Random thoughts from the Barnet Hills

Regular contributor reflects on a good week to be a Gooner

Random thoughts from the Barnet Hills

Arshavin: Different player in a Russian shirt

Has anyone seen that episode of the Simpsons when Homer is in church but secretly listening to an American Football game? He spontaneously jumps up in the middle of a sermon shouting "It’s good! It's good!". Well, I was Homer Simpson last Sunday, where my wife and I had a family commitment which was impossible to avoid. Thanks to technology, and specifically 3G phones, I did have the chance to watch the game. I can't tell you how I reacted, or what those people thought of me when I suddenly jumped up when Rosicky scored the third goal. By the way, I loved his celebration; it reminded me of Tardelli's in the '82 World Cup Final.

How good did that feel, though? Bar the first ten minutes, we actually played like a team possessed, especially in the second half. Rosicky played like Roy Keane circa 1999, but special mention should go to Gibbs and Sagna, whose distribution was extremely important in breaking from the flanks. RvP was immense. His mannerisms as a captain, and ability to take the game by the scruff of the neck, are so important. And how about Theo? Say what you want about him, but when the crowd got on his back, he didn't sulk or hide; he simply got his head down and did what he does best - run and shoot.

Against our nearest London rivals (Spuds and Chelski), we have scored a total of eleven goals (and counting) so far this season. Not a bad statistic to point out to your rivals-supporting mates.

Of course, the above will mean nothing if we do not go to Anfield on Saturday afternoon and perform in exactly the same manner we did last Sunday (bar the two-goal head-start). Importantly, Liverpool have struggled at home this season, so there is no reason why we cannot go there and not only take them out of fourth-spot contention, but also close the gap on the Spuds to four points, with them to entertain Man Utd on Sunday. It is all ifs and buts at the moment, but suddenly the other half of North London is looking over their shoulder and thinking it could be 2006 all over again. Anyone know the recipe for a nice lasagne?

It seems as if Mertesacker may have a German pal in the squad next season. If reports are to be proved correct, Podolski could be an Arsenal player soon. Bar his poor spell at Bayern, he has a superb strike-record for Cologne and Germany. Importantly, he can play on the left, and while his international record is diluted by scoring bags of goals against poor teams (Cyprus for example), he is a big-game player who will provide strong support for RvP (if he stays) next season.

Did anyone catch Arshavin's influential performance for Russia on Wednesday? Not only did he play well, but he also suddenly looked like the player who impressed so much early on in his Arsenal career.

How about the Ox and Lansbury in Under 21 action last week? Lansbury is a talented player who scored a screamer on Wednesday. Interestingly, the official site made no mention of Lansbury's appearance (it did for everyone else including Ox, who played in the same game!) despite his two goals against Belgium.

There have been many false dawns in the past six years, and Sunday may prove to be another, but as there is a definite feel-good factor at the club, let’s keep the momentum and belief and ensure that the only highlight of the Scousers’ season will be the fizzy-drinks cup that they won last Sunday.

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  1. Ichi_1

    Mar 05, 2012, 11:46 #19831

    Just like to point out that it isn't our defence that is sh#t, it's the midfield. They give no cover whatsoever. TV and Kos are having to run all over the pitch as Sagna and Gibbs are expected to play as wingers most of the game. You can't have two guys doing the jobs of four and expect to keep clean sheets. Why oh why did Wenger let Frimpong go on loan? Him and Song sitting would have been perfect as one could go forward and the other could hold. This would've freed up Tom/Arteta to be able to roam and create. Obviously this is all moot as we all know Wenger doesn't do tactics

  2. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Mar 04, 2012, 12:49 #19776

    Dear Lee Armitt - I may be wrong about this, but I think the player called Gobbs that Peter Wain was referring to plays for The London Arsenics. You know, that team that Terence Trent Diaby plays for.

  3. Dave

    Mar 04, 2012, 10:04 #19764

    Great win.But our big problem still remains.The defence is still **** and we dont have a DM who can actually do that job.The first half was like the first half in Milan except Liverpool are not Milan.Once again thank God for Szczesny and RVP

  4. lee armitt

    Mar 04, 2012, 1:02 #19762

    peter wain says gobbs must be the worst left back in the league>> by the way do you know what team he plays for because I've never heard of him peter

  5. Mike

    Mar 03, 2012, 18:55 #19759

    Manager of the month -mental strength of the team good- Liverpool beaten at Anfield for the first time this season -3 points clear of Chelsea whose defence with Cahill et al was ripped to pieces by WBA. 4 points behind spurs -what should we complain about now?

  6. Pradeep kachhala

    Mar 03, 2012, 18:43 #19758

    Watch the first RVP goal - we took the ball from one end to the other without any Liverpool pressure - great win ! Let's hope man utd do us a favour tommorow - we must aim for 3rd and avoid champions league per qualification

  7. gunnerbriggs

    Mar 03, 2012, 18:19 #19757

    Great result, but the defense is still an utter shambles. I couldnt understand what we were doing for most of the game. We were always out of position in defense, everybody scrambling back, yet at the same time we were never posing any real threat in attack. The win was only down to the brillance of rvp and schezy. Looks like CL football is guarenteed. Lets hope that continues untill Wenger goes, which will only be when his contract is up.

  8. Peter Wain

    Mar 03, 2012, 17:32 #19754

    great result at Anfield but Gobbs has got to be the worst left back in the league.

  9. CanadaGooner

    Mar 03, 2012, 17:01 #19753

    wenger's this, wenger's that; he's paid this, he's paid that..... at least we didnt pay the 15million to bring him in! Villas-boaz a rich kid, never played football, zero experience; some results with Mounrinho left-over at Porto and he's a footballing genius? come on you gooners!!!! storm upto 3rd place!!! I bet the spuds are shivering in their pants now: deja vu! they will be caught and i hope chelsea overtake them too. awesome weekend!!!!