Is Arsene Wenger wrong about Xhaka?

The fans believe Xhaka can… but does Le Boss?

Is Arsene Wenger wrong about Xhaka?

This is a bit of an AKB question, as the WOB obviously assume that Wenger is always wrong and the fans are always right. For the sake of this article, I’m going to suspend those thoughts for a moment (hard I know), and think about mundane things like selections. I think that even the most rabid WOB will concede that Wenger has a tiny advantage over them when it comes to team selections. Wenger sees the players in training and has a raft of data and analysis available to him that we don’t see (our FourFourTwo apps don’t really cover it, however carefully we study them). He also knows whether he is rotating or selecting his best eleven, and it seemed that there was, at least an element of, rotation for the Bournemouth game.

Unfortunately, Wenger plays all these things close to his chest, leaving us to try to understand his real thoughts by a process of deduction. For example, he has never really admitted that Giroud has lost his starting place to Sanchez this season. Instead we hear a string of things along the lines of ‘Giroud is unfit after Euro16’, ‘Giroud has a minor injury’, ‘I have tactical considerations’, ‘it’s a squad game’, ‘Giroud will make starts’. All these things muddy the waters, and we have to largely ignore the words and look at the selections. The pattern of selections tell us that Sanchez is now the first choice centre forward.

The most recent controversy surrounds Granit Xhaka. Us fans have fallen a bit in love with this guy, largely thanks to his ‘wholehearted’ approach and two spectacular goals scored from distance. Whenever he gets the ball, the North Bank screams “shoot” and then collapses into what can only be described as a fit of teenage girly giggles. Some people (me included I’m afraid) are also enjoying the frisson of excitement that comes with wondering whether we will finish with 10 or 11 when he is playing. I adored Patrick Vieira, and having an aggressive, big central midfielder with a penchant for cards again is just too brilliant for words.

As the season has worn on, we have become increasingly concerned that Wenger seems reluctant to pick Xhaka, despite some good performances. Whilst we understood that he would be used sparingly at first (as Wenger does with many major signings from foreign leagues), we are growing a little bit impatient.

The parable of Flamini and Elneny

The whole things reminds me a little of last season. In hindsight, the loss of Coquelin and Cazorla to serious injuries in November 2015 were blows that we failed to recover from. I remember being very depressed about it, but the odd thing was that hope came from an unexpected direction. We played two big games in December and January with Flamini and Joel Campbell in the team: we won (what appeared to be) a title six-pointer against Man City and a 3-0 victory away at Olympiacos that saved our Champions League bacon. In fact we continued to challenge at the top of the league well into the new year.

We were still top of the league in late January after 22 PL games and only two points behind after 26 games on 14th Feb (after we beat Leicester at home). It seemed as if we had survived the worst, with Coquelin returning to the side and Elneny (signed 14th January) available to replace Flamini. Unfortunately, Wenger persisted in selecting Flamini and we went on the horrible run of form that destroyed our season. The fans were baying for Elneny to come in for Flamini, but Wenger held back. When Flamini finally did lose his place to Elneny, Elneny played well and we didn’t see Flamini again. Why the delay in deploying Elneny? The idea of selecting Flamini ahead of him now seems ludicrous. Was Wenger keen to ‘ease Elneny in’, or was he rewarding Flamini with loyalty after some hard working performances?

Now, I don’t want to overstate this. Even if I am right, and even with the benefit of hindsight, I’m not sure that the earlier introduction of Elneny would have won us the title. However, it is just about credible that it might have allowed us to win the FA Cup, or put a bit more pressure on Leicester. Flamini became a massive liability, sealing his infamy with a comical scythe at Lionel Messi’s shins from inside the penalty area during the first leg against Barcelona. The resultant penalty removed any doubt that we would achieve our now customary last 16 exit. Wenger implicitly accepted his mistake by removing Flamini from the team, never to return (although, of course, he said nothing). There is certainly a case to be made that the fans made the right call on Flamini and Wenger made the wrong one. Even AKBs must concede that this is not the first time that Wenger’s decisions about defensive midfielders have been questionable.

