Where do we go from here?

An open letter to the controlling shareholder

Where do we go from here?

Dear Stan

(I hope you will excuse the familiarity, Mr Kroenke, but this is football, as we call it in England, and we like our first names)

You’ve got a problem. On the pitch and off it. On it, the results don’t leave much room for misinterpretation. Off it, it’s difficult to tell the scale of it. The dissonants make a lot of noise (you only have to read the comments on every post that appears on this and other websites, as well as most of the posts themselves), but – to the best of my knowledge – there has been no scientific poll of Arsenal supporters’ views and intentions. The unused seats at the E******s should, however, be a pretty clear indication that the off-pitch problems go deeper than the rantings (as your advisers will no doubt characterise them) of a dissonant minority.

We don’t expect you to be a passionate Gooner. Living, as I now do, on your side of the Atlantic, I understand and respect the concept of sports ownership that is motivated more by financial benefit than sporting adherence. But you are too good a businessman, and too closely connected to the most powerful retail business in the world, not to know that damage to a brand can undermine even the most tested business model. And, make no mistake about it, the Arsenal brand is damaged. When you price a car higher than a Mercedes, and it sputters like a Skoda, the damage is incremental. At some point in time, the punters won’t buy enough of your product to enable you to pay the interest on the loans you took out to buy your controlling stake in the Club.

So, what do you do? Do you listen to your employees at AFC and take the long-term view that all will come right when FFP comes in and the construction debt is paid off? Or do you fly over, fire the manager, and hire someone new to run the football side of things? The chances of the latter are not great, while the odds against the former are, unfortunately, too low. Your history at Arsenal, and what the American tabloids tell us of your style of sports-franchise ownership in the US, suggest that, having agreed a business plan with your managers, you prefer to let them get on with it – an admirable trait when the plan’s objectives are broadly being met, but fraught with danger when, as now at Arsenal, the premises of the plan are being steadily invalidated.

It was said of the British troops in the First World War that they were lions led by donkeys. Now, I would not go so far as to describe the present Arsenal playing squad as lions, and I do not for a moment think that you, the manager and the chief executive are donkeys. But the fan base on whose allegiance your investment is ultimately dependent, is swept by an inescapable sense that the Club lacks leadership.

We do not know too much about you, Stan, despite the published information. To borrow Churchill’s well-known words about Russia in 1939, you are a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. Churchill finished his observation “but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest”. Replace ‘national’ with ‘financial’ and the analogy is exact. However, what you perceive to be your financial interest, and how far your personal style will allow you to exercise true leadership, is the riddle of Stan Kroenke.

So, given that predictions as to what you will do are likely to be a waste of time, let me presume to offer you a suggestion – not original, not radical, and certainly not an instant cure.

As I said above, you’ve got a problem. My suggestion is that the specific steps you take are secondary to how your response is perceived. You need to give leadership, and from the front. There is no room in our predicament for a Duke of Plaza-Toro. Your audience needs first to hear you acknowledge that there is a problem. It needs to understand the strategy that the club is pursuing. The paying supporters need to understand why they are being asked to pay the highest admission-prices to watch a team whose standard has declined year by year since 2004. They need to understand what financial constraints arising from the move from Highbury still bind the player-acquisition policy. They want to know the role of Project Youth: is it truly an Arsène Wenger conceit, or is it born from the financial necessity of the new stadium? Above all, they want to know where the Club is going and what its ambitions are. And they want to know it from you, not from a manager whose loyalty to the Club is unquestioned, or from a CEO who is now irreversibly seen as a mouthpiece.

All of this may be uncomfortable for you, Stan. It may clash with your personal and business style. But you have a problem; some would even call it a crisis, and it threatens to blow a great big hole in your investment. Do not underestimate the seams of goodwill that lie under the surface of nearly all Gooners. That goodwill will respond positively to leadership communicated to them in an honest and open manner. They will give you time, and the benefit of the doubt, to fulfil a strategy that makes sense to them and that has been explained without doublespeak or BS. But, equally, do not forget that the English are the most bloody-minded people on earth. Take them for granted, or feed them with silence or half-truths, and your approach will come back and bite you in the a**e.

