Gooner Survey 2015 Results Part 4

The ‘In The Boardroom’ Section

Gooner Survey 2015 Results Part 4

I Can’t Get No Satisfaction (from the fans)?

I suppose it is a reflection of the modern football world that a survey such as this now has to have a section wholly dedicated to the Boardroom and the management of the club as opposed to the team. This is in part a result of the increasing commercialisation of the game at the highest level at which we operate but also a result of the era of mass opinion sharing. This started (in a football context) with the fanzine movement in the late 80s, leading into the first football phone in on 606 and has spread through the internet with multiple forums available to all those who want to share their thoughts about all matters relating to their football club.

I was particularly interested to see the results of this section given the discord amongst the fans over a number of years about the club’s direction. As someone who has generally been supportive of the way the club has been run and the desire to operate a self-sustaining model in the face of financial assault from Russia and the Middle East in particular, I was fascinated to see what the wider Gooner reading fanbase was thinking about these things.

And so, without further ado, to the survey results:

In general, how well run a club do you think Arsenal is?
Very well run 50%
Moderately well run 43%
Not very well run 6%
Terribly run 1%

This is broadly similar to last year’s result and I have to wonder to what extent it is influenced by the events on the pitch with two trophies now bagged in two years and a squad which is looking like it has the potential to match the quality of Wenger’s earlier successful squads. Looked at in an admittedly simplistic manner it does seem to me that the clubs plans from ten years ago are now bearing fruit. We have moved stadium, remained competitive in the harder financial times and are now not frightened of competing in the transfer market. I suspect if this question had been asked 5 years ago, when the journey was at its hardest, the answer might well have been different. As we progress through the survey, one should see this result reflected in subsequent answers.

Stan Kroenke has been the majority shareholder of Arsenal for four years. How satisfied are you with the way he has managed the club?
Very satisfied 3%
Quite satisfied 24%
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied 38%
Quite dissatisfied 23%
Very dissatisfied 12%

Do you feel Stan Kroenke’s majority ownership has been beneficial for Arsenal?
Absolutely 7%
Partially 50%
Not at all 43%

Arsenal paid Kroenke Sports Enterprises (owned by Stan obviously) £3m for advisory services last year. There is an expectation that this will become a regular occurrence, yet the club have failed to disclose the nature of the services provided. Do you believe the payment is:
Entirely justified 5%
Can only be justified if the services are disclosed 60%
Entirely unjustified 35%

So although only 7% think the club is not well run, we now have 35% who don’t like the way the majority shareholder has done his bit. Or, looked at another way, only 27% who do. And as many as 43% think his involvement has not been beneficial at all. This is odd and suggests the performance of others running the club has kept it on an even keel in spite of the efforts of Kroenke. Does that mean the fans see he is doing nothing at all and should be more involved? But if the club is being run well, why require him to be more involved? Or is he too involved and the club is doing well in spite of him. I cannot imagine this is what people think given the general perception of him as distant from the day to day operations. What is perhaps most surprising is to consider that if he was not involved our majority shareholder would be Alisher Usmanov who as I understand it would be our very own Abramovich or Mansour, and would almost certainly lead us away from the self-sustaining model which it seems most fans are now supportive of now that we have turned the corner both financially and in terms of ability to win trophies. Perhaps the real root of dissatisfaction lies in the third of the Kroenke questions and the poorly explained payment made to his company. And what is particularly interesting about that is that the majority have no problem with the concept of him being paid by the club – it is the lack of transparency that is most offensive to us and I cannot help but feel that that is responsible for the negative feedback on his performance generally, which I have to say would feel otherwise unjustified in the wider context.

How satisfied are you with the performance of Ivan Gazidis as Arsenal Chief Executive?
Very satisfied 11%
Quite satisfied 42%
Neither satisfied or dissatisfied 31%
Quite dissatisfied 11%
Very dissatisfied 5%

So although the club is overwhelmingly thought to be well run, the majority shareholder does not impress and only half the respondents are satisfied with the CEO’s performance. I cannot be alone in identifying the obvious disconnect between those things. I suppose that to make sense of all of these inconsistencies a further question might be helpful – who do you think is primarily responsible for running the club. Given these answers, one suspects that the answer might be someone other than either Kroenke or Gazidis. Which must mean Wenger. And yet the fans have been split on Wenger for some years now, albeit perhaps less so since we started winning trophies.

Or is it simply reflective of the fans’ approach and in particular the tension between that which we truly care about namely what goes on on the pitch and that which, if the former were going well, we would largely not give two hoots about, namely the boardroom activities. In other words is it a case of the club has won a couple of trophies so we are pleased with how the club is being run but we don’t care for the commercial/business side of it so the individuals who reflect that side of the business get disproportionately marked down?

Do you think new appointments are needed to the Arsenal Board?
Yes 69%
No 6%
Not sure 21%
No view 4%

This is an odd one. I suppose given the disconnect between how the club is seen to be run and how the people running it are viewed it is logical that there would be a positive response to this but what I really wonder here is who it is that people want appointed to the board. Is it a case of any change is good change or do people have someone specific in mind? Usmanov? But that would be inconsistent with the happiness with how the club is run as he would change that. Who else? The answer to the next three survey questions perhaps gives it away.

With the demise of Fanshare in the last few months, less than 3% of the club's shares are now held by individuals not connected with either Stan Kroenke or Alisher Usmanov. How important do you believe it is for fans to be involved in the ownership of the Club?
Very important 61%
Quite important 28%
Not very important 9%
Not important at all 2%

Given the dwindling number of shareholders there is an increasing risk that if Stan Kroenke were able to buy out Alisher Usmanov's holding, he'd be able to take the Club into private hands. How important do you believe it is for Arsenal to retain its status as a company listed on the Stock Exchange with obligations towards financial transparency and accountability to shareholders?
Very important 63%
Quite important 28%
Not very important 7%
Not important at all 2%

Do you feel there should be a fan representative on the Board?
Yes 82%
No 10%
Don’t know 8%

These reveal two concerns which answer some of the issues raised above. There is overwhelming support for supporter ownership and supporter board presence. There is further an overwhelming desire for transparency and accountability. I have always had a nagging doubt about the whole supporter board presence issue. Firstly Ken Friar is of course a Board member and surely nobody would doubt his support for the club. Secondly and this is the nub of it for me – given that it is rare to find two supporters who agree on all aspect of the club, why do each of those people who want a supporter on the Board feel that their interests would thus be represented? Or are people really saying that they want themselves on the Board? The reality is for every supporter who supports the self-sustaining model you will find another who would be very happy to have an Abramovich or a Sheikh Mansour splashing the cash (or would you? – see below). I think we can all agree that transparency and accountability is important – supporter share ownership is therefore a good thing because even if only on a superficial level given the control exerted over AGMs it maintains the opportunity to question the board.

With the news that UEFA are to relax the Financial Fair Play rules, which is likely to be to the advantage of clubs with billionaire owners prepared to invest in their teams, should Arsenal persevere with the self-sustaining model?
Yes 67%
No 20%
Don’t know 13%

I find this really interesting and reassuring. Would this question have generated the same response two years ago before we started winning trophies again? I somehow doubt it. But it appears that with the Cup wins and the wide perception that the quality of our squad (and with that inevitably our ability to challenge for the biggest trophies) has improved as we have come out of the financial shadow cast by the new ground development, supporters are increasingly supportive (and possibly proud) of our stance.

Do you think Arsenal should be paying all their staff the London Living Wage and ensuring all their suppliers do likewise?
Yes 86%
No 4%
Don’t know 10%

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 02, 2015, 14:24 #73439

    jj, nice one and I loved the Beckett quip, are you sure you haven't been over here ? because there's Beckett festivals going on all over the place North and South, now we know why baddie had his excursion.

