My arrest for ‘ticket touting’ outside Arsenal

Online Ed: Some follow-up reflections

My arrest for ‘ticket touting’ outside Arsenal

I will be returning to discover my court date in April

My head has cleared a little since writing this after a night without sleep, and putting modesty to one side, I actually surprise myself that I managed to put something relatively lucid together on Wednesday morning after the previous 15 hours I’d experienced. However, there is more to say about this sorry incident, and I am hopeful that some good might come out of it.

Firstly, I was, I guess, partly in shock on Wednesday. Others were very angry on my behalf, but I guess I was just too fatigued to really feel more than a sense of resignation at that time. Saddened too, at the injustice, and the realization I could well be facing a lengthy ban from attending Arsenal matches. However, there is no way of getting round the fact. For selling a spare ticket without making any profit, to enable a fan to sit in a seat for an Arsenal match rather than it remain empty, I spent ten hours in police custody, almost nine of them awaiting a 15 minute interview. Given the gravity of the ‘offence’, it is pretty shocking and an indictment of the legal process in this country.

Some detail that I didn’t really go into on Wednesday. Firstly, the ticket I was exchanging was in a sealed envelope, with the collector’s name written on it with the amount due (the face value of the ticket, £66 for a Grade A match). Is this the way that a ticket tout operates? The arresting office actively opened the envelope. Could, at this point, some common sense have been used? I guess I am asking if there is a modicum of intelligence in the arresting officer, but sadly, there was just an automatic assumption that I was guilty. There was an anti-touting operation – called Operation Podium - in progress that evening and plenty of plain clothes police at work. Perhaps they needed something to show for the amount of public money that was being spent as they weren’t having much luck with the real touts. I have heard that five arrests were made for touting that night, and apart from myself, I am aware that at least another of those was an individual who was sorting others out with no profit involved. I was frogmarched in handcuffs down Drayton Park to the police van that drove me to Holloway police station, as if I was a danger to society at large.

But the most amazing thing of all probably happened at the station, and I think even took the arresting officer by surprise. The booking in procedure of suspects at the desk next to the cells is not a brief process and needs to be carried out by a sergeant. There were three sergeants present at the time, but only one of them was doing any booking in, in spite of there being a free terminal that could have been used by one of the others. Only the suspect being booked in was allowed inside the building. Everyone else had to wait in a queue – with their arresting officer - outside in the cold, in handcuffs. So for 75 minutes, I waited, and those behind me would have waited even longer as when I was admitted to the building, it took an hour for me to be booked in. The arresting officer was an Arsenal fan with initial illusions that he would be able to get back to the stadium to watch the match. As it dawned on him how long he would be waiting, I suspect he regretted the decision to arrest me just a little bit. He was not finished at the station until after the full time whistle was blown. He was very enthusiastic about the goals going in and wanted to share his excitement with me while we were waiting outside in the cold. For some strange reason, he couldn’t work out why I wasn’t jumping through hoops at the news he was getting on his mobile. Still, as I said, he wasn’t the brightest button in the box.

My treatment was no great surprise to me, but it was confirmation. You may be innocent until proven guilty, but you are treated like a criminal by the system from the moment you are arrested. As Holloway station closed after 1am, I was transported to Islington station where the whole booking in procedure had to be repeated – however, mercifully there, I was allowed to wait inside the building while the suspect ahead of me was booked in.

At one point in the early hours, I was offered some food in my cell. I said yes. However they forgot about it, came back about an hour later to ask me again if I wanted something to eat, and was that time actually fed. It wasn’t the most appetizing microwave meal I had ever eaten but needs must.

When I was released on bail, the police kept all the cash I had on me, as well as my mobile phone – as evidence. Luckily I was parked up in the Highbury area, but if I’d have needed money to make my way home – say to top up an Oyster Card or something, I’d have had a long walk instead. If I’d lived in, for example, Putney, well, it doesn’t really bear thinking about. Minus phone, I would have had difficulty contacting anyone to come and collect me. Additionally, the fact that I was bailed to return in mid-April meant that I had lost my contact numbers on my mobile for as long as the police deigned to keep it. And all this after the interview established that I was not – in the spirit of the word – a tout. I should be incandescent with rage, but in truth my opinion of the police has not been high for a number of years after earlier experiences of their general attitude when I had done no wrong, but was assumed to have done so. In fact this resigned view probably helped me mentally get through the long hours I spent under arrest. Nothing about the way I was treated surprised me.

Perhaps the operation to catch genuine ticket touts on the night in question was not a great success because the real touts are too clever to get caught these days. They are well versed with the technicalities of the law and are not easily caught. The law needs to be changed. One will take the money from a buyer, a runner will then go and seek the membership card or paper ticket concerned from a third individual holding it and then, once the man with the money has walked away from the buyer, the ticket or card is handed over. There is no direct contact between the tout taking the money and the individual that hands over the ticket or card to the buyer. So in effect, the law devised to catch them can only really be used on genuine fans like myself who do not consider they are carrying out a criminal act.

So the law is, undoubtedly in this instance, an ass. But what worries me is some of the accounts I have read of others since I publicized my experience. One comment under the original piece read as follows (I’ve tidied up the punctuation a little) –

This happened to my husband. He sold a spare ticket at less than face value rather than let it go to waste. He was handcuffed, bundled in the police van and I was already in the ground. I can tell you it was a nightmare. He had a big fine and now a criminal record. The club wanted to take our season tickets away and AISA were helpful. I went and reported my ticket lost and got a duplicate for the rest of season because the police kept the original for evidence and then sent it back to club many months later.

This for selling a spare for less than it was worth. You have to wonder about the merits of the legal process.

There have been a few mentions about the club’s terms and conditions and the rule that does allow the re-sale of tickets to known acquaintances for face value or less. This could be of assistance in a future defence, but it should be remembered that I was arrested on a point of law, which is nothing to do with the club’s terms and conditions. The club had nothing to do with my arrest, and I am 100% certain that those who believe there is some kind of agenda against me on the club’s part because I am critical of the manager’s methods or the way the club’s money is used are well wide of the mark. As it happens, I know people that work for the club at relatively senior levels who privately have sympathy for certain of my views. Further down the line, the club may be able to use some discretion, such as whether to allow me to use my season ticket seat until this is resolved. But it has to be remembered that if, in a court of law, there is an order that I am not allowed inside the Emirates, or within a mile of the stadium on a matchday, the club have to uphold the law, wrong as it may be. And sitting here typing now, the realization that I might not be able to watch an Arsenal match in the flesh again until 2015, going on the precedents of what has happened to others is hardly filling me with joy. What exactly have I done to deserve this?

