Teflon Terry - How does he keep getting away with it?

The non-stick Chelsea and England captain’s a red card exclusion zone

Teflon Terry - How does he keep getting away with it?

Terry: Saint John of Soho Square?

Just a quick post now that I've managed to stop laughing at Chelsea's misfortune. It struck me that Scolari's ridiculous post match rant had more than a touch of the Mourinho's about it. Rabid self-obsession? Check. Blind partiality? Check. Seeking to move the media focus from a Chelsea player’s appalling behaviour? Check.

Let's face it, if an Arsenal player had made a two footed studs up tackle, we would have been hearing about it for days afterwards along with the usual litany of lazy journalistic clichés about this being the thousandth red card of Wenger's reign.

Scolari is already struggling at the back with that dome-headed Portuguese being injured and plainly can't contemplate losing Terry for three games on an FA charge. At the same time, the media whores couldn't possibly risk the ire of "England's John Terry" by stating the bleeding obvious; that he made what is at best an awful, studs up two-footed challenge, the kind which has referees producing red cards up and down the country, as is mandated by the laws.

If they did, they might well risk losing his patronage and the revenue which comes from selling papers on the back of ghost written newspaper columns. This, after all, is the man who had a red card rescinded after he rugby tackled a player stopping a two-on-one potential goal scoring opportunity earlier in the season. Never fear, the same ridiculous bias that saw Shearer acquitted all those years ago by claiming his boot had got caught in the turf when he clearly kicked a prone Neil Lennon in the head, raced to the surface within seconds, with the Sky halfwits proclaiming that it was ok because the tackle wasn't too high off the ground. Stop and think about the appalling crassness of that comment for a second.

While perhaps we can excuse the blunderbuss approach of Scolari who was after all not speaking in his native tongue, The Crab was conspicuous by his absence in this argument - you know the one who accused Arsenal of bringing the game into disrepute by playing a load of kids (and more often than not winning) in the Carling Cup. Clearly, actually having a policy of trying to improve the quality of English footballers is something to be abhorred. What we need to do is teach them to tackle two footed, studs showing, then praise their "honesty".

But I digress. How many games do you see Terry committing fouls in and getting away with things that we seem to get booked for? How many times does he block off a player? How many little tugs and trips does he commit, breaking up the play, another of Mourinho's favourite ploys? I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little tired of Teflon Terry's being allowed to get away with it. I won't be holding my breath waiting for referees and the media to find a cure for their myopia just yet though.

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