The right balance between attack and defence

Arsenal v Milan reviewed

The right balance between attack and defence

Rosicky: Like a man demented

I had already accepted in my mind that the tie was lost, so I was just going to enjoy the game. Any victory on the night would be acceptable, I set a target of a clean sheet as well. I thought if we could get one up by half time we can take it from there. The atmosphere was really good with the whole crowd behind the team. Any mistake was not met with the usual moans and groans as the crowd merely offered more encouragement. I suppose getting an early goal raised everyone's hopes to the possibility that the impossible was possible. It was a good night for all supporters to pull together which rarely happens. The usual moaners around me joined in the positive atmosphere, which I am sure got through to the players.

The Ox played with maturity way beyond his years in a new central midfield position. He was totally disciplined holding his position only venturing forward sparingly, always covering the defence. I thought with so many midfielders missing we could be exposed and overrun. This did not prove the case with both Song and the Ox holding firm in the middle of the park. In fact for once we defended as a team. Rosicky was like a man demented closing down opponents when not in possession. When he had the ball he twisted and turned like a corkscrew turning the Milan players inside out. He made penetrating runs going past players at will. Walcott closed down opponents, Van Persie was everywhere and everyone defended as though their life depended on it.

The back four played as a unit constantly catching Milan offside. They were also alert to any danger should Milan break through. We let Milan have possession at times, mainly where they could not hurt us and also to give our players a rest from the relentless pace they were setting. The atmosphere grew to a crescendo as we reached half-time 3-0 up daring to believe we could go through. That first half was as perfect as it could be and possibly the best yet at the Grove. I have to admit I still felt Milan would score at least one goal as I felt they would get more chances as we tired.

The first half did take its toll as we did tire in the second half. The players continued to give their all and we could ask for nothing more. I am glad we have until Monday to play next as the game - especially after the Liverpool one - took a lot out of the players. For once the team got the balance absolutely right between all out attack and defence. I feel if we had attacked with any more abandonment we would have come unstuck. Of course Szczesny made some great saves to keep a clean sheet, helped of course by the whole team. It is with great credit that we were still in the tie right to the last minute.

It was a weird feeling at the end as it felt more like a great victory than it did exiting the Champions League. I don't remember a game where I spent so much time standing and no one was shouting sit down. It was because the people who normally shout that were also on their feet. Even at the whistle it did not feel like an anti-climax and the crowd who played their part in the victory rose as one to applaud the team’s brave efforts.

We now have momentum going into the last part of the season and whilst we want more, third place is now on.

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  1. allybear

    Mar 10, 2012, 12:11 #20140

    Jimmy, i wouldnt let Wenger off the hook as i still think he is to blame as he is the manager&no excuses about board,money etc are good enough. Ultimately it was his decision to buy some of the dross in the squad&a few good results does not change my opinion that he is past his sell by date.

  2. Gunner6288

    Mar 10, 2012, 2:56 #20130

    Disagree with the Rosicky-hating. He ALWAYS puts in effort, but it often amounts to little. Now he's finding form again, its great for him and the club.

  3. StuartL

    Mar 09, 2012, 21:10 #20122

    Fantastic performance, great effort by players but ultimately ran out of steam and without a gamechanger on the bench the end result was predictably dissapointing. It is amazing what pushing forward and playing attacking penatrative football, as opposed to backwards and sideways possesion football can achieve isn't it ? Shame its too late.

  4. Jimmy

    Mar 09, 2012, 20:27 #20119

    Sorry to spoil the party but we lost.European games are played over 2 games not one.However good we were for an hour the other night we were even poorer 3 weeks earlier.I am sad Wenger is getting off the hook for that disaster in Milan.And so many fans have now accepted 4th is success

  5. Moscow Gooner

    Mar 09, 2012, 17:20 #20111

    The night was made for Arshavin - as with Barcelona last year he rises to the big occasion; confident we would have gone through with him in the squad. But is this really AW s fault? My sense is that he wanted Arshavin to stay with the club for the rest of the season: it was the board that pushed the issue and decided to take the money from Zenit regarding the ECL as a lost cause. (And given the way we the fans have slagged Arshavin off in recent months can we really blame them?) All this said the other strong point about Tuesday was the unity between team and crowd: fanatstic atmosphere - not just the best at the Grove but probably the best at an Arsenal home game since we went all seater. The Grove s equivalent of the Anderlecht final in 1970. Still trying to recover my voice...