However, out of the darkness there is some hope. I have been truly taken aback and astonished at the amount of support I have received, both in the form of emails and in the comments under the original piece. The response has genuinely lifted my spirits, and let me take this opportunity to express my thanks to everyone I haven’t already. There is even a nascent Twitter hash tag labeled #freewhitcher, started by Gingers for Limpar which gave me a right old chuckle yesterday. Assuming I am taken to court, then I intend to fight this all the way in an effort to get the law revised, because it plainly isn’t working, and indeed, looking at this piece online - which appears to date from the time when Jack Straw was home secretary, this appears to have been the case for a long time. I have had offers of free legal help and also the idea of a collection to fund a legal campaign has been suggested. I would imagine that this would become a test case and national organisations like the Football Supporters Federation might become involved. If I am given a court date, I will then get someone to instigate an online petition which I am sure can get tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of signatures from supporters of all clubs and would be using that as part of my argument in a court of law. I will also take up the offer of character references from those that know me, and going by the offers of help, I can envisage they might take up half a day of court time. I suspect I’d even get one from the club. And I am prepared to take this as far as I can because what happened seems to happen to others on a frequent basis. And it is plainly wrong that a football supporter should end up with a criminal record and a ban from watching matches because he is doing something which the likes of Viagogo are allowed to do for a profit, and that Arsenal facilitate themselves – granted, taking an admin fee rather than Viagogo style profits – through their own Ticket Exchange mechanism. Quite simply, it is not immoral, so why are people being criminalised?

And if the case is dropped – and as PR for the police’s anti-touting operations, this is pure gold-dust, a snowball rolling downhill gathering momentum and slowly turning into an avalanche, I suspect it could be – then I will use my position as a committee member on the Arsenal Independent Supporters Association – who have established links with the police – to change the way that the police handle these types of incidents outside the stadium. It is blatantly obvious who the tickets touts are. The reason innocent fans are being arrested for the exercise of a face value exchange of cash for a spare match ticket is presumably an exercise of power, a justification of the role. Like a traffic warden has to issue a certain amount of tickets, perhaps a police officer has to make a certain amount of arrests to justify their presence? Who knows. But it is certainly something that needs addressing. The laws devised to catch the real villains do not seem to be working that way. One thought is that – as the club’s terms and conditions do allow the transfer of tickets for individual matches that the holder cannot attend – a system of advance notification could be devised whereby the club know that someone else is using the ticket. A print out of such notification could serve as a demonstration to the police that no shenanigans are taking place when a ticket is handed over outside the stadium. That is just a suggestion, but something has to change.

I will doubtless be asked again to help out with spares in the future because the friends who sit near me sometimes cannot make matches due to work commitments. Obviously, I won’t be accepting any money agreed for their ticket on their behalf, but I will still hand over a spare ticket to someone collecting it. The police cannot stop me doing that.

I received an interesting email yesterday, which may just suggest there is a bit of backpeddling in the air. I have no recollection of giving the police my email address, which leads me to believe the club – who I know are aware of the story from reading the website – may have intervened. The email was from the ‘Arsenal Football Investigations Officer’ at Islington Police station and read as follows –

Dear Mr Whitcher,
I would be grateful if you could call me to arrange the return on your mobile telephone. I can be reached on the mobile number out of office hours.

An out of hours telephone number? Not quite in sympathy with the treatment I received on Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning. The killer is the wording at the bottom of the email…

Total Policing is the Met's commitment to be on the streets and in your communities to catch offenders, prevent crime and support victims. We are here for London, working with you to make our capital safer.

That’s right folks. The streets were a lot safer between Tuesday evening and the early hours of Wednesday morning because this particular stain on society was behind bars. In the words of Richard Littlejohn, you just couldn’t make it up…

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  1. Ron

    Apr 23, 2012, 10:34 #21485

    Its a sign of the times that Newcastle are now considered a good side and in 'great form' in that Prem League, it really is! Game v Chelsea was another nudge to me (if i needed one still)that dropping off the Season ticket radar from the Seasons end (for me anyway) has been the correct decision. Premier League football is one big con nowadays. I think many fans of all Clubs are slowly starting to realise it too. Frankly, that game v Chelsea justifies a claim for a refund. It was horrible and an affront to what football once was in my view.

  2. Judge Fred

    Apr 23, 2012, 9:27 #21481

    (Hopefully) we will finish third but it needs to be stressed what a poor league it has been this season. I cannot remember so many shock results by seemingly poor sides against those near the top. 'The Invincibles' would have run away with this division by March...those were the days.

  3. Andrew Cohen

    Apr 23, 2012, 7:55 #21478

    It is a 38 game season and you might just get a nasty surprise about 3rd or 4th. You are spot on about the whole season counting. Our loss rate is 1 in 3. Let's see whether it's good enough to be in the champions league places.

  4. dan

    Apr 23, 2012, 0:02 #21475

    don't be so sure about yourself,we lose up at stoke which is more then likely and we will be in massive trouble.

  5. simon

    Apr 22, 2012, 20:06 #21471

    lets do the math shall we. newcastle-4 tough games but two wins and two draws is 70 or with just two wins 68. spurs-anything up to 71 points chelsea anything up to 70 points (3 home games and liverpool away after cup final which has 3 pts written all over it) Arsenal-two wins does it but stoke away? can't see any points there and us with RVP now badly off touch, no arteta and no walcott needing two wins from two.. Its tight, scarily tight and after all that hard work and supreme effort its just so galling that the team should panic at the death and get just one point from six at home.

  6. Jack

    Apr 22, 2012, 20:05 #21470

    2008 3rd should have won the league but for the diaster at Brum 2012 maybe 3rd never ever in the title race.There is a big difference in challenging for something or just plodding around trying to just get a top 4 place.This is the worst team by a country mile under Wenger and it will get worse whe RVP goes

  7. Greg71

    Apr 22, 2012, 19:34 #21468

    Gare posted that we challenged for the league when finishing 3rd in 07/08 totally agree despite missing Rvp (remember the games missed please Robin when discussing your contract ? ) and not beating boro and brum home or away. Poor results against inferior sides and a weak squad compared to the usual suspects (and some new ones). In all the seasons since whats changed,please somebody tell starting to get that Bill Murray feeling !

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 22, 2012, 17:56 #21461

    the chavs were happy with the draw and the point obviously they have bigger fish to fry but it could come back to bite them (if barca do the biz in the second leg) with a tricky trip to anfield.Credit where it's due simon you've been constantly saying we're going to finish third and and it certainly looks like it but at the end of the season it's not any kind of a trophy but we should have made sure yesterday with three points as Gare Kekeke says above they were there for the taking and again we couldn't do it.

