Mind The Gap?

Online Ed: Arsenal move above Spurs with win at Everton

Mind The Gap?

Vermaelen – Key man

Goodison Park is often a difficult place to get a result, for any team, and it seems astonishing that Arsenal have managed to avoid defeat there for a number of seasons. There are exceptions, but the norm is for the games to be tight, niggly, scrappy and on occasion dull. Arsenal started last night’s looking like this might not be the case, spraying the ball around and slicing the Toffees open in the style we saw in the August 2009 6-1 victory at Goodison Park.

Aaron Ramsey’s re-introduction to the starting line-up at the expense of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain hinted towards the manager’s preferred pecking order. He’d also point to Jack Wilshere’s injury as evidence that overplaying teenage talent has its costs. However, the Ox does look as strong as one, and Rosicky’s good form in the advanced midfield position did have me wondering about the wisdom of the Welshman’s return. Fortunately, his early characteristic blaze over the bar with the goal gaping did not ultimately cost the team.

Before long, a goal came. A good old header from a corner. Remember the days when Arsenal used the score from such situations more often? Vermaelen has become a huge player in recent games, as if he felt the need to make up for the poor display in the San Siro that effectively killed the team’s European ambitions this season. There is no doubt that the central defence is stronger with him in it, and he seems to be rediscovering his ability to find the net which was a feature of his earlier days at the club. To think there were once rumours at that time that Vincent Kompany might join him at Arsenal from Ajax.

It was a pleasure to see good positive movement of players and the ball going forward rather than sideways. Some of the recent good performances have been marked by this more aggressive approach, and the wins have followed. It’s obvious this is more effective, which makes one question the ponderous nature of so many displays earlier on. It has been pointed out more than once that the injuries to the full backs badly affected the balance of the team, and perhaps this was a contributory factor. Still, it’s good to see the players demonstrating more attacking intent, whatever the reason behind it.

What I don’t like to see is the ball being given away carelessly in Arsenal’s own half. Everton’s wrongly disallowed equalizer was a direct consequence of Song playing a lame ball from the edge of his own penalty box, and there is an argument that the linesman who flagged it was the Gunners’ man of the match. The side have suffered from bad decisions more than once in recent seasons in significant matches, so it was nice the dice fell their way on this occasion. Everton will rightly feel robbed.

However, sympathy must be tempered by their consistent cynical fouling, with Tim Cahill the number one culprit. I am not even convinced he received a yellow card all night, although he earned at least three in my book. Everton certainly came back into the game as the first half wore on, and it was one of those nights when the defence had to seriously earn their corn. When the ‘first choice’ back five of Szczesny, Sagna, Vermaelen, Koscielny and Gibbs have lined up this season the team have remained undefeated, although given the amount of injuries the two full backs have had, I can’t imagine they have chalked up that many games in tandem.

Ultimately, it was an example of winning ugly, once the first 20 minutes were done and dusted. But I love scrappy 1-0 wins. These are exactly the kind of results Arsenal need to get more of away from home if they are to once again make a fist of a title challenge. After six wins in a row, and overtaking Spurs to make third, the huge danger now is the relative ease of the immediate fixtures. Villa at home and QPR away are – on paper – six points there for the taking. Yet, it’s the ‘easier’ matches where Wenger’s teams have fallen short at this time of year ever since 2008. Let’s hope they have learned that complacency and any shortage of switched-on commitment invariably costs points.

It’s been a wonderful and creditable run to turn things around. There has been some great football, a little good fortune and some genuine spirit. Let’s hope that continues and we can enjoy what’s left of this season.

On a different note, a quick word for Saturday evening if you’ve no plans after the Villa game. The Riders of the Night, along with the Bollock Brothers and Kindred Shins will be playing live upstairs at the Boston Arms, Tufnell Park (opposite tube), from 8pm. Advance tickets can be bought online here, or from Binsy or Monkey if you know those fine fellas. I imagine if you turn up on the night, you should be able to pay on the door too.

And to finish, a mention for those of you following the saga of my recent arrest outside the stadium for selling a spare at face value. There have been some developments, and I may officially be able to attend matches once again after this weekend’s fixture. I will update fully on all of that next week.

The current issue of the Gooner can also be bought online here. A new issue goes on sale at the Villa game on Saturday. There is also an e-version of the issue available to read on your ipad/tablet/iphone/android. The app is free and you can download the first few pages of each issue as a taster before deciding whether or not to purchase the whole thing

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  1. Chris82

    May 14, 2012, 19:24 #22345

    Simon, it's as if you knew all along!!

