More Strife in West London

Winning sequence comes to an end

More Strife in West London

Vermaelen – An afternoon to forget

In fairness, Arsenal may have played as poorly as they did yesterday when they won at Anfield in the eight match Premier League winning run that has seen them leapfrog Spurs into third place. The key turning point at Loftus Road was Van Persie’s chance with just the the keeper to beat when the score was 1-1. It would be churlish to knock the captain for his failure to convert given his contribution over the season, but ultimately, his team paid dear.

In defence, it was a tale of two errors, both by Thomas Vermaelen. Widely acknowledged as exactly the type of character the side need if they are to challenge for honours, he had a bad day at the office to go with an equally bad evening’s work in the San Siro about a month ago. His individual errors handed the opposition both their goals. Can any manager legislate for these type of mistakes? Does anyone want Vermaelen dropped as a consequence? If it had been Djourou or Squillaci that had made them, the abuse for the manager would have been quick to surface. But then, again, the number 5’s contribution is generally acknowledged as greater.

This was a game that on paper, the Gunners would have been looking at for three points. However, relegation candidates at this time of the season can prove the worst teams to face. QPR worked hard and made the most of what they had, unlike Arsenal. Creatively, it was not one to remember. Aaron Ramsey played on the left side of the attack, possibly to compensate partially for Kieran Gibbs' forward forays, but did not really help the balance of the team. Against QPR, there was an argument to field a more positive line-up with either Oxlade-Chamberlain or Gervinho instead.

Credit to Theo Walcott for his goal. The initial strike and his composure when the ball rebounded off the upright was heartening to see. But it was the one bright attacking moment on an afternoon when the Gunners were largely firing blanks. It’s been a great run, which has given the team a platform to finish above Tottenham and make Champions League football next season a possibility many had trouble foreseeing in January. It was a disappointing display for which it is difficult to find a reason. Some days it just doesn’t happen, but sometimes the dice fall your way and a result is secured nevertheless. But yesterday wasn’t one of them, and I’m far from convinced Arsenal deserved anything from this game. I am optimistic we will see a more spirited display next weekend, but it is when facing the likes of Wolves and Wigan in the run-in that the kind of performance we saw against Mark Hughes’ side cannot be repeated.

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  1. aditya

    Jul 08, 2012, 21:51 #24146

    From what could be made out from rvp's statement; it seems rvp wanted some of his suggestions to be implemented with regard to the squad. However, they seem to hv been rejected by wenger and gazidis. Even though I'm a die hard gooner rvp is still our skipper and his suggestions are ought to be given weightage. If rvp has certain plans to make the squad even better I don't see any issue in being a little considerate towards them. Signing two strikers was actually a bit bizarre and was frankly a little unexpected. On another note, I don't know why rvp would want to go to man city who already have world class established strikers like aguero, tevez and balotelli. If its solely for the money, then its a pity.

  2. TopKat

    Jul 06, 2012, 12:54 #24006

    I truly believe it is the club pushing RVP out. He is 29, been injured for more seasons than I can count (love to know the %) and he has just come off the back of one excellent season. His stock could not be higher. I personally would not extend his contract more than a year (he is likely to be injured again) and would def not give him more money. From RVP's point of view. If he was to stay and see out his contract at the arsenal, in one year is anyone going to give him a contract let alone a big one? Especially if he is out injured again.

  3. exiled&dangerous

    Jul 06, 2012, 10:54 #24001

    If he wants to leave, let him. Great player, will be missed, but like any other member of the team, he is only one bad tackle away from missing the whole season. So signing a couple of other quality strikers is good business whatever the background. Now, how about those world class defenders and holding midfielders........

  4. sparksy

    Jul 06, 2012, 9:56 #23998

    Although he had a fantasitc season last year and was probably teh sole reason we managed to get 3rd place, the fact is it was his first full season for us in 8 years. Will he ever repeat that? Yes it would be better if he was with us but i'm not overly bothered that he wont be. What bothers me a whole lot more is the damning statement from him about teh lack of ambition at the club, something we all knew about but now coming from the horses mouth. I also believe the club knew he was going before the Euros but probably agreed with him to keep things quiet until after. Season ticket renewal time etc? Only thing was he didn't seem to keep his side of the bargain and let the cat out of the bag before the club could release a nicey nicey press release.

  5. Shropshire Lad

    Jul 06, 2012, 1:52 #23987

    Let the ungrateful ****e go to Italy. With a bit of luck those Italian defenders will snap his glass legs - you know the ones we have been putting up with for one good season in nine. How dare anyone compare him to the great Dennis Bergkamp - he's not fit to clean his clogs! If he goes to United we should bring Martin Keown out of retirement just for that match and watch the the Pussey crap himself!

  6. Jason B

    Jul 05, 2012, 22:53 #23984

    Great player,but no leader.Great captains lead by example.RVP is a very poor example of leadership.He should remember who stuck by him during his court case and dark days of injury.He should be stripped of the captaincy and left to rot.Or, better still,tell him to pack his bags and **** off.Regardless of whether he's worth millions or pennines,i don't want him at the club in any shape or form.

  7. Omid

    Jul 05, 2012, 15:58 #23947

    best article about RvP situation, thanks

  8. AndoverGooner

    Jul 05, 2012, 14:51 #23932

    We are a feeder club for clubs with more ambition.

  9. Any Old Iron

    Jul 05, 2012, 14:28 #23930

    The discord between the board and Red & White is now public. Now it begins; the gathering storm. Long live Arsenal FC.

  10. fozzy's mate

    Jul 05, 2012, 14:19 #23929

    Simon - you are the worlds greatest optimist. How mant times on this site over the last few years have you posted articles ststaing how OGL will prove us all wrong? As one fan said to you rather harshly several years ago when after the calling cup final defeat, you said we would win the league "Simon take you head out of Wengers behind". The man is 10 years behind in his transfer policy and 5 in everything else at the very highest level. Under the regime of DDT, MSS and OGL we are and will remain also rans at best, waving goodbye with a cheque every year. What matters is the share price and cash reserve, not trophy cabinet. An accounting firm stands where a football club once did.

  11. Vip

    Jul 05, 2012, 13:27 #23916

    I'd be happy if the club took a £30m hit (transfer fee and wages) and told RVP to rot, away from the training ground and then let him go on a free. Lets see then what he can earn as a 30 year old and the length of contract he gets.

  12. Joe S.

    Jul 05, 2012, 12:40 #23905

    I think Frank McLinyock's commentss are the best I have read so far on the shambles that is Arsenal, Kroenke and Wegner need to front the fans and outline a clear plan as to where the club is heading. Of course they won't have the guts because these are not men of vision. Why are so many of you so stunned. What did you think was said at the meering before Van Persie left for the Euros " I love this club and will play my final game here": Come On you must have seen this coming. As for the ridiculous optimism ofthe certified AKB's; you guys will cheer on a team made up of the deadwood if they wore the colours. Like all the long term fans I have seen our best leave the club but never the asset stripping ( Joe F. ) that has occured in the past few years. I think few clubs have and most of them are still lost in the wilderness.It's a shame. This is all about greed and opportunism - from Kroenke, Gazadis and Wegner.

