How Do You Solve A Problem Like Theo?

Online Ed: Derby Day ecstacy

How Do You Solve A Problem Like Theo?

RVP: Inspired team to victory

So after the interval against Spurs, Theo Walcott put in the kind of contribution that might justify £85,000 a week – at least in the world of football wages in 2012. Before half-time, his performance was closer to the £8.50 a week bracket. And in a sense, perhaps his Jekyll and Hyde performance symbolized the team as a whole this season. The afternoon was a mix of joy and frustration: the frustration that – knowing Arsenal can play as well as this – that they don’t on a regular basis. Two players that certainly did much better than we have become accustomed to were Tomas Rosicky and Yossi Benayoun. Both had good reputations before coming to Arsenal but have rarely lived up to them. What made the difference against Spurs?

The selection of Benayoun made sense in terms of protecting Kieran Gibbs more than Oxlade-Chamberlain would have managed. However, there was certainly an argument to demote Walcott instead of the Ox, who could have played on the right flank instead. During the first half, it made a lot of sense that Andrey Arshavin had pretty much given up to the extent that the club have removed him from the wage bill. Having some kind of a football brain, to watch Walcott being picked above him week after week must have been disheartening and bewildering. The conclusion is that he and the manager never saw eye to eye, that the Russian was critical of Wenger’s methods and spoke his mind too freely, and was marginalized. The writing was on the wall as far back as that FA Cup semi final in 2009. What a waste.

Most Gooners were not hopeful of a result in this particular derby match, and the boot was unquestionably on the other foot, with Spurs going into the game as top dogs for the first time in living memory, or since the early days of the George Graham era at any rate. Which is a hell of a long time. And in truth, going 2-0 down did not come as a huge surprise. The nature of the goals was a mix of poor luck, but principally poor defending. Most worrying of all was that the visitors did not even have to play very well to fashion a two goal lead. Arsenal at times seemed shot shy, but it was the captain who dragged the team by the scruff of the neck and hauled them back into the game. To go in level before half time really set the side up for what followed, and the momentum continued after the break.

As the goals rained in, it was refreshing to see Arsenal play on the front foot and positively drive forward. Gone was the crab like football of the last two matches. This was like a reminder of the old days. Players actually making runs into the box. Perhaps Tottenham’s general confidence played into the hands of Wenger’s players. Keen to try and play their own game, they left spaces that could be exploited, and for once, duly were. The Gunners capitalized and the away section emptied as it became clear that there was to be no repeat of the 4-4 game of 2008, a symbolic moment when the rot started to set in at the club.

It was highly enjoyable, and Arsenal regained the now cherished fourth spot (a position they were disappointed to finish in last season, let’s not forget). There is talk amongst the optimists of staying ahead of Chelsea and overtaking Spurs to finish third. Certainly, if the team can perform like this on a regular basis, I could believe it. The question is, can they? Was this a one-off or a turning point? We’ve seen so many false dawns at the new stadium that Gooners could be forgiven for not raising their hopes.

I’d say it was like getting back together with an ex for a night. For a brief spell, it feels good – just like the old times. And you allow yourself to think it might all be okay again. You know what follows…

However, let us not take away from what was a wonderful afternoon, the kind we dream about as fans. That Spurs were given false hope by taking a two goal lead meant that the boot was on the other foot in more ways that one yesterday.

I am fully aware I will be vilified in the comments for not writing a 100% positive piece without any reservations, although for some strange reason I got off fairly lightly after pieces on the Sunderland (FA Cup) and Milan games. But my question to the keyboard warriors is this. Why couldn’t some of these players perform with this kind of commitment and purpose before yesterday? Because I simply cannot work it out.

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  1. Ron

    Mar 02, 2012, 18:18 #19735

    Hark at the spud 'Ade - Tool waxing lyrical (in capitals!) about 7 trophyless years. Half a century of next to nothing in spudland all conveniently consigned to memory. Hes a 'tool' all right, like most of the neandhertals and trolls from the dump.

  2. Ade-Tool

    Feb 29, 2012, 14:29 #19604

    As many have pointed out, this article is clearly a joke. Arsenal 'know how to play a whole season'?? LOL that would explain those SEVEN trophyless years then eh? Hah. It's amazing what goldfish brains many Arsenal fans have. 1 good win and Milan, Swansea, Wolves, Fulham, Sunderland etc...ALL FORGOTTEN! Nope. Articles like this are exactly part of the problem at this club. The total lack of standards. 'Now the players will feel validated'. Errrr for what? Another trophyless season? Your assertion we'll finish above Spuds is arrogant and idiotic. Where is your evidence? They are above us on merit. Even IF we do finish above them what's the bragging about? We'd finish third and TROPHYLESS for the 7th successive year - u wanna show off about that? WHY will the players feel validated? What have they done or achieved in the game to feel validated? No medals. No CL. Couldn't even beat a relegated team in a CC final. Shocking attitude. And one derby win and 'they are validated'??? That is the kind of small-time attitude that the unambitious Wenger and that joke Gazidis have installed in the club. Judging by the victory parades I'm hearing, the players are validated, Arsene Knows and all is well in the world eh? Sounds like we just won a cup final. Spuds fans used to be like that.... 3rd and 4th will NEVER be acceptable or good enough. Beating the Spuds at home is nice, but validates NOTHING. Wenger is as useless today as he was 4 years ago. Song, Rosicky and Benayoun are all still rubbish players. One performance in 2 years and Rosicky is Pele now? Joke. What a small-time club we've become. Articles like this prove the disgusting Wengeresque rot that has set into the sheep...

  3. GoonerGoal!

    Feb 29, 2012, 12:49 #19598

    Haven't we been here before? Remember beating Chelsea 3-5 earlier this season, and remember what happened to our season after that? Sunday was absolutely great, but I also want to enjoy the remaining Saturdays/Sundays this season, and to be honest I fear our traditional March/April collapse is just around the corner. But I could be wrong couldn't I?

  4. Matk T

    Feb 29, 2012, 9:18 #19582

    The power of not accepting failure.Isnt that what we have been doing over the last 7 years?

  5. Short-term memory loss!

    Feb 29, 2012, 5:29 #19573

    We are not good enough to win trophies, to challenge for titles and compete against the best. Our best players have been leaving and will continue to leave. Our fans will pay the highest ticket prices and get nothing in exchange for it. We will be humiliated by biggest teams and remain a fragile team like Spurs. They are no world beaters at the moment and by beating them we should not think that every thing is rosy.

  6. Gare Kekeke

    Feb 28, 2012, 23:40 #19571

    @ Theo's Bikini-Line - 'What I certainly won't put up with is people questioning my loyalty or trying to diminish my point of view just because it doesn't concur with theirs - be it the Arsenal Board, the current manager (who seems lately to talk to the fans with nothing but contempt) or indeed anyone else that believes we should just pay up and then shut up!!' Well said my friend. Why do all these AKB's think that any mild criticism of the players, the board and the manager is treason? I wonder whether some of these people actually go to games and see it for themselves instead of their 'ra ra ra, Arsenal are great' attitude from their comfy armchairs.

  7. Wombledin

    Feb 28, 2012, 20:07 #19562

    They only turned it on because they slipped to fifth again after Chelseas win over Bolton, and the defending was still mostly crap. 'Arry stuffed up his tactics completely and their players gave up early. Wenger squads are told that 4th is a trophy by Monseiur spin docteur, and so they will only try hard to reach that level. There's no sticks and the only carrot is CL qualification, so they do the bare minimum to get that, knowing they will still get fat new contracts. Now watch them choke again.

  8. Greg71

    Feb 28, 2012, 19:37 #19560

    When Walcott made it 4,how many of us thought just one more goal to secure a win,thats what this season has done to our lost faith in this team ! However the plus point in the game is discovering that the boss (i assume ) had a different team selection in place from that expected by most,that gives hope and without that you have nothing. Simon,lets just hope we turn up for the remaining games of the season unlike the last seven years.

  9. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 28, 2012, 19:16 #19558

    Andrew Cohen- thanks for the reply and a fair point to be prepared for all situations but if we prepared a dodgy pitch at the traiming ground then we would have even fewer players available, see Coquelin's injury at Sunderland...or would they be toughened up by the experience? I appreciate that the modern player is mollycoddled to the extreme but a decent pitch is not too much to ask for, surely? Wigan used to have a dreadful pitch,albeit sharing with the Rugby League but it has hardly helped their situation and their manager likes them to play the passing game too. I have been lucky to play a lot of football at a good level and now coach at a school so like to think my opinion is a considered one.

  10. Dave

    Feb 28, 2012, 18:34 #19557

    Just 10 days before the Spuds result we were embarrassed by Milan 4-0.How quickly you have forgotten that Simon.Oh i forgot it was the pitch.Carry on burying your head in the sand because we all know Arsenal would never fall apart in the 2nd half of the season would we? Take away RVP this season and we would be an 8th or 9th place team.The defence has conceded 37 goals already

  11. jamie hunter

    Feb 28, 2012, 18:29 #19556

    Simon, I think you write and excellent column, and I hope to god you are right. But I think to finish above them we will need about 30-32 points from our last 36. And as good as Sunday was, no way can this team maintain that kind of form. In fact, if we get 32 points we'll probably finish second! Thanks tho, a good passionate read.

