I feel attacked, personally, by Emmanuel Adebayor

Reaction to that interview on Football Focus

I feel attacked, personally, by Emmanuel Adebayor

Adebayor: Fans to blame for disappointing season?

To those supporters, who up until recently I have been one of, who hold an optimistic opinion on all things Arsenal, and with an admirable determination try to find positives in all recent situations, I ask you to watch Emmanuel Adebayor's interview for Football Focus on the BBC website. I am not one to single out an individual as the focus for another disappointing season. I feel the fault would lie in whoever is managing a problematic situation and not rectifying obvious flaws which have existed for a number of years (this can be saved for another piece). However, those of you who put a faith in the current first team and situation at the club, please watch this.

His comments perfectly sum up the deep-rooted problems at the club, amongst its staff and for its future. If staff with these opinions continue to be employed, not to mention have an influence on the youth players coming through, then The Arsenal are on course to be a UEFA Cup quality team for the some years ahead. As mentioned, I am not one to blame an individual for a season that has been far below standard for a team of The Arsenal's potential, but quite frankly I feel attacked, personally, by the comments he makes.

I'm not alone in being a supporter who sticks up for these individuals when speculation about their future is raised in the press. I feel players, albeit stupidly, are led into responses to questions the journalists want to hear to fill their columns. "Don't believe all you read" and "He's been misquoted" are my responses. There is no such reply to this interview. My ears hear his words.

Adeybayor informs us, the fans, that booing is not helpful. Thanks for that. Does he not realise that it’s an emotional outpouring and only response that we can give when pushed to the limit by the lack of undoubted effort and commitment on occasions? For those of you who argue that footballers are only human beings and would be allowed off days, I agree. However when the lack of effort is the reason for the off day, how can that be defended?

In this interview he actually implies that this season he hasn't been motivated to put the effort in - seriously! Garth Crookes challenges him and says, "It sounds like you have given up". He also says the negativity towards the team is fundamentally the reason for a poor season. Really? Very few footballers under the age of 30 will not appreciate this as they have never been in the position of the average paying fan who puts blind faith into the team each August, but negativity is the last resort, after all it’s an admission that YOUR team is not what you want it to be. Negative comments are the result of (lack of) actions from the people we pay money to watch.

He says last season was amazing as the stadium sung his name. He says this year supporters boo him when he scores (my God this man has a chip on his shoulder).

Feelings have changed towards him, and this is because of his actions, whether it be courting transfer speculation, or simply not putting in anywhere near the same levels of effort as last year. I don't respect him now. I don't respect anyone who disrespects people who want to get behind him and the team. I don't respect anyone who condescends in the way he (allegedly) did to a supporter in the airport incident this season.

As I say, this year is not solely down to him. But by showing his true feelings in this interview he has put himself up for more resentment from paying punters. I am a primary school teacher and one of my firm beliefs is installing responsibility for actions in children. Ten year olds do not have the ability to say sorry and be reflective on their actions and their consequences. They always blame someone else.

I really want rid of him. And anyone else who can't understand that it is their responsibility to always do their best for the club they are at, not criticize the fans - who are the club. It's going to be a difficult summer, with numerous players coming and going, not to mention the inevitable takeover. The Arsenal do not need people of his ilk around the club. Let’s move on. Please.

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