I hate what I have become

Reduced to hoping for the downfall of others

I hate what I have become

Gervinho: Would he put his body on the line?

On Saturday evening I watched Chelsea fighting yet another rear-guard action to win the Champions League after another 120 minutes in which they created very little, but yet still came away with the spoils. I watched the game hoping that Chelsea would not become the first London club to lift the cup with the big ears. But then, as the game progressed, I thought a bit harder about my feelings and realized that, in reality, it is simply a pipe-dream to hope that we could actually get anywhere near winning this trophy in the near future.

Upon watching the match, and hoping beyond hope that another team would not win it, I realized, like a bolt from the blue, that I had actually become just like a common-or-garden Spurs fan. Here I was, watching a trophy being competed for that we had not even vaguely threatened to win this year, and my main focus was the downfall of others.

The consolation, of course, that every Arsenal fan is supposed to take is that Spurs will be busy once again on a Thursday evening next season. Is this what I have been reduced to? Watching games with the hope of a negative outcome for another team? This is what we have become, a team that, knowing we will not win anything again soon, is now focused almost exclusively on the misfortune of others.

If it were not for a last-ditch tackle by a once-again hopelessly out of position Gibbs at West Brom, it would have been us experiencing the let-down that was Chelsea’s victory in Europe this evening. We have now been managed into a state where we are joyous primarily in the downfall of others. I come back to the point that we are now simply Spurs fans in a red and white disguise.

Back to the final in Munich, and I once again watched a Chelsea side that showed a collective will to win and desire to put their bodies on the line that I have seen fleeting glimpses of with Arsenal this season, but never consistently. Roberto di Matteo has done a good job of motivating and galvanizing an ageing Chelsea squad for one last hurrah, but his job was made all that bit easier by the fact that, within this squad, he has born winners - players who would put their hand into the fire if it meant a victory was achieved.

What do we have at Arsenal? Players like Gervinho, Mr Consistency-in-patches Theo (I have written a book or two, don’t you know?) Walcott, and yet another player who, given the captaincy of this once-great club, is now presenting to any suitor who will pay him the big bucks. Captaining this side used to be an honour bestowed on lions like Tony Adams. Yes, RVP has been a great captain this season, but, once again, Wenger has given the armband to a player who will most likely leave. Before him, go Messrs Vieira, Henry and Fabregas.

When Ashley Cole was once again barracked from start to finish at the Emirates this season, I surely was not alone in thinking that he looked at us as the Spurs fans we have now potentially become, and thought “hate me all you want, but I am in an FA Cup final shortly and have the chance to win the Champions League”. Now he has achieved that, and, if you looked back at his career since he left Arsenal and the winner’s medals he now holds, you would have to say that he made the right decision. In a way he puts me in mind of Sol Campbell and the way the Spurs fans reacted to his move away from White Hart Lane.

This season, I have had to watch bit-part Nasri celebrating and gleaming from ear-to-ear on his chinless face, and then watch a player who, despite the acrimonious way in which he left the club, is still one of our home-grown talents lifting the Champions League. All I am left with is the hollow victory that is a scraped third place and the comfort that I am not a Spurs fan, but how close have I now become to their kind? It is a question I fear I will be pondering more and more as we go through next season as nearly-men again.

The Germans have a phrase for this - schadenfreude - which roughly translates as joyful shame. I don't want to be feeling joyful shame; I just want to feel joyful at the achievements of my own team.

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  1. Ron

    May 24, 2012, 13:06 #22919

    Gooner Ron - Sorry mate. Ive responded to your post and mistakenly added your 'handle'to my mine. Respect.

  2. Gooner Ron

    May 24, 2012, 12:16 #22917

    And in those 3 Finals Wengers judgment was brought into question. 1. A team of green horn kids asked to take Chelsea on in 07, when Chelsea were at their strongest under Mourinho. 2. A CL Final where he changed a winning line up formula to accomodate other more senior players who he felt were more worthy of places, when the earlier CL games that season didnt justify it, plus his barmy decision to remove Pires and only have a hapless,nerve ridden, rubbish keeper on the bench to replace Lehmann. 3. A CC Final v a relegated team with a team selection that defied logic, given the barren trophyless years that had preceded the chance of a very winnable Cup. I agree with those who say that Wenger wont ever claim another trophy. You can add to this his one genuine title tilt ie 2007/08 when his sqaud ran out of steam and bottle due to the weakness and lack of depth in it.

  3. johnnyh

    May 22, 2012, 22:49 #22843

    super article greg,both honest and heartfelt,im sure it struck a chord with gooners everywhere. chelsea won because they had organisation and perhaps more importantly an excellent goalkeeper.the most depressing thing for me is that we have none of these.

  4. GoonerRon

    May 22, 2012, 22:07 #22839

    I'm sick and tired of everyone whingeing like spoilt brats. 7 years with no trophy blah blah. Yes, I know it's frustrating but how can people say 'we will never win a trophy under Wenger?' we've been in three finals and a number of title run in's during that period, so we have competed - there is nothing to stop is taking the extra step. The fact is in the last 7 years we have chosen to invest a huge chunk of cash in building a new stadium, which happens only once every 100 years. At the same time Chelsea have chosen to circumvent the basic principle of business (I.e. spend equal to or less than what you earn) and invested nigh on a billion pounds in transfer spend and wages, as have Man Citeh. The difference is that without their artificial wealth they would be nowhere near where they are now. They are not sustainable yet we have infrastructure in place to see us in good stead for decades to come. Yes, it's painful to not win trophies but we've got to be in this for the long haul. I know it's difficult to appreciate but I truly wouldn't swap our position for either Chelsea or Man C - they are built on sand (or more specifically the whim of individual people) and conversely we have incredibly solid foundations in place. We must keep the faith.

  5. simon

    May 22, 2012, 21:34 #22837

    what a lovely article. the truth is we have enough money to put a team together to win things (£140m a year in wages is enough) but we don't have a team that will die together for the cause and never give in. too many ponces. too nice. Nasri and Cole both reasonably point that out and wenger frankly is not nasty enough or minded enough to put out that type of team which is ironic because he created the blueprint with the invincibles that Jose and others then built on. personally i didn't begrudge chelsea the win as they sweated it out, took chances and didn't bottle it unlike their opponents and Drogba is a true gladiator you have to respect for his ability to deliver when it matters, so credit where its due. We did ok last year-we need a good summer for a change though with rvp and others extending deals and a new face in centre mid-we've a good young core now but its fragile so fingers crossed rvp stays.

  6. Ealing Gooner

    May 22, 2012, 13:55 #22816

    ALEX JAMES...on Friday Cesc could win his FOURTH winners medal of the season (Spanish Super Cup, UEFA Super Cup, World Club Cup, Copa del Rey), you may think that they are not major titles, but for the first three, you actually have to win something to qualify for them. Ah, winning things, I can vaguely remember that...

  7. Croker

    May 22, 2012, 11:32 #22802

    Nicely put, Greg. Sums up my thoughts and frustrations with Arsenal almost exactly. Chelski demonstrated what can be achieved with some organisation, a tactical plan and players who will commit to the Team cause. It's a painful business typing these words of praise but those qualities have been sadly lacking from Arsenal for several seasons now.

  8. Gare Kekeke

    May 22, 2012, 10:56 #22796

    @ Alex James – Post No. 25055 – slight correction mate; Adebayor didn’t win an FA Cup winners medal last year at City because he won a similar trophy during his loan spell at Real Madrid. Ditto Hleb at Barcelona as he made an appearance during their 2009 win against Atletico Bilbao and was an unused sub in their CL win that year against Man Utd.

  9. bunch

    May 22, 2012, 10:52 #22792

    Good post. No Arsenal fan can say that Ashley Cole made the worng move in leaving us. 4 more FA cup medals, a Premier League title (with cup double) a Carling Cup and now the big one. On the one hand I am encouraged by Chelsea's win in that it shows that you don't have to be the best team to win the trophy: Braca, Real, Batern etc cna be beaten in the CL. But on the other hand the qualities needed to dog-out a win against superior opposition requires the tactics and motivation our current manager is unable to give. Players know this. That's why they will leave to win things.

