The Invincibles Legacy

It’s a season of two halves, Brian

The Invincibles Legacy

You don’t have to read many reviews of Arsenal 2015/16 season, or indeed those of the few seasons prior, to see the phrase “Groundhog Day”, almost certainly in the context of repeating previous failings and/or an inability to perform when the pressure is on. The repetition is getting repetitive. However it seems to me Arsenal actually have two different modi operandi when it comes to a failed title challenge and the subsequent perennial battle for a Champions League spot, they either begin strongly and fade away (2015/16, 2013/14) or make a stuttering start and then recover with an impressive finish (2014/15, 2012/13). Since these topsy turvy seasons often alternate (i.e. poor start and good finish one campaign then a good start and poor finish the next) it means the best we can do is claim pyrrhic victories “we had the best record in the calendar year 2015”; irrelevant, all this really highlights is the consistent inconsistency.

Looking at form for the two halves of a season separately can often be revealing, because as a rule after 19 games everyone will have played everybody else once, and with an even spread of home and away fixtures (there are occasionally some anomalies). Some analysis of Arsenal’s performance, and that of the champions, in both halves of the campaign over the past 21 seasons (those in which there has been a 20 team Premiership) reveals some interesting results (see the table illustrated).

Firstly, looking at the overall points totals, 2015/16 was only the third time in 20 seasons that Arsenal’s points total had dropped for a second consecutive year, and the first time this has happened since we have been at Emirates. It may be our highest league position since the move, but 71 points is the fourth lowest total we have achieved since leaving Highbury and on average would only be enough for fourth position. St Totteringham’s day might have been fun, but the evidence suggests second place flattered us, we finished the season with form that would have justified sixth. The 32 points we gained is the third lowest for any half season under Wenger’s tenure. As for the champions, without wishing to rain on Leicester’s parade, 81 points is a low total with which to earn top spot.

Secondly, the last four years have most definitely been ‘seasons of two halves’, in both 2012/13 and 2014/15 Arsenal’s late season form was either the best or second best in the league, helping to compensate for mediocre first halves. On the other hand, in 2013/14 and 2015/16 we were well placed at the turn of the year, only for things to fall apart in the home straight and it was a similar story in 2009/10 and 2010/11. To win the title you need to finish strongly, every champion has had either the best or second best record in the last 19 games of a season. If recent patterns are maintained, do not be surprised to see us around 6th at the turn of the year, only to climb two or three places in early 2017

Thirdly and perhaps most importantly, in recent years it’s been crucial not to fall too far behind in the first half too, only twice have the eventual winners been lower than third at the half way point, our own success in 1998, achieved on the back of a phenomenal sequence in the run in, being one example. Indeed in six of the eight seasons between 95/96 and 02/03 titles were won on the back of strong finishes, the champions often gathering 10 or more points in the latter half of the campaign.

A closer look shows the Invincibles perhaps set a new standard here too, gaining 45 points (oddly still only sufficient for second place to Man United) by Christmas 2003. In the seasons that followed the champions elect have averaged 44 points from their first 19 games, whilst in comparison between 1995/96 and 2002/03, 37 points and third place at the half way stage would have seen you well set. In short this shows that title winners are nowadays more consistent, you’ll likely need 88 points and will win them evenly over the season. Prior to 03/04, 82 points would likely have sufficed; and since champions have consistently scored 44/45 points in the second half, this only goes to show the need to be quick out of the blocks is greater than it used to be (to the tune of six or seven points)

Interestingly in the long run Arsenal have been more consistent across the two halves of a season since the epic 2003-04 campaign (37/38 points each half) yielding an average of 75 points and third place. Prior to that an average of 74 with 40 points gained in the second half being enough to gain second place. The irony here is that Arsenal seem to have raised the bar and now find they can’t jump it…

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  1. Bard

    Jun 08, 2016, 17:52 #90162

    In the Luton End; Come on mate football has moved on. Like you I used to think that the result was the result but I have been enlightened. The result and the position at the end of the season is just the beginning. I understand you now have to factor in pens not given, bent referees, time of the year, the state of the fan support and the number of dives in the area. Its all so nuanced these days. Its crass just to think that a 2-0 is just a 2-0.