  6. Nick

    Mar 09, 2012, 13:49 #20103

    I have been voiciferous in critizing Wenger this season and last, and nothing i have seen just lately has changed my mind , he IS tacticly naive his substitutions ARE reactive not proactive, and he IS guilty of not reinforcing the squad when and where we need it and with "real" quality, BUT i do rejoice in our current form and despite his failings i DO have hope for next season, especially if we get more in of the quality of Podolski and in time to START the season unlike this year, and of course it goes without saying that we MUST keep R.V.P. if all that happens i would be happy to judge him in may of 2013, if it doesnt then i fear we will have another fruitless season.

  7. David Whiting

    Mar 09, 2012, 13:18 #20097

    That game sums up AW’s career at Arsenal – the first half filled with exhilarating football, three league titles and the expectation that the trophies would just keep coming. They had to – we had battered the opposition and we played the best football, with a team that was no less than invincible. This has been followed by a second half of huge expectations which have all gone tantalisingly unfulfilled. In the end, however great that first half performance, we’re still no closer to winning the CL.

  8. Mike

    Mar 09, 2012, 12:48 #20094

    Shezney, Gibbs, Jenkinson, the OX, Ramsey, Wilshire, Coquelan Frimpong, guided by the likes of RVP, Arteta and TV, add to the mix the new additions of Padolski and Goetze, with the back up of Rosicky , Walcott, Gervinho, BFG, Kos and Sagna, Santos - it liiiiives - project youth is alive, and I think it looks good

  9. JER

    Mar 09, 2012, 12:24 #20086

    Although I'm not getting carried away, for the first time this season I have a degree of confidence in this team. And the potential signing of Podolski looks a good move. I still wish someone (Steve Bould?) would get hold of certain players and teach them how to tackle. AW moaned about the referee but our players make it easy for the opposition to win free kicks and referees (particularly in Europe) to give them. Also, I agree entirely with Tony Evans about UEFA and it's competitions. The old three competition format pitted teams of comparable quality against each other and this made for more exciting games. The current format is producing so many boring matches, I only watch live Euro games involving Arsenal now.

  10. Joe S.

    Mar 09, 2012, 11:00 #20076

    I think the mixed reviews for the manager and his players are a telling reflection of the glass half full / haf empty type of season the team has had. The second Milan game for all it's promise brought out a " Why couldn't we finish them off?" post mortem which also reflects on the players Wegner had sitting on the bench as well as all the other mismanagement issues that have dogged Arsenal this season. I think the second half could have been made for an Arsharvin or a total surprise package such as the young Miyuuchi. Watching Bilboa give Man. U a master class I couldn't help thinking that if properly handled project youth could have set us up on a third wave of success. Bilboa's lads were predominantly locals from the Basque regions. For anyone thinking that Wegner is irreplaceable; What do you think of Bilboa's coach playing like Barcellona with his player's average age of 23, workingon a shoe string and with hardly any foreign imports to boot?

  11. Mandy Dodd

    Mar 09, 2012, 0:59 #20074

    Think we look rather good at the moment. Spuds completely humiliated and put in their place, Liverpool beaten by genius then this? Strange, how having proper full backs in place, as our rivals have mainly had all season....makes things look a lot better. We do have to sort out our injury issues, but out first team plus a few are a match for most......all this without future captn jack.

  12. GoonerGoal!

    Mar 09, 2012, 0:47 #20073

    I loved the 1st half against Milan but deep down I knew that Italian professionalism would take over to ensure they got a result they could handle, and the inability of our Manager to change anything at half-time played right into Milan's hands. They came out with a plan to nullify the way we had been playing in the 1st half and they were successful. They forced Walcott to come inside on to his left foot every time, and RVP's miss apart did their keeper even have to make another difficult save in the 2nd half? Now ask yourself the same thing about our keeper. Wenger's legendary inability to have anything like a Plan B played right into Milan's hands. Just a change of formation to 4-4-2 with Walcott playing through the middle could have disturbed all Milan’s half-time plans, but no. Add his strange attachment to “no substitutions until the 65th minute”, which meant an injured Ox stayed on for 20 minutes during a period when we began to lose the midfield, and the reason we failed is clear. Thanks to the players for your efforts against Spurs, Liverpool, and Milan. How unfortunate it is that you are having to play with a deadweight in the form of the Manager on your shoulders.. .