  10. Clive the Gooner

    May 22, 2012, 9:26 #22782

    I agree, have been saying for a while we're turning into spurs fans. All you hear from the manager and some fans is how we play great football and how other teams just put 10 men behind the ball or complain about time wasting. It's what spurs fans used to say to us. Wenger has even got players criticising other teams tactics which is pathetic . Every summer we say a couple of signings and we will be challenging again yet it never happens. Said it before board and manager have no ambition or winners desire.

  11. Eton Old Boy Network

    May 22, 2012, 8:35 #22780

    Now look here, you unwashed illiterate rabble – hurry and renew those season tickets. Go on - dig into those dreadful, ragged pockets of yours and produce the old readies. Those lunches with Jingo, Bunny and Stinky at the Athenaeum don’t pay for themselves you know. Hoi-polloi scum.

  12. Howard

    May 22, 2012, 8:07 #22779

    New owner and new manager required.We are stuck in a rut.We need new blood at the club.The manager has been clueless for the last 4 years yet gets 100% backing from our owner in Denver.For the good of the club Kroenke should sell to Usmanov.And get Dein back someone who knows about football unlike Gazidis.


    May 22, 2012, 7:56 #22778

    Whilst mentioning two players that have become "winners" since joining other clubs in big money & big wage moves you have failed to mention those that have left & won nothing so far. Do you think Adebayor gives a **** about not winning an FA Cup medal last year & a League title this year whilst he's getting paid £150,000 + a week ??? Cesc will care that Barca failed to win a major title this year, but how many seasons will he get if they fail to land anything next season?? I won't even mention Alex Helb. Ha.

  14. A Hopeful Gooner

    May 22, 2012, 7:10 #22777

    I'm in agreement with you but lets stop moaning like the Sp**s. This is not the end of the world. A couple of good signings this season & we are all set to win our first trophy in 8 yrs. Wenger, Silent Stan & the Board know that the fans will not take it anymore. So this is a make or break season. For one final time lets reserve our judgements & opinions till the end of the 2012/2013 season.

  15. nwankwo

    May 22, 2012, 6:49 #22776

    Brilliant article mate

  16. Bernard

    May 22, 2012, 6:46 #22775

    We have a man who is twice as rich as Abramovich as our 2nd biggesr shareholder,he made £6bn in one day last week alone.But we dont want a penny of his money.And that is why we will never will the premiership or the CL.Kroenke has no ambition of making Arsenal the biggest club in the world.Even though Chelsea were winning trophies left right and centre Abramovich always wanted the big one that was his dream.Meanwhile Kroenke comes to one match a season and his dream is profits profits profits.We our going nowhere under Kroenke.Last season we never even challenged for one trophy.And i dont call 3rd place a trophy

  17. Arsene is a liar

    May 22, 2012, 6:27 #22774

    Seeing some comments by deluded Wenger fans, from now on I will be praying that Arsenal lose as many games as possible so that the Board and Weng are finally sacked even if that amounts to us finishing 17th in the table and taking several spankings. This is Arsenal Football Club not Arsene's Financial Corporation for God's sake.

  18. GaryFooscrayAustralia

    May 22, 2012, 6:26 #22773

    None of us should forget that Ivan Gazidis is a lifelong Manchester City fan. The only thing he's self - sustaining is City's trophy challenge, whilst accumulating a fortune out of The Arsenal along the way. Surely some kind of visual promotion of this fact at the stadium is needed to get the message across.

  19. Arsene is a liar

    May 22, 2012, 6:16 #22772

    This is probably the 1000th article I have read from Arsenal fans slamming the current regime but I dont think writing such articles makes any difference. It is time for Arsenal fans to make themselves heard by protesting. Stop going to matches or if you go, boo the gutless players and Wenger and raise banners against them. This fraud gets 6 millions a year only to qualify for Champions League.

  20. Gare Kekeke

    May 22, 2012, 3:36 #22771

    Good article. Personally, I wanted a Bayern win as I didn’t want Chelsea to be the first London club to win the European Cup. But it’s happened so it’s no use bitching and moaning over it. And for all the talk of them buying that trophy, history will recall that they have won it just like Steaua Bucharest. And the Tottenham being in the CL thing because of a Bayern win didn’t wash with me either. Even if they did qualify, their chances of winning that trophy would be as much as ours, remote. I turned off the TV as soon as The Drog won it for them. Admittedly, after the final I actually stopped hating Ashley Cole after almost six years. Why? Even though he is raking it in cash wise, he is doing what top players are supposed to be doing; playing consistently well at the highest level and winning trophies to boot. With the exception of Wenger and the board, nobody makes a fuss out of finishing 3rd/4th in the league unless you win the CL the following season. Do I still believe that The Arsenal, London’s premier club will be European champions one day? Yes of course. Do I believe it will happen under the current management and the board who are supposedly his bosses? Only if they wise up and stop playing the game that everything they do is right and everyone else is wrong. It’s won us few friends (that might not matter but it’s all about respect and thanks to some of Wenger’s comments and antics, we don’t have much of that either) and more importantly, no trophies. And they shouldn’t wait for FFP to save the day for them too. There are still potentially loopholes on that matter. Wenger’s overall record in fourteen consecutive seasons of CL football so far hardly suggests we will win it under him. But, as James Bond once said, never say never. Up The Arsenal!

  21. Joe S.

    May 22, 2012, 0:26 #22770

    Fozzy's Mate please don't wake up Joshua, I'm sure he's lieing in wait ready to pounce. As for Norbit, I hope what you wrote is meant to be tongue in ckeek or there must be a parralel universe. City were only a 20 point better team than us and I still don't think the've reached their full potential. In fact we are closer to Norwich both points wise and in ambition.To cheer on Charmack, Diaby and Arsharvin would be possible if we were a team fighting relegation but if I were to see this lineup on the field together I would not be expecting much and be more interested in having a beer and a laugh with my mates than the final score.

  22. ppp

    May 21, 2012, 23:47 #22769

    Christ I loathe the anti-Arsenal rubbish peddled by tottenham sleepers all over this infected website... but this article rings way too true for comfortable reading... YIKES!!! Next season, next season, next season, next season....

  23. wrag

    May 21, 2012, 23:45 #22768

    Good article , yeah and i have these feelings also and its kinda horrible to have come to this . But this is what we will have to accept if everyone keeps saying what a great job wenger is doing ! Because we as fans and a whole club are living in the past ,look at the players that have left our club because they wanted to actually win something ,and we now hate them . If i had went through some of the **** they had went through and watched wenger buy rubbish and put it in a team with me and say ,"we showed character today" even though we got beat , i would probably say you know what ,i just seen sami nasri and ashley cole win medals and cups , why am i still here ? . At the end of the day the club is being run wrong ,and why is usmanov a man with more wealth than abramovic not at the helm of this club ? he wants success , unlike stan tick along make a few bob kronke.And the appointment of steve bould wont help defense , this is the man who helped bring through senderos ,johan djourou , christ dnt make me LOL. i look forward to another season of in arsene we trust bull****, and the lines we showed character today ! show some and win a ****ing trophy !!!!

  24. chrisy boy

    May 21, 2012, 23:35 #22767

    angry and frushtrated ( 24950) made a good point, couldnt the Arsenal supporters trust work hand in hand with Usmanov and sell him the few shares he needs to start putting pressure on the ever so silent stan( trust us to get the only yank without a big gob ) if anyone from the trust reads this could you send a reply. After reading all these posts it seems 99 % of us are in agreement surely we cant all be wrong. Come on lads lets get something done be it meetings , petitions anything. ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB belongs to us we are the lifeblood of our great club, not some yank, not ivan his puppet and not the other dinnasours on the board.

  25. Block G Gooner

    May 21, 2012, 23:26 #22766

    I am not renewing my season ticket as I simply cannot bare to be ripped off again by that blood sucking board and to spend another 9 months watching such a gutless shambles!! Let's not forget it was the WBA keeper that gave us champions league football....we didn't earn it last week!!!! No more for me until the deluded french moaner leaves our great club.

