Financial Fair Play: The only way

Why UEFA’s new dictate has to work

Financial Fair Play: The only way

Eto’o – Not in Russia for footballing reasons

Over the last ten years, football clubs throughout Europe have been on a spending bender, completely ignoring financial logic by splashing the cash for immediate success, but has the time come to apply the proposed “Financial Fair Play” laws? This kind of irrational thinking from board members, to give managers massive transfer kitties and allow them to offer extortionate wages in order to bring in world-class players, has seen many clubs fall into massive debt, with even the world’s biggest clubs looking at debts of around £400 million. The basic objectives of the “Financial Fair Play” laws are to limit the inflation rate of transfers and wages, encourage clubs to compete within their revenues, encourage long-term developments in the youth sector and infrastructure, and ensure that clubs settle their liabilities on a timely basis.

Football clubs must start living in the real world, and stop throwing money around that they do not have; otherwise, the beautiful game as we know it will be lost. The only possible way to make football clubs grow up and manage their spending is to impose these laws and enforce harsh penalties on clubs that do not abide by them. Financial Fair Play requires clubs to break even, losing no more than £38 million in total over the next three seasons, with clubs who break these rules being punished with expulsion from the Champions League and UEFA Cup.

English clubs find themselves at a major disadvantage under these rules, because third-party ownership is banned by the Premier League. In Spain, Portugal and other European countries where third-party ownership is permitted, investors can place players in clubs, allowing them to recruit at a fraction of the upfront cost. This means that the clubs do not have to fork out the full transfer fee for players, thus reducing their expenditure and decreasing their net spending. If the fair play rules do come into effect, we will see a lot more third-party ownership of players throughout mainland Europe, which will potentially make the rules pointless.

For them to work, UEFA must enforce the same rules for every country competing in European competition to ensure no country gains extra advantage due to loop-holes put in place by their governing bodies. This means a set of standardized rules must be made. This cannot be a difficult thing to do, as most countries already have similar transfer rules in place, with the exception of some allowing third-party and co-ownership.

Despite all these loop-holes in place in Europe, England is the worst country for irrational spending, in particular Manchester City, who, since 2006, have an outrageous net spending of £428,370,000 and a total of £531,670,000 spent on transfers. This figure is made to look even more ridiculous when you compare them to Arsenal, who in this time have a net negative spend of £31,350,000, making a clear profit on transfers, and who have still managed to compete in the Champions League on a consistent basis.

Although Arsenal have not won a trophy in the period, they have finished in the top four every season and reached two Carling Cup finals. This shows that clubs to not need to spend ludicrous amounts to achieve success. However, Arsenal will need to spend to truly compete for the Premiership and Champions League.

Manchester City’s spending since being taken over by mega-rich UAE politician, Sheikh Mansour, has saw them go from being a mid-table club to a genuine title-contender in just four years, as well as paying off their £305 million debt. This kind of success would normally take years to build, by gradually adding to your squad each season with quality players and coaches. A perfect example of this is Tottenham, who have gradually built over the last ten years to have a squad capable of competing at the top.

City’s spending has thrown a spanner in the works over the last few years and, as a result, all logic has gone out of the window, and transfer fees have sky-rocketed due to other clubs paying over the odds to try and compete with City’s bottomless pocket. The sort of spending we are seeing today cannot be blamed fully on Manchester City; for years, Real Madrid have been spending crazy amounts without consequences, as their debt has been continually wiped by the Spanish Royal Family.

The beginning of massive spending can be tracked back to Real Madrid President, Florentino Perez, in 2000, when he decided to build the ultimate team, “Los Galacticos”, a team put together out of the world’s most talented individuals from all over the planet. We are a privileged generation, as we are lucky enough to watch the highest level of football ever played. However we also see a world of pure greed, with many players being cold-hearted mercenaries who will play for the highest for the highest bidder.