  13. RJ

    Jul 05, 2012, 12:38 #23904

    @Wombledin - Oh Dear - and the AKBs get accused of not facing reality. RVP cares about the fans? He is making the statement now to expedite his exit from thje club so that he can secure an extra £150k per week now before he gets injured again and loses his chance to cash in big time - it is not out of love of the fans or the club

  14. Wombledin

    Jul 05, 2012, 10:44 #23883

    I think RVP has made his rebel statement to deliberately p*ss Wenger and co off and make them squirm a bit as he leaves because he really feels for us fans and the way we've been bent over and taken it up the reamer season after season by Wenger and the smug owners whose only ambition is profits. This is RVP's little way of agitating for change for the fans.

  15. AfanRocknrolla

    Jul 05, 2012, 10:10 #23878

    We need a striker to back up giroud and we need a defensive midfielder and a back up midfielder. We don't need a starting defender we someone who can back up the top 3. Demba ba, m'vila and an attacking midfielder is what we need.

  16. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jul 05, 2012, 10:03 #23877

    Do Arsenal have a plan? of course they do it is called making money? They let RVP stew and he blinked first, so now the way is clear for the board to get 25 million for our Dutch striker. The facts are they were always going to sell him, just as they were always going to sell Cesc, Henry etc. It is called maximizing your profits, it is also why you pay nearly a "tenner" for a beer and a pie at The Emirates!

  17. RJ

    Jul 05, 2012, 9:33 #23869

    @Barry - Wenger got it wrong, he didn't lie - and it was a stupid statement to believe (BTW - Almunia has already gone on a free - it works both ways.....) - ultimately, it is the players choice, we can't force'em into new contracts. And, BTW - Van Persie seems to me to be unlikely to go on a free - we will sell him this Summer, and as others have said, let's maximise what we can get from this mercenary.

  18. Tony Evans

    Jul 05, 2012, 9:32 #23868

    And so the demise of our club goes on - half of me just doesn't care anymore but my affection for Arsenal goes so deep that it still hurts.

  19. Treble Double

    Jul 05, 2012, 8:43 #23854

    Not even AW can talk the usual b*ll*ocks about us competing for trophies if we sell the best player in the premier league last season to a team that we want to catch. I would like him to stay the final season but he clearly won't, we will sell him and it will be to the highest bidder... so Manchester it is. Patrice Evra called us a feeder club about 3 or 4 seasons ago, at the time I didn't believe it, but it certainly rings true now. A change of leadership is required and not just the manager. I want my Arsenal back!!!

  20. thatsimonrose

    Jul 05, 2012, 8:21 #23843

    Kevin Kong; not aware I said anywhere that it was an exclusive, more that I was told it a few weeks ago. That is all.

  21. Barry

    Jul 05, 2012, 8:05 #23836

    When Flamini left on a free we were told by Wenger it would never happen again.Wenger lied

  22. John A

    Jul 05, 2012, 7:33 #23826

    It's all a big con. We buy 2 left footed strikers and then RVP is off - so where's the surprise in that. The thing that does need resolving in the next few years is to stop giving all the rubbish players ridiculous incomes so that we get stuck with them and restrict purchases of decent players. Theo next but no loss there. Tommy to be off next season after he has 12 months of captaincy. No trophies again and the fans again get mugged. Surely this can't go on?

  23. RJ

    Jul 05, 2012, 7:29 #23825

    I heard a rumour that he was going to.... Spurs, but then it was the voices inside my head, so I paid no heed. Of course Arsenal's statement is about maximising the value we can get from a sale of him now. Thanks RVP for the goals and 3rd place last season and thanks for the memories - but time to move on. If he does not share the Wenger / Gazidis vision of the future (and I am sure many don't), then he will be on his way swiftly - otherwise the poisonous whispers in the dressing room will undermine what chances we have of anything next season. Clean slate, start again. COME ON YOU GOONERS

  24. Jamie

    Jul 05, 2012, 7:29 #23824

    It doesnt matter who RVP joins what it means is Arsenal are a selling club and a feeder club.And we like to call ourselves a big club.Also Simon you need to realise the problem at Arsenal is Wenger.Nothing goes on at the club without Wengers say so.Walcott is off next then TV5.They are not stupid they can see we are going nowhere.They like RVP are rich but they want winners medals.And we are left with the dross no one wants to buy.Remember we built the Emirates to compete with Barca and Madrid.What a joke that is.Until Wenger leaves nothing will change

  25. jj

    Jul 05, 2012, 7:23 #23823

    Whatever the reasons,it's a pretty sad day for the club when another captain says he wants to go.The management are so far out of touch with whats happening at the top end of European football it's embarrasing.Even the tiny totts have managed to get Bale to sign a new contract.All we've managed to do is re-sign Djourou.Wow.It's clear for all to see now that Wenger has lost the players.The board and the manager are failing.They have to go.

  26. Martyn

    Jul 05, 2012, 7:08 #23822

    No shock here. When Arsenal signed Podolski it was obvious RVP was on his way out, it was only a matter of where. My view is we got one good season from RVP so let him go. I only hope Podolski proves a worthy replacement as his performance in the Euros was not that impressive, but neither was RVP's.

  27. Gonefishing

    Jul 05, 2012, 4:58 #23820

    RvP: RIP.

  28. Danny

    Jul 05, 2012, 3:54 #23819

    i told my son a few weeks ago, VP will go to united not CITY. United are a winning team and VP wants to win trophys wenger and the americans have to go.

  29. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 05, 2012, 1:09 #23817

    Simon of course arsenal couldn't have approved such a statement there's no spin in it for a start. RVP has told it the way he sees it and like it is there's no ambition at our beloved arsenal anymore its all about profit.The official club statement of we are confident he will fulfill his commitments to the club and we are planing with ambition ambition ? how the hell can we be ambitious when we sell our best players season after season.And how can RVP stay with us now and how can we make him stay when we know he's not going to sign on again when his contract runs out.What ever he clearly knows there's no ambition at arsenal and where ever he ends up you can bet your bottom dollar that will not be the case. sad sad.

  30. Kevin Tonkinson

    Jul 05, 2012, 0:46 #23816

    His statement does its best to ensure that his position is untenable with the club, making him see out his contract is just not an option. That said, I would rather see him put in the ressies for a year than sold to United.

  31. Mbarsenal88

    Jul 05, 2012, 0:41 #23815

    If he want leave let him go, we'll be better even without him. UP GUNNERS!!!

  32. Highbury Boy

    Jul 05, 2012, 0:37 #23814

    Wenger supporters always said that without him we would lose our star players.It seems that the opposite is true.

  33. Kevin Kong

    Jul 05, 2012, 0:25 #23813

    Er, your EXCLUSIVE surfaced in the Daily mail about 4 hours ago mate.

  34. frank

    Jul 05, 2012, 0:24 #23812

    Great player, he was always going to go. Best to sell him and use the money lol. I would love if robin could go abroad , we cant sell him to city. Its becoming a joke that we cant keep our captains. I am still very optimistic about this season. Barca want the vermanator, they can do one. I think if we sell rvp we need to use the money on a defender and midfielder. I dont think people realise how good pod and giroud are. ONWARDS AND UPWARDS

  35. R Meade

    Apr 04, 2012, 22:30 #20922

    Chris I understand where you're coming from but we are Arsenal 5th richest club in the world 3rd most decorated team in England it is not ok to keep doing ok, big mistakes have been made over the last seven years and are still there today, the future looks the same as the last number of years when do you say enough is enough ten years no trophy twenty? To keep a manager because he can get us forth place without spending as much as others is not a good enough reason to keep him.