  2. jjetplane

    Jul 31, 2015, 15:13 #73387

    Is ASHCROFT a feature of Baddie's attic/command. Got that old teacher bit there and giving marks out to the undeserving - me. Glad you said Baddie is brilliant 'cause that what he always says himself but you really need to get down with Bard, Hiccup, RON and Wizzard Westie before you come on here with AKB foil tactics. Nice move though and found JAMERSON to be teddy bear locked in a blue shed. Think COLSEY is being given way too much homework while WeSTIE spends a month in Kentucky while his side kick slobbers (yes slobbers) on the Blarney Stone. It won't improve that creative writing but perhaps a dose of Sam Beckett might simplify the complexities and put pay to the Wenger fuelled happiness that is usually warn like a fake tan. Met a chelski lad earlier in his shirt and of course the narrative has now got Chelski as overachieving underdogs who will get beaten on Sunday. Now Theo has signed and santi has taken early retirement with in I await Adelaide's departure to ..... Bournemouth. That would be nice. There is no reason Arsenal cannot win the PL this season. They have in theory the best ground, squad, Cohesion! in the PL and after planning for a decade there is no hiding place. Chelsea are already on the slide, Manchester is melting under all that acid rain and Liverpool are and not were Liverpool. The only problem I see for everyone is STOKE BARCA CITEE. If Arsenal can beat them home and away then yes there will be a bus to remember and to keep him sober Jack will drive it .... Come on you rip roaring WOBS .... Please come back JAMErSON otherwise Baddie will never write another sketch .....

  3. Ashcroft

    Jul 30, 2015, 22:55 #73376

    I find most of the stuff posted from both sides good fun and as I said in an earlier post it tends to start off mild and as the weekend draws near livens up.I hope jeff stays as he's very amusing with his eccentricities.Badarse is brilliant with his stories and jjetplane tells some good dits too.Even poor old Goonercolesyboy who takes a bit of stick is essential for stoking up the fires.My wife who happens to be of mixed race even reads it sometimes, though she only likes the comical exchanges and her favourite poster was Jamerson who doesn't seem to post much anymore:So keep it up lads and don't stop.

  4. jjetplane

    Jul 30, 2015, 19:06 #73369

    AYLEsBUrY present set up echoes the Tories with Flam & Art having a snooze week in week out for good money from 4 rows back of the touchline. Arsene's version of the House of Lords which Has OGL as a reincarnation of John Major in a french style. On the AKB front that puts BADARSE in the character of a latter day Tony Blair. I offer my apologies now and hope it is enjoying the craic too much to worry about how Colsey is coping with any sniper/swiper attacks. It will all be forgotten come sunday.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 30, 2015, 18:50 #73367

    Exeter, wasn't Laurel and Hardy in the Foreign Legion ? then there was full metal jacket there was a private pyle in that.

  6. Mark from aylesbury

    Jul 30, 2015, 18:45 #73366

    Picking up on an earlier thread I would like to suggest that badarse despite his fondness for 'quisling' terminology like a dyed in the wool Marxist. Is in fact a groupie of the racists , homophobes and ranters, The WOB / AMG group can at worse be called whingers . However anytime there has been inappropriate language , agression, rascism , why is it always our group calling it out? From AKB's complete silence or some enfeebled cry that they are simply winding up. Yet hold an alternate view and watch the AKB's spit in fury. Classic example of progressives vs social conservatives. I know where I would rather be!

  7. jjetplane

    Jul 30, 2015, 17:47 #73364

    Roll on Sunday ..... will they/won't they have a touchline punch up. I expect OGL to remain very cool. Like he was frozen. Onwards and Upwards with pretty bubbles in the air ......

  8. Exeter Gunner

    Jul 30, 2015, 17:42 #73363

    colesy thinks Arsenal is the Army and he is merely a Private within it. His place is not to question the decisions of Captain Wenger and Admiral Stan, merely follow orders. He is outraged when fellow privates do question and attempts to get them court-martialled. Sadly he does not realise that modern AFC is just another corporate brand. It cares as little for his indignation its behalf as it does the criticism. It cares only that you open your wallet. He cannot break out of this delusion however, so is doomed to forevermore get worked up and defensive about an entity that doesn't even exist in the way he thinks it does anymore. Only Badarse offers solace, due to fellow Wengerite tendencies. They have little in common aside from that. No one else offers support. Ever wondered why?

  9. jeff wright

    Jul 30, 2015, 16:34 #73362

    Is that right I never realized this when I spent years standing on the North Bank and going to away games ! And since when did a man who calls himself after a Chelsea player and sings a West Ham song become the judge on who is an Arsenal supporter or not>? Listen closely I have better things to do than to waste my time posting wind-ups on here to annoy you and your pal multi poster no personality pal. I have told you before to stop confusing supporting Arsene with blind loyalty as you two do with that of supporting AFC .Along with other matters this is something that you struggle with.

  10. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 30, 2015, 16:11 #73360

    Your support of Arsenal is what's made up.

  11. jeff wright

    Jul 30, 2015, 16:03 #73359

    No mg the only place I have been today is the local newsagents to buy a paper only Badarse can be in England and Ireland at the same time. Then again he is here there and everywhere.JJ we will have to start calling Colesyboy 'Bubbles' now he is a bit of an odd gooner he posts abuse at those who want to see the AFC do better on field , calls himself after a player known these days as being an ex- Chelsea one and sings a West Ham song ...! You couldn't make it up.

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 30, 2015, 15:48 #73358

    Welcome back jw, you'd be missed, did you pop over to Ireland too.

  13. jjetplane

    Jul 30, 2015, 15:44 #73357

    Colsey will be fine once he discovers the WOB within. Just let it go mate. You will feel like a proper gooner then. In order to love your club you got to let off a bit of steam now and again. I understand a decade's worth is a bit much but think of the long term plan .... when Ozil, Ramsay, Sanchez have moved on and young Adelaide is lifting the Europa with er West Ham and Jenks. We know oyu like blowing bubbles 'cause you told us in a more revealing post. oh well - Wormley on saturday at one. All becoming a bit Ripping Yarns down here. There the big stuff - Littlehampton. Still remember their rock from the 60s and we are - singing along with a couple of gulls. 3 & In Forever!

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 30, 2015, 15:38 #73356

    Who was it mentioned saying things just to wind others up ? and boy did he bite, and with such a small worm on the hook too jw. You couldn't make it up.

  15. jeff wright

    Jul 30, 2015, 15:25 #73355

    Sorry Admin for my overreaction to my post being removed. Iaccept that unless the forum is more secure on log-ins then the mult-handle using posters are difficult to stop. Amusing really that ColesYou couldnt make it up.y thinks that all the posts aimed at me a are by different people. Thakns for the support jjetplane your comments about Colesyboy are spot on he comes over like a nasty wasp trapped in a jam jar frantically buzzing and whining. I have never read a comment from him on any article or from his pal the multi-poster either, just constant belly-aching whinging at others.You couldn't make it up.

  16. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 30, 2015, 15:18 #73354

    Yes bring back Jeff Wright he is Arsenal through and through. A grouch maybe? or maybe a sayer of truths. To love a club is not to be blind to its foibles. To criticise is not to hate but rather to vent frustration at lack of ambition or to see fault in a stubborn manager who may be rediscovering his mojo or alternatively provides false hope. To blindly follow as a fan is a choice but to critique and also be a fan is equally valid. Cannot see how Jeff has ever trolled the site in any shape or form. Neither does Finsbury Joe either.

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 30, 2015, 15:16 #73353

    jw, i see you have everything under control as usual, you can let those few AKB's out of your pocket any time, sorry phone box.

  18. jjetplane

    Jul 30, 2015, 14:56 #73352

    The main abuse he got was from you and you do have a strange habit of thinking everyone is with you on here. You say so little there is nothing to grab hold of. I suggest JW is more of a gooner than a lot of posters on here. It's all about passion and that is something absent from the general AKB remit. Of course WEStIE the online modfather is a different proposition. Onwards and upwards oh humourless one .... JW come back please. You are almost as informative as RON. Another poster poor Colsey is smitten by.

  19. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 30, 2015, 13:29 #73350

    The number of abusive posts towards him are an indication of his constant trolling. He abused everyone who questioned him so glad to be rid of him. Badarse supports the football club with a passion and pride and a high degree of common sense is portrayed in his posts. jeff couldn't get even close to that as his mantra was to persistently whine about the manager and the running of the club.

  20. jjetplane

    Jul 30, 2015, 13:02 #73349

    Jeff Wright is Innocent and quite indispensable to this site. Colsey is the real problem! Just pulling yer leg kiddo. You could try cheering up a bit. Look at where it has got Baddie! Onwards and upwards .....

  21. Website Admin

    Jul 30, 2015, 12:56 #73348

    Slightly surprised Jeff thought my previous comment was aimed at him specifically given how many comments I’ve removed which aimed at abuse at him - perhaps he didn't see them. I certainly don't have a problem with jokey stuff, but there's a line where it becomes abusive and that's been crossed a few times recently. On the topic of people using different personas, it's very difficult - nigh on impossible - to manage. If they are doing it from the same IP it's easier, but as Jeff pointed out, if they are doing it from multiple IP addresses, I'm not sure what we can do. Have always resisted introducing a login system for comments but that might help.