  9. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Apr 22, 2012, 17:24 #21459

    GaryFootscray: "If the "Race For Third"TM was a farting competition, we'd win it by the ruling of having less skid marks in our pants than the other teams." Very funny. Mind you the state of our gusset leaves plenty of cause for concern!!

  10. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Apr 22, 2012, 16:05 #21456

    If the "Race For Third"TM was a farting competition, we'd win it by the ruling of having less skid marks in our pants than the other teams.

  11. divingrooney

    Apr 22, 2012, 15:09 #21452

    Shadow Chelsea XI - Well it contained 50mn Torres, 25mn Essien, 18mn Malouda, 16mn Bosingwa, along with Kalou, Cahill, Terry, Cech etc Frankly barring one or two players this was pretty much their best XI (Drogba s injured, Lampard is 34, etc etc) So, don't know what people expect from Arsenal...

  12. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 22, 2012, 15:06 #21451

    Good article Mr Rose. I’m with you in not being downhearted about the draw with Chelsea. But you cannot deny that whilst they are preoccupied with the Barcelona tussles, their second string team was there for the taking. Whilst I was surprised about the defeat to Wigan and the nature of it, some of us on this site, myself included, said it was a game that should have not been taken lightly and sadly it was, perhaps by the players more than Wenger. But as others who have commented on this article have mentioned, if we finish 3rd, great final position it be will, but one hell of a distance from the Manchester two, then it’s something not worth celebrating. Finishing 3rd in 2007/08 was more creditable because until the 34th game we were bona fide title contenders, finishing just four points behind the champions Man Utd. 3rd this year will see us the best of an average bunch such as the quality of the Premier League has declined probably since either 2008 or 2009. Up The Arsenal!

  13. Mark Mywords

    Apr 22, 2012, 14:22 #21448

    Simon, In the space of a couple of paragraphs: I am a big admirer I always expect I have said all season. I said on Twitter Like I say I say it every season I've said it throughout I predicted I quickly said I expected You're not from Yorkshire, by any chance?

  14. Dan h

    Apr 22, 2012, 14:21 #21447

    Very flat the skipper has been jaded these last few weeks never played this many games but as we have all been saying no adequate cover to rest him.
    @Fozzy's mate my sentiments exactly.With 3 games left we may get over the line to 3rd or 4th 10 league defeats so far & no decent cup run & maybe the scenario of needing Chelsea to fail in the CL it isn't time to celebrate is it?The season we can dissect in a few weeks the green shoots for me are Szczesny & the Ox & the added experience of Wiggy Arteta.It has been a 9 month rollercoaster ride that hasn't yet ended.

  15. lee afc

    Apr 22, 2012, 13:21 #21444

    I'm afraid by us finishing third just means that we have another year in a competition that our ambition suggests we cannot win especially with the manager that we have at the current moment. Generally in europe, we sail through the group stages but when push comes to shove against europes elite we crawl under the nearest stone. Far too many average players at the club and far too many under achievers. The euphoria and high of the win against spurs and then the low of the wigan game all in a short space of time suggests that something soon has got to give.

  16. Joe S.

    Apr 22, 2012, 13:12 #21443

    Will take the point against Chelsea's reserves. It could just save the Gooners season. Nothing much else to say about our team though.The other team's are going to drop points againnst each other. Good Luck to Newcastle if they survive their brutal draw, they will then deserve to be nominated team of the season. Also let's hope Wegner has the courage to start Aaron Ramsey at Stoke. It would be good for the lad to gain redemption and confidence at that ground.

  17. Theopants Superstar

    Apr 22, 2012, 11:36 #21441

    Whoopy Do - let's get the champagne out because we might (not certain by any means given the mental weakness so often displayed by our pampered and over-rated players)finish third!! After all the naive rubbish sprouted by you and other rose-tinters at the end of last season about Wenger and the players learning lessons and things improving this season, it's proven to be yet another false dawn, with more than our fair share of embarrassing results and awful performances. Still, while the likes of you and other AKB's are happy to accept this season of mediocrity as an 'achievement' Wenger and the Board will have no reason to try and do things differently.

  18. Jekyll

    Apr 22, 2012, 11:17 #21440

    A season is made a further struggle when you have a manager who plays out of form players, benches in form players, and subs players playing well. Wenger was at it again yesterday. At the 70 min mark we've already taken off two players, meaning if another is taken off then we'll have to play the remaining 20 mins without the option of a substitution if there is another injury. Therefore you'd think for once, Wenger would forego his pre-ordained 70 min mark substitution. But no, the Ox must still come off then. So yes, this methodology makes it even more of a struggle than it need be, especially for a team that went out of all the cups early and have not had a congested run in.

  19. Ian

    Apr 22, 2012, 11:06 #21439

    Soory Simon cant agree.The Wigan game summed up everything that is wrong about our manager and our team.Not for the first time this season we walked onto the pitch thinking a game was won before a ball was kicked.That was the attitude installed by Wenger.As soon as we think we have a top four place secured we switch off just like last yearThe 2nd half v Wigan was the worse 45 minutes of the season.What does he say to the players at half.Wenger has to go this summer.Swapping 3rd and 4th place finishes in the last 7 seasons is not progress.I wont be having my picture taken with the 4th place trophy

  20. Gee

    Apr 22, 2012, 11:05 #21438

    Third is decent enough considering our start. It's also an improvement on last seasons 4th and we will probably end up with more points than last season. So there is an argument to say we have improved. However this summer has to be a success. We have to avoid the incompetence and mismanagement of last summer. Either tie up vp and theo deals or sell quickly and early. Sign players before the euros. Be aggressive not passive in the market. Clear three dead wood if it means free transfers. Then and only then can we continue improving

  21. Rob

    Apr 22, 2012, 10:49 #21437

    We may finish 3rd but we will finish 15pts behind the 2nd place team.Last season we finished 4th 3pts behind the 2nd place team.the gap between the top 2 is getting bigger and we are falling further behind.This season has been nothing to celebrate.Same old story too many average players(Song Ramsey Gervinho and Walcott)the squad is too weak(Flappy Djourou Squillaci Diaby Chamakh and Park) and the manager clueless.We are further away from winning the title than we have ever been.Is just finishing above a team who were in the championship 2 years ago a great achievement?

  22. Treble Double

    Apr 22, 2012, 10:45 #21436

    A flat performance yesterday but like the article says not a bad result made all the better by the spuds defeat. We missed the creative spark of Arteta and didn't have anyone to come off the bench to change things. Should have kept Rosicky on and Song was awful (I defended him on a post last week but should have kept my mouth shut) but having said that with a bit more guile and luck we could have got 3 points. I was surprised by the chavs game plan yesterday. A point has just about finished any hope they had of getting a top 4 place. Should get 3rd place now although a tricky game next week awaits. One moan though, to those so called fans who booed at the final whistle yesterday - are you for real? You should f@*$ off down the lane!