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 08, 2012, 23:42 #20072

    @ goonercolesyboy get your point about other clubs being worse off than ourselves and never going to win anything apart from birmingham nobody has a divine right to win silverware but as you say we have won trophies before why should we have to wait seven or so seasons to win more especially as we've been finishing third or fourth now for at least them seven seasons the point i was making is if the team and individual players would have put as much effort into games through out the last two or three seasons especially this season as they did on tuesday maybe it wouldn't be seven years and counting and we wouldnt have been given any excuses to come on here and talk about the same things and the same players over and over didnt know about the mancs good news but i bet fergie puts it right next season. By the way mate where did you get the old out of i'm only 48.

  14. Van de Ed

    Mar 08, 2012, 22:55 #20071

    For the heartache we've been through so far this season, all we ask of these players is that they replicate this same level of commitment, passion, drive etc in all our remaining fixtures; win or lose!!

  15. goonercolesyboy

    Mar 08, 2012, 22:37 #20070

    old maguiresbridge gooner...yes all that you have said is without doubt true, but do you think other club's blogs say exactly the same thing except change the names for their players?...difference is we have won trophies and I know it has been 7 years and counting but how about the other teams who have won bugger all recently?..not saying I don't want us to win but there are only 5 trophies to win, PL FA cup Carling cup Champs lge and europa lge....etc etc....Just watched the mancs both lose and you think we are the only team with a problem or two in defence, utd were woeful...and as for Bilbao, now they were as good as I have seen for a long time, so much for La Liga being a two team league as they are only 5th I think.

  16. James Macfarlane

    Mar 08, 2012, 20:57 #20068

    Sadly, I wasn't there on Tuesday.But everyone I have spoken to - without fail - said it was an amazing night, even the real anti-Wenger brigade. As I said, if you cannot enjoy that, despite the overall loss, then give up on football. And I love the irony of having a go at Wenger for making excuses... then wanting Mourinho in! For what it's worth, I dislike it when Wenger wheels and deals. Bring Arry in!

  17. Gare Kekeke

    Mar 08, 2012, 20:41 #20067

    @ Tony Evans; couldn't agree with you anymore. In the past I never went along with the’ bring back the old European Cup’ mantra but with Wenger in recent years making such as big deal out of finishing 3rd/4th at the expense of the odd piece of silverware then I say yes, let’s have the old European Cup back, reinstate the old European Cup Winners Cup (for the AKB’s, we won it in 1994 and were finalists the following year before Wenger’s arrival in 1996) and make the Europa League knockout only just like the old UEFA Cup and Inter Cities Fairs Cup (again for the AKB’s, we won that too in 1970. Gooners of certain age have great memories of the 2nd leg final at Highbury). Alas, I accept that will never happen because of the financial rewards the Champions League brings and the constant threat of a lucrative European Super League instigated by Europe’s powerful clubs, just like how we got the Premier League in the early 1990s. After all, that’s why the Champions League became the 32-club tournament it has been since 1999. Yes, we did restore some pride in the second leg after the shambles at the Stadio Giuseppe Meazza but the bottom line is that in three hours of football against the Italian champions, we only turned up for 40 minutes. Where were we for the other 130? The cracks are still there in public display and Wenger has shown reluctance in the past to change, so why do it now? I still maintain Project Youth MK II will kick in next season. As CanadaGooner says, Milan were the supposed weaker team of the tie as they came 2nd in their group, albeit to a great Barcelona side, and they still put us to the sword in the first leg, but then they did gain a creditable 2-2 draw at the Camp Nou on Matchday 1. @ Uncle Albert; PSG are top of Ligue 1 but they are not walking it a la Chelsea under Mourinho and it’s interesting that for all the money spent on that club since last summer, they couldn’t even make the knockout stages of the Europa League. Overall, it was proof yet again that the first decent team we come up against in the European Cup and we are found wanting. Our latest exit now means that since 2004/05, we have been knocked out of the round of 16 stage an incredible four times. For all of the good he has done for us, and to a large extent still does, there is no getting away from the fact that Wenger’s record in the European Cup for us is average. When Pep Guardiola is available from his soon-to-be-taken sabbatical, in summer 2013 we must have him on board in any sort of capacity with a view to him taking over from Wenger. Still, up the Arsenal and shut up that arrogant twit Alan Pardew on Monday night. From the things I know about him, Wenger putting one over him would be sweet.

