Gooner Survey Results 2008 – Part Three

You wait months for these and then three come along at once. So this one’s dedicated to London's buses.

Gooner Survey Results 2008 – Part Three

Gooner 179 – Favourite cover of 2007/08 season

Ed’s note – see here for the apology as to why the posting of these is somewhat later than planned. Remember, votes were cast at the end of last season and commentary written in July 2008. Thanks yet again to Gareth Bracken for formatting.

Continued from parts one and two, here’s the third and final instalment.

Worst TV pundit or commentator
Pleat 11%
Gray 10%
Hansen 10%
Redknapp 9%
Lawrenson 9%
Motson 6%
Tyldesley 6%

A closely fought contest. Well, the choice is almost endless, isn’t it? From the senile Motty to the shrieking Pearce, the monotone Shearer to the unintelligible Crooks. Like The Apprentice and Big Brother, the contestants get worse each year and the sound of barrels being scraped grows ever louder. It’s the pundits who get the most votes with only the truly biased and truly past-it commentators getting the proverbial Gooner goat. Pretty much everyone you can think of was nominated, but in a blow for traditionalists, Jacqui Oatley (aka “the woman off MOTD”) got only six votes.

Favourite Matchday pub
1. Gunners
2. Twelve Pins
3. Rocket
4. Auld Triangle

Almost the same list as last year, and again not a huge number of votes cast. But they did include the longest answer I’ve ever seen in this survey: “The Canonbury Tavern which I have been using for over 40 years. Sadly it was closed for refurbishment in October 2007 and will not reopen until December 2008. In the meantime I have been using the Alwyn. Nice pub, decent beer, absolutely dreadful service. Otherwise the Highbury Barn, particularly when the weather is good enough to stand outside.” Not so much a vote, more a review of half the pubs in the borough.

Favourite other team
Celtic 13%
Barnet 10%
None 7%
Leyton Orient 5%

Once again a couple of hundred suggestions, the same top four as last time in a different order, but all apart from Celtic with lower percentages. (People do realise they’re in Scotland, don’t they?) But what do we really learn here? We know it ain’t Tottenham. Why don’t we ALL just vote ‘None’ next time and be done with it?

Are you happy with how the current board of directors are running the club?
Yes 89%
No 11%

Stalin would have been pleased with that level of positive feedback, and he didn’t even allow any opposition. I can’t imagine any other top club’s board getting this sort of support, especially after three trophyless seasons. Staggering, really.

There has been some recent debate regarding who should be allowed to own Premier League clubs. Do you believe that all the current major shareholders of Arsenal are "fit and proper" people to own the club?
Yes 64%
No 30%
Don’t Care 6%

It’s difficult to do this without naming names, and as you may know some shareholders have very expensive lawyers that they will instruct at the drop of a fart. But are the “Yes” voters only thinking of the board, or are they taking into account other major shareholders? Because there are a couple, who may or may not be fit and proper. One’s American, and he seems a pleasant and decent enough chap. In my opinion, for what it’s worth, he IS fit and proper. You know what, I’m saying nothing more. You fill in the blanks and interpret this however you like.

Are you concerned with the number of foreign owners there are in the Premiership?
Yes 66%
No 34%

Well now, I can comment here without giving the postman extra work delivering all those injunctions. And my opinion is, who gives a toss? I’m more concerned that foreigners own all our power stations, gas pipelines, water companies, transport, etc, etc. What difference does it make who owns a football club if the whole country has no control over its meagre natural resources and power? I’ll stop there before I turn into Ben Elton. Foreign club owners? Whatever.

What do you think about new shareholders like Kroenke and Usmanov?
Talk to them - they could have some value to add 56%
Do not need them - current board leadership is fine 41%
Get them in now as current board has lost its way 2%
No interest in who owns Arsenal 1%

If you have no interest, how can you even be a supporter? Baffling. At least the other 99 per cent have an opinion, but the question is worded such that all “new shareholders” are lumped in together, as though their credentials and motives are identical. So, for example, someone who owns sports teams and takes an interest in them and runs them for the benefit of the fans could be lumped in with someone who, er, doesn’t. It’s like saying, “What do you think about a new player for Arsenal like Kaka or Teddy Sheringham?” They’re not exactly in the same ballpark are they? To paraphrase Jules Winnfield, they’re not the same ballpark, they’re not the same league, they’re not even the same frigging sport! Again the possibility of legal intervention prevents me from further comment.

In contrast to Chelsea's Abramovich-funded losses, Arsenal's stated financial objective is to "pay its own way" and live within its means. Do you:
Support this aim 92%
Want a new investor providing additional funds 8%

They’ll be dancing in the Arsenal boardroom at this result. Again, I think it’s an amazing statement for a club that expects success but hasn’t won a trophy for three years. As a group, we supporters are displaying a zen-like patience that transcends the normal ‘want it now’ attitude that pervades modern sport, and indeed life. Or perhaps people just didn’t read the question properly.

Favourite Gooner cover last season
Issue 179, “The Wonder of Youth” was well out in front. Amazing how good it is when you’re top of the league and the reserves are stuffing all-comers in the Carling Cup.

Least favourite Gooner cover last season
Issue 185 (last of the season) “Heartbroken” was the one causing the most pain, even beating the (dare I say) naivety of issue 183’s “Catch us if you can.”

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