  23. Fozzy's mate

    Apr 22, 2012, 10:40 #21435

    AH Simon, the euphoria of 3rd or 4th place. In my book another season where we failed to even threaten to challenge for actual silverware rather than Weng, PHW, syrup Kroenke or Mr self sustainables alternative definition. A poor show yesterday against a shadow Chelsea eleven, showed us that when our major goal threat is off the boild, how reliant we are on him. Yes we will finish in the top 4 and possibly 3rd but a massive distance behind manure. In previous years, as we crumbled within touching distance of the title, you told us to keep the faith and that OGL would lead us to glory. If our only aim is to fall into 3rd or 4th with the minimum outlay how stale and devoid of excitement as a club we are. The reason our fans are not singing from the rooftops is that many of us use our support as a way of escapism from everyday life as any hobby or interest outside work is. Scraping into a competition we do not have the ambition to win is a poor target to set ourselves, particularly for a club with our cash reserves, level of support, stadium and rich history. OGL was amazed that Chelsea played a weakened team. My borther summed it up pre-game when he said, De Matteo wasnt going to get the gig anyway so why not go for european glory by resting players for that instead of the fight for 4th place. Yes go for glory, a phrase our machine like board do not understand but keeps football fans paying their hard earned dough each week to go through the turnstiles. I personally don't see finishing a distant third or 4th as glory I am afraid.

  24. chrisy boy

    Apr 22, 2012, 10:18 #21433

    i do think we will stutter to a 3rd place finish not because of any great form on our part but i cant see the other 3 teams in involved getting all the wins they need, just hope lessons are learned throughout the club so this kind of season never happens again

  25. Nick Rafferty Belfast

    Mar 15, 2012, 21:25 #20325

    Good luck Kevin. Your treatment has been disgraceful. If a petiton is ever required, I will be honoured to put my name on it

  26. MUFC Supporter

    Mar 15, 2012, 17:20 #20321

    Similar story has happened to me in the past at a United away. I think there will be a lot of backing around the country on this issue if it goes that far. Touting is rife, especially on the Internet yet its innocent fans who are tying to ensure they don't loose money that get targetted.

  27. Paula

    Mar 13, 2012, 13:10 #20235

    Be careful they pretend to be nice and still nick you we had Ian's coppers number but all he wanted was to get a prosecution. He knew full well he wasn't a tout but didn't care I still have the emails pleading with the club (John Beattie) not to ban us . Good luckn

  28. Andrew Cohen

    Mar 13, 2012, 8:35 #20231

    You could blame the Police for being lazy, but in fact it's parliament who are at fault for passing a law that, whilst it makes it easy for the CPS to convict, is so widely drawn that it catches people who are not, in most people's minds, committing an offence. It's pretty obvious how to amend it. Those who are sympathetic might even support a campaign to do so. I'm surprised in a way that some people are either sanguine about the existence of such a law or condemn you for breaking it. What is the wrong that your actions have wrought? Perhaps someone would explain. It certainly isn't touting.

  29. Tom

    Mar 12, 2012, 15:50 #20218

    Very sorry to hear that, sounds like over zealous policing to me. There was probably a specific number of arrests or officers looking for arrests set as a target by the police and as a lot of match day police are young, inexperienced and have no common sense you were caught up in the operation. Something clearly needs to be done especially as the ticket was enveloped with the price on it, this could have been checked very easily and saved everybody concerned time, stress and money. Maybe Arsenal Football club can be more specific on their guidelines and give guidance on giving/selling FV tickets to friends and aquaintances? I have a metropolitan police officer in my family and he once told me a story about how police officers at Chelsea in 2008 were grabbing anyone they could who was in their way and confiscating their season tickets which subsequently let to banning orders for innocent football fans. Somehow Arsenal Football Club need to educate the police about the clubs t+cs. I avidly read your well written posts so I wish you all the best Kevin. Tom


    Mar 12, 2012, 15:02 #20216

    As I understand it 'Podium' is a select force of 74 detectives within the Met formed to primarily combat the re-sale of Olympics tickets. It was formed at great public cost in 2010 after consultations between Seb Coe, Boris Johnson and the Home Secretary. However due to the high public funds involved the group has had to justify its existence by also targeting other areas of 'touting'. Since the only other area of ticketing deemed illegal refers to football tickets the force has targeted the re-sale of these in offices and outside grounds. I'm afraid you have been a victim of a publicly funded service trying to justify its own existence and thereby compromise their own authority.The officers within the Met are not stupid just blind to anything other than the targets they are presented with. Your arrest is plainly ridiculous and I would imagine given the publicity already garnered a concerned superior will have the charges dropped. However if not I sincerely hope you fight this all the way in the courts. Contrary to some belief we are not quite yet in North Korea territory. The police are public servants and have to answer for their actions. The courts are busy with the overload of dealing with serious criminal activity. They will not take kindly to having to deal with such a spurious charge being placed in front of them by the police or the cps. Good luck and keep us updated on your progress.

  31. kalimar

    Mar 12, 2012, 14:28 #20213

    Thats the spirit red member,support the gunners all your life then bang one mistake and people like you want to watch the hanging high of fellow GOONERS,was supporting a football team not meant to be a bit of fun?The main reason i wouldnt want a season ticket is because i couldnt bear to be sat next to someone like you ,a stickler for rules,PLEASEreturn to your former hobby TRAINSPOTTING!

  32. Red Member

    Mar 12, 2012, 11:13 #20201

    yes ok this is a stupid law BUT you knew it was wrong what you were doing so why do it? Too many season tickets get passed around like this and it is about time it was stopped. buy a season ticket if you want to attend every game, if not dont.

  33. Herd em up and move em out !

    Mar 12, 2012, 1:40 #20193

    You seem to be surprised about your arrest but we all know it is against the Law to resell Football tickets and you did it right under the nose of lily law ! The Police love crimes like this as it shows their Crime Vs Clear up rate is good and justifies the vast expense of having plain clothes Police on duty. They don't have to get their hands dirty and the process is simple and it's a good earner in fines. Don't expect a reprieve from them even if they knock the charge down to a caution, your DNA will be taken so that they can fit you up at a later stage too if you become to uppity. Despite the fact that Islington has very real problems with Youth Crime and Knives,Drugs,and general Violence not to metion burglary,you won't find Islington Police doing anything about much about it. Its just too easy getting the arrest conviction stats up by nicking football fans and making dragnet traffic stops to make it Islington seem safer to number crunching politicians . Arsenal are fully complicit with this ,The Club simply don't want an informal ticket exchange going on because they see it as their patch, a new and potentially lucrative revenue stream which your interfering with. Some at the club may sympathise but no one will lift a finger to help .Frankly speaking You and the Gooner Organ has little sympathy from the Arsenal Public either because of your patronising and dismissive approach to other supporters and the failure to take up campaigns such as these in the past ! I sincerely wish you luck but I do think you should drop the self righteous victim approach beacuse it isn't washing with the great unwashed.