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  1. Eddie Kuh

    Feb 23, 2012, 1:56 #19230

    Technically inept players can be tolerated at times to a certain extent. But players who lack passion for the shirt, NEVER; and they need to be kicked out pronto. Besides being exposed as tactically lacking (no plan B), Wenger's inability to motivate these players to run through brick walls for him is my primary reason why he must leave!!! Will FFP teach our defenders to defend set pieces, our midfielders how to shoot straight on target and track back their men in midfield, wingers how to beat their markers and cross etc etc etc. Bring in Herve Renard from Zambian national team; we need a fresh start!!

  2. Silent Stan's Alter Ego

    Feb 22, 2012, 18:35 #19204

    I appreciate your letter, your concerns, and passion....I am considered to be a good judge of character when it comes to choosing those to make the best of my owned franchises, and in my opinion Mr Wenger is the right man, at least for the foreseeable future (3 more seasons for sure) so sit back and as Bobby McFerrin once sang "Don't Worry Be Happy" - well I'm happy -I mean the profits are doing well and we have three new kits to launch next summer....Blaaaah Blaaah Blaaah.

  3. Mark from Aylesbury

    Feb 22, 2012, 9:33 #19152

    A major problem is the staleness and paper thin credibility of Wenger with us supporters. What perplexes me is how much support he still receives in the media. Why doesnt a journo come out and say 7 years without a trophy is not good enough, Wenger should pay the price! There have been a number of mentions of Terry Neil on the site but at least he created a great cup team capable of grinding 72 games in one season I believe. So Canada to answer a point I think we are less fickle than we used to be, far more tolerant, we've indulged him for at least 4 seasons out of the last 7. On that basis I would definitely give a new manager 2 seasons grace and I think so would the majority of supporters.

  4. CanadaGooner

    Feb 21, 2012, 16:00 #19113

    @Mark - I dont need to prove anything to you (I'm not Wenger): were we not all begging him to stay after the invincible run? dont be such a silly hypocrate! I dont think there was anyone here who felt Pirez, Henry and a few others werent Wenger's brain-child or that his invincibles were as a result of GG? (how come that feat wasnt previously achieved) @ Tony Evans - NO, I dont mean the board: look out there, do you see any great manager lurking? we could definitely try David Moyes or Martin O'neill and I think, given time, either of them could do much better than what we currently have. But will they get any time? we all know the answer to that: you lot here will turn into a lynch mob within 3 weeks and their first 3 losses and tell us all how Wenger should have stayed and how he was a genius! Fans are way too fickle these days and that's the sad reality Yes, Wenger has to go at the end of the season but, NO, that's nothing to do with him being a bad manager: he's just run out of ideas and the club's much better off with a change (good or bad)

  5. Jim Steve

    Feb 21, 2012, 14:51 #19108

    If only Silent Stan could find his voice... I miss David Dein...

  6. R Meade

    Feb 21, 2012, 13:20 #19100

    It's not Denilson Bendtner Vela we should be worrying about right now they don't play it's the players playing week in week out we need to worry about there the ones getting smashed week in week out most of them are championship at best and there our best players! When the new manager does come in he will have the hardest job any Arsenal newly appointed manager has ever had especially if no RVP Wenger will leave us right in the deep stuff.

  7. TFG

    Feb 21, 2012, 8:55 #19077

    Wish I could disagree. None so blind as those who cannot see...

  8. Tony Evans

    Feb 21, 2012, 8:35 #19076

    Canada - Why do you think Wenger leaving would mean worse results? I presume you mean because the board will still be in place and so nothing will change. If that is the reason then I disagree. The board did not force Wenger to buy, indulge and overly reward the likes of Denilson, Almunia, Squillaci, Diaby, Bendtner, Vela, Eboue and all the other no hopers we have had the misfortune to see play. This myth that Wenger is not wholly to blame for the poor state of the squad drives me nuts. I am not saying I like Kronke and co but that is because they sit back and let Wenger indulge his fantasy football world, not because they have any undue influence on the squad.

  9. HowardL

    Feb 21, 2012, 7:46 #19073

    Brilliant letter Michael. In sales jargon it's focussed right on Stan's perceived needs. Bullseye! What have you got to lose by sending it?