  2. RJ

    May 13, 2012, 11:03 #22260

    @Arsene is a liar - sadly that is not the way of modern football - if we want to compete, we need money and we need top players - so - first is best, but it is imperative we finish as high as possible and get as much cash as posisble - champion;s league is imperative for the cash to give us a chance to build. We can argue about whether Arsene is the right man, but sadly, I think the economics of the situation are pretty clear. Come on you Gooners

  3. Arsene is a liar

    May 12, 2012, 10:24 #22247

    I hope we get thumped 10-0 at WBA and both Spurs and Newcastle finish above us. Well that be enough to force the board sack Whinger and make astute signings for the summer? For an Arsenal fan finishing second or 7th shouldn't make any difference. Winning trophies should be triumph and achievement and anything less than that should be disappointment and failure. That is how high Arsenal should set their standards.

  4. Andrew Cohen

    May 12, 2012, 8:56 #22240

    If we do finish in 5th spot, we get free Thursday night football against F.C Copenhagen and the like. If we finish in 3rd we get the champions league cheque and more of the same next year. The plain truth is that without the champions league money it will be hugely harder to pull ourselves out of the groundhog day nightmare that we find ourselves in. If 5th place would result in Mr Wenger's retirement then I would grab it with both hands, I'm not sure however that yet another failure on the slippery slope would be enough to remove him. We must, I am afraid wait until the light goes on in Stan's head that something is badly wrong. A small ray of hope is Steve Bould's appointment.

  5. Jimmy

    May 11, 2012, 22:24 #22236

    One line sums up the whole miserable season "guttingly Peter Odemwingie looks like he may recover from injury to play against us". We fear average strikers like him, Bobby Zamora and Grant Holt now.

  6. Go Wenger Go

    May 11, 2012, 16:21 #22224

    How anyone could even think of predicting a result with this Arsenal team let alone a correct has to be a screw loose.Will it really be a shock if we bottle it again?Stop making dumb predictions

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 11, 2012, 15:23 #22221

    @Alastair Kerr spot on mate you've hit the nail on the head because we don't fully trust the team.

  8. Alastair Kerr

    May 11, 2012, 13:34 #22210

    Arsenal shouldn't be fearing teams like W.B.A. However, the truth is we are, simply because we don't fully trust the team (or a large majority of fans I'd imagine) TPM has summed the situation up nicely.

  9. ATID

    May 11, 2012, 13:31 #22209

    Isn't it the fact that none of us would be surprised if Sunday's games ended in a defeat, draw or victory that sums up why so many Gooners are frustrated with the team and the manager? Will Song put in two or three defence splitting assists or spend more time giving the ball away cheaply in dangerous positions? Will Gervinho cut in, weave in and out and then lose the ball or carry on down the left wing and put in a killer cut back from the goal line? Will Sczesny block a power drive at point blank range or fumble the ball for a WBA tap in? The current team is infuriatingly inconsistent and needs a manager or player on the pitch who can motivate them. I can't see one from where I am watching.

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 11, 2012, 13:13 #22208

    well simon what can be said today that wasn't said yesterday but it's sad when its got to the stage when we're worrying about west brom players and them being available or not and an ex arsenal player who probably wasn't good enough for us in the first place scoring against us. You would like to think the players had more important things on their minds at the minute than partying and tweeting but to be fair to them any photos i've seen hasn't involved alcohol but there again some ex arsenal players would tell us that they've had their best games with a hang over.Lets hope some them can put the ball in the net on sunday as easily as they can put it into a hole in the middle of a target and i hope they are as accurate as they are with a table tennis ball.Sunday may still be a blank canvas so lets hope the proper artists turn up and don,t make a mess of it.

  11. chris dee

    May 11, 2012, 13:13 #22207

    Anyone who predicts exact scores (3-2)or says that because Brunt is not playing we are 'one goal to the good' should stick to writing for his Primary school magazine.

  12. tpm

    May 11, 2012, 12:29 #22202

    who cares, win or lose, no strengthening will be done in the summer as ogl has said, this club is groundhog day till wenger f offs. next season a valiant scrap for 4th with the same issues as the last 6 years remaining.

  13. Wombledin

    May 11, 2012, 11:25 #22195

    State the bleedin obvious. With all due respect would you please shut it until after the final scores are in.

  14. Chris

    Mar 25, 2012, 15:52 #20537

    The best thing about this recent run is seeing all the rabid AMG's posting here, seeming flustered and desperately trying to beat the drum. It's almost as though someone calling themselves 'Andrew Cohen' is posting here parodying the real one to make him look foolish.

