Two simple questions for this evening’s Arsenal Supporters Trust meeting

Unhappy AST life member gives his view

Two simple questions for this evening’s Arsenal Supporters Trust meeting

The Trust: Time to take the gloves off to halt Arsenal’s decline?

This evening an Arsenal Supporters’ Trust meeting will take place. I’m lifetime AST member, but as I’m an overseas supporter I will not be able to attend. So, as a regular contributor to, I’d like to take my chance to make a contribution to the proceedings.

Some ‘silly people’ will discuss the current situation at Arsenal. I’m also ‘silly’ because I didn’t start legal action against Peter Hill-Wood last spring when he described the Trust in this way.

How many AST members would have supported such a legal action in April? You never know, as there is no regular procedure for collecting opinions.

If the AST wants to represent the supporters’ view – it just needs to ask supporters regularly, not once a year in survey, but as often as necessary. We live in an internet era and we can’t vote every month? Why doesn’t the AST have a voting facility on its website? Is it too expensive?

Or perhaps the Trust Board do not have faith that the members will give the answers the Board wants to hear.

How many AST members think that “The AST does not believe the Trust should discuss the position of the manager mid-season” ?

What is the percentage that supported this notion?

In my vision if the AST want to make the announcement on a certain matter - the members should be asked online on this matter.

But today Arsenal are in serious trouble and the AST must step in and have a strong say.

No more political games. No more denials and excuses. No more friendship with the current regime. No more AST meetings at Emirates Stadium.

The current policy must be changed and the AST must sound its opinion very loudly.

And not in Ivan Gazidis’ mobile phone, but to all Gooners all over the World.

In order to get it I’d like to offer two very easy yes/no questions to be voted upon at today's AST meeting:

1. Should Arsene Wenger leave the club before the 1st of June 2012?

2. Should Alisher Usmanov have 30% representation on the Arsenal board?

The results of such votes will tell their own story.

And I believe all we need is to understand where we – supporters – are today.

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    Feb 23, 2012, 21:04 #19272

    Wenger should resign immediately and Usmanov should be on the Board and for Gods sake find a way to bring back David Dein.

  2. Blue moon

    Feb 21, 2012, 10:13 #19078

    The first question is No. The second question is Yes. No man is more appropriate than AW but he should listen the Arsenal fan club and supporters what they want not the board want. Today, the team 's tactic should be change but the team 's style should be continue .The beautiful performance with successful likes the Spain nation teams the direction that should be go (play beautiful but concern in the defensive and play for win in style) . The Spain win in1-0 nearly almost the tournament. All the people price them even they win 1-0. The team 's tactic destroys the player's health because they run too many kilometers to make the other dizziness but today it is not worked and made Arsenal player's health run down by their fatigue. Mr Usmanov should be the board member and make the different things and fresh to bring the board and team back on the right track to be the champion with wealthy . In the business , no one denies in the money but the football 's business is different because the success is the first priority and the money can come follow in the clever method and invest that this board is in the wrong track. In the football, no trophy is no money .

  3. Arsene is a liar

    Feb 21, 2012, 8:08 #19075

    Welcome to AFC (Arsene's Financial Corporation)

  4. D Gonner

    Feb 21, 2012, 6:19 #19072

    1. YES 2. YES Also bring the board, and bunch of useless players like Squid who's on 60k/week OUT NOW!

  5. AussieRussianGooner

    Feb 21, 2012, 5:39 #19071

    Let's look at the facts - Arsenal is no longer a top club. Our player salaries are not reflective of where we are as a club, and are rewarding mediocrity. And we are facing a potentially sizeable short fall if we miss on the CL spot, which is very likely. People who got us here need to be made accountable. The team has had glaring deficiencies for some time now, yet they were only obvious to those who never coached or played, it seems, while our once esteemed coach refuses to acknowledge them. It's not just about spending the money. It's about being able to identify the problems, and be ready to solve them. Instead, the Arsene way has been to ignore the reality, and to continue to implement the "Wenger Project". Where it got us, is now clear. Of course I'd prefer him to leave gracefully, but if he won't do so, there are few alternatives left. And of course, the change has to start from the top. Kroenke is not the right man for us, and how we can get him to realise that and move on is a million dollar question.