  10. Mark

    Feb 21, 2012, 3:15 #19070

    prove to me wenger is a very good manager canadagooner. it is all a myth ! arsenal was a great club. GG/DD left great legacies of a club ready to agresisvely challenge anyone. their players and they influence they wielded was still having influence upto 2004/5. wenger as a great manager is a total myth !!!

  11. Awesome Words

    Feb 21, 2012, 2:36 #19069

    This article is spot on, lets hope somehow these words are heard by Stan (and Ivan and Wenger). All we want is honesty. All we want (need) is a plan. An explanation behind the philosophy! Please do something, say something, show you are not a heartless businessman owner, and show you are someone that truly cares about the fortunes of Arsenal Football Club. -Denver Gooner

  12. CanadaGooner

    Feb 21, 2012, 0:41 #19068

    Dont worry folks, Sky Sports will soon come to the rescue by inventing another psuedo-title: TOP 6! And Arsenal can rejoice once more by being in the elite Top 6! that can be our goal for next season: Top 6 finish!

  13. Rocastle 7

    Feb 20, 2012, 22:10 #19065

    An open letter in plain english may have easier for "Stan" to read!

  14. PaulR

    Feb 20, 2012, 21:09 #19064

    In an era where finance determines everything that happens at our beloved club, please see this quote from the late Sir Bobby Robson. “What is a club in any case? Not the buildings or the directors or the people who are paid to represent it.It’s not the television contracts, get-out clauses, marketing departments or executive boxes. It’s the noise, the passion, the feeling of belonging, the pride in your city. It’s a small boy clambering up stadium steps for the very first time, gripping his father’s hand, gawping at that hallowed stretch of turf beneath him and, without being able to do a thing about it, falling in love.” Yes, this may sound like a sentimental load of old rubbish, but if you only care about the money then you lose everything that is really important about the club. Unfortunately those running the club don't feel the same way.

  15. Unbeaten 03/04

    Feb 20, 2012, 20:48 #19063

    Ok, I think Stan got the message only if he bothers to read it, let alone knowing that this site exist but wouldn't it make more sense and direct if we just don't turn up for the games!!!

  16. Mike

    Feb 20, 2012, 19:21 #19060

    By the way, Skoda makes pretty good cars nowadays, I think they won this year's Rally Championship...

  17. Graham Simons

    Feb 20, 2012, 19:05 #19058

    it's worth noting that if project youth had succeeded our team would be: GK Almunia RB Sagna, LCB Vermaelen RCB Djourou, LB Gibbs, RW Arshavin, CM Song LCM Diaby RCM Denilson, LW Vela, CF Van Persie. What's scary is out of that lot only Sagna, Vermaelen, Song and RVP are what we would consider first teamers. The rest are either on loan or are benchwarmers.

  18. Wombledin

    Feb 20, 2012, 19:02 #19057

    Save it for if/when we finish outside of the top four. That's our 'trophy' and that's enough for Kroenke and Hill-wood et all. That's enough to keep turning a good profit. And Kroenke and Gazidis have basically said that Wenger will stay if we don't even get in the top four, so if Wenger is still here next season and we are in the Europa League, then save it for then. Until then, they don't give a hoot.

  19. CanadaGooner

    Feb 20, 2012, 18:54 #19055

    I have to say I'm quite surprised Wenger hasnt decided to walk away (or maybe he has?). There's no chance of turning things around at Arsenal, with the ownership structures we have and guys like Gazidis at the helm. Surely he can do better elsewhere cant he? What we wont get anywhere else is a 15yr stretch and 7 years winning nothin: so, this has probably become a job security issue. I dont see any other top club in Europe keeping a manager for 7 years with no trophies (but piles of cash from selling good players). Ron made the most important comment i've read on here in agaes: let's retain some perspective: Wenger is a very good manager, but he's had his chances at arsenal and needs to part ways now. and what will follow, will be worse results for arsenal, but people would rather have that than this predictable situation we currently have. shame, but c'est la vie

  20. Dan h

    Feb 20, 2012, 18:41 #19054

    @New Jersey Mike as a man that has had family go the other way emigrating to NY in the late 90's it is interesting to compare how we are now being run.Our club very much feels like a francise rather than the identity it had.Over the years i have been to the wonderful MSG many times normally to watch the NY Rangers always had a chuckle to myself how merchandise,hot dogs refreshments etc are basically thrust on to you the minute you enter!The E******* has become similar without the history overpriced beer,merchandise etc.catering more for the tourist than the regular fan happy just to be at an 'event'.What SK will find out is that there becomes a point where fans here will say enough is enough & you really get the feeling we are at that point. I havn't got a season ticket havn't for many years happy to keep my silver membership going but won't spend anything in the ground this year i have been offered spare tickets countless times the club is in for a shock come renewal time.They only really care about box holders etc but nothing looks worse on TV than the empty seats we are seeing more regularly regardless if paid for the club needs to really look at where it want's to go.

