A Wenger loyalist has seen enough

The manager is cheating the fans with his myopia when it comes to his players

A Wenger loyalist has seen enough

Arsene: Who does he think he’s kidding now?

Sunday’s defeat I feel marked a significant juncture in the management career of Arsene Wenger and also his playing staff. The team really is out of its depth and having been a Wenger loyalist for quite some time I found myself discussing his departure as not necessarily a bad thing. I have been severely hacked off with him for quite some time now: the naïve tactics, the blind loyalty to players who quite simply are not fit enough to wear the shirt, the complete and utter defensive ineptitude but his utter disrespect to the fans is truly astonishing.

He cares about one thing and one thing only, the Champions League. He cheated us out on a trip to Wembley, we would have beaten Chelsea if Arshavin played, I’m certain. Yet he cruelly took that away from us so we could try and beat Liverpool/Chelsea to third spot and automatic qualification. To be honest I could probably take this kick in the teeth if he taught his clodhoppers how to defend!! But no, humiliation awaited. We never had a chance against United and were rightly thrashed by Chelsea, yet all he says is things are not too bad.

Where do we go from here? We all know what we need. Two strong centre halves and two strong defensive midfielders, a lot of players to leave blah, blah, blah. But we also need an assistant manager who has some tactical nous and who can teach those clowns how to defend. We further need Wenger this summer to identify players of the description above to Gazidis then stay the hell out of the transfer negotiations. His job is to manage not save the club £1.5 million by penny pinching.

If there really isn’t any money to spend then I am not averse to a takeover anymore. People can moan all they want about foreign ownership and that you should take the good years with the bad but you need money to compete now. I will always support through thick and thin, but I get sick of hearing everyone moan and slag the club off about finances, infrastructure etc yet completely turn their noses up about a takeover and “foreign ownership”. Hell three quarters of our team is foreign!! The major shareholders don’t give a damn, they have not put any money in yet they will happily see their investment triple in 10 years time regardless of how the boys are doing on the pitch. We are a big club with a proud history, we should not settle for second best forever and should not settle for a board that live in the ice age.

For those that want to tell me get lost and support another club, fine. I won’t obviously but all I will say is don’t you dare moan or criticise when we are in the same situation four years down the line which we will be.

And that leaves Wenger. He is really struggling, has lost faith in himself and is frightened to make big decisions. He is treats the players like they are his own children and won’t part with them. Any other manager who watched yesterday’s game would have taken Diaby off at half time. Not Wenger - he is so blindly loyal it beggars belief. Loyalty is an admired quality. But these players have let him down time and time again.

His ideology - which sees technically gifted, small but quick players that pass and pass and pass - is no longer suited to the Premiership. We need a balance of strength, determination and flair. Not just flair. If he can’t see that he should manage in Spain. We really are on the brink at the moment. This summer could shape how we perform the next three to four years. Cue Wenger…

“Arsenal don’t need to spend big to improve”

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