  22. Mark from aylesbury

    Jul 30, 2015, 12:55 #73347

    Of course just realised Jameson is busy creating his CFC blue flag flying high site. Hence the absence.

  23. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jul 30, 2015, 12:45 #73346

    This site seems to have got even more tetchy without "big box office" his words not mine! Jamerson. Whilst I think about it where is Pete? OMG they are not the same person surely???? I think I'll listen to some pleasurable northern soul numbers and sign off whilst this terrible bickering continues!

  24. jjetplane

    Jul 30, 2015, 12:30 #73345

    It might be an ides to have the Complete Posts of Badarse on kindle or perhaps a link on here. They could be grouped under different categories such as 'we will win everything forever under this genius' and suchlike. All easily referenced and you can put them on your back up and they can be handed down to generations of 'young guns' (another Baddism). Think this site is really quite tame and everything is generally light hearted. Though i never used to agree with JAMERsON as an instance, never found him really offensive. little teddy bear really. On the other hand Badarse .... is a sweet old dawg.

  25. Hiccup

    Jul 30, 2015, 10:16 #73343

    Top notch snivelling there colesy. For someone whose only riposte to anti Wenger fans on here was to call them c#nts, is that what's deemed as giving it back? jj has you summed up perfectly. "Please sir, Jeff is chewing gum in class. It's not fair." Pathetic. Anyway, onwards and upwards. The show must go on...

  26. Bard

    Jul 30, 2015, 6:40 #73340

    Handbags at dawn on here !!!! There was me thinking we might win our third trophy of the season on Sunday and a fight breaks out in the ladies loo. I blame those who come 'from somewhere south south west' of Croydon. They are a dodgy lot. I much prefer the opinions of those who come from north north east.

  27. Badarse

    Jul 30, 2015, 5:06 #73339

    And another thing...

  28. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2015, 23:24 #73338

    Admin, I have no problem with you enforcing rules but you are rather arbitrary in whom you enforce them on .As you are with those like 'just a gooner' aka this or that, who keeps popping up using different names,this nutter does nothing but insult me on here in his various persona using different IPS is not rocket science is it? Anyway, I will take your advice and not bother posting any more and unlike just a gooner aka this and that I will not reappear using other names. As the actress said to the bishop,no hard feelings.

  29. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 29, 2015, 23:16 #73337

    So web site admin man. You you allow people to act like pricks on here and let them get away with it, yet can't allow posters to give some back? I suggest you read some of jeffs posts a little closer and realise what a troll he really is and stop hiding behind you position as a web site administrator and do something about it.

  30. Website Admin

    Jul 29, 2015, 23:02 #73336

    How difficult is it for people to remain civil to each other without name-calling? Answer: Very. If you really want to lower yourselves to those levels then feel free, but don't be surprised if your posts are subsequently deleted. I'd rather not do so because I enjoy the diverse opinions which are posted, but perhaps I need to enforce the rules a bit more strictly so people get the message. This site is for ALL Arsenal fans and it's not for any individual poster to decide who should or shouldn't be allowed to post, nor to discourage others from doing so. If you really think that is unreasonable then we have no problem with you opting to stop visiting.

  31. just a gooner

    Jul 29, 2015, 22:32 #73335

    So jeff. Your view that we would finish 4th and win nothing was an incorrect one. No different to the view that badarse took. We in fact finished third and retained the fa cup. Much to your obvious disgust. So, because you have a disregard for anything arsenal. Much of your opinion is irrelevant to the genuine, less negative supporter of afc.

  32. Badarse

    Jul 29, 2015, 22:23 #73334

    OK jeff the gloves are off. Never have I, nor will I predict an outcome. I weigh, judge and evaluate and give a best guess whenever. As stated I think we might finish runners up next season. It isn't written in stone, and counts for nowt, just mentioned to repel your drivel. I defy you or anyone to trawl back and find anything remotely saying we will be champs. With a game to go and a likelihood of losing out is the last thing I would ever proclaim so saying it before Xmas or whatever the date was in your flight of fancy would be taboo. Peeps who don't even know me who post know me better than that, so try to get the story at least believable. FA Cup-no interest? There are your bold brush strokes in understanding. I love the FA Cup, have probably seen more than many, first was in '62. So have a love affair with it, the oldest KO football trophy in the world. Sorry guys but this has to be explained once more, if you don't like it then throw an egg at jeff next time he waffles. The FA Cup was denigrated by the criminals at Sky when they gave a bag of gold to UEFA for the CL, and 4th place became financially better than the cup. It sticks in my craw but am a realist and don't sit in a darkened room shrinking from the shadows. It was real life and the cup was an extra burden, a bridge too far, when CL qualification was vital. Now it has been resurrected, treated seriously again and I am overjoyed. I have said earlier today I get elated by winning friendlies and pre season trophies. I am pragmatic so don't get carried away but love winning. It's maguiresbridge and jj you should counsel, they hate us winning-period. And do you really need to misspell others' names? I've put you in detention for that before.

  33. Arseneknewbest

    Jul 29, 2015, 21:31 #73333

    I have this awful image of Mr bad arse in the emerald isle attempting to kiss the blarney stone but ending up fellating it instead. Luckily for me, I can have my bullsh*t detector serviced while he is off air. Lets hope it turns out to be one of his longer sojourns...

  34. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2015, 20:56 #73332

    Colesore hey I'm not the one who believed that the Benny on a jet story was true... you are , dimwit. As for sitting on the fence I gave my view that we will finish 4th and win nothing - other than perhaps another FA Cup .I don't expect this - but as anyone can win itI have to take account of Arsene in that after all it is his level,non>? (yawn) It's hardly rocket science to understand that HE is more likely to win the FA than the European one - or the league title.But, if anyone can struggle to understand simple things like that then that person is uber fan you.

  35. jjetplane

    Jul 29, 2015, 20:35 #73331

    Listen to the self-styled admin boy ..... Onwards and upwards and other cliches.....

  36. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 29, 2015, 20:11 #73330

    jj please stick to your ninth tier football, surely you could open your own site there instead of waffling on here. As for predictions, nothing like sitting on the fence form the man who knows everything about nothing, we will come top four, won't win a trophy but then again might win the FA cup...mind those splinters on your arsenal.

  37. jjetplane

    Jul 29, 2015, 19:48 #73329

    I think you will find that Germany owes Greece big-time. And Arsenal owes it's fans. And AKBs are a tad neo-con and Donald Trump now wants in on Arsenal.

  38. Danny

    Jul 29, 2015, 19:38 #73328

    something tells me that walcott is delaying signing his renewed contract so that Wenger does not sign another striker before the deadline he wants to play more and is worried that a better player will bench him

  39. Bard

    Jul 29, 2015, 19:27 #73327

    Alsace; can you explain what you mean by someone 'out of the east'? It could be interpreted as a racist post. What is it about people from the east that troubles you ? And east of what. East of Milton Keynes or East of Mongolia !!!! Do you mean someone who buys a club, never puts a dollar into it and uses its financial success as leverage to invest in other pet projects. Because Stan comes 'out of the west' not the east. Surprised your post didnt get pulled by the Web ed to be honest. @Baddie if this is what happens when you take a break from posting god help us when you return !!!!!

  40. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2015, 18:48 #73326

    Just more old waffle from you Badarse ,two years ago you predicted that we would win the league when we were top of it before xmas,remember>/ The posts are out there if someone wants to find them. You had no interest in the FAC though as I recall and parroted the then party line along with others on here that it was not worth the bother. As regards your support for Arsene it is obvious from the way you constancy attack those who critise him while supporting those who do ,even the fake AKB Jamie aka Pete received your support despite his oft non-PC racist and other comments. You judge a man by the company that he keeps and you dine out figuratively speaking with the AKB's.

  41. jjetplane

    Jul 29, 2015, 18:23 #73325

    Just wait til Arsenal move to Singapore in 2025. that's one they're keeping quite but it is Arsene's long term project. It will be funny if they HAVE to win the FA Cup again as collateral .... Imagine the 'celebrations' will be even more muted than the last one. No wonder Jack was pissed. For Sanchez and Ozil it will be humiliating and not good CV reading. Has anyone ever seen Wormley Rovers? That's football.j

  42. Alsace

    Jul 29, 2015, 17:45 #73324

    No matter how much Wenger annoys me and no matter how much the board support him I have absolutely no desire for ownership to come "out of the east" for our club. In would not be in Man City or Chelsea's shoes as far as ownership is concerned, for all the money that Greece owes Germany.

