Time moaning Gooners took a reality check

Too many so-called fans are using www.onlinegooner.com to unjustifiably complain about our marvellous new stadium, claims one writer.

Time moaning Gooners took a reality check

Ashburton: Don’t blame Arsenal for London being a Dickensian hell-hole!

The problem with the internet is people write a load of hot-headed nonsense and then publish it without properly reflecting on what they are saying and why. I am writing concerning the tide of negative articles on your site.

A short while ago there were a whole series of complaints about the allocation of seats in the new stadium, featuring so called supporters who said they were 'giving up' on the club as a result of not getting the perfect seat they wanted! More recently there have been articles criticizing the food, the atmosphere, the transport problems etc. It would be good first to acknowledge what an incredible achievement it is for the club to have built a stadium like this in Islington, with all the problems, on time & on budget before you start trashing it. For Christ's sake, fans of other teams have enough opportunity to do that.

By the way Arsenal are not responsible for the fact that the London transport system is a dilapidated shambles and the city as a whole is a Dickensian hell-hole, you have to blame decades of under investment at local and national government level for that so stop criticising the club for things they do not control, what they do control is the stadium and it works brilliantly.

I think you have taken your eyes off the ball, you call yourselves 'Gooners' but where are the posts celebrating the fact that in the last decade we have been spoilt rotten (by some of the most brilliant football in Europe), three league titles, four FA Cups, two European cup finals and almost every season in contention for the top prizes. Our brilliant manager is now building an exciting third team that looks well capable of going on to win everything put in front of them given time.

The club has made all the right moves in the last ten years (including the new stadium and yes, that includes selling the naming rights in my opinion). We are not the loss-making toy of a billionaire but a properly run business, and that’s how it should be.

There is so much moaning on your site from people who are lucky enough to have their season tickets and memberships about issues such as 'newcomers' in the stadium who aren't 'proper Arsenal', why? Because they don't call Jewish people by the 'Y' word? Because they don't shout the C & F word every two minutes?

Football has changed, maybe some so called 'Gooners' or maybe they would be more accurately referred to as moaners don't like the fact that there are more women, kids, black and Asian fans at the games now as they can't go unchallenged in singing stupid, racist, offensive songs and generally behaving like macho idiots anymore? I think this is a good thing. I would like to be able to take my girlfriend, kids, or parents to a game without worrying they are going to have to listen to some of that crap.

While it’s true that we all are paying a fortune for tickets these days, meaning many of us (those I chat to at games anyway) are going to less games per season, it probably isn't a bad thing, as it allows more people (red members for instance) to see some games as well. I also think it would be worth applauding the fact that the club has gone to some effort to make the stadium more comfortable - legroom and seats are fantastic.

Rather than focussing on fake nostalgia for an era of standing on terraces eating pies getting soaked in the rain watching rubbish football and singing about the war or something, let’s admit that there's no such thing as the good old days, football has to be about the 'now' and hopes for future achievements. There’s no point going on about how Highbury was more romantic (it was) how 'The Emirates' is vulgar and will never be the same (it won't). So what? Get over it, move on!

Maybe the moaners of your site can give up their season tickets and let a few of the many thousands on the waiting lists see some games. There's plenty of other football clubs they can support in London if they’re so fickle, I hear there are plenty of empty seats down at Stamford Bridge. I wonder why that is? Get a grip, so-called Gooners.

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