So what is really happening to Xhaka

Xhaka’s non-selections don’t make sense to us. He is surely beyond the ‘settling in’ period? His performances seem to demand his inclusion. Benching him against Man U was perhaps understandable, in the name of rotation and to avoid an inevitable red card against a Mourinho team, but his non-appearance against PSG was baffling. Perhaps he was injured or training poorly? If so, the evidence of his performances against Tottenham before he was benched and Bournemouth afterwards, gave no hint of such problems.

I am usually highly sceptical about the idea that the fans know better than the manager, but sometimes we maybe do, and I am starting to think that Xhaka might just be such a case. We don’t have access to all the information that Wenger does, but its not so unlikely that we could be right and he could be wrong. In this case we have a bona fide economic-political phenomenon on our side. The ‘wisdom of the crowd’, was first proposed by Aristotle and has been backed up by much economic research.

The Wisdom of the Crowd

Even if the individuals that make up ‘the crowd’ are less informed, educated, dedicated or well-researched than the decision maker, they can, on occasions make better decisions. This is because, in the case of simple decisions, the crowd can take an ‘average’ decision. They don’t need to be right individually, but only on average (i.e. more are right than wrong – and with a large enough crowd this is almost a statistical certainty). This is the phenomena that explains why democracies perform better than dictatorships, why ‘the market’ can outperform ‘central decision makers’ and why juries are preferred judges in law courts. ‘The crowd’ is currently stretching its credit on this point with decisions such as ‘Brexit’ and ‘Donald Trump’, but the basic point remains, that for a simple decision, the crowd may well be wiser than Wenger.

Is there another explanation?

The other possibility is that Wenger fully understands Xhaka’s form, but he has become intolerant of red cards. Giroud, Gabriel and Mertesacker all enjoyed extended spells out of the team last season after red cards that cost us matches (against Dinamo, Chelsea and Chelsea again). This seems a bit odd in a manager who ten years ago was famed for the proliferation of his team’s red cards, but the evidence is mounting. Most of us rather enjoyed Xhaka’s red card against Swansea (some of his yellows have been pretty entertaining too – he looks so innocent and perplexed after his outrageous fouls), but it seems that Wenger was not amused. We have heard a few cryptic comments in press conferences about how Xhaka needs to ‘control himself’. If Wenger were following a policy of leaving out players who get red cards, we can be certain that he wouldn’t discuss it publicly, and his actions suggest that he might be doing exactly that.


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  1. GoonerGoal!

    Nov 30, 2016, 22:15 #95167

    Goodbye November! Groundhog month 2016. One win, lots of draws, one defeat, and where are we? Once again just about hanging on to the teams at the top of the Premier League before we finally fall away in the Spring. Destined to finish second in our Champions League Group before going out at the 1st KO stage, and out of the League Cup with a team of kids and under-motivated squad players beaten by a less than ordinary team. Yep, it's 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 etc. etc. etc. all over again. WENGER OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  2. Finsbury Joe

    Nov 30, 2016, 16:08 #95156

    Xhaka is an overpriced signing who will deteriorate under his, frankly, appalling coaching setup. Wenger should never be allowed to spend that sort of money

  3. Danny

    Nov 30, 2016, 3:52 #95142

    I do not like Wenger and like many want him out, but from what i have seen Shaka cannot cut the mustard. Cannot defend or tackle properly. waste of money. we need a powerhouse of a player. Coquelin and CAZORLA are the best pair in midfield

  4. mbg

    Nov 30, 2016, 0:08 #95141

    Paul Ward, and that five foot nothing and the others are going to be in great demand and come into their own in the coming weeks, to snow white or flying a sleigh, i'm sure there's data for that too, well it is that time of year again lads so don't hold back. The turkey out.

  5. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 29, 2016, 22:57 #95140

    Tim - You wonder whether xhaka can or cannot, but I'd take cooler xhaka over xhaka-takki-tikka or xhaka demus any day. Ed: That's enough crap musical puns. Jamee - don't worry abut trying to extract any meaning from this: you know as much about popular culture as you do about Arsenal's history. Xhaka-un a son gout mes amis.

  6. Paul Ward

    Nov 29, 2016, 20:55 #95139

    Can't see much between Xhaka, Coq and Neny to be honest, while Rambo is simply not a defensive midfielder. We seem to have gone from having too many lightweights in the middle of the park to a surfeit of Gearge Graham type scufflers, now its five foot nothing Santi, a player who can't really run or tackle that we all cry out for, ironic really.

