From Wenger boys to Wenger men

Credit to Arsène for getting it right at last

From Wenger boys to Wenger men

Vermaelen: More goals than two of the three forwards combined

Arsenal are on a fantastic run of form at the moment and have won games that no-one could have predicted that they would win, especially when you consider the nature of their capitulations against Milan in the San Siro and Sunderland at the stadium of sh**e a few days later.

We didn't just lose those two games; we completely gave up. We capitulated. The lack of effort was blatantly obvious and the fact that professional footballers on £50,000 a week were getting the basics so badly wrong was infuriating to any Arsenal fan who has ever played a competitive game of football in his life. When you dedicate a lot of your time and money to watching the players of Arsenal F.C. every week, there is a minimum amount of effort and professionalism that you come to expect from your heroes in Red and White.

They are living your dream. You would give anything to trade places with them and, even though you know deep inside your heart that you simply weren’t good enough to play for Arsenal, you also know that, if you did play for Arsenal, you would run yourself into the ground and hate yourself to death if you cost your team a goal through some kind of stupid mistake. Then you'd go and run some more.

The reason that most Arsenal fans have a lot of time for Yossi Benayoun rather than, let’s say, Denilson or Arshavin for example, is because Benayoun puts himself about and looks like he is exerting himself, whereas Denilson and Arshavin certainly do not. Denilson doesn't break a sweat and Arshavin is just plain unfit (for a professional athlete, you understand, not to be confused with your average fitness levels of the average bloke smoking outside the pub).

You could see Arshavin hunched over and puffing away after 30 minutes jogging or after a long sprint over 35 yards. He was lucky the TV cameras didn't make that much more out of it, because they could have really embarrassed him with a montage of him looking completely out of breath and knackered all the bleeding time. At least it might have made him run a bit more, though. The little Russian obviously has more skill in his big toe than I have in my two feet, but when I watched his runs over 90 minutes I felt that, as relatively lazy and unfit as I am when compared to most professional footballers, I convinced myself that at 27 years of age, and with a decent BMI ratio, I could keep up with him during a one-off game. You shouldn't be able to even think like that about a supposedly top-level professional athlete, but you'd fancy your chances against Arshavin because he doesn't look as though he is trying most of the time, and, even when he does, he looks absolutely shagged out.

Theo Walcott might not be anywhere near to Arshavin in terms of dribbling skill and passing ability, but even the most deluded of fans like me know that Walcott would murder them for stamina as well as pace - as so he should, if he wants £85,000 a week for running around after a leather ball full of air.

People in the media are wondering how Wenger has turned it all around, whereas some Arsenal fans are wondering why he took so long to do anything about the lack of effort shown by some of his players. Some credit must go to Arsène Wenger for the fine recent run of form that his team are currently on, because, quite frankly, no-one could have seen it coming. It's much better late than never, I suppose. For example, Rosicky used to be the epitome of a once-great athlete simply going through the motions. He reminded me of a faded Roy Jones Jr, if not quite a badly-faded Muhammad Ali. During the 8-2 defeat at Old Trafford, Rosicky was little more than a spectator, and he really didn't seem all that bothered about it either. He couldn't even be bothered to look around as the opposition’s goals were pouring in to his net left, right, left, right, left, right and centre. Then there was another goal and he probably didn't see that one either.

Fast forward to the 7-1 demolition job on Blackburn Rovers, and he looks like he really wants it and he starts putting in man-of-the-match performances "on the regular" (as we like to say in Holloway). The contrast between now and then is simply unbelievable, and he has been one of our most consistent performers during our current purple patch. What changed? Well, for me it's pretty obvious that he is simply running his heart out for the team and contesting a lot more challenges in the middle of the park, therefore fighting for and earning the "right to play", not unlike Xavi, Iniesta and Fabregas do. The first touch and the class were always there for any casual observer of the game to see, but the physical effort was lacking. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it was the aftermath of the injuries, but it's a bit suspicious that he didn't put in this much effort when deployed as a winger (much the same as Arshavin didn't) but is now happy as Larry when he's deployed as a central playmaker. Weird how he perked up when it was contract renewal time too, eh? No, I'm being too cynical. The poor little lamb just didn't want to be a winger. I can just imagine him and Arshavin like screaming little brats just now.... "No, Uncle Arsène! We're not wingers! We're central midfielders! Whahh! Whahh! It's snot fair! Whaaahh! Why does he always get a turn and not me!! You don't love me. I hate you."