Samuel Eto’o typifies the greed of the modern day footballer, signing for Anzhi Makhachkala, a mid-table Russian club, in 2011, after agreeing a reported contract worth an incredible £18 million per year. Players like Eto’o are now signing for clubs they would never have dreamed of playing for as they are being motivated solely by money. While I am not saying these players give any less than their best to these sides, their talent is being wasted playing in lesser teams.

Every footballer in the world will have grown up dreaming of playing for his favourite club, not the highest bidder, and for years players wore their kit with pride. Now, that pride is slowly sliding away because of the money being thrown around in the game. Financial Fair Play must come into place at the beginning of the 2013-2014 season as proposed, or we are in danger of losing the game we hold so dear. The game has already been taken over by money, but it is essential these laws come into play to prevent it getting completely out of control.

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  1. Nick

    Mar 21, 2012, 11:02 #20424

    Fidel just WHAT are you on ? how in the name of all thats holy did you make that article a race issue ? there was NOTHING racist about it, it was about GREED and that my friend knows no ethnic or social boundarys, i suggest you consider surgery to have that chip on your shoulder removed pal

  2. Ron

    Mar 20, 2012, 17:34 #20413

    FFP being perceived to be needed is a sad reflection of what football now is. A sick patient indeed. Its a half arsed effort by the authorities to look like theyre being seen to be doing something. The top Clubs will all roll on regardless. Lets face it, back in the old First Division days it was always the same top Clubs more or less who took the honours. Of course they did though. They had the big stadiums and crowds and hence more cash than the rest. FFP will change nothing and how are they going to police it and keep their rules within the EEC rules of trading? Its just posturing. The top 5-7 Clubs in Europe wont break sweat over it. Without them, there are no tournaments of note. UEFA even arent daft enough to not know where their breads buttered!

  3. Ichi_1

    Mar 20, 2012, 11:35 #20400

    @Djab "People are missing the point here. Expulsion from Uefa competitions is only one of many sanctions Uefa will have at its disposal. There are many other measures Uefa can take against a club, and ultimately if the club fails to meet them, as a last resort - Uefa can withhold the offending club’s Uefa license" That UEFA license is meaningless when Barca, UTD, City. Madrid and co form a super league. Who will the sponsors go for, the competition with the best teams in the world in it or the one with AZ Alkmaar v Maccabai Haifa? UEFA cannot do a thing about the spending of the big clubs. If they try and ban one of the G14 or however many are in it now then all of those clubs will form their own European cup and the Champions League will fall apart

  4. goonerjake

    Mar 19, 2012, 20:31 #20389

    Superb article my friend. Could not agree more, the game is being ruined by greedy little scum bags taking advantage of mega rich clubs for example Nasri. Their is a number of players who dont care about even playing football any more and it sickens me. Sit on a bench occasionaly play and accept 100 mill plus a week. Man it makes me so angry. I have a brother who is a Man Ure fan and he said something i agree is going to take a real big club (no offence to portsmouth etc) to go into admin and then tottally bust as in no longer existing to finally make the govening bodies do something about this massive overspending

  5. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Mar 19, 2012, 18:59 #20385

    UEFA, eh? More rigging than the Cutty Sark.

  6. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Mar 19, 2012, 15:28 #20377

    Are you Arsehole Whinger in disguise? Yeah, the world should be fair, everyone should have food and a roof over their heads, no child should be uneducated, no one should be persecuted for their religious or political beliefs, skin colour is an adaptation of residential environment and not the mark of superiority or inferiority, democracy and freedom of speech should be the norm for all etc. etc. etc. All of these exist in books. Please come into the "real world" - a world where Whinger takes home almost 7M/year to win nothing. Funny how financial fair play doesn't apply to his own salary and the salary of his team, eh?

  7. Brigham

    Mar 19, 2012, 12:33 #20373

    UEFA = Corruption and they will always be corrupt! I loved the ECL draw on Friday and the obvious hot and cold balls once again to ensure Barca and Real Madrid were kept apart. FFP, don't make me laugh, it will never be enforced or clubs will find a way around it.