  12. Andrew Cohen

    Feb 28, 2012, 18:13 #19555

    goonercolesyboy-YOu are of course spot on. I was and would be a terrible footballer, and as Arsene says, I know nothing, but I have watched a lot of football and I know that bad pitches exist, and in large numbers. It's a perfect illustration of the difference between the world as Wenger would like it to be and the world as it is. They are different and you have to prepare for both. I wonder if one of the pitches at the training ground could be like the Somme in 1916 so that the chaps could practice in hostile conditions and be, dare I say it.....prepared.

  13. Men or Boys

    Feb 28, 2012, 17:33 #19554

    the fans turned the game on sunday. screaming at the players, shouting swearing urging because arsenal fans will always stand up to tottenham and demand a fight and the atmosphere on sunday reflected that and drove the players forward. alas IMO these players cant do it for themselves on a wet night in the san siro or a muddy stadium of light of perhaps in front of 50,000 screaming scousers. these are the days that seperate men from boys and i just dont think we will see theo, rosicky etc tackling, running and as intense as they were on sunday at anfield. i think chelsea and man city home will be the next 2 big turn outs but liverpool away, stoke away qpr away i worry.......

  14. Jeff

    Feb 28, 2012, 15:47 #19549

    Simon, you are right. However, as some have cautioned on here, we have collapsed in the last few seasons. Having said that, we'll know more after anfield and milan. Must say though, the last three times we "pressed" and played with tempo, were chelsea home last season, everton away, i think the season before and barca home last season.We won all of those games, so why did it take until last sunday to play like that again? Lessons have not been learned in the past, let's hope they have now. Finally, I've been saying, every PL team has a period we call a blip, scum haven't had one...yet. Hope we've set them on that path.

  15. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Feb 28, 2012, 15:31 #19546

    Chris 9:27am 28th Feb 2012 "Theo's - 'considered' and 'considerate' - different words with different meanings. I find that many of the posts on here aren't very much either, being peculiarly personal and consistently negative towards people doing a decent job who just don't happen to have produced the silverware that will make people like you feel worthwhile in your Arsenal-supporting life." You see, that wasn't either 'considered' or 'considerate' because you've made an assumption of me that you have no way of knowing is accurate!! Find one post of mine where I claim that winning Silverware is the all important factor to me. Bet you anything you like that you can't!! No, what's important to me as an Arsenal fan is that the people representing the club do so with pride, passion and 100% commitment to making sure that our long and often glorious history is upheld. Surely that isn't too much to ask? And when I don't see that happening I reserve the right to criticise - 45 years of following Arsenal home and away allows me that. What I certainly won't put up with is people questioning my loyalty or trying to diminish my point of view just because it doesn't concur with theirs - be it the Arsenal Board, the current manager (who seems lately to talk to the fans with nothing but contempt) or indeed anyone else that believes we should just pay up and then shut up!!

  16. Kevin

    Feb 28, 2012, 15:26 #19545

    Hilarious article Simon.Titled The power of not accepting faliure.The only team to lose a 4 goal lead,the only team not to have one shot in a CL game.The only team to lose a cup final to a team that would be relegated.To finish 4th in a 2 horse race,to lose 8-2 the worst result in 115 years,the worst ever result in Europe.All in the last 12 months.No sign of failure there

  17. Ray the Mad Gooner

    Feb 28, 2012, 15:14 #19541

    But Arsenal know how to play a whole season.You actually believe that?Was i having a Bobby Ewing type dream and last season didnt happen.When we finished 4th in a two horse race.Fans like you Simon who forget us collapsing in the last 4 seasons are the fans who keep Wenger in a job.Do youself a favour buy last seasons highlights dvd it may open your eyes

  18. Frank

    Feb 28, 2012, 14:59 #19538

    And if RVP gets injured we will be relying on Park and Chamakh so nothing to worry about eh Simon.Only a fool would believe sundays result will change anything at the club.We still cant put two good performances together in a row.That has been the story of this whole sorry season.While sunday was great Milan was a shocker in which are players couldnt be bothered to turn up.That tells you all you need to know about our manager and the team he has built.I wouldnt be surprised if we got tanked at Anfield i just have no confidence in this team.I assume you were joking Simon when you said we know how to play the whole season.Which season was that?.Not the last 5 seasons we havent.We have packed our bags for our summer hols come every March

  19. Mike

    Feb 28, 2012, 14:41 #19537

    Just a reminder - one of the Manchesters are also going to end up with nothing - i do so hope it is City

  20. Kenny

    Feb 28, 2012, 14:36 #19536

    Simon so the surrenders in the previous two matches v Milan and Sunderland didnt happen then?This Arsenal team didnt bottle those games we stood up and we were counted.............OUT.How can you forget the shocking performances this team has turned in this season just because we beat the Spuds 5-2.You should be questioning how can we be so bad v Milan and so good v Spurs.How can a team turn in such contrasting performances?.Your logic is the logic employed by our clueless manager.The comment that we know how the play the whole season has to be the biggest joke ever.We really played the whole season last season didnt we?We didnt throw the towel in after the Carling cup final did we? The truth is we dont know which Arsenal team will turn up from game to game and that is why we are fighting to finish 4th like we have for 5 out of the last 7 seasons

  21. Fozzy's mate

    Feb 28, 2012, 14:13 #19532

    A great victory but I doubt we will finish above Spurs. I agree with Graham that OGl's failure to accept the inevitable that Cesc and Na$ri were off has caused us even to be discussing it. With adequate replacements we would be on the heels of Manure and Citeh. Instead the dough is trousered by our bank account and the share price rockets. Lets hope for a similar display re the draw specialists of Anfield and a sound hammering of the team from the North East with the self proclaimed worlds greatest fans. I still don't see how the club can be vindicated when the fantastic financial position is knowhere near being replicated on the pitch. Still lovely to see Spurs stunned, shocked and unable to respond to our comeback. I could not belive how static King was the whole game but it was fun to watch.

  22. John

    Feb 28, 2012, 14:10 #19530

    For every Spurs and Chelsea result there is a Blackburn Fulham and Swansea around the corner.The one word that sums Arsenal up is inconsistency.Simon did Arsenal play a whole season in 2008,2010 and last year?Dont think so.We absolutely collapsed in the home straight.There are still many banana skins waiting for our team of bottlers

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 28, 2012, 14:04 #19529

    Yes Simon you have been saying we'll finish above the spuds all season and in fairness to Canada gooner so has he and i agree with you both but like i said before third or fourth is not a trophy and never will be although if we do finish third and above them it will be hard not to celebrate like it was.Your spot on the spuds are under real pressure now although we've never made anything of it we've been here before at least the experience of that should count for something ? am glad you mentioned the diving not one paper i read or any TV station made anything of the bale dive, or parker calling the ref by his first name over and over trying to get Szcz sent off or his foul on tv or even the fact he was sent off think we know the reaction if it had have been an arsenal player.Have they finally got their fingers out with the intention of grabbing third ? we'll find out on Saturday. Good piece.

  24. ATID

    Feb 28, 2012, 13:58 #19525

    Poor old Theo. They should never have given him the number 14 shirt. It has always been too big for him. I would like to see him play as an out and out striker for a decent run of matches if only to explode the myth that he is being played out of position. On Sunday he took his chances like a maestro but why deosn't he do that week in week out? We have been waiting 6 years for Theo to mature into the finished article. Might it just be that he is missing some vital ingredients? Let's see his end of season stats before we hail the rebirth of this archetypical Wenger protégé.

  25. Graham Simons

    Feb 28, 2012, 13:30 #19518

    Interesting viewpoint. I actually think Spurs are above us because they deserve to be. Having said that, if Arsene has just accepted Cesc and Nasri were off, made the signings earlier so they could bed in and have a full preseason in the red and white then I think we would now be sitting comfortably in third - still some way off the two Manchesters and out of every cup competition but third nonetheless.

  26. Jekyll

    Feb 28, 2012, 13:24 #19517

    "Arsenal know how to play a whole season. We are 26 games into a 38-game season. Nothing is decided two-thirds into a campaign." I'm afraid these lines undermine your whole article. You been watching the last few seasons?

  27. Gee

    Feb 28, 2012, 13:21 #19516

    United will beat spurs at the weekend. They always do. Our challenge is that we have to get something at Anfield. At least a point is ****ount. We can not lose another game to a top 6 side this season. We simply have to start taking points of our rivals. A victory would be absolutely wonderful, of course, but a point at Anfield is no mean feat. As it stands we are SEVEN points clear of Liverpool, albeit having played a game more, but victory would put us TEN clear and all but ensure we are in a 3-horse race for 3rd and 4th along with Chelsea and Spurs.

  28. Website Admin

    Feb 28, 2012, 13:20 #19515

    Chris - The people who contribute articles on here are fans, just like you. I don't believe any of us profess to be experts and I doubt many have worked more than half a day in football. I've been running The Gooner for over 25 years and decided a long time ago that you can't please all the people all the time and that football fans are the most fickle bunch of people on the planet. Am delighted that you've taken the time to share your views in a respectful manner. Perhaps you (and anyone else for that matter) would like to contribute an article? I will warn you that you need a thick skin because whatever you write you can be almost there will be people who take a different view.

