Proud to be a Gooner

In defence of an outlet for supporter opinion

Proud to be a Gooner

The new issue that will go on sale next weekend

As you have probably guessed by now I'm not a professional writer. Shocking, I know, I know. I'm just an ordinary working class football fan from Islington who feels like contributing to the football fanzine that he grew up reading. For many of you it's the same story and the Gooner has now become an institution of sorts. I mean to say that it has become a match day tradition for us now hasn't it? Do you remember the first time you were strolling down Avenell Road and you heard some big massive geezer shouting "Getcha Gooner!" at the top of his voice at you? It's hard to forget that special moment. Especially if you were a kid like I was at the time. How some of those guys managed to cheer the team on after selling the Gooner, I'll never ever know! Some of them must have been mute all week to save up the vocal power. The point is, it was this bellowing geezer shouting "Getcha Gooner!" that made me wonder what the hell it was even though as a kid I found the sales tactics a little disconcerting.

As a side note I would like to say that I do often wonder if the grumpiest, ugliest and down right moaniest old farts amongst you were ever in fact children yourselves but, I've checked the science behind it all and yes I suppose you can't have always been the way that you are now. It's scientifically impossible. What I'm trying to say is that If Walcott is p***ing you kind gentlemen off then please remember that it's not the boy’s fault that the manager has started him in so very many games and has trained with him every day now for several years and still hasn't managed to get anything like consistent form from the little road runner boy. It doesn't make any sense at all now does it? The man who produced the likes of Thierry Henry, Robin Van Persie and Jack Wilshere is also equally responsible for Bendtner, Walcott and Denilson. You win some you lose some, I guess. Wenger has seen Henry, Pires, Overmars and Ljungberg attack from wide areas so how on earth he now considers Theo Walcott good enough to start for a club that should be challenging for the title is beyond me.

Anyway, I was telling you the story about when I lost my Gooner virginity. Erm, yes, ahem. Aww No. f*** it, I'm going to leave "Gooner Virginity" in. I made myself laugh there, that is the most wrong sounding description of a kid buying a football fanzine ever!

So I was walking down Avenell Road with my old man and I heard this big massive bloke shouting "Getcha Gooner!" at me so I went and bought one of these things he was getting all shouty about. I had only read Shoot and Match magazines along with the occasional copy of World Soccer or 4-4-2 up until then and didn't have a clue what a fanzine was. What immediately struck me about it was that people were allowed to criticise the club, the manager and some of the players they wanted to! Wow. I mean, Could you describe Abou Diaby and Denilson as being "as much use as topless condoms" in a letter to 4-4-2 or World Soccer magazine and expect it to be printed? Not bloody likely matey.

The point is that in The Gooner and here online we can say whatever we want (within reason) and the regular fans can share thoughts and have a bit of a banter about football. Probably not the best use of our free time I grant you but, to write for or post regularly on the Gooner for zero monetary gain you kind of have to be a football fanatic, don't you?

The Gooner always was and is the place for true Arsenal fanatics because it provides a platform for ALL thoughts and opinions on all things Arsenal written by and for red and White blooded, hardcore Arsenal fanatics.

Sure we have some talented writers like Robert Exley, Simon Rose and Mr. Whitcher to provide some regular input and provide some much needed high quality content to the magazine and its sister website but, I think that some people forget that the bulk of the content comes from the regular fans like myself.

When I loved Arsene Wenger and wanted to defend him, the Gooner published my articles. When I wanted to criticise Arsene Wenger the Gooner published my articles. You can't say any fairer than that, can you?

You send in your views and they print them, so if you want more positive articles in your fanzine fellow Gooners then please send some to the editor and I'm sure he will print them for you. I look forward to reading them. It's amazing what little nuggets of gold you can find even in the most amateurish of articles.

I'm saying all of this because The Gooner seems to be under attack at the moment and I want to publicly speak out against this rubbish in the only effective way that I can. In much the same way that the only effective way for any regular Arsenal fan to have his views on the running of the club heard by a large number of fellow fans is by writing to the Gooner, I am choosing to use The Gooner to express my views on the subject of the recent ill treatment of my much beloved Gooner fanzine.