Now little super-Tom is happy and flying high and hey, who knows? Maybe if Arshavin had been given Ramsey's "Fabregas role" at the beginning of the season with the Welshman as his understudy, we would have all been singing the praises of a resurgent Russian instead of the newly-revitalised and sprightly bouncing Czech, mate.

They say that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Marouane Chamakh must be the reaction to Rosicky’s action, then. When Chamakh first arrived, he was racing around making a nuisance of himself and getting the odd goal or assist. Once van Persie took the main striker role ahead of him, the Moroccan too seemed to "do an Arshavin" and threw his toys out of the pram while gobbing out his dummy. Since he lost his guaranteed spot in the team, he stopped trying and is just content to pick up his wages until he can force a move back to France. You do not break Champions League goal-scoring records by being completely lacking in any sort of footballing ability. If you did, I would be the all-time legend.

Another player who has really improved over the last few games is Theo Walcott and, as if completely by coincidence, his contract is also running down. It always seems as if somebody's contract is running down at Arsenal, doesn't it? The problem for Theo is that it is now sink-or-swim time and he knows it. The Ox is breathing down his neck, Gervinho might just be starting to adapt to the English game, and Ryo Miyachi looks to be an exciting prospect. If the rumours are to be believed, and Wenger is really chasing any combination of Hazard, Götze and Podolski, whilst still retaining the services of Robin van Persie, then Walcott knows that he'd better improve his all-round game if he wants to start for Arsenal. It makes you wonder how much more he would have improved if he had been made to serve as an understudy to a winger of the class of Pires, Ljungberg or Overmars. The lad seems to be really responding well to competition for his Arsenal shirt and has done well to overcome a lot of harsh criticism because, in my opinion, he was always too young, raw and one-dimensional for a place in the Arsenal starting-eleven. Let's hope he continues to develop and finds that extra gear more consistently.

There you have it; lazy players kept out of the first eleven? Check. Competition for places? Check. Giving the team a final ultimatum to start pulling their weight or feel the swinging axe? I think so. Wenger was staring at the very realistic possibility of not winning his fourth-place trophy for the first time in 15 years, and I think something snapped inside of him and the rose-tinted specs finally came off. Let's hope that he continues to keep his side from showing any of the previous mental weakness and can now go from strength to mental strength.

Credit to Arsène for a fine run of victories, but I would love to ask him why he thinks that Vermaelen has now managed more goals than Chamakh and Park combined, and also why he decided to play Ramsey ahead of the Ox or Gervinho against Everton? Kind of makes you wonder if it sometimes takes him too long to change his pecking order? What do you think? A great series of wins, but we are not out of the woods yet and it is going to take more of the tenacity of will displayed against Everton as well as the cutting-edge displayed against Tottenham, Milan, Blackburn and Liverpool.

Wenger said it best himself when he said "I always feel that the vibes have to come out from the team. If the vibes coming out from the team are right, the crowd will follow and support us. So let’s focus on us being right because the crowd feels that. We believe they have to trust us on that." "We will bounce back and I think it starts from us being determined, from us being united, from us trusting each other and us playing the football we want to play. Let’s focus on that quality. We had 20 shots on goal at Blackburn, let’s continue to play our game." Let's make some noise for the boys against Aston Villa on Saturday and hope that we will see more dynamic, pressing and action-packed displays from this revitalised Arsenal team.

Oh to be a Gooner.

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  1. Rocky RIP

    Mar 25, 2012, 16:41 #20542

    Laugh a minute - bore off you tedious moron. Football isn't purely about winning trophies. It's about personal battles and rivalries. We were properly in the sh!te back in Aug/Sept and intelligent people doubted we'd make top 6. When Adebayor scored the penalty to make it 2-0 we were currently 13 points behind the vermin. Less than a month later we are 3 points ahead. If you cannot enjoy this turnaround as a football fan then you should give up. Especially after all the 'mind the gap' taunts we've endured. There's still a long way left to go and it may not have a happy ending, but in the context of what preceded it, we are in a magnificent place just now.