  34. Patrick Kirwan

    Mar 11, 2012, 21:44 #20190

    I'm a Newcastle fan who does exactly the same thing (sells spare tickets for face value whilst selling our fanzines) at all our away games. It's funny how the law seems to differ depending on where you are - whilst you get lifted for it at Arsenal (they're dodgy about it at Old Trafford too), I had help from matchday stewards at White Hart Lane the other week (in full view of the peelers) in keeping an eye out for anyone clicking through the turnstiles with spares so that I could move them on for them. At other times the peelers, totally aware of the craic, might explicitly ask you to just juke round the corner first so you're not selling in their view (i.e. at Blackburn and Bolton) and at Anfield, Goodison, and SJP they seemingly couldn't care less. Ultimately, football is a working class institution and the criminalisation of the proletariat in general (and therefore football fans) is ruling class policy - policy that their bootboys will continue to enforce whenever it suits them. You can add helping people with tickets to peaceful protest; standing, singing, and chanting; airing political viewponts; and resisting police brutality - as things that suddenly become "offensive acts" when carried out by football fans in this great democracy of ours. Solidarity mate. Watching football is not a crime.

  35. Mark

    Mar 11, 2012, 21:03 #20189

    Around me there must me 8 people sitting in season tickets seats belonging to someone else because they dont want to give them up due to either ill health or losing jobs etc.... Half he ground could be facing a stretch in that case!!!!

  36. son of rudolf h

    Mar 11, 2012, 19:16 #20187

    With the hooligan all but extinct,were you under the illusion that the police would be content to just supervise the crowd?Football is used as a platform to discipline JOE PUBLIC hence the screw will be turned until you all conform exactley as they say so or else .Those that stood by and joined name and number memberships have only themselves to blame!Who cared about the casuals in the 80s when they were sentenced to OUTRAGEOUS PRISON TERMS for throwing a few right handers,Who cared about my great GranDAD thrown onto the front line in a war that was not his!Anyhow never mind the summer will soon be here and the EUROs you can look forward to /make sure that you dont book a holiday abroad as you will not have a PASSPORT ,welcome to a new membership ,the club of CRIMINALS.

  37. Mary M

    Mar 11, 2012, 16:30 #20184

    Oh Kevin, this is truly shocking, no, actually it's terrifying. Almost as unbelievable (and certainly just as stupid) are some of the comments posted below -- D & Mick for instance. I imagine this whole sorry saga will be resolved and dropped quickly, with the return of your season ticket and no police record, but I doubt you will get an apology which you definitely deserve.

  38. EborGooner

    Mar 11, 2012, 14:46 #20183

    Kevin, I was extremely saddened to read of your plight. I'm sorry to say that the whole "anti touting" operation will have had little to do with genuinely attempting to clamp down on touts and more to do with "ticking boxes" for arrests. It's a reflection of the times we live in, and the fact that the police are measured, and rewarded, on figures. Much better for the police to arrest 5 real fans, who are selling on tickets at face value or less, than really attempt to arrest 1 proper tout, selling tickets at a profit. 5 is better than 1 so their figures look better. Plus you, being a law abiding reasonable citizen, are unlikely to cause too much fuss, or resist arrest and cause more resources to be expended by the force. The real touts will resist arrest, have friends, cronies etc who will make life difficult for the individual policemen etc. Regretabbly, once you are in the system, even though everyone knows it's a farce, no one can admit it and you will probably end up with a big fine and/or ban from the ground. To do otherwise would be for the authorities to admit they were wrong, and they will NOT do that. Meanwhile, the touts will continue as before. I have NEVER been to the Emirates without seeing/hearing touts advertising for business. Everyone knows who they are, and make no mistake that includes the police. It's just too much effort to attempt to arrest and prosecute them, for the reasons you outline (i.e. money handed to 3rd party and tickets handed over by someone else). It's NOT about the actual crime, or arresting criminals, or stopping wrongdoing. It's about massaging arrest figures and getting the statistics looking better. I wish you all the best but fear you will be made to suffer even more before this is over.

  39. north bank 71

    Mar 11, 2012, 8:05 #20177

    yet another example of the way authorities treat the football fan! message to the police- put all your efforts into clearing the streets of the real criminals!!!

  40. Sarf Lunden

    Mar 10, 2012, 22:37 #20173

    I'm just gobsmacked. Very sorry to hear about this. The police and the club.....well own goal just doesn't begin to describe it.

  41. Mr_V

    Mar 10, 2012, 22:15 #20172

    Can you confirm whether your absence was reflected by Arsenal in their attendance figures? I think we all know the answer to this!

  42. Glitch33

    Mar 10, 2012, 19:46 #20166

    My own experience of dealing with the police and a court case relating to my son has completely undermined my faith in the police and the criminal justice system. It is unbelievably farcical at times and and in itself a "criminal" waste of money. Get your own legal team, someone willing to fight for you. Best of luck Kevin. Don't let the B'tards grind you down. Please keep us informed of any petitions and campaigns - happy to support.

  43. Half Full

    Mar 10, 2012, 12:18 #20141

    Rather chilling story, given that lots of us have done the same thing. Maybe the shortterm answer is to lobby the authorities to instruct their officers not to arrest anyone who can show that they have complied with the club's own conditions - which you clearly did. I'm sure the Police have enough discretion as to how they apply the law to enable them to adopt this policy. longterm the law needs to be revised to make it effective against touts but not catch transactions such as yours that are within the Club's guidelines. Whatever the best solution, please do keep up the fight to change the obviously unjust situation we have at the moment. I'm sure you'll have the fans' total support. ( Apart from Mick's of course.)

  44. Gerry

    Mar 10, 2012, 12:03 #20139

    Kevin, if your friend had turned up at your home or place of work and collected and paid for the ticket in the same manner would it still be a "crime"? I just don't get this , I can go on to many websites in Dublin and buy Club Level tickets for the Emirates from proper Sports Travel Companies for extortionate prices. But if I or one of my friends have to pull out o a trip at the last minute we cannot sell his ticket at face-value outside the ground to a person known to us (you would be surprised how many travel to the bigger games from Ireland without tickets).