  36. Red Member

    Apr 04, 2012, 12:42 #20903

    the posters on here do make me laugh. i started the season thinking we would finish 4th, have not wavered and still think we will finish 4th. everyone else changes their minds week by week. Hilarious

  37. Mike

    Apr 04, 2012, 11:34 #20901

    Winger_out_now - all i was saying was that we had achieved the same as spurs this season with a very unstable squad- you then respond with some fickle argument about Man Utd doing so well, that wasn't the point -I never mentioned them - the issue is that in the current era, there is Man UTD and then the rest - there is SAF and then there is the rest of the managers - until Spurs win something, then you can say they are better managed than us with fewer resources - lets see if Bale and Modric are there next season -rather keep your thoughts to yourself and let people think you are a fool, then commit them to paper and confirm the fact

  38. Chris

    Apr 04, 2012, 9:26 #20889

    R Meade - I'm sorry but, again the evidence doesn't back you up. Arsenal (along with Tottenham) have the best record over the past 5 years of turning money into points of any top PL team - over the past 7 years I suspect Arsenal would pull comfortably away (I don't have all the information to hand). Plus Arsneal had lots more CL success over that time, which contributed to being able to afford higher over all expenditure and therefore a higher league place than Spurs! Hardly evidence of waste sums being wasted. As for the goalkeeper situation - I agree that we have been embarrassed and frustrated by the lack of a decent one at times but I don't believe it was because Wenger wouldn't spend - it was misplaced faith in Almunia coming good!

  39. CanadaGooner

    Apr 03, 2012, 23:41 #20877

    It's surprising that this site claims to edit posts: very unlikely? otherwise, the website-editor would have noticed unwarranted personal attacks (known in the civilized world as online bullying) that an idiot called Theo's_Bikini_Line (and I bet you it's the same person also using the name 'Fonzy') sets about on quite a few users of this website. Some of us come on here to offers up an opinion or articles, while some of these ignorant unwanted 'groupies' simply come on to try to fine meaning for their sad lives by incessantly antagonizing other users of the site, while offering nothing up in terms of comments about the club or articles posted on here. Only one word for that: PATHETIC. Anyone who claims to have been reading my articles or posts would know by now that I'm a Londoner and not Canadian; simply working in Canada since 2008, before which I rarely missed a single home game and made it to a few away games each season. But hey, who really cares? I see the opinion of a fan based in china as important as one living on holloway road. What I find distasteful is the site allowing posts that share nothing other than a personal attack, and when the person being attacked tries to post a response, those somehow do not get posted. Strange aint that? Anyway, back to why some of us are on here (to talk about our club); with Citeh slowly giving up, we might slot the final nail in their coffin at the weekend to ensure their billions spent is in vain!!! come on you gunners!!!

  40. AGE

    Apr 03, 2012, 21:57 #20876

    Think it's worth noting that our individual defensive errors are often harshly punished because the players who could offer cover are to far up the pitch (often for no reason). Never makes sence to single players out for unfortunate mistakes as if often hides the true issues with the team

  41. R meade

    Apr 03, 2012, 21:11 #20875

    Chris the last seven years! The goalkeeper situation for one which was a complete embarrassment for years, you can't tell me Wenger did not have the funds to sort that out. As for wages and transfers who's fault is it we waste vast sums on wages on utter rubbish? They are Wengers players that's a huge problem of his design.

  42. Fonzy

    Apr 03, 2012, 20:26 #20874

    @Canada Gooner. You are a fool, you constantly change your views depending on results and you were crowing in your last piece about how we will definitely finish above spurs, any fan who has watched enough football knows nothing is decided untill the end of May!. You are a classic example of the ignorant fan that has become norm on this site. Your fickle comments beligh a man who dines off tabloid rubbish with little understanding of the game. I used to take some interest on the pieces you published but like many fans on here, iv seen through your tawdry opinions and constant changing of opinion. You don't even sit on the fence which I won at least respect, all you do is jump either side of it depending on which way the wind is blowing. But what else should we expect from a man who sits on his PC from over the pond, your the typical armchair fan and I'm suprised the editors give you a voice on this site when you espouse the fickle rubbish which I'd evident on here once again

  43. Chris

    Apr 03, 2012, 19:01 #20872

    R Meade - what I can do is the same as you - I can look at the fiures for expenditure on waes and transfers for Arsenal and other clubs that are published on the web. Check out Swiss Ramble, for instance. If you then relate that to the performance of the clubs, you will see how well Wener is doin. You choose to believe that Wener is a spendthrift who wilfully refuses to improve the team - where is your eivdence?

  44. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 03, 2012, 17:50 #20871 can spurs be on a par with us when they have never won the premiership nor the league for that matter for over 50 years now...I have supported the Arsenal for over 50 years so don't throw that johnny come lately tag at me and I don't sing pointless songs either, I just go home and away most about you? I have see all the good times and the very bad times so unless you have something worthwhile to say keep your mouth shut.

  45. Chris

    Apr 03, 2012, 17:20 #20870

    Tony Evans - I don't buy into this theory that Wenger is sitting on a mountain of cash. He doesn't make a profit in the transfer market because he fancies hamstringing his team - he does it because it's necessary to balance the books. Arsenal would have made a loss in the last year were it not for transfer profits. It's debatable whether a cash balance is really available to Wenger for transfers but if it is, you can guarantee it is worth more in relative terms now than it has been for the last 2-3 years because the spending of City and Chelski will be reigned in to some extent by FFP. Let's hope the splashing out that's been talked of actually happens this summer! One thing we do know is that Wenger gets more out of money than any other top PL club so if it does happen, things should go form strength to strength.

  46. CanadaGooner

    Apr 03, 2012, 16:01 #20869

    @Theos_Bikini_Line: in your poor attempt at sarcasm you have managed to define what 'commonsense' is all about and why Football is what it is. If it was so clear-cut, those involved (owners, managers, players) wont be making the kind of money they make. The comments you attribute to me were made considering a range of periods not after a single result (that's the 'fickleness' a lot of us on here refer to); whether Wenger goes or stays wont be decided by me, so I'm a little amused by your consistent, ill-advised attempts to batter my comments on here (I dont need a 'groupie' matey; move on!). Over the duration of the current season we have seen the worst and best of our manager and team. Recent glimses of brilliance would urge a little bit of caution with regards pluging into wholesale changes at the club, when such changes may not necessarily produce the expected results. A word (or few words) to the wise...

  47. R Meade

    Apr 03, 2012, 14:54 #20868

    Chris can you prove the resources that have been available to Wenger? You really believe his hands are that tied that his only options for a forward was Park and Chamakh! And so bad we have to loan 3rd choice reserves from Chelski. It's all been a lie and Wenger messed it up big time.

  48. Ron

    Apr 03, 2012, 13:54 #20866

    Goonercolesyboy - Well, i managed A Level maths nearly 40 years back. Does that count? What i dont have is a problem with giving other Clubs due credit whether its the spuds, somebody else or not, You sadly seemingly do. Ill say it again. Tottenham have been by far the most entertaining Club in a poor Prem league this Season. Most sensible commentators appear to agree. Arsenal have been for the most part abysmal. Our Clubs so called 'beautiful football' is a myth too and has been for a few years now.The Spuds due to the size of the Club shouldnt get near to Arsenal. They do now. Theyve done very well all Season and in my view merit auto entry the CL more so than do Arsenal. Ive actually enjoyed watching them on TV from time to time! How is that comparing the Clubs? How is that comparing their history. You sound like a scouser,pining for past years old memories. 'Bigger and better'?. There are so many of the new breed of Arsenal fans who like to do this superiority bulls--t. Whats it achieving for you? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Ill bet Wenger and the Board would hug you to their bosum warm in the knowledge that the Club has perhaps the most feeble set of players for many decades, challenge for nothing yet theyre still 'bigger and better' than a Club that plays in a shack of a ground in front of 36K every other week. PS I bet youre one of the pilgrims who sing "you live in a shi----e" to the home support at away games arent you while their team is outfighting and often beating ours? Doubtless your retort will be 'f--k off to the Lane' now or maybe to the Bridge or even up to Eastlands. Dont bother. its boring.