  29. tpm

    Feb 28, 2012, 13:19 #19514

    mandy dodd, what about the huge wage spend over the past few years then? what about the 100m cash reserve in the accounts. the accounts are public, take a look. there is money to spend, the club (AW) choose not to though, and the board dont care. why ignore this fact? oh it doesnt fit the akb agenda.continue using half truths to support your arguement though

  30. Stumpy Den

    Feb 28, 2012, 12:49 #19512

    Could not give a view yesterday on the editors piece as I did not have time. Today however the thought of the weekend has not gone away, and I hope it does not for some time. The biased view of the media in the build up to the game was shocking. When we were 2-0 down I still thoght we could do this. When the second half kicked off you see the determination and batteling spirit of the team it was like times past. 50 -50 balls we came away with, which has not happend for sometime. The scum knew they were in a game, a game which we wanted more than them. It was great to watch, shout, scream and belive again. I hope it continues and we do finish third and put them back in their place. Come on you Arsenal

  31. John Gooner

    Feb 28, 2012, 12:46 #19510

    You're getting a bit ahead of yourself, even if I do appreciate the anti-Spurs / pro-Arsenal rhetoric. What we witnessed on Sunday was what our group of players CAN do, not what they WILL do. There may be enough games left to usurp the spuds in their current position, but not when we wimper out of matches against the likes of Fulham and Swansea. Unfortunately I suspect the resounding memory of this season will be one of boos and falls from grace. How can we expect anything to change when we consistently turn mediocrity into profit.

  32. endless, nameless

    Feb 28, 2012, 12:42 #19509

    "Now the players will feel validated" - exactly the problem, Simon. Now they will feel that they are charlie-big-bollox again and swan around at Anfiled believing in the their own hype, with predicatble results. It's been demonstrated too many times before by this Jekyl and Hyde team.

  33. Vip

    Feb 28, 2012, 12:33 #19507

    May the force be with us!! Oh and what a top atmosphere created by the Goons inside the stadium even at 0-2. Lets keep it up and roar the boys on!!

  34. David the Price is right

    Feb 28, 2012, 12:30 #19506

    Thanks for the exhuberance Simon, but deep down we all know this Arsenal also have more 'mare' displays in them. It may be that we have to finish below Tottenham this year. The margin though may end up very narrow, either way. We have capitulated badly many times, and am very cautious in the extreme.

  35. Tony Evans

    Feb 28, 2012, 12:15 #19504

    Simon - do you really think Arsenal know how to play a whole season? Was I imagining all those capitulations over the last few years in February? Also all this fuss about those jokers down the Lane and whether they finish above us or not is fairly unimportant to me. Whatever happens it is going to be another poor season - whether we finish in the top four or above the Spuds.

  36. Judge Fred

    Feb 28, 2012, 12:10 #19503

    Saturday at Anfield is crucial - as big a game as the Sp*rs one. I worry about international week though.....the nightmare scenario of that twat Parker breaking RvP in half, as he nearly did to TV5. *shivers* Got to run now as I am late, its five past Friedel.

  37. Brian Dawes

    Feb 28, 2012, 12:03 #19502

    I would think to think that Sunday's result will have wrecked Spur's season - one can but hope. But how fickle are we fans - everything is either brilliant or total crap and if we fail to trash Pool following the Interlull it will all be crap again - at least according to our many negative fans.

  38. BringBackDene

    Feb 28, 2012, 11:13 #19501

    Hitting teams on the break is our best way of winning matched, we have always been good at it...Cole-Pieres-Henry 6 touches and in the net. Forget about pretty walking it in the net. We will win at Anfield if we strike quickly.

  39. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 28, 2012, 11:01 #19500

    Andrew Cohen....have you ever played football mate or do you want us to play like Stoke?....the pitch makes a huge difference to the way we play and not to mention the spuds who managed a 0-0 draw on Stevenage's bumpy pitch....and to DW Thomas the reason we played quick sure fire forward passes was the pitch or was the San Siro just a figment of my imagination?

  40. R Meade

    Feb 28, 2012, 11:00 #19499

    The one bad point from a great win the defence! or non defence why is it whoever plays at cb they are miles apart from each other? always so out of position and the main culprit is Kos who many seem to rate highly but nearly every goal of the many we concede he is completely out of position, but more of the same passion for sat and another RVP performance maybe! we will see.

  41. Ron

    Feb 28, 2012, 10:52 #19498

    DW Thomas - i can understand your joy mate, even though i reckon youve maybe gone a bit overboard with it. On Rosicky, hes actually played very well ever since he got on at Villa as a sub. Hes been the best midfielder since then to be honest. Song in my view is an average type sqaud player whos ok to use v weaker midfields. We need better than him. Our defence is p--s poor. I cant honestly see why people think Vermaelen is the real deal (he seems immune form criticism).It must be those goals he scored two years ago! Kos would develop really well if we could find a geunine quality, powerful and mobile Centre half to partner him. TV isnt a title winning CB. Im not sure what he is, maybe a defensive/offensive midfielder? Its always great to stuff Tottenham of course and its been a while, who to be truthful are as bad as we are defensively once put under any real pressure.Theyre a bit of a media crested myth. Im not convinced about them any more than i am about us. Im not convinced we ll kick on too much though. Away at Liverpool will tell a story. Theyre another average lot, but would you put cash on us going there and getting a win? I wouldnt. Its an average Prem League and any of them from 3rd downwards as far as 7th/8th can beat each other. I suppose that makes it entertaining though, as this Season's goal gluts here and there have shown. Arsenal still need about 80 Mill spending on them to create a top team out of what we ve got and that aint going to happen soon. You mentioned Ramsey. He s a brave kid whos best years maybe after this Season has ended. It may also be that his injury has affected him more than we know though. It remains to be seen. Theres something missing from what he looked like pre injury thats for sure.

  42. David Whiting

    Feb 28, 2012, 10:16 #19497

    I'm not sure how much this article has to do with its title, however on the Theo debate it is worth comparing him to Ryan Giggs. Giggs has a goals to games ratio of 1:6 whereas Theo is closer to 1:5 (he's also played about 1/3 of his games as a sub). He makes as many goals as he scores and this season he's on course for 13-15 goals & assists. No doubt he's inconsistent, but I can't help feeling that he is being made a scapegoat for a weak team.

  43. Tony Evans

    Feb 28, 2012, 10:06 #19496

    Andrew Cohen - I like your 'Ripping Yarns' comment and agree that Wenger will blame everything but himself or the players when things go wrong. I find myself in a horrible catch 22 type situation now: delighted by us stuffing the Spuds but not so happy because it buys Wenger more time for him to pull the wool over so many Gooners eyes.

  44. Chris

    Feb 28, 2012, 9:27 #19495

    Theo's - 'considered' and 'considerate' - different words with different meanings. I find that many of the posts on here aren't very much either, being peculiarly personal and consistently negative towards people doing a decent job who just don't happen to have produced the silverware that will make people like you feel worthwhile in your Arsenal-supporting life. The website doesn't have to publish my posts and if it doesn't like alternative points of view presumably it won't. Obviously you don't like it but as this site proves, the internet provides a place where any point of view can be posted with ZERO accountability and that's partly my point.

  45. Sam

    Feb 28, 2012, 9:11 #19494

    the midfield's best performance of the season. Not so many slow, sideways passes and some decent pace and momentum. When Ramsey's fit, I hope Wenger doesn't go back to him. I feel he slows things down. Rosicky will hopefully be bursting with confidence now that he's rediscovered what a goal is.

  46. Ronster

    Feb 28, 2012, 8:57 #19493

    Stinker(21512)....both Spud goals could have been avoided....take the blinkers off mate!

  47. Gman

    Feb 28, 2012, 8:47 #19492

    Jason - "Shameful.We are not Tesco's", unfortunately we are part of the Walmart/Asda group!

  48. Andrew Cohen

    Feb 28, 2012, 8:21 #19491

    The comments about the pitch quality make me laugh. It reminds me of the players at Barnstonworth United in Michael Palin's "Ripping Yarns" complaining that their shorts were the wrong length. Liverpool of old played passing football on 1970's quagmires. Most football matches in this country are played in what Mr Ian Wright describes as mucky gaffe's. When I hear Wenger complaining about the pitch it simply makes me want to arrange his termination. The win against Spurs was, like Thierry Henry's goal against Leeds, a wonderful thing, but it is a false dawn and of course, once again, delays the day of our liberation.

  49. Jason

    Feb 28, 2012, 7:59 #19490

    Canada did you jump up and down yesterday when Arsenal announced their profits.Thats all this great club is all about.Then we get Kroenkes puppet Gazidis saying 5th isnt a disaster.Shameful.We are not Tesco's

  50. John

    Feb 28, 2012, 6:44 #19488

    @canadagooner History is made by winning trophies not finishing fourth and making massive profits.Arsenal football club is not a club geared to winning trophies anymore you just have to listen to the words of Gazidis

  51. Tony

    Feb 28, 2012, 3:21 #19487

    Mick A: One reason there was no tackling or forward momentum in previous matches was due to Ramsey, God love him, being in the side. Rosicky’s verve made all the difference against Sp*rs, really. I hope one day Ramsey lives up to his abundant potential, but I feel he should remain on the bench when he returns to fitness. He makes the safe sideways or backwards pass too often, whereas Tomas’s forward play and tackling helped us keep constant pressure on Sp*rs, which they couldn’t cope with at all. I’ve read conflicting reports about the seriousness of Tomas’s back injury, which is apparently keeping him out of mid-week international duty. I truly hope he’s able to return soon because that performance at the weekend was a reminder of how effective he can be.