  45. Adrian Wagenaar

    Mar 10, 2012, 11:33 #20138

    All Kev has ever done, judging by the comments coming in, is help his fellow Gooner. I know when my son got married the theme for each table was an Arsenal player, so we needed 11 quality photos to mark each table setting. I e-mailed Kev and within a few days he had e-mailed every "J-Peg" photo we required - this guy is a very articulate and honest voice for Gooners everywhere, where do I sign. (PS.We put any Spud fan on the "Robert Pires table" - we thought that was a nice touch.)

  46. MutleyGooner

    Mar 10, 2012, 10:31 #20137

    Sorry to hear this Kevin. You have helped me in the past with tickets when I have had family visiting from Oz, I know that you are not a money making tout and I hope that the Police realise this to. I look forward to signing the petition as much as I look forward to having my ban from the Gooner forum lifted.

  47. Jock Gooner

    Mar 10, 2012, 9:52 #20136

    Hang on a minute folks, do you really believe that the ticket touting initiative comes from the police?? Do you really think they get off on lifting footie fans?? Wise up! There will be huge amounts of pressure applied to the police from people within our club. This liaison is at police Commander / board room level. It's our own club that is getting people nicked, the police are just doing the job they are instructed to do by their bosses. Dare to operate outwith the rules of the club and see what happens.....

  48. HowardL

    Mar 10, 2012, 8:30 #20133

    This whole very upsetting situation looks like an example of where appearing to have done a job can be as or more important than actually doing it. A comparison of the number of 'career' touts arrested that evening at Arsenal (assuming the police can ever catch them), compared to ordinary people doing a favour, like you were doing, for another fan, would make interesting reading.

  49. Seven Kings Gooner

    Mar 10, 2012, 8:15 #20132

    Hi Kev - great to see the support rolling in - "the arresting officer was an Arsenal fan" he should hang his head in shame!

  50. Potter - Norfolk.

    Mar 10, 2012, 1:35 #20129

    Just about sums up the craziness of this country. Any petition going on this I will sign. The faces seen on Gillespie road can be seen outside the O2 and Albert Hall as well as other London football clubs. It is inconceivable that the police are not aware of them . One has to wonder exactly why their collars are not felt albeit I have been informed that in general the Police do not feel it is worth the time and effort to arrest them because of the lack of support from the magistrates courts. Hopefully this exercise will not be the first to be heavily punished although I can't help feeling that it's all to do with ticketing for the Olympics and practising for then when the eyes of the world will be upon them.

  51. Sarah (Dicko)

    Mar 09, 2012, 22:57 #20128

    Kev, I too 'ended up not being at the match'. I too was mad. However it was my mum I was mad at for not allowing me to leave Michael (my son who will be one on Tuesday) all day, night and again the next day. I have friends who go away on holiday leaving their baby/toddler with grandparents for a week!!! I only returned to work last week and its a temporary job for which I cannot take leave during the first two weeks. Had Donny (my husband) not gone home sick on the Thursday before and was off on the Friday too I would have tried to get him to take leave. So instead of heading straight from work to the match as per pre-mother days I headed to my parents where I had driven to drop Michael off. We decided to feed Michael & I decided to go along to the fish & chip shop and eat with my mum (her meal already half eaten by my dad before leaving for the match). I haven't been to the chippy along their road for years and the guy there started to small talk with me along the lines of How's your night - Are you on your way home? I just said no I walked past earlier and am picking my son up from my parents. He started on about will I be having any more - I think he said we need new recruits for the national team. I really had wanted to say well actually I have a season ticket at Arsenal and should really be there tonight so all's not completely well. Anyway after all the food we parked up at home & just got in and TV on (having reactivated sky sports on our box just after lunchtime) with the team having just taken to the field. Alas missed out on seeing young Ceri and her fellow junior gunners being mascots. As I still had to give Michael his milk, a bath and put him to bed I was grateful for the pause live tv option we have these days. I paused just after kick-off to do a couple of things before settling in the lounge so just a couple of mins behind. Michael was happy playing with his toys and then chuckling when as that firt fairly quick goal went in. I decided to teach him to clap whilst holding him on my lap and telling him we were clapping the goal, followed by a sort of rocking in arms dance of delight. More clapping came with the next goals. I ended up giving him a bath at half-time and putting him to bed so ended up being about 12mins behind live. I may have still seen the match, but still missed actually being there. When hearing of your plight on Wednesday it just made me think of it as about a thousand times worse than my predicament. So my season ticket was spare, Mike tweeted me the night before - "I hope someone is using your seat tomorrow". I did get the seat passed on to a friend of a friend in the end, arranged on the day and my dad to meet my friend in a pub. My friend didn't put the money in my dad's hands but it was inside the season ticket wallet as it was handed back to him inside the ground by the person using it. Therefore my dad could well have been in the line of people being booked in before/after you had he taken money. I've clicked on the link you've given and interestingly see the following, "the law was not intended to trap the fan seeking to get rid of an unwanted match ticket". Good luck with your case Kev and anything that Donny & I can do we will. At least my mum has compromised and I can go to the Newcastle match as Donny has Tuesday off work for Michael's birthday. Hope to see you there too. P.S. I'm on the registration screen for the new forum and cannot see the confirmation code on the page as described below; To prevent automated registrations the board requires you to enter a confirmation code. The code is displayed in the image you should see below. If you are visually impaired or cannot otherwise read this code please contact the %sBoard Administrator%s.

  52. Stuart

    Mar 09, 2012, 22:23 #20127

    Old Bill at it again. Then they wonder why people have a problem with them. Perhaps if they spent less time arresting innocent people or shooting dead Brazilian electricians, they might actually have some time to do the job that they are paid for and keep our streets safe. Funny how they can find the time and manpower to nick you Editor, but can't manage to stop the touts outside Arsenal tube, arrest drug the dealers and on Blackstock Road or stop the motorbike drug runners that charge around Finsbury Park every afternoon and evening. I'd write to the local newspapers and get a story in the Evening Standard; the way Londoners feel towards the police right now, they can't afford any more bad publicity.

  53. Fozzy

    Mar 09, 2012, 22:20 #20126

    Total support from me, even if it includes some joint vigilante action to "remove" the real touts by way of a political protest. I know their faces from having to pass them on the way to every home game for the past 50 years.

  54. Gooner 48

    Mar 09, 2012, 21:48 #20125

    Good article Kev. Maybe something good can come out of this, I have my doubts as football fans still appear to be treated as 4th class citizens unless they inhabit Club Class or the Diamond Club. I myself shall continue to smooth the transfer of Arsenal tickets from those who cannot attend to those worthy of attendance, without a profit motive of course. However I shall be taking far more care of how I go about it.