  26. Mandy Dodd

    May 21, 2012, 22:24 #22765

    Correct nobert, not only a huge slice of luck, as they have had in a few games lately, but also a near £1bn investment by their sugar daddy owner.......erm..... a bit like the epl champions, city. Anyone see a pattern there ? English teams winning MAJOR trophies in recent years, since our drought began have been utd, Chelsea and city....now what do they have that we have not had during this time? I will give you a clue, something the likes of rangers, and let's face it , most other teams now lack...except for the lucky few .All wengers fault? I have my doubts about Ffp, but I am convinced that seeing the success of teams like city and Chelsea now, platini will move heaven and earth to make it happen

  27. MGJ

    May 21, 2012, 21:56 #22764

    Great article that has captured my feelings for the last couple of seasons. Although I am always as optimistic as I can be about competing for silverware, it soon becomes apparent that we are nowhere near what it takes to won trophies and I too find myself sniggering at other teams. The thing that saddens me is that I don't see the situation changing any time soon. Oh well at least I'm not a Spud...

  28. fozzy's mate

    May 21, 2012, 21:37 #22763

    @Norbert. I agree that Chelsea's champions league win had a large slice of luck. But what about the rest of the 10 trophies they havr once since we last tasted silverware and I don't mean the 3rd or 4th place trophy! Our luck ran out the day the denver dough trouserer took over.

  29. dazzy90

    May 21, 2012, 20:21 #22761

    good article, and valid points raised. exactly what a lot f Arsenal fans now realise - we are a a 'has been' club. a feeder club to the top tier of money spenders. I am all for the 'self sustaining' model, but Wenger / Board / Gazidis you know what?? IT AIN'T F_CKING WORKING!!! when the f_ck you gonna realise that. ploughing money in to the likes of Chamak, Gervinho, Walcott, Diaby, and so on and on is a complete waste of time and money. These players are embarrassing, and would not get in to the 1st eleven of any team in the top 5 of the PL. When I watched the game Saturday I like others posted on here couldn't actually give a toss who won. I think the Sp*ds deserved to be in the CL this year. They have played some very good football. Set aside the rivalry bollocks, look at the football. Can you say we were good??? honestly??? NO! we were and are ****e. One game plan, clueless at defending, no organisation on or off the field. Contrast that with the Chavs. Not only against Bayen, but Napoli and Barca. Hats off to them, they thoroughly deserved it. Drogba - big game player who turns up when required. Wenger that is what you get for spending BIG money on top players!! The goalkeeper too - what a top player. Season after season. You get what you pay for Arsenal. SPEND THE F_CKING MONEY!!! I am a season ticket holder and had real doubts about renewing this year. I will always support through thick / thin, but I begrudge spending £1000 on a season ticket to watch **** week in week out. RVP - thanks for all your services and great goals, but go and get some medals you deserve, alas that won't be anytime soon with the Arsenal. Shame.

  30. More of the same

    May 21, 2012, 20:17 #22760

    Hello all, as a gooner of some years, I've always been a staunch defender of Wenger. However, even I have my doubts as to the direction our club goes in. I don't necessarily agree with the usmanov thing, but I do agree that this situation needs amending. I see the same lines trotted out every season by those at the top of the club yet we meander on with history repeating itself. Frankly, it is embarrassing to see our best players leave every year. I worry as to whether Wenger is more of a club economist than a manager nowadays. If he is, the best way to be heard is to speak to the club in the coffers. Arsenal fans pay some of the highest ticket prices in world football. A simple fact nowadays is that if you want a company (yes I know what I wrote there) to listen to you, hit them where it hurts - in the pocket. A drop in season ticket revenue would prompt a rethink. If the club continually get fed their season ticket money each season, what necessitates them actioning a change? Don't line their pockets, see them sit up and take notice. Sorry to write something like that as it will have a detrimental effect in afc, but it'll get the opinion noticed, I would bet

  31. Steve

    May 21, 2012, 20:15 #22759

    I honestly feel that if we endure another summer of mediocre standard/lack of signings, and/or Van Persie leaving, it's time out put real pressure on the board in the context of protests. I don't understand the fans who automatically feel a protest is counter productive and means you aren't a real fan. How much longer do we have to endure this torture of decline? We qualified for the champions league by the skin of our teeth and didn't come anywhere near silverware this year. for all my anguish and disgust at Abramovich and the oil money at City (I'm not suggesting for a second we join that approach to running a football club), at least those owners show a clear and constant desire for the best, and success. kroenke hasnt shown one ounce of interest since running things, and it's at our expense - most expensive tickets in the country.

  32. norfolk gooner

    May 21, 2012, 20:14 #22758

    Having put up with Chelsea Chelsea all week on Skysports we now have a week of the Chelsea f------ Flower Show!!!

  33. Theo Jensen

    May 21, 2012, 20:07 #22757

    All City, United and Chelsea have spent their way to success ultimately- if you can win trophies without then that is exceptional, but really it's unorthodox nowadays. That's the bottom line.

  34. nobert

    May 21, 2012, 19:57 #22756

    Chelsea win was pure LUCK. Why can't some of you guys believe we can get lucky as well next season. They are not going to appoint Di matteo as fulltime coach because he is never going to get lucky in 38 games. Sometimes life unfolds in very strange ways, maybe next year is our lucky year. Even without luck we still have a good squad. If you think cahill is a better defender than our German, just watch the Euros. If RVP goes, such is life. Give the same chances to podolski. Don't buy this stories about trophies from players. If RVP goes its for a bigger salary not cups.money comes first. Let's support our team. Let's give the players reason to believe. when Diaby comes back, let's give him enough support and he will have a stellar season just like RVP, if RVP goes let's support Chamark a nd poldi. Iguess we cried for Chamark when he was in France and he wasn't bad until RVP started playing. I say he is still the same player. We are destroying players' confidence. Look at Arshavin, we thought he was rubbish! We can demean our squad but I think we not far from Mancity, we only need to start well and bring back injured players. If we can buy a big name or two that's a bonus. They might have trophies but the table doesn't lie Chelsea are sixth in the league!

  35. fozzy's mate

    May 21, 2012, 19:51 #22755

    @crazy gooner - I think what almost all on this site are sick of is the holier than thou wish to do everything on an absolute shoe string. There is no need to go outside the mantra of Ivan Mr Self sustainable Gazidis. The problem is the cash at bank figure of 125ish million is proof that the self sustainable model is a myth. This is because we don't use the funds we generate from the model. As I have banged on about for three plus years on here the only thing it sustains as the share price and shareholders level of capital appreciation. All this dross peddled by 0GL and co is a smokescreen. Despite what Joshua and co may say the figures are not made up. Even forgetting the reserve I don't see a problem with Kroenke and Usmanov dipping in, they aint Michael Knighton they are multi billionaires. But why do we need to operate on a shoestring when we have such resources at our disposal?y

  36. lee afc

    May 21, 2012, 19:43 #22754

    Chelsea were pretty much, half way through the season in a dilemma that we were in...no chance of premier league glory because of the inadequacies to piece together 4 or 5 results..what happens next is what our sour faced board should have done. sack the manager and bring in new fresh ideas and lo and behold chelsea are now double cup winners, we just huffed and puffed over the precious 3rd place line and we are told that this is an achievement. it absolutely pained me to hear that chelsea were champions of europe. because i know hand on heart they are not a bigger, better more successful club than us. from being envied a few years back to being envious is a **** feeling. i fear we may have to get used to it.

  37. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 21, 2012, 19:35 #22753

    Crazy gooner i understand what your saying i also would not want to risk the future of our club by getting into debt with the pursuit of silver ware and never suggested we should there's debt and there's massive debt man u a good example thats real debt although it hasn't held them back and only because they bottled it against everton they'd be prem champions today i don't think there's any team in the prem apart from the chavs and city and maybe ourselves who aren't in debt and it's certainly not doing us any good.I'm not all that much of an expert on the portsmouth situation or their owners at the time apparently they were spending money they didn't even have but there's not much chance of us ending up like them because we don't even spend what we have and can afford and that is many millions so the sooner this rainy day you mention comes the better because we're going nowhere fast like i said there's dept and there's debt and i don't think any fans care if there's a certain amount but any way i don't think thats likely to happen under this current regime.