  18. Yanto

    Mar 08, 2012, 19:58 #20066

    If available we should play the same starting line-up for every game - out play, out attack and out score the opposition. simples ;o)

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 08, 2012, 18:27 #20065

    To the people complaining of fans writing the same thing on here have you ever thought it's because apart from tuesday night and the spuds match we've been seeing the same thing from the team all season and others, crap defensive displays crap finishing (RVP excluded)crap players djourou (new contract)walcott one decent half in god knows how long (new contract) rosicky two decent games in two years (new contract?) arshavin chamakh and the rest, and the bench on tuesday night that cost us the tie the dross out on loan nobody wants to buy the back up keeper situation i'm not even going to go in to the same tired old comments of the manager mental strength etc, etc if this team showed half as much commitment and desire in the last couple of seasons as they did on tuesday night i'm quite sure there would be no need for people to discuss the same things on here.

  20. Jon B

    Mar 08, 2012, 18:27 #20064

    Not sure what the result really means. Milan thought they would cruise it and at half time were told to buck their ideas up and simply went up a gear. The reason we did not get the fourth or fifth was because Walcott got a dead leg from a crafty Milan defender and The Ox laboured with a chest infection which meant that both had to come off. As we know Chamakh and Park are Ryman League standard so the final push was never achievable. Arsene referred to the lack of midfield cover so why loan out Frimpong and Arshavin? Still always next season............perhaps.

  21. Andrew

    Mar 08, 2012, 18:26 #20063

    @Tony Evans you will never hear Wenger complain about the format of the CL.Its the only way we get into the CL.If it was just down the winners of the domestic league we would never be in it again.As for the other night what drove me mad was with 15 mins to go Wenger never gambled.Go 3 at the back and put TV upfront he would have been a better option than dumb and dumber.Go for it.In the cold light of day it was the same old story for Arsenal in recent years in the CL.First decent team we draw and we are out.

  22. Peter Wain

    Mar 08, 2012, 18:20 #20062

    I do not unsderstand the clamour for Guardiola. He has only worked at Barcelona and has been blessed by the players already their. I am not convinced he is the man to replace Wenger. Great performance wonderful spirit but oh for some quality back ups.

  23. Ron

    Mar 08, 2012, 17:29 #20059

    Tony - Mate, you sound like me!! Agree with every word. Id go further though and say that beacuse of the dogs breakfast theyve created, its left them with a d****ued 'Champions League' ie walk through groups (in the main) for the top teams due to seeding, same old winners of the CL more or less every season as you say, so the best players all gravitate to those Clubs but those teams knowing who they have to 'turn up' for to beat leaving so many of the games even beyond the groups becoming processions like that game at Barca on Wednesday for instance. The whole competition is really an illusion, but hyped and talked up to barmy levels by TV companies and UEFA making it the new holy grail. I cant stand that CL, really cant. I went made when we got to the Final though i have to say (prob would again!!) but all of its biggest flaws have become more easily identifiable since then i suppose.

  24. Ron

    Mar 08, 2012, 16:51 #20055

    In a way it was a game from heaven for us. Attack at will and without worry, defending not of ****ount importance, go hell for leather wherever possible and score like crazy. If we could brainwash the team every week to think each game was a dead rubber and meaningless nobody would live with us and we d have about 8 european cups and 49 title wins by now. Now where's that sports psychologist when you need him!!

  25. Jimmy

    Mar 08, 2012, 16:40 #20054

    Chamakh and Park coming on when you need a goal.That sums up the madness of Wenger.He still believes we lost because of the pitch in Milan.Any excuse but the truth they were the better team in Milan.As with last season when we beat Barcelona it didnt matter we are out.We played great for an hour but Gervinho and Walcott were poor especially Walcott who should have had that LB on toast

  26. smee

    Mar 08, 2012, 16:23 #20053

    Why must we always be so negative on here. At the start of the season everyone was expecting us to be in a relegation battle. Instead, we are near the top of the table. OK, I admit, I dont expect us to be in 4th by the end of the season, although i will be disappointed if we aren't. Why must people pick on players like Gervinho in his first season in the Premier League. I seem to remember the comments being made about Koscielny last season, saying we should be rid of him as soon as possible. But here we are this season, he seems to be the best thing since sliced bread. Lets all keep behind 'our' team ! And i am not as AKB or AMG, i am just a lifelong 'gooner' and proud!