  21. from here ?

    Feb 20, 2012, 18:34 #19053

    12 more matches to play. my guess is we will lose 4 of them and we wont be finishing 4th. BUT WE WILL HAVE HAD ANOTHER PROFITABLE YEAR AND CONTINUE TO BE IN GOOD SHAPE FINANCIALLY

  22. Prophets foretold it would all be about Profits

    Feb 20, 2012, 18:06 #19052

    all they will worry about is will 11/12 be a profitable year for the business and i guess it will. may onwards will begin the RVP is going to leave noises and i think there is a real chance a £25m bid would get accepted by the businessmen. RVP clearly is not happy these days

  23. Shropshire Lad

    Feb 20, 2012, 17:51 #19050

    Nicely written and succinctly made points which are hard to disagree with. However, in the real world of Football, big business and Boards i' m afraid your 'advice' will never be read or headed. Silent and the Board regard fans simply as consumers and they are only taken notice of if they move to the 'opposition' or they are threatened with legal action that has a high possibility of success. Of course, they are not stupid, they know that the one strong characteristic of football fans is brand loyalty and that therefore they can ignore them and push them for longer than in other business situations. So where does that leave us? Well, realistically, in exactly the position fans have always been. Pretty much neutered and only when the share prices tumble through lack of competition, lack of attendance and an unattractive resale value. You have to hit them where it hurts but football fans cannot resist turning up, rationalizing satisfying their addiction by claiming they are protesting. Cleverly, the Board have also mitigated against non attendance by all season ticket seats, selling in advance of the coming Programme and highly priced corporate revenue. So, now you know how your dog feels after his first visit to the Vet! Or put another way, how a Blackburn fan feels.

  24. John Gooner

    Feb 20, 2012, 17:47 #19049

    Yes! Honesty, please can they be honest with us. I can deal with failure if it is unavoidable in serving a clearly communicated purpose. Either we have the money to compete or we do not. Their tactic in the last 3 years has been to tell us they have money to improve, yet all their actions lead us to believe that we are fighting off the administrators. It is like me telling you that I have plenty of money to buy food, but I do not need to buy food because I have sufficient stocks. You witness me get thinner and thinner, whilst I sell my best food at cut-down prices - Eventually I starve to death. Was I A. Lying to you? Or B. Masking disorder for which I ought to be sectioned?

  25. Bill Keefe 1961 gooner

    Feb 20, 2012, 17:17 #19047

    Is it time for us to ditch the season ticket,I ask this after so long without even looking like competing for trophies.I for one will forego mine if we as looks likely that we will be in the Europa league next season.The club seem to think that we are all stupid we support the club but we can only go so far.Our finances have taken over from the football side of things and whether I put might future chances of getting my season ticket back or forever cast adrift to be a red member or hoping for aticket from some other source I will have to take my chances.As I said enough is enough make your mind up football or finance preferably both but not what we have got at the minute.Cheers Bill the gooner since 1961

  26. New Jersey Mike

    Feb 20, 2012, 16:41 #19045

    Fellow Mike- I followed the team since the mid 90's when I moved to London from the USA. Being from the New York area I was raised on a seasonal diet of NFL football, NBA basketball and MLB baseball, Giants, Knicks and of course Yankees. I fell in love with the beautiful game, the Arsenal game. Waitlisted for 8 years at Highbury and glad to pay ticket agents in Leicester Square 40 quid a seat for an FA Cup match to see Pires the great, Henry, as well as a back 4 that moved together like a a fine tuned machine. Alas, a move to Emirates and I was offered Club Level seats, swallow hard, at 2600 quid a seat. Now, I am not rich, dont own a boat, or even a car for that matter. My one big lifes splurge are those 2 seats. Now, i have seen many a fine match, and a few bummers, the first ever loss to West Ham, the meltdown last year v Spurs, but for the most part good wins and good times. But, no doubt, there is a steady decline, every year. Gone are the greats, replaced with 6 outta 10's. RVP will go this summer unless we manage to finish 4th and is paid some huge wage, both unlikely based on present form and current wage structure. So, what to do when my Club Level contract for 2013 arrives next month...I am not getting the value for money I had expected when the move to Emirates was to launch a new era of League, FA and European trophies. I am paying down the stadium debt and making Stan n company a bit more flushed. Think I'll buy a car...

