of the San Siro.I hope the people who voted Wenger coach of the decade were watching the match and give it to Ferguson or Mourinho

  28. Gooner1711

    Feb 17, 2012, 11:55 #18797

    So against Sp*rs you'll not be vocal when we (as we all expect) struggle? You'll be screaming way before Milan...we have Sundlund, Sp*rs, Liverpool all before Milan again.....suggest we'll be lucky to see one win with the gutless squad assembled by Professor Rudderless.

  29. Croker

    Feb 17, 2012, 11:39 #18796

    Arsenal are going backwards and the gulf in quality between us and the top sides at home and abroad is widening but I don't accept that this is entirely due to bank balances and the opening of oil/gas/ruble/HMRC fuelled cheque books. It seems that Le Boss's magic has run out and as Fozzy says, he looks like a broken old man which I find heart breaking. Everyone will be piling in asking for Wenger to be put out of his misery but can someone please answer - Are we looking at a Manager who has passed the peak of his abilities? Is he so stubborn that he won't change what even he seems to acknowledge is wrong in terms of tactics and personnel? Or is he a puppet of the Board who is not allowed to strengthen and rebuild in key positions? Given the long overdue 'freshening up' of the coaching staff and blatant breakdown of on field understanding between the players, I'm worried that it's a combination of all 3 to blame.

  30. Jacobs Femi

    Feb 17, 2012, 11:27 #18794

    True talk friend. The truth is, if I had seen the line up hours before the match I wouldn't have watch the match. Ox was supposed to start the match while Ramsey been the bench. Conquelin is better than Gibb whomisnjust returning from injury.

  31. Macca

    Feb 17, 2012, 11:19 #18793

    I've got my season ticket for home leg and I can't be bothered to go, so I won't, that's how The Arsenal make me feel at the moment.

  32. Stevesam

    Feb 17, 2012, 11:13 #18791

    Is Vela any worse than Wally ? If he had the same opportunities as Wally would he be more of a threat for the big games, would he score more goals ? Its all about value in the market, put simply, Wally is more of an asset. Did Wally 'kill' Freeman who is now doing well at Stevenage. Its all about profit not quality! We are today seeing all the hype about a summer clear out - how many times have we heard that ? The boy who cried wolf springs to mind.

  33. chuks

    Feb 17, 2012, 10:37 #18788

    Spot on comments by Fozzy. Wenger has been a FANTASTIC manager for us. However we are regressing under him and he has to take responsibilty for this as the manager. We are in a situation where he cannot accept that he has bought some very poor to average players and persists in playing them in the hope that they will come good. Even the great Alex Ferguson knew when he had bought a dud and sold them on quickly. Taibi, Djemba-Djemba, Veron etc... We are now stuck with players who are so bad and on very decent wages that they cannot be shifted from our club. Can anyone tell me where Diaby is? How many hours of gametime have we got out of this guy in his 5 years with Arsenal? No one is allowed to question Wenger in that club and this is VERY unhealthy. He needs assistants that can stand up to him and question his tactics(which currentaly are pants and panic ridden) who is coaching our players? why is it that the likes of Arshavin and Rosicky who were once renowned for their shooting prowess cannot shoot straight? I fear that at this rate the OX'S shooting ability will be coached out of him. Wenger needs to ship out the deadwood, get a decent assistant and spend money properly on decent players fit to wear the shirt. Instead of rushing to by cheap Ligue 1 players who are untested in the premiership why not look at the likes of Odenwingie, Demba Ba Darren Bent etc. All tested in the premiership and do not cost a king's ransom. I do not want it to end in ignominy for our most successful post-war manager but things have to change. we cannot go on like this. I do not hold out much hope for the Sunderland, Liverpool and Spurs games. This is around the time we start to collapse on all fronts like the Italian army in North Africa circa 1941/42. Wenger needs to be humble accept he has made numerous mistakes, learn from the, ship out the dross in our squad and rebuild with help from a good defensive coach. He has too much power in that club and it is becoming counterproductive. I will not watch the Sunderland game as I cannot cope with the stress of watching our team at the moment.....

  34. Tony Evans

    Feb 17, 2012, 10:27 #18785

    We all share your pain mate and Arsenal know we all care too much about our club and that is how they get away with ripping us off left, right and centre and serving up tripe like the Milan game.

  35. John Abrehart

    Feb 17, 2012, 10:16 #18783

    As you say Fozzy, why start with Walcott when we know that the Italians will have done their homework and put two men on him. He will then consider them to be a brick wall and attempt a sideways pass or something. The only thing he has got is speed ; once that has been neutralised, the game passes him by. We knew that Milan would try to stifle our intricate passing game and the distribution of our midfield players was woeful; other contributors have pinpointed the usual suspects. However, there is one person who can perform at this level, as has been proven by his goals and assists in the past and that is the little Russian. He has an eye for the killer pass and can read the game. At least he should have had a chance to link up with Henry and RVP before the game was out of our reach. As has been said, our defence was all over the place and now the injury to Kos is particuarly worrying, coming into the period of 3-4 games that will define what is left of our season. Fourth place is attainable and that will be very important to any (?) new players and perhaps a new manager coming in and the FA Cup will lift the gloom about the club considerably. But my point here is that we know that FOUR centre backs of the required standard are needed, to allow for injuries/rotation etc and we only have three (sorry Johann). Knowing that Santos and Jenkinson are long term injuries and were going to miss the business end of the season (ie, now), the Manager chose not to bring in an experienced utility defender. The guy at Blackburn and Wayne Bridge were available, how useful would one of those have been over the coming few games? A terrible dereliction of duty in my view.