  6. Dom

    Feb 20, 2012, 22:47 #19067

    If you want see a change at the club that we all love and which means so much to us, is to stop spending your money and stop it now. That is the only way the current regime, who only see the club as a business, will **** off. Only then do we have the chance to see new leadership come in who understand that we are actually a football club. Whilst you are giving them your money they're going no where and nothing will change. It's a painful reality but that's how it is.

  7. Gare Kekeke

    Feb 20, 2012, 22:30 #19066

    1) Yes. Sadly Wenger can't stop the gradual decline which is sad to watch for a variety of reasons that have been mentioned too often on this site. 2) Again yes. What's the point of having up to 30% of shares and having no input or say in terms of the running of our club. But that's as far as it should go. Like Ashley Cole, I almost crashed my car when the AST spokesman said on national radio after their meeting that the wage bill this season is set to be a whopping £130m, up almost £6m from last season and though not confirmed by the club, Johan Djourou was indeed given a new contract by Wenger with him now earning £50k a week. This is where a large chunk of the money is going. And the AKB's have the temerity to claim 'we have no money'. Total BS. And don't even think that FFP will save us either. What a joke that Wenger & co. are waiting for that kick in. Everton haven't got any money and they get on with it despite having Liverpool literally across the park and the Manchester clubs across the East Lancs Road. Arsene Wenger deserves credit for his overall outstanding contribution to our club but it's time for a change at the end of the season. He should be allowed to leave the club with dignity and not be hounded out. It's the least he deserves.

  8. Unbeaten 03/04

    Feb 20, 2012, 20:32 #19062

    Yes and Yes!

  9. Wombledin

    Feb 20, 2012, 19:19 #19059

    The first question has a premise that needs explicating. Why should he go before 1 June? Make it clear. If we still qualify for the CL next season many fans would argue that is sufficient for him to stay provided he spends the full transfer kitty in the summer. Everyone knows a top four finish is the benchmark set by the Board et al (or is it in fact getting lower?) and is enough to keep turning a good profit and keep the stadium mostly full. Clearly he will not be sacked if we finish 4th, so why waste your time with this now? Wait until closer to the end of the season to see where we finish in the table. When it becomes clear we will not finish in the top four then hammer the message then and get the "Arsene must go!" banners out at the stadium!

  10. paul cooper

    Feb 20, 2012, 19:02 #19056

    awnser to question 1: No awnser to question2: Yes

  11. GoonerGoal!

    Feb 20, 2012, 17:21 #19048

    The insignificance of the AST should not be ignored. After all according to their website they now have a massive 850 members, and apparently almost 2000 supporters own 'part' of a share in Arsenal through their Arsenal Fanshare. I know, I don't get the disparity between the 850 AST membership and the 2000 Arsenal Fanshare 'supporters' either. Unless of course, some of the 850 members are buying more than one part of a share, in which case the figure of 2000 part share owning supporters would be totally false. But who really cares? The truth is, this silly little group toe the official Arsenal FC line while representing nobody but themselves. So why do we give them any credence at all?

  12. BERGKAMP10

    Feb 20, 2012, 17:10 #19046

    I would have to say that my answers would be; 1) No. I believe that Wenger is basically a good manager. However he needs two strong right/left hand men. I.E. Coach the side, and one for tatics and watching the tems we are due to play. I know for a fact only 5% of the week is handled over to our upcoming fixtures. I believe he is still the man too manage Arsenal. However he does need to change his thinking on signings, squad, coachs' etc. 2) Yes. The whole feeling to Kroenkes attitude to the club is that of making money with no further outlay from him. A massive cash injection plus the energy and drive of ANO may work. However I would only want David Dein back from a footballing stand point, he isn't the man for the business side. Now days you need both in place. DITTO Man Utd. welcome.

  13. AST Acolyte

    Feb 20, 2012, 16:37 #19044

    The AST are a bunch of clowns I'm afraid. They are lapdog self-serving lapdogs of the regime. Please witness the rousing ovation they gave Wenger last year when he came out with his spiel. The AST is nothing but a talking shop, led by a clueless tactician, interested in money more than anything else. Remind you of a certain football club? If the AST were a serious organization then VERY vocal noises would have been made. It's pathetic and ridiculous that the manager's position 'cannot be discussed mid-season'. That is a copout and they know it. The reason it is a cop-out, is because if they don't discuss it mid-season, when summer time comes, they still cannot discuss it as it is a case then of 'judge the manager after the transfer window closes'. And once that closes it's a case of 'we will wait till the season progresses to pass judgment'. Etc etc. So you see, same crap different organization. The AST are a do-nothign organization. Other groups at other clubs seem somehow to be far more vocal in forcing change and believe me, if the AST made enough noises, their voice would be heard. But hey...that share price is looking nice eh? And that Gazidis might invite them all to quaff some champers down the Diamond Club, move along nothing to see here. Said it before and will say it again: spineless club lacking in leadership. TOTAL CLEAN SWEEP NEEDED from top to bottom. WENGER OUT. STOP RENEWING STs AND STOP PAYING CRAZY PRICES FOR MEDIOCRE FAILURE.