Everyone is talking about the editor of the Gooner being arrested for "ticket touting" outside of the stadium by police officers who (in my opinion) are a bunch of jobsworth ****s who should really be out catching muggers, burglars and paedophiles, not an Arsenal fan who was simply trying to sort out a fellow Arsenal fan with a ticket for ABSOLUTELY ZERO MONETARY GAIN!! You Idiots.

Kevin comes in for a lot of stick and has to get his "old tin hat" out all the bleeding time because people don't like the fact that the chap can only really call it at he sees it. Is he not entitled to an opinion too? Would you prefer a silent editor?

Kevin Whitcher works very hard to make sure that regular fans like me can write about their football club and have anybody outside of their social circle pay a blind bit of notice and if you've ever read any of his books you might just realise that he knows a thing or two about the Arsenal to boot. If you don't like what he says then by all, means bring your own well reasoned arguments as to why he is so wrong to the table and the fans can decide for themselves. The official matchday programme isn't going to highlight things like secret operating costs hidden in the club’s accounts or the reasons why our defence can be so very tactically naive at times for you, now is it? Let's face facts here.

The recent arrest of Kevin Whitcher and the public criticism of both him and The Gooner on a podcast featuring an a writer paid to write for the club’s official magazine seem to this Gooner's eyes as a very well timed attack on a publication (one that has been quite critical of the club, the manager and some of the players and has gained widespread readership amongst the season ticket holders) suspiciously near to season ticket renewal time. Call me cynical.

The Gooner shouldn't have to toe the party line and neither should any of you either.

(Ed’s note – In fairness, I am aware there is a conspiracy theory that my arrest was something to do with the club, but I have stated before and I will state here again that this is not the case, aside from the fact the police officers on the night were paid for out of the club’s budget (and so by extension myself!). Both I personally and The Gooner fanzine have a mutually healthy and respectful attitude in our relationship with the club. Granted, at times, they may perceive us as an annoying mosquito buzzing around that they could do without, but at the same time, they appreciate and acknowledge our role. Over the years, we’ve done them favours and they’ve done us favours. Although there is no policy on printing articles either pro or anti the club, we do encourage all to be respectful and reasoned in their arguments. If, in recent times, the Gooner has been perceived as negative and critical, this is because the submissions that have come our way have reflected this. We do try to publish everything we receive, provided it is of an acceptable standard. And we have proofers that work hard to ensure that even pieces which are not up to standard for publication can be made so. So for all those that knock the Gooner, feel free to contribute your own arguments. We’ll run them. And for all those that knock my own views, fair enough. You see it differently and we are all entitled to our opinions. And if reading mine is annoying to you there is a simple solution. Stop reading them.)

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  1. IrishGooner

    Mar 21, 2012, 17:41 #20428

    Topless Condom :-) Brilliant!!

  2. Website Admin

    Mar 20, 2012, 19:29 #20415

    The comments on this part of the site are not moderated by the editor and therefore he has no input on which ones are published, with the exception of a specific requst a couple of weeks back after the ticket incident when he asked for constructive views to his editorial as he wasn't really in the mood to deal with people laughing at his situation. I'd accept that the definition of constructive was probably not taken literally on the day, but it was an extremely busy day for comments and rushed judgements may have been made. Well over 90% of comments submitted are published to the site. Those that aren't are generally spam or are abusive (quite often from Spurs fans). The site if forever under attack from hackers and our software will sometimes disallow comments which contain certain sequences of letters. In those cases, we will generally try to edit the comment to remove the offending characters, but retain the meaning. However, this isn't always possible due to time constraints and I'll apologise for anyone who has not seen their comment published here as a consequence. Some of the best comments are withheld and are considered for publication in the fanzine. This especially applies to comments which may take a more positive stance because we have tried to redress the perceived imbalance in the fanzine this season. As always, we invite anyone who feels we could do more in this respect to submit an article or a letter.