  49. ATID

    Apr 03, 2012, 13:37 #20865

    Disappointing performance on Saturday. We really need to be able to tough out this type of game if we want to start winning silverware again. It reminded me of the away game against Fulham earlier this season and the Carling Cup final. The opposition didn’t create much but they outfought us and we didn’t have the wit in midfield to open them up. A vision of what our season might have been like if Van Persie had been injured. Project Wenger continues to flatter to deceive.

  50. Tony Evans

    Apr 03, 2012, 12:42 #20864

    Chris - when you say Wenger over-achieves with the resources he has available I think you should be saying that he over-achieves with the resources that he CHOOSES to use. I do not buy in to this lack of money argument that is trotted out in Wenger's defence. He has chosen a path which he has stubbornly followed even when most of us were incredulous that Almunia, Denilson and all the rest of the no-hopers were being picked match after match after match. He has also virtually ignored the uglier, defensive side of the game which is crucial to any genuine title challengers and we have paid the price with a team that is all too easily out fought when the chips are down.

  51. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 03, 2012, 12:36 #20863

    Ron, please do you not understand mathematics?...they play in front of 36000 so have less income so pay less wages plus Redknapp has won very very little therefore gets paid they lost at home 5-1 to Man City, was that not embarassing enough for you? And will everyone please stop mentioning them on this site and comparing them to us, there is and never will be a comparison. We are a bigger and better club, historically and trophywise, end of.

  52. Theo's Bikini-Line

    Apr 03, 2012, 11:51 #20862

    CanadaGooner: Nothing screams out 'Fickle' more than a person who can't make his mind up from one day to another whether or not he wants Wenger to stay!! You started the season blaming everyone BUT Wenger then half-way through conceded that the manager did indeed have to leave at the end of the season. Only to follow it up a few weeks back with a post where you put all kinds of conditions on whether or not Wenger should stay or go!! Right or wrong, at least the critics KNOW what they want. isn't it about time you made your 'minds' up?

  53. Chris

    Apr 03, 2012, 9:49 #20860

    @ Andrew Cohen - your subjective arguments do not wash I'm afraid. Wenger continues to over-achieve with the resources he has available - statistically this is provable. Your considered opinion on the manager's mental health is not backed up by the facts - this leads us to consider who it is who is really detached from reality....

  54. Ron

    Apr 03, 2012, 9:23 #20859

    Mike - What qualifies the spuds? They play to 36000. Way smaller wages bill. Theyve entertained everybody all season. Had very few slip ups. Nobody has really embarrased them all season. Theyve been an all round far healthier Club than Arsenal and say what you like about Redknapp, he rarely whinges unlike the miserable f----r that squirms and bellyaches for us after every game a team outfights us. Get your head from out of your rear end and face the reality.

  55. Tony Evans

    Apr 03, 2012, 8:23 #20858

    Allybear - you and me have been singing from the same hymn sheet for a long time now along with DW Thomas, Gary Kekeke and a few other regular contributors. None of us have faith in Wenger to turn the team from 4th place contenders to title contenders. It is very frustrating that we have been so close to a winning formula these last six or seven years but never got there. As much as we can credit Wenger with keeping us in the top four there is huge critiscism of him for his failure to mould us in to genuine title challengers. The usual excuse I hear is lack of money but it goes much deeper than that - wrong type of players purchased, too much favouritism to certain under-performing players, players played out of position too often and not enough attention to the defensive side of the game. I am hoping for a decent season next year but my doubts about Wenger persist and deep down I sense more of the same.

  56. CT Gooner

    Apr 03, 2012, 2:46 #20857

    Why all the surprise of Ramsey on the left, and ahead of Ox? Mr Wenger's been making that terrible choice for the last month....

  57. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 03, 2012, 0:03 #20856

    to Whinger out now...mate better get your facts right before you spout off as you normally do...utd bought young de gea and jones for over 30 million...don't remember them having their talisman Rooney out all season like Jack has RVP stepped up this year, thank god for him...think before you type nonsense about utd this and utd that...and Enrique better than Santos eh? funny farm for you...and Redknapp has won f**k all that's why he earns less.

  58. CanadaGooner

    Apr 02, 2012, 23:43 #20855

    Normally, I would join in the debate but on this occasion (today), I wont; as I find it bizarre that the folks shooting off their mouths now all melted into their own drools over the last 7 matches when Arsenal have gone from 'no chance of finishing top 4' to, 'hey, maybe we can even finish 3rd'. Jumping around on the back of the loss against QPR just says it all: FICKLE! It's fair enough to express disappointment, especially as we could have won the game if Ramsay wasnt on; but to get all riled up and back to the pre-7 match winning run ranting on here is simply pathetic.

  59. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Apr 02, 2012, 20:48 #20852

    @Mike, sorry injury excuses long ceased to hold water with me. "Patched up" is a regular term at Arsenal who start every season with 1-2 first team players out and the rest drop quicker than Lindsey Lohan's knickers as the weeks progress. Sorry, but this has been going on for 7-8 years now so is no longer a novelty. And if Whinger thinks that Djourou is an effective backup, whose fault is it? And who went and bought Santos for more money than Enrique was available for? And, please explain to me how a "patched up" ManYoo is in line to win the title? Their injuries this season have been Arsenalesque, yet they're there leading the table having spent virtually nothing.

  60. Andrew Cohen

    Apr 02, 2012, 19:40 #20851

    @maguiresbridge and others. It's because he's nuts. Did anyone notice on the end of his spiel post mortem on the 3-0 over Villa that he was waxing lyrical about the place on the ball to hit it to make it wobble in the air a bit. What I want to know is when is he bringing Eileen Drewery in. More seriously, as far as I'm concerned there is some pleasure to be had from the games now because some key players are sick to death of the same old train wreck and have decided to do something about it.

  61. allybear

    Apr 02, 2012, 19:17 #20850

    Tony Evans i agree with you. Wenger just does not seem to realise that when you play a team fighting for survival its going to be a very hard&physical game,especially when that team are at home. This has happened too often in the last years&it seems to me that he is very poor tactically&doesnt like the physical stuff but whats really worrying is he never seems to learn.