  15. goonercolesyboy

    Mar 25, 2012, 2:30 #20522

    Andrew Cohen, so next time you write a post at least think before you write, as you now backtrack on your statement that Wenger has nothing to do with our revival...yes a stable team makes a hell of a difference as you quite rightly state....and before you reply I am not in the Arsene knows best camp either, I just understand the game. 7 successive victories has nothing to do with the manager?....foolish comment.

  16. Andrew Cohen

    Mar 24, 2012, 10:56 #20521

    Nice to see the AKB's emerging, but a little less effusive. If you believe that Mr Wenger's behaviour pattern has changed, and the truth is that none of us know, then things are looking up. It is my opinion that our players have stayed fit, which is just luck, and that RVP and some others got sick to death of the same old mistakes and are determined to effect a change. Let's see if the squad gets bolstered where it needs it, so that when our essential players do get crocked, there is a replacement. Let's see Keown get appointed defensive coach. Let's lose the total lack of tactical nous and bonkers substitutions. If I see some change which emenates from Wenger, I'll give credit for it. Until then, I want him out as much as I ever have.

  17. Ron

    Mar 23, 2012, 15:12 #20502

    Ramsey needs next Season for a view to be taken on whether hes got it or not.i reckon his role isnt so well defined to be honest. Is he a creator? I doubt it. Not technically good enough. Is he a defensive middle man? No. He's got more to offer than just destruction. Is he perhaps a box to box type arriving late to score goals like fat Frank used to do? Potentially yes in my view. Its fitting him in though to do that job. Im not sure it can be done with Arteta in the line up.

  18. Anna Mary

    Mar 23, 2012, 8:09 #20486

    It was a good game & we played well. But lets not get above ourselves now. We have some crucial games coming up & we have to win all of them.

  19. Mike

    Mar 23, 2012, 7:37 #20485

    The reasons for the comparisons between Ramsey and Denilson is that at the same age the both show potential. Further along the road, Denilson failed to live up to any expectations and Wenger has been blamed for blooding a complete failure - He is showing the same faith in Ramsey and he might end up taking flak in two years time for doing so. The team just needs

  20. CanadaGooner

    Mar 22, 2012, 23:06 #20483

    Ofcourse people will say Ramsay's doing better than Denilson. oh ye of poor memory! Ramsay's misses are simply unacceptable for the money he's paid, nevermind his age! We're not a free-scoring side (with the exception of RVP) and if anyone thinks RVP will continue to pop in 26+ goals every season (if he stays), you need your heads examined. Ramsay in the position he's played, needs to start scoring atleast once every 4 or 5 games. We can stick 5 different hard-working players in there, that isnt what we need! I dont see him improving a great deal, but only time will tell. Yes, he should be given a bit more time, but not at the expense of the Ox.

  21. simon

    Mar 22, 2012, 22:35 #20481

    ramsey needs to calm down and work on his close control. playing him more forward could work if he learns composure as he gets in the right places just lets himself down with his finishing but he looks like someone with goals in him. personally i don't think he's got the skill levels or mentality to play centrally, ox would do better as back up to jack and tommy. generally, team is going great. Having full backs really helps us but so to does having tommy in the middle and ramsey elsewhere..also, it was clear we had another gear in us although last night even though it wasn't needed. elsewhere, i loved seeing liverpool falling apart again-will never forgive dalgleish for the suarez shirts fiasco.

  22. goonercolesyboy

    Mar 22, 2012, 22:21 #20480

    For anyone to mention Ramsey and Denilson in the same breath, andy, needs their head examined, he, Ramsey is so far superior to what Denilson is or ever will be...well said those who have looked at his erratic form of late and correctly assessed it has been due to all the personal trauma he has suffered. I was at Stoke and saw him have his leg broken by Shawcross and listened to their fans boo him off the field, plus the death of his National team boss was another big blow to him. Just look at the state of the players at the time Of Muamba's cardiac arrest and let's see how they react in the next few games. He needs time and in a strong squad will be a great player to have and give his all on a rotation basis. He is captain of Wales and will be a top player at the Arsenal. I ,too, am so glad to see the number of negative idiots have been thinned out on here and have obviously disappeared under the same stones along with all those spuds. I would like to know how this upturn of form is self evidently self generated and has nothing to do with the coach whatsoever? I am not a fervent fan of Arsene, but an admirer of what he has given this club, but for goodness sake wake up and smell the coffee Andrew Cohen or are you Pat Rice in disguise and know someting we don't? You haven't spent a day in football have you?