  3. tpm

    Mar 20, 2012, 18:07 #20414

    Canada. Who s job is it to motivate said players??? Who chooses the tactics these players adhere to???? Come even you must admit you undermine your whole point by saying this set of players are good enough to beat brum. As for the replacements, I'm not a scout. I don't doubt that had all the money received for these two been offered we could have found adequate replacements...Mata for starters. To the rest of u, oh how easily pleased you all are by a few results making up for a poor season. Don't you realise nothing will change...still I guess your happy to carry on not competing and getting worse each season as long as your beloved manager rain.

  4. ppp

    Mar 20, 2012, 15:42 #20412

    I always saw the gooner as a poor relation to one nil down but now it's the only one worth reading - however it's still far far too negative - especially on this website. Anyone who thinks this Whitcher character was touting is an imbecile as he obviously wasn't and the Police were just wasting time and money hauling him into jail. I personally think it was karma for the gooner encouraging Walcott slagging all the time - leave the boy alone, he's doing his best for the Arsenal and he will blossom like Van Persie has, like Henry did, like Pires did, like Cashley did etc etc

  5. David Stewart

    Mar 20, 2012, 15:03 #20411

    Chris – you are correct. On several occasions I have been drawn into ‘debate’ in the comments section and it seems those who share similar views with the Editor can say what they want and be as abusive as they like, whilst rational & civil responses go unprinted. This gives the impression no response was ever made. I am sure that you & I are not the only ones who have experienced The Gooner’s selective publishing. Whilst I cannot claim that The Gooner has an agenda, I can certainly state that, from my experience, it is not a forum to promote balanced views across the Arsenal fan base and would welcome Kevin’s comments on that. Finally, for the record, I do sympathise with Kevin’s recent predicament.

  6. CanadaGooner

    Mar 20, 2012, 14:32 #20409

    All I can say is: NOBODY IS PERFECT. not wenger, not kevin whitcher (the gooner ed), not myself. We all come up with arguments and facts the way we see it, twist stats to suit our arguments and hope to convince others (but you will never convince everyone). So, Kev gets in a plight with tickets and using the onlinegooner medium to garner some support, rightly or wrongly so; but there's more to life than just coming on here to RANT; be it positive or negative ranting; in favour of wenger or against. There's more to life than that. And if someone gets in a tight spot and decides to use whatever opportunity he has to garner support or vent or seek help; what's so immoral about that? As for supporting the club: I think most of us are supporters of Arsenal, and rants or no rants, we want to see the club do well. What I hate to see is when some people come on here only to try to bully others and incessantly single out someone's posts to criticise it as opposed to focussing on articles and saying whatever it is you wish to say about those articles. Life is too short, and it's simply sad if this is the only avenue for some people to try to get some meaning to their lives. Anyway, all the sentiments aside, nobody is perfect; so, let's focus on supporting the club whichever way we think we can, 3rd place please gunners! And try to do better next season

  7. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 20, 2012, 13:05 #20405

    I don't read every single editorial but in general I find the tone of Kevin's writing negative, pessimistic and, frankly, uninspiring. I think he writes well and I'm not doubting what he writes are his true feelings but shouldn't the editor of the Arsenal fanzine have a more positive outlook on the team? Even when we win he sounds fed up. I've also noticed, and I don't know if this is a recent thing, that he refers to us as 'the home team' or 'Wenger's men', which I find odd. I don't know whether he's just trying to find a way of not repeating himself but there seems to be a detachment that I find a little troublesome. Has supporting Arsenal become a chore for him? Sounds like it sometimes. It feels a little harsh to criticise someone who must work very hard to pull the fanzine together whilst holding down a regular job (I'm guessing?) but these are my honest feelings.

  8. stevo

    Mar 20, 2012, 12:52 #20404

    Fantastic work Kev and long may The Gooner continue. We get more than enough official shxte in the match day programme rag. The Gooner says it straight from the heart. The mag reflects the fact that Arsenal fans are very ambitious for the club to do well. Sadly, that is lacking from our club. Lay off Kev. I do not agree with everything he says but he clearly loves Arsenal and calls as he sees when we play shxte!

