Reality check time... and it ain’t good reading!

A runthrough of some of our more prominent squad members for you

Reality check time... and it ain’t good reading!

Denilson: Favoured breakfast of oppo midfielders?

Eboue, Bendtner and Song have come in for some pretty stinging criticism in the last few months, but I have now compiled a list. Call it a reality list if you like. Those of a nervous disposition look away now! You have been warned!

Manuel Almunia. Has never and will never be a ‘Big 4’ quality goalkeeper. Has too many off days and simply refuses point blank to come for a cross in the 18 yard box. Has no idea where to stand at corners. Apart from that…

Manu Eboue. He did not deserve the booing. No doubt about that. But this boy can’t hack it, plain and simple. Has never the skill, composure, or vision to be playing in a Wenger team and is probably the worst crosser of the ball in human history.

William Gallas. We all know about our recent history with Monsieur Gallas. He is a sulky, overpaid oaf, who should be removed in January.

Kolo Toure. Kolo’s biggest problem is Mr Wenger, in that I do not believe that Wenger knows Kolo’s best position - in front of the back four or in the back four. Until ‘Arse’ makes up his mind, Kolo will forever be in limbo. He certainly is not the player of three years back.

Denilson. Come on. Please. This guy is soooo lightweight it’s unreal. Roy Keane would have eaten this guy for breakfast. And most of his midfield opponents this season have chewed him up and spat him out! Again lacks composure at the vital killer pass moment.

Diaby. This guy has for me, been the biggest disappointment of them all. Injuries aside, he has played enough to have fulfilled his potential but has failed… miserably. He ain’t ever going to be the ‘new Vieira’ as we all hoped.

Van Persie. RVP has at times (not many this year) shown his brilliance. There is no doubting his talent. The doubt surrounds his attitude. It’s clear to see that this guy will sulk, scream, cry and basically throw a huge paddy when things do not go well. Well Rob, me old mate, things ain’t going well. He is obviously disliked by his team-mates as he is the last resort when it comes to players passing the ball.

Manu Adebayor. Again, has obvious talent. He is no Henry, but then he has never tried to be. Henry was not a mercenary out for a huge pay rise every time he scored a hat-trick against Derby. This guy is never going to cure our lack of cutting edge. Scoring one goal out of every six to seven clear chances don’t cut it with me.

If you now add the aforementioned Bendtner and Song (we all know there varying problems from bad hairstyles to wearing ladies’ slippers) and you almost have the current Arsenal team.


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