  27. Dorset Gonner

    Feb 20, 2012, 15:10 #19039

    Agree with Dan H, Silent Stan has got previous with his US teams, but maybe what he doesn't understand is that we don't have a draft each year where the worst teams get the best young players! If we continue to sell our best players, we will have lots of money in the bank (great!), but can we then go and sign top replacements (think we all know the answer is no) I've read comments on here from people saying we shouldn't protest like Blackburn fan, but if we don't do something things aren't going to change. Ivan said the fans will decide, so...... 1) Don't go any more home/aways this session 2) Don't renew ST & red/silver memberships 3) Don't go to the Em**** Cup 4) Don't buy the new home/away kits The manager/board aren't interested in our opinions (only our money) So no more money until we see some positive changes! WE WON'T ARE ARSENAL BACK!!!

  28. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Feb 20, 2012, 14:49 #19037

    my wife used to work for a well known company as pa then company sec. a shareholder with about 80% of shares, told mt wife while she was the pa, that his influnce was not as big as she seemed to think it was.the MD,the board,the banks, and the customers all had a lot of influnce. he could not just hire and fire people,as the board acted for the best intentions of the firm as a whole. Stan cannot simply walk in and sack AW. He can use urge a change but the rest of the board may not want a change.

  29. A Cornish Gooner

    Feb 20, 2012, 14:34 #19035

    jjBergkamp and Dave Truth. Your posts are pompous, condescending and supercilious. jj: I look forward to reading one of your 'serious' articles. DT: Are you seriously suggesting any of us started supporting Arsenal because we liked their business model? There's a job for both of you on the Arsenal Board!

  30. Ron

    Feb 20, 2012, 14:05 #19032

    Chris Dee - The truth is matey that most Clubs see the fans as a nuisance. I speak to a good many Utd and other fans on my travels. They all think the same as we do i.e that their Clubs think we're all idiots. Truth? The Clubs are right. We are. Im of the view now that we could bring in 3-4 truly top level players and the product and spectacle still wouldnt justify the price. Its a rip off, played largely at half pace, no tackles allowed, players feigning fouls and injury, refs who are inept, a league that only two can expect to win now, two domestic trophies that none of the Clubs truly care for and one that they snigger at, one european tourny that they also laugh at, another Euro tourny that only 2 - 3 can look to win, players who are 'too tired' to manage 2 games a week, quite a few stadiums that are cramped, filthy and with poor views, an org (FA) thats been useless for decades, a Prem League that couldnt care a fig for the FA comprising quite a few Clubs who want out anyway to play in a Euro League (its going to happen for sure), a corrupt UEFA. International football dying by the day due to players not really wanting it due to lack of reward and its making the poor mites even more 'tired'. Its not just Arsenal that are in malaise, its the whole freaking shooting match that needs rethinking. I think fans are turning away from it generally as they did in the 80s. Its a slow process but the more clinical and uninspiring its gets, the faster will be the rate of dissilusionment. Money has given players a far greater say in it and has rightly liberated them from where they were 50 years ago, but that very facet of the game is now slowly killing it. Arsenal are the best embodiment of the evidence of what footballs become. Their so called 'sustainable' model exemplifies whats wrong with the rest of the Clubs and the game at large as it stands out like a sore thumb. For us fans its frustrating, but im pretty sure that the likes of Arsenal will be one of the last if not the very last once the roof crashes down on the whole edifice. Arsenals problem is that theyre just too welded to the stringencies of their own model, but who knows, maybe they know something that we dont? Who cares really. I dont now.