  9. rolypoly

    Mar 20, 2012, 12:32 #20402

    CHARLIE CHARLIE i agree with you. at long last someone else daring to criticize our beloved untouchable gooner ed. i have been slaughtered for challenging his lack of objectivity and suggesting he has become part of the establishment. he and mike francis vehemently denied receiving any perks for themselves personally or the gooner. lo and behold up above gooner ed boasts that the club has indeed "done us favours".and indeed he has done club favours. thats why he will get his season ticket back far quicker than any of us mere mortals in similar circumstances, that is why he refuses to ever criticize the board, gazidis etc and that is why he will not challenge gazidis over his ticket policy review that he endorsed claiming the review meant gazidis acknowledged changes are needed when anyone of at least moderate intelligence and i inc gooner ed in that bracket knows a review means no such thing as review could conclude no changes are to be made.unless gooner ed becomes more radical and brave, he should go but then how would he retain the benefits of the favours he receives. like wenger he has been in his job too long and has lost his way. taxi for gooner ed but his parting should be accompanied with thanks for his splendid efforts and contributions over the years. perhaps he should leave with wenger hand in hand.

  10. Chris F

    Mar 20, 2012, 12:30 #20401

    Funny to read, as the big bloke screaming 'Get you Gooner' is in fact my brother. And he's till doing it, an Arsenal supporter of 50 years and as loyal as any you will meet.

  11. Chris

    Mar 20, 2012, 10:30 #20399

    Charlie Charlie has a point and tpm's response - calling him 'a disgrace' - sums it up. It often seems only hostile, negative views towards the manager in particular are really encouraged and welcomed here. For instance, when Kevin posted his original arrest piece he said 'only constructive' responses would be posted. I made a joke that 'Maybe Arsene has been reading your match reports.....' (I emphasise joke because no one should really take the conspiracy theories seriously). It didn't appear. But a post by Brandy Sipping General ending "Kevin do not cry for your ST. Because believe me, this summer after RVP has buggered off, and we are stuck with a team of perma-crock clowns who will be fighting for 7th place, you couldn't give an Arsenal ST away!!! Don't bother renewing, use the money for something better mate" WAS considered 'constructive' enough to warrant being put up. If that is what Onlingooner post moderator of the day thought was constructive, I rest my case. Balance and Accountability - that's what will sustain this site.

  12. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Mar 20, 2012, 8:41 #20398

    The Gooner is simply a mirror of the opinions offered by the fans. There is no satisfaction in posting negative comments and it gives no pleasure to criticise the club that you LOVE. The reason for these posts stem from frustration - a frustration borne usually from the fact that we could be so much better. The reasons for Arsenal's predicament have long been commented upon, and indeed, are obvious. To all those who say support your team or shut up, may I say the 'My country, right or wrong' attitude is blinkered, dangerous and ultimately, self-defeating. Blind, unflinching and uncritical loyalty is a carte blanche for a regime to do as they please. In such circumstances, do not think for one moment that those who wield power care a jot for those who don't. We may, ultimately, become extremely grateful for sites and publications like The Gooner, because they could be the only forums we have to express our views.

  13. DW Thomas

    Mar 20, 2012, 3:27 #20397

    Someone once said sometimes the truth hurts. Without blogs and sites like the Online Gooner, many of us fans would not have a voice. I can be as negative as the next guy and positive if I feel the situation merits it. However, we have been through some very negative times these past few seasons. And yes, some grand ones too. Yet, many of us feel without voicing our concerns and criticisms, no real change at the club will take place. And make no mistake, it is desperately needed. I for one love the discussion/arguing over opinions on everything from Arshavin's lack of effort to Wenger's stubborness. Many times people on the Gooner open my eyes to things I never thought about or may have overlooked. I say keep it going strong Kevin, for a long time to come. What I dream of most is future articles discussing our title win (finally) or first CL win and how we will look back on the grim days of complaining about our lack of trophies. Maybe one day soon...