  23. HowardL

    Mar 22, 2012, 21:52 #20479

    I've just checked and it was last night's ref Lee Mason who allowed the ludicrous offside goal by Saha last season at the Grove. Maybe justice exists after all! Don't be too hard on Ramsey; It takes a long time to recover from the broken leg caused by the Shawcross thug.

  24. Jimmy

    Mar 22, 2012, 21:47 #20478

    @Jude Jolicoeur - I hear what you're saying about Ramsey, although I think he's got some talent which just needs to be channelled in the right way. I won't get into the question of whether or not that will happen with the current set-up on this occasion. However, what I will say is that I'd rather have a player who may not be top top quality who gives 100%, over one who clearly has the talent, but doesn't use it because of a bad/lazy attitude. Arshavin anyone?

  25. Jude Jolicoeur

    Mar 22, 2012, 21:25 #20477

    Stevesam - If I'm being honest, I agree with the bloke who feared getting slated for questioning Ramsey. If the highest compliment you have for a player is that he "gives 100%," "runs his socks off," etc., that would tell me that the player lacks quality, and thus, isn't good enough for this level. There are myriad explanations, but at the end of the day, he doesn't appear to be good enough for the Arsenal. C'mon you reds.

  26. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 22, 2012, 21:19 #20476

    It was great to see all the teams with a message to Fabrice Muamba on tee shirts while warming up last night but as always arsenal showed that extra bit of class with a photo in an arsenal shirt well done arsenal.

  27. Fozzy

    Mar 22, 2012, 19:36 #20474

    Not being able to see the game on the box was awful. Dunno about any of you guys but me trying to listen to the media morons spout garbage served up on Five Live had me reaching for the radio and I had to stop myself from hurling it against the wall. I ended up switching to the alternative which was Sky Sports News but that was just as bad. Messrs Thompson and Cottee were like a pair of jack-in-a-boxes shouting and screaming off camera, so you never really knew what was happening. Dowie was meant to be our Goodison expert and I sure he fell asleep at a vital moment when it was his turn to behave like a crazed monkey. My cat could have done a better job at commentating and the thing has been dead for two years. I was mentally buggered at the end of the game, because this motley crew did not have the ability to recount what was happening. Fortunately it was only a few minutes before the start of Football First, so there was just enough time to pour a beer, and then see the same game which had the likes of Dowie talking utter bollocks a bit earlier. I really feel for you guys who have to endure this torture every game. My nerves just couldn't stand it and I count myself very fortunate being able to see The Arse in the flesh on a regular basis. Two outcomes were very good, though. The first about us being able to hold on to a 1-0 lead for most of the game. The second was watching Thompson's smug face slowly turn to thunder when QPR did the biz over the Scouse Cheats. Reminds me of what happened on 26th May 1989.

  28. CanadaGooner

    Mar 22, 2012, 19:18 #20473

    Jack the Gooner, I cant recall ever being swayed by spur's flash-in-the-pan performances. My article 'let's talk about spurs' some weeks back clearly highlighted how we've dominated them and even when we were several point behind them I stated on here that i could bet my house on it that we will be ahead of them shortly, and we are. there's no need for caution, as arsenal fans do not overly rejoice for being above spurs or finishing above them, as we're so used to doing it, it's nothing special. what we're choffed about right now is the timing of this current surge and the sudden quiteness of arsenal fans who have spent most of this season worshipping harry on this site with their stupid comments! now, that's something well worth celebrating as such behaviour is simply pathetic! wait till spurs have won the league before bowing at harry's feet! come on you gunners!!!!!!

  29. Jack The Gooner

    Mar 22, 2012, 17:56 #20472

    Be careful of that moral high ground Canada Gooner, I agree with your points but don't forget you have at times, been just as bad as many of the clueless negative contributors. I would also air some caution before we start crowing over the spuds, the only things they matters is the next 9 games, let's wait until St Totteringhams before the humble pie is served up at WHL

  30. Shropshire Lad

    Mar 22, 2012, 17:32 #20471

    Anyone else noticed how the scummy Press have gone absolutely silent on our rise above there Darlings in Totteringham? Almost as silent as there ridiculous fans appearing on our Blog! Hear the Spuds have got a new anthem from Simon and Garfunkel - 'Slip sliddin' away, slip slid din' away! So simple, even Monkeyboy and his Mordor crew can learn it.