  31. Jekyll

    Feb 20, 2012, 13:43 #19029

    I think Stan is happy to see AFC become a midtable club that makes a profit. Clearly he thinks there will still be enough of a fanbase to make that possible. Wenger runs the club for him from top to bottom so he'll never get rid of him. Wenger does this because he is allowed a free hand to indulge in his 'project' and is outraged that people in the media or the fans criticise. Wenger sees the club as his pet project and it is none of our business, as far as he is concerned, how he runs it.

  32. Fozzy's mate

    Feb 20, 2012, 13:19 #19025

    Michael you are on of the frustrated masses. I actually think the club propaganda machine did a good until a few years ago in placating most fans. However for me the goodwill dried up with the rude and arrogant display of OGL and Hillwood at several AGM's. My approach is to grin, turn up, support and go home. The supporters are and alwasy will be incidental to Wenger and Kroenke. I don't like it anymore than you but unlike many of my peers (and more to follow this summer), this horrid regime won't break me. This regime/strategy is nearing the end of a painful decline, which will see Kroenke or Wenger or the strategy currently employed go. Chin up and keep turning up to what after all is our club.

  33. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Feb 20, 2012, 13:10 #19024

    Things won't change unless there's real, tangible, vocal and physical demonstration. Things will remain the same if all we do is just tut and shake our collective heads after handing over the (obscenely high) ticket money. We need a formal - and if need be, prolonged - protest. Be anti-Wenger or anti-Board if you like, but for me it's something that would be pro-Arsenal. You can love your country, but still demonstrate against something you feel is wrong. Surely we can do the same against our football club.

  34. Mark

    Feb 20, 2012, 12:53 #19023

    you should have seen the writing on the wall as many of us did 2 years ago and it was screaming at us 1 year ago. well now it has arrived and we will ensure a couple of years of utter pain. the great highbury club with the fighting spirit that made you proud has been well and truly hijacked.

  35. Tony Evans

    Feb 20, 2012, 12:37 #19019

    If we as supporters keep turning up week after week then the answer to your articles headline is nowhere fast. Calls to support the team always fail to acknowledge that by doing that you are also tacitly supporting Wenger and the Board. The time has surely come to either boycott games or, if you do go, to give Wenger a piece of your mind. I can't believe the complancency; the anger on this site needs to shift to the ground - I want Wenger out so badly it hurts and am astounded that he gets away with serving up so many duff performances and continually backing all the perrenial under-achievers like Walcott. If ever there was an example of how deluded Wenger has become it is the contract extension awarded to Djourou. The team Wenger has created is a disgrace to the name of Arsenal but he will not resign and the board will back him to the hilt. It is up to us as fans so stop making it so easy for them; either stop going or let Wenger know how angry you are by protesting at each and every game.

  36. BERGKAMP10

    Feb 20, 2012, 12:32 #19018

    Hi, I think Dennis Bergkamps' article in The D.T. last week spoke volumes. I must say having been a Gooner for over 35+ years we are in severe difficulties. I doubt very much will change, but I feel the club should and will have to start to listen. I know a large number of fans to whom will not attend the Milan game and that is a great shame. However change is now overdue and we can hope the owners start to listen. Perhaps Kev can get ASIA involved more?

  37. Gooner1711

    Feb 20, 2012, 12:15 #19016

    Dave Truth and JJ Berkamp - good to know you're alive and well and deluded as Wenger is. Continue paying ridiculous prices for championship players (bar a few) in the new library. My ST is under serious consideration due to constant lies and idiots like you with rose coloured glasses. The comment about going to Spurs is the same old tired storyt of people who cannot see the truth.

  38. Any new Iron

    Feb 20, 2012, 12:03 #19015

    Yes and yes. Wenger has a fear of spending; ever the economist. No tippy-tappy style is also imperitive. We will always get done playing like that. For me too much damage has been done already, for an 'emperor's new clothes' scenario. I'm afraid Arsene cannot under current circumstances take us any further.

  39. AFCasap

    Feb 20, 2012, 11:52 #19014

    way too soft!!!... dear stanley, are you receiving?......we THE FANS!!! want AFC back...we THE FANS!!! (whose hard earned cash keeps getting swallowed up and flushed away by the present regime) have had enough...4th place, lies, disrespect and arrogance from empolyees like wenger (and his wage stealing mercenary rubbish squad) will not be tolerated anymore...we've been patient for 7 years now, but no more...fix it now or else we will not be handing over our money to you or wenger etc to keep in your fat wallets..the product does not match the prices you charge ps you're a billionaire right?....show us you care about AFC..why not, hand over 100 mil of your own fortune?...thats nothing to you right!!