  38. Jock Gooner

    May 21, 2012, 19:29 #22752

    At the risk of repeating myself..... is it a bird, is it a plane, no its DAVID DEIN!! Dein is the solution however the problem remains that while Stan is making a few easy quid and there is no fans revolution at the emirates guess what...no change!! How long does this go on for? Anyone remember the North Bank almost coming to blows with each other over whether Terry Neil should get the boot or not. There was a bit of passion about the place back then. Good days. Miss them.

  39. R.Houston

    May 21, 2012, 19:10 #22751

    I love to see the gunners win the top champion league, think it will take a new manager. But i would say i love football,so whoever wins a final you have to enjoy whats on show,spuds not included!!!! if our team cant raise there game,manager and board match what is needed,nothing will change. think its about time that this site and other arsenal related sites got togather to voice what we feel and think,and get our desire and passion across to the board. lets start now!!!!! remember,nothing ventured, nothing gained!

  40. Connor

    May 21, 2012, 18:54 #22749

    @Jan So if Arsenal finished 6th and won the CL and the FA cup you would look on it as a disappointment? You couldnt make it up.This season is the greatest season in Chelsea's history.They are the champions of Europe.We would all die for a season like that

  41. Theo's Bikini-Line

    May 21, 2012, 17:35 #22748

    lee armitt 15:30pm 21st May 2012: "Remind me where Chelsea finished again" - Post No. 25013 Er....Champion's of Europe and winners of the FA Cup. Why, is that not good enough for you? Or are you one of those gooners that prefer 3rd place? Unbelievable!!

  42. Jan

    May 21, 2012, 17:28 #22747

    I can relate to your main point in the article but Chelseas Champions League title in LUCK is certainly not the best example of a role model. Chelsea became no 6 in PL after a miserable season. In fact - if you look at the table alone -you would find Chelsea with all their established stars and wage bill the disapointment of the season in England. On the other hand expectations to the Arsenal were more moderate and some how fullfilled. The point is though this: that expectations were moderate. That should be adressed during the summer. But you could not be to confident that it will actually happen

  43. Crazy Gooner

    May 21, 2012, 17:15 #22746

    maguiresbridge gooner (post 25010)... I agree that a great many fans wouldn't care where the money comes from as long as it delivers success, but perhaps that should be regarded as a short sighted view. For example, I wonder how many Portsmouth fans delighted in their FA Cup success a few years ago and lined the streets cheering their team on an open top bus parade. I wonder how many of those same fans may now view that success slightly differently? Don't get me wrong, they may still think it was all worth it for their moment in the sun, but any success for Arsenal couldn't be judged in the same way. And don't misunderstand me, I'd be delighted if we used the resources we had instead of saving it for a rainy day as we appear to be doing, but I would never want us to risk the long term future of our club in pursuit of silverware.

  44. ATID

    May 21, 2012, 17:08 #22745

    I gave up watching games just hoping that one side would lose back when Liverpool were in their pomp and Arsenal well off the championship pace each season. It is bad for the soul. Good luck to Chelsea and there are plenty of long term blues fans who have followed their club through thick and thin for whom this is a justifiably sweet moment. Football teams have never won points for looking good. You accumulate trophies by winning matches. Great if you do that playing beautiful football but you are a fool to be a football snob when you haven't put anything in your trophy cabinet for the last seven years. As for the argument about "financial doping" it is a red herring. Football clubs have always been the playthings of the rich and powerful and Arsenal have happily splashed the cash in the past when it suited them as in the 1930s. If you can't beat them join em and I for one would be happy to see Usmanov spending his cash on our club. Wenger, Hill-Wood and Kroenke are encouraging us to accept a culture of being second best as acceptable. It isn't.

  45. GoonerGoal!

    May 21, 2012, 16:57 #22744

    The Holy Trinity of Kroenke, Wenger, and Gazidis have put us where we are, and as long as we remain in a profit making position that is all tha matters to them. When Nasri and Cole make snide comments about leaving Arsenal to win things, mo matter how much it irks us, we know there is no arguement. Since Season 2004/2005, Cole has won two Premier League titles, four FA Cups, one FA League Cup, and the Champions League. In the same period, what have Arsenal won? Nothing!

  46. jjetplane

    May 21, 2012, 16:43 #22743

    Like this has only just happened. Spud fans are in a better position because its still an adventure for them. Arsenal are an accounting firm now with some tossy prof keeping his bosses in the style they have become accustomed to. After seeing Cole stick his body everywhere over the past month, he has not lost what made him a great player in the first place. Nasri is another Anelka, and yeah I love seeing the pain of others as any footer fan does. Who is not going to enjoy watching Fergie's very average team fight to get into the top four. Bring it all f...... on! You dont have to support this current Arsenal to be a Gooner! Ooh Too B Ahhhhhh ......

  47. goonergormley

    May 21, 2012, 16:12 #22741

    wonder who's for sale next we will not no until Wenger gives him the captains armband when RVP goes

  48. Rocky RIP

    May 21, 2012, 15:51 #22740

    The article speaks as though we are so far off 'Chelsea-Chelsea' that we don't stand a hope in hell of winning it. PL positions beg to differ. They have proven winners whose record in the cups in recent years is very good. They also got lucky. Very lucky. It was their time. Ours will come. It should have been in 2004 when we were the best side in Europe, but as we know the better side doesn't always win. Chelsea just confirmed that. Arsenal are the biggest club never to have won the european cup. Our time will come, maybe when we least deserve it.

  49. lee armitt

    May 21, 2012, 15:30 #22739

    Remind me where Chelsea finished again

  50. Trevor

    May 21, 2012, 15:29 #22738

    @Tony Evans Now it comes as a surprise that a player that leaves us doesnt win anything only Greedy springs to mind.Henry Silvinho Van Bronkhurst Helb and now Cole have won the CL.All of them have also won league titles as have Flamini Nasri and Clichy.Why because they joined clubs where finishing 3rd or 4th is not good enough.

  51. Graham Simons

    May 21, 2012, 15:27 #22737

    I experienced the same transition during the match and in the end willed Chelsea on to win. We weren't the first London team to win a European trophy so I'm not going to begrudge Chelsea's theirs. Fact is - we are the only other London team than could possibly win it next year - however remote the chance - let's just be glad to that.

  52. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 21, 2012, 15:01 #22736

    Does any arsenal fan actually care about the clubs finances or their financial model does any fan care that we're not in debt well not serious dept anyway i certainly don't i've met arsenal fans all over europe and from all parts of the world and not one of them do all they care about is success on the pitch. I'm sure there are fans out there who like mr self sustainable or the dough trouserer and board members who think its great that we watch our pennies and dont pay over the odds for a player even if its only an extra half a million and then lose them or don't give a player the extra money he wants to stay like i said i've never met any and don' expect to.Would any of us actually care if we were heavily in dept if we were standing twenty or thirty deep on holloway rd or upper st dressed in red and white as the open top bus made its way past containing the players holding the CL trophy heading for the town hall would there be any fans standing there cheering waving their flags and drinking their beer for one second be thinking oh dear this clubs spent to much money oh dear our clubs finances are terrible oh dear this clubs in debt? i doubt it very very much because all fans care about is success.

  53. Dan h

    May 21, 2012, 14:58 #22735

    Some excellent points made & the truth hurts but when we are not competing for the top prizes domestically let alone in europe it's no suprise it is what we have become!If you could see a plan for us progressing on the pitch it wouldn't matter as much what others are doing.The fact we achieve what the management require CL qualification with minimum investment i can't see how things really improve at present sadly on the trophy front.Excellent read Greg.

  54. Chris Ball

    May 21, 2012, 14:40 #22734

    I wish someone from the club could read this. Brilliant piece!