  52. DW Thomas

    Feb 28, 2012, 0:15 #19486

    Great win. Best feeling I've had in a while about the Arsenal after a win. Kev you're spot on again, especially about Theo. He is fast, but his first touch was poor and he did nothing the first half. Rosicky was immense, our new Cesc at least for this game. I really liked him when he first got here and if only he got a run of games over Ramsey, I think he could do well as our creative spark in MF. Let Ramsey grow with more rest. TV was bad first half, but he got better as the game wore on. Sagna is good, really good and has a heart like a lion. His goal was the reason for our turnaround and his reaction is more of what we need. Song was solid too. Kos good again and of course RVP with yet again a brilliant goal (give him what it takes to keep him Wenger!). Yet, we still need more leadership and not just by actions. RVP, TV, and Rosicky should be more vocal. Can't believe Wenger's comments about recent pitches as the cause for our recent poor results. Rosicky's goal was the type I used to see way more frequently. Quick, sure forward passing with a quality finish-unstoppable when we play like that. The pace suited us and for once we showed some mettle and fight. Maybe that's because of players like Benayoun and others who looked like quality pros. Whatever you say about older players who are captains of their National sides, they should be able to put in a solid shift and that's just what we saw. Whatever bug was up their behinds, the players need to show more performances like these to build to the qualities of a championship squad. Compare our win to United's though. How many of those games have we seen where they pull off a win like that right at the end? Consistently. For Arsenal it seems to end more like the CC Final last year. Never say die attitude is what we need to see more of and then, only then will we be able to challenge for titles. I might start smiling more too after the weekends' results. What a great feeling to start the work week!

  53. simon

    Feb 27, 2012, 23:45 #19485

    Canada. Read arsenal's accounts. wenger is spending 140mill a year on wages and has just spent 74mill on players in the summer. spurs spend under 100mill on wages and last year only bought parker for 5mill. Let's be clear, wenger has cash and he spends it, whether he spends it wisely is the big question.

  54. Northernbof

    Feb 27, 2012, 23:29 #19484

    Wenger looked beaten aT 2-0 . Luckily the team thought otherwise and replicated their 7 minute burst against Aston Villa for longer and with greater effect.However ,fantastic as it is, One swallow etc etc ,and if the defense is as poor , against Suarez and Kuyt ,as they were in the first 20 minutes well I shudder to think. ..... However having stood in the Kop to watch them play Spurs a few weeks ago, my impression was of two poor teams with very little for AFC to be afraid of, providing the defense takes care of S and K.Sadly I think Liverpool will park the bus and we haven't been too good in those situations. That's where we need our great leader to apply himself in preparation,or would that be too much to expect of him.

  55. Mandy Dodd

    Feb 27, 2012, 23:20 #19483

    Joe, think you have a point on the issue of pitches. Canada, agree Liverpool have spent one hell of a lot of money, and we're saved by the post yesterday in the end. As for spending, Ivan has come out and clearly stated we cannot spend the fanciful sums being put out recently by the media and some blogs. An attempt by the media to falsely and unrealistically raise expectations of gooners....i wonder......Both ivan and wenger now seem in agreement on this issue , whether you choose to believe them or not. I repeat, according to both, transfer funds are limited, please judge the team and manager accordingly. The lesson from this weekend, you may have reservations about kronke, Ivan, wenger, rice, Walcott, vic Akers or the tea lady, but whatever those reservations are , it is always worth backing the team on the pitch ...providing we are given a proper pitch.....because on this games evidence, they respond rather well to positive backing. Food for thought for some I hope. Our beaten bedraggled mentally weak team, Two nil down, a dodgy pen, mike dean the ref, against the media styled best team in the land with the best manager, best left sided mf, best creative mf, best holding mf, against a team who only one of our players would have had a chance of getting into.......let's face it , we never should have stood a chance!! Someone did not read the script.

  56. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Feb 27, 2012, 23:15 #19482

    Chris:"Theo's Bikini Line - like many people who try ot be considered in their own opinions, I spend far more time reading the opinions of those I totally disagree with than those of whom I have a lot of common gorund." Perhaps that's because you're forced to because deluded AKB's like you are getting rarer by the minute. And if the real reason for coming on here is to get a feel for what other gooners are thinking, then why do you feel it necessary to slag both them and the website off all of the time rather than just avoid it? That's not very 'considerate', is it? If anything, one could say it was the actions of someone with their head very much up their own arse!!

  57. Stinker

    Feb 27, 2012, 22:12 #19481

    Ronstar, one flukey goal and a dive that got them a penalty. Jesus wept

  58. CanadaGooner

    Feb 27, 2012, 20:43 #19480

    @Gary: and how much did Liverpool have to spend to win those trophies? (Benitez blew millions). You get what you pay for in today's football. Arsenal are not spending, so we cant expect to win anything. PRONTO. Manage your expectations as fans, you cant have it all. If you ask any Liverpool fan, they will tell you that the record of having NEVER won the premiership is something they would sooner trade their CL title (it's not their first european win) for, and with it, all the other mini-trophies you're talking about. With what they've spent this season, the whole world said that's the way to go, and at the season all the pundits said they'll be there, challenging for the prem. So, do keep things in context matey!

  59. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 27, 2012, 20:27 #19479

    You know what? DivingRooney makes a great point about the pitch when you think about it. Blackburn 7-1, Spurs 5-2 at home on a good surface where as we lost 4-0 and 2-0 on terrible pitches. For this theory to have any weight we must beat Milan at home though. Is our pitch a little too pristine? Are we too used to a playing on a perfect surface?

  60. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 27, 2012, 20:27 #19478

    An amazing turnaround, even at 2 down we were playing ok and the crowd stayed with the team because of that fact. The pitch was a huge plus and it should be and could be like that everywhere in these scientific days of how to grow grass and actually look after an area of grass, however I will be very interested to see the Sunderland pitch for their match against Newcastle this has been well documented let's see what happens at Liverpool and let's sincerely hope the players realise that the chance they have of a positive result could spark us on against AC Milan the following tuesday....a strong start and an early goal would make the ageing Italians a little nervous to say the least...I realsie I may be dreaming but I didn't see us smashing 5 past those upstarts down the road...more support and that means showing up for the game and not boycotting as some have said on here the past few weeks....60,000 singing vocal fans could make the difference rather than 15,000 sitting at home in protest...idiots.

  61. lee afc

    Feb 27, 2012, 20:18 #19477

    credit where credit is due...surely Arsene must have a little pat on the pains a lot of you on here to say it but surely lets bask in the glory of the win over the 5PUD2 this week, it may be back to reality next week. I woke up Monday morning and it was the first thing on my mind.....haven't felt that good for a while I can tell ya.

  62. GoonerRon

    Feb 27, 2012, 20:16 #19476

    @ Wombledin - you guard against us getting our hopes up yet I remember coming out The Reebok with fans saying we were going to finish mid-table and that Blackburn would do us at home and daren't even think about going to the in-form Mackems or hosting the Spud media darlings. We've come through with three league wins out of three and scored 14 goals in the process, surely that should breed some confidence going into the next few fixtures?

  63. Ian McFadyen - Somerset Gooner

    Feb 27, 2012, 20:13 #19475

    Fantastic turn around? I for one am sorry to see Arshavin go home. You don't just stop being a world class footballer - I'd blame AW & the coaching staff for failing to get the best out of him including playing him out of position. Arsenal 2011-2012 "CONSISTENTLY INCONSISTENT....."

  64. divingrooney

    Feb 27, 2012, 19:17 #19474

    You forget to mention one important thing that is the pitch. Both Sunderland and Milan were horrible pitches not fit to play football. I am pretty sure if Walcott had gotten those chances in previous games, he could not have controlled the ball. We need a good pitch and a suicidal defensive policy to be successful. Also, we have to endure the fact that the referee would never favor us. Ibrahimovic dive was bad but Bale was horrendous, yet two penalties were instantly awarded. When we get a penalty, its usually thanksgiving. I miss you Pires, even ur dives got us penalties or maybe we should learn diving from diving rooney

  65. Gary

    Feb 27, 2012, 18:55 #19473

    CanadaGooner Since we last won a trophy s**t Liverpool have won Europes biggest trophy the CL,The FA cup the trophy all Gooners were crying out for us to win before Sunderland and the Carling cup the trophy we were desperate to win last season .Funny how it wasnt a beer cup last season eh?.Unlike us they win trophies.Liverpool havent been a better team than us over the last 7 years but have won more than us.There are many many Gooners who want us to WIN trophies instead of settling for 4th every bleeding season.Whatever Wenger says 4th is not a trophy.

  66. Kenny

    Feb 27, 2012, 18:40 #19472

    If we were playing Bolton Fulham or Swansea yesterday would we have won?No.Because this team only turns up when it wants to.And that is Wenger's biggest fault.This team is too inconsistent to win anything just like Wengers teams of the last 7 years.Walcott sums Arsenal up.Where was he in the first half in Milan and the 2nd half at Sunderland.Too many Gooners are reacting to this result the same way they reacted to the Chelsea result.There is none so blind as they that cannot see

  67. Wombledin

    Feb 27, 2012, 18:40 #19471

    A perfectly acceptable summary given the number of false dawns and completely unconsistent and bipolar displays from this time. Up one minute and down the next is what all us gooners have come to expect from Wenger the last 5 years. Why get too excited about this. The next two games have all the potential to bring the AKB's back down to earth with a bump. And there is still every likelihood we will finish 5th. Was it true that Kroenke was at the game?