  31. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 22, 2012, 17:09 #20470

    Ramsey hasn't exactly grasped the nettle of being the playmaker in Fabregas' position but we shouldn't write him off just yet. He is still young, I know that's a difficult concept for some to grasp but he is, and subconsciously we all compare him to Fabregas. And that's just plain unfair. Cesc Fabregas is about as good as there is in that position on the planet. Yes, we should expect a quality player in that position and at present perhaps Ramsey doesn't fit the bill but no one would deny he has some talent. He had a horrific injury which will have undoubtedly affected his confidence, the pressure of filling Fabregas' boots and also the death of Gary Speed to contend with. These may all sound like excuses to some but I think we should be patient with him and see how he does next season when Wilshere returns and he can just become, for now, a cog in the team rather than the main man. I think he could still have a big future with Arsenal.

  32. Merse69

    Mar 22, 2012, 16:59 #20469

    Can anyone be surprised if Spurs fans read these match reports?! Another Wenger praise light analysis. Six wins on the bounce and, of course, it has nothing to do with the manager..... (until the next disappointing result). We haven't lost a game all season with the first choice defence available. This is just the kind of point that should be made more often, but it doesn't fit the anti-Wenger line peddled here ad nauseam.

  33. Stevesam

    Mar 22, 2012, 16:25 #20468

    Arrived home at 3am with a longer journey than expected with the M6 closed,diverted to the M1 and found a problem there also, again magnificent away suport for a 8.00pm kick off, mid-week game. Well done to all those that travelled. Whilst I agree that Ramsey missed a sitter and sometimes makes the wrong decisions with his passing, to many sideways or backwards, IMO he still had a better game than Wally who is now becoming a confirmed 'homer'. The amount of times that Chesney cleared the ball out to the right, Sagna competed with Baines and won most headers and flicked the ball on to Wally, his control let him down and the move broke down. The difference between Ramsey and Wally is, Ramsey does not hide, he always gives 100% and he is always available to take a pass in any area. His work rate is probably the highest in the team. I would suggest the OX for away games and Wally for home games and more shooting practice for Ramsey !

  34. Gare Kekeke

    Mar 22, 2012, 16:17 #20467

    Another good article Kevin. Credit to the manager and players that they gained a creditable and deserved win at a ground that our rivals in the top seven circle have found difficult in recent years and to do so with a clean sheet makes it even more pleasing. Short term, I’ll take third place and automatic qualification for next season’s European Cup coupled with Chelsea not winning this season’s competition in Munich. The last thing our squad needs are two pressurised games in August on the back of one maybe two long haul pre season tours and a chunk of our squad being involved in the forthcoming Euros. Long term, I still have my doubts. We finished 3rd in 2008 (4 points behind eventual champions Man Utd) and again in 2010 only to regress in each of the following seasons. I accept that Wenger will still be the manager for at least the remainder of his contract even though I still think his time is up so if he wants to get people like me on his side again then the appointment of a strong and tactically aware No.2 is vital and the squad MUST be strengthened with experience. Forget kids, we still have too many of them on the worryingly increasing payroll. Having said that, we still have the issue of disposing the likes of Vela, Denilson & Bendtner which as we all know won’t be easy and who’s to say that Wenger will try to retain them come the summer. It’s my belief that they all left albeit temporarily at their own will and not because Wenger had no need for them. After all, Denilson was meant to prove that Wenger was right not to sign Xabi Alonso in 2008. And we must also be aware that our rivals would seek improvement too. Still, up the Gunners!

  35. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 22, 2012, 15:31 #20466

    Good piece kev another solid enough display last night and the points are all that matters now no matter what way they come it's good to see a goal from a corner for a change.I can't help thinking these missed chances are going to catch up with us or cost us sooner or later we're really going to have to finish teams off, on a different night RVP could have had a hat trick but i'm certainly not going to hold that against him and the same can be said of ramsey was surprised to see him start but as we know arsene has a habit of keeping faith with players who have lost form but who cares we got what we came for.Agree with you on the fouling and one or two dives especially fron jelavic. I don't like wasting to much time talking about inferior teams but it's always nice to put one over the spuds (again)like i've said on here before and i'm going to keep on saying it we're on a roll lets keep this run going right till the end of the season.Glad to hear you're ticket problem nearly sorted.