  14. Gooner1711

    Mar 20, 2012, 2:01 #20396

    Charlie Charlie - I fear been smoking too much Charlie....

  15. CanadaGooner

    Mar 19, 2012, 23:09 #20395

    tpm; seeing you're so quick to point the finger; I'm assuming these so called 'replacements' you want (for cesc and fab! you've cloned him into 2?) are just sitting there at a tavern on Holloway Road begging to join a club that hasnt won anything in over 6 years (with cesc an co)? We've all talked about this for so long now. we werent winning anything with Cesc anyway, and in fact our decline coincides with his tenure as captain, albeit it would be harsh to read to much into that, but that's the reality. None of our past players (in the trophyless era) are blameless. And as for sitting around and blaming Wenger, I find it a little dubious, as I'm sure a team like we had back then should have readily beaten Birmingham to the Carling Cup final, and I wont waste time mentioning other gutless performances that cost us a CL trophy, FA Cups and potential league run-ins. We need to get real and get behind the team; we're playing for nothing other than 3rd this season; that's that.

  16. Gooner 48

    Mar 19, 2012, 22:49 #20394

    Charlie Charlie I regret to say is talking out of his posterior. I too have purchased the Gooner since the days it was published in black and white and offered my first article to be published over 14 years ago. I've also edited the letters at various times since the days that they were letters rather than emails. The Gooner merely reflects what the fans are thinking and saying. Just because the fans have been both negative and wrong about Wenger of late it doesn't make it wrong to publish those opinions. Like Charlie Charlie I can't stand all the negativity but The Gooner can only publish what its given to publish - and does. If you want something positive included then just write it. Simples.

  17. tpm

    Mar 19, 2012, 22:36 #20393

    mandy, in what way was this maliase not self inflicted?? whose fault wa sit that replacements for cesc and fab were not in place early in the summer, when everyone, KNEW, and dont say they didnt, that they were off? charlie charlie, what a disgrace you are to that name, but anyway, what are you talking about, i assume you are delighted the way the season has gone and the fact the club has regressed significantly in the past 7 years, with the same glaring issues remaining unaddressed for much of that time.

  18. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Mar 19, 2012, 22:16 #20392

    Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they're not out to get you!! Isn't that right, Canadagooner? lol.

  19. Mandy Dodd

    Mar 19, 2012, 21:16 #20391

    I have various levels on how much I agree with the articles on here, nothing wrong with expressing a level of discontent with the club, board or whatever, it all comes with following a club. But...What gets me though is lack of objectively looking at certain aspects of opur club, especially the recent Arry worship. The fact is, we have gone through a hard time, the level of which this has been self inflicted, we can only speculate. But the team are fighting back from adversity, and I would not mind betting this elusive menatal strength is being created because of it. We may want more, but this is not a bad start. There are some who have an agenda against the manager and / or board but wishing detrimental results and performances to suit this agenda cannot be in the interests of anyone. This team deserves backing, hopefully all the way to third this season, worry about next season when it comes.

  20. Eric Strong

    Mar 19, 2012, 21:06 #20390

    The fact that you the editor were caught passing on tickets is not all bad. This has highlighted something that is a regular event and i myself as a member of a Belfast club have sold tickets for members unable to attend games. With Sky tv and Espn moving games at the last minute many supporters are caught out booking early flights for cheaper rates and then left with the decision to pay to change flights an book accomadation for over night stays for Saturday evening games. Those who cant afford these extra costs pass their tickets to members going to games to sell so as to get some exspenses back, and are still out the price of their flights. I have written to the club on this issue an all i got was some stickers and a lame apology. So i hope that the editors arrest can have a positive outcome and high light the problem supporters suffer. And that he gets his season ticket back. I go to several games a season I cant afford every game but on each visit to Emirates and other London grounds i have seen the same touts so the gestapo/police know who they are and I know who they are. So what are they doing arresting a true Gooner?

