Sunday's pro-Wenger march - operation own-goal?

Is there a chance the board could become complacent at the show of support for the manager

Sunday's pro-Wenger march - operation own-goal?

Wenger: Must be given cash this summer

Even though I disagree, I understand and respect that there is a strong feeling among many supporters that Arsene Wenger remains the right man to restore our fortunes. So I certainly respect the right of people who believe passionately that he must be shown support to march to the ground on Sunday. The problem, though, is that the board of directors, whose complacency and reluctance to provide the resources any manager needs to equip this club to be successful seems to be at the heart of our current difficulties, will interpret the fans' support of Wenger as evidence of support for the status quo. And that, surely, is not the intention of the demonstrators, is it?

I think we could make Sunday more effective and productive if the agenda is broadened into a protest against the out-of-touch way in which our club continues to be run. In other words, to show the board that another summer of assuming that our manager will prefer to tinker with his inadequate squad rather than invest significantly in improving it is as misguided as it is unacceptable. It is an opportunity to invite them to reflect on whether they are able to raise the funds to match our demonstrable needs and legitimate ambitions to be successful again, or whether they need to hand over to someone who can.

It is an opportunity to make very clear that self-serving members of the Arsenal board presiding over the decline of our fortunes are as unwelcome as self-serving members of parliament presiding over the expenses racket. 

I sincerely hope that Sunday does not turn out to be counter-productive in allowing the likes of Hill-Wood, Fiszman and Gazidis to assume that just because many support or at least sympathise with the manager, the natives are anything other than very, very restless.

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