  62. Mike

    Apr 02, 2012, 18:51 #20849

    @winger_out_now - their blip was the worst they had in years -can't remember when they lost four in a row - they were flying before that, only because they did not come up against the big teams -they started the season with two heavy defeats against the Manchester clubs and came unstuck when they met the top teams again - admittedly all in a row - during most of this time Arsenal were fielding a patched up team, especially at the back and we are still ahead of them - there is now no excuse for either team and it will be interesting to see how the run in goes

  63. Chrisy boy

    Apr 02, 2012, 18:25 #20848

    Looking at the remaining fixtures of us, the scum and the chavs, i think 4 wins against wolves, wigan, norwich and west brom with 3 draws against citeh, the chavs and stoke should be enough for a top 4 finish, anything more than those 15 points and I think we will finish 3rd. Again a lot will also depend on the extra fixtures our 2 rivals may have or have not to play. I agree with all of you 3rd or 4th place is not good enough for our club, so whatever happens changes need to be made so we dont go through this kind of season again

  64. Jonjo

    Apr 02, 2012, 18:24 #20847

    Spuds wage bill £40m less than ours.Modric and Bale on less than Diaby and Rosicky.Money spent on transfers last summer £5m.Gates of 35,000.And they are competing with us.Wenger has to go

  65. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Apr 02, 2012, 17:36 #20846

    @Mike, Spudz wage bill is a good 30-40M less than Arsene FC and 'Arry gets paid nowhere near what Whinger does. Says it all really. And they would have been off into the horizon with third had it not been for their recent blip

  66. Mike

    Apr 02, 2012, 14:48 #20843

    @Ron, what qualifies Spurs to be more deserved of third then us -we have the same points after the same number of games -rediculous comment

  67. Ron

    Apr 02, 2012, 14:20 #20839

    Quartus - You ignore the fact that Villa were maybe the worst team ever to visit the Grove, clearly arent doing it for their boss, never fought and put a foot in and hardly bothered trying and had Heskey playing! Arsenal looked good v them as they always do against teams that roll over and die before a ball is kicked. Wenger would have it that way every week and never fails to get the hump with teams who fight. How he kept his composure when commenting about QPR was a minor miracle.

  68. Tony Evans

    Apr 02, 2012, 12:44 #20836

    I can only repeat what others have said about Wenger's strange decision to play Ramsey on the left side of midfield. All too often we have been left shaking our heads at Wenger's tactics (if that is what you can call them) and this was just another perplexing example. The Ox would have given QPR food for thought and may have made the difference. Arsenal had a bad day all round though and it is this type of display that is the difference between title winners and 4th place. We need to up our game in every match, especially when you are playing a team fighting for survival. Unfortunately Wenger just does not seem to be able to get his teams to do this. With two or three quality additions we could be in with a shout next season but I do still worry that with Wenger at the helm we will fall short yet again.

  69. Quartus Concordia Crescit

    Apr 02, 2012, 10:47 #20833

    Our luck didn't desert us - QPR had several other good chances to score. Something was plainly missing from the off - energy,dynamism, collective effort. Whatever you call it, it was there in abundance against Villa and it amazes me that we manage to lose it in seven days when there was no other match to drain us , plenty of time to hone it on the training pitch and no injuries - in fact Koscielny returned. I was as sure that we'd beat QPR as I was that Spurs would thrash us a few weeks ago. Funny old game.

  70. Judge Fred

    Apr 02, 2012, 10:15 #20832

    I thought the side was horribly lop-sided with Ramsey on the left. I refuse to criticize him for what was a poor performance, he was hung-out to dry in a position that he was never going to be suited to. In the meantime, 2 naturally wide players in Gerv and Ox were sitting on the bench. Stupid team selection and we got what we deserved. Our away form has been poor this season in general: QPR, Fulham, Blackburn, Swansea...all terrible defeats and all games we should not have been losing. Just think, winning these four games (and we should have won them all) and we would be on Man U's heels.

  71. Ron

    Apr 02, 2012, 10:14 #20831

    I cant Ramsey knock, but speaking as someone who' s worked with people with severe injuries it has to be born in mind that he ll need to totally re invent whatever type of player he thought he wanted to be pre Shawcross. To me, he looks very hesitant when being challenged and i feel that psychological burden is weighing heavily on him. Wenger picked him i think to try and assist the healing process v teams like QPR which are the type of games he needs to recover. I agree he doesnt look good and hasnt doen for months but it could take 2-3 seasons for him to now become fully accomplished. Hes a very honest player though, unlike a great many in what is a poor sqaud. Ive known none poorer since the mid 60s. Its that bad. The 7 game run didnt impress me im afraid. They just got lucky for the most part. Its the same feeble team as before that run. To be honest, they should get 4th and its a rubbish League but as for 3rd and automatic qualifying for the CL, the spuds deserve that far more than ever Arsenal over the whole of this dire season and they will get it. Arsenal have a few games left that i wdt put cash on them to win. Spuds have a better run in now.

  72. Ron

    Apr 02, 2012, 9:25 #20830

    Thwe unbeaten run was accompanied by a lot of luck. It ran out at QPR. PS Many fans do not reckon Vermaelen is as good as hes made out to be. Hes better than all the others who play CB but thats not saying much!

  73. chris dee

    Apr 02, 2012, 9:09 #20829

    Arsene admits complacency might have contributed to our defeat,and after a season where we have swept all before us you can understand this blip! Bloody 'ell Arsene! We have clawed our way into the top four, how the f*** do you allow players to become complacent after the disasters of this year? And why oh why when we are not playing well or under the cosh,why not make sure we don't lose and settle for a draw in some matches.A point at QPR at Fulham at Swansea.3 points at this stage of the season would have been priceless.

  74. Mike

    Apr 02, 2012, 7:29 #20828

    Good to see all the people posting again after being quiet for the last two months - the loss was dissappointing, but nevertheless one can't deny that we had a good run until then - the team needs some consistancy and must not be allowed to be bullied. Lets see what happens in the next couple of games - hopefully this was the exception in the current run - nice to see Bendtner netting an important goal for Sunderland agianst the mega rich city who are on the way to winning absolutely nothing

  75. IMAC

    Apr 02, 2012, 7:19 #20827

    Viking, you are right we are now conditioned to thinking 3rd place is an achievement. Most fans will be celebrating but the only winners are kroenke, gazidis, wenger(who will stay in his apparent 7m a year job) and co. They will take the money and we fans nothing just in a comp we have no chance of winning and another trophyless season beckons. AW says yet again that he will bring in quality not quantity in the summer. WHAT? like chamakh, park, gervinho, squillaci, santos, benayoun(who is actually better than some that are getting in ahead of him). JOKE. Then he will say we have Wilshere who will be like a new signing. We've heard it all before, every season since 2006.

  76. Joe S.

    Apr 02, 2012, 1:11 #20826

    I watched the French film Napoleon last night while gritting my teeth over the reality check Arsenal received at Loftus Rd. The character's accent decision making process and self justification all reminded me of our beloved boss particularly his propensity to blame others. Obviusly there were clear fingers to be pointed to when allocating blame for yesterday's defeat, however the biggest proportion should be given to the person who selected Rosickey, Song, Ramsey and Arteta to play together. There are too many similar flaws in these players' and thus the mid field is full of holes. If Arsenal are ever going to win something in the near future then two of the above will have to be replaced.

  77. Paul Huston

    Apr 02, 2012, 0:49 #20825

    Wenger's talk in the run-up to QPR is laughable in hindsight: "I see us fighting like mad on Saturday to win the game. That's all I see, I don't see further. We are focused on QPR, believe me." He'll never admit it, but his squad selection was wrong. He's chosen loyalty to Ramsey over what's best for the club (i.e., keeping momentum going). It's all quite disappointing given that the club has fought so hard to climb back into a (somewhat) respectable position in the table and the importance of these last few matches. After arguably overplaying Jack last season, Wenger's now needlessly erring on the side of caution with Oxlade-Chamberlain. There are seven matches remaining. Please, play the lad!

  78. Wombledin

    Apr 02, 2012, 0:31 #20824

    They lost because they have half their hands on Wenger's 'trophy' of 3rd or 4th place yet again and mentally relaxed. Cl qualification is all that Wenger's squads are mentally capable of achieving having repeatedly heard their Manager boast its as good as a trophy and knowing know this is a big success in the eyes of Kroenke, Gazidis, Peter-Hill Wood et al. They also know that Wenger gives almost neurotic loyalty to favourite young players with potential but who consistently underperform season after season (like Denilson, Bendtner, Djourou, Diaby) and instead of getting benched for a crap display you'll always get lots more chances under daddy Wenger cause he doesn't believe in 'killing' your darling career and buying better quality no matter how lame you are for 3 seasons in a row.