  27. Will

    Mar 08, 2012, 16:01 #20052

    While I loved the first half on quiet reflection we need to add a dose of reality to the euphoria. Arsenal had nothing to lose having played so poorly in the first leg. Its actually the same old same old. Scintillating performances mixed with absolute dross. If Liverpool had had a half decent striker Arsenal would have been dead and buried by half time. The conclusion is that despite the wonderful 45 minutes v Milan this side is still weaker than it has been for years and needs an overhaul. The kind that is NOT going to happen if history is anything to go by. What about a serious effort to get Guardiola ?

  28. CanadaGooner

    Mar 08, 2012, 15:50 #20051

    Mate, you should be thinking more about asking UEFA to change their format. The competition is being slowly destroyed. I watched Apoel Vs Lyon yesterday and almost died out of boredom (excluding the penalties and eventual result, which was slightly pleasant because the underdogs won); how Arsenal can top our group and draw what is supposed to be a weaker team (second in their group) that turns out to be AC Milan is simply idiotic. If we think our defense needs work, Barcelona's game last night was simply ridiculous. At what point should a manager tell his players to wake up and pack the midfield? Leverkuson are a disgrace and it's teams like that who should be playing in Europa and not the CL. Let's just hope Apoel get to the final and play Barca (10 - 0) to expose the sham that's UEFA! Looking forward to bashing Newcastle at the weekend! Come on you gooners!!!!

  29. Mike

    Mar 08, 2012, 15:40 #20050

    I personally think Gerv is ok, but he did not have the best night - maybe if we had Arshavin on the bench..... oh no.. there is a whole lot of people screaming right now. Padolski might be bought early to ensure the miserable bunch that leasons have been learnt and business will be done up fornt and also to show intent to RVP. I don't know why there has to be a sinister undertow. I reckon if they manage to add Goetze as rumoured to the squad, it is good - providing Wilshire is back

  30. allybear

    Mar 08, 2012, 15:35 #20049

    I applaud the team for their efforts&its very hard to keep that same tempo for 90mins.Also Milan tightened up considerably in the second half as they understimated Arsenal in the first half&this was their managers mistake. The difference is that they were able to change. Its an excellent result to beat Milan 3-0 but im afraid that i cannot forgive Wenger for his failings over the last years. I still think that he makes poor decisions during games.

  31. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 08, 2012, 15:10 #20048

    Fantastic performance on tuesday yes great defensive display and the team deserve credit and at 2 0 the buzz was nearly as good as against the spuds the tie was there for the taking unfortunately lack of class on the bench contributed to us not doing so but some pride was restored but the question has to be asked why could we not do it in the first leg we'd be in the next round now why could we not do it against the fulhams the newcastles the wolves we'd be top of the league now not scraping for fourth if we'd played like that against sunderland we'd still be in the fa cup it was great to see a display like that after the first leg but is it wrong for loyal fans to expect that kind or defensive display and that commitment every game no matter who we play ? like i said imagine where we'd be now.But lets take nothing away from a great win on the night and lets push on with the same defensive displays and commitment till the end of the season and reel in the spuds and take third even if we have finished potless again.

  32. GoonerBob

    Mar 08, 2012, 14:58 #20047

    Well I for one thoroughly enjoyed Tuesday night, what a great performance, shame the lads didn't quite have enough to get us through but well done for the commitment and trying. As for the substitutions, both the Ox and Theo were obviously injured which is why they came off. I agree with some of the comments on here, let's stop moaning about the same old stuff, get behind the team no matter what and grab that 3rd place spot !

  33. CT Gooner

    Mar 08, 2012, 14:50 #20046

    Let's focus on the positives, yes, the best our season can be is a distant finish in third! You say give up football James, but perhaps we should just give up paying Kronke's prices?? As for our recent performances, I have to agree with "what's the point", Rosicky has been soooo inconsistent. Against Spurs and then to me the best I've ever seen him play against Milan. I thought we looked like Barca, everyone behind the ball and once won, attack, attack, attack. It was great. But then the crux, and a point some have said they're sick of hearing, we have nothing on the bench. As soon a Chamak came on and then Park, you knew the dream was over. Podolsky is a great start to rebuilding, but I won't get off Wengers back until he clears at least 8 pieces of deadwood, pays RVP, and gets a defensive coach. Maybe then we'll get the value for money at the Grove