  68. CanadaGooner

    Feb 27, 2012, 18:22 #19470

    @ Kevin Kong: they're not paid 100k/week to be that weak-minded! who cares who hates whom? when they get out there on a saturday afternoon their job is to play well and win games! I hate people at my workplace; doesnt stop me getting my job done (else I'll get the sack!). they've all been playing like donkeys all season (with the exception of RVP and one or two others) and we'll only see if that's changed, when they play the next crappy team....

  69. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 27, 2012, 17:58 #19469

    Clockender78- Phew! glad it was't just me then! you are right to agree with the comments about pressing the game from the midfield and releasing the ball earlier. Barcelona are the masters of the pressing game and we would do well to continue to try to emulate their work rate as well as their passing style.

  70. Chris

    Feb 27, 2012, 17:56 #19468

    Theo's Bikini Line - like many people who try ot be considered in their own opinions, I spend far more time reading the opinions of those I totally disagree with than those of whom I have a lot of common gorund, it's a well known way of not disappearing up your own arse - you should try it. And I'll continue to post on here to make sure there's a shred of balance amongst the b*ll**** for as long as I still feel it worthwhile.

  71. Kevin Kong

    Feb 27, 2012, 17:49 #19467

    Dont know if this has any relevance to yesterdays result but didnt someone on here a while ago quote a mate of Kieran Gibbs who had told him that Arshavin was hated and a negative influence in the dressing room..

  72. bunch

    Feb 27, 2012, 17:24 #19466

    Great game, I was shattered afterwards, having to celebrate 5 goals like a loon - as you do when its against THEM - took it out of me. I hope the team and some specific individuals like Rosicky and Benayoun can take their excellent performances from yesterday and repeat them. I like Yossi a lot, and it was nice of the Sp*rs fans to bring his flag to encourage him even more.

  73. Clockender78

    Feb 27, 2012, 16:50 #19465

    No Joe, you were not the only one criticising Wenger before the game! I and a few others couldn't believe Benayoun was starting at the expense of The Ox or even Gervinho instead of maybe Walcott. How wrong we were! Defo the best game i've attended! Agree with posts on here regarding us pressing teams. When we do we play really well(yesterday, Chelsea last season and Barca both home legs). This is what's been misisng for me the past 3/4 seasons, different personnel i know, but you saw what happened with Walcotts goals how efective we can be on the counter attack if the ball is pressed earlier!

  74. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Feb 27, 2012, 16:20 #19464

    Chris: "I can't belive anyone would take this site seriously unless they wanted to re-affirm their own views & prejudices." You say that yet strangely (and surprisingly) take the time and effort not only to read it regularly, but also to continually write posts on this website criticising it's content!! Wouldn't have thought that would be necessary if you truly believed what you wrote above.

  75. CanadaGooner

    Feb 27, 2012, 16:19 #19463

    Kev, all I had to read was the heading of you article: 'how do you solve a problem like theo' --- you dont. According to majority on here (and I've been as frustrated as most) you just get rid. Same as when Flamini wasnt playing well, Kos, Sagna etc: and that's exactly why Wenger gets paid however much you lot shout about. What irate, impatient fans always tend to forget is the fact that we only see these players on matchday (largely), but the coaching staff see them in training and sometimes the players simply fail to replicate what they do in training on matchday and a lot of that is down to CONFIDENCE. Take for example ARSHAVIN; if your own fans yell out "you dont know what you're doing" at the manager when you're brought on, that's a huge vote of confidence isnt it? and somehow we expect that player to keep bursting a gut and play well? Yesterday's result has come as a surprise to EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE (not even Wenger would have placed a 50pence bet on Arsenal winning by that sort of margin), and it's all down to HARRY (the man you all worship: "harry gets most out of his players than wenger....", "harry's wage bill is lower than arsenal's" bla bla bla...); majority of teams coming to the emirates set up their teams to frustrate arsenal to get a draw and the more arsenal try, the better their chances to nick a winning goal towards the end of the game. we've seen it so many times now,I dont need to waste too many words on it. But due to our current results and Harry starting to believe all the hype, he sets out a team to go and beat arsenal and humiliate them on their own ground: MISTAKE NUMBER ONE. when it comes to open play football, very few teams can out-play or out-pass arsenal (maybe 'out-score' is possible); and the minute they got 2 early goals, they thought 'here we go'.... they lost their shape, cared less about frustrating arsenal and paid the price. So, much as the result is a good one, it only came largely courtesy of Harry's tactical error(s), and credit to the boys for rising to the occasion and showing everyone that one fairly decent season doesnt erase 20 years of under-acheivement and your fav word on this site: MEDIOCRITY! which is the most suitable word for Spurs in general, and as for Harry; please wait till he's actually won the leage a few times (or just even once!) before comparing him to Wenger! I'm not sure if I would have been happy for my club to spend 70million (carroll, suarez, enrique, downing etc) and finish 5th or 6th but win a beer mug (carling cup) after a narrow win (via penalties) over a championship team. According to Dalglish: IT'S THE BEGINNING! ha ha ha. comical aint it

  76. AFCasap

    Feb 27, 2012, 16:07 #19462

    great game, great win, but is it another false dawn? like the win against chelski...tottnumb did nothing and were handed 2 goals....thank god for rvp his consistent class showed bigtime!!!...up and down does not come close to explain the form of this must be contract negotiations time...anyway, wengers happy, so its extensions all round then

  77. Clockender1

    Feb 27, 2012, 15:58 #19461

    A very Happy Day, but will we see the lessons learned applied next week ? A huge difference was the speed and attitude of Arteta, Benayoun and Rosicky - as soon as the back four got the ball, you knew those three were going to race forward, bypassing the lumbering Song. you also saw them track back, nick the ball on many occasions with speed and aggression, and that riled up Walcott and Sagna too. We actually looked like we gave an eff for a change, and that's the most effective blitzkreig attacking i've seen since TH14, Pires and Freddy etc. Suddenly, our first touch and pace had returned - which suggests two things, the midfield simply haven't been working hard enough, and two their distribution hasn't been quick enough. Song yesterday, also seemed to play like a third centre back in front of the back four, and as above Walcott played in the centre, so we were a 4-1-3-2. it worked, but i agree - does Arsene understand why it worked ??? and will he repeat it ! the line up at Liverpool will signal that. or not.

  78. Mike.W

    Feb 27, 2012, 15:39 #19460

    Just enjoying the moment! Well done to the Arsenal fans who got behind the team at 0-2 when the temptation was there to turn on the team. A top performance from every player on the pitch and the sight of the empty seats at the spuds end will remain for a long time. The dive from Bale and the attempted "hospital job" from Parker will also stick in the memory but a chance to remind those upstarts that there "is only one team in London" is not to be missed.

  79. Ramgun

    Feb 27, 2012, 15:22 #19459

    Wonderful entertainment. I am an old-fashioned Arsenal supporter who had to live through Spurs glory-glory days in the 60's. I detested them then and I still do. I will now do something that I haven't done for years - I will praise Wenger. OGL picked Benayoun in front of Gervinho which meant that we had one more working brain on the pitch. Thank you to the Spurs left-back for being dreadful and, having watched him yesterday, I wonder if King should be allowed to play whilst driving a mobility? I don't think that yesterday will mean any more in the long-term than the crazy 5-3 at Chelsea, but I had a great time.

  80. Merse69

    Feb 27, 2012, 14:49 #19458

    "However, let us not take away from what was a wonderful afternoon, the kind we dream about as fans." As usual, at least half the 'match report' does exactly this..... Is it not possible to just enjoy a great result? There have been too many lows this season, but yesterday was a sharp reminder of how Wenger's side can perform. The Arsenal were closer to full strength (save for Wilshere) which might go some way to explaining the performance!

  81. jhonnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Feb 27, 2012, 14:43 #19457

    jonathan northcroft in the sunday times claims only two arsenal players would get into a north london eleven.i wonder what he thinks now.i would only take bale van der vaart and modic from their squad.lets hope we can push on now.

  82. maguiresbridge gooner

    Feb 27, 2012, 14:42 #19456

    Great question Kev i don't think we'll ever know the answer but they put in the performance we all wanted yesterday as individuals and as a team some of the players have been ridiculed in the past and rightly so but a great display and result from everybody.i don't want to hear the usual players coming out saying we have to push on from here (again,blackburn) go out and do it starting on saturday and if man u, everton, stoke,do us a favor when they play the spuds you never know, although it's always great to not only stuff the spuds but completely mash them if we revert to our old ways against liverpool and get spanked it will all be for nothing.A lot has been said and i think comments on the online gooner as well about arry the great tactician well it sure as hell didn't show yesterday as he sat clueless and speechless while like you said kev we were reminded of the old days. A very good well balanced piece ED.