  79. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 01, 2012, 23:01 #20823

    Why wenger chooses to keep an in form player on the bench over an out of form player is anybody's guess its all very well looking after a young player like the ox but its not the start of the season there's only seven games left for gods sake let him loose he can be the difference in the run in ramsey is clearly in need of a rest so forget about your favorites arsene and put the ox in from the start he can make the difference with certain results today we can't afford any more slip ups.

  80. simon

    Apr 01, 2012, 22:43 #20822

    Is he seriously telling us ramsey is better than the ox and gervinho and even benayoun as a wide left player? He's mad, completely mad.

  81. Stevesam

    Apr 01, 2012, 22:38 #20821

    Another option rather than Ramsey on the left would be Santos, he could work with Gibbs, he can run with the ball, cross a ball and is confident with his left foot. I am sure he would have the discipline to stay out wide and not upset the balance of the team like Ramsey, who looked like a fish out of water! But Blame AW he selected the team. Wally is still a 'homer' you shall see against Citeh on Sunday.

  82. CanadaGooner

    Apr 01, 2012, 20:45 #20820

    GoonerGoal - mate, i get your point but seriously, any arsenal formation or team selected should be able to handle QPR. these boys are paid millions mate. that's where the 'attitude' comes in. i wholeheatedly agree that not starting the Ox will always be a mistake (especially if we're playing away); the boy has flair and the right attitude and his runs will encourage other to step up. however, bottomline is that we've all been let down yet again, and i wont take top 4 finish for granted just quite yet. what will play in our favour is the fact that i can still see both spurs and chelsea dropping points in a similar manner, so, we will most likely still finish 3rd. but more my circumstances that good play

  83. John F

    Apr 01, 2012, 20:32 #20819

    Credit to Wenger for the great run but I was waiting for him to make a bonkers decision that would upset the balance of the team. Playing Ramsey on the left side with the Ox and Gervinho on the bench WHY. That must have contributed the teams performance. The players must be as confused as the rest of us.He has done it before with Diaby and Bendtnor without success.Whether he thought QPR would be an easy game so he could get away with experimenting only he knows.Surely if you have a winning settled team full of confidence barring injury you leave it as it is.Lets hope he plays the players in their correct positions for the remaining games and leave the experimenting for the Barnet pre season match.

  84. Cornish Gooner

    Apr 01, 2012, 20:20 #20818

    9 losses is NOT the mark of a BIG club and Arsene should be made aware of that - but by whom? Frankly, in this awful non-event of a season, we don't deserve Top 4 - I would have thought Spurs, Newcastle and even Chelsea have a greater moral right than us. It is very hard to own up to this.

  85. Chris

    Apr 01, 2012, 20:18 #20817

    Since when has Wenger - or any of his players - discussed tactics in public? It's fair enough that he doesn't answer questions about his thinking behind team selection or substitution with a tactical explanation - seems pretty sensible to me! OK I can see why the style of his answers might grate with some but it's no more abrasive than Ferguson and I'd rather he says what he does than give some patronising 'say nothing' diatribe.

  86. GoonerGoal!

    Apr 01, 2012, 19:43 #20816

    Why wasn't I surprised? Wenger had too much to say this week, and he fundamentally altered the balance of the team with his exclusion of a player more adept at playing wide than Ramsey. Worse, I believe the imbalance (the weakness?) of the team affected the players mentally. Wenger should take no credit for the way the players approached the previous seven games, but the detrimental effect of his absurd team selection for QPR game was all his own work, and he tried to blame the attitude of the players afterwards? Give me a break!

  87. Jason

    Apr 01, 2012, 19:33 #20815

    Whole heartedly agree.QPR's stadium has probably got the smallest pitch in the premier league.There was no room for us to play our game and no imagination to try something different.

  88. mad max

    Apr 01, 2012, 19:33 #20814

    i have,nt posted on here for a while i like most gooners briefly hoped that lessons had been learned from our august capatitulation.but i lost faith in wenger a long while back when a manager does,nt enter the dressing room after our worst defeat in over a 100yrs to berate the players at old trafford what have the players got to drive them on,fergie rules by fear,our players only bust a gut when their contracts are up for renewal.rosicky a prime example.unfortunately we,re stuck with an absent owner who has,nt got a scooby about football, and a stubborn manager who is tactically all my years watching the arsenal i cant remember a title challenge being over in september. the only way is change but dont hold your breath.there,s more mediocrity to come, arsenal till i die rip tuggy. god bless.

  89. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Apr 01, 2012, 19:27 #20813

    Why does Wenger insist on playing Ramsey ahead of the Ox? It really doesn't make any sense at all to me. We can't blame the Verminator or RVP for having a bad day when the manager refuses to pick one of the most exciting and direct players that we have in the squad.

  90. CanadaGooner

    Apr 01, 2012, 18:26 #20812

    Kev, you have mended your ways mate. very fair article and i now expect the usual fickle fans to jump at your throat. sometimes in football there's only so much a manager can do e.g. get the team to a carling up final against weak opposition like birmingham; and then the team has to show some of the millions they're being paid, right there on the field when it matters. i think starting Ox and taking him off if he later tires has got to be the basic approach. Ramsay really isnt going to be consistent. we dropped points consistently against fulham, wolves, swansea, blackburn etc; so, why not add QPR? the comments above that mentioned 'ATTITUDE' are spot on. QPR wanted it more. And there's now a huge chance that the same sloppy attitude will give citeh a lot of confidence coming to the emirates, when they should have been facing a resurgent arsenal on the back of 8 consecutive wins! they now face a tean that's just lost to relegation-bound QPR. that tips the psychological scale quite a bit and we know arsenal has never been a strong side psychologically (in recent years). But hey, citeh are on a slide too and hopefully we can decide where the title goes this season!!! come on you gunners!!!!!

  91. Jj

    Apr 01, 2012, 18:23 #20811

    You have to give the players credit for the way they have turned the season round but they are carrying the manager. He is constantly making bizarre decisions that don't help them. He is playing Ramsey to death in the wrong positions. Ramsey is a box to box midfielder. He is not and will never be a creative playmaker. Wenger is a great talent spotter and man manager but woeful as a tactician.

  92. Jude Jolicoeur

    Apr 01, 2012, 17:40 #20810

    Ramsey hasn't earned a place on the pitch, especially on the left wing. Plain and simple. There are proper wide players on the bench, yet for some reason, the manager prefers an out-of-form Ramsey. The players don't pick themselves, but I feel sorry for the boy. His repeated selection in the team has done nothing but expose him as not good enough.

  93. Tony

    Apr 01, 2012, 17:17 #20809

    "Aaron Ramsey played on the left side of the attack, possibly to compensate partially for Kieran Gibbs' forward forays, but did not really help the balance of the team" is being extremely charitable, Kevin. To be perfectly honest, Ramsey was (and is) rubbish.

  94. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 01, 2012, 16:46 #20807

    Your right ed the run has come to an end and this was a game we should have been taking three points from a couple of errors cost us and we didn't play well. Although the defence was all over the place yesterday they have been playing well of late so i don't intend to criticize but i tend to agree with liam brady on RTE last night when he said the players thought they just had to turn up if thats the case and they were to cocky it has cost us especially if the spuds score more than three today. Hopefully it doesn't happen again as we've played our get out of jail card and can't afford any more slip ups unfortunately i can see another one or two slip ups before the end of the season i hope i'm wrong so lets start another seven game run starting next sunday.