  2. Ron

    Jun 08, 2016, 17:05 #90158

    I hope the few remaining AKB stragglers on here dont read this. Ive never got to grips with the concept of the Calender year Cup and its underlying theory that its that which deems who the the true Champions are and not the league table. Now, we ll have a Half a season Cup to contend with. Strike this post Kev. This new notion will have the AKB survivors strutting like Napoleon Bonaparte on acid.

  3. jjetplane

    Jun 08, 2016, 12:39 #90151

    Apparently Walter's first game (only one) was when Sicknote arrived 2006 but having referee'd in the Belgium lower lower leagues (works team ....) he was signed up by Atwood Investments (jive dance specialists) with the task of overhauling the very idea of football. To this end ..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ......

  4. In The Luton End When Caesar Fell

    Jun 08, 2016, 10:40 #90146

    Over the past thirty - six seasons, I've found that the best way to assess The Arsenal's form is after 38, 40, or 42 league matches, then referring to their position in the table...or am I being too simple? Besides, these analytical exercises don't reflect the variance fixture listing and quality of opposition from season to season for starters.

  5. Bumpy Dog

    Jun 08, 2016, 8:47 #90144

    Hello PC Plod. I remember you from Noddy books when I was a kid. Good to hear from you again. Surprised you are sticking up for Jamerson though who is well known in these parts for his racist and homophobic comments which I believe is why he has been banned, as well as posting under multiple personalities. I'd suggest that the very fact Kevin and Mike don't allow this type of behaviour demonstrates they DO have moral fibre, but that is of course only my opinion. Have you caught up with the person who supplied drugs to Big Ears yet?

  6. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jun 08, 2016, 7:27 #90142

    Jjetplane and others : I m still waiting to hear if dear old Walter Broekx has got his red membership yet! I'm all ears waiting for our 'Untold' superfan to actually turn up and watch a game.

  7. Peter Wain

    Jun 08, 2016, 7:19 #90141

    sums Wenger up cannot even get Vardy. Why don't we buy top top quality?

  8. Ozzie

    Jun 08, 2016, 7:05 #90140

    So, the two Manchesters continue to sign the cream strikers while Arsenal cogitate an almost 30 year old one-year wonder? I gave up pre season optimism 5 years ago. Seems best to completely empty one's mind of championships and just go along with the ride.... some believe you have arrived when you live the journey and let's face it, Arsenal no longer seem to be an attractive proposition for the best strikers. There is a certain moronic mindset that us oldies see only too well; that of I-me-mine above being a part of a team, above camaraderie, above the development of fortitude during tough times, above being loyal to your supporters (of all kinds), above a little humility and modesty, above the need for real challenge and character building. Top players and managers generally (Ranieri aside) just don't yield themselves to middle range clubs, let alone lower ones as they want instant, almost guaranteed self glory - within a club where their reputations remain safe in a wildly unbalanced "competition" and if they don't get it they'll play musical-clubs until they do. Big headed Ibrahimovich to Mourinho? A perfect marriage. Now why can't the Gunners unearth a young rough diamond like Thierry Henry to terrorize defences again? That would be some journey...or pre season optimism.

  9. PC Plod

    Jun 08, 2016, 2:11 #90143

    Jamerson's comment was deleted. This draconian measure offers yet more proof that the onlinegooner is run by bent, crooked and corrupt administrators who are whipped into shape by Mike Francis and Kevin Whitcher. Neither have an ounce of moral fibre between them.

  10. mbg

    Jun 07, 2016, 19:07 #90136

    Exeter, that's the only analysis we need, no silly data or spread sheets necessary, post of the day.

  11. Hiccup

    Jun 07, 2016, 17:12 #90134

    jj, these referee reviews take weeks to prepare as there are hours upon hours of watching and rewinding the games in question. To get the full panoramic experience of this City report, I shall be rewatching a rerun tonight with a cup of cocoa and my laptop on my knee, ticking off each decision made by the ref. It really is exciting stuff, and far more fun than the title predictor game. Meanwhile, Untold have held an emergency meeting today, and it looks like their Chief Vardy Correspondent is being pulled from the Euros. The plan was to prove that Vardy is a low life cheat, the type of which Wenger would never have playing for Arsenal, so understandably this has been pulled. The spare resource will now be used to prove corruption amongst the selection process of choosing commentators for live games. Expect more charts and a full breakdown of games shown live last season with the corresponding commentators, which will prove that as well as anti Arsenal refs, anti Arsenal commentators are given the Arsenal games.