  8. Peter Wain

    Mar 18, 2012, 16:31 #20370

    total rubbish you cannot equate football to amy other industry. The big clubs will always spend what they want. The english clubs may be subject to restrictions by Platinin but can anyone seriously pretend that the same rules to Real Madris Barcelona and the big Italian clubs.

  9. Burg Hohenzollern

    Mar 17, 2012, 12:38 #20366

    If people think that these rules will be the catalyst for trophies flooding into Arsenal they are in fantasy land. Uefa will never have the guts to ban the likes of Barca, Real etc, they can't live without them. The rules are meaningless - look at the Sponsorship for Citeh - basically stuck two fingers up at Uefa. In addition, just look at the quarter final draw for the Champs league - rather suspect don't we think?

  10. prod99

    Mar 17, 2012, 10:27 #20364

    and when Europe's top clubs form their own super league....?

  11. Munitionsman

    Mar 16, 2012, 23:50 #20361

    Couple of things. Citeh have already flouted ffp rules by sponsoring themselves to the tune of 400mill in a one off deal. And eufa said nothing at all. The whole FIFA charade shows us that the big men of football are utterly corrupt. Son forget about ffp. It's over before it started. And before we get too sanctimonious let's remember our amazing transfer surplus was provided almost entirely by citeh and not just for one year either. So without them we would not have a surplus, and we still wouldn't have trophies. Money grabbing selling clubs like arsenal are part of the problem as well. It takes two to tango as they say. A good but sadly utopic article.

  12. Petit Coloenl

    Mar 16, 2012, 20:17 #20359

    Talking of eto'o been greedy is the worst think that has ever come out from your mouth.When Eto was at Barcelona and was offer a blank check by Chelsea did he go for it? the answer is no why because he was playing for the game and if time has come for him to play for the money what do you expect of him!!He has worked for people all this while and when e want to work for him self you start complaining.A small question to you who wrote this article:If a company comes up today with more benefits that what you are earning now will you stay where you are? Please try to be reasonable at once in your life.................

  13. exiled&dangerous

    Mar 16, 2012, 19:37 #20358

    Agree, Tony Evans - if I didn't have this attachment to Arsenal, since I was about six or seven, I don't think I would be interested in football now, at least not the way the game has developed on and off the pitch. Financial Fair Play is a noble concept, but there will be so many ways around it....... friend of a friend of the owner pays £400million a season for an executive box, perhaps?

  14. Chris

    Mar 16, 2012, 17:17 #20357

    I love the way people are so sure that there is no way UEFA would throw offenders out of competitions. Remember, English clubs won the European Cup 7 times in 8 years prior to being thrown out of the competition. Are you sure you're sure?...........Why would UEFA bring in rules like this if they did't think they could enforce them?

  15. CanadaGooner

    Mar 16, 2012, 16:55 #20356

    @HS; good points and in any case, they all move for money anyway. Look at Beckham with all the corporate endorsements, he could be playing for Wolves or any other non-top 4 side in the premiership, but he chose LA Galaxy for the past few seasons, all for the money. There are very few players who are an exception e.g. Paul Scholes, he could have been prised off Man Utd years back, stayed, and I'm sure he was never paid more than some of the prima donas we currently have in the game. Etoo has done his spell playing for the big clubs and putting footballing career first; I dont see anything wrong with him cashing in now, if he can. The big clubs wont think twice about dumping him on the bench when he gets too old anyway, so, why cant players spend their twilights serving number one? The really greedy ones are the likes of that Gyan fellow, who hasnt really won much or achieved anything significant in football, but chose to go to qatar to rake in the gravvy; but then, can you really blame him? he was hardly going to be winning trophies or being crowned footballer of the year anytime soon at Sunderland was he?

  16. DJADBMc

    Mar 16, 2012, 16:17 #20355

    People are missing the point here. Expulsion from Uefa competitions is only one of many sanctions Uefa will have at its disposal. There are many other measures Uefa can take against a club, and ultimately if the club fails to meet them, as a last resort - Uefa can withhold the offending club’s Uefa license.

