Quit with the negative vibes

How does barracking a player help the team move forward?

Quit with the negative vibes

Bendtner: Finishing awful, but worked hard for the cause

It was really encouraging to hear Bendtner get his name chanted whilst he was having a bit of a trying period during the Blackburn match. I'm not certain but I think this positive chanting started in the Red Section, but wherever it was well done to those who started it and also well done to those who picked up on it. Clearly Nick was having a good game, working his rocks off and giving his all but was suffering from some awful finishing. Like many others I felt really sorry for him at this point in the match. He needed to be picked up and his response to the chanting clearly showed that he was.

Arsenal have far too many negative fans, always have had, and unfortunately many of them currently appear to be near the press box which is providing a very negative view for the media. These negative clowns do not represent my viewpoint and I would hope do not represent the views of numerous others. But add this to all the armchair clowns who phone radio shows with the express idea of slating players or Le Boss and 'our' negative attitude is there for all the media slags like Collymore to latch onto.

The time has come then to slag off the boo boys. I'm sure I'm not alone in finding that when you confront one of these braying donkeys and ask them why exactly they've come to our stadium their response is that they are there to support the team. If you suggest then that they quit with the negative vibes and actually try supporting the team some of them are not quite as vocal for the rest of the match. You'll also find that once confronted quite a few fellow fans will endorse your comments.

So if every real fan reading this can shut up just one Arsenal donkey and pass the word to other real fans to do the same we will succeed. Right now and for the remainder of this season - especially given our young side - we need positive vibes. There will be many more occasions when the going gets tough and things won't be going our way but the team will require positive support. When it gets tough the boo boys will re-appear. I'm not advocating that you start a fight with these clowns but confronting negative fans is a good start towards turning the stadium positive. 'Shut the feck up' is just one particular phrase I find to be quite effective.

Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated, not just by me but also by 'our' team. And should you personally feel you must boo, slag, berate, belittle or chastise our team throughout the match, which is of course your democratic right, then please feel free to stay at home and do it in front of a telly.

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