  43. Badarse

    Jul 29, 2015, 17:30 #73323

    Don't remember the scene Ashcroft, but loved those two. One of the highest compliments paid to a clown was by Hardy to Laurel. He said he thought Stan was the funniest man ever. Nice. jeff am bemused, bewitched, bothered and bewildered, not to say beguiled...I said not to say beguiled Badarse! You have lost me in your smokescreen buddy. For the record I have never, nor will I say Arsene knows best-I know best, as you believe you do! I will never imply those who rail against him are fools, I leave them to hang themselves, or deliver a good argument. Some are constantly dangling others not. As stated oft, I show no blind allegiance to a man, a flag, an omlette, a nation, a pomegranate, or a political party, not to mention a specific manager-whoops, I mentioned it Badarse, sorry, but I think I got away with that one. Just a point jeff, when am I proven wrong? All flukes it's true but cast your mind back, no you don't have to turn around to do that, stand still and think back. I said Germany would probably win the World Cup, with Brazil, and Argentina as likely S/Fs. Netherlands never made my last four. Still as an individual who disdains International football not bad was it? Oh I also said England would bow out very quickly. Season before last thought CFC would win title but came second. Last season got the top four positions and in order, and all posted on here. This coming season CFC, us, Man C shading Man U. All nailed up. For the record I said also it would be nice to make it three in a row of FA Cups, to wind up maguiresbridge if nothing else, but had a hankering that the League Cup may be a little tickle worth having. Now who is proven right? They are just guesses fella. Calculated but guesses all the same. This is so funny Rainman jeff. Who's on first base, Watt's on second. Who's on first base? Yes, Who's on first base, Watt's on second. I don't know what's on second, but who's on first? Who's on first!

  44. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2015, 17:05 #73322

    Even somewhat relieved !

  45. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2015, 16:54 #73321

    No Ashcroft nor for apples either ... I leave the shopping to her I don't have the patience to do it properly ... I'll wager though that Arsene is a canny shopper rooting around like an old house wife haggling over the price of a bag of onions. All of Badarse's posts remind me of Laurel and Hardy with them ending up leaving him yet again in another fine old mess. His loquacious rhetorical statements dressed up as satire fail to hide the underlying purpose of them. The purpose being to try and prove that Arsene knows best and his critics are fools. Season after season though Arsene's critics are proven right and it is Bardarse who is proven wrong. Will it different this time around>? That depends on what he claims or expects Arsene to achieve ,me,I go for a top 4 place and no trophy other than a possible FA Cup -I don't think that he will win another one but I can't rule it out -I never do. So basically it depends on whether or not you are happy with this scenario every season .Or would prefer a change with some younger more ambitious and energetic manager in charge .Risky of course with Arsene providing a safety zone albeit a tedious one for 9 years that has been only releaved somewhat by a couple of FA Cup finals. Not much pay back this for all the millions spent by Arsene on players and his s wages on top plus the cost of tickets to supporters . Many of whom have become rather disgruntled with Monsieur Clueless at times over the past few seasons ,these supporters are still there and any slip ups this term in the league by Arsene will soon have 'em popping up voicing their dissent again.

  46. Ashcroft

    Jul 29, 2015, 16:23 #73320

    That last post of yours Badarse had me thinking of the phone box scene from Laurel and Hardy's 'Our relations'Does your misses ever send you out for the milk jeff..

  47. Badarse

    Jul 29, 2015, 16:14 #73319

    Now now jeff, no jokes about Irish bars...oh, here's one. Four pigs go into a bar, order a pint and then in turn ask where the loo is. A fifth arrives and orders a pint. The bartender says, I suppose you want to know where the toilets are? No, says the pig I'm the one who goes 'wee, wee, wee, all the way home.' Then there was the Irish player, let's say David O'Leary, who scored in a game and after his shower hit the bar. Has Sally got any spare apples? Oh here's one for AMG. Codling apples. Nowt to do with fish. Thought to resemble heart of a lion, Coeur de lion, corrupted into codling. Interested? Giss a bite. By the way, your scatter gun approach is personification of a mind set enjoyed by you and mag. If he don't agree with me he is an AKB, if an AKB he is a twit and believes whatever I say he believes despite anything proven or said to the contrary. A dangerous synopsis of nature is evident. Sally!

  48. Cranial Screwtop

    Jul 29, 2015, 16:04 #73318

    Leave MG and Jeff alone, Badarse, that's a lovely mutual admiration society they've got going there... they'd make a lovely couple!

  49. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2015, 16:02 #73317

    You obviously are a paid up member of the AKB Badarse and confused as well,confusion being a situation of panic or disorder. "the guaranteed income bond market was thrown into confusion" synonyms: disorder, disarray, disorganization, chaos, mayhem, bedlam, pandemonium, madness, havoc, turmoil, tumult, commotion, disruption, upheaval, furore, frenzy, uproar, babel, hurly-burly, maelstrom, muddle, mess, shambles; these definitions sum up your posts rather well #%*!! I thought you were going away to Ireland ,did the Irish bar you >?

  50. Badarse

    Jul 29, 2015, 15:50 #73316

    Budge over in that phone box jeff-no don't get so close to maguiresbridge his ears are going red. Now you two...cosy in here, isn't it? Is this my straw or your straw jeff? Oo, beetroot juice, it's your straw. Yes maguiresbridge I see you have a 'Timmy' straw, very nice. Don't want either of you to blow a gasket, or anything else for that matter, so let's keep it simple and widen the audience. First question, am I an AKB? Say yes and we can move on, OK? Now the contradicting part, (and two contradictions do not make a diction, but the wording has a ball park closeness). So do I give a hoot about rags, Talk GaGa, Sky pundits, or Online Gooner prophecies? No, I don't, of course. Now here is the rub...look out maguiresbridge's eyes have crossed! jeff, why is the phone box steaming up? Listen you two, you know I am disinterested and await whatever, or whoever, perhaps even Godot, yet classed as an AKB. Another paradoxical trip into the other dimension you inhabit. So a retraction is in order, isn't it? maguiresbridge that is not button 'B' you are pressing. So jeff what are you both trying to say? People talking without speaking? Pardon? Miming? Eh? OK guys, I'm bailing on this one, talk amongst yourselves. Is that a gnome your playing with mag? Oh, Susej, let me out.

  51. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2015, 15:15 #73315

    Very true mg,you can see however that the AKB are rather confused by the stories of this or that player being signed while all the comments from Arsene contradict them.If only they could believe what he says is true but as with his ambiguous comments on other things this makes doing so rather difficult.There is always however the possibility of Stan making another late panic buy , this being less likely this with Sanchez and Danny Boy being out and like new signings when they resurface.At least that should be in a shorter time span than a Diaby one that had descended into an Einstein theory of relativity scenario before he was off-loaded.

  52. Badarse

    Jul 29, 2015, 15:04 #73314

    Phew, a break from letter writing-'Dear Lottery Winner..'. Anyways, John Terry/Academy is very amusing, see the Online Gooner hasn't quite lost that aspect-and it doesn't mean it came in fourth. jj going to the in laws in Dunboyne. Little village with icons and religious artefacts in cabinets on roundabouts-should only be reserved for Zebedee, Florence, Brian and Dougal. As for the Daleks over Susej jj, you have it nailed, whoops! Haven't travelled Eire despite a number of visits, but feel I have. Tony Hawks' "Round Ireland with a Fridge", was a detailed journey. Now where were we? Ah, Benny and Miss Diane. Oh here's a tale. In the town a lad who worked on Crossroads, giving up a successful run in the West End for the bright lights of TV. They didn't take up the option on his contract, so settled into a downward spiral thereafter. He is a Villa fan, loves his team. Saw him recently and he has aged about 30 years in the last 18 months-something is seriously wrong with the lad. Choker, eh?

  53. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 29, 2015, 14:58 #73313

    Hiccup, two good last posts and so true.

  54. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 29, 2015, 14:44 #73312

    jw, as we all know they'd believe anything.

  55. Made Up Stat

    Jul 29, 2015, 14:21 #73311

    Just when you thought you’d seen everything – someone writes ‘John Terry’ and ‘Academy’ in the same sentence. Ah, the rich tapestry of life....