  2. DW Thomas

    Mar 24, 2012, 3:29 #20519

    If we finish 3rd, then hats off to the players. I give little to no credit to the manager, though. He does have the quality and players like Rosicky are finally being given a chance and showing their worth and mettle. Players like Ramsey on the other hand are overplayed despite bad performances and this is Wenger's biggest problem of many. Wenger believes he is a manager of a top club but does not have the results the last 7 seasons to prove it. Yes, we can beat the best on our day, but what have we won this year to laud the team? Given what they make per week, the least they can do is turn up and put in a shift. Even one lackluster run back from any player should garner a "hairdryer" from Wenger. Yet, you can count on one hand the number of times the players have talked about him getting upset with them in the locker room. We need 3 top class players at least and maybe if Jack comes back strong, RVP stays, and players like Diaby pull a Rosicky and show what they are worth we can push for something next year. I feel I am always saying that in March or year. Getting Hazard, Gotze, Vertongen, and Podolski would go a long way to getting many fans excited again. That would show intent, something Wenger rarely does.

  3. Joe fitzpatrick

    Mar 24, 2012, 3:01 #20518

    Frank- sorry but I disagree that Ramsey is a better option than the Ox at the moment. I would have backed the ox to have scored against Everton ahead of Ramsey every single day of the week. The Ox is as fearless as Rooney was at that age and I would argue that he is not that far behind the Scouser in terms of Raw ability. The Ox is Walcott with a stronger physique and a football brain.

  4. Reggie

    Mar 23, 2012, 22:15 #20517

    Last season we were in the title race until the last 6 matches this season we were NEVER in the title race.yes we have played well in recent games just to finish 3rd or 4th.This season has been a lame duck season

  5. Goonermundy

    Mar 23, 2012, 21:34 #20516

    Nice article, a lot of valid points. Arsene is maybe a little slow with his pecking order, but if he was any different we wouldnt be seeing the resurgance of under-performing players such as rosicky and walcott, even koscielny. So we just have to take what the guy says and go with it. In Arsene we trust!

  6. Ramgun

    Mar 23, 2012, 21:17 #20515

    A very enjoyable change of fortunes, but I am still worried. Will we implode at the this stage of the season - AGAIN? and our good form only began after the pressure of having any chance of winning anything had gone. So, fingers crossed for more of the recent form and hope that the good results are not seized on by Wenger to do as little as possible this summer. The feel-good factor has been increased significantly by the problems being experienced by the vile unmentionables from the wrong end of the Seven Sisters Road. May that continue too!

  7. frank

    Mar 23, 2012, 20:57 #20514

    we have our best defence fit and playing and there seems to be more hunger and fight in the team. ramsey is a better football player than the ox that is why he started against everton. fans can criticise some of his passing but he does miss alot of goalscoring chances, when he improves his finishing he will be deadly playing behind rvp. wilshere and song behind ramsey is our best midfield but i do like arteta experience

  8. norfolk gooner

    Mar 23, 2012, 19:41 #20513

    No suprise to me Ramsey was prefered to Ox especially playing away from home.When Wilshere returns Ramsey will drop to the bench anyway.It will be interesting to see who play's in midfield, will it be Wilshere Song Rosicky or Arteta, or both, what do you all think? still a nice problem for the manager.Wenger on AFC website saying he want's top quality not quantity and that he will buy a couple of players earlier this summer.Hallelujah! has the penny finally dropped?

  9. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Mar 23, 2012, 19:41 #20512

    Mandy Dodd- yes the defence looks a lot more organised but i'd be shocked if Wenger has brought any of Grahams boys in to help. Jon- I cant win with some people because although I am severely upset with the way this season was all over (in terms of trophies) before it had even started with the sales of Cesc and Nasri and the inadequate replacements, I am still and always was a Gooner attending ALL the home matches without exception and cheering the team on inside the stadium... i do my critiscising and moaning on here instead. I'm very happy with the improvement and consecutive wins against good teams. I have to give the credit when the manager and team deserve it. At the moment they do deserve it. A trophy sure would be lovely though.... wouldn't it boys and girls? lets hope we smack the Villans on saturday.

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 23, 2012, 18:52 #20511

    Excellent point made by mandy dodd offside traps and the defence working great together have the defence worked this out on their own or is there specialist coaching going on in the back ground ie keown bould adams ? i'd imagine news would have leaked by now but you never know maybe the fact their playing regularly together but certainly something has happened.

  11. Jon

    Mar 23, 2012, 18:37 #20510

    It truly is hilarious reading this forum now, the amount climbing down being done by some people is comedy gold. Some of you got so high up on your little pedestals that I fear you may need a parachute to come back down safley. Joe Fitzpatrick is making his tentative first steps down, but he has a long way to go. Some of you really have become lesser fans over these last couple of months, i'm almost disappointing that you now get some enjoyment from victories that you never believed in and from a team and a manager that you had written off countless times. Joe you should really name this article "My own personal shame" because that's what you should be feeling.