  55. jake

    Mar 09, 2012, 21:36 #20124

    mick do you have any sense? this wasnt touting. it was helping out a friend for no profit. this law has been a joke since it came into force. if the arresting officer had used some common sense it would never have got this far

  56. Unbeaten 03/04

    Mar 09, 2012, 21:27 #20123

    Kev, I fully understand your experience in this and unfortunately we live in a world where figures is what's it's all about. To the police an arrest is being made that adds up to their monitoring figures and therefore justifies their job towards Arsenal and the government/public. You are right when you mentioned that they know about the real touts but they are too clever to get caught and you were just unfortunate. The whole of your experience shows that the minority of things have more power where it affects the majority just like in anything in today's way of living!!!

  57. FromCorkLike

    Mar 09, 2012, 20:57 #20121

    What a joke. Just looked at my e-mails in work and there is one there from Arsenal FC re: Thomas Cook travel. They are doing match tickets and one nights accom for the Man City game. I checked it out, just out of interest, and it came to 449 sterling for one ticket and a single room in a premier inn. You then get arrested for selling your ticket at face value. Unreal!!

  58. Shropshire Lad

    Mar 09, 2012, 20:30 #20120

    Hi Kevin every sympathy with you regarding this ridiculous situation. Wish you had stopped at ' the police cannot stop me doing that', though. I know you are angry but your diatribe at the end of the piece looks like you have snapped the potential 'olive branch' into tiny pieces! My experience of 'biting back' because you feel injustice is that, annoyingly, all it gets you is entrenchment on the antagonists part and yourself a 'feisty' reputation. Laudable to those with standards but uncomfortable for, unfortunately, what is probably the majority of those you are dealing with. Good luck with your case

  59. stevus

    Mar 09, 2012, 19:47 #20118

    I'm still in shock about this. There but for the grace of god...and all that. If that was my job, I'd have to kill myself to avoid dying of shame. Good luck with your efforts to have this nonsense overturned. The next time I see someone going "tickets, tickets, buy or sell" on Gillespie Road, I will ensure the so-called law are diverted in their direction so they don't end up embarrassingly arresting genuine lifelong fans. You should receive an unequivocal apology from the police and some compensation for that appalling evening you suffered. Utterly disgraceful.

  60. Phil

    Mar 09, 2012, 19:17 #20117

    Mick, your comment is ridiculous. If a police officer saw that the ticket was in an envelope clearly labelled for the recipient, why couldn't he have worked out that this wasn't ticket touting at all? How many self respecting ticket touts know who they are selling to and 'grass' them up to the police by labelling their crime with their collaborators name?! By the way Kevin the Gooner is a fantastic read and I always catch your online editorial, win, lose or draw. Proper law abiding fans deserve better than this. I would sign any petition to change this misguided law. Good luck with getting your ticket back.

  61. exiled&dangerous

    Mar 09, 2012, 18:55 #20116

    You would have been better off to have gone for a few beers in the House of Commons and twatted four MPs....... seriously, this is shocking. I wrote to the local police station back in the 90's to complain about the amount of touts outside the ground, including the anecdote of queueing up for away match tickets and seeing huge bundles of tickets being handed over, clearly to touts, by the official box office staff. A few weeks later I got a phone call at home from a PC who thanked me for my concern and assured me they were working with the club to address the problem.......

  62. @talkinoutmyarse

    Mar 09, 2012, 18:46 #20115

    Definition of ticket tout - "Someone who buys tickets to an event in order to resell them at a profit" - as you didn't what have they charged you with. Bit of a joke if you ask me. Good luck. If we need to organise a protest outside ground lets do it - but not with bin bags

  63. Clive the Gooner

    Mar 09, 2012, 18:20 #20114

    Typical of the Old Bill picking on innocent fans just to make their arrest figures look good. Everyone knows who the regular touts are so why don't they pick on them and make their life difficult.

  64. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 09, 2012, 17:49 #20113

    I really feel for you kev there's absolutely no doubt you were targeted because you we're an easy nick five arrested yourself and another person innocent, that leaves three i'd love to know were they real touts or innocents also, my god there were dozens of real touts all over the place but that would be to much like hard work for plod as you say they know all the tricks in the book and therefor less likely of a conviction for plod at least he missed the match as well i wonder where his ticket came from ? I'm no expert kev but if its any comfort to you i can honestly say the publicity this has generated already, and is going to generate if it goes to court (especially if its bad for the police) i can see the whole thing being scraped i think the proper term is NFA no further action.

  65. bunch

    Mar 09, 2012, 17:33 #20112

    There can be few Arsenal fans who haven't sorted tickets out for others. I've done it, people have done it for me, but its all done at face value or less. The Plod just look totally stupid in this case. They obviously chose this game becasue they thought it would be a big one where tickets wold be in high demand. Well they didn't think to check the result in Milan, and the fact that many Arsenal fans have taken to not showing up.

  66. ian cohen

    Mar 09, 2012, 17:17 #20110

    as it is often quoted, the lunatics have escaped the asylum and are running the have my support.ian

  67. Sarge

    Mar 09, 2012, 16:21 #20109

    Nothing surprises me anymore. The paint by numbers approach of a highly administrative nature of 'The Old Bill' means that initiative and common sense of officers is wiped out. How many times do you hear 'I'm only following orders,? Most of the them are not fit for useful employment in real terms as they lack the ability to communicate and empathise. A spell in the forces would remove this hierarchical and outdated dependency

  68. Evadztif

    Mar 09, 2012, 16:02 #20108

    Thats just shocking Kevin...another example of the police hiding behind another statistic of arrests etc when in fact they are no closer to ridding the real problem here...hope you get sorted and some justice soon...!

  69. stephen quilter

    Mar 09, 2012, 14:18 #20106

    power in the hands of fools comes to mind . good luck and god bless you for sharing your story .

  70. Tony Winyard

    Mar 09, 2012, 14:11 #20105

    Kev, This is so shocking and saddening. I'll most definitely give a character reference for you because you were incredibly helpful to me when I was raising money for Guide Dogs a few years ago. Good luck, Tony

  71. Gazman

    Mar 09, 2012, 14:06 #20104

    When James May was stopped for speeding the first thing he said the copper was "Have you stopped me to tell me you've caught the man who broke into my house and stole me tele?" Apparently, it didn't go down too well.It was probably a good thing you accepted your fate in the short time. None of them show any spark of using their own initiative. Where do I sign that petition?

  72. Mark from Ashtead

    Mar 09, 2012, 13:47 #20102

    Kevin, I hope common sense - and justice - prevails, and soon. Please do let us all know of any petition as I am certain that the Arsenal fan diaspora, as well as the wider footie fan community will want to lobby for (obviously) much needed change.

  73. Brighton Fan

    Mar 09, 2012, 13:41 #20101

    Brighton fan here just shows that there are still massive problems with the law in this country will be happy to sign any petition, good luck!