  56. Hiccup

    Jul 29, 2015, 13:23 #73310

    When Wenger says Man Utd are spending a lot of money, we're told it's nothing sinister and is just a correct well reasoned and balanced point of view. Mourinho says arsenal have spent a lot of money, and it's called stirring up a media circus. We do have some sensitive souls on here.

  57. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2015, 13:14 #73309

    Mike, far be it for me to defend the Portugeezer but Porto are not a rich club in Europe.We are one of the top 7 in the world.So then how come Mourinho won the European Cup with Porto and our genius has not been able to do so over a 20 year period despite having had the players to do it >? A clue here for you Mike,it ain't down to money .

  58. Danny

    Jul 29, 2015, 13:07 #73308

    Did you see the size of these Chelsea players last night against Barcelona Arsenal have midgets. these beasts will roll us over anyway

  59. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2015, 13:01 #73307

    Westie, were I forced to choose between having 10k on Benny at 4/5 or Solow at 4/7 in the 3.10 at GW I would have it on the horse .As it happens I never back at odds on because it's a mugs game as those pesky bookies say a fool and his money are easily parted . I also tend to be rather cautious regarding newspaper stories in the silly season alleging signings even when they are accompanied by the sound of drum beats ....... C'est la vie!

  60. Mike W

    Jul 29, 2015, 13:00 #73306

    One fact ignored by the press as they kneel in worship before Maureen is that he has achieved his success with the richest clubs in Portugal, England, Italy and Spain. The last player to come out of the Chelsea Academy, despite millions in investment and collecting together the pick of young English and overseas players is John Terry. The comments made by Maureen about other teams, including The Arsenal buying success are a desperate attempt to engage a media circus which shows signs of getting bored with the man.

  61. Westlower

    Jul 29, 2015, 12:37 #73305

    In the cold light of day Skybet have adjusted the odds to 11/4 about Benzema joining AFC in the summer transfer window. He is 4/11 to remain at RM & 8/1 to sign for Man U. Coral bet 4/5 Arsenal being Benzema's next club whenever the transfer takes place.

  62. jeff wright

    Jul 29, 2015, 11:42 #73304

    Made Up Stat,thanks for the translation of Arsene's gobbledegook a lot of what he says does tend to get lost in translation. The good thing is that he did sign a new striker yesterday although it was not Buh Buh Benny on a jet...Benny Benny Benny on a jet... nope it was some 16 year old 'starlet' from Ajax with potential and a possible sell on value, the biz plan is still alive and well and up and running meanwhile back on the ranch it was another day another dollar one for Silent Stan and he was very pleased about that . Arsene himself is again showing signs of bunker mentality stress ranting that , Mourinho will NOT dictate my transfer policy or tell ME what I can spend or not spend ! Banging on the table with his clenched fist he roared I spend what I can spend . We have to SPEND !! But that doesn't mean I WILL SPEND ~*!! .... Non ,because sometimes you have to concentrate on what you have in your own group and if you want success you have to play your own football.... Calming down a little he then conceded that Chelsea won the league last season in some comfort but warned that we are working hard to improve because we still have some distance to go to catch up. Adding that what he doesn't know is how much our opponents will improve. When asked if he expected to win Sunday's head to head against the man from Portugal , with himself yet to win a game against him, Wenger replied by quoting Napoleon ,The word impossible is not French. It turns out though that Napoleon said that before the battle of Waterloo. Oh...!

  63. jjetplane

    Jul 29, 2015, 11:20 #73303

    That's a even bigger crime with the Rodin. Did you get a record for that? Where in Eire are ye off to dear chap? Roved all over so might know the place. Have a magical time. Two Eirean experiences of late that blew me away. Reading Tobin's Brooklyn and seeing animation Song of the Sea. Topically CYRIL you conjure up big visions there. know the Crown well back in the day and went to school across the road and was even baptized in Holy Joe's. But ever since holy Communion I considered the Darleks a better bet than Jesus which brings me back to Arsene. Benzema is an OK middle tier international striker. Often wondered whether he has a weight/fitness problem and would he then become the new Pod. Placation and Diversion equals eventual profits.

  64. Badarse

    Jul 29, 2015, 8:42 #73302

    Morning jj-I didn't slobber over it. I draw the line at French kissing inanimate objects as that would be just plain wrong-anyway I have very sensuous lips, will talk you through the fullness of my Cupid's Bow another time. Sadly I have to admit that I have 'history'. A few years ago at the Tate Modern I stroked the female's hip of Rodin's marble statue, 'The Kiss'. Got admonished for that too but again was worth it. The feel of the smooth marble was a delight-and though wrong it was a spontaneous reaction to it's beauty. Not very Auguste, but respectful in retrospect. Off to Eire tomorrow, may not post for a few days, so play amongst yourselves. Be back later.

  65. Made Up Stat

    Jul 29, 2015, 8:13 #73301

    Jeff W: I think your quote by Wenger was lost in translation. My paper ran: “My family, and I, if we really want, have £6 million plus bonuses to spend each year. That is not something that is absolutely exceptional for us, but maybe – well probably is – for you. My money in the bank does actually mean profit. I didn’t lose any money the last six months – although the club probably did. You can be bankrupt and have nothing in the bank. I don’t care, because I am not – non, monsieur – not by une long chalk. I have many millions to spend for Arsenal, but only if Mr Kroenke says it’s OK. But he says he needs to find £300m to take over the Boonieburg Wild Lightning Warrior Hurricanes. I don’t want to go too much into it...."

  66. Joe S.

    Jul 29, 2015, 1:54 #73300

    Watching Benzema playing in the friendlies here in Australia, I have a different opinion. He really stood out against Manchester city with his running, skill and positional player.Comparing him to Giroud is nonsense. Even worse is the idea of Lloriente joining Arsenal. Here we have another Giroud, master of tap ins and set piece plays. He is cheap and none of the strong teams want him, but no thanks. One Giroud is bad enough.

  67. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 29, 2015, 0:10 #73299

    Cyril, patsy's? and there are plenty of them that have been supporting Arsenal over the last ten years.

  68. jjetplane

    Jul 28, 2015, 23:53 #73298

    I know WESTiE does not rate Benzema that much and I agree he is not much better than Giroud. remember the 2 of them at the World cup. one would get pulled off and replaced by the other but in big games where it matters neither of them have the top talent to make that incisive difference. if Wenger is really after him then he is out of touch. I imagine Ozil would dread the thought as would Sanchez. But anyway - lett Baddie point the way. he's a proper gooner what;s slobbered all over an arsenal cup. For Wob read Yob. You could not make it up and apparently there were 17 of them to begin with dwindling down to er my mate Dan .... Think evryone has gone potters!

  69. Danny

    Jul 28, 2015, 22:16 #73297

    Couple of things about this Benzema thing. he aint coming because the fee mentioned is low and hs wages

  70. Hiccup

    Jul 28, 2015, 21:29 #73296

    Very observant Ashcroft. After arsenals worst start to a season for some years, Sunday's became the day of rest for the AKB's. Sometimes this sabbath would extend to a Monday. Router testing used to take place every Tuesday at AKB HQ, so communication was still sparse. By Wednesday, westie was sent out to test the water, and the rest would follow, shoulder to shoulder. Pete had sobered up by Thursday, but was still incoherent. I remember someone called GBP who we managed to convert to the dark side. Friday was the AKB 'odds' day, as the odds of arsenal not finishing in the top 4 became a weekly ritual. They are a different animal in close season though. Full of optimism, cusps and corners about to be turned, with routers working 7 days a week.

  71. Westlower

    Jul 28, 2015, 21:14 #73295

    Best odds on Benzema joining Arsenal in the summer transfer window are 5/4. Arsenal being Benzema's next club regardless of when is 6/5. Skybet have reduced their odds from 7/2 to 11/10 this evening. The jungle drums are beating. For Maguiresbridge make that bleating!

  72. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 28, 2015, 20:38 #73294

    Benzema's picture is an old one ,it's all bollards, so sayeth the man in the know. What are the current odds Westlower please?

  73. Ashcroft

    Jul 28, 2015, 19:56 #73293

    Hi Bard,I used to make comments regularly some years back on the Gooner and have always dipped in and out to see what's going on so am quite up to date with the approach and allegiances of each poster.One theme that never changes is at the beginning of each week people tend to be laid back and polite and by the weekend it's more intense and humorous,both ways suit me.