  40. Dan h

    Feb 20, 2012, 11:43 #19012

    To give a bit of background on the sort of owner we have look at his other teams he owns.The Denver Nuggets & Colarado Avalanche were bought in a joint $450 million deal in 2000.Colarado won the NHL stanley cup in 2001 they had a run of nearly 500 games at home sold out but the investment in the team has been minimal.They have gone from being contenders to one of the worst teams in the NHL in 2009 they traded star player Ryan Smith he hasn't been replaced.The Denver Nuggets are competitive to the point they looked like having a spell of real dominance in the NBA they decided to trade star player Carmelo Anthony.In 2010 he bought the LA Rams NFL they are the worst team in the NFL sorry if it makes no relevance to Arsenal but you can see where i am going here.The only article i have read with quotes talk about him waxing lyrical about the LA Rams star quaterback in a game they are being humiliated in believing he will become a star player & be of great value.There on this evidence shows you what we may be heading for under this man mediocrity & a policy of moving players on for profit with them not being replaced.I can only speak for myself but what concerns me if he won't invest in sports he knows something about in a country he lives in does anyone really think he will have the best interests of Arsenal at heart?

  41. Dave Truth

    Feb 20, 2012, 11:19 #19008

    Why would any of us expect a businessman as experienced and successful as Stan Kroenke to be bothered about articles like this? Part of the problem is in supporters fooling themselves that they can influence. Times have changed. You are welcome to buy a ticket at Spurs if you prefer their business model. Your empty seat at Arsenal will be sold when up for purchase as a season ticket. Stop over-rating your importance, let the people who know about business fix the club and if you can't wait move on to somewhere you will feel less stress. We won't wish you ill for doing so.

  42. chris dee

    Feb 20, 2012, 11:15 #19007

    Good piece Micky boy but our performances on the field,which are the be all and end all ,are not affected by Stan's business plan. It's not worries about Stan's business plan that is pressurising the our precious dears on the pitch. You don't squander a 4-0 lead in twenty minutes because the FT index fell fifty points,or unfailingly,year after year,season after season ,match after match, concede a goal from a free kick or a quick counter attack because interest rates increased by 2%. Or failing to put in 100% both physically and mentaly because of worries about paying a mortgage These are coaching issues that should have be addressed. And yes Arsene, fans have never managed a club,never won the Premier League or managed a club in Europe,but we are not blind. It it would't hurt if once in a while you praised the fans who traipse all over the place giving the team tremendous support. And it wouldn't hurt to say that he understands the hurt the fans are going through,that we have not been playing well,but he looks forward to all the fans giving the team a lift against Spurs.Than just watch the support that would be generated. Instead the fans are treated as nothing more than an annoying nuisance.

  43. JJBergkamp

    Feb 20, 2012, 10:21 #18999

    This is a serious time at the moment for all Gooners! Childish garb like this is just not needed right now! This "letter" feels like a teenager has written it for a crowd, looking for a cheap laugh! the sentinment maybe right but the execution is poor.......Can we have some serious articles on here please!!

  44. Oxy-Moron

    Feb 20, 2012, 10:02 #18998

    If anyone's wondering where all the AKB's have gone - take a look on the Daily Telegraph comments under any Arsenal story - they're there in numbers. Phrases like "the long term" and "FFP will benefit us" are rife. Bless 'em!

  45. Stevesam

    Feb 20, 2012, 9:55 #18997

    Michael - brilliant. The Arsenal, to me, is second only to my family and my life. As a trooper in the trenches, I shall not give my life cheaply, I shall fight to the end, even with my hands tied behind my back.

  46. jj

    Feb 20, 2012, 9:54 #18996

    There will be no change in the forseeable future unless Usmanov is able to gain some influence.Kroenke seems to be hypnotised by the Wenger cult as so many others seem to be.The move to the Emirates has been a huge success for the board and Arsenal plc.It's been a disaster for the fans.I gave up my season ticket of 30 years,3 years ago because I didn't believe in the cult.I think others will do the same but do the Board really give a toss? No.