  12. Gare Kekeke

    Mar 23, 2012, 18:30 #20509

    Another good piece Joe. It’s nice to see that the corner has been turned and Wenger and the players deserve a lot of credit for it but let’s not get carried away just yet. 3rd or 4th for a long time without the odd cup is not a trophy. The proof of the pudding will be hardcore silverware over a decade long period at the very least. As it stands, this current squad have achieved less than Terry Neill’s Arsenal circa 1976-83 and that collective lost two of three cup finals and finished no higher than 3rd in the old First Division. Even Brian Clough’s great (and they were) Nottingham Forest side achieved more during that period let alone Bob Paisley’s all-conquering Liverpool unit. And they had to do it from the very old Second Division. I’m still sceptical about Wenger but the team would always have my 100% support. After all, like many, I support The Arsenal regardless of the manager and no doubt they will have my backing for the remainder of the season and beyond. For me Wenger has to get it right this summer with the appointment of a strong and tactically aware No.2 who will challenge Wenger from time to time and the squad still needs an overhaul, but then we knew that long ago. And a new mentality wouldn’t go amiss either. For me, it’s time to end this culture of 2rd, 3rd or even 4th best is good enough. Sir Alex Ferguson at Man Utd and previously Aberdeen and the late great Paisley didn’t allow at their clubs, so why should we at The Arsenal see it as success? I have my doubts but I’ll easily eat a slice of humble pie if I’m wrong. Wenger still has a lot to do to get me on his side again. Still, up the Arsenal.

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Mar 23, 2012, 17:40 #20508

    Good piece joe we're all quick to criticize when mistakes are been made and things aren't going right so it's only right to give credit when things are going well (and long may it last)it really makes you wonder about the coincidence of this great run and the departure of arshavin your right about the improvement of certain players but the all round commitment and fight is more impressive it's all any of us ever wanted improvements can certainly still be made and lets hope they are with the players you mentioned and not rumours i also don't under stand why he keeps playing out of form ramsey ahead of the ox people would say thats the only way he's going to get his form back but we're fighting for third with nine games left and all points crucial surely it makes sense to play all your in form players we certainly can't afford any slip ups.I hope we've found our shooting boots again after wednesday with the visit of another one of ours, and arsene's favourite managers so yes lets make plenty of noise and send mcleish or whatever you call him home with his tail between his legs.

  14. GoonerGoal!

    Mar 23, 2012, 17:38 #20507

    Sorry, but I am not having you claiming the Manager had a significant part to play in our recent change of attitude on the pitch. Remember, we were playing the Wenger way and 0-2 down at the time to a Spurs team ripping us apart every they attacked, while he was frozen in his seat with his arms folded wondering just how bad a result this was going to end up. But then we hit a post, and it was like all the players on the pitch saw the light simultaneously and were spiritually moved to emulate the attitude of successful Arsenal teams of the past. It was like the players finally said “Enough! We will maintain his attacking philosophy but we’re going to do it our way from now on...” Long may it continue, but unfortunately I guess it means we will have another year of Wenger.

  15. Laugh a Minute

    Mar 23, 2012, 16:46 #20506

    Hilarious to see the delirium. So lemme get this straight: have Arsenal actually WON anything? Has Wenger proven us wrong this season? Oh whats that? You say last season Arsenal competed for the title a little bit, and this season they have been scraping behind Spuds all season??! Wenger boys become men? How and when did this happen? During the 8-2? During the 4-0 in Milan? During the FA Cup capitulation to Sunderland? During the confirmation that it is now SEVEN YEARS WITHOUT A TROPHY? I would love love love to know! Pfffft

  16. YoYo

    Mar 23, 2012, 16:22 #20505

    I like what you have said, but please I am tired of talking of all the player that would have could have.....Instead we do not talk enouhg about players, that have been solid all year long like Song, and RVP...that is what I love in being a gunner....