  74. Badarse

    Jul 28, 2015, 19:40 #73292

    Laugh out loud moments. Liked that John F, then read Hiccup's and fell apart, tide was just going out on that one when I read Bard's and was awash again. Keep it up lads, except you maguiresbridge-now just keep the pointy end of the Lineker gnome away from the cat.

  75. Bard

    Jul 28, 2015, 18:56 #73291

    Welcome Ashcroft Im sure you will soon get up to speed with the vagaries of the online gooner. One piece of advice I would proffer is that unless youre having a really good day give Baddie's epic posts the side step otherwise you might end up slitting your wrists. He means well sometimes but gets easily gets lost in reverie confuses it with coherent thought. John F really funny post mate loved. Had a stinker of a journey home from work and it cheered me up no end. Hiccup what happens if Sally says she only has 3 apples but is hiding 3 more. Paul finds out and gets really mad at her. He refuses her offer and ends up in hospital with malnutrition.

  76. jeff wright

    Jul 28, 2015, 18:55 #73290

    Benzema's pic is an old one it's all bollo*cks . Olly will be revealed and was always safe anyway . Danny Boy has been told to score more goals according to Wenger this and others such as Jack doing likewise will make up for the 20 goal striker that we don't have. Well that is Arsene's theory... Mourinho thinks that Hazard is as good as Ronaldo and Messi, and is expecting more goals from him in the Prem than the 14 he scored last term... Rooney is expected to score 25 now he is numero one up front for United... Sterling will add a few for City according to Pell ... my guess is that there will not be any significant improvement in the goals scored by all these hopefuls ... Rooney if he stays fit might be the exception but all things being even Aquero and Costa still look like the main contenders for the golden boot.

  77. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 28, 2015, 18:23 #73289

    There you are jj another sermon from the mount, as if it actually means anything or is of any interest to anybody.

  78. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 28, 2015, 18:03 #73288

    I see our ex saviour diaby has turned down west brom I guess he's waiting on Barca.

  79. John F

    Jul 28, 2015, 17:17 #73287

    On Arsenal News now is the news that some Arsenal fans including my son are getting excited about Benzema signing for us.This is all based on a photo of him on a private jet with one hand near his testicles and the other giving the thumbs up sign whilst going on about the future.Now the only way I can come to the conclusion that he is signing for us is the cryptic clue is left hand is giving us.Another word for testicle is Ball who we all know was an Arsenal legend back in the seventies with the other hand giving the thumbs up means it must be a done deal or is this just cobblers

  80. Hiccup

    Jul 28, 2015, 17:16 #73286

    Looking through the posts, it looks like once again, today's Wenger Code Breaker has been cracked by the AKB's. In simple terms, if Paul only has 2 apples, it is possible he can still go hungry because he's on a hunger strike. If he wants 5 apples, then he needs to ask Sally for 3 of hers. So far so good? However, if he eats more apples than he's capable of, he will end up in hospital and miss the holiday that he had budgeted to go on? This is far better than sudoku!

  81. Ron

    Jul 28, 2015, 17:09 #73285

    Pops head around the door. Usual carnage in here! Well done England for promoting Ian Bell back to 3. The selectors have never quite got to grips with the difference between batting at 3 or 4 for many decades. There s a draw in the offing though at Edgbaston (excellent arena). Arrived at my very pleasant and agreeable guest house in leafy Sutton Coldfield earlier today. The Ashes. There's nothing better guys. Anyway, to keep on topic, yes, we missed a beat not selling Walcott to Liverpool before they netted Benteke. Could have realised some seriously daft money by releasing him. As Baddie says, he s 7/10 material at his very best, 5/10 more often. He knows where his breads buttered though and wont ever agitate to leave. He s well aware he would struggle to play much with today s top Clubs. Good call Westie on Hayden (no, not the former great Aussie opening bat, the youngster at the Arse) Great prospect. Bye lads. Long live the drivel! ha. C mon Gunners v Chelsea. A draw and pens there. Gunners to win.

  82. Badarse

    Jul 28, 2015, 17:07 #73284

    But then you are not an Arsenal fan jj. On a finer note you are locked in. Difficult to break out and learn new things, different views, alternative outlooks. Frozen in time, a bright dinosaur, but a dinosaur all the same.

  83. jjetplane

    Jul 28, 2015, 15:46 #73283

    Funniest thing about the cup kisser's latest sermon (no debate) is he assumes BARD and HICCUP have read and then reread it. I kinda of speed read it as it does provide that sort of unintentional comedy (the one that is not funny) and let us hope there are many more. This site needs guidance and there is only one poster on here who feels he can give it. I am sure any new AKB man must feel deeply rewarded when an online assessment is given. now to to the real world. Arsenal now have more full backs than Chelski but then they have a forward or two who do not look tot the sky and smile when they miss again, and again. Little thing noticed at weekend was Ozil putting quite a shift in (pro-active) and looking most unimpressed with Wally's decisions in the area and Olly's attempts to kick a ball goalwards. Add Arteta (who would do wise to stay in the dressing room) and keep his lazy diagonal play to himself. other than that with Danny coming back and Akpom already thinking he is worth more than Walcott ...... yes, we are good to go. NO DEBATE.

  84. Badarse

    Jul 28, 2015, 15:31 #73282

    maguiresbridge you, like your uncle jeff, have great difficulty in conflating a number of issues to arrive at a set position. It is OK to admire anyone for any special set of circumstances. Some weak minded individuals used to offer as a token resistance that at least Hitler got the trains to run on time-which was a fallacy anyway. Do you get my drift? Ashcroft has earned his 'nose', and he shall be inaugurated this Thursday, all are invited to attend-invites are not to be sniffed at-including your good self...the bad self you have to promise will stay at home with the garden gnomes, let him clean the 'Timmy' one.Just remember conflates, the sunshine breakfast in a bowl. Look out someone rang westlower's bell.

  85. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 28, 2015, 14:59 #73281

    Ashcroft, you admire Maureen and think he's an excellent manager? that'll not go down well with some on here, you could have ruined your relationship with your new mates before it started.

  86. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 28, 2015, 14:49 #73280

    kidding Mr Wenger?, good post, like I've already said some would be quite happy if we never won anything (or just be satisfied with the odd Emirates cup and Singapore sling)as long as we were well run and had plenty of dough in the bank.

  87. Badarse

    Jul 28, 2015, 14:39 #73279

    Well jeff, either by good fortune or pure luck finances have never been a problem, my concerns are for those who don't have. Hope you back a few winners today fella.

  88. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 28, 2015, 14:35 #73278

    Bard, yes fans more concerned about the financial stability of the club (with Portsmouth and Leeds still been cited)than how we compete or what honours we win on the pitch (with fans happy if we never won anything as long as we're financially stable) it's another perfect example of if your told something often enough you'll (the sheep)believe it.

  89. jeff wright

    Jul 28, 2015, 14:35 #73277

    Badarse,sacre bleu ! Never in the field of internet contact was so much posted about so little. Sorry but I haven't got time to reply to all of your points such as they are . I'm watching the racing from glorious Goodwood where the only winners finish first and all others are just runners up. Best to stay clear of financial affairs Badarse because as you admitted you don't understand them. Your posts only reinforce that fact.

  90. jeff wright

    Jul 28, 2015, 14:24 #73276

    I don't like Chelsea FC and never have done or Mourinho either, he has been though as you say Ashcroft successful. He had to be at the clubs he managed.Unlike Arsene who less of is demanded from the club and some supporters. As I said before the chance is there for Wenger to knock him the mouthy one off his perch and I'm referring here to the league next season and not the Community Shield on Sunday. Wenger needs to be more ruthless and spend less time moaning about other managers and get on with doing his own job better if he is serious about doing that . He needs to be more ruthless and to show more ambition than what he has shown so far in this current window. It still looks to me and to others that he is happy to just get a top 4 finish. Wenger is rather weak in regard to ditching players that are not cutting the mustard , young Woj only got dropped down to his antics off-field and not because of his erratic displays on it but he broke Wenger's rules and paid the price for that. Almunia on the other hand who did not drink or smoke and trained hard but on field in goal was a complete waste of space was tolerated for 5 years by Wenger - who even made him captain at one point ! Also Wenger persists with players who are past it such as Arteta due to their loyalty to him. I had to smile at Wenger's comments on Cech bringing calmness and stability to our defence. Anyone who has never worked a day in football could have told him that we have needed a top GK for donkeys years to bring this on so why couldn't our genius Arsene see it then >? I will be surprised if Wenger at 66 wins the Prem or Champions League next term . He's odds on to finish in the top 4 though and to do better than the spuds again. (YAWN)

  91. Westlower

    Jul 28, 2015, 14:23 #73275

    In the period 2001 to 2011 Arsenal's net spend was £47.6m. Chelsea's net spend was £515m. More than ten times the spend over a ten year period. That was the background to Chelsea buying silverware. Who coached them was less important as they won silverware with a vast array of coaches. AFC are now in a position where they can compete on a more level playing field.

