In Defence Of Diaby

If he was played central he’d have far more impact

In Defence Of Diaby

Diaby – Being played wide does him and the team no favours

No one will doubt that a major theme for the season so far has been one of utter frustration. For me the role of Abou Diaby in the side encapsulates this perfectly. I have found it incredible that not once this season have we seen Diaby play in an orthodox central midfield position.

At the start of the season Wenger commented that he had originally planned to play the big man alongside Fabregas in the heart of our midfield for last season’s campaign. Obviously we all know that Abou got injured which created an opening which Flamini grasped with both hands.

As impressive as Flamini was his departure was not lamented in my world. A sense of anticipation took over at the prospect that finally we would get the see a central midfield axis of Fabregas and Diaby. However history repeated itself at the start of this season with Diaby getting injured again resulting in Arsene all too readily handing the midfield berth to Denilson.

If Wenger envisaged Denilson stepping up to the plate a la Flamini he was/is sadly mistaken. I don’t want to say too much about our Brazilian because if I start I could literally write a thesis about everything I hate about the fella. To me he hasn’t improved one iota from the first time I saw him being blooded in the Carling Cup how ever many years ago that was now. What he offers the team in a positive sense I do not know.

His best attribute is probably decent technical ability but then again it’s nothing special. That’s it. What he doesn’t have is a list of attributes fundamental for playing in a central midfield position next to Fabregas ie physicality, presence, running power and a no nonsense approach to tackling. Every bad game he played convinced me further that Arsene would bomb him out of the side for the next game. However this season Wenger has baffled me almost on a weekly basis with team selection (not to mention baffling excuses).

His second mistake in regards to central midfield is its current incumbent, Song. While I believe he is a better option than Denilson (who wouldn’t be) I still think he is miles off being a top Premiership performer. He has good upper body strength, but his workrate is absolutely shocking, his attitude leaves a lot to be desired as well. I know his style is kind of languid but by Christ he needs a rocket up his arse to get him going.

I honestly don’t believe he cares if the team wins or loses. I have never seen his expression change during any game he’s played. I haven’t seen him put in a blockbusting challenge, a buccaneering foray forward or a deceptive pass. No, if you’re looking for a midfielder who doesn’t break sweat, passes the ball sideways and is content to saunter through a match, Song is your man. Finally, this takes me onto Diaby.

I have to state now, I rate the boy. In fact I honestly really like him. Week after week I keep asking myself the same question, "Why wont Arsene play him through the middle?" I am thoroughly fed up of seeing him shunted over to the left. On a couple of occasions this season we have had a midfield partnership of Song and Denilson. It’s soul destroying to see these two in there. I have my doubts that these two would have got into a George Gramham midfield. They are the worst midfielders to play regularly in the Wenger era.

Anyway back to Abou. I’m sure Arsene didn’t sign him to be a left sided player. I think it’s credit to the lad that he'll constantly play out of position and not utter a word of discontent, not even as much as a "badly misquoted interview for a French journalist". His attitude is fantastic. I honestly think he is a victim of being so versatile. Technically he is absolutely superb. Physically he is a monster. No one is going to shrug him off the ball, quite the opposite.

Ok so it’s hard to judge if he can really get stuck in. That’s my point. He’s constantly playing out left. Unleash him in the middle. Look at the sheer size of the felIa. I do realise that he does take too much out of the ball. I honestly think though that his position on the field influences that. He is always positive on the ball and will always look for it. The confidence he has in receiving the possession in tight situations and trusting his ability is in my opinion marvellous. Mostly he loses the ball in the right area of the pitch. The boy takes chances. Sometimes he does the hard bit and then inexplicably gives the ball away. I know his faults. I also know that he’s only 22. He’s had a horrendous injury but came back. He hasn’t had a run of games in central midfield.

Wenger might worry that he’s too attacking if paired alongside Cesc. I don’t care anymore. We can tweak that aspect a little bit. What’s the alternative? Watch Denilson constantly getting outmuscled. Watch Song amble through a game as if it was a testimonial. This season our midfield has come off second best too many times. Aston Villa at home the perfect example.

I’m going to end this on a positive. I believe Diaby can run a midfield. Remember Chelsea in the Carling Cup Final. He was man of the match even though he was narrow left. We lost the game as a direct result of his departure. Away to Fenerbache when he played central off Bendtner he was magnificent. Against the Mancs at home this season he was superb. The boy has it. Give him his chance Arsene.

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