  95. Clockender78

    Apr 01, 2012, 15:58 #20806

    Don't want to come on here and be negative after one defeat, but to lose to a side in the bottom three and after seven straight wins is very disappointing. Wasn't at game but sounds like we were pretty poor. Credit to QPR though, let's hope this defeat doesn't signal a start of another poor run with Citeh and Chelski coming up. Top four finish is by no means guaranteed

  96. allybear

    Apr 01, 2012, 15:58 #20805

    I have enjoyed all of the articles here today. Once again Arsenal were beaten by a struggling team for the umpteen time in AW's reign. Any football person knows that you have to up your game against a team fighting to stay in the PL.You have to work hard&tackle hard&have the right attitude. Next week against City will be very interesting but i think that no matter the result that United will win the title. Hope Wenger goes in the summer.

  97. DW Thomas

    Apr 01, 2012, 14:46 #20804

    "The thinking is that he played there because I decided for him to play there." Wenger's response to the question about choosing Ramsey to play left wing. Arrogant, egotistical. Tactically inept. Sure, Ramsey performed poorly and has been lately, but could this be another case of poor man management by Wenger? Playing players out of position, playing them too much too early. If they perform well, then continue with them. If not, loan them out to see if they blossom like Jack or Ryo. Either way, Wenger has blundered his way through this season and we will win nothing now for 7 years. If asked why we can't win any trophy, I am sure he could come up with 100 different excuses: the pitch, the ref, injuries, the weather, etc, etc, etc. All those getting all giddy last week about 7 wins, remember we now have 9 losses, and keep increasing our goals allowed season after season. And now the fans are brainwashed for finishing 4th. Ask yourself this. What would you think about 4th if there was no CL competition? If we don't finish at least 3rd, then this team has really failed, again. Mediocrity no matter how much you polish it, is still a turd.

  98. Ikenna

    Apr 01, 2012, 14:44 #20803

    wenger must be wenger: playing ramsey ahead of OX and gervinho. He is his own g8test enemy.

  99. Jekyll

    Apr 01, 2012, 14:00 #20802

    Can't say Wenger playing Ramsey on the wing was a surprise because we've grown used to him doing things like this. His response when asked about it 'The thinking behind playing Ramsey there was I decided to play him there' reminded me of his 'I have made 30,00 substitutions, I don't need to explain them to you' when he took off AOC against Man U. I guess he can't admit that he decides his pecking order at the start of each season and form during it does not alter it. Ramsey was played because he's ahead of AOC in the pecking order, it's as simple s that.

  100. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 01, 2012, 13:38 #20801

    Credit to QPR. They thoroughly deserved the win and showed more hunger & desire. It goes without saying but it was a disappointing performance with the result to match. I’m not one of these Ramsey knockers, but exactly what was his role yesterday? His development this season certainly has sadly been rushed by Wenger because of the pre-season long term injury to Wilshire and the early season sales of Fabregas & Nasri and it’s a shame as he does have potential which was on display prior to the hatchet job by Ryan Shawcross back in February 2010. Nice to see Walcott gradually improving along with fellow Englishman Gibbs. Ironic isn’t it? Vermaelen was indeed at fault for both goals to be fair to him; his errors are not as common as say with Djourou. You’ll know with Vermaelen he will bounce back the following week. Can you say the same with the other centre backs bar Koscielny? Not that I’m glad we lost but the defeat for me has brought a much needed reality check. Too many Gooners had got themselves giddy and excited over the winning streak as a justification of sticking by Wenger and firmly believed the foundations for a great 2012-13 had been laid. I have stated a few times on this site recently that since 2006/07, we have had a tendency either to go on an impressive winning streak or an unbeaten run (and half of that run tends to be draws) without any real tangible reward at the end except for the now annual European Cup qualification when in truth under Wenger we have no chance of winning it. Shame. I’ll maintain that under Wenger until the culture of being 2nd, 3rd or even 4th best is eradicated, defeats at places like QPR, Fulham & Swansea will continue to be the norm and not the exception. The shock factor of losing at these places disappeared a few years ago. Up The Arsenal!

  101. DW Thomas

    Apr 01, 2012, 13:20 #20800

    TV was awful. Looked like Squillaci. Bobby Z. had a field day with him. He was weak and shaky all game. Walcott did nothing save the goal. And every time he loses the ball he just jogs back instead of helping win it back. He would last two seconds in Barca's team for this. Ramsey is just too slow, of foot and thought. But it wasn't his fault the manager made the bewildering decision to play him once again over the Ox and out of position. What did he add? He cut inside to act like a CM too often and we looked like a team of 4 Denilson's in the middle--sideways passing all day. Song believed the hype about his "Fabregas like" passes. We have no one near Fabregas (except Rosicky on a great day) and were beat by a team with Joey Barton and many players no one would rate higher than ours. This is old, not getting old, just plain old. We need refreshing, as a club, as a team, all around the place. Wenger, there is no doubt now, has no tactical bone in his arrogant, egotistical body. How can you sub Chamakh and Gervinho before the OX? His little pets (Ramsey, Denilson, etc.) get too much time and too many games to show their worth which never happens. I still like Ramsey, but he is no where near a first teamer right now. Sub at best. We lack 3-4 top players and a defensive coach. There's no way we work on defending enough, if at all, in practice. GROUNDHOG DAY

  102. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 01, 2012, 13:15 #20799

    All tha above posts pretty much sum up the performance or lack of yesterday...I go to most away games and yesterday was a deja vu of Fulham away in that we just didn't want to compete for the ball and the right to play...The Ox must be a frustrated player, I know he is young and Wenger doesn't want to overexpose him, but to bring him on for 10 minutes was an insult to his ability...when QPR scored he should have been on and Rosicky and Song removed with The Ox and Benayoun coming on, he also must wonder what he has to do to get a game, his last one was the stirring performance against the was the main topic of conversation amongst us in the crowd, why wait so long to make the changes?...nothing was happening and it was as if he was saying, you got us in this mess you get us out of it. At least Wenger did say that it wasn't good enough and not throw in the normal excuses....also will someone please in the bootroom find boots with long enough studs, so many of us and not rangers' players were slipping all over the place, and that ultimately cost us the points, both goals conceded by TV falling over, remember AC Milan away and their crucial 3rd goal TV falling over so gifting Robinho a free shot, surely that is too much of a coincidence? However 21 points from 24 is not a bad return when you think of the fixtures, but it will count for little unless we beat Man City and Chelsea in the coming weeks. Let's get behind the players and get that 3rd place finish...and then buy some quality and get rid of the average dross on the bench or on loan in the summer, please Arsene, please.

  103. Eddie

    Apr 01, 2012, 12:52 #20798

    @Shayan i am only going on what nearly every Utd fan is saying.I agree with what you say the other teams have been poor City have blown it.but my point is that some Gooners have been saying this is a good season if we finish 3rd maybe 20 pts behind Utd.Think that shows how far our expectations have slipped.And that finishing above Spurs is now an achievement

  104. Viking

    Apr 01, 2012, 12:43 #20797

    Another inept display. Don't let our recent form disguise the fact that we have been poor for most of the season. We are now conditioned to thinking 4th place is an achievement to be proud of?! Really, not in my book. Its unacceptable. Why was the team not up for it. whoose role is it to motivate the players, hide many times will this be allowed to happen. Every point must be earned, does wenger honestly think we just have to turn up and that's it. If we harbour any thoughts of winning and challenging teams we need to change our mentality. How does fergie keep his team fired up. His players fear him. Thats why. Cannot believe the ox was in the bench again. Ramsey is not a left winger. We need payers who can make things happen. The ox has that ability. defies logic.