  36. Gee

    Mar 22, 2012, 15:15 #20465

    3 points is king. Take it and move on. United, chavs etc in recent title winning seasons have at least 10 games where they grind out wins by 1 goal margins and ride their luck. I love 1-0 away wins absolutely love them. 3 points is king

  37. RJ

    Mar 22, 2012, 14:33 #20464

    Ramsey needs confidence build (Ox doesn't) - so give him a chance in a side that is on a strong run - give him the chance to play to confidence - he wasn't too shabby earlier in the season. come on you Gooners

  38. Michael Preston

    Mar 22, 2012, 14:12 #20463

    Third is not a bonus. So long as Chelsea remain in the Champions League and below us in the Premier League, it's a requirement.

  39. CanadaGooner

    Mar 22, 2012, 13:55 #20462

    I hope all those spurs fans who have plagued this site for months and were allowed to post comments even when some of ours (arsenal fans) were not posted, can all return now for a piece of what they've been chewing on for the last 20 years (HUMBLE PIE). yes, we have plenty of that left over for you boys; and some of the ultra-negative arsenal fans on here who have spent all season worshiping their beloved Harry and his motivational talk + low wage bills can join you lot at the table as we have enough humble pie for the whole lot of ya! if this website remains so negative after 6 wins in a row, then there really is no hope left. yes, lousy start to the season and we all had a moan; yes, 3rd isnt 1st and we're still facing another trophyless season; but for goodness sake, if these players can all stay and retain their focus and inject some desire, then i think we can safely assume this will be our last trophyless season for a fair while: with some support from the fans ofcourse! let's set aside our negativity for the next 9 matches, support our team in one voice and see what next season brings! I'm sure some idiots will respond with the usuall diabolical posts shortly. come on you gunners!!!!!!!

  40. win AFC

    Mar 22, 2012, 13:49 #20461


  41. Steve Johnson

    Mar 22, 2012, 13:45 #20460

    Last nights game just proved what a season Arsenal have had so far! ... thought the 8-2 thrashing would linger in my distant memory forever, but this has been overwritten with the likes of Vermaelen sliding in to make it 2-1 against Newcastle, Walcott slipping over, but still carrying the ball past 3 defenders against Chelsea and Song dribbling past 3 players to guide a cross straight to Van Persie against Dortmund!! (Let alone Henry returning to sink Leeds in the FA Cup) ... Starting to see the Arsenal that im used to!

  42. DW Thomas

    Mar 22, 2012, 13:39 #20459

    Good win with some luck. Rosicky should definitely have had a penalty. Ramsey again slows things down. He just doesn't seem up the level required for a top 5 world side if that's what we aspire to be. His miss over the bar is another in a long line of big missed chances. Had we been 2-0 up, more goals would have come and we might have won by 3 or 4. I did not like the persistent fouling either, but hats off to Everton for fighting and dominating the game most of the second half and latter part of the first. Why was the OX on the bench again? Did we not just have a ton of days off? Wenger's decisions continue to frustrate and he is still looking way past his best days. We need to strengthen greatly in the summer. At least Vertonghen and one of Hazard or Gotze would be a great start to improving a squad that has quality but does not sustain it for a season. Too little too late as usual for 7 seasons. 3rd is better than 4th, 5th, or 6th though. And above the Totts.

  43. Sure to get slated for this opinion

    Mar 22, 2012, 13:32 #20458

    Ramsey's woeful finishing and poor play, in general: lack of quality in the player or simply a lack of confidence? In either event, I don't think a run out with the reserves or, dare I say, a loan spell would have done him any harm this season. It was never going to happen as he's been annointed by the gaffer (and most supporters), along with Jack, as the future of our midfield. Confidence in Jack is justified; however, more often than not, Ramsey's been rubbish. I'm tired of the "he's still only 21" argument. Excuses like that are never made about Gotze. Age is irrelevant when it comes to class. Look at Thierry. Also, I understand the circumstances of his leg break and that of Sagna are different, but the latter appears to have almost effortlessly returned to form. Again, the injury is another excuse for Ramsey. Does that incident explain his current lack of poise, poor decisions and poor touch on the ball? For me, he was the weakest member of yesterday's starting eleven and we're much better without him.

  44. GoonerRon

    Mar 22, 2012, 13:15 #20457

    @ Andrew Cohen. I agree with your sentiment but disagree that our win was lucky. We created far and away the best chances and I can't remember Ches being extended once. Kevin - you can add Pienaar to the list with Cahill - he's a vile player who could have been booked three times. Last comment - the ref was utterly clueless.

