F*** Arsenal, I'm off! exclusive posted earlier today" /> F*** Arsenal, I'm off! exclusive posted earlier today" /> We don’t want fans like you at Arsenal

We don’t want fans like you at Arsenal

Some responses to the F*** Arsenal, I'm off! exclusive posted earlier today

We don’t want fans like you at Arsenal

We didn’t have all this disagreement when we hosted our Latin chums now did we?

From Duttyjuju: Andrew P - you must be the sulkiest supporter (ex supporter) out there, worst of all you broadcast your childish whinging all over the internet. Go and join your fellow north London whinge team at the Lane. F*** off then… we don't need disruptive twats like you.

From Stephen Bott: Could you please stop printing articles from people who hardly ever go to games complaining about everything from the price of pizzas to non-vocal supporters. I have just read a cretinous article by some moron who clearly isn't a regular, who spent much of the Porto game counting the number of people not singing. There are sections of the ground which should get behind the team more. There are certain aspects of the new ground which could be bettered. We all know that the food is too expensive and if you can't afford it don't eat inside the ground (after all it is an arena to watch football). Which brings me to the my final point, Arsenal play the most attractive football in the country and possibly Europe, so can we please stop printing these negative articles and start to focus on all that is good about the club.

From Alan Morris: I read the article "F*** Arsenal I'm Off" and say GOOD. Who needs fickle 'fans' like that? I was also at the Porto game with my 11-year-old lad, in amongst the noise, which I felt was excellent. Less so though was some of the moronic foul bellowing, no doubt by brethren of the poster Andrew P. Passion is great, adding to a wonderful atmosphere, but why should my lad, or I, have to listen to the ‘f’ word, and worse. What positives are given to the team to hear songs about ****ing a**hole Cole, a teen’s girlfriend cowering in embarrassment as he sang (yes dear he will make a terrific role model for your children).

Flags? Great idea. More songs? Excellent, More people singing? Yes please. But the whole crowd doesn’t have to join in, it doesn’t at any ground. Nor is it required criteria for membership to be a foul mouthed moron.

From Alan L: Having read the 'rant' from Andrew P I have a few comments to make which might put things into perspective for him. I live in the far south west and have been a Gunner since I first saw them play as a child in the early 1950's. My point is that I can't see home games at the Emirates because getting to the stadium would cost far more than the ticket, which are like gold dust anyway. I only managed to get to Highbury once and had to content myself with seeing the good guys at the occasional away game and more frequently of course, on Sky.

Would I like to sit in the blue quadrant amongst a bunch of quiet people - you bet I would - every other week if I had the chance. Andrew P does not know how lucky he is being able, even occasionally, to watch the team playing the best football on the planet. I can understand watching Fulham or whatever when he can't get Arsenal tickets but to give up 'his team'? Can't understand that at all frankly. Come back to the real world Andrew and enjoy the fact that you can watch them even if it's only once in a while.

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