  105. Will

    Apr 01, 2012, 12:33 #20796

    The game reflected exactly why we havent won anything for years; good performances undermined by complacency,lack of application and poor attitude. Talent without attitude and application is useless. I cant decide whether we need to finish outside the top 4 to give Wenger a massive wake up call or whether its too punishing for us fans. Either way the side is still a million miles away from being a top side wherever we end up. Apart from his sometimes bizarre tactical moves ( Ramsey on the wide left ) he doesnt seem to be able to instil the kind of ruthlessness you see in Fergie or Mourinho. The team exists in too much a of a comfort zone. They are selling the club short.

  106. Clive the Gooner

    Apr 01, 2012, 12:27 #20795

    Defensive errors,the manager playing Ramsey out of position, team not showing up. It's back to reality I'm afraid,let's just hope we don't now go on another poor run in the remaining games.

  107. Shayan

    Apr 01, 2012, 12:25 #20794

    @Eddie,worst Utd team under Fergie??Can you find another Utd team with 73 points from 30 games?I admit this Utd side is not good enough (It is clear from their European show), but your results in league depends on opponents also and we could say worst other teams also, not only Utd!!

  108. Peter Wain

    Apr 01, 2012, 12:15 #20793

    The attitude of the players stank. Wenger really must restructure the squad in the close season. It is no good having one striker in the club. Hope RVP stays but if not no way will we challenge again in the near future. Gazidis out and take the Yank with him

  109. Treble Double

    Apr 01, 2012, 11:50 #20792

    A poor performance which is very worrying especially at this stage of the season. The balance wasn't there with Ramsey played out of position and the desire was missing too. We need to forget about this result quickly and move on to next week. City are bottling it so we are more than capable of getting 3 points. Keep the faith, regardless of if you are an AKB or AMG we should all pull together next Sunday and make sure the place is rocking!

  110. Gee

    Apr 01, 2012, 11:28 #20791

    Just when things are going well wenger always has to try and put people out of position. Ramsey left wing? When we have 2 left wingers on the bench!! Crazy! Imagine fergie playing Carrick left wing and having nani and young on the bench. It would never ever ever ever ever happen. Wenger tries to be to clever and indulges himself too often with his boring mindless experiments.

  111. jjetplane

    Apr 01, 2012, 11:18 #20790

    Sad to say but you can see an angry Citeh on the horizon and a Chelski hitting form of sorts. Not getting so much as a point yesterday sees us at default of not trying hard enough and having a distinct lack of football maturity. Wenger has spent the whole week whinging about nothing and that is not the way to lead a team into the mucky end of the season. Lets see who shows up next week, and Wenger - be positive and give the 'woe is me' a rest at least until you leave in the summer taking RVP with you to Madrid/Dubai.

  112. Tony G

    Apr 01, 2012, 11:17 #20789

    Just one of those days AGAIN.We have already had too many of those days this year.At Fulham Swansea Milan Sunderland before yesterday.You can have a couple of players having off days but not 9 or 10.The recent run is just papering over the cracks.this team is still 5-6 quality players short of being contenders to the title.The quality of our bench which included Flappy Djourou(new contract what a joke) Chamakh and Gervinho shows how weak the squad is.instead of looking at maybe finishing 3rd or 4th take a look how far we are actually behind the team in 1st place.My worry is Wenger will look at this season as success(as some stupid fans are) and stick with this team and we will be saying the same things we are saying now in 12 months time.A new manager may change things but stubborn Wenger wont.To him its all about a top 4 finish

  113. fozzy's mate

    Apr 01, 2012, 11:12 #20788

    I agree that this sort of performance does come round once in a while. But our overall points return having lost 9 games is not good enough. It goes to show that keeping RVP is crucial as without him we are very average. All this talk of us getting transfer business done early is groundhog day. Let's hope we pick ourselves up for next weeks crucial game v stumbling city. This has been a strange season full of the good and the bad and not much in the middle. One thing is certain and that is we must make positive strides in the market this summer. OGL cannot allow his natural state of thinking all is rosy to return no whether we finish 3rd, 4th or 5th.

  114. Frank

    Apr 01, 2012, 10:46 #20787

    Kev i think you are being very kind on the team.This was a poor performance which we didnt turn up.And it was not a one off we saw similar performances in Milan and Sunderland in recent hit the nail on the head when you said they will be up for the Citeh game.And thats the reason why we are not title challengers.We have too many players who only turn up when they want to.Finally am i the only one who thinks we have signed another pup from France in Gervinho,not only does he wear Eboue's shirt he plays like him

  115. draiggogh

    Apr 01, 2012, 10:40 #20786

    Mark Hughes,Joey Barton,Mike Dean. Three names that should have fired the team up to outperform a combative QPR.Instead they turned to jelly .They're not tough enough, and some are not brave enough,and after all such defeats against Mark Hughes,Allardyce and co, teams over the years, Wenger ain't clever enough.

  116. jales

    Apr 01, 2012, 10:38 #20785

    The thing with this arsenal team this season his that we always lose games back to back, so am expecting a loss against man city.

  117. WMGN

    Apr 01, 2012, 10:30 #20784

    Just one of those days.But how many times have we said that this season?Yesterday our attitude stunk the place out.the midfield was awful.Too many misplaced passes mainly from Song. Ramsey just slows everything down.And what to make of Walcott?yes he scored but it was a typical Theo performance.Poor crossing running the ball out.Why was the Ox on the bench??? And as in the Milan game when we needed to score we bring on Chamakh and that like the Milan game was a signal that the game was over.As i said how many more times will we say it was just one of those days

  118. kilkenny cat

    Apr 01, 2012, 10:22 #20783

    A wake up call,to anyone getting carried away with recent results. A no show like this is always round the corner,and is down to the lack of quality in the squad. At least 10 of these lazy,over paid parasites need to go,to be replaced by 5 or 6 top draw players. Then promote the kids to make up the squad. Id rather see a hungry teenager,than the laY chamakh or the useless gervinho.

  119. Dan h

    Apr 01, 2012, 10:21 #20782

    Fair write up Everton away things also went our way that night.It's an old cliche but with three points for a win things do change quickly chances are we will be two points ahead of Chelsea come next sunday's game.Ramsey out on the left didn't work & baring several injuries something i hope AW doesn't try again the point of attack was certainly slowed down.With regards errors at the back we were punished yesterday not for the first time this season pretty basic errors.I know our defensive stats don't look great partly due to OT but i don't think i can remember a season where the overall standard of defending has been so poor in the PL.

  120. Eddie

    Apr 01, 2012, 10:14 #20781

    Another half hearted performance from a Wenger side which we have become accustomed to over the last 5 years.We lost because QPR's attitude was better than ours.They wanted it more And at the end of the day that is down to the manager.And when we were chasing a goal near the end we brought on Chanmakh and Gervinho.that just about sums us up.If Utd beat Blackburn tomorrow we will be 18pts behind the worse Utd team under Fergie.Thats the real Mind the Gap

  121. Goonerdad

    Apr 01, 2012, 9:38 #20779

    Just one of those days - every team has them.