  83. Adeniran

    Feb 27, 2012, 14:41 #19455

    Question: ''Why couldn't some of these players perform with this kind of commitment and purpose before yesterday?'' Answer: Maybe,we had Rosicky and Benayoun who gave Spurs something other than VP to worry about by taking on defenders and making passes that Walcott could run onto.Or how else do you explain the number chances created yesterday even while were trailing.The chances were so numerous that VP could even afford to be wasteful. And forgive me for indulging in cynism,would Sczerchny had stayed on the pitch if the Ref didn't think we were dead and buried?

  84. Gman

    Feb 27, 2012, 14:39 #19454

    Fantastic result yesterday. There’s no coincidence that we played the way we did without Arshavin's negativity in the squad, hope this is a lesson to Wenger about pampering to want a way players! And let’s hope we can keep it up and put 5 past Milan on a decent pitch?

  85. HowardL

    Feb 27, 2012, 14:08 #19453

    If a player shows the brilliance Theo showed in the 2nd half I'd be more inclined to keep him and find out what motivated him before condemning him for his poor 1st half. Glass half full, one might say...likewise Rosicky, also my M.o.M

  86. Gee

    Feb 27, 2012, 13:26 #19452

    I was knackered at Half time!! Great day and I will enjoy it for what it was a thumping 5-2 win against our enemies who had got too big for their boots. I agree with your reservations though, Kevin. We've seen this "turn the corner" moment too often in the last few seasons. After beating Barca, we lost to Birmingham as one prime example. However for the next few days I shall just enjoy this moment for what it is

  87. Ron

    Feb 27, 2012, 13:22 #19451

    Gooner Ron - The 40 Million we got for Adebayor and Toure was maybe robbery of the century and certainly as big a steal as Chelsea being done over royally for Torres. Adebayor was always garbage, but we overlooked the obvious failings in his game until he clearly thought he was 'TH re invented'. Hes at the right place now. A marriage made in heaven up the road at that stinking dump, though i doubt he ll hang about for long there. Pity really, be nice for him to stay there and weigh them down even further.

  88. tpm

    Feb 27, 2012, 13:08 #19450

    a fantastic day and result and fine performance by all (bar first half theo) especially yossi and in particular rosicky who i didnt think still had it. if he can perform to this level hes an asset. he needs to do it week in week out though as does the whole team. im sure it will, but i hope this doesnt paper over the cracks, and people still admit there is a lot wrong at the club on and off the pitch. but a performances like that on a regular basis plus 2-3 top signings would put us back in contention next year. can they do it regaualry though, all the evidence suggests not, will the signings occur unlikely...i can see anothe r jusge him after the summer transfer window coming from the akb's it a familiar cycle unfortunately. the biggest question is why have we not seen this kind of performance before? as for AA being marginalised, its fairly clear that happened. he was never ever played in his preffered position, and was too outspeken for AW as mad jens was so was marginalised and got rid of. (jens was jettisoned at least a year too early which exposed us to dear old manuel). as for AW openly praising AA, well hes hardly going to criticise him is he??? he never publicly criticises players. the fact he felt the need to praise him suggests that he was trying to cover up the problems behind the scenes....

  89. Gare Kekeke

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:58 #19449

    Another good article Kevin. Credit to Wenger and the players for the result.......................but does this good performance and fantastic result merely paper over the cracks that are still there for all to see? For me, changes still need to happen in the summer, starting with the manager and having Steve Bould as a No.2 a la Pat Rice in 1996 to retain an Arsenal identity on the bench. Walcott has the raw ingredients needed to be top-class footballer but he still needs good coaching, which sadly he won’t get from Wenger whose ideology into being a good coach is patting players on the back and telling them they are great when we all know there are players who are not good enough. Liverpool fans are so sure to taunt us over their League Cup success when we go at Anfield. What will we retaliate with? ‘Fourth place is ours. Fourth place is ours. Stick you’re Carling Cup, fourth place is ours’. Talk of squad changes in the summer is fanciful too. If Wenger is still around for the foreseeable future, considering how he bangs on about youth, where will he find room in the squad (and excessive wages too no doubt) for the likes of Podolski & Gotze who we have been constantly linked with recent months when he would want to at some point give game time to the likes of Wellington Silva, the kids we signed from Barcelona last summer, Joel Campbell, oh yeah and not forgetting the return from injury of Wilshire & Frimpong?

  90. Simon

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:50 #19448

    Agree with all but for the criticism of Benayoun. Before yesterday, he'd started just one league game for us - which is nowhere near enough to be assessed yet. And certainly not enough to be lumped in with the total failure that is Tomas Rosicky (save for a good performance yesterday).

  91. mark from aylesbury

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:50 #19447

    It nows gets very interesting as Spurs who play an instictive style now may have reason to doubt themselves and have 4 tough games. We meanwhile play Liverpool who will hopefully be feeling shagged out from sundays adventure. Nice not to have to worry about us, well just for this weekend.

  92. Jeff

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:49 #19446

    I have been as critical of wnger, theo and the team as anybody. But surely, today is not the day for that. Today and in fact the entire week is for basking in the glory of stuffing that lot, after being 2-0 down. BTW, Bale is a cheating wa**er!

  93. Jekyll

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:44 #19445

    There is a similarity with the Chelsea game in that it can be enjoyed as a one off amazing match. That didn't herald a new dawn and neither does this. The fragility which mitigates against any consistency remains and was in evidence early on again yesterday, nothing has been done about that or ever will. Strange to think that in our two best results of the season we've actually conceded 5 goals! Only at Wenger's Arsenal.

  94. Knight of the long knives

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:40 #19444

    I like b johnson's sarcasm about Walcott. Theo's 2nd yesterday was heavenly. I agree with other readers that Wenger looks for ways of developing players by playing them out of position. This does not mean they are worthless in their primary position. The comments about Adebayor being ...te. Yes it was a good fee, YES HE WAS/IS A GOOD STRIKER-leader of the line. Had Wenger(insisted to the board) raised the wage cap stating this is good football governance Adebayor would have been hitting 20/25/30 a season no sweat. We declined when he went. Now back to that article recently about burning up or fading away. I have another musical analogy regarding Arsene. After yesterday's humbling of the spuds, we could have ' Riders of the storm'. Anfield awaits...

  95. AugustusCaesar

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:36 #19443

    Wow. We were absolutely terrific and for once our so called mental strength was their in spades. At 2-0 we could have felt sorry for ourselves but we simply carried on attacking and got our rewards. When Sagna scored and gathered up the ball pumping his fist you had a feeling this was our day. I'm Theo's biggest critic but the sheer joy and relief in his face when he scored his first goal was a truly emotional moment. Well done Theo you otherwise waste of space. And Rosicky simply outshone Modric in the middle of the park. I also think the ref helped our cause yesterday. Of course he gave them a penalty that wasn't (although maybe the injustice of this inspired us also) but he was generally allowing the game to flow, often when fouls were committed, and this allowed us to really get stuck in. We thoroughly outbattled them in the middle of the park and it was great to see. They've been getting far too big for their boots of late and it was nice to stick one up them. Up the Gunners!!

  96. Chris

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:35 #19442

    GoonerRon, Mike etc - you are all spot on about Kevin and Arshavin. If anyone cares to read this site with a critical and detached eye - rather than as an emotional bandwagon-jumping anti-Wengerite - you will see that Kevin's house is made of cards and that his blogs are littered with inconsistency, back-tracking and false predictions. When something he says occasionally comes true, he brings it up in his next blog to say "look at me, look at me! I got something right!". I can't belive anyone would take this site serivously unless they wanted to re-affirm their own views & prejudices.

  97. tfsmudge

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:20 #19441

    I'm still watching Match of the Day 2 for the umpteenth time this morning, just to relive Harry's expression. For 50 minutes it was brilliant and dare I say totally unexpected... In truth, Wenger was probably the only one that thought we could still play like that. Any team that can lose 8-2 one week and win 7-1 or 5-2 must be imbalanced somewhere. It's not rocket science where to start though, forget the talk of strikers, the defence is priority... Even one of our invincibles as defensive coach would do it. As for Walcott, I slated him for the first half (of the season) and fully expected the Ox to replace him, that's why I stick to PC footie management! Would the Ox have scored those? Don't know, don't particularly care... Rosicky a lightweight far too long also put the hecklers to shame... Good on you fellas, now keep proving us all wrong. Never mind the bollox...

  98. Terry

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:20 #19440

    I would sell Theo.He is a player who has not reached his potential even after 6 years at the club.I have no faith in him being a top footballer consistentley.We have an able replacement in Chamberlain.Sell and give his wages to a player who really deserves it RVP.Because it was RVP who dragged us back into the game in the first half not Theo

  99. Rajeev Datta

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:19 #19439

    Seems like most of you lot know more about Theo than Wenger and RVP. Have anyone heard whatRVP said in his post match interview? And to the post Post No. 21450 - you think there was no presure when we were 3-2 up with th recend history against the sp**s. Seriously, most of the Arsenal fans are dis-illusioned and spoilt & blame for it lies with Arsene, nuf said...

  100. JER

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:17 #19438

    Can I just say in defence of Theo that are a few players like him around the league - Johnson at Man City, Lennon, Downing, Thomas at WBA - all of them frustrating, capable of great things and also being totally anonymous. Personally I'd take him over any of those as he is quicker and a better finisher.