  92. Badarse

    Jul 28, 2015, 14:11 #73272

    Hi jeff. Where to begin without saying all that has been said before which is never retained-have you ever searched for Nemo? I could wax lyrical after waxing my moustache, but it would be too much for Hiccup; of all the posters on here he is the one who entertains me with his humour-other WOBs are just funny. (Actually Bard runs him close, he is sharp and hilarious too, pity they both are the wrong side of the fence, but the transfer window is still open so who knows?). Systematically then. AW does not accuse he like myself share a common belief that some try to buy success. That isn't up for debate. His financial contract has no bearing on the case in point, neither does mine-not up for debate. The money he spends he spends as wisely and as frugally as he can, with success and failure expectations inbuilt. It is the lot of a football manager, it would be mine and your responsibility if we ran the club. You can say he fails in this remit-I can say he succeeds. CFC style wage bill? They have a disguised bottom line, our bill is roughly in line with anticipated spends-a non discussion I think with that one. Should be doing better than fourth? Well last year he did, we made third. OK? FA Cup, (my latest girlfriend), is an inanimate object with a status bestowed upon it by people depending on circumstance. It is a traditional KO Cup, with a showpiece Final, despite the money men choosing to despoil it. It has picked up a higher profile because those same investors recognise the wheel has turned and it is saleable again. To win it is now recognised as more prestigious than it was recently. To criticise a fan, say me, who celebrates winning it is naff and silly, why I even get a boost of happiness juice when we win little friendly trophies-surely winning is the optimum? This conundrum is odd. People gripe for AFC not winning then snipe at those who celebrate us winning everything and anything. End of debate. I am never desperate in anything, though my mate Dan is. My defence of AW were just calm reasoned viewpoints, just mine, but valid for all that. No debate. Am a pasta man so never drag spuds into much of what I do, just used it as an easily understood black and white thing for any to understand-oh and I never stand up. I am living in the past. Mmm, well humans spend much of their lives inside their own heads, fact. Much of their conversation and thoughts are historically based so they too are living in the past-possibly up to 90% the remaining 10% is usually spent thinking and living in the future, the present lasts for less than a micro second and we largely operate on automatic pilot for this, fact. CFC are our main rivals. Well they are the richer more successful club, so they are the benchmark, and the team we should set our sights on, figuratively and literally speaking, no more, no debate. The spend? Well we are spending more as AW suggested we might when we sailed through the financial tempest-so we agree, no debate. Put up, or shut up and go. Mmm interesting. I know your political leanings and personal standpoints so can only excuse your silly statement as unknowing. No one bosses another, not even you jeff. He is under contract and if he achieves the accepted target he is retained, if not he goes, simples, no debate. I think that kind of takes care of that. Your post contained errors of facts, hackneyed expressions, mistaken views and beliefs, and personal mind sets; beyond explaining where you made those mistakes I cannot for the life of me see whatever else I can offer you as a crumb of comfort. Hope this helps, so sit quietly in that darkened room-meals on wheels are due shortly. As for you two, Hiccup and Bard, apologies but this is the précis version. Just blame jeff.

  93. jjetplane

    Jul 28, 2015, 14:03 #73271

    Time for a Better Spend Net Record Cup (BSNRC). That trophy cabinet must be filling so quickly they will have to move pre-Wenger silver clap trap down into the basement. From there it can be shipped to Denver, melted down and used to cut the steaks. It's the Arsenal way. Loving BADDIE getting it from security who probably now have his mush on their wall as an undesirable. Good old Arsenal. WESTIE - you have to admit that Abramovich likes his footer and goes to even the youth games. Stan is just amused by and a non-attendee and if we take in to account how many times Arsene as said 'I did not see it' you have to wonder at the tech savvy to make such a convincing dummy. Talking of Dummies, I hear AKB recruitmnet month is now in full swing and one new operative has already appeared. Bet he wishes he could play it like Stan but without rogue JAMERSON, there's just no offensive-defense .....

  94. Ashcroft

    Jul 28, 2015, 13:42 #73270

    I think it's Mourinho who is trying it on here jeff and I've always thought him an excellent manager yet a tad boring in his playing style and interviews.He has spent nearly £100 million more than Wenger over the last three years and though I admire the man for what he's achieved he's showing more fear of Wenger this year and is beginning to waffle a bit and get in some early excuses if things don't go as planned.

  95. CT Gooner

    Jul 28, 2015, 13:37 #73269

    My only comment about the self sustaining model is where the money that provides a profit comes from, the supporters pockets! I have no problem with making profit, but our supporters are asked to pay the highest prices in the UK while being thankful for having the 4th best side, only to ensure there's 200mil in the bank...

  96. cyril

    Jul 28, 2015, 13:33 #73268

    I am led to believe that Usmanov has a home in Highgate, which is about 2.5 miles away from the stadium. He certainly attends as well. Oh and for those who have not seen it, if you like panoramic vistas, get yourself to the top of Highgate Hill opposite St Joseph's church and bring your camera. The Arsenal stadium splits the London skyline from this vantage point. And then pop into see Italian Patsy who runs the Crown pub for a pint (little plug for patsy..)

  97. jeff wright

    Jul 28, 2015, 13:25 #73267

    Badarse, Wenger accuses others of trying to buy success,he buys mediocrity dressed up as success. Because on his wages and with the cash he spends on buying players and running a Chelsea style wage bill, he should be doing better than first tropy is 4th place( and the Euro Millions won ) with the FA Cup is a major trophy nonsense.I note in your desperation to defend Arsene that you drag the spuds into things. You are living in the past Chelsea are our rivals now in London and have been for years. Wenger is happy to concede the London top dog position to them so as he gets a top 4 finish . With Wenger now spending more on players than Jose and with a similiar wage bill, the time for excuses is over ,Wenger needs to put up or shut it and go! .... Ashcroft ,you're having a laugh surely trying to portray Stan as being morally superior to Abramovich and the Arabs at Poundland. You couldn't make it up.

  98. Badarse

    Jul 28, 2015, 13:14 #73266

    Ashcroft where have you come from? You have wandered into another dimension of the Online Gooner. You come on here with your reasoned and responsible views expecting people to understand and comply with such a well balanced view. You need too wash your mouth out with Sugar Daddy water. I like your simple words and your understanding of complex matters like whether to buy the title or not. All very mind expanding. Well done lad.

  99. Ashcroft

    Jul 28, 2015, 13:03 #73265

    A very simplistic approach (WDYTYAKMW) and I can see many licking their lips, yet is that really the way you want to see Arsenal going,I always thought we were a bit more than just sugar daddy reliance.

  100. Badarse

    Jul 28, 2015, 12:59 #73264

    jeff, do you really only see these things in black and white? I know Sours do, as with winning their title in black and white too, (hope I'm not touching on a raw nerve there). Surely it is a given that both Man C and CFC have bought their success, (Man U have too but their dosh is through bank loans and the ability to repay and service the ensuing debts). If we operate a different policy but spend over our income at any time that is a statement of fact and has no bearing on the principal we try to adhere to. I understand that principals are sometimes not easy to understand, it's probably something to do with regal things and that, you know Princey people without crowns, and palls of smoke as seen above the Grove when Arsene signed his new three year deal. I budget quite well and rarely spend above my income at any given time. If I booked a holiday and had a fortnight spending like westlower then it would be fair to say I had overspent my income for a period of time, (non-profit making period). So what is confusing about that? I honestly think the Moanies have such an issue with AW and the AFC of today that they are missing the obvious. All a case of doctoring the facts to support a tired and effete POV.

  101. Westlower

    Jul 28, 2015, 12:59 #73263

    No one in the PL's existence has a better net spend record than Wenger. Maureen is the beneficiary of an obscene amount of money 'loaned' from the purse of Putin. Arsenal remain the best run club in the UK.