  55. Highbury Boy

    May 21, 2012, 14:38 #22733

    Our philosophy has to change. It's no good Wenger saying "A Top 4 position is like a trophy". It has to be amended to: "A Top 4 position is like a trophy except when another PL team outside the Top 4 wins the CL and in those circumstances a Top 3 position is like a trophy". But seriously why do we think this summer is going to be any different to previous summers? We always lose our top players and have so much trouble selling our below average squad players that we are forced to loan them out to make way for average players who are not wanted by the big spending clubs. Apart from 1980/81 when we were forced into selling Brady and Stapleton we had never sold our best players. Now it happens every summer with VP treading the well-worn path of previous captains and even lesser lights like Cole,Flamini,Hleb,Clichy and Nasri, After VP there is only young Jack and if he hadn't been injured all season with another op to come there would have been conjecture about him. Still I suppose that will wait until next summer with perhaps the Ox another target if he has a good season. Nothing will change until a new ambitious manager arrives backed by an ambitious board.

  56. Jack

    May 21, 2012, 14:34 #22732

    Mourinho back to back titles,Ancelotti a double and a 2nd place both sacked by Roman.Di Matteo who won the Holy Grail for Chelsea win probably follow.Yet our serial loser continues to pick up £7m a year.For what?Making profits of course.Wenger as a football manager is a fraud.He is now a bank manager whose job is just to sell our best players and buy duds for a quarter of the price.Success to Arsenal 2012 means a healthy balance.Remember we wanted both Mata and Cahill but as usual we failed to pay the going rate and ended up with Gervinho and Mertesacker.

  57. Blueboy7

    May 21, 2012, 14:31 #22731

    Great article, fella. It's become a national disease to want other clubs to fail. You've got a hell of a long way to go before you can match the staggering bitterness of that sorry bunch at Anfield though!

  58. Mike the Realist

    May 21, 2012, 14:25 #22730

    I hate what you've become too mate. Brainwashed by what you hear and read. "Here I was, watching a trophy being competed for that we had not even vaguely threatened to win this year." Bayern were the better team against Chelsea and were a significant second best in their league win by a team Arsenal knocked out. What's more having been cheated away in Milan we produced one of the best performances of the tournament in the return leg. Still, let's not let the facts stand in the way of anything. You and your ilk are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy whereby you will force AW out and boo the team and drive players away with your negativity and then you'll blame someone else for it. It doesn't bother me that you're sad and deluded but it bothers me that people like you are damaging this club more than AW could ever do. Support the club or leave those of us who wish to do so.

  59. Stevesam

    May 21, 2012, 14:24 #22729

    If I was Usmanov I would use some of the reported 6 billion windfall from the sale of Facebook to purchase the Silent Stan shares and become sole owner of The Arsenal. This would see the end of PHW and his 'old boys club'. Usmanov is no fool and I am sure would get rid of the many losers at the Club from the Academy to the Boardroom, including AW.

  60. Rickthegooner

    May 21, 2012, 14:21 #22728

    I think that you are being too hard on your self. Wishing you closest rivals misfortune is part of being a football fan isn't it ?? The sadist thing about being a gooner these days is that Spurs ARE our closest rivals. They are on the up and we are just about treading water. We are not in Scotland or Spain. We cannot be sure of a trophy every year or so because the opposition is so bad. The league we are in is tough and getting tougher. Wenger is stubbon. He is over achieving with the players he has. His blind faith in certain players is jaw dropping. I agree we only finished third because Liverpool, Chelski, and the Spuds imploded. I am not saying you are wrong for being desperate to win, that is good. I do think that they way you deal with that is a bit messed up. If, as clearly is the case, we are not likely to win anything any time soon, it seems natural, then, to turn to other battles, like finishing above spurs, or winning 5-3 at the bridge. I am not saying this season was classic. But it has had a few moments that will live long in the memory. I have had a few ups and downs in my relationship with Arsenal, but I still love the buzz. Can that buzz be the same, without feeling the pain of watching your rivals doing well, Isn't that what motivates us to go out to equal or better their achievements ?? After all these years of my love/hate relationship with Arsenal, I'm not sure I share your view that we shouldn't be bitter at other clubs success. I just don't like the lack of class that the new money clubs show. They don't build their success, they buy it, by luring money grabbing chavs with no concept of loyalty. Football to me used to be about hero worship, now it's more cynical than that. You can never be sure when you Hero will jump ship. I will start next season with the same targets 1. Finish above Spurs 2. Finish top London Club 3. Champion League spot 4. Win a cup 5. Win the League 6. Win the Champions League I hope we achieve all six, but if we don't I will settle for four because I am a realist. Small minded like the Spurs supporters ? Probably !! A happier more content human being than you ? Probably. Enjoy next season mate. Don't burst a blood vessel !!!!!!

  61. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    May 21, 2012, 14:16 #22727

    well if u spend a billion pounds of someone elses money u can buy anything. that is what city and chelsea have done. every trophy we won we earned it. We could at least though make the best of our resourses ,That is what is really anoying us

  62. Treble Double

    May 21, 2012, 14:12 #22726

    Wasn't this theme covered a few weeks ago? Posts are getting a bit repetitive!!! Anyone that looks for other teams to fail over Arsenal to prosperor just becasue we are going through a lean patch is a bit sad if you ask me. I was p*ssed off with the chavs result but not as p*ssed off as I will be if AW doesn't get his cheque book out in the summer. One team in London......

  63. Tony Evans

    May 21, 2012, 13:42 #22725

    Very few top players that have left Arsenal have gone on to bigger and better things, at least until recently. Now we have a situation where I am amazed if a really top player wants to stay with us, such is the lack of ambition that exists at Arsenal. There is no doubt in my mind that RVP will be off in the summer and I can't blame him. Why Podolski has agreed to sign is a complete mystery to me, does he know something we don't? Let's hope that he does!

  64. Greg Tyndall

    May 21, 2012, 13:30 #22724

    I am heartened by reading the comments that I was not the only one feeling like this on Saturday night. Rob's comment about being spectators at someone else's big day sums it up. I also feel that Covoteapot's comment about RVP is also spot on. I love the player and I truly hope he stays but being really harsh are we not just seeing another Flamini, Adebayor or Nasri who following one good season (or 20 games in Nasri's case) is now seeking pastures new? My worry with Robin is that he will not sign a deal between now and the Euros and then will pick up an ankle injury meaning he is out for the season and hobbles away on a free next year. Either that or we pay him the reported £5m and £150k a week and he gets injured straight after. My overall point with this article was simply to say that I used to pity Spurs fans for being so obsessed by our results, I used to view them as pathetic but feel we are slipping towards them in the voyeur stakes.

  65. sparksy

    May 21, 2012, 13:09 #22722

    You are spot on with your comments. We don't have a lot to shout about so just jump on teh backs of others for our enjoyment. Sadly, i can see a bit of deja vous this summer. The club tell us they are going to get in early in the transfer market, that none of our top players are leaving and they will be made to see out the last year of their contracts. What this means is get past June 1, get the season ticket money in, then it doesn't matter who comes and goes.

  66. Nick

    May 21, 2012, 13:00 #22721

    The chavs spent apprx 2 billion pounds to eventually lift the CL cup, i have no idea how much the bedouin rovers spent to win an FA cup and a prem title but its bound to be an enormous sum, i feel that this has been the season of the antichrist, with the purveyors of big bucks and the unwholesome characters, that have enjoyed the fruits of their petro and rouble driven owners ambitions, the real losers in all this is the ordinary supporter, who will if things continue in this vein, be priced out the game they love, and in turn football itself, the only small ray of hope i cling to is that his ambition fulfilled, the mafioski ogliagarch of the chavs will pull his money out and turn to F1, leaving the odious ones where they really deserve to be potless and deep in the mire, lets not kid ourselves that the much heralded financial fair play rules will prove anything other than hot air spouted by UEAFA, i despair for our game, but we must go on fighting an unequal battle in the hope that we can overcome and once again stand proudly at the forefront of the game

  67. delgooner

    May 21, 2012, 12:51 #22720

    What cheeses me off is that Roberto di Matteo after winning the FA Cup and the CL will probably not be the Chelsea manager next season whereas we will be stuck with Wenger still after 7 years of sweet f-all, the only decent player we have left leaving, what other (top) club, I say that with tongue in cheek, because we are not anymore would have suffered Wenger for this amount of time. Next season will be Groundhog day again, same old, same old unless we get a new manager!