  17. CanadaGooner

    Mar 23, 2012, 15:16 #20503

    Joe, we havent got anything right yet. And in any case, our poor form at the start of the season was obviously due to the injuries and nothing else. Even with a healthy squad we still wouldnt have challenged for any of the trophies because our boys seem to thing the Carling and FA Cups are beneath them. Our CL exit was an unfortunate event as we could certainly have gone past Milan, but we still wouldnt have won the CL. As for the premiership, I think we possibly could have had a chance this year as both Citeh and United had their wobbly periods and Spurs were never going to win it anyway (not in my lifetime). What was really unfortunate was how we tamely allowed the Carling and FA cups pass us by, when all we need is 'a' trophy to get us started, regardless of which trophy it is! The key positive we can take out of how we hope to end this season, as you have rightfully alluded to, is that there is renewed hope and perhaps some of these boys will stand up and be counted next season. RVP, Verminator, Arteta, Kos, Rosicky, Szez all seem to have some fire in their bellies. We have to have more than just a good first 11 to avoid what happened at the beginning of this season. So, if Wenger can bring in Podolski and 2 or 3 others I would be more than willing to bury the hatchet and give him one more chance to get us back to winning ways. All dependent on us keeping this run-in going and winning our next 9 games! come on you gunners!!!!!

  18. Steve_O

    Mar 23, 2012, 14:47 #20501

    Good article Joe, especially the mention of a "pecking order". Ramsey is definitely at the top of Arsene's and I can see OGL replacing Rosicky with Ramsey as soon as he gets a chance. Cue a return to mediocrity.

  19. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Mar 23, 2012, 14:24 #20499

    Having read the replies to this article, seems there are some amongst our community who wouldn't recognise balance in a warehouse of spirit levels.

  20. Oleg Luzhny

    Mar 23, 2012, 13:34 #20498

    I think I almost spotted a complement at one point before you continued ripping in to the players who are busting a gut to make sure we have champions league football next season. Perhaps it has nothing to do with the contracts running down, how about Walcott now has a proper full back behind him? Sagna offers width and allows Walcott to push higher up and get at people. Rosicky was out for two years and then played out of position, perhaps a string of matches in his correct position is what he needed? I personally couldn't care less what motivated them to do better, but it's no coincidence that our first choice back-four have not lost a premier league game and won 7 of 8. What an odd time to criticise the players that are now trying hard and improving.

  21. lance (south africa)

    Mar 23, 2012, 13:02 #20495

    this season we did not have a chance of winning anything. last season we were up there competing for the league and although city finished 2nd they were never in the title race. how can you take anything positive from this season. have our standards dropped so much.

  22. allybear

    Mar 23, 2012, 12:32 #20494

    Good article Joe&definately credit to the team&things looking up although i dont think anybody is getting carried away. This is an excellent run after a horrible few months&hopefully it will continue.Joe Fitzpatrick you mentioned some players who might come to the club&Hazard&Goetze are overated but the other players would be very good additions. Good to see that midfield&defence has been mentioned¬ just new attacking players.

  23. Mandy dodd

    Mar 23, 2012, 11:37 #20492

    Good article and you raise some interesting points. Not sure what has turned things around, having specialist fbs has certainly helped. Rosicky as you say has been a revelation, maybe he has heard rumours of signings and wants to do something about it to keep a place. Defensively, we seem so much better organised, a Gooners legend helping out quietly behind the signs? Clean sheets and offside traps for the most part working....what can that mean. Whatever is is, as you say credit where it is due, good to see supporters getting behind this team because as you correctly point out, we are not out of the woods yet. But long may recent results continue

  24. Ron

    Mar 23, 2012, 11:01 #20490

    Can see where youre coming from Joe, but its a little bit premature to say these players have become men. 5-6 years of folding and succumbing makes me hesitant to say any corners have been turned. That sqaud still needs an overhaul, whatever the Season end brings in my view.

  25. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Mar 23, 2012, 10:51 #20489

    Judge Fred- you're right. I just would love to just somehow see the boys scrape 3rd and go out and get some heavy reinforcements in. Not sure Hazard or Goetze will come to us now but Podolski, Hoillett, Dempsey, Baines, M'vila and Ventgoorhen are still possible, I hope.

  26. Judge Fred

    Mar 23, 2012, 10:09 #20488

    They will only become "men" when they deliver something tangible. We are on a great run and the team has my 100% support but as positive as things seem right now, we need perspective. At no stage this season have we looked like challenging for a trophy and this needs urgent addressing in the Summer. Until then, COME ON YOU RIP-ROARING GUNNERS!!!!!!

  27. Goonerwife

    Mar 23, 2012, 9:55 #20487

    I think you almost complemented the team. It sounds like it hurt.