Ashley Cole: The Book What I Wrote

Online Ed: Having read the extracts from ‘My Defence’, I wouldn’t bet on our former left back cleaning up at the William Hill Sports Book of the Year awards.

Ashley Cole: The Book What I Wrote

Cole: The hole he digs just gets deeper and deeper.

Well I read the Monday extract from Cashley’s tome in Monday’s ‘Times’. I do not know who the ghostwriter of the autobiography is, but I wonder what thoughts entered his mind as he attempted to turn the drivel coming out of Cole’s mouth into something that could pass for the English language. Because reading how victimised the player felt, the only conclusion this reader can make is confirmation of the long held belief that the player is thick as pigsh*t.

Did he seriously sit in the centre circle awaiting to hear his name chanted after Thierry Henry’s as fans slowly left Highbury for the last time on May 7th? Was he under the slightest illusion that anyone actually wanted him to stay? So the Arsenal board reneged on a verbal agreement made by David Dein when they discovered that £5,000 of his weekly wage money would be lining the pockets of agent Jonathan Barnett. So that is disloyalty. Betrayal. Here’s one for you Cashley. How about declaring you will never play again for the club even if they paid you £200k per week? How about taking your place at the table for a secret meeting with your club’s biggest challengers to discuss the possibility of moving to them? How about collecting £60k per week whilst sitting on your arse for the greater part of the season and then not showing the slightest nod of gratitude to your club manager for playing you into fitness in time for the World Cup finals?

Cole is taking the p*ss out of not only Arsenal fans but football fans in general if he is asking us to feel he has been hard done by. Can he seriously expect Arsenal fans to chant his name after the disgraceful way he took the p*ss out of their support? The notion that Cole had been treated as a ‘slave’ by Arsenal – the words of the player’s agent – were an insult to those that have suffered genuine slavery and the many who indeed still do in this corrupt world.

By publishing ‘My Defence’, Cole is just trying to make money from bullsh*t, a neat reflection of the deal that saw his wedding pictures sold to some glossy weekly or other. Cole should ask himself this. Why did so many of his fellow pros want nothing to do with his nuptials? The answer was probably because the basis of the whole shebang was financial greed, as opposed to the celebration of a romantic union. Two money grabbing valueless Chavs seizing the opportunity to glorify in their own tackiness as if they didn’t get the joke in ‘Footballers’ Wives’. In a sense, Cole has moved to just the right club, where money is king and true values have little meaning.

And he was upset that none of his team-mates joined him to get hammered in a nightclub (where doubtless the £3k bottles of bubbly went down nicely) at the end of the domestic season. Might be because most of the players at Arsenal value their bodies too much to down excessive amounts of alcohol in the wee small hours. Think about it Cashley. All that fitness and peak conditioning work you used to do with Mr Wenger. Remember that? Any notion why Arsenal players might have done that? And why most decided that drinking alcohol at 3am might be counter-productive?

There is no point in attempting to win an argument with Cole. He just hasn’t got the brains to see it from any other side than his own. Sadly, it’s a trait reflected by a hell of a lot of young people and it’s a reason many fear for the future of our society. It’s all easy come, don’t want to work that hard for it, no respect, no seeing it from the other side, just p*ss it up against the wall. Utterly valueless. Certainly, anyone offered the chance to earn £55,000 a week who feels they are being treated like a slave needs a lesson in reality, but Cashley’s fortune means that it’s a lesson he will never have to face, unlike most of those who have been paying his wages over the last five years. I’d ask you to try and see it from our side, Cashley, but for you that is such a leap of the imagination you’d never make it across the gap in one piece. Best stay where you are and roll around in your money with the wifey.

Oh and one final thing. If Thierry Henry had left the club in May, he would have gone with the best wishes of the vast majority of Arsenal fans. And that is why they chanted his name on May 7th. Because he has class and some concept about how to handle himself in public. In comparison to him you are worthless, which is why no one tried that hard to keep you at Arsenal. Because like your mate Jermaine Pennant, you may be a good footballer but your attitude stinks. As ‘My Defence’ will doubtless testify when we read the rest of the extracts.

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