  14. chrisy boy

    Feb 20, 2012, 15:49 #19043

    yes wenger to leave as long as the current board go as well. And yes to usmanov but not as a sole owner maybe in partnership with the Arsenal fans in line with the kind of set up at Barcelona

  15. Dorset Gooner

    Feb 20, 2012, 15:42 #19042

    1) Yes 2)Yes Jimmy, AST member - I think it's time for the AST to do something about the current situation. There are AST members, Red/Silver members and ST holders and we all want change at the club - Why can't the AST organise all members, find out our opinions and then organise protests/action again the board. Maybe the club doesn't take the AST seriously as they know it currently doesn't represent all Arsenal members - So lets change that!

  16. tfsmudge

    Feb 20, 2012, 15:36 #19041

    1. No*. 2. Yes*. *providing the rest of the board all resign and get Dein back where he belongs. No to corporate greed - give us our Arsenal back !

  17. Alister

    Feb 20, 2012, 15:21 #19040

    I agree with most of what you say. I think it is time for Arsene to either leave us altogether, or at least move upstairs to become a Director (of Football, possibly). But, your quote about us being in 'serious trouble'? You are talking nonsense. Ask fans of Rangers up in Scotland, or Portsmouth, or Darlington about 'serious trouble'. You will find the language a lot tougher.

  18. Red tom

    Feb 20, 2012, 15:08 #19038

    Sack Wenger. We need freshening up

  19. Any old Iron

    Feb 20, 2012, 14:37 #19036

    Ja und oui to both questions. Do I want continuous Champions league when feasibly we haven't got a chance? Nein! The hierarchy does because of the bucks-nothing else. Nothing short of scandalous!

  20. Croker

    Feb 20, 2012, 14:12 #19034

    It's no longer just all about making funds available (and spending them)to break Arsenal transfer records. The concern is how any new signing will be coached and used on the pitch. All of Le Boss' former innovations (preparation, conditioning, buying players who were athletic and physically strong - ok Overmars and Ljungberg were n't tall - etc;)have been overtaken by other clubs, even by the likes of Swansea with small operating budgets. He needs to learn new tricks, innovate again and bring in some fresh faces with fresh coaching ideas or move on. I want to see Wenger move on in a dignified manner with everyones thanks but not for him to be hounded out.That's not The Arsenal way.

  21. david carth

    Feb 20, 2012, 13:55 #19031

    No No

  22. Jimmy, AST Member

    Feb 20, 2012, 13:45 #19030

    @Goonerboy (post 21007) In answer to you question about who are the AST, well for starters, most of the members are not share-holders as you seem to think (although some are). They are people like myself who care about the ownership structure of our club, which whether we like it or not, plays a significant part in what transpires on the pitch. Some of the people on the board of the AST give up significant amounts of their time to talk to parties involved in the ownership or to analyse the accounts in minute detail. @Oxy-Moron (post 21013) - See my point above regarding share ownership, but from you comment I'd also assume you've never attended one of their meetings or engaged in conversation with many of the members, because if you had you'd know that there are members of the AST Board who want Wenger to leave and have been vocal in that opinion for at least a couple of years. It's easy to sit at a keyboard and type a bunch of lies which people will then regard as fact, so I thought I'd set the record straight. For the record, my answer to the two questions Ivan has posed (which I hope he's had the decency to send directly to the AST Board as well before publishing here) is Yes - Wenger's time is up for me and has been for at least 18 months and Yes, despite the fact I don't like the idea of Usmanov owning such a large part of my club, I do think it's right for him to have representation on the Board.