  12. jjetplane

    Jun 07, 2016, 12:51 #90130

    More 6th form lectures on Untold about how WOBs are basically just fascists whereas the North Korean sponsored Untold is wholly correct and all the media has got it wrong except The Sun when they support AKBs? They have now finally posted the referee report on the Man City game (finally .... oh how we have waited ....) and it is the longest report ever so the wait is understandable. The conclusion? According to this rabid WOB type Arsene FC are a failing state and in need of a coup but if you fancy a nap - try that report for size.

  13. Mark

    Jun 07, 2016, 12:33 #90129

    Arsenal have never made a real challenge for the title in 12 seasons expect for 07/08.Challenging means still being in the title race with 4 games to go.The seasons when we have finished well have all been down to one thing.No pressure.Arsenal are like Barcelona when the pressure is off.When the pressure was on last season when we had that run of 3 games, away to an awful United team, home to Swansea reserves and Spurs we picked up one point out of nine conceding 7 goals.The mentality of the team is to do just enough to finish top 4.Winning the title doesn't come into it

  14. jjetplane

    Jun 07, 2016, 12:16 #90126

    Arsene has a new spine and it's bleached, quiffed and tatted to the rafters. Gotta say I imagine this article was rejected by Untold who are busy with Vardy's journey to the Emirates (holiday with his missus) and other tomes such as A history of cheating and diving and what are the rewards ..... I want to know how can Theo wrestle the cameras away from the present corruption as I am sure he has much to reflect on .... Anyway - back to the spine which now comprises Jack and his Twitter feed ....

  15. Wear Your Colours

    Jun 07, 2016, 11:45 #90124

    Interesting analysis. The key thing that hits me is that in the four seasons 01/02; 02/03; 03/04 and 04/05 we were competitive in the title race. The spine of the team over those four seasons was Seaman/Lehmann; Campbell; Vieira; Henry. In all the seasons since then we have failed to field a spine of such quality and hence, have not be quite as competitive in the title race.

  16. Exeter Gunner

    Jun 07, 2016, 11:15 #90122

    The stats back up what we already know from the narratives of the seasons for the past decade - if the team starts well and there is the prospect of a title challenge, they fall away. If the team starts badly and there is only a chance of a top 4 spot, they improve sufficiently to grab that. This has been the case whoever the playing personnel, so the solution doesn't lie in the transfer market.

  17. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Jun 07, 2016, 10:48 #90121

    Further to my earlier comment; agreed with mbg and goonersol that it's down to one person no need to do a spreadsheet. Statistics like this remind me of the NFL where a team can have the best "defense against the run, giving up only 3.8 yards per rush" but still ended the season W5 L11. Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

  18. Bard

    Jun 07, 2016, 9:57 #90120

    Ian that sort of analysis requires a lot of work, all power to your elbow but what does it tell us. There is a touch of the Untold about this. It may seem rather black and white but what I like about top class sport is you either win or lose. You win or lose a game, you win or lose a title. You can put all the spin you like on it but it doesnt make any difference. The result is the result. If you listened to any of Gazidis's guff you would be left thinking we had actually won something.

  19. mbg

    Jun 07, 2016, 9:40 #90119

    The only analysis we need to know and it doesn't take much is we have an out of date past it manager.

  20. goonersol

    Jun 07, 2016, 9:21 #90117

    In 12 seasons the closest Arsenal got to winning the PL is 4pts ( 3rd 07/08) the spreadsheet does not take into account the common denominator , Mr Wenger, and the fact that not winning is acceptable, so it cannot explain the lack of drive, passion and ambition, so ultimately is pointless. Only when the mentality changes and a new manager is bought in ( As Wenger wont be changing any day soon) could we start to believe that Arsenal might achieve more silverware....The agony continues into 2016/17.

  21. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Jun 07, 2016, 8:36 #90116

    I don't know if any of you are familiar with the LinkedIn website,kind of like a Facebook for businesses and wanabee millionaires, but this piece is remarkably similar to a lot of items posted on there. "Analysis" of "performance" using "variances" and "standards". And about as yawn-inducing as those articles too.