  45. CT Gooner

    Mar 22, 2012, 13:05 #20456

    Great result last night, and a great defensive performance, but where were the midfield going forward? I have a problem with Ramsey and Rosicky being played together, as it always stuffs the middle and leaves the left flank open, no wonder we always go down the right! I'm happy for the team spirit, but let's not over state the implications of this resurgence to getting RVPs signature. To me that's about reform, and as other posters have stated, the resurgence will likely only delay that....

  46. SilverGooner

    Mar 22, 2012, 12:53 #20455

    A good result and a very valuable 3 points as Spurs and Chelski both lost ground on us. Just 2 things to add to the above - firstly, why did Arsene not stick with the team that did so well against Milan and Newcastle, because Ramsey was poor (again!) last night. Secondly, yes - the dissallowed Everton goal was onside but I reckon that Szczesny saw the linos flag go up (it was certainly in his line of vision) and therfore didn't bother making the effort to save Drenthe's shot.

  47. RJ

    Mar 22, 2012, 12:46 #20453

    If fourth is trophy, what is third. Are we on for a double? Looking forward to a ricking atmosphere at the Emirates this weekend

  48. allybear

    Mar 22, 2012, 12:40 #20452

    Great win and great to see some solidity in defence at last. Its not our fault if the assistant ref made a bad call,its happened us this season as well. Not sure about Ramsey though,think Ox is better option. Spurs imploding&Liverpool in freefall! Things looking up well done Gunners!

  49. Clockender78

    Mar 22, 2012, 12:26 #20451

    Great win last night! To think one month ago we were 10 points behind the Spuds, now one point ahead! Let's keep the run going against Villa. Yes, run has coincided with AA23's demise, but more importantly i think were two full-backs returning, and a settled defensive unit at last!! Gibbs has had his critics but by all accounts he played well last night. Up the Gunners!

  50. Theo Jensen

    Mar 22, 2012, 12:24 #20450

    Haven't looked at it in detail but that freeze frame on the offside call looked like the player hadn't made contact with the ball while Drenthe was onside- not sure but yeah, It'd be great if we got 3rd place in any case, could be helpful with RVP negotiations after all.

  51. Lee Osman

    Mar 22, 2012, 12:20 #20449

    Vincent Kompany has never played for Ajax. I think you probably mean Jan Vertonghen.

  52. Gooner SA

    Mar 22, 2012, 12:01 #20448

    Cahill did get booked last night and was close to getting sent off. Problem with Ramsey is that since he scored the winner against Man U last season he's inherited Bendtner's arrogance. Koscielny also at fault for Everton's disallowed goal as he was two yards behind Vermaelen.

  53. Jekyll

    Mar 22, 2012, 11:55 #20447

    I don't think the team will mess it up now, I think it'll be like 08/09 when they made a late surge to claim 4th. This team and squad can handle that, anything more and they cannot perform. It's the whole orientation of the club - top 4, no more. On AOC, given that Wenger didn't start playing him until the Man U game I cannot see how he could be overplayed this season. Clearly still down the pecking order however, hence dropped for no reason or subbed every single time on 70 mins when he does play.

  54. Chris

    Mar 22, 2012, 11:52 #20446

    Andrew Cohen - yes you are right, it is of course all the manager's fault when things go wrong but nothing to do with him when they don't. Heee heee......

  55. Judge Fred

    Mar 22, 2012, 11:30 #20445

    A crucial 3 points ground-out. How nice it is to have a clean sheet away from home too. Despite the fact that whatever else happens this season we have had a poor one, I have some positive hopes for next season. Hopefully we can continue this good run for a while longer and finish above the Spuds. My how my expectations have fallen......

  56. AugustusCaesar

    Mar 22, 2012, 11:24 #20444

    Great victory. I thought Everton had a real go and put us under a fair amount of pressure but we rarely looked too stretched and Chez only had to make one save of note in the whole game. Gutsy but also controlled 1-0 wins used to be our stock in trade and it was great to see. Szczesny, Vermaelen and Koscienly is becoming a very dependable triumvirate at the back although they're prone to over-confidence. Also, do I detect an improvement in Gibbs? I don't have too much sympathy for Everton really. Yeah they had a perfectly good goal chalked off but we had a decent penalty shout for a foul on Rosicky and they were kicking us most of the night encouraged by a meek refereeing performance. Our passing went awry for a 20 minute spell in the second half when they had their tails up but we had counter attacked fairly well towards the end. And how great was it to see Song run the ball in to the corner flag at the end?? I don't remember us doing that too often.