  68. Sansom 2 Rix

    May 21, 2012, 12:51 #22719

    Their 'interim' manager has won more in 2 weeks than Le Prof has in 7 years. Tells you everything.

  69. BW

    May 21, 2012, 12:45 #22718

    Nice piece. I was in the same boat during the CL final; house virtually painted in Bayern colours before the game but as it unfolded, the steely determination and resolve of Chelsea left me starting to want them to do it, at Spurs' expense or not.

  70. It is over

    May 21, 2012, 12:44 #22717

    oh well RVP is off and the main reason is Whinger cannot convince him that he will bolster the squad sufficiently to actually try to win trophies. After all Cole, Fabregas, Nasri, Clichy aint a bad bunch of players and weve let them all go. RVP is fed up with ''goals going in the back door''. It is a fact he does not rate some of his colleagues and he wants a chance to be in a few more finals and realistically chase trophies. As we all know these days are long gone at Arsenal and our trophies are; 4th place EPL a bit of a run in the CL a bit of a run in the FA CUP enjoying a couple of games where our 3rd team spanks 3rd and 4th division sides at the Emirates.

  71. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 21, 2012, 12:43 #22716

    Your right greg arsenal winning the CL is just a pipe dream (something chamakh knows all about) this club are years away from winning the CL some will say even the prem and fa cup especially with mr self sustainable and the shower of crap OGL has brought to the club over the years not to mention the players he has let go and about to let go and not replace.I believe OGL was at the match commentating for french TV well arsene i hope you had a good look at the trophy because thats the closest your ever going to get to it again with arsenal at least and the closest us fans are ever going to get to it is watching the chavs parade it on their open top bus. How many players have we that would put their body on the line for the cause we have players and the only time they put their body on the line is when their receiving an expensive massage or sitting in a jacuzzi getting something else massaged by their WAGS.Can we really blame players p*****g off to win medals and then rubbing our noses in it ? after all its something their never going to do at arsenal. The small consolation is the spuds in the EL with the likely hood they will lose bale and modric and your spot on it could so easy have been ourselves.Unless there are some serious changes from the boardroom right down to the manager and players we will scrape through next season as nearly men again with third or fourth place our only achievement while we watch RVP and his new team mates come up close to the TV screen and kiss their medals.

  72. John

    May 21, 2012, 12:39 #22715

    Oh for god sake, stop being such a weak whimpering wuss. Grow up, grow some balls and deal with it. There's so much to be proud of at Arsenal, if you can't see that chose another hobby, try train spotting.

  73. Big Andy

    May 21, 2012, 12:30 #22714

    Brilliant article, Greg. You've succinctly put into words exactly what I and many other Gooners feel. I've never felt so depressed being an Arsenal fan. Under Wenger and Kroenke we are going nowhere. The American is only interested in money and simply sees our club as a cash cow. I want Usmanov in. As for Wenger, I'm afraid that he is just past it. He has horribly misspent the huge transfer budget that we have, and is too weak in defensive coaching and tactics to ever make us great again. We desperately need change right now.

  74. HowardL

    May 21, 2012, 12:22 #22713

    Greg - your article is spot on, particularly in relation to Ashley Cole. He was a committed Arsenal man - unlike some of the ones you mention - and we let him go on some misguided salary structure principle! Megabucks are out of Arsenal's league I know, but £5000/week more - what a massive error that was - and enough to almost make ME swerve off the road (and I'm not even driving).

  75. Bryan

    May 21, 2012, 12:19 #22712

    I agree with alot of what you said but also think it is a sad day for football when a team that just defends & gets luckier than can ever be believed in not just the final but both semi finals win europes top prize. Lets make no bones about it Chelsea didnt particulary defend well in any of the 3 games mentioned, the other teams missed a hatfull of good chances which should of won them the game easily. It is a sadly down to, in my opinion the Arsenal board that we are treated with utter contempt & being held back from the achievments we could deffinately make.

  76. stevus

    May 21, 2012, 12:17 #22711

    Great post. Was thinking exactly the same when I saw what many fellow AFC fans were posting late on Saturday night. In the end you reach the inescapable conclusion that, if Arsenal fans are becoming more like Sp**s supporters, it's because our manager and increasingly "Irving Scholar-esque" board of directors have actually turned the football club into Tottenham MK2 - just with a better history and stadium.

  77. KnysnaGunner

    May 21, 2012, 12:13 #22710

    Your red and white disguise is not working. Please put your real colours on, you are pathetic.

  78. Danish Gooner

    May 21, 2012, 12:12 #22709

    As long as Wenger are in charge you can forget about it.

  79. AFCIC

    May 21, 2012, 11:51 #22708

    This article sums up my feelings exactly!

  80. Gooner52

    May 21, 2012, 11:49 #22707

    I hate what you've become too Greg. I hate everyone except The Arsenal.

  81. Jekyll

    May 21, 2012, 11:48 #22706

    Such is the lot of the modern Gooner. They have their business model, despite his wasteful wage structure Wenger is fulfilling it very well, so there is no reason to change that model as enough fans are happy to celebrate the executive of this club lining their own pockets.

  82. g clarke

    May 21, 2012, 11:44 #22705

    chel were the second best team twice or three times for some reason they won the ball would not go in for the other teams but they were not outplayed this way of winning could happen to any team

  83. Floody

    May 21, 2012, 11:34 #22704

    I feel totally the same.It pains me so much to see Chelsea and Cashley in particular win the Champions league. He made the right decision leaving and Van persie has to do the same to win anything. God i thought football was meant to be joyful! Sorry to be a moaning Gooner.

  84. Tom

    May 21, 2012, 11:32 #22703

    It pains me to say this but Arsenal under Wenger are never gonna win a major trophy again. We are capable of beating any side on given day , and doing it with style but not when the pressure is on , when it maters. Arsenal have become synonymous with fragility, unpredictability and frailty .We lack mental toughness and grit . We lost our winning mentality when we shipped out our best players like Veira and countless others to preserve a healthy bottom line. Rebuilding a team is not a new concept and every organization goes through this process every five years or so . It's how you go about it that differentiates winners from loosers. You can choose the Man U model of keeping core players and adding a player or two every season, or Arsenal way - selling our top assets while they still command top money. This reminds me of an example from my neck of the woods , Chicago Bulls were dismantled in their prime , some argued . Jordan and Pippen let go, they have been rebuilding ever since. Arsenal have become upstarts in a way like Man City were two years ago. Unlike Man City we don't have the means to buy the best players available for each position so we have to seek out younger talents and try to hold on to our senior players at the same time , which has proven impossible . The reality of this vicious cycle has finally dawned on Wenger who looked down wright out of his mind ,way on to many occasions in recent seasons.

  85. lance peters

    May 21, 2012, 11:31 #22701

    excellent article. i agree 100%. wenger out.

  86. Martyn

    May 21, 2012, 11:31 #22700

    Saturday's match reminded me of the last time we won a trophy when we were completely outplayed by Man Utd but managed to win the FA Cup via a penalty shoot out. The joy of winning on that occasion was slightly tempered by the manner of the victory. I'm sure, on reflection, most Chelsea fans will not be overjoyed at the way they played but when needs must their style on the night won through. However, this won't change Wenger's thinking and neither Barcelona's for that matter. Chelsea got lucky and now they face a period of trying to replace their talisman Drogba and other ageing players. Remember, we have reached the CL final and would have won it if not for that sending off of Jens. Two or three top quality, tough players and I believe we can win trophies next season. Surely Wenger has to see the light now in what will be his last season at the club. Lets start with Bastian S from Bayern!