  7. mbg

    Nov 29, 2016, 20:45 #95138

    jj, yes and I bet you or I or others on here wouldn't have our article/thoughts so promptly published by the Icke brigade on there. wenger out.

  8. mbg

    Nov 29, 2016, 20:24 #95137

    Just been watching Star Trek deep space 9, more commonly known as London Colney, apparently Data, doesn't have the Data at his disposable to repair DS9 and there's none available so they've had to go looking to Empok Nor, maybe the should try OGL he has rafts of it doing the rounds just floating about, i'm sure it would be of great help it's of no use to us, (apart from lighting fires) bouldy, yes boss, beam up all that data to that other baldy Pickard it's all gobbledegook and Alien to me.

  9. 1971 Gooner

    Nov 29, 2016, 19:35 #95135

    Exeter - your point about favourite players is well made; Ramsey gets picked time and again despite poor performances whereas The Ox seems to get bombed out at the first opportunity, despite in my view being second only to Alexis in terms of the effort he puts in every game.

  10. Moscow Gooner

    Nov 29, 2016, 19:01 #95134

    Surely it's not AW's policy on red cards but rather his prohibition on shooting from distance, rather than trying to thread the needle and walk the ball into the net, which is keeping Xhaka out? He'll learn in time....

  11. jjetplane

    Nov 29, 2016, 18:53 #95133

    Xhakakakakakaka needs a beard and big hair like Olivia and some of those crazy tatts that Theo scares the PL off with. Looking forward to him wearing Arnold's cast offs when Theo has had enough. Only other point is when Ozil went to sleep before the Bourne pen, did he ever get up. Mesut is such a deep, complex character. Bit like Arsene whose books can now be found in the Philosophy sections at Waterstones. And er wheelie bins at the back of any Works branch. 'I think leeetle bit and yes you could say mental strenght would have helped Neitzsche of course when dealing with a horse. When Giroud first came here I looked little bit in his eye ....'

  12. GoonGer

    Nov 29, 2016, 18:48 #95132

    You seemed to omit the 4-0 drubbing in December at Southampton after Man City. For me the title race finished for me on Boxing Day with that horrific performance and result, regardless of where we sat mathematically.

  13. mbg

    Nov 29, 2016, 18:40 #95131

    Exeter, excellent post, one of those that need to be reread then a cup of tea made and read again, maybe then with a bit of reflexion and read again, whether it sinks in, goes in one lug and straight out the other or straight over the head/heads is anyone's guess although not a hard one. wenger out.

  14. Hi Berry

    Nov 29, 2016, 18:36 #95130

    Guys, I think all this postulation on why Xhaka doesn't get a start is way, way wide of the mark. Anyone who has worked half a day in football can see that Wenger is masterminding a secret intensive training programme at London Colney and after Christmas Xhaka will emerge from his cocoon as our new world class striker.

  15. Mad Monk

    Nov 29, 2016, 18:24 #95129

    Just as well you haven't posted this on Untold, my God they would be spitting feathers in downtown Kuala Lumpur, choking on cheese sandwiches in Brussels and tripping over their feet whilst doing a jive in Benidorm. I'm astounded that a brethren from Untold actually can admit that Lord Wenger gets it wrong! You naughty boy you will now be expelled from Jive bunnies site

  16. mbg

    Nov 29, 2016, 17:47 #95128

    Hard to assume ? really ? not to hard to assume at all timmy boy considering the last eleven years and everything that went with it, for all to see and remember, but of course wengers chief bathroom attendants always have poor eyesight and a bad memory, as for a raft of data, again really ? it cant be on fitness and injuries with all the injuries crocks and breakdowns we have, and if it is it isn't much fooking good, it certainly can't be on tactics and other teams with the one dimensional tippy tappy crap we play, so if TOF actually does have all this data at his disposal (assuming he can actually read)what does he do with it. I know, you know all this because you light his living room fire with it in the mornings. wenger out on the next raft of rata.

  17. Bard

    Nov 29, 2016, 16:33 #95127

    Tim who can fathom Wenger's selections. Im not sure Xhaka's situation is any different to the perplexing midfield combo's that start. He seems to go for a type rather than for a position. Recently we have had a job lot of diminutive midfielders, all replicating each other more or less. He also has his favourites, Joel Campbell isnt Wally clearly is. All managers get it wrong but this last 10 years he seems to get more wrong than right.