  74. Phillip Franklin

    Mar 09, 2012, 13:39 #20100

    I sold a few tickets outside the box office on Tuesday night. I sold them at face value. I wasn't looking to make a profit. I just bought them for friends who then couldn't make it. Rather than waste the money, and the seats, I found people who were desperate to watch the game, happy to pay the money I paid for the tickets. I am amazed to hear what happened to you on the same day for doing the same thing. What possible reason would the law want to intervene to make what we did illegal. It doesn't make any sense. I am shocked. We all know and dislike 'ticket touts'. A ticket tout is someone who charges money and makes a profit out of supplying tickets to people. What you did, and what I did, is not this. Anyone with common sense can see that. So clearly the current crop of policemen need some education as to what is and what isn't a ticket tout. You should make a complaint through the official complaints procedure. It probably won't do any good but it needs to be done.

  75. Simon Albert

    Mar 09, 2012, 13:34 #20099

    More than happy to add my name to the list of character references for you should you need it Kev. Think I'd avoid passing on any tickets in the future if I was you though. Free or not


    Mar 09, 2012, 13:32 #20098

    its a pity its taken this incident to arouse some passion in you for campaigning. i hope you will show from now on as much passion by campaigning against the likes of gazidis who are a blight on the club taking out big bonuses based on profit and not on on-field performances - a conflict of interest similar to mr squeaky clean harry redknapp earning commission on transfers whether or not transfers in best interest of the club. good luck with the battle and look forward to "kevins law", the book and movie. the whole idea club have colluded against you is nonsense - to the contrary likes of gazidis must love you but hopefully that will now change.

  77. mick winnett

    Mar 09, 2012, 13:01 #20096

    sorry to hear of your predicament, I'm sure most of us have sold on a spare at face value in the past. How can there be an offence if there was no profit made? I mean you can't be done for theft if you don't actually steal anything can you?

  78. thatsimonrose

    Mar 09, 2012, 12:49 #20095

    You've got good plans there Kev, happy to support you however I can. And to think, Monday night's podcast session was such a pleasant evening in advance of this nonsense.

  79. Steve E.

    Mar 09, 2012, 12:44 #20093

    More power to your elbow, Kevin. I'm appalled by the behaviour of the Met, which seems to do bugger all to stop the professional touts. Hopefully, the Club will pull out the stops to make sure you can attend forthcoming games.

  80. Peter

    Mar 09, 2012, 12:44 #20092

    Having been nicked and charged for dropping an empty plastic bottle over the perimeter fence "onto the playing surface" at Upton Park and having to go to court twice before the case was dismissed I can testify that no police have common sense - deepest irony was that it was an Islington copper!

  81. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Mar 09, 2012, 12:42 #20091

    Perhaps you should be touting horses to members of the media instead Kevin. Perhaps only then the police may look at you more favorably.

  82. John McClean

    Mar 09, 2012, 12:30 #20090

    The police are target driven so have to tick all the boxes. This engenders cynicism and frequent wrongdoing by the police and the CPS who on occasions have withheld evidence from the defence! The police are largely above the law and barely accountable. Everything from the killing of Ian Tomlinson to the current phone hacking scandal sadly illustrates arrogance and corruption but what can anyone do about it? You might think at times that we live in a police state. Your treatment was outrageous; what a stupid waste of police time too and in the present context of budget cuts. If the police had any commonsense they would behave very differently. So sorry to hear of your vile experience.

  83. Adam

    Mar 09, 2012, 12:25 #20089

    D, if you actually read the piece, it doesn't suggest there there was any collusion. Surely it's your comment that's straying into the realms of fantasy...

  84. Ozil

    Mar 09, 2012, 12:25 #20088

    I'm very saddened to hear the story of your arrest Mr. Wytcher. It's really a disgrace and insult to arrest someone like you for ticket touting whereas the real criminals are free. Arrest by anyone is disgrace, but to add the insult to the injury the guy who arrested you is an Arsenal fan, how classless! didn't he know you, didn't he know that you gave your life to this club. I don't believe that the club has interest in arresting as some suggests. I'm an what you usually call the AKBs, but I'm fully with on this instance and I'll petition for your support. It's amazing how the taxpayeers money is spent on policing and arresting the valuable ones in our society when we all know that criminals swim at large.

  85. mick

    Mar 09, 2012, 12:25 #20087

    You were arrested for ticket touting, in the eyse of the law and were arrested accordingly. You are upset that it ruined your evening. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. There are more laws in this country aside from those relating to murder rape and mugging. I expect you would be up in arms if you were to get a parking ticket as well. You got busted as the officer saw fit. Hold your hands up and stop blaming a Police state.

  86. Chris

    Mar 09, 2012, 12:12 #20085

    Really shocking the amount of money the police waste on arresting and charging innocent people. Clearly an exercise in boosting arrest figures. I really hope justice prevails in your case, and at the very least, awareness is raised about this ludicrous use of the law.

  87. S J Little

    Mar 09, 2012, 12:10 #20084

    The police have lost all admiration a plaudit they once were proud of, we know now it was not always deserved but it did give one a respect for the police force. Since when did it become necessary for everyone apprehended to be handcuffed. Are the police such duffers that they cannot assess when it is totally out of hand. What bunkum it makes of "innocent until proved guilty" I hope this case prompts a terrific protest and that it will lead to our MPs doing their proper job by hauling in the Police Commissioner and asking him if he would not be doing a better job handcuffing some of his police touts!

  88. Ted

    Mar 09, 2012, 12:09 #20083

    Quoting Littlejohn doesn't exactly help your cause.

  89. Rob from Italy

    Mar 09, 2012, 11:52 #20081

    Hi Kev, very sorry about your experience on Tuesday night, something on this law must be changed. I know it doesn't count too much but you have all my support on it. Cheers

  90. D

    Mar 09, 2012, 11:47 #20079

    Sorry to hear it but one thing I have to say is the idea that the police and Arsenal have colluded against you because you dont like the manager is one of the most absurd things I've ever heard. Please tell me that beyond "wide of the mark" you realise this is complete fantasy. We dont live in the novel 1984!

  91. Website Editor (i.e. Kevin Whitcher)

    Mar 09, 2012, 11:37 #20078

    Just a reminder that anyone that has tried to contact me by text or phone since 7.30 on Tuesday evening is not being ignored - the police have my phone. I have spoken with the officer who contacted me by email and I will be getting the phone back over the weekend.

  92. Errol

    Mar 09, 2012, 11:34 #20077

    What a disgrace. Indictment of why crime is increasing - no direction in the Police to go after real criminals. If I'm mistaken, then correct me, but Arsenal FC will allow a person who owns a ticket to either give it away or sell at face value.