  87. Peter Wain

    May 21, 2012, 11:30 #22699

    Unfortunately this transfer window is rapidly becomming a repeat of last year. Another player allowed to run his contract down to one year with the management confident of him signing. A meeting arranged at which he declines to sign and after which the manager and the chief exceutive explains that they are still confident in him siging after the euros. This drags on for several weeks with the player being linked to all sorts of clubs with wages far above what we have offered. Finally not have signed a single further player we decide that rather than keep the player to his contract we should sell him in the last week of the transfer window and then spend the last day trying to buy a succession of also rans with the manager comaplaining that it is very difficult to sign players and the ones he ahs finally got he has always wanted. Meanwhile the ten players in the first team squad who we do not want remain becuase no one will pay their ridiculous wages. Sounds familiar well this is how our great club is being mismanaged. We should go and buy the players who Wenger wanst now and then we may get RVP to sign his contract but if he does not ign the day after the euros take the best price we can get and reinvest it in other strikers. Meanwhile if we cannot sell the likes of Chamak Parl etc pay their contracts and get rid of them once and for all. Redesign the wage structure so that we pay squad players squad player wages.

  88. buddha9

    May 21, 2012, 11:27 #22698

    This is a big hearted write -- honest and prob tough to write - its hard to assemble teams with that sort of winning mentality - takes a few seasons - some time very soon we'll have to replace our great spine who are basically the ones driving it -- just like u guys had to replace the great back 4 you had -- we've got lots of good youngish players : luiz, cahill, rameries,mata and a few more too but getting that never say die thing man that is difficult and good as these new players are we may never get it again - you're being a bit harsh on yourself but your honesty is important - look at liverpool their biggest obstacle is the self delusion of their fans -- seeing whats really lacking and being honest about it is the most important place to start. cheers

  89. Joe S.

    May 21, 2012, 11:26 #22697

    Jeeze mate it's Monday evening and the dark clouds of despondancy are still hanging over my house regarding the Chav's winning ways. As you said in comparison our third place seems meagre if not pointless. Seeing Gervinho's mug only hightens my despondncy.A slap in the face to remind us of the type of players Arsenal have accumulated over the past seasons. The good news is that after RVP goes the cupbord is almost bear regarding quality merchandise that can be sold for profit. We can then expect a real reality check and an end to this sorry chapter.

  90. Alek Wlodarz

    May 21, 2012, 11:11 #22696

    great post pal

  91. SD

    May 21, 2012, 11:09 #22695

    from a Chelsea fan, love to see someone gracious as you, i hope arsenal do well<3

  92. win AFC

    May 21, 2012, 11:08 #22694

    Back in the day you had players that were loyal the likes of armstrong and o leary's who knew what winning means to the club and fans. Now its money. Arsenal didnt win any silverware in the 60s but the players Arsenal had were tuff and entertaning like story and jon sammels,And Arsenal was the club to play for. Evan then Arsenal were world class. as for myself i only want ARSENAL to win f**k the other clubs.

  93. Terry

    May 21, 2012, 11:05 #22693

    I remember Sperz fans celebrating our defeat in the 2006 final like it was a victory for them.I thought we would never be like them getting joy from a rivals defeat than your own victory.But since we finished 3rd its been disturbing how many Gooners were hoping that Chavs became the first London winners,Cashley,Terry,Lumpard et al.Dont they realise saturdays result if we didnt know already confirmed the Chavs as Londons biggest club,its 10 trophies since we last won anything(3 titles and a CL included).We have become bystanders looking at them mop up trophy after trophy all we have is history to lok back on.But dont worry the Spuds are not in the CL next season.Are we Tottenumb in disguise?

  94. Covoteapot

    May 21, 2012, 10:59 #22691

    Van Persie aka Glass Heels has had one season with Arsenal where he has played without injury... Every season leading up to 2012 he has been injured and missed large parts of each season. There was even talk of us selling him a few seasons ago because he was so injury prone. I think he owes the Arsenal for standing by him. He should take a leaf out of Vermaelen's book and sign because he feels he owes it to the club for standing by him during his injury-prone years. We indulge these fools because we over-pay ****e such as Bendtner. If he goes then so be it. Give me average, technically less gifted players (Dare I say it like Chavski's) than an over paisd primadonna whose heart is not in it any day.

  95. Tony Evans

    May 21, 2012, 10:58 #22690

    Absolutely spot on Greg - this is exactly what we have been reduced to. I sat there watching Chelsea on Saturday night praying they would not win and switched off a soon as Drogba's penalty hit the back of the net. To add insult to injury Chelsea played with the top quality defending and never say die spirit that we used to have at Arsenal. An ageing team Chelsea may be, yes, but like them or loath them, a team of winners. Compare that to some of our sorry shower, happily collecting their mega salaries, for doing sod all. I wonder what Wenger made of it all: will it change his ridiculous reluctance to change tactics when required and to keep it tight at the back; will he finally plug the gaping holes in our team by signing an experienced quality left back, ditto holding midfielder, ditto goalkeeper, ditto centre forward in the mould of Drogba (without the cheating); and may be even another centre half. Will he finally get rid of the deadwood that take up so much of the salary budget and stop buying cut price wasters that contribute nothing to the team? The answer will be no to all of that I am afraid and my bet is that we all need to prepare for more of the same next season, or do something about it by not attending matches or protesting if you do still go. Come on, we all have to do something to end this torture!

  96. Geez

    May 21, 2012, 10:56 #22689

    Very well put and I agree with all of it. I feel that we will always be just pawn's in The Arsenal's chess board... where are those knights in shining armour when you need them? I think despair is the right word...

  97. Any Old Iron

    May 21, 2012, 10:51 #22688

    Letting Cole go was a grave football error. If he wanted a rise we should've exhausted all the possibilities. All the talk is it wasn't a great amount, and that the club didn't fulfill it's pledge to him. We got 5m and Gallas. (Chelsea were delighted). That eventually destabilised a Toure infused rearguard with Sol Campbell never-say-die attributes built in. We haven't been the same since-end of! Wenger has a particular Franco-orientation players wise to our great cost. Cahill got away too. Where Arsenal are concerned it's always about money. Man City will now attempt to dine at the top table next. We will be thrown sound-bites by the ***ts at the Emirates. My team can't, so I want others to fail. Not me. Well done Chelsea-history makers. If anyone believes we've got a hope of winning a trophy in the future under the current regime you are deluded. Wenger wants to move all the goalposts to deny clubs their advantages. Big baby wants to get one of their arms tied before he squares up to them. Plus he lacks class when we don't win, which lately is quite often. Let's all be happy with 3rd, hurray what glory, NOT!

  98. Bard

    May 21, 2012, 10:50 #22687

    Thoughtful post. You're right watching Chelsea ( the same side we thrashed at the bridge ) comprehensively outplayed but fighting tooth and nail was sobering. Half that amount of fight and we'd have won more than one trophy. The news on RVP doesn't look good and you get the feeling that we will once again have to make do. This is the problem, we don't seem to have a clear direction. All we seem to be is a selling club for city and the like and a beacon of good housekeeping. Where is the dream ? Where is the passion ? Selling RVP wouldn't hurt as much if we bought in 3 or 4 top class players but we won't. Sadly the boss is on a downward curve and has been for several years. Its hugely depressing.

  99. Paddy Gooner

    May 21, 2012, 10:49 #22686

    If our best players want to win silverware they have to go elsewhere sadly,we've become a feeder club.As much as I despise Chelsea I wish we had some of their determination,grit,shear bloody mindness and yes some of their luck as well.Ten years ago we could attract players like Hazard,be lucky to get Mickey Hazzard now.

  100. Danny

    May 21, 2012, 10:43 #22685

    You're right through Wenger Kroenke and Gazidis we have turned into what the Spuds have been for the last 20 years hoping we failed.It made me so angry when some Gooners wanted Chelsea to actually win the CL so to keep the Spuds out of next years competition.Chelsea have now won 10 trophies including the biggest of all since we last won a trophy.Wenger coach of the decade yeah right

  101. Nutty's Right Peg

    May 21, 2012, 10:39 #22684

    Excellent post, & hits a chord in so many ways. Bad enough that the Chavs won on Sat night, let alone the fact that had West Brom not held an end of season competion to allow one of their fans to keep goal in the last game of the season, us gooners would be feeling really sick right now. We've fallen so far from the dizzy heights of the invincibles, & whilst none of us could've expected that kind of domination to continue indefinatly, you simply cannot compare the rabble wearing the red & white of 2011/12 to the powerful, mentally strong athletics of 2003/04.