  101. QuartzGooner

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:14 #19437

    Arshavin was played out of position (In Russia having played right midfield or second-striker, he was frequently asked to play left midfield for us), and that always baffled me. But...he had many opportunities to play and prove his worth, and could have adapted his left sided berth to play in a Pires style, cutting in and setting up goals rather than being stuck to the touchline in a less creative role. His apparent lack of fitness was unprofessional. Contrast his attitude with that of Benayoun and Coquelin, who play where they are told and get on with it without fuss.

  102. Ron

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:13 #19436

    Theo's goals came from situations where he needed to be calm and accurate to score and not needing lightning speed. Ive long been of the view (ive stated it on here many times) that too much emphasis in his use is Arsenal trying to maximise his pace only. My view is that coaching him needs an emphasis on slowing him down! That way his return would be far more consistent and wouldnt burn him out either. His pace is still there for when he needs it. He and Arsenal appear to take a rather blinkered view of his 'best' attribute and it assists neither Club nor player in my opinion.

  103. Any old Iron

    Feb 27, 2012, 12:00 #19435

    Get in there, there, there, there, there! To any spuds reading: you were owned..Pizzagate is a real possibility suddenly; they can be caught at the tape, and they know it. Yes, we have a trip to Anfield next. Flushed with success and fatigue already; Liverpool at home this season aren't as daunting as in years gone by. Our recent record there is relatively good. Arshavin getting his quad there. Arshavin has gone home to get games in preparation for the Euro's. This is an astute move by Wenger. Keeps Russians happy, Arshavin too, and maybe enhances his value to potential suitors. Business is Wenger's forte-we should all know this by now! I agree with the person who said we could rattle the Milanese. I really hope we do!

  104. El Piresidente

    Feb 27, 2012, 11:47 #19434

    I think we have to bear in mind that the adrenaline of a North London Derby is a performance enhancing drug of sorts. The players need to find a way to tap into that same feeling and intensity on other occasions

  105. allybear

    Feb 27, 2012, 11:46 #19433

    Great to be hailing a great win for a change&definately showed Spurs failings. There was certainly a lot of space in the game&lets hope that this isnt a one off again. Great feeling on a Monday for a change!

  106. Camgooner

    Feb 27, 2012, 11:40 #19432

    Wow. I'm finding myself having to give some credit to OGL: selecting Yossi and Thomas was just right for this match. Experienced heads who worked hard. I think at half time the consensus round me was no changes yet: Theo had been having his usual stinker, but we had the momentum and changes could upset that. Credit to AW for this one. For now all I'm doing is being unbelievably happy and taunting and 5pur2 fans I see. Next week it's back to the slog of supporting the club.

  107. Ronster

    Feb 27, 2012, 11:39 #19431

    Following our 4-5 win at WHL in November 2004,Mourinho observed:''That is not a football score,it is a hockey score.Sometimes in training we play matches,three against three.If the score gets to 5-4,I send the players back to the dressing room.If they are not defending properly,why should we bother?'' So almost 8 years on we continue to witness comical scorelines.What has Wenger done to address the problem,having nevertheless been paid in excess of £40 million in that time.

  108. Peter Wain

    Feb 27, 2012, 11:32 #19430

    whatever faults in the squad you could not fault the effort and endeavour of the side when luck seemed to have deserted them Quite why our keeper was not sent off is beyond me. If you give the penalty you have to give the sending off. As it turned out it should have been a booking for Bale so the ref was wrong on two occasions. Typical Dean. Well played Rosicky I did not see that performance comming and I thought benayoun had an excellent match. Gibbs was at fault for both goals and needs to address his positional play. Theo recovered and showed that given the right service can score goals. Now this performance must be given on Saturday which is a must not lose game. Hopefully United Everton and Chelsea can beat the scum so that we can look forward to a late St Tottering day.

  109. Steve_O

    Feb 27, 2012, 10:54 #19429

    Compare the line-ups in the wins against Blackburn and the spuds with the pedestrian performances in other recent matches and one thing stands out for me. Ramsey. When Ramsey plays everything is channelled through him, which slows our momentum to walking pace. He cannot see a pass quick enough to keep our moves flowing, giving teams time to regroup. I hope he can learn this but unfortunately feel it is something that is instinctive. As for Theo, he will be forever infuriating. Media are saying lack of confidence made him pass to RVP in first half, no ! he makes this type of wrong decison even when full of confidence. As long as Wenger picks him we have to accept it, easier to do when we win. His pace unsettled them yesterday even when he was making wrong decisions. Powershift ? Ha, 51 years and counting.

  110. Rob

    Feb 27, 2012, 10:23 #19428

    A perfectly fair question Kev. Because there was more effort in that last 45 minutes than in both the matches against Milan and Sunderland combined. This is a Yo-Yo team and these players - or many of them - are Yo-Yo players. Up one game and emphatically down the next. I missed the intro' and began viewing at the point of kick off, so I could be wrong. But it looked to me like 4-4-2 yesterday, even if that wasn't the intention. If so it can't come back soon enough. We do not have the players with the necessary skill, or the Management with necessary Coaching skills, to use 4-3-3. Barca' can do it but we are most emphatically not Barca'. So the sooner we revert to what we can do the better. That game will surely stand as the highlight of what is otherwise a lamentable season.

  111. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Feb 27, 2012, 10:17 #19427

    I must admit that I slated Wenger before the game for not starting with either the Ox or Gervinho. I couldn't understand it. Am I the only one? great result as our attackers really turned up for this game in some style. Now to sort out the defence that has shipped 37 league goals this season. Still The best game i've ever been to though!! even better than beating Barca or the mad 5-4 victory vs the Scum!! oh such a perfect day!

  112. Dan h

    Feb 27, 2012, 10:16 #19426

    The Bale incident changed the game imo the players were going crazy at the officials they knew he had dived you all saw the reaction from that point onwards!Rosicky was m.o.m for me that was the player you saw in the world cup for the czech republic in 2006 talented player which we havn't seen enough of.It may well be a one off performance but if you had to pick a game for us to react like that it would be against the old enemy stirring stuff!On a sidenote we have been looking to move AA on all through the transfer window regardless of what has been publicly stated.From what i was told the only issue holding the move up was waiting for Gervinho to return from the african cup of nations as we would have had a lack of cover.Very fair write up for me i think we can just enjoy a rare day this season where the team played with pace determination & a real spirit.

  113. James M

    Feb 27, 2012, 10:06 #19425

    How do you solve a problem like Theo?You dont you sell him in the summer.Yesterday were his first home league goals for 14 months!!!One good game out of 10 is not good enough for a team with ambitions to win titles.I am amazed how quickly some Gooners are forgetting his dire performances in Milan and Sunderland off the back of yesterday.Yes he took his goals well(although the first was after a shocking first touch) but in the first half he was diabolical.No i would sell we have a better all round player to replace him in the OX.

  114. Unbeaten 03/04

    Feb 27, 2012, 10:04 #19424

    Every time we have pressed the opposition we have won the game. Barca pressed us in the Final 06 and last time we played them and guess what?! They won. I have never seen a game where one team press more than the other lose!!! If we play like that against Milan we can score 5 pass them! Of course I may be dreaming but not impossible!

  115. Website Editor (i.e. Kevin Whitcher)

    Feb 27, 2012, 9:58 #19423

    There seems to be a perception that I criticised Wenger for using Arshavin. In fairness, if this is a reference to the Man Utd game in January, I criticised the manager for withdrawing the Ox. If he had hooked Walcott off for Arshavin there would have been no disagreement. So that statement was pro-OX, not anti-Arshavin. I have always thought the player was misused, and ultimately this played into his reluctance to put in a shift. But the club should have known what they were buying - a player you build the team around - and utilised him differently to get the best out of him. Yes, he was frustrating as hell, but there were reasons, and ultimately, he was a purchase the manager did not get the best out of.

  116. Jekyl and Hyde

    Feb 27, 2012, 9:55 #19422

    i think the fans helped provoke the heart and passion that we all saw at 0-2. linked to spurs thinking it was won. it was great to see Arsenal play at such a pace and intensity but i was also upset to think that ive seen this maybe twice before in last 18 months (Chelsea and Barca at home) so something is clearly wrong at the motivational level. I give sundays match to the fans for it was the fans who screamed Arsenal back into sundays match. Wenger did not get up from his seat because he had a cold..

  117. Harry

    Feb 27, 2012, 9:50 #19421

    Put 7 past Blackburn lose to Milan and Suderland without scoring a goal then put 5 past the Spuds after going 2-0 down.Welcome to Arsenal 2012.What will happen at Anfield only God knows.And that is why Arsenal are as far away from winning a trophy as they ever were.We are just too inconsistent.Results like yesterday will may some fans believe we are not far away.We are.As Merson and Nicholas said on Sky on saturday we have to ship out 8-10 players in the summer.And while we were enjoying the rout at Norwich yesterday two players with a combined age of 79 scored the goals to keep Utd on the tails of City.If experience is good enough for Fergie why not Wenger

  118. endless, nameless

    Feb 27, 2012, 9:49 #19420

    Another fine piecec by Ed (ignore the AKB's). A great day to be a Gooner. A noticable lack of N17's in the office today! Truly great result that hopefully will precipitate the fall of the spuds down the table. What a crying shame though that it took the NLD for this lot to find motivation and fight. Lots of work still needed - let's hope it not a reversion to type at Anfield.