  102. goonercolesyboy

    Jul 28, 2015, 12:53 #73262

    Rvp £27m, Nasri £25m, Cesc £25m, Henry £20m, Clichy £7m. etc etc. covers the £100m, non?

  103. jeff wright

    Jul 28, 2015, 12:18 #73261

    Westie said: "Maureen has reminded everyone that Arsenal have spent over £100m in recent transfer transactions, which accounts for the loss that AW refers to." ... All a bit embarrassing really this old chap , no wonder Wenger doesn't want to discuss it ! Just as well the Fair Play rules are now dead ducks in the water wot! All that preaching at United and City s about spending to buy success by Arsene and at others for over doing so all looks rather hypocritical,non>?

  104. Badarse

    Jul 28, 2015, 12:04 #73260

    Thanks Charlie, I thought your personal analysis and interpretations of the individual results were extremely well put. They kind of mirror my own, though we are not all the same hence mutterings of discord. Still we sail on through less choppy seas, with most storms behind us-towards a golden horizon?- but clearly the effect of the AFC strategy/business model doesn't sit well with Mal De Mar and his crew.

  105. jeff wright

    Jul 28, 2015, 12:00 #73259

    Ashcroft ,Arsene is the one who sounds like a bank manager not me ,if he concentrated on doing the job he gets well paid for then we might not have gone 10 years without mustering a title challenge. For a manager who gets paid what he does that is a disgrace.... Bard it's amazing really how after the shenanigans of Diamond Danny and co that we still have some claiming that everything under silent Stan is coming up roses. Football is a results game and it depends where the bar is set for this to gauge if a club is successfully being run or not. With 4th place being the first trophy and the once despised FA Cup now a 'major trophy' our aspirations are always attainable ,and those embarrassing end of season celebrations at 'winning' 4th place in the league up at Newcastle that secured the Champions League TV cash a couple of years ago , with Wenger and our players manically indulging themselves in with selfies being twitted around the globe of them downing champers in the dressing room said it all really.

  106. Westlower

    Jul 28, 2015, 8:44 #73257

    Maureen has reminded everyone that Arsenal have spent over £100m in recent transfer transactions, which accounts for the loss that AW refers to. Maureen forgot to mention CFC's overspend of £890m prior to FFP causing them to reign in their spending last year.

  107. Ashcroft

    Jul 28, 2015, 8:24 #73256

    I think as major shareholder Kroenke does ok.He neither smothers the club with affection yet annoys us with fist pumping enthusiasm. Gazidis is far smoother and a bit more like-able judging by results,both though suit Arsenal down to a tee and the way we've always been run,Usmanov is a big risk in my view and would change Arsenal dramatically but not for the good,his lazy digs each time we lose a game shows that he's not really the type needed to control AFC.As for you jeff you sound a bit like my bank manager.

  108. Bard

    Jul 28, 2015, 6:45 #73254

    Hiccup; Jeff, top posts. It is quite odd in my view that fans are so enamoured with the financial stability of the club. As you say Hiccup we are not Portsmouth. The whole point of supporting a club is to do with what they do on the pitch not what the bank balance looks like. Jeff your point about Stan using Arsenal as leverage to invest in his other businesses goes right to the heart of the matter. The bottom line is that Wenger is merely a pawn in a bigger game and we fans are bled dry to service Stans other investments. If he invested properly in the team and we were truly competitive it would be acceptable but he doesnt and we arent. Its shameful.

  109. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 27, 2015, 23:18 #73252

    There's a lot of talk in this article about winning trophies again, really? i'll not bother counting the two mickey mouse friendlies just won, the two FA Cups although trophies yes that a lot of fans ( wengerites) weren't bothered about before they became important and wanted aborted for bigger fish, and one that we won by the skin of our teeth and thanks to luck and we were playing two mediocre teams in each final wasn't exactly a great achievement, but I can see how you think it was, so lets wait until we win the big prizes like the prem etc before we start talking about winning trophies again.

  110. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 27, 2015, 22:36 #73250

    jw, 77343, ref your last statement, not for some.

  111. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 27, 2015, 22:25 #73249

    Charlie does it make any difference now what the results are/were? with these two top mickey mouse trophies in the bag and sitting pretty in the board room we're going to win the Premiership no matter.

  112. jeff wright

    Jul 27, 2015, 22:19 #73248

    Hiccup, Gazza on the fruit juice did his interpretation of Arsene's comments ,it makes more sense if you read it backwards... Wor opponents, if the' deed want, hev that brass tuh spend. see it is neet somethin that is absolutely exceptional an' brass in the bank doesn’t mean profit. wuh lost brass the last six months. yee gan be bankrupt an' hev £200m in the bank. if yee hev £500m tuh spend three weeks lator, yee nee't tuh find £300m. ah don’t want tuh gan an' aaal mich intee it..

  113. Wenger Kroenke Out

    Jul 27, 2015, 21:53 #73247

    This is so depressing.The majority of fans are happy to have an owner who hasnt put a penny of his own money in the club and who turns up twice a season to watch games.Maybe that tells us about the new breed of Arsenal fan.Results on the pitch are not as important as profits.Wenger will still be the manager in another ten years time.He is Kroenke's dream manager.He makes profits.We have spent £11m this summer.11 years without a title and the board want him to stay.

  114. Hiccup

    Jul 27, 2015, 21:48 #73246

    I missed that Jeff. Drunken Pete sounded more coherent on Saturday night! Looking forward to hearing that gobbledegook being interpreted.

  115. jeff wright

    Jul 27, 2015, 21:29 #73245

    Here, in case anyone missed it, is what Wenger said last week regarding the club(AFC) losing money................“Our opponents, if they really want, have that money to spend. So it is not something that is absolutely exceptional and money in the bank doesn’t mean profit. We lost money the last six months. You can be bankrupt and have £200m in the bank. If you have £500m to spend three weeks later, you need to find £300m. I don’t want to go too much into it...."

  116. jeff wright

    Jul 27, 2015, 21:19 #73244

    The reason that Usmanv is not on the board is because there is no board. Stan is the major-shareholder with Usmanov the other one. A few ancillary shares held by others but not sufficient to deny Stan the right to rule the roost. AFC is at this time a part of his conglomerate of clubs that he runs all the rest in America, he borrowed money to buy his shares in AFC and has used his assets in the club for collateral to borrow more money in the USA to help out with his nefarious plans there ,such as building a new $1.5m dollar stadium . We have to fit into his overall plans and our part of them is to make money for him .He gotpaid 3m last year for supposedly providing financial advice to AFC, rather tenuous this seeing that he is the major shareholder and his son is a director of the club working on Pa's behalf plus all the marketing guys are his appointees as well! Anyway as Wenger revealed the club has lost money over the last 6 months so paying Stan 3m for financial advice doesn't look like value for money as old Chips the latest token old Etonian chairman claimed. Of course it depends on how you arrive at the conclusion that the club lost money over the past 6 months as Wenger claimed last week. Wenger in my view is not as clever as it is claimed that he is on finances . Profits in the past have in the main been down to selling players and this is always a false way to judge if a club is being run soundly.

  117. Hiccup

    Jul 27, 2015, 20:57 #73241

    Charlie, when putting meat on the bones, I see things a bit different. This is the board level section. The club is very well run as a business unit, I can't deny that, and most agree as per the results. But I don't agree that this is down to subjective matters such as 'remaining competitive' and that the ten year plan is now bearing fruition. I see it as the club is run well at board level because we are financially solvent, post profits and have millions in the bank. We are not a Portsmouth. If that isn't well run, then what is. But kroenke doesn't stand up as well when asked about managing the club. Do arsenal fans think he should be making more profit and increasing cash reserves further? Doubt it. I don't think he's managing the club well, because all he's interested in is making profit. Now I know there are many that see that as the be all and end all, but there are fans that would like to see us maximise our chances of winning the top 2 trophies. As in one of the other polls, 44% only thought arsenal were doing the best they could to win the PL/CL. This push has to come from the top. Had we won the PL just once in the last two seasons instead of the FA Cup, or 'been competitive' in it or 'competitive' in the CL, I'm sure we'd have seen a higher percentage happy with the way kroenke manages the club.

  118. Carlito El Gooner

    Jul 27, 2015, 19:46 #73237

    One question that should've been in the survey. That is, "should Usmanov deserve a seat on the board?" He owns 30% of the club and can't get a seat on the board. That's ridiculous.