  102. David Smith

    May 21, 2012, 10:33 #22683

    Greg. A superb article. Well done. This was exactly how I was reacting Saturday evening, and all day yesterday. I feel better now for reading your article. David Smith

  103. Dagenham Gooner

    May 21, 2012, 10:32 #22682

    True I think more about spurs downfall now than future Gunner glory.

  104. chrisy boy

    May 21, 2012, 10:31 #22681

    Greg, you are spot on, i have to admit that i get a lot of pleasure seeing our rivals lose out, but that just seems to go hand in hand how far Arsenal have fallen from grace in recent years. If there was any doubt where football is heading then with man city and the chavs both becoming champions in the last 7 days, all that it takes is money and lots of it. We have that in the form of mr Usmanov but for what ever the reason he is not allowed anywhere near joining our board. Wenger did what he was asked to this season and got us into the champions league that is the extend of ambition at our club for me that is just not good enough, im not a johnny come lately fan i was told my grandad in no uncertain way what supporting Arsenal should mean to me back in 1973 , realy dred to think what he would say today if he was still with us. We need change guys at our club lets do something positive we owe that to our fathers and grandfathers dont we ! !

  105. Ron

    May 21, 2012, 10:30 #22680

    Fair comments. As one who backed BM to win it while not at all writing of Chelsea, i just reckon you have to say well done to them. Wenger is hardly likely nowadays to get close to the CL title with us in todays game, even if he had a boat load of money. His ideals and aesthetes are his biggest barrier as Barca quality players wont be joining Arsenal to allow him to do it. Footballs soul has now gone for good and Wenger fights against it. Its admirable but naive but the end result is that Arsenal are a Club like most of the others now in fighting only for the scraps that fall off the cash laden Clubs table. PS Have to admire the Chelsea players stubborn refusal not to be beaten. These were qualities Arsenal FC took for granted for so many years, but are now distant memories.

  106. Terence

    May 21, 2012, 10:28 #22679

    I agree, all I was reduced to on Sat night and have been over the last few years is a bitter gooner and taking the moral high ground about our achievement not done on financial doping. I was never one to boo any player that left, including Cole, as all players have short careers and look after number one. We messed around with his contract and he left. Jack Wilshere, may well follow Cole and Nasri. It is even more embarrassing to think gooners will boo Nasri and Cole next season and they'll point to their winners medals as a perfect reposte. It shows how far the two teams have come, that for Chelsea, winning an FA Cup, is in a season of turmoil, rather routine and a minor accomplishment, when we can't even get to a final.

  107. Angry & Frustrated

    May 21, 2012, 10:25 #22678

    Your article is why I now sign myself in as "Angry & Frustrated" (previously CD) because that is all that's left for me as a Gooner. We will continue to be in the wilderness for years to come, until hopefully one day Usmanov gains some influence at our club. In fact I urge even beg any AST share holders to sell the few shares to Usmanov to force him onto our board. It is scandalous that the dinosaur Dead Wood has more say in the direction our club is going in (nowhere) with his now 0.0% stake, compared to Usmanov with his circa 29.7% stake. Name me any other business in the entire planet where a shareholder with such a stake is not invited onto the board as a bare minimum. You will struggle to find one, and that's the core of the problem at our club it's run for the benefit of the very few, who happen to only be interested in themselves and what they can get out of it. This coupled with a manager who is happy to go along with it, as he himself does very nicely out of it with his reputed £7 million annual salary. Until the board make up is changed, and a winning mentality replaces the cosy self sustainability happy to finish fourth regime, as you rightly point out in your article all we now have left is wishing failure upon others, as we know it's a cast iron 100% certainty upon ourselves!

  108. Frederick (Croydon)

    May 21, 2012, 10:24 #22677

    It is so true mate. I was driving yesterday in deep sorrow contemplating the fact that Wenger has made us all believe that Champions League qualification is the be all and end all of all things great. 15 years back to back we have qualified for the CL and in 15 years, we have only graced the final ONCE, only for Wenger and his Tactical know-how fail us in taking off at that point the only other proven player who could score goals in Robert Pires and leaving Alex Hleb on the field. Season in season out parring last year, we have come close, the team had cried for reinvestment in the Jan transfer windows but he failed in doing that. We have had the weakest players doning the Arsenal shirt for far too many years and its just no longer acceptable, it wasn't then, and its simply not now. We pay the most on World football to watch an average team play week in week out with no rewards for our money. I feel the same as you, I can't complain about the money of others anymore to my friends as they are tired of hearing the same thing from Arsenal fans, get over it I am told. Football has moved on, we have always been soo close but have always needed that 1 or 2 special players to come in and be the icing on the cake but Wenger has always failed. Mata and Cahill where both linked to Arsenal this season, Both are now Champions League winners with Chelsea. Sums up our club.

  109. Chav

    May 21, 2012, 10:23 #22676

    You certainly have a long way to go to reach the depths of Spurs fans, my reaction to them after won on Saturday was none, they totally slipped my mind which made the realization of what we,d done to them when I remembered on Sunday even sweeter.Spurs often slip my mind though.Its a boring cliche but you gotta be in it to win it, you,re in, who knows, we beat Barca and Bayern, anything can happen.

  110. Arsene is a Fraudster

    May 21, 2012, 10:22 #22675

    We are a higher class of also rans then the '61s but also rans nevertheless.

  111. FrenchBlues

    May 21, 2012, 10:21 #22674

    A brave and mature article that does your club proud - well done and chin-up (you remember that don't you?) for next season.

  112. Dan

    May 21, 2012, 10:20 #22673

    I think that echos the feelings of many gooners right now. Only Wenger can tell us whether we're going to have another ground hog season. Unfortuntely what the board consider success, the fan's don't really. We consider it the bare minimum. We can only hope for 3 or 4 top quality signings, which should include a further striker to prepare for life if RVP buggers off. Up the Arse.

  113. Theo's Bikini-Line

    May 21, 2012, 10:18 #22672

    Great article, beautifully written and summing up what I and I'm sure many other gooners have been feeling for a while now. The transition from once being envied to now being envious is not a pleasant, but alas one it looks like we going to have to get used to for a good while yet.

  114. aj

    May 21, 2012, 10:16 #22671

    I feel you have to say fair play to them for winning it. We had a chance with the remains of our last great side in 2006 and came up just short. Chelsea now have to rebuild, just like we did. Will they make as big a balls up of the job as we have? It's difficult to see them being as complacent as the Arsenal board and management have been.

  115. gunnerfan

    May 21, 2012, 10:14 #22670

    I am confused - are you saying you want to support Spurs or Chelsea?

  116. Rob

    May 21, 2012, 10:13 #22669

    But this is what we are now reduced to : being spectators at someone else's big day. Unless you count the Directors six monthly finance updates as our new version of a 'Cup Final' - which is sadly what that now has become. It will change at some point in the future. The question is - how agonising does it get before circumstances force that change ? My guess is ' a lot more' - sadly.

  117. danalovAFCXI

    May 21, 2012, 10:05 #22668

    100 percent agree with the sentiments behind this article. However lets not get to down about it all It's my belief that history is a wheel. So Boethius wrote about 1500 years ago 'Inconstancy is my very essence,' says the wheel. Rise up on my spokes if you like but don't complain when you're cast back down into the depths. Good times pass away, but then so do the bad. Mutability is our tragedy, but it's also our hope. The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away. Wheel of fortune its the chavs time now and it will be ours soon.

  118. Judge Fred

    May 21, 2012, 10:03 #22667

    Watching major finals or league deciders without direct Arsenal interest is now the norm. The article hits the nail squarely on the head by saying we are becoming like Sp*rs fans - hoping for the downfall of others for some kind of perverted gratification because we cannot compete any more. To be fair I couldnt give a toss whether Chelski won or not or if Sp*rs are in the CL next season. You get what you deserve and the way we are run, we are getting exactly what we deserve.