  34. Uncle Albert

    Mar 08, 2012, 14:45 #20045

    Oh dear. I am not fooled by any of this. If anything it shows what a disgrace Wenger is for sending out a team that folded in Milan like that. Where has Rosicky's fight been these past 2 years? I am laughing at how unambitious Gooners are now. 'I'm so proud of the team'. What for going OUT of the CL in the last 16 again? Remember how we laughed at Spuds fans who were 'proud' they came back from 4-0 down in San Siro LOSE 4-3?! APOEL NICOSIA have made the quarter finals of the CL with a wage bill of just under £5 million. That's happened through heart, spirit, and determination. Arsenal's overpaid clowns don't deserve to wear the shirt. Wenger isn't a genius. he's an overpaid failure. Just like the rest of our squad. He has a wage bill of £125 mil and is getting humped by AC Milan, who have a wage bill of £102 mil. Yet the AKBs keep bitching about money. Hilarious. What is the APOEL manager then if Wenger is soooooo great? How did APOEL get this far if footie is as simple as the team with the most money, getting the furthest? How do Barcelona continue to win almost everything, despite having far less money than Real Madrid and Man Citeh? Why are PSG not top of the French league despite being richest? Arsenal fans have become loser like Spuds fans. Wenger has lowered expectations so much that we are now a team of 'brave losers'. You're missing one thing here: we are still LOSERS. 7 years trophyless and counting. And yet some deluded saps think RVP is gonna stay! LOL. Dream on. He is gone. Podolski will be his replacement: sign him for £10 mil, sell RVP for £30 mi. Keep £20 mil profit. That is what will happen. RVP doesn't care about monmey so Wenger can throw all the cash he wants at him. What RVP cares about is trophies and to achieve that, and to play with the best instead of clowns like Diaby, Chamakh and Song, he needs to leave Arsenal. As usual a shocking bench and poor squad options and mismanagement of injuries costs us dear. YAWN. Wenger Out. I'd love to see Guardiola or Mourinho take charge of this rabble. I guarantee you you would never see Djourou getting a new contract or that piece of **** Diaby ever again.

  35. chris dee

    Mar 08, 2012, 14:35 #20044

    Bloody 'ell we were good.! Spurs,Liverpool and A C Milan,what has happened? Everything that has been missing came back,tireless running and tracking,closing down,physically brave,unwilling to surrender,defensive solidarity and organisation. Keep it going Arsene,just two more world class players added next year withthe current attitude of the players and we are back in business. Just a reminder that Talk Sport in general and the Peterborough Prat Adrian Durham in particular and his useless immature giggling side kick Darren Gough continue to ridicule and belittle our club,players and manager like a couple of school kids. All Gooners should phone or tweet to the prat making him aware of how much we detest him and his s**t programme.

  36. Red Member

    Mar 08, 2012, 14:32 #20043

    those people criticising Wenger are looking stupid as usual I see

  37. Tony Evans

    Mar 08, 2012, 13:53 #20036

    I have already commented on the game but would like to make a more general point on the debacle that is European football now. We used to have 3 great competitions in the European Cup, UEFA Cup and Cup Winners Cup. Now we have the ridiculous situation with the CL and Europa League. The CL is boring in its early stages, a complete misnomer and creates the illusion of success for teams finishing as low as 4th. This enables Wenger to trot out the 4th is a trophy nonsense. A huge percentage of teams qualifying (including Arsenal unfortunately at the moment) don't have a cat in hells chance of winning it and most supporters know this. How boring is that? Then you have the Europa League where even Stoke this year fielded a weakened team against Valencia, such is the low esteem this competition is held in. Can you imagine that happening in the old UEFA Cup? What a dogs breakfast the football powers that be have made of it and all because of money with no thought for what supporters might want.

  38. Leo Zis

    Mar 08, 2012, 13:51 #20035

    Gr8 game from the little Mozart (Rosicky)..what great night to be a Gunner...will remember it for long...and may it be the catalyst for the return of the old Gunners...Poldoski almost in the bag and some other top class signings over the summer + RVP signing up...Go Arsenal!!!!

  39. James Macfarlane

    Mar 08, 2012, 13:46 #20034

    I'd love to be mates with all you guys posting on here, you sound like a lovely bunch. If you can't enjoy the three excellent victories in recent weeks (someone moaning about beating Tottenham 5-2 - brilliant!) then give up football. Yes, there are negatives, but that's life. No point in watching football if you can't enjoy the positives without focusing on the negatives.