  17. Gare Kekeke

    Mar 16, 2012, 15:54 #20354

    FFP sounds great in theory but I’m amazed that Arsene Wenger, the Arsenal board & so many Gooners seem to think it will work without any hitches or closed loopholes (Man City have already exposed one loophole) that will get us back on the winning track. Having said that, it sickens me that so many people seem to think that spending truckloads of money a la Chelsea & Manchester City is the way to go. I have never gone with the myth that to be successful you have to buy international/world-class players for at least £20m and put them on 4/5 year contracts on at least £100k pw. That’s not the football I fell in love with as a child of the 1980s and I’m appalled by it. Spend money efficiently to be successful yes but not the extortionate amounts of today. Anyone who thinks UEFA will have the balls to kick out the likes of Barcelona, Real Madrid & Milan because they fall short if FFP is simply naive. TV companies across the world pay fortunes for the modern day European Cup and they would want the biggest clubs in it and UEFA know these clubs can generate a lot of money. These clubs will simply quit UEFA and start their own European Super League and get the TV companies on their side. After all, that’s how we got the Champions League of today and partially how we got our own Premier League. I agree with Gee that contrary to popular belief, the likes of Barca & Real Madrid would comply with FFP & its Chelsea & Manchester City who will fall short. @ Fidel; don’t play the race card on Eto’o. He’s just simply a mercenary. Sadly, it will take more than FFP for Wenger to restore former glories at The Arsenal. Methinks he should try to improve his coaching with the appointment of a strong No.2 this summer. I’m not holding my breath on that though. Nice article though. Up The Arsenal.

  18. AJ

    Mar 16, 2012, 15:02 #20352

    You have to wonder what people in the UAE think of spending their countries resources in such a wasteful way. Does no one question it over there? There has to be at least a few people who think more than 10 minutes into the future.

  19. Dan h

    Mar 16, 2012, 14:39 #20351

    FFP just won't work too many clever lawyers around who will be able to find loopholes likewise accountants.Man City's record breaking etihad sponsorship will be the tip of the iceberg.Look at the champions league itself if you had told fans 20 years ago that coming 4th would become more important than winning a domestic cup you would have been ridiculed!UEFA have built their own monster with the current format d****uing the europa cup in the process for the CL pot of gold.Football in this country may have it's biggest fight with the taxman in the coming years & i believe there may be many casualties.Forget european competition for a minute remember recently when Real Madrid had huge financial problems a sugar daddy didn't bail them out the local goverment did!

  20. HS

    Mar 16, 2012, 14:36 #20350

    I agree with most of your comments. Although i would say its cheap to criticise Sammuel Eto'o for only going for the money. Before we go in to why, if anyone was offered a pay rise of double or triple their current salary, what would 99% of them do? In the context of Samuel Eto'o, before you allude to him as being greedy it might be worth bearing in mind that he works and contributes considerably to numerous charitable foundations in Africa. He has been on a campaign to root out corruption in Africa and harbours ambitions to run for president of Cameroon. All of this cost considerable money and if a wealthy Russian wants to finance him to do that, then surely society is better off with him moving to Anzi than not? Right?

  21. Judge Fred

    Mar 16, 2012, 13:53 #20349

    The real test of FFP is whether clubs who fall foul of the financial regulations actually do get expelled from European Competition. Can anyone honestly see UEFA throwing Barcelona out of the Champions League if they didnt meet financial requirements? Unfortunately, there is no way that will happen.

