Those over-priced pies are funding Thierry Henry

Why fans should buy the expensive food and drink inside Ashburton

Those over-priced pies are funding Thierry Henry

I'm concerned with the growing tide of people who seem unwilling to accept modernisation and Arsenal's attempts to move into the 21st Century.

Football embraces many different aspects of life and if you were able to cut it in two, its demographic would mirror that of its surroundings. Sitting near me is a gym instructor from Dubai, a City boy from Italy (me), an old boy and his missus, a builder, a Jewish taxi driver, a Thai bride, her husband, and Trevor McDonught (er, McDermot?) Whilst the mix is diverse, it's also very different to 30 years ago. Football has broken down many barriers and Arsenal have pioneered this. Only 20 years ago, Cyrille Regis was having bananas thrown at him! Thank God times have changed! Fans couldn't care less if the players are green, orange, yellow or black, so long as they continue to entertain. Again, very different to 30 years ago.

Modern football has changed so much, it's almost incomparable to pre-Premiership football, let alone the ‘70s. When people inform me football isn't the same as it was in 'the good ole days', it makes me cringe, and I think nostalgia clouds our memory. Would you rather listen to Chas 'n' Dave or Coldplay? (True, I've had some great Xmas bashes dancing to those Chav Spuds, but it ain’t on my I-pod, that's for sure!) I'm afraid modern football is better, fact. ‘60s and ‘70s club football was slow, predictable, and apart from gifted players like George Best, technically poor. Modern football is superior in every way, because money has brought a different dimension to the game. Yes, the game is more serious, but so it should be. Football isn't a hobby, it's life!

Our football has long punched above its financial weight, for which we have Mr. Wenger to thank. However, as fans we have to be realistic and accept the way the 'business/football' is now conducted. In the current climate of seemingly unlimited foreign investment, wages that often outstrip total revenue, and the seedy world of agents, Arsenal have got the balance between entertainment on the pitch and business just right.

And so to the last piece of the jigsaw as regards modernity - finances and aspirations of the club. One indisputable fact is that had Arsenal not employed an intelligent manager from France who has ambition for the club, we would not be watching such entertaining football in one of the greatest stadiums built in Europe since the Nou Camp.

However, economics dictates a counterbalance, in the form of inflated prices at food stalls and beer stands in the ground. It amazes me that the same people who moan about a pint being 50p more than it should be, or a pie that is £1 more expensive than the burger van outside the ground, are the same people that think nothing of plugging money into the local hostelries, whilst never questioning the price of their lager!

In my opinion, I'd rather give my money to Arsenal FC. Why would I give it to the locals in Holloway? They don't pay for our players! Half of them are probably Spurs fans anyway! Another modern aspect is corporate entertainment. Like it or not, get used to it. As the club becomes more successful, so more people will be willing to pay bigger money to be entertained. Bear in mind, Club Level generates a disproportionately large amount of total revenue from less than 13% of total seat capacity.

Yes, I loved Highbury, and there are so many great memories which I'll take with me. But when it's time to get rid of your 'Old Faithful' banger, which has seen better days and is spending more time at the garage than on the road, replacing it with a more reliable car makes sense. Progress is inevitable and beneficial in the long run. Benefits for Arsenal FC will be greater amounts of cash to spend on players and to invest in the future.

Nostalgia is a terrific thing to cherish, but if a club is to flourish amidst the Madrids and Barcas of this world, we need to be more commercial in our attitude. We need to balance beautiful football on the field with economic success off it, whilst maintaining the club's soul. A tough job. Only one other club succeeds here, Barcelona.

So modernisation is a fact of the 21st Century game. Be proud of what we've accomplished, feel proud to be a Gooner, albeit a modern Gooner, make some noise in the ground, encourage spending in the stadium, and watch us rise on the world stage, a place where we belong.

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