  40. Judge Fred

    Mar 08, 2012, 13:43 #20033

    In answer to a few comments above....Gerv is still not 100% after the African Cup, he needs time to recover properly. Podolski will play WITH Robin, not instead of him. I hope.

  41. Charles

    Mar 08, 2012, 13:11 #20030

    I hate the way Szczesny kicks the ball out. I know it's not easy with our team of midgets upfront but lamely chipping the ball up is not helping.

  42. Ramgun

    Mar 08, 2012, 13:03 #20029

    No, Kaweesa, Gervinho did not let us down. That is how good he is. An irredeemable second-rater who is now being talked up by Wenger in the same way Denilson, Diaby and others have been in the last few years. Get prepared to see a lot of Gervinho over the rest of Wenger's time at Arsenal - which will be at least two more seasons after this one and, who knows, some more after that. Wenger has already absolved himself of all blame for the disgusting performance in Milan, it was purely down to the pitch apparently. The first 40 minutes was a heady experience and there is no doubt that Milan were rocking. I expected us to run out of steam by 60 to 70 minutes. We actually could not keep it going beyond the 3rd goal. Only Milan were going to score before half-time once the penalty had gone in. The full extent of Wenger's mismanagement becomes apparent on night's when, needing a goal, we bring on Chamakh and Park. Milan failed to quake in their boots! Meanwhile the trophies not won figure rises to 28 with more to come.

  43. Businessmen

    Mar 08, 2012, 13:03 #20028

    Podolski purchase is a good hedge against RVP departure. he can play the same role and he has been bought in preparation for the coming (losing) battle to keep RVP

  44. Gee

    Mar 08, 2012, 12:57 #20027

    Damage done in 1st leg where we didn't turn up and blamed the pitch. Our issue is with consistency, it has been for 3 years. We go from ultimate high to ultimate low in the same week normally. We really need to get that sorted. Remember last year? Beating Barcelona at home only to get beat by Birmingham in the Carling cup and end up clinging onto 4th. We ARE mentally fragile. Yes we've had some decent comebacks, but when we're down, we're woeful. It would come as no surprise to me if Newcastle beat us Monday, because we do not replicate any of the fight and desire we have shown sporadically throughout this season

  45. goonercolesyboy

    Mar 08, 2012, 12:51 #20026

    It was a great night and we came oh so close to getting back in the tie, bet Milan draw Apoel for What was the point in leaving Highbury's post, why state the bleeding obvious mate? are one of those who again wants the perfect game and perfect squad...we all know the failings but to be reminded it of it constantly is boring...write something original and then we can have a debate.

  46. lance (south africa)

    Mar 08, 2012, 12:50 #20025

    the hunger and passion from the last 3 games were not with us from the start of the season. why do we only lift ourselves when we down and almost out. the coach needs to go.

  47. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Mar 08, 2012, 12:24 #20022

    Is anyone else annoyed with Rosicky. I mean, why couldn't he have put this much effort into games over the last three years like he has done in the last couple of months? Oh yeah, he's after a new contract. You watch him get one and then revert back to his usual self. Very negative post this after a night in which we did restore pride but for me we are out of Europe becuase of Wengers failings. Namely, he cant get us up for big games when they matter as in the first leg not the second when the tie is over. We can't defend. Injuries always cost us dear. No or poor signings so when the injuries do happen and we need to make subs we have to bring on the hopeless Chamakh and Park. Wengers failings in a nutshell and when we get to the business end of the season he is found out year in year out but becuase we beat Spurs despite defending like idiots, beat Liverpool despite getting murdered and beat Milan despite going out of another competitin at an early stage all his forgiven and we're all good to go for more of the same next year.

  48. Jekyll

    Mar 08, 2012, 12:24 #20021

    Full credit to the players. They did the best they could in the second half to overcome the hindrances of Wenger's substitutions, such as taking off the Ox after he'd just made a 70 yard run to make a tackle, and unbalancing the side by bringing on Chamakh and Park, two players he never ever trusts to bring on normally. So quite what he thought they'd do here I don't know. It would be good for once to not enter this stage of the season with the squad unable to cope with the challenges it brings, but that would require proper squad building in the summer and learning from previous seasons.

  49. kaweesa

    Mar 08, 2012, 12:12 #20020

    but gervinho did lat us down