  22. Suspended disbelief

    Mar 16, 2012, 13:38 #20348

    Eto epitimoses the greed of the modern player? if one guy can cash in after all he has achieved it would be him. His honors are below, what more do you want him to achieve?Honours Club Mallorca Copa del Rey (1): 2003 Barcelona La Liga (3): 2004–05, 2005–06, 2008–09 Copa del Rey (1): 2009 Supercopa de España (2): 2005, 2006 UEFA Champions League (2): 2005–06, 2008–09 Internazionale Serie A (1): 2009–10 Coppa Italia (2): 2010, 2011 Supercoppa Italiana (1): 2010 Supercoppa Italiana Runner Up: (1) 2011 UEFA Champions League (1): 2009–10 FIFA Club World Cup (1): 2010 International Cameroon African Cup of Nations (2): 2000, 2002 LG Cup (1): 2011 Cameroon Olympic Team Olympic Gold Medal (1): 2000 Individual

  23. Gee

    Mar 16, 2012, 13:23 #20346

    Many of the biggest clubs in the World actually comply with FFP. Despite Barca, Madrid and Man United having huge debts and interest payments they still make profits and therefore will pass the FFP test. The Clubs who will suffer are the ones built on sand like City and Chelsea. They did not have the brand in place before the sugar daddys came along, in order to grow revenues in line with inflated costs. I do not expect UEFA to enforce any expulsions from UEFA competitions though. In fact it might not be necessary if Ctieh get this stadium naming rights issue passed. I like the way Arsenal are run but I do not expect FFP to all of a sudden put us at the top of the pile because we don't spend beyond our means. Yet again it appears we have a good base to the side in Szcz. Sagna, Kos, TV5, Wilshere, Ox and VP. What we really need now is to make the next step and build on this. Otherwise we will continue to sell our best players every single year and hope that the next kid in the squad will replace them

  24. Fidel

    Mar 16, 2012, 13:20 #20345

    So which Club is Etoo's Favorite club?Canon Yaounde or Tonnere or Union Douala.How is Etoo greedy?what about all the players in MC, Christian Ronaldo etc. You are just jealous that the highest paid player is black. Why have you not comment on and average player like Beckham who can not major Etoo in terms of talent and success yet making all that money?.Why are you so concern about who waste his talent? That is his talent. Money buy success ok,when you are sick and have money,will you go to an expensive dr with good reputation or a cheap Dr with no reputations. Go get a life and let those who are bless to make their money. I had never read any article about people like Ronaldo,Messi,Nasri,Rooney etc being greedy for money until Etoo became a well paid player.So please if anyone is the best in his field,let him get good compensation and let haters work for minimum wages.

  25. Mike

    Mar 16, 2012, 13:10 #20344

    I totally agree but sadly I think that Sheikh Mansour will have more expensive and more innovative lawyers and accountants than the footballing authorities That is, of course, even if those authorities themselves actually wish to ensure fair play since it appears that they too are more concerned about the amount of money/power they can extract from the game than fairness.

  26. Tony Evans

    Mar 16, 2012, 13:00 #20343

    To be honest football sickens me now and it is only my life-long support of Arsenal that keeps me interested. I hate the ridiculous spending on transfers, the even more ridiculous salaries paid out, the inflated season ticket prices (which soon I will not need to worry about because this is my last season) and I hate even more the cheating and unsportsmanlike behaviour that we see all too often now. I hope that something good does come of the FFP rules but the cynic inside me somehow doubts it. Mind you something has to happen soon because the situation now is surely unsustainable. I do have a mate though who is a Reading fan and he made a good point which was that at least allowing a club to have a sugar daddy can increase competition, because otherwise the top clubs will always monopolise the trophies. The trouble is is that it has all got out of hand and what could have been a cause for good is now putting the whole game at breaking point.

  27. Oxy Moron

    Mar 16, 2012, 12:58 #20342

    Anyone who thinks that UEFA are going to eject the technically insolvent poster-boys of Barcelona from the Champions League is living in la-la land along with the Arsenal board.

  28. What was the point of leaving Highbury?

    Mar 16, 2012, 12:54 #20341

    Nice sentiment but do you honestly think UEFA will throw offenders out of the Champions league? After all that would be Madrid, Barca, United, Milan. These teams are too powerful and too important to the marketing men and sponsors to risk losing them. They would start their own breakaway before the news was out and besides City have already shown how much teeth these laws have with their stadium sponsorship