  23. Gee

    Feb 20, 2012, 13:34 #19027

    These supporter groups really have zero effect on the club to be honest. The AST made stron recommendations to the club not too raise ticket prices. BOOM the club raise ticket prices. The club will just do what they want to be honest. AST is a small voice that is largely ignored. Yes they got this fanshare thing going, but again, BOOM there aren't any shares left. Kroenke and usmanov make the right noises and "support" the fanshare scheme, but again, BOOM Usmanov hoovers up all ther shares and stan won't sell until we have our commercials in line in 2 years where he will make £200m profit. The club will always do what they want whilst patting the AST on the head saying we take on board your views but don't really care

  24. sparksy

    Feb 20, 2012, 13:31 #19026

    And by not having a facility to engage with the bulk of Arsenal supporters is one of the issues as to why the club is so far removed from the support. Yes the AST are fans but a very small percentage. Surely ST holders or those who pay game by game are just as important, as they invest just as much financially attending games. As a ST holder the only questions i have been asked by the club is a questionnaire inquiring how much money i spend on food, drink and merchandise. Says it all.

  25. Martin Vine

    Feb 20, 2012, 12:46 #19021

    1) No. I believe that AW is the man to manage Arsenal however he either needs to change his thinking on signings or the board need to release the funds to enable him to improve the squad..still not sure which party is to blame. 2) Yes. The whole feeling to Kroenkes attitude to the club is that of making money with no further outlay from him. A massive cash injection plus the energy and drive of David Dein will be welcome.

  26. Adrian Wagenaar

    Feb 20, 2012, 12:39 #19020

    Ivan : I recently gave up my membership of the AST because I could never attend meetings due to my work commitments. They are good people with a real grasp of how the club is run but this policy of not discussing managers mid season is a vote loser! Our club has lost it's soul and that cannot wait till the end of the season! I wish Ivan, you had asked should D D be made chairman and I would have given a resounding yes!

  27. Ronster

    Feb 20, 2012, 11:51 #19013

    By all means continue to renew your season tickets and memberships if you support the current regime.However,those that constantly knash their teeth on these pages please have some balls and stop handing over your money to Arsenal Football Club.It's the only way change can be achieved.

  28. Yera

    Feb 20, 2012, 11:37 #19011

    1. Yes, Wenger out 2. Yes, Usmanov in

  29. Oxy-Moron

    Feb 20, 2012, 11:22 #19009

    The AST - AKB's with enough disposable income to buy a share

  30. Stuart Holloway

    Feb 20, 2012, 11:06 #19006

    To both your questions the answer is yes. The board should be looking for a replacement now. I would also propose a no confidence vote in Mr Kroenke. With a secondary vote for Mr Kroenke to sell his shares to Usmanov.

  31. john

    Feb 20, 2012, 10:47 #19005

    must agree with comments above, this is not a knee jerk reaction, we have been waiting 7 years for a trophy and been continually fobbed off by Gazidas! Also is ther an ulteria motive for the 'silent one' buying into Arsenal, this year his NFL team the St Louise Rams starts the first of 3 matches over the next 3 years at Wembley, added with the NFL aim to provide a team for London and the 'silent one' already looking to move his team franchise from one city to another, what are the bets that we could see Arsenal sharing with St louise Rams in about 4 years time???

  32. Guy in Jersey

    Feb 20, 2012, 10:43 #19004

    Answers to questions 1. Yes 2. Yes P.S. We're now reputed to have a £55 million transfer kitty, but is that enough? And how much are we likely to raise by selling off some of the duds?

  33. Goonerboy

    Feb 20, 2012, 10:40 #19003

    Who are the AST and how do they represent the views of all Arsenal supporters? The fact is they only represent the interests of themselves. I want a body that represents of all Arsenal fans- not just the richest 5%.

  34. Bonaroca

    Feb 20, 2012, 10:36 #19002

    I have been overseas Arsenal Supporter since 1946, and I watch all Arsenal's games. The problem with Arsenal is that those around r Wenger are all yes men and so the system with which he was successfull up to ten years ago are now more or less outdated. While appreciates the good technic the has , one will note that by keeping the ball at one's feet and going round in circles before passing the ball is not good enough to win matches. I think Mr Wenger should get more technical indiduals around him such as ex defender Bould and ex forward Berkham and expert fitness man to improve the performance of the team in general which seems to have been lacking

  35. Andrew Powers

    Feb 20, 2012, 10:23 #19001

    1. Yes 2. Yes

  36. Philip

    Feb 20, 2012, 10:22 #19000

    1.Yes, if he will use the available fund to buy new "quality"players. 2. Yes, if he will provide funds to buy new 'quality" players.