  119. b johnson

    Feb 27, 2012, 9:44 #19419


  120. GoonerRon

    Feb 27, 2012, 9:33 #19418

    How can you say 'The conclusion is that he and the manager never saw eye to eye, that the Russian was critical of Wenger’s methods and spoke his mind too freely, and was marginalized' without anything to back this up? On the contrary, you have been critical of Wenger for playing Arshavin when he's been out of form, so you can't have it both ways. As for the game, a massive three points and a massive performance. Spuds next games home to Man U, away to Everton and away to Chelsea. If we can take the performance from yesterday into our next three fixtures then we've got every chance of bearing down on them. By the way, Wenger has faults but one thing he should be appluaded for from the roof tops - getting £24m for Adebayor. What an utter pile of sh1te.

  121. Judge Fred

    Feb 27, 2012, 9:28 #19417

    Just for a few hours, I am happy to NOT discuss anything other than the thrashing of the spuds - plenty of time for this later. I dont care about Theo's contract today, I dont care about some dodgy defending in the first 20 minutes. We beat the scum. We beat them 5-2. We are The Arsenal. End of.

  122. don froth

    Feb 27, 2012, 9:08 #19416

    extra special praise for Tommy Rosicky yesterday, the boy was magnificent, it was the Rosicky of 6/7 years ago when every club in europe wanted him, i did'nt think he still had that kind of performance in his locker. As for Theo, well we all know he is capable of that 2nd half performance, problem is your lucky to see it 3 times a season, still a bench player for me....and for all you muggy jumped up spuds who have a look at this site, you will forever live in our shadow!!!!Keep dreaming!!!!

  123. Mike

    Feb 27, 2012, 9:04 #19415

    Can't understand it -Wenger got hammered for standing by Arshavin - remember that Man Utd game substitution - now there seems to be a **** agenda? Good game yesterday - Spurs about to crumble - Harry blaming the upcoming fixture list - Bale awarded 10 out of 10 for the dive - Parker is a dipstick - takes out the opponents ankle and then says sorry. The bench taking shape now, with players who can come on to make a difference - require two good signings and the team is good

  124. Pradeep Kachhala

    Feb 27, 2012, 8:54 #19414

    The comments are actually very fair Kevin - in the press conference available on the official website, right at the end a French journalist asks Wenger why Arsenal can't play like that every week. Perhaps one reason is that we have 2 proper full backs who are now match fit after a run of games - Sagna scored one and had an assist whilst Gibbs was involved in the build up for Theo's first goal. Put simply we were getting balls out of the flanks quicker than when the likes of Djorou and Coquelin who are not full backs, play in these positions. However more than this I suspect it is the attitude of the team too, when they want to play well they invariably do, however I am sure there will be at least 3 brain fart moments before now and the end of the season, that is not pessimism, it is just how AFC have been in the last 6 years.

  125. fozzy's mate

    Feb 27, 2012, 8:51 #19413

    A truly bamboozling game which was similar to the Chelsea away game. But given the lack of fist pumping opportunities of the last few years very welcome. I think we should give OGL some credit where it is deserved in that I would have hooked theo at half time. Looking back the way we pressed the ball was similar to another Chelsea game the 3-1 home win last season. When the opposition lose the ball unexpectedly and play is broken theos burst of pace is very effective. Looking at Spurs I think arry made a big rick by picking king whose impression of a statue reminded me of the unfit Hasslebaink in the 2002 FA cup final. Confusion reigns but I think such in consistency is inevitable with the last day cavalry charge and a number of regulars exiting stage left. Let's hope similar front foot performances are evident over the next few games. Were not gonna overturn Milan but we may have some fun if we can get em rocking by flying out of the blocks.

  126. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Feb 27, 2012, 8:50 #19412

    Brilliant performance from a squad who at last played with some passion, purpose and pride. I wonder what happened behind the scenes. I doubt if AW gave a rousing, do or die pep talk - it’s just not his style. Was there an inspirational speech from RvP, (rather like Drogba at Chelsea the other week) to pump up the players? It was great to see again the swashbuckling attacking play that we so sorely miss. But, for the love of God, can we please, please, please practice defending, too?

  127. Chris

    Feb 27, 2012, 8:45 #19411

    Spurs have made ONE point on Arsenal since the first seven games of the season. There were obvious and unique reasons why Arsenal started so badly. And get so many on this site compare Harry favourably with Wenger! Kevin - the ultimate keyboard warrior from what I've seen - is simply not capable of absorbing the big picture. And where is the logic is now stating that Wneger marginalised the genius Arshavin when you were castigating for sticking with him too long / loving him too much etc?! Standard of analysis on here would not stand up in a court of law or scientific paper - shoddy work by a bunch of amateurs.

  128. Mick Appleton

    Feb 27, 2012, 8:45 #19410

    Kev, I totally agree with you, it was fantastic to win but where was this heart & passion in the last 2 games. Arsene again dragged up the bad pitch excuse but that doesn't explain why there was no tackling or forward momentum in the previous cup games. I will also remember more that Theo disappeared when the going was tough early on rather than his 2 goals that just paper over the cracks. I was screaming at the TV when he passed to RVP with a clear stretch of pitch in front of him to run into during the first half. His reluctance to take responsibility just sums him up & he should follow Arseshavin out the door. Put the Ox in & use the funds raised from Walcott's sale to boost RVP's wages to get him to stay. I loved the empty corner of the stadium as the rats left the sinking ship, extremely amusing.

  129. lance (south africa)

    Feb 27, 2012, 8:44 #19409

    i was ecstatic yesterday. but today i am worried about our trip to anfield. i hope the extra time and walking up those wembley stairs would have tired a few of the liverpool players. if we beat liverpool then my belief will be back.

  130. Ozil

    Feb 27, 2012, 8:32 #19408

    Kevin you don't have to write 100% article, we don't expect that. It is your right to be critical or hypercritical, but I think you're wrong to say this "The conclusion is that he and the manager never saw eye to eye, that the Russian was critical of Wenger’s methods and spoke his mind too freely, and was marginalized. The writing was on the wall as far back as that FA Cup semi final in 2009. What a waste." Arsene hated Arshavin for his outspoken nature, NO, NO. Arsene always praised Arshavin and even gave more opportunities or favours if you like in the starting lineups. He even said he Loved Arshavin as player and as guy, a human being..... and appreciate his outspokeness. They've been hating each other since 2009!! That's real low. If Arsene treats the players he hates like he treated Arsh then tell me how he treats the ones he hates.

  131. Tony Evans

    Feb 27, 2012, 8:30 #19407

    You won't get any criticism from me Kevin. Whilst it was a great afternoon for us all to enjoy it only served to increase my frustration that this type of performance comes so rarely. For every game like this there is a Newcastle, a Birmingham or a Wigan display lurking just around the corner. Wenger seems to have developed the knack of just doing enough to keep his job and averting a full blown crisis but never going the whole mile and ensuring that what we saw on Sunday is more the norm than the exception. Consistancy is the key and the vital ingredient we lack in spades, due mainly to the lack of quality / depth in the squad. Also we have to look at the bigger picture, one game means nothing and I am not going to be fooled again as The Who would say.

  132. Badgerhead

    Feb 27, 2012, 8:29 #19406

    Some things are beyond mere mortals. I'm just shrugging my shoulders shaking my head in disbelief but most importantly I am ecstatic with that last hour. Fantastic just enjoy it and don't think too much about it

  133. nedox

    Feb 27, 2012, 8:29 #19405

    Hey online Gooner! What a day to be a supporter eh? I must admit my head dropped massively after the 2nd goal..I clearly saw no road to redemption buh Spurs somehow had to blow it ! Good riddanc the issue of Theo is baffling to say the least, his speed balances the team and d lad can finish buh his first touch could be so poor and his thinking too! Song actually buried the arguement that Parker is better in the holding role! Cheers

  134. David Carthy

    Feb 27, 2012, 8:17 #19404

    I think your 'reservations' gave an honest balance to the rest of the article; we shouldn't overlook the fact that Theo scored his two goals in spite of mis-controlling both passes which he was given. Sadly, it doesn't alter the overall assessment of his worth to the team. On the positive, it should have put his transfer fee up in the summer!

  135. Subterraneo

    Feb 27, 2012, 8:15 #19403

    Theo Walcott is not a right winger, he's a striker (or wants to be), yet is always played on the right, so it's not surprising that he's not putting in good performances. Two moments of playing as a striker produced two goals. Wenger has a history of playing players out of position. Arshavin is the other recent example; a man who made his reputation playing 2nd striker found himself on the left wing, albeit upfront. It's not surprising that his form dropped and he was disinterested.

  136. Fozzy

    Feb 27, 2012, 8:12 #19402

    A massive emotional roller coaster of a game. It was days like this that made me realise how very much in love that I am with The Arse. It was an honour for me to have written the Match View for the next Gooner mag where you will be able to read my true feelings.

  137. John Abrehart

    Feb 27, 2012, 8:10 #19401

    A very fair and balanced blog Editor. In reply to your final question, there has been an obvious pattern for some time; that is that generally speaking abd with something like a full strength team, we CAN play against the better teams who want to play themselves and would put it beneath themselves to park the bus, (Chelsea this season etc) but are unable to unpick the Stokes et al who come to frustrate, waste time and wait for us to make a mistake and score on the break. We COULD beat the latter teams in the past but the present squad just lacks the quality of players who are able to provide the quick incisive play that is needed.