Arsenal moaners should stop moaning about moaners!

It’s by criticising things which people are unhappy with that change for the better is effected. Case in point – Ashburton?

Arsenal moaners should stop moaning about moaners!

Things can only get better…

On 3rd of October you published an article entitled Time moaning Gooners took a reality check by James Moore. James then went on to spend the next ten paragraphs moaning. It should be pointed out to James that if no-one ever complained about anything, nothing would ever improve. My observation would be that far too many fans only write to user friendly websites rather than forwarding their complaints directly to the Club. To [email protected] since you ask, not that you're likely to get a reply of course.

Before steaming into James I would like to confirm that Ashburton is by far the best football stadium in the UK and possibly one of the very best in the world. Every single seat appears to have an excellent view of the pitch and our stadium has a fabulous light and airy feel to it. Also of course every single seat has both ample leg and buttock space for all but the most obscenely obese individuals. In short every punter in the ground, including the away end has a seat which would be the envy of many ‘executive areas’ in other stadiums. If you regularly visit other English grounds, as I do, you will also know that the food choice and quality is vastly superior to most. You will also know that the catering service, slow though it is, is no slower than the majority of Premiership grounds we’ll be visiting this season. Also if you travel to away grounds you would come to realise that Ashburton, in relative terms, is not quite the library some claim it to be.

People who complained about the original seat allocation at Ashburton were doing so because there were problems that warranted comment and because contentiously anyone with loads of money could not only jump the queue but also blag the best seats. In that context observations and complaints seem entirely reasonable to me.

I loved the good old days. Turn up half an hour before kick off and pay cash, there were also no problems blagging Cup Final tickets because for years we never made it to a final. Unlike James I never ate a pie at Highbury, only a madman would in my opinion, and I never got wet because I sheltered under that huge North Bank Stand. But I also like change, change for the better, however if it’s not for my betterment and I'm forced to pay through the nose then I will complain if I feel like it because it is my right.

James' assertion that some Gooners are 'lucky enough to have their season tickets' and so should shut up is pure crap. Getting a season ticket has nothing to do with luck, for most of us it’s about patience, dedication and long term loyalty and in many cases it has involved foregoing many of life's other material pleasures. And perhaps James could tell us exactly what the last racist song it was he heard at Ashburton because I've never heard one. The last one I heard at a home game involved the 'Y' word and it was at Highbury some years back.

Finally Le Boss has taught us to seek perfection, so if by the odd moan we get some way to achieving it off the pitch then moan away fellow Gooners!

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