  18. jjetplane

    Nov 29, 2016, 16:21 #95126

    Timmy is just spoiling for a cyber dust up as he must be bored to death with the jive dancing, Gouda munching weirdos on his natural habitat Untold. Loved seeing Theo wearing the emperor's clothes on MOTD. Even has his uncle's tie on. Cue naked Arsene doing post match spin. On second thoughts ...... Theo may yet be manager of Asano. Now that will get 'the baying mob/hordes at the Armoury door' (see disinterested tourists looking for football mugs ...) in a right ****ing Tizz! ps Why is no one talking about Mesut anymore. I mean - that ****ing goal against errr .....

  19. Bonzo

    Nov 29, 2016, 15:25 #95125

    All this AKB/WOB business does get dull. On this site it's settled as there's only one complete AKB left a sex freak known as Jamee who lives alone in his caravan. His sidekick gimp boy Leekey appears cyber dead. Down with Wengo, bring on Simeone.

  20. Who's Zed!, Zed's dead baby!!

    Nov 29, 2016, 14:46 #95124

    You give the average fan way too much credit. Hindsight is a big deal for these people, myself is included of course. Most of the rantings or rumblings about tactic player and formation choice usually comes in after the result. Rarely do I hear a fan get it spot on before the game, ie his complaints lining up with what he says before kick off (unless he's talking in general, or is scapegoating). And the moment we went on that streak, peoples line-ups began looking very similar to Arsene's. All of a sudden Alexis CF, Walcott and Iwobi, were in everyone's line-ups, which was not the case before-hand. Ps, "The wisdom of the crowd" - It's more like "The rule of the mob". Your giggling little girls phrase, gives a hint, to why the rule of the mob is not nearly as clever as you make them out to be. They unsettled Xhaka's game at one point, with shoot!!.

  21. jjetplane

    Nov 29, 2016, 13:25 #95123

    So we know Walter likes a Gouda cheese sandwich before finding a match stream. Are you a red or brown sauce or no sauce at all kinda crazy fella Tim? As you illustrate your proto Orwellian distaste of the crowd/mob by coming over all Tom Hobbes (see WOB rabido) like I guess the answer is mayo ...

  22. Ron

    Nov 29, 2016, 13:03 #95122

    Take Sanchez away from that entire squad and the rest merge into one depressing sea of same level ordinariness.

  23. GS

    Nov 29, 2016, 12:49 #95121

    Wenger may have more info than the fans, Prozone, medical, timings etc, so how do you explain playing them out of position, poor tactics, subs at 70mins and no plan B. Also if Xhaka is not ready or possibly a liability, what stats did Wenger use to buy him in the first place, hopefully not the same ones as Denilson, Stepanovs etc ...The usual smoke & mirrors.

  24. Harry

    Nov 29, 2016, 12:43 #95120

    The reason you are wrong and why wenger is hesitant to start him is because simply, he is slow. His turn of pace is poor and we become very susceptible to counter attacks.(the same reason he wont play just him as dm,and is now 'more a box to box player') The biggest misconception is xhaka is very aggressive and therefore gets red cards. He gets lots of cards because he has to bring players down as he cant keep up with them. He is a class technical player and will come good eventually, but wenger is spot on and realises his downfalls.

  25. Tony Evans

    Nov 29, 2016, 12:43 #95119

    The mistake you are making here, Tim, is even trying to make any sense of Wenger and his team selections! For me Xhaka has to start but then I haven't even worked half a day in football!

  26. kk

    Nov 29, 2016, 12:37 #95118

    long winded article.. learned nothing new. get to the point next time

  27. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 29, 2016, 12:34 #95117

    Wenger may have the advantages of seeing the players in training and having all the data, but what you can't seem to see, which the 'rabid WOB' can after many years of observing, is that Wenger has his own agendas and hierarchies that influence his decision making (favourite players, desire to prove people wrong, utterly wedded to one style of play etc). You by contrast (though you concede he may possibly get it wrong sometimes) seem to think Wenger is making rational decisions based on evidence. You also seem to think that player selection makes all the difference when crunch time comes, ignoring the poor mentality that leads to the team (whoever the personnel) crumbling when the pressure comes on.