  57. Mike

    Mar 22, 2012, 11:16 #20443

    Credit to the team and manager -Arsenal are now on a run better than any other team in the league - don't worry about the defence, would somebody please coach Ramsey how to keep the ball down - could have been 3-0 after twenty minutes

  58. Ronster

    Mar 22, 2012, 10:37 #20442

    ''Well,what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today.'' I'll let you work out the film......

  59. Joe S.

    Mar 22, 2012, 10:09 #20440

    Interesting that Rosicky's improved form has coincided with Arshavin's demise. Was the Russian such a disruptive influence? or has Rosicky just decided that now is his time and he needed to take more responsibility. Anyhow so far so good. Like other fans I agree there are elements of " Lucky Arsenal " in some of our recent results and we are walking a fine line. At the same time there needs to be an element of grit in order for the 50 / 50 calls to go your way. Let's hope the team continues to find the right balance between style and substance. Early days yet but it is possible that the Gunners could cruise through the remainder of the season in claiming 3rd spot. You have to be a true believer like Mandy Dodd to have seen this coming.

  60. Clive the Gooner

    Mar 22, 2012, 9:39 #20439

    Great result, Everton away is never easy I just wish someone would have a word with Song. How many times does he seem to switch off and male a dozy pass? Nearly cost us but for a bad call from the lino. Let's push on and hold third spot.

  61. ogban

    Mar 22, 2012, 9:29 #20438

    A deserved win, if you ask me. Everton were lucky not to be 3-0 down in the first ten minutes. This victory is made even sweeter by our rivals dropping massive points. Ride on you Gunners!

  62. MJB

    Mar 22, 2012, 9:16 #20437

    From 15th to 3rd! Amazing footballfrom The Arsenal. Keep it flowing lads! I must also say to any Spurs fans out there "Mind The Gap"!

  63. The Law

    Mar 22, 2012, 9:05 #20436

    Andrew gives the coach no credit for turning things around? What does he think this is, Chelsea where the players coach themselves and sack any manager they don't like?

  64. Chris Dee

    Mar 22, 2012, 9:01 #20435

    Commitment,defensive solidarity and plenty of good old fashioned grit and determination. All since lazy,non commited ,bad attitude selfish Arshavin was given the boot. Arsene should have kicked him out before the season started because he has been disruptive for the last two seasons. My brother absolutely shattered after reaching home at 4.00 a m after the long coach trip from Goodison but still buzzing after the win. Nothing better than the trip home after an away win, no matter how long it takes.

  65. Treble Double

    Mar 22, 2012, 8:53 #20434

    We're on the march!! Last night was a fantastic result, every bit as good as the win at Anfield. The focus (for the main part) is still strong and the only danger I could see in weeks to come is if we take our eye of the ball and think we will start rolling teams over. This is the kind of form that might just convince RVP to sign on the dotted line. It's starting to feel like we might just be getting our Arsenal back! Doubt there will be many spuds on the forum today!

  66. Dan h

    Mar 22, 2012, 8:43 #20433

    The team deserve credit for the recent revival & we find ourselves in a position of other teams now looking at us rather than the other way around.

  67. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Mar 22, 2012, 8:30 #20432

    Any Spurs fans logged their excuses on here yet?

  68. covoteapot

    Mar 22, 2012, 8:16 #20431

    Just goes to show what can be achieved when we have a settled and injury free (fingers Xd) eleven. Our back four must be one of the best in the league on its day. I know people will say the pressure is off and only then do Arsenal start playing but credit where credit is due we have put a brilliant run together whilst other (supposedly better) teams have wilted under our relentless run. It's a classic case of the tortoise (Arsenal) and the hare (Tottenham)... It's gone very quiet in the White and Blue parts of London. The cream will always rise to the top. C'mon you Reds!!!

  69. andy

    Mar 22, 2012, 7:47 #20430

    Trouble with Ramsey is that does not look like anything special. Even Diaby (when fit) looks a better player. I guess what I'm saying, is that he hasn't made the same impact as Jack did when he burst on the scene. Ramsey could easily find himself way down the pecking order if his stock doesn't improve. Anyway, as people say...he's only 21. But then again Denilson was only 21 and he failed to improve.

  70. Andrew Cohen

    Mar 22, 2012, 7:42 #20429

    A hard fought, lucky 1-0 win away from home has the stamp of something more traditional and positive. It is fortunate (some might say miraculous) that the essential elements of our best team have stayed fit, and that this has coincided with a determination from the team to go into every game aggressively and with a determination to win. This is self evidently self generated and I give the coach no credit for it whatsoever. Reform will be delayed as a result, but full credit to the players, who have turned their season around.