If you are not going to the game tomorrow…

Then ArsenalTV online are broadcasting their matchday show free to all

If you are not going to the game tomorrow…

You just need an internet connection

Ok, those of you that scour the web for Arsenal blogs may well have seen this on other sites yesterday. So I am not just going to reproduce the club’s text as many others seem to have done, and will keep this relatively brief and painless.

Ok, so there’s Arsenal TV on the er… telly. The one which runs between late afternoon and midnight. But for much longer there has been the online version, accessed through arsenal.com. ATVO they call it – as in Arsenal TV Online.

They are doubtless trying to up their subscriptions (£3.99 a month) and have done two things. 1. Made tomorrow’s matchday show free to all – no subscription required, so you can get a taste of what you are missing. 2. Emailed a good number of Arsenal blogs to plug it.

Now you could take a cynical view that they are happy to be our pals when they want something, and I should state that every website that runs the plug has been promised 6 months subscription gratis to Arsenal TV themselves. I have to confess that the latter has persuaded me to sell out and run the plug. I might have done it without that as it was a fairly polite request, and we at onlinegooner and Arsenal should all be pulling together, but what the hell. A bribe is a bribe is a bribe, and integrity split this place years back.

Fortunately, there is another benefit. One of our website audience also gets a free six month subscription.

To enter the draw for that free subscription, what is required is that, during the show and in the 72 hours afterwards, you email us your comments on the matchday show – good or bad, what you enjoyed and what you didn’t, what else you’d like to see/hear.

Send them to us at [email protected] and we will do two things. 1. Pass on any feedback to the ATVO people. 2. Pick a winner for the free subscription. Result will be announced on onlinegooner next Wednesday on one of the pieces posted that day.

Basically, ATVO want feedback about the show. If you are already a subscriber, you can still enter, it just means that when renewal time comes up, you will get a six month extension.

So for those of you not going to the match in person, there’s your Saturday afternoon sorted. Good luck.

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