  21. Gooner SA

    Mar 19, 2012, 20:25 #20388

    I 'lost my Gooner virginity' in 1999 when Mike Francis was the editor and haven't looked back. To the people who say it has been too negative in recent years, Arsenal has won so many trophies in the last seven hasn't it [?!!]

  22. lee afc

    Mar 19, 2012, 20:16 #20387

    Excellent piece Joe, I can truly say that reading the article took me back many a year and many a memory which I would love to share with my 2 children. Saturday was not Saturday without 'the Gooner' on the North Bank standing next to my old man. Memories are what make this club so special. Keep up the good work 'Gooner'

  23. chrisy boy

    Mar 19, 2012, 19:48 #20386

    both the fanzine and the on-line gooner gives all of us a platform to get our views and points accross that otherwise would go unheard, when we lose you can sometimes get a crumb of comfort reading how other gooners are hurting as much as you and the reverse when when we win reading all the positive articles, and its not often you get a good article from the Harry loving scum supporting hacks that write in our newspapers. As for the match day programe i have every copy from every game ive been to ( 461 at home) and the quality is getting worse, who wants to see double page spreads of pictures of our defeat at sunderland ! Keep up the good work to all at the gooner and yes maybe a bit more humour. Keep the faith !

  24. Charlie Charlie

    Mar 19, 2012, 18:25 #20384

    Unfortunately the Gooner is now nothing more than an mouthpiece for the Editor's negativity towards Arsene Wenger ably assisted by his dwindling number of cronies who would still be moaning even if Arsenal won all trophies going next season. I have been going to Arsenal since the early 70's and started regualrly buying the Gooner fanzine from the early single digit issues right up to last season when I finally decided that I had had enough. I just didn't want to give any more money to the Gooner to support the editor's anti Wenger crusade. Where is the balance in the reporting? Where is the humour? All gone. The editor leads the way with his articles and tends to supplement his views with other articles closed to support his view. The fact he has chosen to publish this pathetic article supporting himself when the rest of the football world has slightly more important matters to worry about is just typical. Time for the editor to hand over to a fresh pair of hands.

  25. win AFC

    Mar 19, 2012, 18:03 #20383

    I totaly agree with you Joe, i always look forward to reading the gooner and as a fellow fan i would like to thank all the people who put so much into the fanzine. And as for Kevin leave the man alone like myself he loves Arsenal.

  26. @mikeymike2711

    Mar 19, 2012, 17:30 #20382

    I listened to The Tuesday Club, heard the comments, and thought nothing more of them. He is entitled to his opinion - I think he's wrong - but surely there's nothing more to it than that. The editor got arrested because they it may have looked like he was touting. I can't believe the club would have had him arrested for his views. If they are really after a scapegoat, they should be declining P Moron's yearly contributions, and give his season tickets to someone who will support the team..

  27. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Mar 19, 2012, 15:57 #20380

    Alister- That podcast is funny and bordering on genius at times but I dont understand why they feel the need to have a pop at the fanzine of their fellow supporters. Ian Stone and the others might not have joined in with Alan but they didnt exactly stick up for us either did they? so they are just as guilty by their silence. I'm sorry.. Is it only Johnathan Creek and stand up comedians who can have an opinion on football now? what about the ordinary working fans? no, they dont matter anymore.

  28. Ron

    Mar 19, 2012, 15:49 #20379

    The Gooner never used to be as cynical a product as it is now. Fans are harshly cynical (we re all as bad at times) and so are the Clubs in the modern day game. The Gooner reflects it. Kevin Davies has made a good point in midst of the Muamba tragedy when he said that for other fans amongst the 'football family' (whatever that means) to ever acknowledge anything of the other team or its players, they have to being carted off the pitch on a stretcher at the time. Hes so right too. Its sad. Football is a sad game now.

  29. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 19, 2012, 15:29 #20378

    it will be a sad day for every body fans, fanzines whether paperback or online when you can't come on and say what you think whether its criticism, advice,what you think of a player,the manager,formation,whether it's right or wrong people are only speaking their mind and if somebody doesn't agree with somebody they are quick to come on the online gooner and say so. Mistakes have been made over the last four five years by the club, manager, players, i'm sure they weren't made on purpose but made all the same and more often than not not rectified where would we all be, where would the club be if fans weren't allowed their opinions,whether during games or in fanzines or online fanzines afterwards. Like you say we're not going to hear anything the club doesn't want us to in their publications.I'm sure everybody has their favorites as do the club but one things for sure everybody is entitled to their opinions and thats one thing you get on here (my god the ed even allows spuds on)and long may it continue.

  30. CanadaGooner

    Mar 19, 2012, 15:13 #20376

    Joe, let's not flog a dead horse here mate. "the gooner's under attack"? by whom? and when? I may not read each and every article on here, but I think it's clear enough that majority of regular contributors (be it articles or posts) on here do appreciate the availability of this medium to vent or express glee or debate or whatever else it is some use this medium for (even those who only log on to blindly criticise and almost stalk other writers, lurking to blindly criticise as it's the only way they can stay happy). I would assume that if articles repeatedly focus on other things than what's going on out there on the field, then you simply invite the odd idiot who will come on here to criticize the editor or the direction the fanzine is taking. In my personal experience, I think the onlinegooner is very consistent with general behaviour of fans as we blow hot and cold depending on how our team's doing. Furthermore, I dont think there has been any attempt by the editor to state he's unbiased; what he does is he releases his articles the way he sees it, and people have a chance to comment as they see it; and he posts the comments regardless of whether they are in agreement with, or against his views. Now, back to the matter at hand: Everton V Arsenal....... Come on you gooners!!!!!!

  31. Gare Kekeke

    Mar 19, 2012, 14:22 #20375

    Good article Joe. The great thing about The Gooner and any other football fanzine is that it gives fans a platform to publicise their opinions which might not be allowed in a club's official publications. I enjoy reading The Gooner and the online articles too and love giving my opinions and love to read that of others too. Also, let's keep praying for former Gunner Fabrice Muamba. How great that 99.9% of the worldwide football family have united to wish the young man a sucessful recovery. Too many football haters worldwide would jump on the sport at the first opportunity when it has it's moment of controversy or tragedy. I'm so pleased that we have proved to these people that we are human and that we have feelings and despite our passion for the game and our clubs, we will never lose sight of the more important things in life. Condolences also to the Kilmarnock player Liam Kelly and his family & friends. How sad that the greatest moment of his football career so far and a great day for his club in general has been overshadowed by the untimely death of his father just after their moment of glory at Hampden Park. At least Kelly Sr watched his boy do him proud.

  32. Alister

    Mar 19, 2012, 13:59 #20374

    In response to the paranoia, it is worth pointing out that Ian Stone, the Arsenal magazine columnist, who took part in the podcast, made no criticism of the Gooner, it all came from Alan Davies, normally a good barometer of Arsenal feelings, but has a blind spot when it comes to the Gooner. He can't seem to let a minor bit of criticism lie. He doesn't like the fanzine, that is his outlook.

  33. rolypoly

    Mar 19, 2012, 12:19 #20372

    is there more than one gooner ed? the one i know has not offered an opinion on anything to do with arsenal other than on the playing side in a long long time. true the policy appears to be a fairly open one to let fellow gooners express opinions on other issues but he has opted out - i repeat-the equivalent of an editor of a national paper refusing to comment about the government of the day. ofcourse the exception to this was when he decided to use his position to publicise his own particular problem with the police.

  34. Dan h

    Mar 19, 2012, 11:23 #20371

    I have previously stated the days of the paper fanzine have been seriously underestimated in the way football has developed from the fans point of view.The Gooner was & is a great forum for all things Arsenal off the top of my head i think i saw my first copy in 1987.For the younger fans of our club this WAS a real voice for not just what was happening on the pitch but off it the bond scheme issue was fought through publication's like these.I have to say the humour of the original fanzines have been forgotton who could forget how Mr.Pleat's incident was covered again younger fans can google it i wish i still had the t-shirt!On a side issue a sad weekend for football lets hope the young man pulls through.